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Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology – 2009. 1: E56-E67

Good Liars

Aldert Vrij, University of Portsmouth; Par Anders Granhag, University of Gothenburg;

Samantha Mann, University of Portsmouth

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to: Aldert Vrij, University of
Portsmouth, Psychology Department, King Henry Building, King Henry 1 Street, Ports-
mouth, PO1 2DY, United Kingdom or via email:

This material is excerpted, with the kind permission of the publisher, from a forthcoming
special issue of The Journal of Psychiatry & Law that was guest edited by Gregory
DeClue and overseen by JP&L Editor-in-Chief Philip Witt.

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when the JP&L special issue is published in 2010. To be notified when this has
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Abstract: A neglected area in deception research is what constitutes a good liar. On

the basis of deception theory, people's views about how liars respond, impression for-
mation theory and persuasion theory, we describe 18 attributes that in our view are pre-
sent in a good liar. Insight into these characteristics will help law enforcement person-
nel in two ways: It provides insight into who would be suitable for undercover opera-
tions, and it may help lie detectors, because one reason why people make errors in lie
detection is that they do not take the full complexity of deception into account and seem
to have limited knowledge about what is actually going on in a liar's mind.

Keywords: deception, detection of deception, lie detection, lie, liar, lying


Deception research has focused on a wide range of issues, including why people lie,
the topics they lie about, how often they lie, whether liars differentiate from truth tellers
in terms of speech content, nonverbal behavior and physiological cues, and how good
people are at detecting liars (Vrij, 2008). Widely ignored is the straightforward and rele-
vant question: What constitutes a good liar? Insight into this question benefits law-
enforcement personnel in two ways. First, it provides insight into who would be suitable
for undercover operations. Second, it may help lie detectors. One reason why people
make errors in lie detection is that they do not take the full complexity of deception into
account and seem to have limited knowledge about what is actually going on in a liar's
mind (Vrij, 2004a, b; 2008).
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This article addresses the issue of what characterizes a good liar. Due to the paucity of
research in this area, we will not present many empirical findings. Instead, we will dis-
cuss criteria that we think will suit a good liar, and we base these criteria on four
sources of information. The first of these is theories of deception, giving insight into
what may hinder liars and what they need to overcome in order to be successful. The
second is people's views on how liars respond, explaining what reactions liars need to
avoid. Third, impression formation theory provides insight into what type of people
naturally come across as likeable, trustworthy, and honest. Finally, fourth is persuasion
theory, which describes what liars could do in order to convince others. Taking these
four areas into account, we will then discuss 18 characteristics that we think constitute a
good liar. The limited amount of research addressing what strategies liars actually use
will be discussed in the final section of this article.

Deception Theory

There are several theoretical perspectives, each suggesting reasons why liars may
show signs of deceit, and they all have one important feature in common: The mere fact
that people lie will not affect their behavior, speech content, or physiological responses.
However, sometimes liars may show different responses to truth tellers.

Zuckerman, DePaulo, & Rosenthal's (1981) multiple factor model. According to

Zuckerman et al. (1981), the differences in responses are the result of liars experiencing
an increase in emotions or cognitive load, or attempting to control their behavior. Each
of these aspects may influence a liar's response.

Telling a lie is most commonly associated with two different emotions: guilt and fear
(Ekman, 1985/2001). Liars might feel guilty because they are lying or might be afraid of
not being believed. However, liars do not always experience these emotions. In fact,
research has indicated that they do not feel any of these emotions in the majority of lies
they tell in daily life (DePaulo, Kashy, Kirkendol, Wyer, & Epstein, 1996). Nonetheless,
emotions are likely to be felt in situations where the stakes (i.e., positive consequences
of getting away with the lie and negative consequences of getting caught) are high. In
such circumstances, the strength of the emotions depends on the personality of the liar
and on the circumstances under which the lie takes place (Ekman, 1985/2001; Ekman &
Frank, 1993). Some people will experience less guilt than others while lying. For
example, for manipulators, people high in Machiavellianism or social adroitness, lying is
a normal and acceptable way of achieving their goals. Manipulators frequently tell lies,
tend to persist in lying when challenged to tell the truth, don't feel uncomfortable when
lying, and don't feel guilty when lying. In addition, they don't find lying cognitively too
complicated, view others cynically, show little concern for conventional morality, and
openly admit that they will lie, cheat, and manipulate others to get what they want
(Kashy & DePaulo, 1996; Gozna, Vrij, & Bull, 2001).

Interpersonally, manipulators are scheming but not stupid. They do not exploit others
when their victims might retaliate, and do not cheat when they are likely to get caught.
In conversations, they tend to dominate, but they also seem relaxed, talented and confi-

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dent. They are usually liked more than people low in manipulative skills and are pre-
ferred as partners (Kashy & DePaulo, 1996).

DePaulo's Self-Presentational Perspective. Zuckerman et al.'s (1981) perspective

predicts that the more liars experience one or more of the three factors (emotions, content
complexity, behavioral control), the more likely it is that cues to deception will occur. A key
element in DePaulo's self-presentational perspective (DePaulo, 1992; DePaulo et al.,
2003) is that truth tellers and liars have much in common, as truth tellers might also
experience these factors. Thus, being accused of wrongdoing might make liars feel
uncomfortable, but probably also truth tellers; liars might be afraid of not being believed in
high stakes situations, but so might truth tellers, since not being believed might harm them
also; producing lengthy statements might be more cognitively demanding for liars, but
probably also for truth tellers, and so on. According to DePaulo et al. (2003) differences
between liars and truth tellers occur for two reasons. First, deceptive self-presentations
might be less convincingly embraced as truthful self-presentations, for example, because
liars have moral scruples, lack the emotional investment in their false claims, or lack the
knowledge and experience to convincingly back up their deceptive statements. Second,
liars typically experience a greater sense of awareness and deliberateness in their
performances than truth tellers do, because they typically take their credibility less for
granted that truth tellers. They therefore feel perhaps a stronger need to act, which might
not be very successful if someone is poor at acting.

Buller and Burgoon's Interpersonal Deception Theory (IDT). The third perspective,
Interpersonal Deception Theory (Buller & Burgoon, 1996; Burgoon, Buller, & Guerrero,
1995) postulates that lying in face-to-face encounters is not a unidirectional activity; rather,
both liar and receiver actively participate in constructing the deceptive conversation
(Burgoon, Buller, Floyd, & Grandpre, 1996). When liars are exposed to negative feedback
from the receiver, expressed verbally or nonverbally (the latter for example through a lack
of conversational involvement), the liar might realize that his or her performance is lacking
credulity and might therefore attempt to make behavioral adjustments over time to
diminish suspicions. Being good at nonverbal decoding, that is, spotting and correctly
interpreting subtle nonverbal cues in a conversation partner, is a particularly beneficial skill
in this respect.

People's Views about How Liars Respond

A substantial number of studies have been carried out examining how observers think that
liars respond. Strömwall, Granhag, and Hartwig (2004), Vrij, Akehurst and Knight (2006)
and Vrij (2008) provide reviews of these studies. Those studies have been carried out in
countries all over the world such as Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United King-
dom, and the United States, albeit mostly with Caucasian participants. Moreover, the par-
ticipants were sometimes laypersons, but also police officers, prison guards, customs offi-
cers, prosecutors, and judges. A striking and consistent finding is that, with the exception
of prisoners, people across different occupational groups and different countries do not
differ in their beliefs about deception. People typically believe that liars will react nervously
with “looking away” and “making grooming gestures” being the most popular answers (see

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also the Global Deception Team, 2006). People also believe that liars experience cogni-
tive load when telling convincing lies. Finally, people find “odd responses,” that is
responses that violate normative expectations, suspicious (Bond, Omar, Pitre, Lashley,
Skaggs, & Kirk, 1992). For example, people have expectations about how often someone
looks a conversation partner into the eyes during face-to-face interactions. Deviations
from this pattern, either looking away from another or staring into the eyes of another, are
suspicious. However, what the norms of gaze behavior are depends on factors such as
the social power of the people who interact (DePaulo & Friedman, 1998), and their cultural
background (Vrij, 2008).

Impression Formation Theory

Many impressions and judgments about others are made rapidly, unwittingly and intui-
tively, and just a mere glance of another person can trigger such impressions and
judgments (Ambady, Bernieri, & Richeson, 2000). Once made, they form the anchor
from which subsequent impressions and judgments are made (Ambady et al., 2000).
For example, O'Sullivan (2003) found that when an observer believes a person to be
generally a trustworthy person, he or she will have the tendency to judge that person as
truthful in any given situation. Similarly, when the observer believes a person is
untrustworthy, he or she will be inclined to judge that person as dishonest in any given
situation. In other words, it benefits one to make a positive and/or trustworthy first
impression. In that respect, physical appearance could be important, as good-looking
people are typically thought of as more honest (Aune, Levine, Ching, & Yoshimoto,
1993; Bull, 2004; Bull & Rumsey, 1988).

