Command Roster For Kill Teams
Command Roster For Kill Teams
Command Roster For Kill Teams
Wound Table
Gain a lv at 3,7,12xp
Attack Str vs D6 Roll
Reference Target Required
Is Str x2 2+
1. Initiative phase – Players Roll Off to determine who will act first in each phase (2d6) Toughness?
2. Movement Phase – Move > Fallback > Advance >Readying> Charging > Overwatch > Retreat Is Str > 3+
3. Psychic Phase – Chose Power > Take Test > Enemy takes deny witch > Resolve Power Toughness
4. Shooting Phase – Chose Model > Chose Weapons > Resolve Attacks > Chose another ranged Is Str = 4+
weapon/Target Is Str < 5+
5. Fight Phase – Pile in 3” > Chose Targets > Chose Melee Weapon > Resolve attacks > Toughness
Consolidate 3” Is Str ½ 6+
6. Morale Phase – Check if KT is broken > Remove Shaken tokens > Take Nerve Tests Toughness?
Shooting Attack Close Combat Psy Power/Shooting Attack Nerve Test Close Injury
Modifiers Attack Roll Injury Roll Modifiers Combat
Modifiers Attack Roll
Injury Result
There is Injured Model is obscured from
Target is -1 intervening -1 psyker/shooting model and is
-1 Each other
+1 Each 3 or less –
at long terrain within 1” of a model or piece of Flesh Flesh
model that is
Range terrain that is between two
Wound Wound
Each Flesh models shaken or
Model is
-1 Wound -1 out of action on the
Obscured injured
Each Flesh Attacking
Wound on the -1 Model’s Kill -1 Each Flesh +1 Each other
-1 Model 4+ Out of
Attacking team is +1 Action
Model broken wound on the Model (other
than shaken
-1 injured Model models)
Kill Team is within 2” of
broken the model
Name M WS BS S T W A LD Sv
Specialism: Demeanor:
Name M WS BS S T W A LD Sv
Specialism: Demeanor:
Name M WS BS S T W A LD Sv
Specialism: Demeanor:
Name M WS BS S T W A LD Sv
Specialism: Demeanor: