COL Syllabus - 17-18 - Senchi Version
COL Syllabus - 17-18 - Senchi Version
COL Syllabus - 17-18 - Senchi Version
Conflict of laws/Private International Law is that part of Ghanaian law which comes into
operation whenever we are confronted by a legal problem which has a foreign element.
Foreign elements can be of many kinds. For example, a contract may be made in Mali; it may
require delivery of goods to Tema. An accident may occur as a result of negligence in
Ouagadougou: the driver comes from Nigeria, the injured from Burkina Faso and they wish
to pursue litigation in a Ghanaian court. An English woman has gone through a ceremony of
marriage in Nigeria; the marriage is in polygamous form and she subsequently discovers
her ‘husband’ has two other wives. She wants to know her status: is she married or not and
is her marriage polygamous or monogamous? If he attempts to divorce her using a method
acceptable within his religion (the talaq), she wants to know what effect this will have in
England. These are just a few examples of foreign elements. In addition, this course will
seek to provide an understanding of conflicts arising out of the plural legal system in Ghana
and how these may be resolved. In Ghana, as in many African and other countries, we have
different customary laws; we have customary law and statute law; we have secular law and
religious law, etc. These different laws conflict at times and this course will point to the
rules that may be used to resolve such conflicts.
Conflict of Law I: This course has a general part, which is taught in the first semester: This
will consist of: Introduction to the Conflict of Laws-Definition, Nature, and Scope; Concept
and Meaning of Domicile/Nationality/Residence; Jurisdiction; Foreign Law-Proof of Foreign
Law, Exclusion of Applicable Foreign Law; and Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
Judgments and Foreign Arbitral Awards.
Conflict of Law II will focus on the conflict of law rules governing specific areas in the
conflict of law. There will be a particular focus on the conflict of law rules governing
transactions in the area of Tort, Contract, Property Law, Succession, Trusts; and Family Law.
General readings:
Collier, Conflict of Laws: Third Edition
Cheshire & North: Private International Law (earlier editions)
Dicey & Morris: The Conflict of Law (earlier editions)
Morris: The Conflict of Law, 8th Edition (edited by David Mcclean and Veronica Abou-Nigm)
50%: An examination consisting of three short answer questions and twenty multiple
choice questions.
40%: A mid-semester exam and a scoring in class quiz in either the ninth or the tenth
Topic Readings
Introduction to Conflict of Law: 1. Richard Frimpong Oppong, “Private
Session Definition, Nature & Scope International Law in Africa: The Past,
1 Present and Future”, 55 Am. J. Comp. L. 677.
By the end of this class, 2. Cheshire and North’s Private International
students should be able to: Law (13th ed), Chapter 1, especially pp. 3-14
state the three (or corresponding pages in any later
questions that are edition).
asked by ‘conflict of Cases:
laws’ 1. King V. Elliot [1972] 1 GLR 54.
define what is meant by 2. Youhanna V.Abboud [1974] 2 GLR 201.
foreign law 3. Wittaker V. Choirteram [1971] 2 GLR 267.
begin to use the
concepts and language
of conflict of laws
Understand the
distinction between
substantive rules and
procedural rules in CoL
Tutorial Session 2
Sessio The Recognition & 1. S.A. Tiewul & S. Tsegah, “Arbitration and the
Settlement of Commercial Disputes” (1975)
n9 Enforcement of
24 ICLQ 393
Foreign Arbitral 2. S.A. Tiewul, ‘The Enforcement of Arbitration
Awards Agreements and Awards’, UGLJ 11 (1974),
3. Morris & North, Cases and Materials on
◦ The statutory regime
Private International Law, pp. 206-210
for the enforcement
of Foreign Arbitration Cases:
Awards 1. Paul Gyasi v. Abosso Goldfields Ltd,
◦ Enforcement via Unreported 30th July 2004 High Court
common law Accra, Justice Baffoe Bonnie presiding
◦ UNCITRAL 2. Whitworth Street Estates Ltd v. James Miller
Arbitration Rules and Partners Ltd. [1970] AC 583
3. Union Nationale des Cooperatives Agricoles
de Cereales v. Robert Catterall and Co. Ltd.
[1959] 2 QB 44
4. Dalmia Dairy Industries Ltd. v. National
Bank of Pakistan [1978] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 223
5. de Graft Johnson v. Ghana Commercial Bank
[1973] 2 GLR 100
6. Suka v. Glavee [1991] 1 GLR 194, esp. 196-
7. Strojexport v. Edward Nassar & Co. [1965]
GLR 591
8. Jadbranska Slobodna Plovidba v Oysa Ltd,
1978 (2) A.L.R. Comm. 108