UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2018 Edition

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2018 Edition
Tourism Highlights
International Tourism Trends 2017
• Highest growth in international tourist arrivals in seven years since 2010
• Recovery of destinations suffering from security challenges in recent years
• Economic upswing resulting in strong outbound demand from major source markets
• Strong recovery in demand from the emerging source markets of Brazil and the Russian Federation after
few years of decline
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Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

Mode of Transport (2017) Purpose of visit (2017)
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Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

Source: World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)
International Tourist Arrivals
Eighth consecutive year of sustained growth

International tourist arrivals, change (%) • International tourist arrivals grew 6.8% in 2017,
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the highest increase since the 2009 global

economic crisis and well above UNWTO’s long-
term forecast of 3.8% per year for the period
2010 to 2020.

• A total of 1,323 million international tourist

arrivals were recorded in destinations around
the world, some 84 million more than in 2016.

• Results were driven by sustained travel demand

for destinations across all world regions,
Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©
including a firm recovery of those suffering from
security challenges in recent years.

International tourist arrivals (million) • Growth was fuelled by the global economic
upswing, resulting in strong outbound demand
1,323 from virtually all source markets.

• The recovery of outbound demand from

Brazil and the Russian Federation after a few
years of decline and the ongoing rise of India,
also contributed to inbound growth in many

• By region, Africa and Europe grew above average.

• By subregion, North Africa and Southern and

* = Provisional figure or data
Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © Mediterranean Europe led results in 2017,
reflecting strong demand for destinations along
the Mediterranean.

International tourist arrivals,

change by region, 2017 (%)

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

International Tourist Arrivals by (Sub)region
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International Tourist Arrivals Market Change Average

(million) share (%) annual
(%) growth (%)

1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016 2017* 2017* 16/15 17*/16 2005-’17*

World 531 680 809 952 1,195 1,239 1,323 100 3.8 6.8 4.2

Advanced economies¹ 342 430 469 515 655 686 726 55 4.8 5.9 3.7

Emerging economies¹ 189 250 339 437 540 554 597 45 2.5 7.8 4.8

By UNWTO regions:

