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The document discusses electrical systems for rotary screw compressors and covers topics such as control cabinets, safety regulations, motor circuits, electrical components, and reading circuit diagrams.

The document describes different types of control cabinets for compressors as well as control panels and their components.

The document discusses safety regulations for working with electricity as well as dangers of electric current and protection against high voltages.


Rotary Screw Compressor


KD – HK T:\Schulung\Screw-co\Electric\Handbook 23.02.1996


D-96410 Coburg • P.O. Box 2143 • Tel.(++9561) 640-0 • Fax. (++9561) 640-130
Section - Page

1 Construction, arrangement
1.1 SK Control Cabinet...................................................................................1 - 1
1.2 AS Control Cabinet...................................................................................1 - 2
1.3 CS Control Cabinet.................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.4 DS Control Cabinet.................................................................................. 1 - 4
1.5 SK Control Panel..................................................................................... 1 - 5
1.6 AS Control Panel...................................................................................... 1 - 6
1.7 BS/CS Control Panel................................................................................ 1 - 7

2 Safety Regulations / Basics

2.1 Safety Regulations................................................................................... 2 - 8
2.2 Voltage / Electric Current......................................................................... 2 - 9
2.3 Dangers of Electric Current...................................................................... 2 - 10
2.4 Protection against High Voltages.............................................................2 - 11
2.5 Test Instruments ............................................................................... 2 - 12

3 Star-Delta Circuit
3.1 Starting procedure for 3-phase Asynchronous Motors............................. 3 - 13
3.2 Star-Delta Switching of 3-phase Asynchronous Motors............................ 3 - 14
3.3 Nameplate of the motor............................................................................ 3 - 15
3.4 Measuring the Current Drawn...................................................................3 - 16
3.5 Measurment of Winding Current...............................................................3 - 17
3.6 Overload Protection Cut-Out.................................................................... 3 - 18

4 Electric Motor
4.1 Checking the Resistance of the Winding.................................................. 4 - 19
4.2 Checking the Insulation............................................................................ 4 - 20

5 Pushbuttons, Switches, Indicator lights

5.1 Pushbuttons............................................................................................. 5 - 21
5.2 Switches................................................................................................... 5 - 22
5.3 Indicator lights.......................................................................................... 5 - 22
5.4 EMERGENCY STOP button/Door interlock switch................................... 5 - 23
5.5 Temperature Gauge Limit Switch/ PTC Thermistor Trigger...................... 5 - 24

6 Protective Devices
6.1 Fuses....................................................................................................... 6 - 25
6.2 Motor Overload Protection Switches........................................................ 6 - 26

7 Transformer.............................................................................................. 7 - 27

8 Time relays
8.1 Star - Delta - Relay................................................................................... 8 - 28
8.2 Off Load Running Time Relay.................................................................. 8 - 30
8.3 Combined Time Relay.............................................................................. 8 - 31
8.4 Multi-range Time Relay............................................................................ 8 - 32

9 Contactors................................................................................................ 9 - 34

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Section - Page

10 KAESER Control
10.1 KAESER Control 8 Position......................................................................10 - 36
10.2 KAESER Control 4 Position..................................................................... 10 - 39

11 Types of Control
11.1 Dual Control............................................................................................. 11 - 40
11.2 Quadro Control.........................................................................................11 - 41

12 Tables
12.1 Fuses and Cable Cross-Sections / Star-Delta Start.................................. 12 - 43
12.2 Fuses and Cable Cross-Sections / Direct On-line Start............................ 12 - 44
12.3 Time Settings for Time Relays......................................................... ...... 12 - 45

13 Circuit Diagrams
13.1 Reading Circuit Diagrams ....................................................................... 13 - 46
13.2 Nameplate in the Control Cabinet............................................................ 13 - 50
13.3 Example Circuit Diagrams ....................................................................... 13 - 50

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1 Construction, arrangement

1.1 SK Control Cabinet

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 = Delta contactor 5 = Terminal strip -X1 9 = Motor overload

protection trigger

2 = Mains contactor 6 = Stat contactor 10 = Combined time relay

3 = Motor overload 7 = Terminal strip -X1W 11 = Contactor relay

protection switch (volt-free contacts / terminals for
base load sequencer MAC 41)

4 = Transformer 8 = Terminal plug -X11W

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1 Construction, arrangement

1.2 AS Control Cabinet


3 4

5 10



1 Terminal strip -X1 6 Contactor relay 10 Stat contactor

2 Transformer - T1 7 Power supplly terminals 11 Motor overload

(L1/L2/L3) protection trigger

3 Motor overload 8 Delta contactor 12 Terminal plug -X11W

protection switch

4 Combined time relay 9 Terminal strip -X1W

(volt-free contacts / terminals for
5 Mains contactor base load sequencer MAC 41)

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1 Construction, arrangement

1.3 CS Control Cabinet

Star-Delta contactor with mains connections
for a CS 90 screw compressor package

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Mains contactor 2 Overload protection trigger 3 Delta contactor

4 Star contactor 5,6,7 Mains supply 8 Terminal strip - X1

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1 Construction, arrangement

1.4 DS Control Cabinet

11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Earth rail 7 Secondary control fuse 13 Power terminal L2

2 Star contactor 8 Group alarm module 14 Power terminal L3

3 Delta contactor 9 Terminal strip 15 Transformer

4 Motor overload 10 Fan overload 16 Primary control fuse

protection trigger protection trigger

5 Star/delta time relay 11 Mains contactor 17 Fan motor fuse

6 Off load running relay 12 Power terminal L1 18 Fan motor contactor

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1 Construction, arrangement

1.5 SK Control Panel


0 1 Control switch


Service hours meter

Temperature gauge

Pressure gauge

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1 Construction, arrangement

1.6 AS Control Panel

p • t1
0 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Pressure gauge 4 KAESER Control

2 Temperature gauge 5 Service hours meter
3 Control switch 6 EMERGENCY STOP button

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1 Construction, arrangement

1.7 BS/CS
Control Panel

p • 0 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Pressure gauge 5 EMERGENCY STOP button

2 Temperature gauge 6 Load hours meter
3 KAESER Control 7 Service hours meter
4 Control switch

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2 Safety Regulations / Basics

2.1 Safety Regulations

Work on powered equipment may be carried out by qualified personnel only (UVV 10)

Carry out the following measures in the sequence shown before carrying out any work on
electrical equipment:




Return power supplies in the reverse order

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2 Safety Regulations / Basics

2.2 Voltage / Electric Current

Electric voltage
If a difference in charge in a power source is caused, an electrical tension U forms.
This is a state of energy, because the charge tries to equalise itself again.

Electric energy is tension times charge.

The unit of electric tension is the volt.

Generation of electric tension through the

movement of magnets or coils

The difference in charge is caused by coils moving

through a magnetic field or by magnets moving past a
quiescent coil. This process is used in generators in
power stations.

Electric current

If a consumer is connected via conductors to a power source a charge flow (electron flow) is
caused. An electrical circuit is formed that can be switched on or off by a switch.

