3LOQ HDFC HabitualAI Case Study PDF

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Technology that Why HDFC Chose an AI-Based

Makes Digital Financial marketing spend is increasing
worldwide. According to EMI Strategic Marketing’s

Banking a Habit
analysis of data from the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), U.S.
banks spent $17.1 billion on advertising and
marketing in 2016. This expenditure represented
Overview 2.4% of bank revenues.
With the number of mobile internet users in India
estimated to reach around 420 million by June However, the US Consumer Financial Protection
2017 [1], financial institutions are undertaking the Bureau (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray
mammoth job of becoming omnichannel and reinforces the fact that when consumers receive
paperless in a digital economy. the vast majority of their financial information
from companies that are trying to promote an
HDFC Bank[2] is an Indian banking and financial
image or sell products, consumers have very little
institution with a global presence. It has over
unbiased information to find and use banking
84,325 employees and as of December 31, 2016,
features that are actually useful for them.[3]
had a distribution network spanning 4,715
branches and 12,260 ATMs across 2,597 cities and Traditional segmentation-based awareness and
towns. As the second largest bank in India, HDFC direct marketing approaches, and incentive-based
also faces the challenge of nudging thousands of loyalty programmes are proving to be irrelevant,
customers towards making digital channels their poorly targeted and expensive for banks, while
primary means of engagement with the bank. eroding trust with customers as they are
perceived as spam.
Business Problem
So the HDFC Net Banking team chose 3LOQ, one
HDFC’s Net Banking team wanted to start tackling
of their key innovation partners, to develop an
this problem on two fronts:
Artificial Intelligence-based solution that could
1. Reduce high churn rates: The team wanted to handle the complex, data-driven personalisation
identify customers who had already begun using required to tackle the problem of churn in more
HDFC’s digital services, but had no activity in the personally relevant and meaningful ways. [4]
past 3 months. They also wanted to understand
the context of why these customers had churned
in the first place. “For us to grow, we will have to grow
2. Provide contextual marketing: Once they the market because that’s the only way
identified the above, the team wanted to connect as [a] market leader. Using analytics
with each customer through useful, personalized and artificial intelligence helps in
marketing to arrest churn. building [a] better profile of
Challenge: HDFC wanted to promote the regular - Parag Rao, Country Head
use of net banking amongst its customers who Payments Business & Marketing, HDFC Bank
were inactive on digital channels.
How 3LOQ Helped HDFC Reduce Habitual AI, the ‘next best action’ is not the end
goal, it’s only a step towards reaching an objective
Churn with Habitual AI
- making a churning customer use digital banking
Instead of focusing on the external factors that in whatever way serves him best.
may have caused the churn, 3LOQ analyzed 24
The technology uses proprietary machine learning
months of in-house transaction, digital banking
algorithms to analyse billions of data points and
usage and customer profile data from the bank to
map out dynamic feature recommendations that
implement a holistic approach that would create
put a customer on a habit formation path.
individual ‘habit formation paths’ for each
Following this path ultimately leads to the
customer adopting a desired action, in this case
3LOQ’s Habitual AI solution treats customer using digital banking on a regular basis, but
actions like a game of chess. Instead of pushing a through a journey that strengthens the value of
customer towards the ‘next best action’, it nudges this regular action. The system automatically
them to gradually increase their usage of key adapts to any new customer behaviour as well.
features, one recommendation at a time. With

Results “3LOQ's self-learning, AI-based

The bank found that, on average, customers who
system that takes customer
followed the Habitual AI recommendations behavior and transforms it into
increased their transactions through the net actionable insights is a powerful
banking channel. Also, there was a significant way to build engagement. Armed
increase in the average account holding by these with Habitual AI, we are creating
customers. and sustaining new customer
habits. And we've been seeing
With customers who followed Habitual AI’s
feature recommendations, there was a:
consistently good results.”
- Kaushik Ghate, Senior Vice President,
l 145% increase in digital banking Head - Marketing Analytics, HDFC Bank

l 32% increase in Average Monthly About 3LOQ Labs

Balance 3LOQ is a Bitkemy Ventures company that builds
habitual usage for financial products. It has been
Habitual AI is a system that learns about a recognized by NASSCOM as a leader in the
customer and introduces opportunities for him or Machine Learning space. It focuses on
her to form habits of usage. For financial accelerating customer engagement through
institutions that are constantly exploring new AI-based habit formation.
channels and promotional methods to reach their
demographic in ways that will stick, these
advanced customer insights can prevent loss of
ROI on marketing and ad spend. Email: info@3loq.com

1. http://www.adageindia.in/digital/india-is-expected-to-have-420-million-mobile-internet-users-by-june-2017-says-iamai-report/articleshow/58486038.cms
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDFC_Bank
3. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/the-cfpb-finds-financial-education-programs-are-significantly-outspent-by-financial-marketing/
4. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/60399684.cms?utm_source=c

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