On Lyotard and Thebaud's "Just Gaming": Gaming Libidinal Economy The Differend
On Lyotard and Thebaud's "Just Gaming": Gaming Libidinal Economy The Differend
On Lyotard and Thebaud's "Just Gaming": Gaming Libidinal Economy The Differend
A couple pages later, Thebaud clarifies this point on politics, and Lyotard comes
down to justice.
JLT: In other words, justice can be understood only from the prescriptive.
JFL: It is the order of the prescriptive, in any case. [25]
This is where the whole matter lies: one must not merely take into consideration
all of society as a sensible nature, as an ensemble that already has its laws, its
customs, and its regularities; but the capability to decide by means of what is
adjudged as to be done, by taking society as suprasensible nature, as something
that is not there, that is not given. [82]
I’m quoting at length here because it is one of the final places in Just
Gaming where Lyotard sums up his position. For me, this paragraph is a useful
and pragmatic way of thinking paganism. It is a mode of acceptance of what a
society claims and what it has disavowed. Another way of putting it is to say that
a society has an unthinkable part of itself that nonetheless can coincide with an
Idea that might govern a particular set of political strategies.
My purpose in writing this wasn’t to come down on a side here. I think Lyotard is
presenting an interesting argument, and I’ve done my best here to distill it into
something that is readable and maybe useful as a way of building an argument
out of Lyotard about a politics that is grounded in a specific ethical stance (an
Idea) but which can take many forms and isn’t overdetermined by a set of
strategies (the particular shape of society in time). The age of Twitter has
proliferated these ideas — paganism has become morepagan, if that makes sense
— and I like reading work from thirty years ago that seems to map onto and
matter for our contemporary modes of engagement.
Lyotard might be helpful for thinking through these things or he might not, but I
think there’s some useful thinking here that might be worth adding to anyone’s
political and theoretical toolboxes.