The charge movement is called electric current.

The difference in charge only occurs if a voltage exists. Voltage and current are thus related in
the same way as cause and effect.

Voltage induces Current

(cause) (effect)

The electric current strength is the amount of charge that flows through a given conductor
cross section per second

The unit of current is the ampere..

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2 Safety Regulations / Basics

2.3 The Dangers of Electric Current

Human and animal bodies conduct electric current. If current flows through a body it causes
burns and a spasmodic condition (cramp) of the muscles. If muscular spasm occurs, the
victim is unable to remove himself from the point of contact without assistance.

If current flows through the heart it beats extremely fast and unevenly. Ventricle fibrillation
occurs. Blood is no longer pumped through the body. The victim dies.

The current flow is always the deciding factor in such accidents. Even 50 mA of current
flowing through the body can cause death.


Currents flowing at 50 mA or more

are dangerous to life. Such currents
can occur at voltages of only 50 V or
N PE higher.

• ∫∫ •

The amount of current flow depends on the applied voltage and the resistance of the body. The
overall resistance depends, among other factors, on external conditions such as dryness of the
skin, clothing, humidity, perspiration, type of flooring, etc. The larger the area of contact, the
smaller the overall resistance.

It is forbidden to work on live components because of the danger of electric


First aid:

Saving the life of a victim often depends on how fast first aid can be given at the place of an
accident after the accident has occurred. This applies especially to accidents caused by electric
shock. The following rules are important and must be obeyed:

• Break the power supply by pulling out the mains plug, switching off the mains switch,
removing the fuses.
• If this is impossible, pull the victim away from the live parts with an non-conductive object
such as an insulated rod.
• Finally, lay the victim on the side, give artificial respiration and call a doctor quickly.

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2 Safety Regulations / Basics

2.4 Protection Against High Voltages

Protection against high voltage is provided by insulation, isolation, earth leak circuit
breakers, low voltage protection, protective earth and TN (earth/neutral) networks.

The provisions of EN 60 204-1 are relevant.

All units leaving our factory are designed for connection to a TN network.

In the TN network system an excess voltage is prevented by connecting all parts of the unit
that are to be protected to each other and to earth via the earth conductor. The green/yellow
conductor is stipulated as being protective earth. It is always used as earth and current will
flow in the earth conductor only if an earth leak (fault) occurs.

All protective measures, including those using the protective earth must be checked by the
installation engineer for effectiveness (EN 60 204-1 ).

Faulty protective measures:

• •

•L1 • L1

• N •N

230 V
• • • • ∫∫ •


As shown here are a danger to life and limb.

A fault in the PE/N conductor can initiate an electric shock!

The unit touched is not only intact, it is not even switched on!

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2 Safety Regulations / Basics

2.5 Test Instruments

A voltage indicator (as illustrated below) is an absolute must for carrying out a reliable
electrical check. Dangerous voltages can be checked with the voltage indicator, i.e. whether
voltage has been removed from a control system or power supply unit.

D 7
U 500
S 380
P 220
O 120

The clamp meter and multimeter are sensible complemetary test instruments used for
visualising and precisely locating electrical faults.

clamp meter Multimeter

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3 Star - Delta Circuit

3.1 Starting procedure for 3-phase Asynchonous Motors

The starting current of 3-phase asynchronous motors is always much higher than the normal
running current. This can be reduced to a minimum using various starting procedures.

a) Because of the extremly high starting current, direct on-line starting from the mains
supply is only used for small motors (up to approximately 4 kW motor shaft power).

b) The most common method used is star-delta starting. The star circuit multiplies the motor
winding phase voltage by 0,58 times (1/√ 3) compared with the delta circuit. Thus, the
starting current is theoretically reduced by 1/3 compared with direct on-line starting.The
starting torque MA is also together with the starting current.

Torque and current characteristics

of a squirrel-cage motor using
star-delta starting

In star circuits the winding current equals the phase current and the winding voltage is
0.58 times the mains voltage.

In delta circuits the winding voltage equals the mains voltage and the winding current is times
0.58 the phase current.

The star to delta circuit relationship for phase currents, power, and torque is 1:3 in each case.

This means, if a motor delivers 100% of the quoted output power with the quoted power
supply in the delta configuration, it will only deliver 1/3 of this output power in the star

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3 Star - Delta Circuit

3.2 Star-Delta switching of 3-phase Asynchronous Motors

Star-delta switching of 3-phase asynchronous motors (symmetric 3-phase consumers)

Formula symbols
U = mains voltage I = phase current M = torque
Uw = winding voltage Iw = winding current cosϕ = power factor
P = power P 1 = Input power P 2 = Output power
η = efficiency (at the shaft)

Subscript Υ = star ciricuit L1/L2/L3 = phase conductors

Subscript ∆ = delta ciricuit N = neutral conductor

Star circuit Delta circuit

IY L1 ∆I L1

I wY U w∆
U wY
U I w∆ U
UY = U∆ = U I w∆


W2 U2 V2 U2
Y W2 V2

U1 V1 W1 Motor Terminal Block U1 V1 W1

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

U wY = ≈ 0.58 • U U w∆ = U
I∆ I∆
I wY = IY IY = I w∆ = ≈ 0.58 • I

Output power P 2
η= P 1 = √3 • U • I • cosϕ P2=P1•η
Input power P 1

P∆ M∆
Power in star PY = Torque in star MY =
3 3

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3 Star - Delta Circuit

3.3 Nameplate of the motor

The most important data are shown on the nameplate of the motor:

Motor model Manufacturer

Motor serial
Model AD 60 number
Mains voltage
D - Motor No. 2080
Rated current
Rated power ∆ 400 V 166 A
(output power P2) 90 KW S3 cos ϕ 0.89
1460 / min 50 Hz Power factor
Rated speed
(asynchronus speed) Ins. class B IP 54 0.6 t Mains frequency
VDE 0530/12.88
Insulation class

States the voltage and the motor configuration required for 100% output
motor power.

Only motors in which the phase voltage is as high as the mains voltage are suitable for star-
delta starting. Such motors used, for example, on 400V (380 V) mains, have nameplates
marked with the specification ∆ 400 V (∆ 380 V) or 380/660 V.

A motor with phase voltage specified on the nameplate as 220/380 V used on a

3-phase mains supply of 400 Volt is not suitable for star-delta starting or star operation.

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3 Star - Delta Circuit

3.4 Measuring the current drawn

-X1 L1 L2 L3 N PE
1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5
-K1M -K2M -K3M
2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6
-F2 1 3 5
95 97

2 4 6 PE
96 98
W1 V2
V1 M U2
U1 3~ W2

In the star configuration the star contactor K3M pulls in first and then the mains contactor
K1M. Thus, the ends of the windings, U2, V2, W2, are connected to each other and the start of
the windings, U1, V1, W1, are live.
When changeover to the delta configuration occurs the star contactor K3M drops off. The
mains contactor K1M remains pulled in and the delta contactor K2M pulls in. The starts of the
windings are live and are connected to the ends of the windings as follows: U1 with W2, V1
with U2 and W1 with V2.

