TKT YL Trainer Notes
TKT YL Trainer Notes
TKT YL Trainer Notes
TKT: YL Part 1 focuses on knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English
to young learners. The session looks at how young learners differ from older students on
physical, emotional and cognitive levels and the effects of these differences. It outlines the
test format and task types.
1. Before the session, copy Participant’s worksheet 1 so there is one copy for each
pair or group of three participants, and cut each copy into strips.
2. Make these general points about TKT: YL :
• Young learners in TKT: YL are from 6–12 years
• The test aims to encourage professional development of teachers and classroom
assistants who work with young learners
• TKT: YL aims to test candidates’ knowledge in 4 syllabus areas
Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to young
Planning and preparing young learner lessons
Teaching young learners
Assessing young learner learning through classroom based assessment
• There are 80 questions to do in 1 hour 20 minutes in the test.
3. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL Part 1:
• it focuses on the ways young learners are different to older students
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Additional Information
• For the TKT glossary and information on the other three parts of TKT: YL, see the
TKT: YL handbook at
• Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4,
TKT: YL Part 1 Children as language learners and Developing children’s learning
strategies and TKT: YL Part 1 Developing children’s cognitive and communication
strategies for more information on the test format and content.
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are developing numeracy and literacy have wide knowledge and experience of
skills the world
are developing manual dexterity can think abstractly and out of context
have limited world knowledge can sit quietly for long periods
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For questions 1 – 7, look at some teacher’s comments about children learning English and the three
options for completing them listed A, B and C.
Two of the options complete the statements correctly. One option does NOT.
Mark the letter (A, B or C) which does NOT complete the statement correctly.
1. At the start of class I always ask two children A. need routines and responsibilities.
to give out books and another to write the B. like to feel valued.
date on the board because young learners
C. need time to finish their work.
3. Children need to develop learning strategies A. find ways of remembering words and
in English so I often ask them to practise a phrases.
new song for homework to B. use reference resources.
C. encourage them to review class work at
4. After reading a story I usually do an activity A. sequencing the events of the story using
to develop children’s cognitive strategies picture cards.
such as B. drilling target language from the story.
C. using flashcards to match target language
with pictures.
7. I want to raise awareness of their learning so A. look at their own written work and correct 3
I often ask the children to mistakes.
B. do follow up activities if they finish quickly.
C. complete ‘Can do’ self assessment
statements at the end of term.
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This activity focuses on children as language learners and how they learn language. Children’s needs
and different activities which support them are looked at through a matching activity. Participants also
consider ways of developing children’s learning strategies. There is also a sample task.
1. Before the session copy Participant’s worksheets 1 and 2 so there are enough for
each group of three participants. Cut up Participant’s worksheet 2 into strips. Copy
the Sample task so there is one copy for each participant.
2. Remind or elicit from participants:
• TKT: YL focuses on children from 6–12 years
• Part 1 focuses on children as language learners and how language learning can
help young learners to develop learning strategies, cognitive strategies and
communication strategies.
• This session focuses on children as language learners and ways of developing
their learning strategies.
3. (5 minutes) In groups of three, participants talk together about the types of classroom activities
that young learners between 6 and 12 years enjoy e.g. songs and chants, whole class games.
Put the heading Activities in the young learner classroom on the board and brainstorm ideas
from the whole group (see Key below). Point out:
• What have they learned about this area of the syllabus and how confident do they feel
about doing test tasks on it?
• How can they prepare for this part of TKT: YL? (Participants can:
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• look at the language demands of their own lessons and decide what type of support is
needed so that learners can understand and produce the language in spoken and written
• note any strengths and problems children have in their own classes in understanding and
using key language.)
Additional Information
• For information on the other three parts of TKT: YL, see the TKT: YL handbook at
• Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4, and TKT: YL Part
1 Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies for more information on the test
format and content.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Children as language learners and
Developing children’s learning strategies – answer keys
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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
Key to procedure step 7
self-correcting during speaking activities, pair games or chants
practising English outside the classroom
setting goals
self-assessment tasks e.g. checklists with ‘Can Do’ statements
organising learning
choosing what to do
using reference resources such as dictionaries and the internet
planning learning
reviewing learning
remembering language or information about language
developing hypothesis about language rules
1. F 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. G
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Children as language learners and
Developing children’s learning strategies – Participant’s worksheet 1
1. “I always plan whole class activities as an integral part of the lesson as children
respond positively and learn quickly while they are having fun.”
2. “Children learn language in context through their own understanding and experience so
I always try to activate this knowledge when starting new themes.”
3. “Children are at different stages of emotional and social development and so I plan
lessons so they feel relaxed and safe as soon as they come into the classroom.”
4. “It’s interesting how children are able to use whole language chunks such as ‘Have a
good weekend!’ without knowing any grammar rules.”
5. “I always plan further activities to challenge children who finish quickly and may be
more advanced than others in their development.”
6. “As each child has their own characteristics such as learning style or previous
learning experience, I always review language in different ways throughout the
course to support these differences.”
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Children as language learners and
Developing children’s learning strategies – Participant’s worksheet 2
Playing TPR games: The class sit on chairs in a circle and the teacher gives commands
such as ‘Change places if… you have got a brother/ are wearing a watch etc’. One chair is
removed after each change and the child who loses their chair gives the commands.
Brainstorming activities: On introducing the topic ‘Pollution’ the teacher asks the class for
vocabulary which is linked to it and writes key words/sentences on the board.
Developing classroom routines: The teacher welcomes the class, organizes the room, and
takes the register. Ten minutes before finishing, the children finish their work, put away
materials and the teacher reviews learning.
Using classroom language posters: At the start of term children prepare posters for the
notice boards which review short phrases and sentences used in everyday classroom
language. Children use them throughout the course.
Planning follow-up activities: Children know what to do when they finish a task. This might
include doing a worksheet, playing a memory game to review language or helping a friend to
Reviewing language: Children can practise language over several weeks through songs,
chants, games and reading stories.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Children as language learners and
Developing children’s learning strategies – Sample Task
For questions 1 – 6, match the teacher’s comments on her approach to learning with the
young learner needs and characteristics listed A – G.
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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
Teacher’s comments
They’re often sleepy in the afternoons so we generally do some group project work
where they’re measuring or doing something like a science experiment.
They worry about their spelling so, each week, we choose a vowel sound and
2 brainstorm all the words we can think of. Then we look at how they’re spelt and
categorise them.
One of the things my pupils like most if to learn a chant and then try to say it faster
and faster but still keep in time. That part’s really hard!
At the start of the lesson, two pupils give out the books and another writes the date
on the board.
We often do visualisations. They close their eyes and I ask them questions about a
5 story. Who’s in it? Where are they? What happens? Then they draw a picture and
write a few sentences about it.
I’ve got a bank of worksheets at the back of the room for fast finishers so that they
don’t get bored waiting for everyone else.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive
and communication strategies through language learning –
Trainer’s notes
This session covers the syllabus area of children’s learning and development and focuses
on developing their cognitive and communication strategies through language learning. It
uses a mingling and matching activity to examine ways in which children can develop these
strategies. The session ends with a 3/4/5-option matching task.
1. Before the session, copy and cut up Participant’s worksheet 1 so there is one slip
for each participant. If there are fewer or more than 24 participants in your group,
make sure that each slip you give out has a matching pair from the other column. If
there is an odd number of participants in your group, give one participant 2 slips and
tell that person they must make a group of 3.
