Solar Photovoltaics For Irrigation Pumping PDF
Solar Photovoltaics For Irrigation Pumping PDF
Solar Photovoltaics For Irrigation Pumping PDF
A project of Volunteers
in Asia
by Urs Rentsch
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Urs Rentsch
a) Background information
e) Economic considerations 11
f) Conclusions 14
a) Background information
~The main advantageof the photovoltaic~ generator .is its reliability..,Its. life
timeis ex~pected to reach 20 years. Other advantagesare; that the electrical
energy can' be, generated~ right at of.use and ,that it hasvery, low'run-
fling costs, i.e.~ low.maintenance,requirements and no fuel costs.
Due to the high capital.cost of the solar pump, there are at least today and in
the .immediate future eren more serious cons~traints, limiting its application
to fewer,areas. As the capital cost (C) is fairly proportional to the installed
power capacity, and the power demand is proportional to the product of the to-
tal head (H), (height by which the water must be lifted, plus pipe friction
and other energy losses), and the maximum flow rate of water (Q), the capital
cost is:
o There is a proportionality between the price of water and the total head,
as the price of.water is roughly proportional toC/Q. Increasing the head
makes solar pumps increasingly 'uneconomic and also incompetitive with
motor pumps. Presently available systems costing overZO$/Wpkcan only be
economically viable for heads of little more than 1 m.21 (With a rather~
high assumption of a 6 US. cents/&water cost.)
. The relative capital costs of diesel and gasoline engine pumps are de-
creasing with increasing power demand, i.e< increasing land area or water
demand. On the other hand, the capital cost of photovoltaic pumps is pro-
portional to the installed power capacity. Therefore, solar pumps tend to
be more competitive with fuel engine pumps for quite small daily water de-
mands. In the near future;this will be in the range of 15 to 30 m3/day
(to suit about 0,3 to 1 ha).?)
~. The above two constraints indicate, that the most potential users of solar
pumps in the near future are small farmers living in areas with high
groundwater level. These water regimes exist imarily in the large allu-
vial deltas of Asia, North Africa and Arabia. % However, since these
people normallypossessno capital resources of their own, the capital
cost of the solar pumps are a crucial factor in their adoption by farmers.
1) Halcrow, Small-Scale
W., Solar-P&?ered Irrigation Pumpinq Systems, Teciizical
and Economic Review, London 1981
2~) Halcrow,. W., Technical and Economic Review
3) Tabors, R.D., The Economics of Water Lifting for Small Scale Irrigation in
the Third~World: Traditional and Photovoltaic Technologies, MIT, 1979
The provision of finance to assisst the poorer farmers to meet this first
cost is an important aspect of the transfer of the technology. If govern-
ments or related national institutions don't take financial actions i?
this direction, the market for solar photovoltaic.irrigation pumping is
'very restricted.
Several factors lead to the ~expectation, that capital costs will fall and pho-
tovoltaic pumping systems will get more competitive in the future. From these
factors, the following will be discussed in the following sections:
. Edith more experience, design will improve and matching will be optimized,
leading to an increased efficiency and reduced required at-;-ay size.
. Increasing fuel prices will make solar pumps more competitive with conven-
tional motor pumps.
4) Ha!alcrov, w., Small-Scale Solar-Powered Irrigation Pump.fng Systems. Phase I
Project Report, London 1981
Another problem are bad pumps, being the weakest part in the whole system. At
present array costs, a one peer cent marginal increase in pump efficiency.(with
good pumps in the 40 - 50 % ef~ficiency range) would be'worth S
(electrical) system e::d 803fora.400 W system in arrav savings. gg :::r:f::: :he
choice of a good pump is very important to achieve a decrease of costs.
In the discussion of the criteria for a choice of the elements, only the most
promising applications for solar.irrigation pumping shall be regarded, i.e.
small-scale low-head solar pumping.
For the selection of the pump, the following ~criteria are most important:
s The pump should- have a very good efficiency being at least about 40 -
50 % (under field conditions).
. The pump should be able to establish and maintain prime on the suction
side of the pump. In existing applications the loss of prime (e.g.
through a cloudy period) is one of the major troubles. The pump should~
also be capable of running dry without damage.
e Another factor are variations in head that might occur in the level of
groundwater. With low lift pumping in the 3 - 5 m range, even 1 m varia-
tion represents a large percentage of load change. The pump should be
able to cope with,this without requiring adjustments.
Low starting torque requirements enable the use of a larger part of the
l daily solar energy and exclude the need for a,battery.
. The characteristics of the pump under varying conditions (head and flow,
which can be drawn in a diagram as a current voltage characteristic of the
motor-pump), should match well with the optimal power points of the PV-
array under varying insolation.