Measuring the current demand (rated current):

The maximum input currents (I1, I2, I3) are measured in the three phase lines with an ampere
On units without a main switch the measurement takes place on the motor side of the users
mains fuses.
On units with a main switch the measurement of current demand takes place on the mains side
of the switch.
To achieve maximum input currents, the electric motor must be connected in the delta
configuration and the compressor put on full load. The outlet pressure is thus just below the
upper switching point of the pressure switch, that is, just before the changeover to off load
running occurs.

• The input currents should be the same in all three phase lines.
The permissible tolerance is +/- 5 % of average.

• If the pressure switch is set higher than the maximum working pressure of the unit, the
input currents will rise above the permissible limits.

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3 Star - Delta Circuit

3.5 Measurement of winding current

L1 L2 L3 PE
1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5

- K1M -K2M -K3M

2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6

-F2 1 3 5

2 4 6
Iw1 W1 V2

Iw2 V1
M U2

U1 3~ W2

Measurement of winding current: -M1

The maximum winding currents I w1, I w2, I w3 are measured in the supply phases from the
control cubicle to the motor using an ampere clamp.

To achieve maximum input currents, the electric motor must be connected in the delta
configuration and the compressor put on full load. The outlet pressure should be just below
the upper switching point of the pressure switch, that is, just before the changeover to off
load running occurs..

Note: The input currents should be the same in all three phase lines. The permissible
tolerance should not be more than +/- 5%. of average.

Overload protection cut-out:

The overload protection cut-out F2 is always located in the winding circuit in KAESER units
(see above). Compared with location in the supply lines the electric motor is protected in both
star and delta configuration. Also, a smaller design can be used because the winding current is
smaller than the phase current (rated current). It is for this reason that the current setting of the
overload protection cut-out (on the setting dial) is set as follows:

Note: set value = 0. 58 • rated current + 10 %

• The rated current is shown on the nameplate on the electric motor.

• The increase of 10% is intended to compensate for voltage fluctuation

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3 Star - Delta Circuit

3.6 Overload Protection Cut-out

Funktion (vereinfacht):
Triggering bridge Changeover trigger contact


Winding 1 Winding 2 Winding 3

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Insert bridge between

95 and 97
Fig. 3
1 3 5 95 97
95 95 97

96 98 2 4 6 96 98
96 98
a) b) Symbolic diagram:

With normal current flow the triggering bridge and the changeover contact are in the positions
shown in fig. 1.
If excess current flows in one or more windings the bi-metal trigger heats up, bends and
presses the triggering bridge laterally. This causes the contact to changeover (see fig. 2).


• If the overload protection cut-out is triggered, it must be reset manually. The reset may not
take place automatically.
• Various types of cut-out are used which are connected differently (see fig. 3).
• The 2nd phase loss protection is effective at a differntial current of more than 20%.

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4 Elektromotor

In KAESER standard units, only three phase asynchronous motors are fitted. In order to
check the electrical capabilities of the electric motor, the insulation and the winding
resistances must be checked. To do this, the motor must be isolated from the mains
completely to avoid errors (contact resistances), i.e. disconnect all wires from the motor
terminal block.

Terminal block:

W2 U2 V2
Subscript "2’’ = end of the winding

U1 V1 W1 Subscript ’’1’’ = start of the winding

4.1 Checking the resistance of the winding

As all three windings are equal (symmetrical), this must also apply to the ohmic resistance
between U1 - U2, V1 - V2 and W1 - W2.

Test instrument: Winding resistance greater than 1 Ohm Õ Wheatstone bridge

Winding resistance less than 1 Ohm Õ Thomson bridge


Take care that the start and end of the windings are not connected vertically above each other
on the terminal block

Check all electrical connections for tightness. Tighten, if necessary

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4 Elektromotor

4.2 Checking the Insulation

If used windings are checked during overhaul of a machine, the check must be carried out at
1.5 times the rated voltage, or at a minimum of 1000 Volts. The insulation resistance should
not be less than 2 MΩ (Mega Ohms).

Firstly, the insulation to earth is checked. The applied voltage is generated by a Megger and
the resistances U1, V1, W1 are measured to earth (casing).

Afterwards, the insulation of the stator windings to each other is checked. The resistances
between U1 - V1, U1 - W1 and V1 - W1 are measured with the Megger.
If the conditions above are fulfilled, the electrical function of the motor is in order.
It is recommended that the test results are recorded (e.g. in the service order, test report, etc.).


• Short circuit to earth Õ insulation is low (short circuit between the stator winding
assembly and the casing)

• Short between windings Õ insulation is low (short circuit between the stator windings)

• Short circuited winding Õ the ohmic resistance of the windings differs (asymmetric)
Õ higher current flows in the defective winding

• No armature continuity Õ (armature) interrupted induction Õ low torque Õ high slip

Õ additional losses Õ rotating field tries to compensate for
Õ high current flow in the stator windings
Õ high current flow in neighbouring stators
Õ armature heats up (could turn blue)
Õ heated bearing with corresponding subsequent damage

• increased current flow
• poor acceleration because of low torque
• uneven running caused by interrupted induction
• uneven blue colouring


Only a speed and power consumption (current/voltage) check can be made if the motor is
checked while still fitted in the unit. However, this check cannot provide any conclusive
evidence concerning the state of the motor because, for example, bearings, compressor and the
cooling fan influence power consumption. For this reason it is important that the motor is
checked separately, because then any running defects or noises can be more clearly located.

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5 Pushbuttons, Switches,
Indicator Lights

5.1 Pushbuttons
On units with two illuminated pushbuttons there is:
• a green START illuminated pushbutton
• a red STOP illuminated pushbutton
• on SM, SK and AS (early models) units, there is an additional red RESET
illuminated pushbutton.

The illuminated pushbuttons differ only in the colour of the lens and the contact connections.
Construction of an
illuminated pushbutton:

Snap-in fastener

Voltage divider
(220 V to 130 V)
for 130 V lamp
Contactor block
The voltage divider cct. is shown below: (1 make / 1 break)

Y Z 12 24 220 - 240 V

110 - 130 V


X 11 13

On units with 230 V control voltage the illuminated pushbutton is connected to X and Z.

Lamps change:

There are two methods of changing the lamps:

1. Unscrew the front button lens by hand.

Push a length of rubber sleeve (inside dia. 9 mm)
over the lamp. Now push, turn and pull out the
lamp from the bayonet socket.

2. If the rear of the control panel is easily accessible, the complete contactor block can be
removed by pulling on the red snap-in fastener behind the front fixing (see photo).

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5 Pushbuttons, Switches,
Indicator Lights

5.2 Switches
A single pole switch (control switch)
is fitted in all new units.

Switch actuator

Contactor block
fitted with
extra block with
1 make contact

5.3 Indicating lamps

Construction and electrical connection
similar to illuminated pushbutton, but
without contactor block and pushbutton
Lower part
with 220 to 130 V
voltage divider
and 130 V lamp

Additional information:

Extra contactor blocks are easily fitted to the various control elements.
Switches and pushbuttons can thus be simply extended, allowing extra switching contacts, for
volt-free alarms, for example.

