Alien Hives GFF 300p

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Alien Hives • 300pts Alien Hives 3.2.

Grondak hivetyrant [1] - 95pts 2x Shooter Grunts [3] - 50pts

Veteran Warrior
Quality 5+ Defense 5+
Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Tough 3
Fearless, Hero, Tough(3)
3x Razor Claws - A1 - -
2x Serrated Blades - A2 4 -
3x Bio-Ravagers 18" A2 - -
Upgrade SPE

Bio-Recovery Regeneration Shadow Leaper [1] - 65pts

Wings Ambush, Flying Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Tough 3

Brood Leader Pheromones Ambush, Fast, Stealth, Strider, Tough(3)


Soul-Snatcher [1] - 40pts
2x Razor Claws - A2 - -
Quality 3+ Defense 4+

Fast, Scout, Strider


Heavy Claw - A2 1 Rending

Upgrade SPE

Mind Snatcher Caster(+1)

Special Rules

AP: Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking hits. Flying: May go through obstacles and ignores terrain effects
when moving, and automatically passes jumping rolls.
Ambush: This model may be kept in reserve instead of
deploying. At the start of any round after the first, you may Hero: Friendly units within 12” may take morale tests using the
place the model anywhere, over 9” away from enemy units. If hero’s Quality and special rules, as long as it isn’t Stunned.
both players have Ambush, roll-off to see who goes first, and
Pheromones: Once per activation, before attacking, pick up to
alternate deploying units. Units that deploy like this on the last 3 other friendly units within 12”, which may move by up to 6".
round can’t seize or contest objective markers.
Regeneration: When taking a wound, roll one die. On a 5+ it is
Caster: Gets X spell tokens at the beginning of each round, but
can’t hold more than 6 tokens at once. At any point before
attacking, spend as many tokens as the spell’s value to try Rending: Wounds can’t be regenerated, and unmodified
results of 6 to hit count as having AP(4).
casting one or more spells (only one try per spell). Roll one die,
on 4+ resolve the effect on a target in line of sight. This model Scout: This model may be deployed after all other units, and
and other casters within 18” in line of sight may spend any may then move by up to 12”, ignoring terrain. If both players
number of tokens at the same time before rolling, to give the have Scout, roll-off to see who goes first, and alternate
caster +1/-1 to the roll per token. deploying units.
Deadly: Assign each wound to one model, and multiply it by X. Stealth: Enemies get -1 to hit rolls when shooting at units
Hits from Deadly must be resolved first, and these wounds where all models have this rule from over 9" away.
don't carry over to other models if the target is killed. Strider: May ignore the effects of difficult terrain when moving,
Defense: Gets +X to Defense rolls. and only needs 2+ to pass jumping rolls.
Fast: Moves +2” when using Advance, and +4” when using Tough: This model only rolls to see what happens from
Rush/Charge. wounds once it has taken at least X wounds, and is only
Fearless: When failing a morale test, roll one die. On a 4+ it’s Knocked Out on rolls of 5+X or more. When Stunned and hit by
shooting or charged, this model takes 1 wound instead of being
passed instead.
Knocked Out, unless it already has X or more wounds.

Alien Hives Army Spells

Terror (1): Target 4 enemy units within 18" get -1 to their next morale test roll.
Psychic Blast (1): Target enemy unit within 6" takes 1 hit with Deadly(3).
Animate Flora (2): Target 4 friendly units within 12" get Flying next time they activate.
Shriek (2): Target 2 enemy units within 18" take 1 hit each.
Infuse Life (3): Target 4 friendly units within 18" get Regeneration next time they take wounds.
Overwhelm (3): Target enemy model within 15" takes 1 hit with AP(4).

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