From the large number of available types of pumps,, the submerged centrifugal
__ the above requirements best. Other pumps are excluded, because they
are not self-priming, have too low efficiencies for low-head applications (po-
sitive-displacement pumps) or cannot be matched well to the PV-array characte-
ristic (positive-displacement pumps). The, submerged version of the centrifugal
pump is preferred, because then no foot-valve is needed,
For proper selection of a pump motor, the following criteria should be observed:
. The motor has to serve the needs of the centrifugal pump. Maximum opera-
ting speed is between 3000 - 4000 rpm.
. Maintenance -and reiiability are in remote areas and under tropical en-
vironment of major sign.ificance.
The pump and motor characteristics can be drawn in different diagrams. For a
given head, a centrifugal pump will provide water, if the speed of rotation is
greater than a threshold value. With increasing speed, the torque will grow
steadily as the water output grow.s. Th~is situation is represented in fig. 2a.
When the motor.and pump are coupled, speed and torque of both motor and pump
must be coincident at any given moment. The points of coincidence can be drawn
as a curve also in 'the current-voltage (I/V) diagram of the motor-pump system.
Because in the operating range of the DC-motor, current is fairly proportional
to torque, and voltage to speed, fig. 2b is very similar to fig. 2a (figures
adopted from 6))
10~ 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
v lvo\fs)
Fig:2a: Torque-speed for centrifugal Fig. 2b: Current-Voltage for ,motor-
pump at different heads pump system
I (amperes)
1000 W/m2
750 WlmZ
500 W/m'
IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 Si,
v (volts!
Fig. 2c: Working curves of PV-array Fig.~~2d: Matching of PV-array and motor;
at different irradjance ~pump. system
On the other hand, the possible working.points of the PV-array at different ir-
radiance levels can also be drawn in an :/V diagram (fig. 2 c).For ev~ery irra-
diance level, one point on the I/V curve signifies maximum power delivery. A
curve (m-m) can be drawn through the maximum power points of every irradiance
I'n~order to maximize the output of the system under all operating levels of
irradiance, the load~~(I/V curve of motor-pump system at a given head) should
coincide as closely as possible to the maximum power curve .of'the PV-array.
(Thiscan be achieved by connecting the PV-modules in a manner;i.e. in
the right relation of parallel connections to in-series connections.) In prac-
tice it is common to match load and array for just one level of,irradiance,
such as say 800 ~W/m2. fit lower levels of irradiance, the subsystem power demand
causes the array~to operate off the optimum point (fig. 2d).~
. For every application a new optimization must be done. This means also,
that the system is *very difficult to optimize, if the water headvaries
or not all relevant factors are known at the time of optimization.
. The system operates only atone irradiance level optimally, while having
a lower efficiency at all other irradiance levels.
AS the MPPT consumes a certain amount of power (4 - 7 %17) the efficiency at' point will' be lower than without MPPT, but at other irradiance le-
vels it will be better.
If the array is tracked from east to west, almost the fully intensity of sun
!ight (around lOOOW/m2) can be harnessed from the moment when the sun rises to
its setting. Automatic tracking is not suitable in developjng countries, as hit
complicates then system,~ increases cost and reduces reliability. But it has been
shown, that through manual tracking at least 40~% extra energy could become
Solar cells have been known since 25 years, used mainly for spacecraft, and in
the past few years are being~increasingly used for electricity generation on
earth. The. basic material for solar cell manufacture is silicon, a material
derived from silicon dioxide which is found abundantly in nature as sand.
Silicon is a semiconductor which usually does not conduct electricity, but can
do so, if a sufficient amount of light or heat is present. Through the inciden-
ce of a photon, an electron can get enough energy to.escape from its place in
a silicon-atom/An electrical field is necessary, to transport this electron
to the surface of the semiconductor and thus to permit a current of,electrons
to flow through the silicon crystal. This can be achieved, by doping the.sili-
con crystal on both sides with different specific impurities (the result is
called pn-junction). For collecting the generated charge-carriers at the surface
of the silicon, metallic electrodes are soldered onto the cell. The front side
electrode has the form of a grid, to cover as little of the light-absorbing sur-
face as possible.
Most solar cells used in present applications are fabricated from high-purity
monocrystalline silicon by the following process: The purified silicon is mel-
ted and a perfect crystal is;grown drawing a seed crystal slowly from the melt.
The silicon crystal is~then sawed into thin wafers of'about 0.25 mm thickness.
A pn-junction is created in each wafer by ,exposing its surface to a gas of
,doping material. Finally the electric contacts are attached and the cells are
encapsulated with a transparent substance to.protect them from air and water.
. The crystal growth and the diffusion process for doping the wafers are
.very slow.