Take care during assembly

that the additional contactor
block is additionally secured into
the snap-in fitting with rivets

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5 Pushbuttons, Switches,
Indicator Lights

5.4 EMERGENCY STOP button / Door interlock switch

All stationary screw compressors units must be fitted with an EMERGENCY STOP button
and interlock switches on access doors.
If the EMERGENCY STOP button is pressed or an access door is opened the compressor unit
is immediately shut down by the KAESER CONTROL.
It is forbidden to operate the compressor unit without a
correctly functioning interlock switch on the access door

Activating plunger, single Location of the interlock

Part. No.: 7.2471.0 switches

Door interlock switch, complete

Part. No.: 7.2470.0

Occasionally, interlock switches (Part No. 7.2468.0) without an activating plunger were used.


Activating button
-S1 -S3 Left-hand
interlock switch
Control switch EMERG. Right-hand
STOP -S11 interlock switch

-S12 interlock switch

To the control

To the KAESER-Control
Part. No. : 7.3290.00010

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5 Pushbuttons, Switches,
Indicator Lights

5.5 Temperature Gauge Limit Switch/ PTC Thermistor Trigger

INT 69 PTC thermistor trigger From the EMERGENCY STOP chain

L N 1 2 12 14 11
-F 10 L
1 14 12
100° ϑ 2
11 ϑ
1mm² violett

N To the KAESER-Control
Fig. a) Fig. b)


The device is fitted in screw compressors of the DS series upwards. It monitors Temperature 2
(oil separator air discharge).
Screw compressors of the DS series and larger or special packages are fitted with an
additional thermistor trigger. This protects the compressor motor (winding) against thermal

Functional description

A PTC sensor is connected to a monitoring circuit input. If the temperature in the motor
winding or Temperature 2 at the oil separator rises, the resistance of the sensor increases and
the changeover contact fitted in the INT 69 thermistor trigger drops off.
This contact is connected to the KAESER Control input S1 for the motor and S3 for
Temperature 2.

The compressor is shut down by the KAESER Control. The Motor or Temperature 2 alarm is
The device works according to the quiescent current principle, i.e. the compressor is shut
down also if the sensor malfunctions or the conductor goes open circuit. The corresponding
alarms illuminates.

Part.No.: 7.2711.0

Power supply 230V AC / 50 Hz

Power consumption: less than 3 VA
Relay output: AC 250 V, max. 6 A

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6 Protective Devices

6.1 Fuses
Fuses in the supply lines from the user:

These fuses are gl class fuses (slowblow) that must be installed by the user in the power
supplies. The size of the fuses and the cross section of the cables are shown in the table in
Chapter E 11.

Fuses protecting the transformer and control circuits:

The primary winding of the transformer is protected by a slowblow fuse in both L1 and L2
phase lines. These fuses are necessary should the primary winding go short circuit to earth.
The secondary winding of the transformer and the control circuit are also protected by a

There are several types of fuse available:

• below 2 amps fine fuses of gl slowblow class with plastic fuse holders are used;

• above 2 amps fuse sockets with screw-on fuse retention caps are used. The fuse rating is
determined by a coloured socket screw in the fuse holder (see table below). The hole in the
socket screw prevents insertion of a larger fuse.

Checking fuses:

Fuses are tested with a continuity tester (Testboy). If there is no continuity then the fuse has
most likely blown or is defective and must be changed.
If the fuse indicator is loose the fuse is defective and must be changed.

Screw retention cap fuses:

Fuse rating in amperes 2 4 6 10 16 20 25

Colour pink brown green red grey blue yellow

Important: Never repair a blown fuse or try to bridge it across. Always fit a new fuse

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6 Protective Devices

6.2 Motor Overload Protection Switches

Motor overload protection switches are used for all-pole motor switching and for transformer
protection. They protect against damage caused by a non-starting motor, overload, low volts
and a phase loss in three-phase mains supplies.
They use a thermal trip to protect the motor or transformer winding (overload protection) and
an electromagnetic trip (short circuit protection).
Motor overload protection switches are used as protective devices for control circuits in
compressor units of model AS (European series) upwards and for the protection of fan motors.

Setting of the overload protection switch :

• to the rated secondary current of the transformer

• to the rated motor current In + max. 10%

Auxiliary switches can be fitted to motor overload protection switches


-Q4 1 3 5

2 4 6
Auxiliary switch
n.o. and n.c. 1 3 5
To the control
Part. No. 7.4536.0 I> I> I>
2 4 6 -Q0 1 3 5

2 4 6

1 3 5
3∼ I> I> I>
2 4 6



To the Control

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7 Transformer

The control circuit in standard screw compressor packages is designed for 230 V a.c.

The older compressor packages (up to approx. 1994) are normally connected with a five core
power supply cable up to model size AS 35. The control voltage is tapped off between the line
(L1) and neutral (N) lines. The voltage across these lines is 230 V on 400/230 V three-phase
mains networks (no transformer is necessary in this case).

All new packages must be fitted with a transformer (EN 60204.1). A four-core power supply
cable is used, (no neutral line). This means that a voltage can only be tapped off between two
phases so that a transformer is needed to produce a control voltage of 230 V. The primary and
secondary windings of the transformer are galvanically isolated so that the secondary winding
must be connected protective earth (PE). If the earth is removed from the secondary winding
then an insulation monitoring system is necessary.

Galvanic isolation: Terminals:

Example: STV transformer connected to

400 V.
With continuous over or undervoltage
one phase must be connected to
400 Volt 230 Volt the +5 % terminal or - 5 % instead
of terminal 400.

L1 400V L2 N 230V L
Primary connection

550 500 440 415 400 230 220 - 20 0 + 20 0 -5% 400 +5% 0 230

Multi-range transformer Transformer

0 115 0 115

Secondary connection
(230 Volt)

Required SM, SK, AS 0, 1 KVA
transformer power: BS to CS 91 0, 16 KVA
CS 121 to DS 170 0, 25 KVA
DS 200 to ES 300 0, 4 KVA
FS 0, 8 KVA
(and higher)

If additional consumers are fitted in the control cabinet, a larger transformer power may be

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8 Time Relays

8.1 Star - Delta - Relay

Symbolic diagram with terminals :
A1 15 A1 17/27

a) A2 18 16 b) A2 28 18

Various types of time relays have been used in the past.

