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1 author:
Md Ashequl Islam
Universiti Malaysia Perlis
All content following this page was uploaded by Md Ashequl Islam on 02 January 2022.
2.4.1 Coal............................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.2 Oil & Natural Gas ....................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Determination Which Form of Affordable Solar Panel Could Provide Household in Abi,
Perlis with a Continuous & Reliable Energy Supply .......................................................... 19
2.6 Reviewing the Long-Term Viability of Solar Systems Purchased for use as Aa Source of
Electricity in a Household in Abi, Perlis .............................................................................. 21
2.7 Factors That Limit the Performance & Long-Term Viability of a Solar System
Purchased & their Solutions in A Household in Abi, Perlis............................................... 23
2.9 Summary.............................................................................................................................. 30
3.4 Identification of the components needed for the Solar Photovoltaic System ................. 34
REFERENCE ........................................................................................................................... 48
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................... 54
APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................................... 55
APPENDIX D ........................................................................................................................... 56
Table 2.1 How Green Energy Infrastructure Affects the Environment 28
Table 3.1 The components to be purchased 36
Table 4.1 List of Cost Estimation of this project 45
Figure 1.1 Location of Kampung Abi Atas Paip in Google Maps 5
Figure 1.2 Solar Powered Home Lighting 7
Figure 1.3 System Workflow 7
Figure 2.1 Solar PV Lighting System 13
Figure 2.2 The link between the economy and renewable energy 30
Figure 3.1 The flowchart of the project 33
Figure 4.1 The circuit design for Solar Panel Installation Lighting System 37
Figure 4.2 Floor plan layout for Solar Panel Installation Project 38
Figure 4.3 Isometric view for Solar Panel Installation Project 39
Figure 4.4 Solar Panel placement 39
Figure 4.5 Measurement process 40
Figure 4.6 Installation of position Solar Panel 41
Figure 4.7 Wiring installation process 42
This project aims to reduce the usage of non-renewable energy for household usage. A
design of renewable energy sources is proposed. The study location is No. 979, Kampung Abi
Batas Paip, 01000 Kangar, Perlis. The owner of the house is Azirin Bin Ibrahim. The proposed
model is targeted for terrace housing in a normal countryside area. The methodologies used in
this project were research, survey, and calculations. Research is done on which type of design
is suitable to be used as a convenient solar photovoltaic system in housing areas. The proposed
model also undergoes cost analysis by listing the components and the quantity of them needed
to be purchased. The proposed model is profitable for the owner for 2 years and if maintained
carefully and replace with the parts necessary it should be in working condition for at least 25
years. The proposed model can produce sufficient electrical energy to light up the areas which
Electricity is, undoubtedly, one of the greatest of humankind's inventions, and it has
impacted our daily lives in many ways. However, despite its benefits for humanity, about 1.1
billion people lack electricity supply, according to reports by International Energy Agency
(IEA) [4]. A more significant percentage of this population resides in the rural areas in South
Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the UNECE survey on poverty measurement [1],
Malaysia, being a developing country, has 3.8 percent of its population size living below the
poverty line, and most of them reside within the rural areas.
Peninsular Malaysia, which as of the year 2011, accounted for 92 percent of the
population in Malaysia, has about 99.6 percent electricity coverage, while the electricity
coverage in the poor states was slightly low at 79 percent [2]. The increase in economic
development in Malaysia has resulted in high demand for electricity. The maximum demand
and energy consumption rose from more than 1000MW in 2003 to above 150000MW in 2013
over the last decade [3]. In rural areas with rugged terrain due to the thick forest cover, it may
be difficult for grid extension. Hence, renewable energy is considered a better option for a
For example, Sabah state in Malaysia is the top producer of crude oil in the country,
impoverished state. The progress of electrification programs is comparatively slow despite the
federal government injecting funds each year for the past decades [6].
For a long time through the last decades, residents of Tanjung Batu Durat were largely
dependent on diesel generators, kerosene lanterns, and candles. The diesel generators were
owned by few individuals who could afford to buy the setups. It was unfair for the residents to
see electric lights lighting the Sandakan town about twenty minutes away using a boat ride [6].
Consequently, owing to the difficulty faced in transportation and the high costs of transporting
fuel to remote areas, diesel generators are economically inefficient. The generators are also
only operational between six to eight hours and were mainly used in the evenings and could
Due to the mentioned limitations, solar energy is best suited for sufficient electricity
generation in rural areas. The state of Sabah in Malaysia typically receives large amounts of
solar radiation, with a maximum solar radiation potential of about 6.027 kW/m2 per day [6].