2. Remind or elicit from participants:
• TKT: YL focuses on children from 6–12 years
• Part 1 focuses on children as language learners and how they learn language
• This session is about developing children’s cognitive and communication
strategies through learning English
3. (15 minutes) Give out a slip of paper from Participant’s Worksheet 1 to each
participant. Explain that each piece of paper contains a different strategy for
developing children’s cognitive or communication strategies, or an example of a
strategy. Participants mingle to find their partner by matching a strategy with its
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies through
language learning – Trainer’s notes
Page 1 of 8
example. If you have an odd number of participants, give one person 2 slips, to form
a group of 3 (see Key below).
4. Feed back with whole group. Elicit or point out:
• cognitive strategies include the mental processes involved in thinking,
understanding or learning.
• children’s communication strategies may be developed through their functional
language, e.g. describing, asking for information or telling stories.
• Participant’s worksheet 1 gives many examples of the strategies children use in
language learning and participants can identify others through observation of
learners in class and reviewing the TKT: YL Handbook (page 7).
5. (15 minutes) Hand out Participant’s worksheet 2 and ask participants to work in
pairs to complete the matching task.
6. Feedback with whole group (see Key below). Point out:
• TKT: YL focuses on children from 6–12 years and within this age range learners
are at different stages of development
7. (10 minutes) Give out the Sample task. Participants work individually to complete
the task. Allow no more than 7 minutes for this (candidates have an average of 1
minute per question in the TKT: YL exam). They then compare answers with a
8. Check answers together (see Key below). Point out:
• TKT: YL tests candidates’ knowledge of cognitive and communication strategies
and is contextualised within a teaching framework
• TKT: YL tests its syllabus through objective tasks
9. (5 minutes) Round up to review and summarise points covered. Ask participants:
• Which part of TKT: YL have they covered? (Part 1: Developing children’s
cognitive and communication strategies through learning English)
• Which test types have they practised? (1:1 matching and ratio matching)
• What have they learned about this part of TKT: YL and how confident are
they to answer test questions on it?
• How can they prepare for this part of TKT: YL? (To prepare for this part of the
test, candidates can monitor and take notes of young learners’ ability to work
effectively at different stages of the lesson using cognitive and communication
strategies to do this.)
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies through
language learning – Trainer’s notes
Page 2 of 8
Additional Information
• For information on the other three parts of TKT: YL, see the TKT: YL handbook at
• Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4,
TKT: YL Part 1 Overview and TKT: YL Part 1 Children as language learners and
Developing children’s learning strategies for more information on the test format
and content.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies through
language learning – Trainer’s notes
Page 3 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive
and communication strategies through language learning – Answer
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies through
language learning – Answer keys
Page 4 of 8
Key to Sample task
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies through
language learning – Answer keys
Page 5 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive
and communication strategies through language learning –
Participant’s worksheet 1
Asking for clarification or I don’t understand, can you tell me what ‘ranking’ means?
Describing a personal It was a good day for me - I felt confident and passed the
experience test.
Saying what you are going to You are going to read different people your piece of paper
do until you find the matching word or definition.
Telling a story or saying what First we discussed strategies, then we did a mingling
happened exercise and finally we tried a TKT: YL test task.
Say each new word from the list in a different way, for
example slowly, quickly or very quietly.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies through
language learning – Participant’s worksheet 1
Page 6 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive
and communication strategies through language learning –
Participant’s worksheet 2
For questions 1–7, match the trainer’s instructions with the cognitive or communication
strategies they are practising, listed A – E.
Mark the correct letter (A – E) on your answer sheet.
You will need to use some of the options more than once.
A scanning
B risk-taking
C inferring
D describing routines or states
E expressing a reason
Trainer’s instructions
1 Look at the 8 pieces of information about TKT: YL around the room. Here’s a list of
questions about the test. Walk around the room and see how quickly you can write an
answer for each one.
2 We are doing a ratio matching task because it is one of 4 types of task in the TKT: YL
3 Listen to these people’s voices. Which ones do you think have passed the TKT: YL
test? How do you know?
4 Who can say some other cognitive strategies children use to learn English?
5 This is a syllabus for TKT: YL without the headings for each part. Look at it quickly and
match the 4 headings on the board to the 4 different parts.
6 Can anyone write on the board some other communication strategies children use
when learning English?
7 We usually start sessions with a reminder of features of TKT: YL and finish with a
review of the main points.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies through
language learning – Participant’s worksheet 2
Page 7 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive
and communication strategies through language learning – Sample
For questions 1 – 7, match the teachers’ instructions with the main cognitive strategies they
are helping to develop listed A – D.
Mark the correct letter (A – D) on your answer sheet.
You will need to use some of the options more than once.
A categorising
B predicting
C ranking
D inferring
Teachers’ instructions
1 Look at the monsters in these pictures. Which one’s naughty? How do you know?
2 Look at these letters and then try to find the animal word I’m thinking of. Are you ready?
First word: D – O …, Next word: S – N – …, next one: C – A …
3 Cut out the five pictures of food. Stick your favourite one here at the top and write the
name under it. Then put your next favourite one under it, and so on.
5 On this paper you’ve got two circles. In this circle, draw two things you only wear in winter
and in the other, circle two things you only wear in summer.
6 On the board there are pictures of Sue, a shoe and a zoo. Listen to this word and tell me
which picture to write it under. Now listen to these words.
7 Here are pictures of 10 things to take on holiday. In pairs, choose the five most important
for you.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 1: Developing children’s cognitive and communication strategies through
language learning – Sample task
Page 8 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Overview – Trainer’s notes
This session gives an overview of TKT: YL Part 2, which covers planning and preparing
young learner lessons, including working with coursebooks and supplementary materials
and using additional resources such as DVD, stories and songs. Participants practise doing
an odd one out task.
1. Before the session make enough copies of Participant worksheet 1 for each pair
and of the Sample task for each participant. Cut Participants’ Worksheet 1 into
strips, so there is one set of strips for each pair.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL Part 2:
TKT: YL focuses on children from 6-12 years
This age group are at different stages of development with varying literacy skills
which has implications for lesson preparation
Part 2 focuses on planning and preparing young learner lessons and aspects of
materials preparation
It also looks at ways of supporting children’s learning through adapting
coursebooks and supplementary materials and using additional resources such
as games, songs and handicrafts
3. (15 minutes) Tell participants they are going to do a categorisation activity in pairs
which reviews the three syllabus areas of TKT: YL Part 2. Elicit or tell the group the
three area headings and write them on the board:
Lesson Plan Headings Ways of Adapting Materials Possible Additional Resources
Ask participants to write these headings at the top of a clean page or piece of paper.
Give out a copy of Participant’s Worksheet 1, cut up into strips, to each pair.
Participants work together to arrange the cut up strips under the correct headings.
There are 5 examples of each heading.
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For questions 1 – 7, look at some teacher’s comments about their lessons and the three
options for completing them listed A, B and C.
Two of the options complete the statements correctly. One option does NOT.
Mark the letter (A, B or C) which does NOT complete the statement correctly.