Persuasion Theory

DePaulo and Friedman (1998, p.12) pointed out “an effective door-to-door salesperson
succeeds not because of knowledge of written persuasion techniques, but because of
something in the dynamics of the face to face [sic] interaction.” Indeed, persuasion theory
(see Brehm, Kassin, & Fein, 1999, for an overview) has suggested that effective commu-
nicators are perceived as likeable. A behavior style that includes directed gaze to the
conversation partner, smiling, head nodding, leaning forward, direct body orientation,
posture mirroring and uncrossed arms are typically perceived positively (Tickle-Degnen &
Rosenthal, 1990); so are moderately fast speaking rates, lack of ums and ers, vocal vari-
ety (Buller & Aune, 1988), behavior matching (that is, when two people behave similarly)
(Chartrand & Bargh, 1999) and articulate gesturing (Ekman, 1985/2001). Being physically
attractive and being perceived as similar to the perceiver also contributes to likeability
(Brehm et al., 1999).

Characteristics of Good Liars

Based on the literature discussed above, we believe that the following characteristics
constitute a good liar.

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Personality. Manipulators, good actors and expressive people probably make better
liars than their counterparts for different reasons. Manipulators lie often, have no moral
scruples when they lie (which reduces feelings of guilt), feel confident when they lie
(which reduces fear of not being believed), and don't find it cognitively difficult to lie
(which reduces signs of cognitive complexity). Actors are probably good liars because
they feel confident when they lie and don't find lying difficult. Expressive people are
often liked. They make an honest impression because their demeanor disarms suspi-
cion. Good-looking people also tend to be liked and perceived as honest; therefore,
being physically attractive may also benefit liars.

Behavior. Since some behavioral patterns make a suspicious impression on others,

whereas other behavioral patterns are associated with honesty and likeability, it will
benefit liars when they show these positive behaviors. Those who show such behaviors
naturally, natural performers (Ekman, 1997), are therefore in a beneficial position.
Those who don't show such behaviors naturally can't react spontaneously but need to
act when they would like to produce such behaviors. They thereby run the risk of their
behavior lacking spontaneity and looking artificial (DePaulo & Kirkendol, 1989; Vrij,
Semin, & Bull, 1996). An issue that complicates showing positive behavior is that what
is seen as positive may well be culturally defined. Whether this is the case is unclear
due to lack of cross-cultural research in this area, but it is known that people from differ-
ent cultures sometimes show different behaviors (Vrij, 2008).

Emotions. Good liars probably don't experience strong feelings of guilt and fear. As
already mentioned, experiencing such feelings is related to personality, with manipula-
tors and actors experiencing such emotions to a lesser extent than their counterparts. It
is also related to being experienced in lying, and feeling confident when lying. However,
it is likely that in some circumstances, for example high-stakes situations, people will
experience emotions such as fear of not being believed when they lie. On such occa-
sions a liar will not be fundamentally different from a truth teller, as truth tellers probably
will experience the same emotions in such circumstances. However, it sounds reason-
able that good liars are those who are able to mask or camouflage such emotions.
Expressive people are relatively good at feigning convincing expressions of feelings that
they are not actually experiencing (Friedman et al., 1988). However, these are also the
people who tend to express their true feelings spontaneously. When lying, they there-
fore may have to mask their relatively stark inclination to show the emotional expres-
sions they truly feel. Therefore, their skill in feigning emotions might well be counter-
acted in part by this glaring inclination to show real feelings. Indeed, there is evidence
that expressive people have problems with suppressing their emotional expressions in
the heat of passion (Friedman & Miller-Herringer, 1991).

Cognitive load. Lying is generally more cognitively demanding than telling the truth (Vrij,
Fisher, Mann, & Leal, 2006), but very good liars don't experience much cognitive load
when they lie. As mentioned above, there are individual differences that are in part related
to personality: Manipulators and actors find lying less demanding than their counterparts.
People who are good actors probably experience less cognitive load, as do people who
are eloquent. Several other factors are related to cognitive load, such as adequate prepa-

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ration. Good liars are probably well prepared and have worked out in advance what they
are going to say and do. Good lie detectors will check the person's statement and will
search for evidence that confirms or contradicts these statements. Liars should therefore
be careful about what they say. Ideally, they should only say things that are impossible for
others to verify. Concealing information is therefore better than telling an outright lie: Tell-
ing somebody that you “honestly can't remember” what you have done a couple of days
ago is preferable to making up a story, as the latter option gives the observer the opportu-
nity to check the story. The more difficult it is to verify that statement, the better the state-
ment is from a liar's point of view. Concealments, however, are not always possible;
sometimes a statement needs to be provided. In which case, it may help to say as little as
possible. The less information is given, the less opportunity it provides for the lie detector
to check.