This large amount of solar radiation makes it potential for applying solar energy to provide
electricity in absolute abundance. The demand for power in Sabah by 2020 stands at 1331MW.
On the other hand, Perlis receives about half a day of solar radiation on averages
throughout the year, despite reflectivity. Perlis is the northernmost state in Peninsular Malaysia
and is recognized as the hottest state in the country, receiving an average of 12 hours of sunlight
a day. According to [7], the annual total solar radiation in Perlis is 1831.45 kWh/m2, which will
produce total electric energy of 237.7 kW/m2 per year of Photovoltaic panels. If all of Perlis'
land were filled with horizontal PV panels, roughly 189,29 GWh of electricity could have been
generated annually.
Many studies support solar Photovoltaic PVs for supplying electricity in rural areas
because they can be easily installed, have less weight, and are modular. Solar PVs reduce costs
making the project more straightforward. Studies show that solar PV is sustainable in providing
electricity in rural areas due to its life cycle costs, protection of the environment, and net energy
ratio. Solar PV has several positive impacts on the environment, including reducing the
emission of CO2 in the air. They do not generate noise and reduce the likelihood of the
household members getting affected by air pollution as they eliminate the need to use kerosene
1.2 Problem Statement
We are living in an era where technology has been rapidly improving without
technology but, sadly, we are less concerned about the environment.[8] Even though renewable
energies are not cheap, still we have to take initiative to protect our planet.
Upon doing some research on our target area, which is Kampung Abi Atas Paip located
in Perlis, we have found out some issues that have been bothering the people to live in harmony.
Some of the problems are including poor lighting systems around the house. This leads to
compromise in the overall security of the house. This is because darker areas are the most
Then, the people of Kampung Abi Atas Paip finding it harder to add lights in their
houses since it will raise their electric bill to the extent where they cannot afford them. This
forces them to live with a limited amount of light at night. The worst part is, some streets are
not equipped with streetlights which makes the situation in the house even worse.
1.3 Objective
1. To provide proper lighting system around the house using solar energy system.
2. To generate new energy resources by using a solar photovoltaic system that can
1.4 Study Location
Abi Atas Paip. We have chosen this place to conduct our project since this village has faced a
certain number of problems as compared to the town areas of Perlis. Moreover, this place is
strategic to most of our teammates as they can visit the place physically without any issue as
they are currently staying in the nearby hostel. In addition, the village people also require help
from other than government bodies to cultivate their ability to be sustainable. Figure 1.1 shows
As can be seen in Figure 1.1, Kampung Abi Atas Paip is surrounded by many other
villages. Another thing that can be noticed is that Kampung Abi Atas Paip is neither the biggest
village nor it is filled with job opportunities. This leads to economic instability in the village
and causing the people to compromise and adjust according to a rather bad lifestyle when
compared with the well-developed cities. This proves that Kampung Abi Atas Paip needs
1.5 Project Scope
3. The type of controller that is using for a switch between the solar panels and the battery
is PWM (pulse width modulation).
1.6 Preliminary Design
The solar panels absorb solar radiation throughout the day and transform it into
electrical energy through the charge and discharge controller, which is then deposited in the
battery, according to the photovoltaic effect theorem. When the light intensity drops to around
10 lx at night and the open-circuit voltage of the solar panels reaches a certain value, the
controller detects the voltage value and then acts, offering energy to the LED light to power
the LED emitting visible light in a certain direction. After a certain amount of time has passed,
the charge and discharge controller will operate again to stop the discharge of the battery to
allow for the next charging or discharging. If we can make the function of each part in
2.1 Introduction
Malaysia is a developing country just like any other developing country; it faces related
and crucial problems regarding the energy sector in rural areas. It is such that there is inefficient
production and prevalence use of traditional sources of energy such as agricultural residue and
fuelwood that in turn poses threats to human health, environmental, and economic [11]. Also,
the use of energy sources such as liquefied natural gas and electricity are highly unequal in
distribution, and they pose significant problems of equity and quality of life. Traditional energy
sources have the danger of increasing indoor smoke exposure when used for cooking and
heating purposes. Statistics show that yearly developing countries record over a 2.5million
Electrical appliances and renewable fuels allow households to lower their exposures to
smoke from heaters and cookers of biomass, and for this reason, renewable sources of energy
have been produced for use in many households. Renewable sources of energy such as solar
energy are useful such that they are naturally replenished on a human timescale and are
sustainable. There have been historical developments in energy, especially due to the several
advances that have been witnessed in civilizations that have affected both the availability and
exploitation of energy.