Such as:

Model RS/SD SGKAE 1 MK 7853 SDE

Colour red grey/beige grey black/beige
Symbolic diagram fig. a) fig. a) fig. b) fig. a)
Terminal used 15 - 16 - 18 15 - 16 - 18 17/27 -18 -28 15 - 16 -18
Delay time up to 30 sec. up to 30 sec. up to 20 sec. up to 30 sec.
Contact c/o time up to 30 ms up to 30 ms up to 30 ms up to 30 ms

A1 15 A3

Basically, the various types of timer relay can be interchanged

if care is taken regarding the different terminal connections. 4
6 8 10
2 14
Additional information for star/delta time relays with LED’s: 20

When the red LED illuminates, the time delay has started. SGKAE 1
Voltage is applied to A 1 / A2. When the preset time delay has
expired the green LED illuminates additionally. A2


16 18 A2

Fig. c) Time Relay Part. No.: 7.1981.0

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8 Time Relays

Functional description of the SGKAE 1/MK ON Energising

7853/SDE relays: voltage
If a voltage is applied to A1 and A2 an internal relay 1
(star switching contact) energises and returns to its de-
Star time
energised position again after the preset delay time (t1)
has expired (star switching contact). When the contact
changeover time has expired (t2) a second relay t1
energises and remains energised (delta switching Delta time
contact) as long voltage is applied to the star/delta time t2
Fig. a)

Functional description of the RS-SD relay: ON Energising

When power is applied to A1 and A2 the time delay OFF
begins. The output relay remains in its normal
position (contact 16 connected to the star contactor).
When the preset delay time has expired the output Star time
relay energises with a contact changeover delay of
30 ms and remains energised (contact 18 connected t1
to the delta contactor) until the energising voltage is
interrupted. Delta time
When the energising voltage is interrupted the output t2
relay returns to its normal position.

Fig. b)

t 1 = preset delay time

t 2 = contact changeover time

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8 Time Relays

8.2 Off Load Running Time Relay

Symbolic diagram: A1 15 A3

10 15
A2 15 20

A2 18 16 SGKAE 2

A2 (-)
Various types of time relays have been used in the past. (+)
The functional principle of all is the same(delayed
make with contact changeover delay) but the
connections vary
16 18 A2

However, only the multi-range time relay Part No. 7.3997.0

(see chapter 8.4) is still held available
SGKAE 2 Time relay

The various types:

Model RS SGKAE 2 MK 9906 ERE

Colour of housing red grey/beige grey black/beige
Terminals used 15 - 16 - 18 15 - 16 - 18 15 - 16 -18 15 - 16 -18
Off load running period 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 mininutes

Functional description:
OFF Energising
When power is applied to terminals A1 and A2 the voltage
relay makes after the set delay period (off load
running period) and remains made until the power is
removed. closed
If the power is interrupted before the end of the off terminal
load running period the overall time period starts normal 16
anew when power is re-applied. t

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8 Time Relays

8.3 Combined Time Relay

The combined time relay (Part No. 7.3999.0) combines both time functions.
It should be regarded as a "dual device" and consists of a star-delta component and an off load
running component.

Star-delta function Õ see chapter 8.1. fig. 1a) description

Off load running function Õ see chapter 8.2

Part. No. 7.3999.0

Energising voltage terminal
Star-Delta period B1
Energising voltage terminal A1 15 25 B1
Load running period A1

Setting range 10 15 SGKAE 5

Off load running period 5
in min (max. 30 min.) 30

A1 A2 B1 B2
Setting range
6 8 10
Star-Delta period 4 12
Y 26
2 14 15 25
in sec. (max. 20 sec.) 16
18 ∆ 28

16 18 26 28 A2/B2
A2/B2 terminal,
common earth

Off load Delta switching

Star switching

Circuit :

Operating voltage: 230 volt
B1 A1 15 Pull-in delay: 0.2 - 30 min.
Star-Delta delay: 0.16 - 20 sec.
Contact changeover time: approx. 30 ms
A2/B2 28 26 16 18 Contact capacity: max. 250 V, 6 A ac,
1500 VA

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8 Time Relays

8.4 Multi-Range Time Relay

The multi-range time relay is a delayed make time relay (functionally the same as the off load
running relay, see chapter 8.2).

The actual difference is that with a corresponding adjustment of the existing microswitch the
time range setting can be changed.

The device is used in the Quadro Control and/or is kept as a replacement for the off load
running relay (see chapter 8.2). It is not usable as a star-delta time relay.

Part. No. 7.3997.0

Energising voltage terminal Anschluß Erregerspannung

230 Volt AC (A1 and A2) A1 15 A3 24 Volt AC/DC (A3 + A2)
Anschluß nur für Sonderanlagen!
3 4 5
Setting range 2 6
1 7
see table below 8
Symbolic diagram:

Code switch 2 A1 A3 (+) 15

x100 1
3 T 2

Red LED 230/24V

A2 18 16
When the LED illuminates, the time R
relay has changed over from
terminal 16 to terminal 18. 16 18 A2

Contact capacity max. 250 Volt 6A/AC

Example for setting an off load running time of

4 minutes
Time ranges:
4 minutes = 4 • 60 seconds = 240 seconds
Switch 1 to the "right-hand" position: the set time range x factor 1
Setting on the time relay:
Switch 1 to the "left-hand" position: the set time range x factor 100
Switch 1 to the "left-hand" position = factor 100
Switch 2 to the "left-hand" position and
Switch 2 to the "right-hand" position and switch 3 to the "right-hand" position: 1 second
switch 3 to the "left-hand" position
Switch 2 to the "right-hand" position and
= 4 seconds time range = times factor 100 switch 3 to the "left-hand" position 4 seconds
= 400 seconds setting range 5
6 = 240 Switch 2 to the "right-hand" position and
1 seconds switch 3 to the "right-hand" position 32 seconds
Setting: Switch 2 to the "left-hand" position and
switch 3 to the "left-hand" position 250 seconds
10 = 400 seconds

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8 Time Relays

8.4 Multi-Range Time Relay

Examples of the more usual time settings for KAESER screw compressor packages

Minutes range (see also table in chapter 12.3)

4 minutes 5 minutes 7.5 minutes 15 minutes

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3

3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
1 1 1 1
7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10

Seconds range for the follow on relay (-K4T) in Quadro Control

15 seconds 30 seconds 45 seconds 60 seconds

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3

3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
1 7 1 1 1
7 7 7
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10

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9 Contactors


Contactors are electromagnetically energised switches used for switching electrical machines
in the field of electrical control.

When a voltage U is applied current flows

U F through the coil.
The resulting magnetic force F holds the
contacts in the closed position.

When the voltage is removed

the contacts return to their
normal position.

Contact identification:

Main contacts Auxiliary contacts

(consumer circuits) (control circuits)

Function code: N.O. contact

A1 1 3 5 13 21 3 1 43 5 3 61


A2 2 4 6 14 22 3 2 44 54 62

Function code: N.C. contact

Pos. code:


• If a contactor faults it must be replaced completely.

• Volt-free contacts can be obtained by wiring spare auxiliary contacts to spare terminals on
the terminal strip

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9 Contactors

auxiliary contact contactor


Contactor relays and motor contactors can be quickly and easily extended with detachable
auxiliary contact blocks. The electrical control can thus be retrofitted with a minimum of

On B9-B75 and K 22 E contactors with only four switching contacts the auxiliary contact
block is attached by latching downwards into the front of the contactor.

On contactors of the EH series there is no provision for auxiliary contact blocks. If additional
contacts are required then contactor relays should be used.