Decoding skills. As was emphasized in our discussion of Interpersonal Deception

Theory (IDT; see above), liars could perhaps increase their chances of not getting
caught by adapting their response once their reply raises suspicions in the receiver.
Again according to IDT, receivers' suspicions might become clear through nonverbal
cues. In that respect, those who have good decoding skills and therefore quickly notice
such suspicions may be more successful liars.

Strategies that Liars Use

Good liars use effective strategies to conduct their behavior. But which strategies do
they use, and how do these differ from the strategies used by truth-tellers? To date
there is very little research on truth-tellers' and liars' strategies, but since a plea from
DePaulo et al. (2003) that type of research is on the increase (see for example;
Granhag & Strömwall, 2002; Granhag & Hartwig, 2008; Hartwig, Granhag, & Strömwall,
2007; Strömwall, Granhag, & Landström, 2007; Strömwall, Hartwig, & Granhag, 2006;
Vrij, Leal, Granhag, Mann, Fisher, Hillman & Sperry, in press). In this section we will
sum up what science can tell us, and offer a few speculations on the issue. At the most
basic level, a distinction can be made between strategies pertaining to (a) the statement
(e.g., the theme and the level of details) and (b) the acting in terms of nonverbal
behavior (e.g., eye contact, body language). Below we will discuss both types of strate-
gies. Specifically, first we will examine the extent to which truth-tellers and liars differ in
terms of employing strategies. Then we will close in on the different types of strategies
used, and discuss verbal and nonverbal strategies separately. The so-called
self-presentational perspective, advocated by, for example, DePaulo et al. (2003), sug-
gests that both liars and truth-tellers edit their behavior in order to appear truthful.
Hence, in order to learn about liars' strategies, and separate effective from less effective
strategies, we need to study also truth-tellers' strategies.

In a study by Strömwall, Hartwig and Granhag (2006), thirty students were interrogated
by experienced police officers about a mock crime (half lied and half told the truth).
After the interrogations, the suspects were asked about their strategies. Interestingly,
only 10% of the liars reported that they had lacked a strategy, whereas the correspond-
ing figure for truth-tellers was 30%. A similar trend was found in a recent study by

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Hartwig, Granhag and Strömwall (2007), who also found that liars and truth-tellers did
not differ in the extent to which they had planned the verbal content of their statement,
but liars reported having planned their nonverbal behavior to a larger extent than
truth-tellers. Why is it that truth-tellers are less prone to plan their behavior and use
strategies during an interrogation? A tentative answer is suggested by Kassin and
Norwick (2004), who, in a recent study, showed that many truth-telling suspects seem to
have strong faith in the power of their own innocence; they have "done nothing wrong"
and expect that the truth will come out. In addition, truth-tellers’ reasoning may also
suffer from the so-called illusion of transparency, which may cause them to believe that
their inner feelings and states will manifest themselves on the outside (Savitsky &
Gilovich, 2003), and that their innocence thus shows. Such reasoning may turn out to
be very naïve, and may cause a truth-teller much suffering.

To sum up, it may be tempting to conclude that the most successful liars are those who
manage to imitate the behavior of truth-tellers. But considering that research shows
that people hold misconceptions about not only liars', but also truth-tellers' behavior
(Strömwall, Granhag, & Hartwig, 2004), a liar should think twice about trying to imitate
truth-tellers. Instead, good liars make sure they behave in accordance with people's
beliefs about how truth-tellers behave, and make sure they avoid behaving in ways that
fit with people's beliefs about how liars behave.


On the basis of theory, we came up with 18 characteristics that are likely to be present in a
good liar. Since research about good liars is almost lacking, we hope that this article will
stimulate scholars and practitioners to conduct research in this area. As mentioned
above, we believe that this article will benefit lie detectors as it gives more insight into liars,
but will it make people better liars? We don't think it will. Undoubtedly, this article pro-
vides some tips that liars could use in order to make their performance more convincing,
but most characteristics we mentioned are inherent, and related to personality and being a
natural performer. In that respect, this article is more useful to identify people who might
be naturally good at lying.


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