In industrialized countries, some of the most used energy sources include fossil fuels
such as oils, natural gas, and coal supplying close to 80% of the total energy supply in the
world. Fossil fuels were formed million years ago from accumulating the organic molecules
formed by organisms due to photosynthesis. The two types of energy sources include
renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are those that are
the world’s energy. They mostly come from firewood and hydroelectric power. On the other
hand, non-renewable energy sources fossil fuels used faster than they are produced, making the
materials finite. Thus, fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas will disappear with time.
2.2 Theoretical Review
The location of Malaysia in the equatorial region makes it have average solar radiations
of around 4k to 5kWhr/ m2 for 4 to 8 hours daily. In a year, the country experiences 170rainy
days with ambient temperature ranging between 26℃ to 32℃ and relative humidity, not below
60 percent. The amount of solar radiation received determines the optimum solar energy system
for solar PV and solar thermal. Solar energy has been mainly used for drying agricultural
produce until the late 1990s when electrical power using solar photovoltaic began. Solar
Thermal electric generation systems collect and concentrate sunlight to produce the high-
temperature heat required to generate electricity. The components of solar thermal systems are
reflectors and receivers. The solar thermal system has a tracking system that assists in focusing
or keeping sunlight focused onto the receiver throughout the day as the sun changes positions.
Solar photovoltaic (PV) is the rooftop solar used in homes and businesses, and it generates
Solar PV has been considered a smart technology for electricity production from
sunlight. The working principle of photovoltaic cells is that sunlight detaches electrons from
silicon atoms, capturing photons (tiny packets of light energy). Photons have the potential of
striking electrons free of their host atom [13]. The upper surface of solar PV cells has a PN-
junction formed by diffusing tiny quantities of phosphorous to form a wafer of silicon. As the
electrons cross the PN-junction, they create negative voltage on the surface facing the sun and
positive voltage on the rear side. Therefore, connecting the front and backside of the cell using
an external circuit allows current, voltage, and power to be extracted from the solar cell. A
The life of a solar cell is between 20 to 40 years. The amount of electricity produced
by a solar cell depends on its collector areas and solar radiation. Most markets are dominated
by photovoltaic solar cells or crystalline silicon solar cells used as consumer electronics, remote
area power supplies, and satellites. Solar panels are available in sizes ranging from small to
large, and consumers purchase based on their power consumption ratings in households. Solar
PV electricity is less expensive both commercially and domestically [14]. The advantages of
solar energy are it is a renewable source of energy, reduces electricity bills, diverse
associated with pollution because the cells contain toxic materials, solar energy dependent on
weather patterns, and expensive solar energy storage. A typical solar system for light a house
requires a solar panel, solar controller, battery, and light bulb, as shown in the figure below.
2.3 Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is provided by the process that is continuously present due to solar
or those that replenish themselves. The major source results from the photosynthesis process,
producing plant biomass. Therefore, biomass is massively dependent on solar energy. Some of
the major types of renewable energy sources include biomass, geothermal energy, solar energy,
tidal energy, wind turbines, and hydroelectric power, which supplies about 15% of the world’s
energy [15].
This type of energy can be extracted in two ways. The water can be heated on the
surface by the hot magma near the surface. Through steam turbine, the heated water is used to
electricity or the heated water can be used directly in buildings. In geologically inactive areas,
geothermal energy can be extracted using heat pumps. Some of the notable countries producing
geothermal energy are the US, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Italy, Iceland, and New Zealand [15].
The environmental concerns of geothermal energy include the corrosion of the pipes by the
minerals in the steam, and the hydrogen sulphide, which causes air pollution and the odour
The US has dedicated a huge part of its resources to ensure that they generate more
energy. Some areas tend to have stronger winds than others. For instance, Dakotas have
stronger winds; hence more wind turbines have been installed to generate electricity. However,
the electricity generated from the wind turbines is unreliable; hence it should be backed up by
another source. Some of the major countries that have significantly installed wind turbines
include Germany, the US, and China. The environmental concern of the turbines is that the
blades in the turbines are dangerous to the moving bats and birds.