On the old B45 - B370 contactor series (only in limited quantities available), the auxiliary
contact block is attached by simply latching into the recesses provided.

Auxiliary contacts:
For the
B9 - B 75 /K22E
series only
Funktion numerals


-4 -2

N.O. contact N.C. contact

(Part. No. 7.2038.0) (Part. No. 7.2039.0)

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10 KAESER - Control

The KAESER Control comprises a fault alarm relay working on the quiescent current
It indicates faults within the unit using the simplest method. For this reason it is installed as a
component on the control panel (externally visible) and uses light emitting diodes for the unit
"ON" control and all supervised alarms.

The KAESER control can supervise up to 4 or 8 alarms.


1 Motor
2 Temperature 1
3 Temperature 2
4 Direction of rotation
5 Oil filter
6 Oil separator
7 Air filter

10.1 Eight Position KAESER Control


The power supply is applied across input terminals A1 and A2. As soon as the supply is
switched on and all fault contacts are closed, the contacts between A1 - 24 and A1 - 14 close.
The fault indications are routed via the normally closed contacts connected to terminals
S1 to S6.
This quiescent current principle has the advantage that both the fault contacts and the line
are automatically supervised. If, for example, the line to the KAESER Control is interrupted,
the fault is indicated. If one of the fault contacts in the line should break then the associated
light emitting diode illuminates. If an alarm occurs at the terminals S1 to S4 the two contacts
inside the KAESER Control open additionally.
The control circuit is thus interrupted and the unit shuts down.
The "No Fault" contactor relay de-energises and this alarm is reported via a volt-free c/o
contact (see circuit diagram for connections).

* Quiescent current principle: current flows when the contact is in the quiescent position (normally closed) No alarm is
indicated. If the flow of current is interrupted (at alarm, open circuit conductor), an alarm message is initiated.

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10 KAESER - Control

KAESER Control connection diagram using a CS 76 as an example.

-X1 14 -X1 15 -X1 16 -X1 13


95 1 31 C C 1 1
chain -F2 -B11 -K1M -B3 -B4 -B5 -B2
ϑ p p p p
From the control 96 2 32 NC NC 3
2 3


To the control
- A 01 A1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9

A2 24 14

Volt-free contacts "no alarm"

Alarm: S 1 Motor S 5 Oil filter

S 2 Temperature 1 S 6 Oil separator
S 3 Spare S 7 Air filter
S 4 Direction of rotation S 8 Spare

Start inhibit: S 9 Back pressure

When the fault is cleared the alarm indication remains initially on. The fault relay is reset with
the "Off and Restart" function on the unit’s control panel whereby the alarm indication
This means, that the unit must be shut down and restarted in order to initiate a reset function.

The fault indications 1 to 4 are alarm indications, i.e. the unit cannot be operated in the alarm

The fault indications 5, 6 and 7 are purely maintenance indications and the unit is not shut
down under these conditions as they are not alarm states. The cause of the indication should,
however, be investigated in the course of the next few days.
If required, supervision of the oil separator cartridge (or another function) can operate as a
shut-down function, e.g. via the vacant 8th position of the KAESER Control.

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10 KAESER - Control

The functions are further subdivided as follows:

The indications 5 and 6 illuminate only as long as the unit is running. Additionally, in Off-
Load Running there is no indication of pressure difference across the oil separating cartridge.
If the unit shuts down after the Off-Load Running period has expired (active standby), then
both these fault indications extinguish.
Thus, a definitive indication of the status of the oil filter and the oil separating cartridge
(pressure difference) is only available under full load conditions.

Fault indication 7 illuminates only when the limit of the pressure difference across the air
filter is reached and remains illuminated until the filter is renewed and the indication is reset
with the reset function.

If one or more faults occur during the period when the first fault is indicated then the
associated light emitting diodes illuminate. If one or more faults are removed from several
indicated faults then the remaining fault indications are still illuminated after the reset

The green ON light emitting diode illuminates when the compressor unit is running or when
the unit is operational. It does not illuminate during an alarm.

If the EMERGENCY STOP button is depressed or an access door is opened when the unit is
running it is shut down immediately. All LEDs on the KAESER Control illuminate. The same
indication occurs if the blowoff protection safety valve opens.

Note that the alarm inputs are not isolated from the power supply.


S9 is not an alarm input. Its purpose is to prevent the unit from restarting if an internal
pressure greater than 1 to 1.5 bar exists. In this case the internal contact between A1 to 14

In the past, 6 position KAESER Controls with an internal changeover contact (terminal 12) or
with a reset button were fitted. These controls are no longer available.
If one of these devices should fail, it is possible to fit the KAESER Control described above.
Corresponding modification instructions are available.

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10 KAESER - Control

10.2 Four Position KAESER CONTROL


The green LED "1" illuminates when the compressor unit is running or ready for operation. It
does not illuminate in an alarm state.
The supervisory functions 2, 3, 4 and 5 cause an immediate shut down of the compressor unit
with a corresponding indication should an alarm occur.

1 On
2 Motor
3 Temperature
4 Dir.of
See service manual

2 The compressor motor overload protection shuts down the compressor unit if the motor
draws excess current. Depress the reset button of the overload protection trigger when the
fault has been removed.
3 The temperature gauge switch provides excess airend discharge temperature protection.
When an airend discharge temperature of 100 °C is reached, the compressor unit is shut
4 The pressure switch shuts down the compressor unit if the V-belts come off the pulley or
part and at wrong direction of rotation.
5 Spare.


The compressor unit is shut down immediately if the EMERGENCY STOP button is
depressed and all LEDs or all recording LEDs on the KAESER Control illuminate.
When the fault has been removed, the compressor unit must be reset.
Õ Reset the EMERGENCY STOP button by turning the latched button in the direction of the
Õ Reset the compressor unit by turning the control switch from "I" to "0".
The compressor can now be started.

Door interlock switch with shut-down function if the access door is opened

If an access door is opened when the compressor unit is running it is shut down immediately
by the associated interlock switch (chapter 5.4).
If the access door is closed again, the contact in the interlock switch also closes again.
Reset the compressor unit by turning the control switch from "I" to "0".
The compressor can now be started. See chapter 5.4 for the location of the interlock switches.

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11 Types of Control

11.1 DUAL Control

P max

P min

1 2 3 4 5

Full load
t1 t2

Off load



In DUAL Control (combined off-load running and intermittent control) the compressor nor-
mally runs at full load and off load running or standstill.

Operation is controlled by a pressure switch within set limits (see chapter 1.5) between
full load and off load running.