1. When planning classes I always consider possible problems and solutions because
A. the children have different levels in English.
B. some children in the group find it hard to concentrate for very long.
C. using puppets in class is fun.
2. The resources for the lesson I’m planning about weather in different countries include
A. TPR games.
B. realia.
C. flashcards.
3. Understanding the layout of the zoo and where the different animals are is very important
for following the story and the children will find this challenging so I
A. add a labelled diagram.
B. omit unnecessary information.
C. personalise the content.
4. The children were very interested in a new film that just came out. The newspaper review
I found was really interesting but the language was above their level so I
A. changed the layout.
B. simplified the language.
C. added a word bank.
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1. Make copies of Participant’s Worksheet 1 so there is one for every pair. Copy
Participant’s Worksheet 2 and cut up the trainer’s notes. Stick up these notes
around the room for later in the session.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL Part 2:
it focuses on planning and preparing lessons for young learners
this session will focus on lesson planning and materials preparation
TKT: YL is for children from 6-12 years
children in this age group have different literacy skills which has implications for
lesson preparation.
3. (10 minutes) Ask participants to work in pairs and discuss how they prepare lessons.
Feed back some ideas with the whole group and compare procedures.
Write: Lesson Plan Headings on the board and elicit examples of possible headings
that participants use in their lesson plans (see Key below). Tell participants that 12
headings are used in the TKT: YL syllabus and elicit as many as possible.
4. (15 minutes) Matching activity. Ask participants to work in pairs and give a copy of
Participant’s Worksheet 1 to each pair. Explain that around the room there are 8
different notes from a trainer’s lesson plan. Participants should take it in turns to find
one of the notes, read it silently to themselves, report the main points to their partner
and match it to one of the 8 lesson plan headings on the worksheet.
5. Feed back with the whole group to check answers and share opinions (see Key
6. Make the following points about TKT: YL:
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Resources needed
For this session I’ll need:
- a black board for the brainstorming activity
- worksheet 1 (1 between 2)
- cut up comments for matching activity
- drawing pins to put comments on notice boards around the room
- sample task (1 each)
Some participants have just started teaching and preparing lessons while others have been
teaching for a longer time so experience is very different
Interaction patterns
Comparing lesson planning - pairs
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Syllabus fit
This session ties in with TKT: YL Part 2 overview and 2 other sessions on Part 2
Assessment evidence
I’ll know who is familiar with lesson plan headings from participation in the brainstorming
activity and completing the sample task
Follow up suggestions
Participants might use lesson plan components when preparing their own lesson plans in
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Learning outcomes
Resources needed
Interaction patterns
Syllabus fit
Assessment evidence
Follow up suggestions
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By the end of the session participants will have considered their own methods
for lesson planning and identified different lesson plan headings
- worksheet 1 (1 between 2)
Each participant has his/her own way of preparing lessons so there will be
different procedures. Point out that TKT: YL gives lesson plan headings to
support lesson planning and teachers can select and use them according to
teaching/learning needs
Some participants have just started teaching and preparing lessons while others
have been teaching for a longer time so experience is very different
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Matching - pairs
This session ties in with TKT: YL Overview and two other sessions on Part 2
I’ll know who is familiar with lesson plan headings from participation in the
brainstorming activity and completing the sample task
Participants might use lesson plan components when preparing their own lesson
plans in future
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For questions 1 – 7, match the teacher’s notes on a vocabulary lesson plan from a resource
book with the lesson plan headings listed A – H.
A Assumptions
B Assessment evidence
C Differentiation
D Extension activity
E Interaction patterns
F Syllabus fit
H Procedure
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Vocabulary focus
kitchen, knife, fork, spoon, plate, cup,
1 Good: they’re doing healthy eating in science.
bowl, fruit, vegetables
Before class
Copy the vocabulary worksheet of
pictures and words, and cut them into
In class
y Review the topic of vocabulary.
Game rules
y Mix the cards, and put the word cards
face down on the table, in four rows of Explain that they must pay attention to remember
two, and the pictures face down on the where their words are.
other side of the table, also in four rows
of two.
The next child continues in the same way. 7 I must try to listen to all the pairs this time.
1. Elicit or make the following points about Part 2 of TKT: YL:
Part 2 covers the syllabus area of planning and preparing young learner lessons
This session focuses on adding to, omitting from and adapting coursebooks and
supplementary materials to support and challenge children’s learning
The other areas of learning for Part 2 are planning lessons and using additional
2. (10 minutes) Ask participants to work in fours to list problems and solutions when
working with coursebooks and supplementary materials. A volunteer in each group
can make notes for group feedback. If necessary, elicit or point out that:
TKT: YL is for children from 6–12 years
Within this age group children are at different stages of development
They have different levels of literacy skills which has implications for lesson
planning and materials preparation
3. Put the following headings on the board:
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge when selecting and using materials –
Trainer’s notes
Page 1 of 8
Problems Solutions
4. Ask 2 volunteers to write a list for Problems and a list for Solutions on the board from
group feedback (see Key below).
Make or elicit further points about providing support and challenge:
problems with parts of coursebooks may occur because e.g. skills work is at the
right level but the grammar/vocabulary development is too easy
coursebooks are too slow-moving
levels within the coursebook are inconsistent.
5. (15 minutes) Give out Participant’s Worksheet 1 and explain that there is a list of
problems the trainer might have with materials when preparing this session. Ask
participants to work together in fours to write solutions by adapting those from the
blackboard and noting them down on the worksheet.
6. Look at Information and Word banks on Participant’s Worksheet 2 (one worksheet
for each participant) and ask participants to underline anything which is new for them.
7. Feed back with the whole group to check solutions to Participant’s Worksheet 1
and share key vocabulary for the session (see Key below). Discuss with participants
some different ways of using information and word banks in the young learner
classroom, e.g. the teacher provides word banks or children build their own word
banks in notebooks.
8. (15 minutes) Give each participant a copy of the Sample Task. The task focuses on
using and adapting materials to support children’s learning. Point out:
The format of the Sample Task is 1-1 matching, which is the one of the task types
used in TKT: YL. It is always important to read instructions carefully so you are
clear what you need to do in a task.
There is usually one task on adapting coursebooks and supplementary materials
in the TKT: YL test.
The task shows how TKT: YL tests its syllabus through objective tasks.
9. Allow participants about 6 minutes to complete the task. Participants work in pairs to
do the task and consider whether working together makes the task easier or more
difficult. Feed back with the whole group and share opinions on the challenges of
working together or individually (see Key below).
10. (5 minutes) Round up to review and summarize main points covered. Ask
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge when selecting and using materials –
Trainer’s notes
Page 2 of 8
What have they learnt about this area of the syllabus? (Participants share
areas of learning.)
How can they prepare for this part of TKT: YL? (Candidates can
• consider ways of adapting coursebooks and materials to support
children’s learning and incorporate them into lesson plans
• think about providing additional challenge for the more able learners in
their classes
• consider ways of supporting less able learners.)
Additional information
• Show participants the practice test and sample answer sheet from the TKT: YL
handbook and point out:
In the TKT: YL test they have to write answers on a separate answer sheet
The answer sheet has to be completed in 1 hour 20 minutes. Some people
complete it as they work through the test; others leave it until they have
finished all the questions. It doesn’t matter which technique you use so long
as the answer sheet is completed accurately before the end of the test.