2.3.3 Tidal Power
The moon and the sun exert a gravitational force, which causes tides. Since the moon
is closer to the sun, it exerts a large gravitational force on the Earth. The force causes oceans
to bulge towards the moon. During this bulge, the Earth’s rotation causes the tides to be formed,
causing the rise and fall in ocean water levels. In a day, there are two high tides and two low
tides. The highest is generated when the sun, moon, and Earth are in one line. To convert this
tidal energy into electricity, a dam is built. Gates and turbines are built along the ocean, and a
dam is built at the narrow point of the bay [15]. The flow of water from the high side to the
low tidal side moves the turbines and gates to produce electricity. Some of the countries that
generate tidal power include France, Russia, the East China Sea, Canada, and another built in
South Korea. Some of the environmental effects include interference in the migration and other
marine lives by the turbines and barriers. Besides, it affects recreation and navigation in the
Hydroelectric power use water to power the turbines. It provides about 16% of the
world’s energy. It uses a dam on a river to store water which eventually turns turbines to
generate electricity by activating a generator. In some areas, electricity may be generated even
2.3.5 Solar Energy
The sun is continuously the main source of energy. The sun provides up to 600 times
the total energy provided by the other sources of energy. The only problem making solar energy
to be minimally used is that it is diffused and intermittent. It is available during the day when
there is sunlight and gradually spreads worldwide depending on the side facing the sun. Solar
energy can be consumed in a passive heating system where the solar energy is directly
converted to heat at the site [16]. On the other hand, is an active heating system, the heat is
transferred to another place. Finally, solar energy can generate electricity by photovoltaic cells
or turning turbines with heated water. Solar energy has a limited effect on the environment
except for the massive lands required for the photovoltaic power plants.
Solar energy is renewable energy hence can be replenished. This factor alone makes it
sustainable since it is inexhaustible. It is also non-polluting and infinite; hence the energy from
the sun will be there for the longest time. Electricity production by photovoltaic solar panels is
2.4 Non-Renewable Energy
fossil fuels, Uranium, and Iron cores. Resources are naturally occurring substances useful to
human beings that can be extracted, while Reserves are deposits where the materials can be
extracted under economic situations with advanced technology [17]. Thus, reserves can largely
2.4.1 Coal
Coal was once formed from the materials from plants under heat and pressure. Due to
the large areas covered by freshwater swaps millions of years ago, the growth of plants was
rapid, causing the large accumulation of these materials. With decay, there was a huge organic
mass formed [17]. The deposits were later submerged by the oceans and seas and covered by
sediments. With the pressure from the sediments above, these materials were compressed, and
heat caused the water and volatile compounds to evaporate, transforming these materials into
categories of lignite, subbituminous, bituminous and anthracite. The categories depend on the
moisture and energy content, with lignite the least desired with higher moisture content and
anthracite the most desired. Since coal is formed from the remains of plants, it can be extracted
through surface and underground mining. Whereas surface mining involves removing
materials on top of the coal, underground mining involves removing the coal through a vertical
shaft in flat areas and a drift-mine opening in hilly areas through the side of the hill.
However, mining coal may result in several health and safety issues. For instance,
several deaths have resulted from accidents and explosions of methane gas. Moreover, some
miners have complained of black lung cancer from the coal dust present in the miner’s lungs.
Most of these health issues are addressed by the federal government, a cost that indirectly
affects the taxpayers through the taxes they pay to the federal government.
Also, several environmental issues are related to the mining and extraction of coal.
There is a lot of disruption and disturbance of the landscape when mining coal since the topsoil
and overburden are removed from the surface to reach the source. The plant materials that
formed the coal contained proteins from sulphur. Consequently, sulphur may cause both air
pollution and acid mining drainage. Furthermore, the extraction releases carbon monoxide and
2.4.2 Oil & Natural Gas
These are also formed from the past. They were formed from the microscopic marine
organisms that died and got buried in the ocean bottom. They were then covered by sediments
releasing oil droplets. Shale, formed from muddy sediments, with unconcentrated oil droplets
making it difficult to extract. Concentrations are formed when there is a porous sandstone or a
Oil supplies close to a third of the world’s energy. People prefer to use oil over oil due
to the lower effects on our environment. Whenever a potential oil source is identified and
confirmed, the oil is extracted by drilling a well into the spot and pumping in gas or water to
drive the oil up the well. It can also be driven easily into the surface by reducing its viscosity
by pumping steam into the well. The crude oil is later refined after distillation through cracking.
Its movement is easier than the bulky coal since it can be moved through pipes. One of the
most common environmental effects of oils is spills in the oceans that affect aquatic life.
On the other hand, natural gas supplies about a fifth of the world’s energy. Like oil, it
is extracted by pumping water, steam, or gas into the wells. In some cases, both oil and natural
gas may be present in one well. Its transportation is slightly tricky but mostly done through the
pipelines. Another way to transport it is through tankers in a liquified state. Natural gas has the
least effect on the environment except for some odour and rare cases of explosions and fire.