If the compressor runs for longer than a preset time period, (1) to (2) e.g. t1 = 6 min, in
off load running, the electric motor cuts out completely (2). When the low pressure switching
point pmin (3) is reached the motor will cut in again automatically. The pressure now
rises to the high switching point pmax (4) and the compressor runs in off load running.
Should, however, the pressure drop within a shorter time period (4) to (5) e.g. t2 = 3 min
again to pmin (5), the compressor will automatically switch from off load running to full-

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11 Types of Control

11.2 QUADRO Control

P max

P min

Full load

Off load

1 2 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 4 5 1 Time
tp rise
tp decay
Running period

Off load running/

standstill period
Run-on period

Stop point for the running period or off load running / intermittent period

Pmax upper switching point

Pmin lower switching point

tprise pressure rise time (the time during which the air mains pressure rises from
the lower to the upper switching point)

tpdecay pressure decay time (the time during which the air mains pressure decays
from the upper to the lower switching point)

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11 Types of Control

11.2 QUADRO Control

Functional description

Two fixed periods - the running period and off load running/standstill period - are
taken as the criterium for selection of the operating mode of the compressor unit when the
air mains pressure reaches the upper switching point. These two periods are set according
to the maximum permissible cut-in frequency of the compressor motor.

The running period starts every time the compressor motor is cut in. It lasts as long as
the compressor motor runs and stops when the compressor unit cuts out to standstill.
The off load running/standstill period starts every time the operating mode changes from
full load to off load running. It runs during off load running and also when the compressor
motor is switched to standstill after the off load running period. It stops when the compressor
unit switches to full load.

Every motor cut-out point is delayed by the run-on period, during which time the com-
pressor unit vents.

The following switching cycles are possible:

• if the air mains pressure decays to the lower switching point, the compressor unit
switches to full load (1) irrespective of its previous operating mode. If the compressor
motor was at a standstill, the opening of the inlet valve is delayed to allow an unloaded
compressor unit start.

• If the air mains pressure rises to the upper switching point and the running period has
already expired, the compressor motor is cut out after the run-on period has ex-
pired (2).

• If the air mains pressure rises to the upper switching point before the running period
has expired then the pressure decay time of the previous switching cycle is taken as
the criterium for the selection of the operating mode:

- If the pressure decay time tpdecay was longere than the period set for the off load
running/standstill period, the compressor motor is switched to standstill after the run-
on period has expired (3).

- If the pressure decay time tpdecay was shorter than the period set for the off load
running / standstill period, the off load running mode is selected (4), that is, the inlet
valve closes and the compressor is vented with running motor. When the running
period expires the compressor unit switches to standstill only after the run-on period
has also expired (5).

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12 Tables

12.1 Fuses and Cable Cross-Sections / Star-Delta Start

The power supply cable cross-sections and the fusing are designed to VDE 0100, Part 430 and 523 for
star-delta start and an ambient temperature of +30 °C. Under other operational conditions such as
higher ambient temperatures or longer power supply cables (over 50 metres) the power supply cable
cross-sections and the fusing must be checked and determined to the provisions of VDE 0100 and/or
those of the local electricity authority.

Max. main fuse in A Supply cable cross section

Model Rated power Slowblow or (Cu-multicore) in mm²
”gL” class for short cable

Drive Fan motor

motor kW 230 V 400 V 500 V 230 V 400 V 500 V
SX 3 2,2 - 16 6 6 4 x 2,5 4 x 1,5 4 x 1,5
SX 4 3 - 16 10 10 4 x 2,5 4 x 1,5 4 x 1,5
SX 6 4 - 20 16 10 4 x 2,5 4 x 2,5 4 x 1,5
SM 8 5,5 - 25 20 16 4x4 4 x 2,5 4 x 2,5
SM 11 7,5 - 35 25 20 4x6 4x4 4 x 2,5
SK 19 11 - 50 35 25 4 x 10 4x6 4x4
SK 26 15 - 63 35 35 4 x 16 4x6 4x6
AS 31 18,5 - 80 50 35 4 x 25 4 x 10 4x6
AS 36 22 - 100 50 50 4 x 35 4 x 10 4 x 10
AS 44 30 - 125 80 50 4 x 50 4 x 25 4 x 10
BS 51 30 - 125 80 50 4 x 50 4 x 25 4 x 10
BS 61 37 - 160 80 63 4 x 70 4 x 25 4 x 16
CS 76 45 - 200 100 80 4 x 95 4 x 35 4 x 25
CS 91 55 - 224 125 100 4 x 120 4 x 50 4 x 35
CS 121 75 - 315 160 125 4 x 185 4 x 70 4 x 50
DS(D) 141 75 1,5 315 200 125 4 x 185 4 x 95 4 x 50
DS(D) 171 90 2,5 400 224 160 4 x 95 4 x 120 4 x 70
DS(D) 201 110 2,5 500 250 200 4 x 150 4 x 150 4 x 95
DS(D) 241 132 1,8/6 500 315 250 4 x 150 4 x 185 4 x 150
ES 240 132 2x4,2/1,35 500 315 250 4 x 150 4 x 185 4 x 150
ES 250 132 2x4,2/1,35 500 315 250 4 x 150 4 x 185 4 x 150
ES 280 160 2x4,2/1,35 630 400 315 4 x 185 4 x 95 4 x 185
double double
ES 300 160 2x4,2/1,35 630 400 315 4 x 185 4 x 95 4 x 185
double double
FS/FSD 360 200 2x4,2/1,35 800 500 400 4 x 185 4 x 150 4 x 95
1x2,5 triple double double
FS/FSD 440 250 2x4,2/1,35 1000 630 400 4 x 185 4 x 185 4 x 95
1x2,5 triple double double
GS 590 315 2,2 - 800 500 - 4 x 185 4 x 150
triple double
GS 650 355 2,2 - 800 630 - 4 x 185 4 x 185
triple double
HS 690 400 4 - 800 800 - 4 x 185 4 x 185
triple triple
HS 760 450 4 - 1000 800 - 4 x 240 4 x 185
triple triple
SX up to FSD air-cooled, GS and HS water-cooled

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12 Tables

12.2 Fuses and Cable Cross-Sections / Direct On-Line Start

The power supply cable cross-sections and the fusing are designed to VDE 0100, Part 430 and 523 for
direct on-line start and an ambient temperature of +30 °C. Under other operational conditions such as
higher ambient temperatures or longer power supply cables (over 50 metres) the power supply cable
cross-sections and the fusing must be checked and determined to the provisions of VDE 0100 and/or
those of the local electricity authority.