The TKT: YL handbook is available to download at
• Participants can look at TKT: YL Part 2 sessions and TKT Overview of task types for
more information on test format and content.
• Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4,
TKT: YL Part 2 Overview, TKT: YL Part 2 Lesson plans and TKT: YL Part 2 Using
additional resources for more information.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge when selecting and using materials –
Trainer’s notes
Page 3 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge
when selecting and using materials – Answer keys
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge when selecting and using materials – Answer
Page 4 of 8
Key to Sample Task
1. G (given) 2. H 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. F 7.E (given)
(Note: Number 1 and 7 are given in this sample test to support learning. Answers are NOT
given in the TKT: YL test)
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge when selecting and using materials – Answer
Page 5 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge
when selecting and using materials – Participant’s Worksheet 1
Participants work in fours to suggest solutions to the trainer’s problems when using TKT: YL
materials. Information and Word banks are given.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge when selecting and using materials –
Participant’s Worksheet 1
Page 6 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge
when selecting and using materials – Participant’s Worksheet 2
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge when selecting and using materials –
Participant’s Worksheet 2
Page 7 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge
when selecting and using materials – Sample Task
For questions 1 – 7, match the problems teachers have with materials with the ways of
supplementing or adapting those materials listed A – H.
(Note: 2 answers are given in this sample test to support learning. Answers are NOT
given in the TKT: YL test)
4 I got some information about chocolate from a local E changed the layout.
factory but I wanted the children to read only about
how it is made and not about the history of chocolate
making. So I ... F gave them some possible answers.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Providing support and challenge when selecting and using materials – Sample
Page 8 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Using additional resources-
Trainer’s notes
This session covers the syllabus area of selecting, adapting and supplementing materials
with additional resources to support children’s learning. It focuses on developing an
additional resource for a selected topic. There is a 3 option multiple choice task.
Note: This session focuses on additional resources, but involves lesson plan headings and
selecting materials. These two areas of Part 2 are covered in two other sessions for TKT: YL
Part 2, TKT: YL Part 2 Lesson plans and TKT: YL Part 2 Providing support and challenge
when selecting and using materials, which can both be found on the Teaching Resources
website. To support participants’ learning, it is recommended they are done before this
1. Make the following points about TKT: YL Part 2:
Part 2 focuses on planning and preparing young learner lessons
This session focuses on selecting, adapting and supplementing materials with
additional resources such as stories, songs or DVDs
The other sessions in Part 2 are planning lessons and adapting materials to
support children’s learning and have relevance to the task in this session
2. (5 minutes) Put the heading Additional Resources on the board and brainstorm as
many examples as possible (see Key below).
3. (20 minutes) Tell the group they are going to work in threes to prepare part of a
lesson using one of the additional resources from the board. Give out Participant’s
Worksheets 1 and 2. Participant’s Worksheet 1 gives topic boxes for participants
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Additional information
• Lesson plan headings in this session are those used in the Part 2 area of knowledge:
lesson plans – components/headings.
• In the TKT: YL test candidates have to answer one question on lesson planning and
one on using additional resources to supplement course books and supplementary
• For information on the other three parts of TKT: YL, see the TKT: YL handbook at
• Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4,
TKT: YL Part 2 Overview, TKT: YL Part 2 Lesson plans and TKT: YL Part 2 Providing
support and challenge when selecting and using materials for more information on
the test format and content.
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Topic: Food
Additional Resources: Storybook ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ (Judith Kerr) and
Flashcards of 8 target vocabulary food items
Age group: 6–7 years
Learning Outcomes: Children practise and learn topic vocabulary: milk, cakes, water,
biscuits, sandwich, sausages, cheese, eggs.
Previous Learning: Children are used to listening to stories and working with
Possible Problems and -The storybook is authentic so language is not graded or
Solutions: selected - I will need to simplify some of the language
- I may use L1 to explain milkman, having tea and the grocer boy
if children are confused
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Using additional resources Answer keys
Page 4 of 8
-Children will get excited after the flashcard game and will need
settling before the end of class
Assessment Evidence: I’ll know if they have learnt food vocabulary when they have to
say target words in the memory flashcard game at the end of
Procedure steps:
1. Ask class to sit in a circle on the floor and brainstorm food vocabulary.
2. Use food flashcards to check pronunciation of target words.
3. Show class the story book and ask them what it is about (It’s about a tiger who visits
a little girl for tea and eats all the food in the house).
4. Tell the story prompting children to use target vocabulary.
5. Ask the class to sit at their desks and put the food flashcards on the board.
6. Tell the class to close their eyes. Remove one flashcard and ask them to put up
hands to say which one it is.
7. Review language and finish class.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Using additional resources Answer keys
Page 5 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Using additional resources
Participant’s Worksheet 1
Choose from the following topic boxes to select an additional resource from the list on the
board to supplement the coursebook and support children’s learning.
• Use the course book notes in the topic box you choose as a starting point.
• Complete information under the lesson plan headings on Participant’s Worksheet 2.
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Additional Resources:
Age group:
Learning Outcomes:
Previous Learning:
Assessment Evidence:
Procedure steps:
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1 I often use action rhymes with my class because ____________ help the children to
associate words with meanings.
A the words that rhyme
B the movements
C the tunes
2 I find computer games where children put sentences in the right order to make a story can
be useful because children get ____________.
A immediate feedback on their answers
B the chance to invent interesting stories
C plenty of listening practice
5 When I’m showing a DVD clip for the first time, I sometimes turn the sound down and ask
the children to ____________ what the characters are saying.
A repeat
B imagine
C translate
6 I like making a video of my classes acting out little stories because they ____________.
A realise their pronunciation is not very good
B want to practise until they can do it really well
C can see whose acting skills are particularly good
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 2: Using additional resources – Sample Task
Page 8 of 8
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Overview – Trainer’s notes
This session gives an overview of TKT: YL Part 3, which covers the syllabus area of
teaching young learners. Participants familiarise themselves with the content of this syllabus
area, and practise a 3-option matching task.
1. Before the session, copy and cut up Participant’s Worksheet 1 so that there will be
enough strips for each participant to have one teaching strategy and one example
each. Copy Participant’s Worksheet 2 and the Sample Task so there is enough for
one for each participant.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL:
• It focuses on children from 6–12 years
• Children at this age are developing physically, emotionally and cognitively, which
has implications for selecting teaching strategies
• Part 3 focuses on teaching young learners, covering 3 areas of knowledge:
scaffolding children’s understanding of language and use of language
through teacher language and teaching strategies
using practice activities to consolidate children’s language learning
managing young learners in class.
Note: Check Additional Information below for meaning and examples of scaffolding.
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Additional information
• Scaffolding refers to different ways in which teachers support children’s learning and
understanding through language and action. There are examples of strategies for
scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language in the activities in this
session and in the session TKT: YL Part 3: Scaffolding learning.
• The four syllabus areas for TKT: YL are:
Part 1: Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to
young learners
Part 2: Planning and preparing young learner lessons
Part 3: Teaching young learners
Part 4: Assessing young learner learning through classroom based
• Show participants the practice test and a sample answer sheet from the TKT: YL
Handbook and point out:
• In the TKT: YL test they have to write answers on a separate answer sheet
• The answer sheet has to be completed in 1 hour 20 minutes. Some people
complete it as they work through the test; others leave it until they have
finished all the questions. It doesn’t matter which technique you use so long
as the answer sheet is completed accurately before the end of the test.