2.5 Determination Which Form of Affordable Solar Panel Could Provide
Household in Abi, Perlis with a Continuous & Reliable Energy Supply
The three most common types of domestic solar panels include thin-film solar panels,
monocrystalline panels, and polycrystalline panels that produce electricity from sunlight.
Monocrystalline solar panels are made of one piece of silicon and are known as the most
efficient type of solar panel in the market with a sleek black appearance. During their
manufacture, the material used is single-crystal silicon that is cut into wafers to allow free flow
of electrons that result in high-efficiency rates. The advantages of monocrystalline solar panels
are that they have the highest efficiency rating at between 15 to 20%, space-efficient, and
perform better in low levels of sunlight than polycrystalline panels. However, this kind of panel
is the most expensive in the market, and performance levels suffer from a temperature rise but
smaller compared to other types of solar cells, with more waste produced during its production
Polycrystalline solar panels are produced by melting several pieces of silicon together
into square molds to form solar cells. Because there are many crystals in every solar cell, the
panel has less space for electrons to move around, resulting in a lower efficiency rate than
monocrystalline cells. However, the panel is easier and cheaper to produce and produces less
waste during production than monocrystalline. Polycrystalline panels are blue in appearance.
However, polycrystalline panels have a lower energy efficiency of between 13 to 16%, less
space-efficient than monocrystalline panels due to low energy efficiency, shorter lifespan, and
less tolerant increase in temperature. Both polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels are
recycled once they reach the end of their lifespan using chemical and high-thermal temperature
Thin-film solar panels are easier to produce because they need less material, making
them the cheapest solar panel in the market. Thin-film solar panels are manufactured by placing
films of one or more photovoltaic materials on a substrate and produced in flexible panels.
Some thin-film cells include copper, cadmium, and silicon. The panels are less efficient, require
most space, and more tolerant to higher temperatures. Also, they have the shortest lifespan than
other types and four times less efficient than monocrystalline panels.
2.6 Reviewing the Long-Term Viability of Solar Systems Purchased for use as Aa
When purchasing a solar panel, it is essential to consider panel type, warranty offers,
efficiency, and wattage. Solar panel efficiency is necessary because it described the quality of
the panel and maximization of energy that saves on energy bills. Challenges encountered in
developing renewable energy in Malaysia has been the lack of coherent renewable energy
policy framework, fuel risks due to unwillingness of suppliers to have long term partnership
with renewable energy projects, difficulty in getting financing, presence of subsidy for
conventional energy systems, and low cost of the electricity sales price [14]. Solar energy is
considered the most promising and essential renewable energy source. It has expanded with
the development of technology and science that possibly assists in generating electricity and
heating. Solar energy has been prospected to be a significant source of energy for most future
buildings. Resource potentials are regarded and analyzed as renewable energy natural potential.
It is wrong to evaluate the economic values of sustainable energies if the costs are less than
revenues since the area can stimulate the creation of new technologies. Solar energy resource
potential in the country referred to solar radiation generated in a particular geographical region.
Whereby RPge – referred to the theoretical natural resource potential of sustainable energy in
any area.
Based on the technical potential of sustainable energy, the amount of power generated by
APV: total square of the massive where placed the solar sell (м2)
πp: loss of the module caused by various causes, including surface contamination of the PV
The efficiency of using solar cells in the Malaysian region is based on economic and
market potential. There are no doubts that there are issues with the supply of conventional
energy sources in the region, such as oil, coal, and hydropower. The area has an excellent
probability of meeting significant energy parts needed through a sustainable energy supply
program [13].
2.7 Factors That Limit the Performance & Long-Term Viability of a Solar System
Solar power systems are an effective tool for energy supply for both present and future
generations. Various factors have promoted photovoltaic developments such as tax deductions
and incentives, environmental concerns, performance and cost regarding technology, and the
need to replacing carbon fossil energy systems with renewables to enhance compliance with
the national goal. The optimal efficiency of solar panels depends on a combination of factors
that include:
characteristic of semiconductor material. The efficiency of solar panels increases when the
temperature drops and declines in high temperatures due to a reduction in voltage between
cells. To allow optimal efficiency for solar panels, they must be installed in an area with low
For energy conversion efficiency, solar modules have different spectral responses based
on the kind of module change of spectral irradiance that influences solar power generation.