Max. main fuse in A Supply cable cross section

Model Rated power Slowblow or ”gL” class (Cu-multicore) in mm²
for short cable

Drive Fan motor

motor kW 230 V 400 V 500 V 230 V 400 V 500 V
SX 3 2,2 - 20 10 10 4 x 2,5 4 x 1,5 4 x 1,5
SX 4 3 - 25 16 16 4x4 4 x 2,5 4 x 2,5
SX 6 4 - 35 20 16 4x6 4 x 2,5 4 x 2,5
SM 8 5,5 - 35 25 20 4x6 4x4 4 x 2,5
SM 11 7,5 - 50 35 25 4 x 10 4x6 4x4
SK 19 11 - 80 50 35 4 x 25 4 x 10 4x6
SK 26 15 - 100 63 50 4 x 35 4 x 16 4 x 10
AS 31 18,5 - 125 63 50 4 x 50 4 x 16 4 x 10
AS 36 22 - 125 80 63 4 x 50 4 x 25 4 x 16
AS 44 30 - 200 100 80 4 x 95 4 x 35 4 x 25
BS 51 30 - 200 100 80 4 x 95 4 x 35 4 x 25
BS 61 37 - 200 125 100 4 x 95 4x 50 4 x 35
CS 76 45 - 250 160 125 4 x 150 4 x 70 4 x 50
CS 91 55 - 250 200 160 4 x 150 4x 95 4 x 70
CS 121 75 - 315 200 200 4 x 185 4 x 95 4 x 95
DS(D) 141 75 1,5 315 200 200 4 x 185 4 x 95 4 x 95
DS(D) 171 90 2,5 400 250 200 4 x 95 4 x 150 4 x 95
DS(D) 201 110 2,5 500 315 250 4 x 150 4 x 185 4 x 150
DS(D) 241 132 1,8/6 630 400 250 4 x 185 4 x 95 4 x 150
double double

1) air-cooled

Max. main fuse in A Supply cable cross section

Model Rated power Slowblow or “gL” class (Cu-multicore) in mm²
for short cable

Drive Fan motor

motor kW 230 V 400 V 500 V 230 V 400 V 500 V
ASV 40 7,5 - 50 35 25 4 x 10 4x6 4x4
ASV 60 11 - 80 50 35 4 x 25 4 x 10 4x6
BSV 80 15 - 100 63 50 4 x 35 4 x 16 4 x 10
BSV 100 18,5 - 125 63 50 4 x 50 4 x 16 4 x 10
CSV 125 22 - 125 80 63 4 x 50 4 x 25 4 x 16
CSV 150 30 - 200 100 80 4 x 95 4 x 35 4 x 25

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12 Tables

12.3 Time Settings for Time Relays

DUAL Control QUADRO III Control

Star-Delta Off load Star-Delta time in Standstill Running Unloading Maximum

period in running period seconds period in period in period in motor cut-in
seconds in minutes minutes minutes seconds frequency/hour

SX/SM 6 4 6 4 4 15 15

SK 6 4 6 4 4 15 15

AS 6 4 6 4 4 15 15

BS 6 4 6 4 4 30 15
CS 75/90/
91 10 4 10 4 4 30 15
CS 120/121
DS 10 7,5 10 7,5 7,5 45 8
ES 240/250
ES 280/300
FS 12 15 12 15 15 60 4

GS/HS 12 15 12 15 15 60 4
deviation +/- 2 sec +/- 30 sec +/- 2 sec +/- 30 sec +/-30sec - -
identity - K 1.1 T - K1.2 T -K 1.1 T -K 1.2 T -K 3 T -K 4T
(- K 1T) (-K 2 T) (-K 1 T) (-K 2 T)

With time, several Quadro Control systems were produced. The periods and component
identities shown in the above table for Quadro Control are thus valid for Quadro 3 only.

The following points should be observed for older Quadro Control systems (only three time
relays were fitted):

Component identity: d7 (-K1 T) = star-delta time relay

d3 (-K2 T) = off load running relay
d4 (-K3 T) = standstill time relay

The period of the off load running relay d3 must always be set to less than the period of the
standstill relay d4.

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13 Circuit Diagram

13.1 Reading Circuit Diagrams

Notes on the correct reading of circuit diagrams

1. Division of the circuit diagram into sections (sectors)

2 3 4 5 The section in the upper part of the circuit diagram

shall help to find the contacts and operating coils

2. Circuit diagram numbers

The data in the right lower corner of the circuit

Sheet 2
SDS200.MVS-0495/00439 Bl. Sheet number

KAESER diagram number

3. Cross references

/ 5 . 3 Diagram section (used to be circuit path)

Dividing mark

Sheet number

Separating character

2 3 4 5 6
Break points
/ 1.8 / 3.1
To ease location of associated break points, e.g. on
different sheets, they are designated with the same
/ 1.7 / 4.1

Example: Code /8.2 shows that the corresponding

/ 2.5
line is continued on sheet 8, section 2.
The sheet number and dividing mark (.) are omitted
when the code refers to the same sheet.
/ 1.8 / 4.1

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13 Circuit Diagram

13.1 Reading Circuit Diagrams

13 On mains contactor contacts and relay contacts a cross-
-K 4 reference is made to the location of the winding.
-K1M /5.6
5 14 In fig. a) this would be section 5 of the same sheet.
22 In fig. b) this would be sheet 5, section 6.
Fig. a) Fig. b)

This information is given directly next to the component
symbol, e.g. directly below the symbol for the winding of a
Also, the type of contact (make, break) and the number of
spare contacts is also shown.

/ 3.8 13 14
The cross-reference, e.g. /3.6 indicates that the contact is
/ 3.6 21 22 located on sheet 3, section 6.
This cross-reference is missing on spare contacts.
31 32
43 44

5. Electrical connections

Electrical connections between components at junctions

and crossings are illustrated as a point.

Crossings without a point are not connected.

Contacts are shown in the de-energized state and without the effect of a mechanical or
muscular force.
Power switches, isolators, electrical cut-outs, etc. Are always shown in the de-energized state.

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13 Circuit Diagram

13.1 Reading Circuit Diagrams

6. Terminal schedules

The terminal schedule provides information on internal and external connections.

Terminal points are represented by squares with crosses..

Cable No. Cable - Type Cable designation, e.g. Section 3

1 s.b.c. 4x4
2 -B1 NYSLÖ-J 3x 0.75 -Y1 means that control valve -Y1 is
3 -Y1 NYSLÖ-J 3x 0.75 connected to cable No. 3.
4 -Y2 NYSLÖ-J 3x 0.75 The cable used is shown in the "Cable type"
5 -M1 s.b.c. 4 x 1.5
6 -M1 s.b.c. 4 x 1.5
7 - Y3 NYSLÖ-J 3x 0.75

Multiple plug -X11 plugged in to the terminal strip

➠ electrical connection to the control panel

Connection number

Component indentification


Wire link Copper link between terminals 6 and 7

Terminal legend
Internal connection, e.g. terminal 1 to
Terminal number motor overload protection switch -Q0
connection 5 or cable connection to
Connection number
another terminal strip (-X1W 15) at
Component indentification
terminal 2

Designation of terminal strip

e.g. -X1 oder -X1W

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13 Circuit Diagram

13.1 Reading Circuit Diagrams

7. The build-up of a terminal schedule

Connection number

Component identification


Wire link

Terminal legend
Terminal number

Connection number

Component identification

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13 Circuit Diagram

13.2 Nameplate on the Control Cabinet

Within the meaning of the European directive for machinery 89/392, appendix IIA,
harmonized standard EN 60204-1 (Safety of Machinery - Electrical Equipment) a nameplate
is required. This nameplate is affixed in the control cabinet.


Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26, D-96450 Coburg
Germany, Tel.:(0 95 61) 640-0
Fax.: (0 95 61) 640-130

Electrical Switching Equipment

Model Year Rated power

Part No. Serial No.

V ∼ Hz A
Rated voltage Rated current

Circuit diagram No.

13. 3 Example Circuit Diagrams

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