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Note: These points are covered on the TKT: YL syllabus. Other reasonable examples can be
added to lists.
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YL Teaching Strategy Each child has a different version of a picture to
their partner. Without looking at each other’s,
Using information-gaps to consolidate they take turns to describe what they see to find
learning five differences.
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Complete the table from memory with 6 strategies and examples from the previous activity.
Then check with other people in the group to complete all the strategies and examples.
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For questions 1 – 7, match the examples of what fast finishers do in class with the
scaffolding strategies for challenging them listed A, B and C.
You will need to use some of the options more than once.
2 Compare their answers to a comprehension task about a story with the answer key at the
back of their coursebook.
3 Explain in L1 how to do a sequencing task to a group having problems doing the task.
5 Proofread their short description of a typical day in their life before they give it to the
6 Choose a graded reader from a reading box the teacher keeps in the classroom.
7 Answer another child’s questions about the meaning of some words in a survey the class
are preparing.
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1. Before the session, copy and cut up Participant’s Worksheet 1 so there is one slip
for each participant. If there are fewer or more than 20 participants in your group,
make sure that each slip A you give out has a matching slip B. If there is an odd
number of participants in your group, give one participant 2 slips and tell that person
they must make a group of 3. Copy the Sample Task for each participant.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL:
TKT: YL focuses on children from 6-12 years
Children at this age are developing physically and emotionally as well as
cognitively, so classroom management is different to managing older students
and adults
This session focuses on areas of managing young learners in class such as
getting and keeping children’s attention and establishing routines and responsible
3. (5 minutes) Write the following heading and example on the board:
Aspects of managing young learners in class
e.g. getting children’s attention
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class – Trainer’s notes
Page 1 of 7
Participants brainstorm areas of young learner classroom management from their
own experience (see Key below).
4. (10 minutes) Give each participant a slip from Participant’s Worksheet 1.
Participants do a mingling activity to match an aspect of managing young learners in
class (slip A) to an example of the technique (slip B). Once participants have found
their match they should sit together with their partner. If you have an odd number of
participants, give one person 2 slips, to form a group of 3.
5. Feed back with the whole group (see Key below).
6. (15 minutes) In their pairs, participants write examples of what they say or do in class
to illustrate some of the classroom management areas from the mingling activity.
They can think of verbal and non-verbal examples such as tone of voice, gesture or
using music.
7. Feed back in plenary. Ask volunteers to read out one example. The rest of the group
listens and identifies the aspect of managing young learners in class. Point out that:
classroom management is dependent on many things such as teaching style,
school expectations, the role and use of L1 in class and cultural norms.
Teachers develop their own management techniques depending on the
combination of these factors and personal preferences.
8. (10 minutes) Give out the Sample Task. Participants work individually to complete
the task in no more than 6 minutes.
Point out:
The format of the task is 3-option matching which is one of the task types used in
TKT, including TKT: YL. It is important to read instructions carefully to know what
you are required to do.
The task shows how the TKT: YL syllabus is tested through objective tasks.
The task is contextualised within a teaching framework – in this case that of
managing a young learner class
In the TKT: YL test there are 80 questions to do in 1 hour 20 minutes (i.e. roughly
one minute per question, including writing answers onto the answer sheet).
9. Feed back in plenary to check answers and ask participants which classroom
management strategies they already use and which new ones they are likely to use
in their own classes (see Key below).
10. (5 minutes) Round up to review and summarize main points covered. Ask
What is covered in Part 3 of the test? (The title of Part 3 is teaching young
learners, which includes:
• scaffolding children’s understanding of language and use of language through
teacher language and teaching strategies
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class – Trainer’s notes
Page 2 of 7
• using practice activities to consolidate children’s language learning
• managing young learners in class.)
What areas of classroom management are covered? (Participants suggest
any areas discussed in the brainstorming and mingling activities.)
What have they learnt about the TKT: YL test in this session? (Participants
can identify and share their own gaps in knowledge of TKT: YL)
How can they prepare for this part of TKT: YL? (Participants can:
• try a strategy from today’s session during lesson preparation to support
teaching and learning
• review and reflect on the effectiveness of their chosen classroom
management techniques after a lesson
Additional information
• The four syllabus areas for TKT: YL are:
Part 1: Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to
young learners
Part 2: Planning and preparing young learner lessons
Part 3: Teaching young learners
Part 4: Assessing young learner learning through classroom based
The TKT: YL handbook is available to download at
Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4 and
for TKT: YL Part 3 Overview, TKT: YL Part 3 Scaffolding learning, and TKT: YL Part
3 Practice activities for more information on the test format and content.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class – Trainer’s notes
Page 3 of 7
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class
– Answer keys
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class – Answer keys
Page 4 of 7
Key to Participant’s Worksheet 1
‘Everyone look at me please. Now, watch very carefully,
Keeping children’s attention
watch my mouth and see how I say the words in English’
Correction strategies e.g. correcting children’s Use ☺ to show good written work and write clear
written work
corrections for target language.
Managing individual work by challenging fast ‘Have you finished Adriana? … Good girl, now can you help
finishers Maria to finish her work, please’
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class – Answer keys
Page 5 of 7
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class
– Participant’s Worksheet 1
A. Giving children practical B. ‘I want Aziz to give out these worksheets and
responsibilities Hamid… please write the date on the board.’
A. Correction strategies e.g. B. Use ☺ to show good written work and write clear
correcting children’s written work corrections of target language on learner’s worksheets.
A. Managing individual work by B. ‘Have you finished Adriana? … Good girl, now can
challenging fast finishers you help Maria to finish her work, please.’
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class – Participant’s Worksheet 1
Page 6 of 7
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class
– Sample task
For questions 1 – 7, match the teacher’s comments with the areas of managing the class to
support children’s language learning listed A – D.
You will need to use some of the options more than once.
B checking understanding
C correcting language
Teacher’s comments
1 Very good try Martha, but remember to change the order of the words to make a question.
2 Ok, thank you everyone. Are you ready to move on to the next task now?
4 Yes, I can hear a lot of people who know the right answer but if I don’t see any hands up, I
don’t know who to ask.
5 Five seconds to finish, and four, three, two, one excellent. Now let’s watch the next part.
6 It’s a lovely sunny day, so tell me which of these clothes I don’t need to wear – shorts,
gloves, a scarf, a T-shirt.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Managing young learners in class – Sample task
Page 7 of 7
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s
understanding and use of language – Trainer’s notes
This session focuses on scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language, an area
of knowledge from Part 3 of TKT: YL. It looks at teacher language and teaching strategies.
There is a sample task for participants to complete.
1. Before the session copy and cut up the Participant’s Worksheet so there is one set
of slips for each pair of participants. Copy the Sample Task for each participant.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL if necessary:
TKT: YL focuses on children from 6–12 years
Children at this age are developing physically and cognitively, so teaching
strategies and teacher language are used to support their understanding and use
of language
Children come to class with varying levels of English and at times can be very
active, both of which have implications when choosing approaches and activities
This session focuses on ways of scaffolding young learner understanding and
use of language through teacher language and teaching strategies
Note: Check additional information below for meaning and examples of scaffolding.
3. (5 minutes) Write on the board the following two areas of scaffolding with an example
of each.