Energy conversion efficiency is increased by reducing the reflection of incident light. For solar
shadings, solar PV panels are very sensitive to solar shadings. Having complete or partial
shading conditions essentially influences the potential of delivering energy and result in lower
output and power losses. Solar panel cells are often connected in series to get higher voltage
and substantial production of electricity. However, when the panel is shaded at some panel tie
current, all the units in the string are determined by the unit that produces the least current.
During installation, bypass diodes are included to prevent the loss of energy in case of
shading occurs. Bypass diodes must be wired in parallel to the solar cells to avoid the current
path during shading to allow a string of connected solar cells to generate energy at a reduced
voltage. Also, it is necessary to keep the solar panel system clean and avoid shading the solar
PV [18]. The orientation, latitude, climate conditions, and inclination of the place – these
factors must be considered to allow full advantage of solar radiation for the most prolonged
time. Operation and monitoring help manage and mitigate potential hazards, which guarantees
For maintenance, despite solar panels being very durable, it is essential to maximize
the amount of light available to return to electrical power. Therefore, the solar panel system
must be inspected regularly to allow the solar panels to absorb sufficient light effectively.
Also, the efficiency and sustainability of the solar panel system will be influenced by the type
of solar battery used. Batteries are used to store electricity from solar power systems or other
sources of energy harnessed. Households use batteries for lighting houses and charging
There are four types of batteries available for commercial and home use: lead-acid
battery, lithium-ion, flow battery, and sodium nickel chloride. Lead-acid batteries have been
tested technology and used in off-grid systems for quite some time. However, they have a
relatively short lifespan and lower DoD than other types of batteries. In the market, they cost
less in-home energy storage sector and can be a good option for an individual who intends to
On the other hand, lithium-ion batteries are lighter and more compact than lead-acid
batteries with higher DoD and longer lifespan. Lithium-ion batteries are more expensive
compared to lead-acid batteries. Saltwater batteries are new in the market, and unlike other
batteries, they do not contain heavy metals as they use saltwater electrolytes. Also, the batteries
can be recycled with easy compared to their counterparts. However, this technology remains
untested [20].
The selection of batteries for energy storage depends on the amount of power it can
provide and how long it can last, round trip efficiency, warranty, and depth of discharge.
Battery capacity and power refer to the total amount of electricity that the battery can store,
and it is measured in kWh (kilowatt-hour). The design of most home-based solar batteries is
stackable to get extra capacity. However, the battery's power rating determines how much a
battery with a high capacity and low power rating delivers a low amount of electricity for an
extended period and is suitable for running a few appliances. In contrast, a battery with low
capacity and a high-power rating is ideal for running more appliances but only lasts for a few
hours [21].
Considering the depth of discharge, most batteries need to always retain some charge
because of their chemical composition, as using 100% of the batter charge shortens its lifespan.
The depth of discharge of a battery is defined as the amount of capacity of a battery that has
been used. It is the manufacturer that specifies the amount of DoD for optimal battery
performance. A higher DoD implies that an individual can use more of the battery’s capacity.
The round-trip efficiency of a battery represents the amount of energy used as a percentage of
the amount of energy it took to store it. Higher round-trip efficiency implies obtaining more
economic value out of the battery. The more a battery is used, the lesser its ability to hold
charges becomes.
The warranty of a battery guarantees its years of useful life because the performance of
a battery degrades over time; and depends on the brand of the battery and the capacity it loses
over time. Various organizations ranging from automotive companies to tech start-ups develop
and manufacture batteries. The selection of manufacturers for batteries by consumers depends
on their priorities because each has different setbacks that may include technology and
functionality. The lifespan of solar batteries ranges from five to fifteen years, depending on the
maintenance. The best option for use in solar panel systems is lithium-ion batteries [19].
2.8 Does the Renewable Energy Infrastructures Ruin the Environment?
The adoption of renewable energy is expected to have a global impact that goes beyond
systems is expected to reduce energy intensity in various countries by up to 10% by the end of
this decade [22]. This will lead to a global decrease in energy demand by up to 25%, especially
when energy efficiency matches the potential of renewable energy. This is because increased
energy production from additional sources will ensure that sufficient electricity is available
energy has some negative impacts on the environment, which are expected to increase with the
increasing adoption of the technology [23]. However, most of these factors are generally minor.
Table 2.1: How green energy infrastructure affects the environment negatively [24]
They threaten the living environment- birds
The economic contribution of renewable energy ranges from the creation of jobs at the
new energy facilities to the reduction of energy costs due to increased supply [25]. The
following energy-economy model shows how renewable energy would impact the demand and
Figure 2.2: The link between the economy and renewable energy [26]
the long run due to its positive impact on welfare and job creation. Local economies would be
revitalized, and cost reductions would be stimulated due to the availability of sufficient energy.