Several methods being developed at the moment, could lead to a cost reduction
of the solar cells. They aim at decreasing processing energy requirement, re-
ducing the amount of s;arting material, automating manufacture etc., while
maintaining or even increasing the solar cell efficiency. Among the most pro-
mising and most discussed are the following:
10) for further details, see Adler, D.,, Amorphous Silicon,Solar Cells, Sunworld,
vol. ‘g/No. 1, 1980
In all methods discussed above, reduction of the cell costs below ,a certain
limit is only possible at the expense of a good efficiency. Many cost factors
such asland, encapsulation , 'structure, wiring, installation and transport are
strictly proportional to the installed panel area, and therefore inversely pro-
portional to the efficiency of the array. Thus;it is doubtful if solar cells
with an efficiency.below say 10 %~become economic, even if they are very
Most presently available solar pumping systems are costing more than 30 $/Wpk
iprices for delivered systems; one american supplier sells his systems much
cheaper). For a typical system of 250 Wpk, CIF-prices would be about IO'OOOUSS
of which two thirds are solar array costs.
Of course, these prices will decrease, ~if solar pumping is becoming more attrac-
tive. However, 'the prices cannot fall short of a certain limit. With solar cell
costs of zero, the price of the solar array will be ate least in the range of
0,5 - 1 $/Wpk~. (At 15 % efficiency and a price of 75 - 150 S per m2 of array
area for encapsulation,, structure, wiring etc.) In addition to this, about
2 $/Wpk will have to be:paid for motor and pump. (about 300 S each for 300 W
rated ~power).~ Therefore, including transportation and installation, the price
of solar ~pumps will hardly drop below 3 - 5 $/Wpk in the future.
. Today solar irrigation pumping 1s not economically viable for all heads
practically occuring.
In the near future, the solar pump will compete with mainly two groups of pum-
ping systems: conventional motor pumps (diesel, ,gasoline) and traditional pumps
(human and animal powered). This competition depends very much on the power re-
quirement, thus on the area of land to be irrigated.
Today, solar pumps cannot compete with diesel pumps for areas above a quarter
ha. However, this situation will change, if array c~osts'decrease and fuel costs
increase. Fig. 4 shows the relation between water costs and irrigated area for
different fuel prices and solar pump costs. Solar pumps will first become com-
petitive for irrigation of land areas smaller than ,I ha. Later, they could be-
come competitive even for all areas.
For poor farmers on small land holdings, the important~ questionis not, whether
the so1a.r pump could compete with.diesel pumps, but whether it could compete
with traditional pumping methods. Recently, efficient low-cost manual irriga-
tion pumps have been developed. Width the Rower Pump for example, two people
could pump 40.m3 of water with a 5 m head in 8 hours. i*) This would be enough
I21 Rcwer Pump, Mirpur Agricultural Workshop and Training School, Dacca,
Bangladesh (l,eaflet)
Fig 4: Effects ~of water demand on waterunit costs for 5 m pumping head
. The attitude of poor farmers. towards risk and uncertainty (high discount
rate) favours pumping systems with low capital costs. The Rower Pump for
example costs about 10 - 13 $, a corresponding,solar pump at least 600~ 5
(with a 3 S/Wpk minimal assumption).
. For the same reason, operating costs (labour, fodder, rent) count less in
the farmer's.view,than capital costs.
The above considerations reflect the point of view of potential buyers and thus
represent a financial analysis. An economic analysis (from the point of iew
of governments), however, could showy more.benefits for the solar pump. Id If
13) French, D., The Econo!nics of Renewable Energy Systems for Developing'
Countries, Washington, i97V .
prices of solar pumps decrease enough, governments could take measures to intro-
duce credit mechanisms or subsidies in favour of solar pumps. Unless this is
done,,solar irrigation pumps will hardly come into.widespread use in the near
f) Conclusions
Solar pumps are today not economically viable for irrigation purposes. Neverthe-
less,'the market for solar photovoltaics will~grow as there are other economi-
cally viable applications in remote areas, where reliability is very important.
Pumping~ of drinking water for instance belongs to this group of applications.
The growing market and technological improvements will lead to decreasing solar
cell prices. With increasing fuel costs, solar pumps will become competitive
with motor pumps at least for small land holdings~(but only for low pumping
-Small farmers with little purchasing power will hardly be in a position to af-
ford solar pumps, even if the solar cell costs decrease dramatically. As is the
case with many other technologies, financing mechanisms will have to be devised
and subs~tantial subsidies will be required to make a',new technology accessib~!e
to the small and the very small farmer, who constitute the majority of the
rural population in the developing worl~d.
French, D., The Economics of Renewable Energy Systems for Developing Countries,
Washington D.C., 1979
Lysen, E.H.; Pumping Water with Solar Cells, "Wind and Sun Compendium", No. 6,
Amsterdam, April 1981
Saunier, G., Folea, D., Electrical Solar E:tergy AppTications in Remote Rural
Area, Proc. of the Regional Asia and Pacific Workshop on the Appli-
cations of Solar Energy in Agricultural and Post Harvest Activities,
Bandung, 12 - 15 Jan. 1981
Tabors, R.D., The Economics of Water Lifting for Small-Scale Irrigation in the
Third World: Traditional and Photovoltaic Technologies, MIT, Massa-
chusetts, 1979
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