Teacher language Teaching strategy
e.g. supporting language with gesture e.g. demonstrating how to do an activity
and facial expression with a model or example
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language – Trainer’s notes
Page 1 of 7
Ask the group to suggest further examples for each area from their own experience.
Note: There is a further input of examples of scaffolding in the next step of the
activity, so don’t worry if participants can’t come up with many ideas at the moment.
Ask participants to draw three columns in their notebooks and to write the headings
from the board at the top of the first two columns. Clean the board before going on to
the next step.
4. (15 minutes) Hand out the Participant’s Worksheet, cut up into slips, to each pair.
Ask participants to categorise the scaffolding techniques on the slips into Teacher
language and Teaching strategies.
5. In the third column participants then personalise the task by adding an example for
each teaching strategy from their own experience. (See Key below for examples, if
6. Feed back with the whole group, including some of participants’ examples of
teaching strategies (see Key below).
7. (10 minutes) Give out the Sample Task for participants to complete in pairs. Point
The format of the task is 1-1 matching, which is one of the task types used in
TKT, including TKT: YL. It is important to read instructions carefully to know what
you are required to do.
The task shows how TKT: YL tests its syllabus through objective tasks and is
contextualised within a teaching framework.
In the TKT: YL test there are 80 questions to do in 1 hour 20 minutes (i.e. roughly
one minute per question, including writing answers onto the answer sheet).
8. (10 minutes) Check answers with whole group. Clarify strategies for scaffolding
children’s understanding and language use in the Sample Task by eliciting an
example or definition for each one (see Key below).
9. (5 minutes) Round up to review and summarize main points covered. Ask
What is covered in Part 3 of the test? (The title of Part 3 is teaching young
learners, which includes:
• scaffolding children’s understanding of language and use of language through
teacher language and teaching strategies
• using practice activities to consolidate children’s language learning
• managing young learners in class.)
What have you learnt from part 3 of TKT: YL in this session? (Participants
can compare and contrast their learning from the session and could discuss how
confident they feel about answering test questions on this area of the syllabus)
How can you prepare for this part of TKT: YL? (Participants can:
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language – Trainer’s notes
Page 2 of 7
• use the strategies described here and in the TKT: YL handbook to support
teaching and learning
• incorporate scaffolding techniques into lesson plans
• consider how well they were able to scaffold children’s learning when
reflecting on lessons.)
Additional information
• Scaffolding refers to different ways in which teachers support children’s learning and
understanding through language and action. It is the process by which an expert
provides temporary support to learners to help bridge the gap between what the
learner knows and can do and what he or she needs to accomplish in order to
succeed at a particular task.
• A more complete list of scaffolding techniques can be found in the TKT: YL
Handbook p.8.
• The four syllabus areas for TKT: YL are:
Part 1: Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to
young learners
Part 2: Planning and preparing young learner lessons
Part 3: Teaching young learners
Part 4: Assessing young learner learning through classroom based
The TKT: YL handbook is available to download at
Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4 and
for TKT: YL Part 3 Overview, TKT: YL Part 3 Practice activities, and TKT: YL Part 3
Managing young learners for more information on the test format and content.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language – Trainer’s notes
Page 3 of 7
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s
understanding and use of language – Answer keys
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language – Answer keys
Page 4 of 7
Step 8
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language – Answer keys
Page 5 of 7
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s
understanding and use of language – Participant’s Worksheet
Using varying question forms e.g. open, Creating opportunities for learning through
closed, concrete and creative questions the five senses
Allowing wait time after asking a question Revising language children need for a task
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language – Participant’s
Page 6 of 7
TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s
understanding and use of language – Sample task
For questions 1 – 7, match the teacher classroom language in the examples with the
strategies for scaffolding children’s understanding and language use listed A – H.
Mark the correct letter (A – H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A reformulating
B prompting
C echo correcting
D defining
E giving an example
F demonstrating
G ignoring error
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Scaffolding children’s understanding and use of language – Sample task
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities –
Trainer’s notes
This session covers the area of knowledge ‘using practice activities to consolidate children’s
language learning’. Participants do an information gap activity and a true/false statement
task as well as a sample task which focuses on types of practice activities.
1. Before the class, copy the Participant’s Worksheets and Sample Task. Cut
Participant’s Worksheet 2 into two parts, 2A and 2B, so that there is one copy of 2A
for half the group and one copy of 2B for the other half of the group.
2. If necessary, elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL:
TKT: YL focuses on children from 6–12 years
children at this age are developing cognitively and will come to class with different
levels of literacy skills
This has implications for planning and preparing practice activities, since young
children are just starting to read and write.
3. (5 minutes) Put the heading Practice Activities on the board and elicit from
participants examples of practice activities they use to consolidate children’s
language learning, e.g. information gaps or chants (see Key below).
4. (10 minutes) Discuss briefly whether the activities on the board all have the same
purpose or should be used to meet different objectives. Elicit the reasons for using
one or two of the practice activities.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities – Trainer’s notes
Page 1 of 9
5. Give out Participant’s Worksheet 1. Participants work in pairs to read the
statements about different the purposes of practice activities, and decide which
statements are correct and which are not.
6. Feed back with the whole group (see Key below).
7. (10 minutes) The same pairs now re-write the false statements to make them true.
8. Feed back together, asking volunteers to read out versions of corrected statements
(see Key to Participant’s Worksheet 1, third column).
9. Discuss with participants how each activity is affected by children’s level of literacy.
For example, the level and complexity of the language of songs and chants for
younger children is at a lower level and more simple than for older children. Young
learners with more developed literacy skills can read and write chants to invent or
learn them.
10. (15 minutes) Arrange participants so they sit back to back with a partner. Give out
copies of Participant’s Worksheet 2A to one member of each pair, and
Participant’s Worksheet 2B to the other member of each pair. Participants do the
information gap activity about TKT: YL (see Key below).
11. Give out the Sample Task to each participant. Allow participants about 5 minutes to
complete this task.
12. Feed back together to check answers (see Key below). Ask participants for
alternative ways of using the types of practice activities in the sample test to share
classroom experience.
13. (5 minutes) Round up to review and summarize main points covered. Ask
What syllabus areas are covered in Part 3 of the test? (The title of Part 3 is
teaching young learners, which includes:
• scaffolding children’s understanding of language and use of language through
teacher language and teaching strategies
• using practice activities to consolidate children’s language learning
• managing young learners in class.)
How is children’s learning affected by their stage of development? (Young
children are still developing literacy skills so teachers choose practice activities
depending on their stage of development.)
What have they learnt about the TKT: YL test in this session? (Participants
can comment on areas of learning about the content and format of TKT: YL)
How can they prepare for this part of TKT: YL? (Candidates can:
• plan and prepare young learner classes using a variety of practice
activities to consolidate children’s language learning
• reflect on the effectiveness of different practice activities during and after
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities – Trainer’s notes
Page 2 of 9
Additional information
• The four syllabus areas for TKT: YL are:
Part 1: Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to
young learners
Part 2: Planning and preparing young learner lessons
Part 3: Teaching young learners
Part 4: Assessing young learner learning through classroom based
The TKT: YL handbook is available to download at
Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4 and
for TKT: YL Part 3 Overview, TKT: YL Part 3 Scaffolding learning, and TKT: YL Part
3 Managing young learners for more information on the test format and content.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities – Trainer’s notes
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities – Answer
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities – Answer keys
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Key to Participant’s Worksheet 1
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities – Answer keys
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Key to Participant’s Worksheet 2
A and B
The syllabus areas are Children’s learning and development, Planning and
preparing lessons, Teaching strategies for young learners and Assessment.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities – Answer keys
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities –
Participant’s Worksheet 1
2. Songs, chants and rhymes should only be used at the start of class to review
language from the last class.