The economic impact would be most felt in the manufacturing sector since the availability of
energy in economic growth. Data from 20 developed and developing countries from the period
between 1995 and 2016 are analyzed using the Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square
regression model and it is shown that increased use of renewable energy leads to improved
economic output (0.07% in developed countries and 0.05% in developing countries). This is
2.9 Summary
energy. The energy can be naturally replenished, the technology used to improve energy
efficiency, and has long-term availability to always meet its demand. Therefore, sustainable
energy is defined as meeting the growing demand of people without compromising the
available resources for future use. It is posited that all renewable energy sources such as
hydropower, wind, solar, and geothermal are sustainable forms of energy since they cannot be
depleted, have a low environmental impact, and are naturally and widely available.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes all processes involved in planning and assembling the solar panel
system. However, we did not design the solar panel, but we identify which component in the
market will give us a high value for money and assemble them to form a working solar
harvesting panel.
Figure 3.1 shows the overall flowchart of the project. Based on Figure 3.1, we can
observe that the project is starting with a literature review to know more about the solar
photovoltaic system and the ability to replace conventional electricity. Then, the project’s
approach is divided by two as we have two objectives to be completed. One part (left side) is
focusing on the first objective and the other part (right side) is focusing on the second objective.
Choosing the cost-saving solar photovoltaic system contributes to finding the cheaper
alternative of the current source for the lighting system around the house.
On the other side, a comparison between conventional electric current and the
electricity produced by the solar photovoltaic system is under comparison to find which system
does benefit us in terms of cost in long-term usage. When both the solar photovoltaic design
and the comparison between conventional electricity and solar energy result in a decreased
amount of electricity bills, the objectives for this project will be achieved successfully.
3.3 Design of Solar Photovoltaic System
We must consider some properties before selecting a suitable design for the Solar
Photovoltaic System. The design of the solar photovoltaic system should be easy to assemble.
When the parts involved are minimal, we can easily figure out where is the problem if the
product did not function properly. So, the cost can be reduced greatly. Thus, the design element
Furthermore, the chosen design must aim for ease of assembly. This will assist the
assembly teams in the assembly of products that will transition to productions at a minimum
cost, focusing on the number of parts, handling, and ease of assembly.[28] In a nutshell, the
design must be focused on reducing product assembly costs by minimizing the number of
assembly operations.
environmental components into products and services before they enter the production phase.
The design also should seek to discover product innovations that will meet cost and
performance objectives while reducing pollution and waste throughout the life cycle.[29] In
short, keep in mind that the design should eco-friendly and at the same time, it should be cost-
3.4 Identification of the components needed for the Solar Photovoltaic System
The first phase is identifying the components of the proposed Solar Photovoltaic
System model. The components were selected by using criteria that are needed for the Solar
Photovoltaic System in the housing area so that the performance of the system can meet the
requirements of the house owner. These selection criteria are based on the research in the
literature review. Similar products are found in the market with detailed product specifications
The components for the proposed Solar Photovoltaic System are arranged in Table 3.1.
The quantity for each of the components is also has been listed in Table 1. This will make it
easier for purchasing the components and not to miss out on any of the components. In short,
we will have an idea of how many of the components need to be purchased altogether.
No Item Quantity
1. 50w Mono-Crystalline Cell Monocrystalline Solar Panel 18Vmp 1
12V System
2. Dual USB LCD Display PWM Solar Panel Controller Battery 1
Charger Charge Solar Controller Regulator 10A
3. LED DC12V Tube Light Lamp 2ft (60cm) / 4ft (120cm) White 4
In this project, the basic circuit design diagram for an electronic and electrical
component that is used to operate the system is shown in Figure 4.1. The main component For
Solar Panel Installation Project is pulse width modulation (PWM) or frequently called a
regulator were used to regulate the current/voltage flow from solar panel to battery and battery
to load. This component is safety equipment that can avoid overcharging or undercharging
where can cause permanent damage and reduce the lifetime of batteries.
The parallel configuration design circuit was applied were consist of multiple current
paths moving along in a single wire. This type of configuration is independent of the current
flow. When the circuit is broken such as switch, wire, or load, the current can continuously
Figure 4.1: The circuit design for Solar Panel Installation Lighting System
4.2 House Plan Layout
This section will represent the house plan layout with dimensions in feet (ft). Figure 4.2
shown the floor plan layout including detailed design and electrical layout for Solar Panel
Installation project. As shown in Figure 4.2, the solar charge controller (PWM) is located at
the center of the houses for homogeneously distributed power sources to the load. The
dimension of the main rooms is 8 feet width by 9.6 feet length from side to side. Figure 4.3
shown the isometric view. While Figure 4.4 shows the solar panel location for Solar Panel
Installation Project.
Figure 4.2: Floor plan layout for Solar Panel Installation Project
Figure 4.3: Isometric view for Solar Panel Installation Project
4.3 Fabrication Process
The fabrication process for Solar Panel Installation Project was applied at Kampung
Abi Perlis. Material and components are brought from the online and nearby hardware shop.
The component brought online are solar panel 50watt, solar charge controller 10Amp, battery
DC12V, LED lamp 10watt, PVC cable, concrete nail 1’, wiring casing, and switch socket.
Besides, the equipment for completion of this project that obtains from hardware is a battery
Figure 4.5 shown the survey measurement and mapping process for Solar Panel
Installation Project. This is an important criterion before the installation process of solar
systems were determining the suitable position of the main switch, lighting system, distance,
angle, and elevation of the wall for the wiring process. From the measurement process, the
layout size of the main room is 8 feet in width by 9.6 lengths with 6.7 feet height. The position
of the lamp was determined by using the mapping process through measure the total quantity
of lighting that can be emitted by the sources of light per unit time. The standard weight
reference point for human sensitivity to a wavelength of light about 1500 ~ 1700 lumens.
Figure 4.6: Installation of position Solar Panel
Figure 4.6 shown the installation work of a solar panel at the rooftop of the house. The
placement and orientation of solar panels toward the sun direction to obtains the optimum angle
of sunlight. The optimum angle of slope hit perpendicularly to the surface of the solar panel
can produce the highest energy intensity, maximize absorbed solar radiation, and maximum
power output. Generally, countries located in the northern hemisphere will be facing solar
panels true the south toward the South Pole where it’s the most optimum direction solar panel
will receive direct sunlight. From the previous studies, the optimum slope that can be applied
in Malaysia is around 0o to 15o for maximizing the rate of absorbed solar radiation from the
sunlight [30].
Figure 4.7: Wiring installation process
Figure 4.7 shows the process of wiring for the installation of the lamp. Safety
precautions should be considered during the wiring process where faulty installation techniques
can result in shock or electric fire. As follow Figure 4.1, the wiring diagram from power sources
to the load using parallel configuration setup. During the wiring process, the shortest path of
wire should be considered to avoid wastage of wire and product resistance in a wire as result
4.3 User Manual
User’s Manual
***Please read carefully these instructions before you start using this product.
4.4 Calculation of Energy Requirement
used in the house. Each type of application is used a different power rating. Hence, a suitable
solar panel and battery is an important criterion when conduction a project related to electrical
Power =IxV
Current = 36/12
= 3 Amp
= 42 AH / 3A
= 14 Hour
4.5 Cost Analysis
Shipping RM55.57
Total RM526.64
5.1 Conclusion
The Service University Learning For Society (SULAM) project was conducted on Solar
Photovoltaic System in helping the community that deserves electricity but did not obtain any
due to poverty. This project helped out one of the residents to fulfill his requirement through a
clean energy system. The first objective is to provide a proper lighting system around the house
using a solar energy system. This objective is reached by providing a working Solar
Photovoltaic System that lights up 4 tube lights in the owner’s backyard to make it brighter
during night hours. The second objective is that to generate new energy resources by using a
solar photovoltaic system that can reduce the usage of electricity and electricity bills. This
objective is reached by proving that the usage of a clean energy source, the solar photovoltaic
system is cheaper compared to conventional electricity in long-term use. The proposed model
able to power a total of 4 tube lights without any restriction or problem by using a solar
photovoltaic system. The product life of this product is 2 years with routine maintenance and
proper care. After two years the battery holding the power may lose its capacity to hold power.
5.2 Recommendation for Future Project
There are some limitations to be considered in this research. Firstly, the solar radiation
for every place is different. In some places, the solar radiation is not strong enough to generate
enough electric power to supply machines. Therefore, the climate condition of location needed
to be researched clearly before choosing the location. Besides, do proper data collection to
know the amount of sunlight in that particular area. To be accurate do not collect data on cloudy
days, as that may affect the reading. More solar panels with different tilt angles can be used to
reduce the data collecting time and improve the consistency of the data. Finally, if the budget
can be increased, please do so. The product life can be increased by replacing an even higher
capacity battery to hold the power harvested from the solar panel.
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Figure C: Progress Prototype
Figure E: Full Setup prototype