5. Total Physical Response (TPR) activities mainly involve children’s listening skills.
7. Stirring activities aim to calm and focus children after a period of activity.
10. Categorisation activities activate children’s cognitive powers because they have to
put things into groups depending on characteristics, for example food into fruit or
vegetable groups.
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The syllabus areas are Children’s learning and development, Planning and preparing
lessons, Teaching strategies for young learners and Assessment.
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A brainstorm
B information-gap
C visualisation
D guessing
E memory activity
F role-play
G drill
Descriptions of activities
1 Children close their eyes while the teacher removes one of the story sentences from the
board. They open their eyes, then say which one is missing.
2 The teacher says the sentence ‘I gave her a banana’, then shows pictures of e.g. a little
girl, a man, a mother and father, a cat, etc. Children have to say the sentence with the
correct pronoun for each.
3 After reading the story, the teacher chooses different children to act it out.
4 The teacher tells the children they are going to travel in a spaceship to another planet. In
groups, they make a list of things they want to take with them.
5 Each child has a different version of a picture to their partner. Without looking at each
other’s picture, they take turns to describe what they see in order to find five differences.
6 The teacher asks the children a series of questions about an imaginary day out such as,
‘Where are you going?, Who’s with you? What’s the weather like?’ Children sit quietly with
their eyes closed, thinking about the answers.
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 3: Using practice activities – Sample task
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TKT: YL (Young Learners) Part 4: Overview – Trainer’s notes
This session gives an overview of TKT: YL Part 4. It focuses on informal assessment and
covers three areas of knowledge for Part 4. There is a questionnaire and a mind map activity
to examine some of the areas and a sample task for participants to complete.
1. Make or elicit the following points about TKT: YL:
• It focuses on children from 6-12 years
• Part 4 is the final syllabus area, and covers assessing young learner learning
through classroom based assessment (see Additional Information for the other
syllabus areas)
• children from 6-12 are developing literacy skills and very young learners are just
starting to read and write which has implications for selecting assessment tasks
• they are also growing on physical, emotional and cognitive levels and make
progress at different rates
• Part 4 focuses on informal assessment, covering three areas of knowledge:
Purposes of assessing learning,
Focuses of assessing learning
Acting on assessment evidence.
2. (5 minutes) Write the following heading on the board:
Different ways teachers assess learning
Brainstorm ideas with the group (see Key below).
3. (15 minutes) Hand out Participant’s worksheet 1 and tell the group they are going
to fill in a questionnaire to find out about how teachers in the group assess learning.
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Assessing young
learner learning
through classroom
based assessment
Ask participants to fill in information about Part 4 of TKT: YL they have learned during
the session on their own mind maps and compare them in pairs. Feed back in
plenary to share ideas and answer queries (see Key below).
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Additional information
• The four syllabus areas for TKT: YL are:
Part 1: Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to
young learners
Part 2: Planning and preparing young learner lessons
Part 3: Teaching young learners
Part 4: Assessing young learner learning through classroom based
• Show participants the practice test and a sample answer sheet from the TKT: YL
Handbook and point out:
• In the TKT: YL test they have to write answers on a separate answer sheet
• The answer sheet has to be completed in 1 hour 20 minutes. Some people
complete it as they work through the test; others leave it until they have
finished all the questions. It doesn’t matter which technique you use so long
as the answer sheet is completed accurately before the end of the test.
• The TKT: YL Handbook is available to download at
• Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4 and
for TKT: YL Part 4 Purposes of assessment, TKT: YL Part 4 Focuses of assessment
and TKT: YL Part 4 Acting on assessment evidence for more information on the test
format and content.
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Step 5
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Answer these questions about assessing learning in your classes by circling the answers on
the questionnaire.
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For questions 1 – 7 match a teacher’s comments about assessment with the areas of
assessing learning listed A, B and C.
You will need to use some of the options more than once.
Teacher’s comments
The listening task was very difficult so I will omit some of the unnecessary details next
2 We have a parents’ meeting next week so I’ll try and listen to everyone reading before
Some children use English computer games at home so I’ll talk to them about the best
I always put an encouraging comment and a suggestion for things to improve on written
6 Asha and Hamid copied each other’s work so I’ll change the seating plan for next time.
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This session looks at different ways of acting on assessment evidence, from TKT: YL Part 4.
Participants practise two test types, including a one to one matching task about ways of
acting on assessment evidence, and a ratio matching task which matches examples of
teacher feedback their focuses.
1. Before the session make enough copies of Participants’ worksheet 1 to provide
one set of cut up strips for each pair for the matching task in step 4. Make enough
copies of Participants’ worksheet 2 for each pair of participants for steps 5 and 6
and copies of the Sample task for each individual.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL:
TKT: YL focuses on children from 6–12 years
there can be considerable learner differences between children in this age range,
affecting their literacy skills and levels of cognitive development. Both have
implications for assessing their learning
this session deals with the testing focus of acting on assessment evidence and
looks at areas such as adjusting teaching materials
there are two different task types to practise, including 1-1 matching and ratio
3. (5 minutes) Write the following heading and example on the board:
Ways of acting on assessment evidence
adjusting teaching materials
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Additional information
• Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4 and
for TKT: YL Part 4 Overview, TKT: YL Part 4 Purposes of assessment and TKT: YL
Part 4 Focuses of assessment for more information on the test format and content.
• The TKT: YL Handbook is available to download at
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Giving oral formative feedback in “That was very good English in the role-play
class because you spoke slowly and clearly and looked at
each other. Well done Aziz and Hamid!”
Giving written formative feedback in I put a positive comment on workbooks or
class worksheets with a suggestion of something to
Adjusting task types The level of language in the reading task was too
high so I simplified some grammar and omitted
difficult vocabulary.
Adjusting classroom management The group were noisy as they left the classroom so
the next time I finished a bit earlier and let them
leave in pairs after answering a vocabulary
Reviewing areas of learning I often play a guessing game such as ‘20 questions’
or’ I spy with my little eye’ to practise vocabulary
and speaking.
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Look at this example of how a teacher acts on assessment evidence. With your partner,
identify which category of action the example belongs to. Then choose another category and
make up your own example of how a teacher might act/react.
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For questions 1 – 7, match the examples of teacher feedback with the main focus of the
feedback listed A, B and C.
You will need to use some of the options more than once.
C children’s behaviour
3 That’s interesting: why did you answer the easier story questions first and the harder ones
4 It was a really good idea to plan your poster before you started to draw it.
7 Yes, sure, it’s fine to use the picture dictionary to find words.
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This session covers the area of knowledge of focuses of assessing learning from TKT: YL
Part 4. Participants do a categorisation task and an information gap activity to look at these
areas and the format and content of the TKT: YL. There is an odd one out type sample task.
1. Before the session, copy Participant’s worksheet 1 so there is one copy for each
pair or group of three participants, and cut each copy into strips. Copy and cut
Participant’s Worksheet 2 into two parts, 2A and 2B, so that there is one copy of 2A
for half the class and one copy of 2B for the other half of the class. Copy the Sample
Task so there is one copy for each participant.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL:
• TKT: YL focuses on children from 6–12 years
• children at this age are at different stages of development. Young children are
just starting to read and write, which has implications for teachers when selecting
the focus of assessment
• this session covers the testing focus of ‘focuses of assessing learning’.
3. (5 minutes) Write the following heading and example on the board:
Focuses of assessing learning
Behaviour e.g. observe how children come into the room at
the start of class (confidently, nervously etc.)
Brainstorm ideas with the group of other focuses and examples of them (see Key
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5. Give out Participant’s worksheet 1, cut into strips, to each pair. They should
categorise the ways of assessing learning into these four different focuses.
6. Feed back with whole group to check answers. Ask participants which ways of
assessing they have used in class and which ones they will try (see Key below).
7. (5 minutes) Participants now consider the other focuses of assessing learning from
the brainstorming activity in Step 3. In pairs, they should discuss ways of assessing
progress in those areas.
8. Feed back together, asking pairs to share ideas and classroom experience (see Key
9. (optional: this step can be omitted if already covered in other sessions) Participants
now work with a partner, sitting back to back to ask and answer questions. Give out
Participant’s worksheet 2A to one member of each pair and Participant’s
worksheet 2B to their partner. They complete the information gap activity about the
format and content of the TKT: YL test. Pairs check answers with each other if
necessary (see Key below).
10. (10 minutes) Give out Sample Task. Participants work individually to complete the
task. Allow no more than 6 minutes for this (candidates have an average of 1 minute
per question in the TKT: YL exam). They then compare answers with a partner.
11. Check answers together (see Key below). Point out:
• this is an odd one out type question
• the task is contextualised within a teaching framework – in this case it
exemplifies different types of young learner assessment tasks
12. (5 minutes) Round up to review and summarize main points covered. Ask
• Which part of TKT: YL have they covered? (Part 4: Assessing young learners
through classroom-based assessment. This session looked at the testing focus:
Focuses of assessing learning).
• What have they learnt about assessment in the session? (Participants will
learn different things depending on their own experience and knowledge gaps).
• How can they prepare for this part of TKT: YL? (To prepare for this part of the
test teachers can:
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Additional information
• Show participants the practice test and a sample answer sheet from the TKT: YL
Handbook and point out:
In the TKT: YL test they have to write answers on a separate answer sheet
The answer sheet has to be completed in 1 hour 20 minutes. Some people
complete it as they work through the test; others leave it until they have
finished all the questions. It doesn’t matter which technique you use so long
as the answer sheet is completed accurately before the end of the test.
• The TKT: YL Handbook is available to download at
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Step 3
Focuses of assessing young Examples
learner learning
• Children’s use of cognitive matching, ranking and predicting
• Language vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar
Note: The first four assessment focuses are on the TKT: YL syllabus (see Handbook p. 9).
Other focuses, including motivation and attitude, can be added to lists.
Step 8
Other focuses for assessing learning may include:
• Motivation Observe children’s determination to finish tasks and enthusiasm for
• Attitude Ask children for opinions about the class, activities and their learning
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• the class follow instructions. • Rank the class in order of age from
oldest to youngest.
• young learners work alone on tasks.
• Predict the next part of a film on DVD.
• the group arrive and leave the
classroom. • Sequence picture cards as they listen to
a story.
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Check young learner notebooks to assess Teacher observes behaviour while children
how their work is organised. work in pairs or small groups.
Discuss how young learners plan their Teacher observes behaviour while the
work. class follow instructions.
Teacher observes behaviour while young Teacher observes behaviour while the
learners work alone on tasks. group arrive and leave the classroom.
Match pictures of animals with simple Rank the class in order of age from oldest
descriptions. to youngest.
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The syllabus areas are Children’s learning and development, Planning and preparing
lessons, Teaching strategies for young learner and Assessment.
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2 To assess their ability to use language creatively, the teacher asks the children to
3 To assess their listening comprehension skills, the teacher asks the children to listen and
4 To assess their spelling, the teacher asks the children to look at pictures and
5 To assess their ability to review their learning, the teacher asks the children to think about
the lesson and to
6 To assess their ability to remember language, the teacher asks the children to
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This session looks at different types of informal assessment and specifically at the purposes
of assessing learning, as well as the content and format of the TKT: YL test. Participants
work with various task types including a True/ False and an information gap activity.
1. Before the class, copy the Participant’s Worksheets. Cut Participant’s Worksheet
2 into two parts, 2A and 2B, so that there is one copy of 2A for half the class and one
copy of 2B for the other half of the class.
2. Elicit or make the following points about TKT: YL:
TKT: YL focuses on children from 6–12 years
children at this age are at different stages of their development and come to class
with varying levels of English, so groups can have mixed abilities
these factors have implications for informal assessment
this session focuses on purposes of different types of classroom-based
assessment and reflects learners’ needs related to different stages of
development and levels of English.
3. (10 minutes) Write the following heading on the board:
Purposes of assessing learning
Elicit examples of different purposes of assessing learning from participants’
experience, e.g. identifying progress in language (See Key below for further
4. Participants work in pairs to write examples of classroom tasks and activities which
they use or could use for the purposes elicited in Step 3 (see Key below). Feed back
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© UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further
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Additional information
• The four syllabus areas for TKT: YL are:
Part 1: Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to
young learners
Part 2: Planning and preparing young learner lessons
Part 3: Teaching young learners
Part 4: Assessing young learner learning through classroom based
• The TKT: YL Handbook is available to download at
• Participants can do the Teaching Resources activities for TKT: Task types 1 – 4 and
for TKT: YL Part 4 Overview, TKT: YL Part 4 Focuses of assessment and TKT: YL
Part 4 Acting on assessment evidence for more information on the test format and
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Note: These are points covered on the TKT: YL syllabus (see Handbook p.9). Other
reasonable examples which fit with purposes of assessment can be added to the list.
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Read the statements about purposes of assessing learning. Some statements are true,
and others are false.
1 Giving positive feedback at the end of a task can increase motivation.
2 Children are good at giving feedback about different topics on the syllabus.
3 Identifying progress by using checklists of language items which the teacher ticks or
comments on distracts children when they are working.
5 Asking the class to rank animals in size from biggest to smallest shows achievement
in developing cognitive strategies.
6 Doing simple reading games at word level such as ‘odd one out’ identifies progress in
learning strategies.
9 Asking children to review their work before handing it in gives feedback on progress
in language learning.
10 Gaining feedback on the effectiveness of teaching methods is not a valid reason for
assessing learning.
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1 There are 80 questions in the TKT: YL test.
5 There are 4 question types including 3/4/5 option matching, 3 option multiple choice,
odd one out and 1-1 ratio matching.
7 The first part covers children’s learning and development and the second focuses on
Planning and Preparing lessons.
1 There are ___________ questions in the TKT: YL test.
5 There are ____________ question types including ratio matching, multiple choice,
odd one out and 1-1 ratio matching.
7 The first part covers children’s learning and development and the second focuses on
8 The third and fourth parts cover young learner teaching strategies and assessment.
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