Europe 308.5 392.9 452.7 487.7 605.1 619.5 670.6 51 2.4 8.3 3.3

Northern Europe 36.4 44.8 54.7 56.6 69.8 73.8 78.0 6 5.8 5.6 3.0

Western Europe 112.2 139.7 141.7 154.4 181.5 181.6 192.7 15 0.0 6.1 2.6

Central/Eastern Europe 58.9 69.6 95.3 98.6 122.4 127.1 133.7 10 3.8 5.3 2.9

Southern/Medit. Eur. 100.9 139.0 161.1 178.1 231.4 237.1 266.2 20 2.4 12.3 4.3

- of which EU-28 271.0 336.8 367.5 383.0 478.6 500.4 537.6 41 4.6 7.4 3.2

Asia and the Pacific 82.0 110.4 154.1 208.2 284.1 306.0 323.1 24 7.7 5.6 6.4

North-East Asia 41.2 58.4 85.9 111.5 142.1 154.3 159.5 12 8.6 3.4 5.3

South-East Asia 28.5 36.3 49.0 70.5 104.2 110.8 120.4 9 6.3 8.6 7.8

Oceania 8.1 9.6 10.9 11.5 14.3 15.7 16.6 1 9.7 6.0 3.6

South Asia 4.2 6.1 8.3 14.7 23.5 25.2 26.6 2 7.0 5.6 10.2

Americas 108.9 128.2 133.3 150.4 193.8 200.7 208.7 16 3.6 4.0 3.8

North America 80,5 91.5 89.9 99.5 12.5 130.9 134.8 10 2.7 3.0 3.4

Caribbean 14,0 17.1 18.8 19.5 24.1 25.2 26.0 2 4.7 2.9 2.7

Central America 2.6 4.3 6.3 7.8 10.2 10.7 11.2 1 4.1 4.7 4.9

South America 11.7 15.3 18.3 23.6 31.9 33.9 36.7 3 6.3 8.3 6.0

Africa 18.7 26.2 34.8 50.4 53.6 57.7 62.7 5 7.8 8.6 5.0

North Africa 7.3 10.2 13.9 19.7 18.0 18.9 21.7 2 5.0 14.9 3.8

Subsaharan Africa 11.5 16.0 20.9 30.7 35.6 38.9 41.0 3 9.2 5.5 5.8

Middle East 12.7 22.4 33.7 55.4 58.1 55.6 58.1 4 -4.4 4.6 4.7

* = Provisional figure or data

¹ Classification based on the International Monetary Fund (IMF), see the Statistical Annex of the IMF World Economic Outlook of April 2016, page 146,
at www.imf.org/external/ns/cs.aspx?id=29.

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © (Data as collected by UNWTO August 2018)

International Tourism Receipts
Tourism is the world’s third largest export category

International tourism receipts, • International tourism receipts increased 4.9%

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change (real terms, %) in real terms (adjusted for exchange rate

fluctuations and inflation) to reach US$ 1,340
billion in 2017.

• Strong outbound demand from both traditional

and emerging markets fuelled growth in global
receipts, which follows the positive trend
recorded in international tourist arrivals (+7%).

• By region, the Middle East led growth in receipts,

as some destinations rebounded strongly after
weaker results in 2016.
Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

• By subregion, growth was significant in South

Total tourism exports Asia and South-East Asia, as well as in Southern
(international tourism receipts + passenger Mediterranean Europe and North Africa.
transport services)
(US$ billion) • In addition to the US$ 1,340 billion in tourism
receipts earned in the destinations (the travel
item of the Balance of Payments), international
tourism generated another US$ 240 billion from
international passenger transport services
rendered to non-residents.

• Total exports from international tourism

therefore reach US$ 1.6 trillion, or US$ 4 billion a
day on average.

• As a worldwide export category, tourism ranks

* = Provisional figure or data third after chemicals and fuels and ahead
Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©
of automotive products. In many developing
countries, tourism is the top export category.
International tourism receipts,
change by region, 2017 (real terms, %)

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

International Tourism Receipts by (Sub)region
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International Tourism Receipts

Change US$ euro

Local currencies, Market Receipts Receipts

constant prices (%) share per per
(%) (billion) arrival (billion) arrival

16/15 17*/16 2017* 2015 2016 2017* 2017* 2015 2016 2017* 2017*

World 2.6 4.9 100 1,221 1,245 1,340 1,010 1,101 1,124 1,186 900

Advanced economies¹ 1.9 4.2 65 799 814 870 1,200 720 735 770 1,060

Emerging economies¹ 3.9 6.2 35 423 431 470 790 381 389 416 700

By UNWTO regions:

Europe 1.7 8.0 39 468.0 468.1 519.2 770 421.8 422.9 459.6 690

Northern Europe 8.5 7.7 7 82.0 83.2 89.7 1,150 73.9 75.2 79.4 1,020

Western Europe -1.2 5.1 13 159.2 157.2 170.5 880 143.5 142.1 150.9 780

Central/Eastern Europe 6.2 6.6 4 50.4 52.6 59.9 450 45.5 47.5 53.0 400

Southern/Medit. Europe -0.2 11.1 15 176.3 175.1 199.1 750 158.9 158.2 176.3 660

- of which EU-28 3.4 7.3 33 390.3 396.9 438.4 820 351.8 358.6 388.0 720

Asia and the Pacific 4.1 2.6 29 355.6 370.8 389.6 1,210 320.5 335.0 344.8 1,070

North-East Asia 0.1 -5.1 12 167.1 169.5 162.2 1,020 150.6 153.2 143.6 900

South-East Asia 9.1 9.2 10 108.7 116.7 130.7 1,090 98.0 105.5 115.7 960

Oceania 7.0 6.3 4 47.7 51.2 57.1 3,440 43.0 46.3 50.5 3,040

South Asia 3.9 12.9 3 32.1 33.3 39.5 1,490 28.9 30.1 35.0 1,320

Americas 2.3 1.3 24 307.3 313.7 326.2 1,560 277.0 283.4 288.7 1,380

North America 1.7 0.8 19 241.2 244.6 252.4 1,870 217.4 221.0 223.4 1,660

Caribbean 5.5 4.2 2 28.5 30.0 31.7 1,220 25.7 27.1 28.1 1,080

Central America 9.0 3.5 1 11.2 12.2 12.7 1,140 10.1 11.0 11.3 1,010

South America 1.9 2.2 2 26.3 26.9 29.3 800 23.7 24.3 25.9 710

Africa 4.9 8.0 3 32.2 33.0 37.3 600 29.0 29.8 33.0 530

North Africa 1.0 10.3 1 8.9 9.0 10.0 460 8.0 8.1 8.9 410

Subsaharan Africa 6.4 7.2 2 23.3 24.0 27.3 670 21.0 21.7 24.2 590

Middle East 1.0 12.8 5 58.0 59.0 67.7 1,160 52.3 53.3 59.9 1,030

* = Provisional figure or data

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © (Data as collected by UNWTO August 2018)

World’s Top Tourism Destinations
7 out of 10 top destinations are among the top in arrivals and receipts

• When ranking the world’s top international • Spain climbed from 3rd to 2nd place in arrivals
tourism destinations, it is important to and held on to 2nd position in receipts to become
consider both international tourist arrivals and the world’s second largest destination by both
international tourism receipts. international tourist arrivals and receipts.
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• Seven out of the top ten destinations appear on • Japan entered the top ten of receipts after six
both lists, despite showing marked differences straight years of double-digit growth.
in terms of the type of tourist they attract, as
well as the average length of stay and spending • The changes in the receipts ranking are partly
per trip and the night. the result of China moving down from 5th to 12th
place owing to a revision in methodology.
• In 2017, four destinations moved up in the top
ten ranking by international tourism receipts
and three in the ranking by international tourist

International tourist arrivals, 2017 (million) Change, 2017 (%)

* = Provisional figure or data

Note: Arrival data for the United States refers to 2016, while the growth rate refers to the first 9 months of 2017 only as data for full year is not yet available.

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

International tourism receipts, Change, 2017

2017 (US$ billion) (local currencies, current prices, %)

* = Provisional figure or data

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

Regional Results

Remarkable growth led by Southern Mediterranean destinations

• 2017 marks the eighth year in a row

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of sustained growth in Europe, the

world’s most visited region.

• Arrivals grew 8% in 2017, 52 million

more than in the previous year.

• Growth in arrivals was mirrored by

receipts which also increased 8%.

• Travel demand increased from

virtually all Europe’s source markets,
both inside and outside the region,
fuelling inbound growth across
Europe. The recovery of the Russian
outbound market in particular,
benefitted many destinations.

• By subregion, Southern Mediterranean

Europe led results in arrivals and
receipts, driven by the recovery of
Turkey and the continued strength
of other traditional and emerging
destinations. Italy and Spain reported
an increase of six million arrivals

• In Western Europe, growth was

led by top destination France and
Belgium, recovering from the
security incidents in previous years.

• Destinations in Central and Eastern

Europe also posted solid growth
with a few exceptions, thanks to
increased outbound demand from

• All destinations in Northern Europe

reported growth, including the
United Kingdom, the subregion’s
largest destination, despite the
terrorist attacks in London and
Manchester. The depreciation of
the British pound contributed to the
UK’s results, making the destination
more affordable.

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Regional Results

Asia and the Pacific

Continued growth fuelled by solid intraregional demand

• Growth in Asia and the Pacific (+6%)

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reflects solid intraregional demand,

particularly from China, the Republic
of Korea and Australia.

• Growing purchasing power in

emerging economy markets,
increased air connectivity, more
affordable travel and enhanced visa
facilitation continue to fuel tourism
from within and outside the region.

• Results in North-East Asia, the largest

subregion in Asia, were positive
overall. Solid growth was recorded in
many destinations, led by Japan, which
enjoyed its six straight year of double-
digit figures in arrivals. By contrast, the
Republic of Korea suffered a decline,
due to fewer arrivals from China.

• South-East Asia enjoyed the highest

growth of all Asian subregions, with
an additional nine million international
tourists in 2017. Growth across
destinations was fuelled by robust
demand from North-East Asian
source markets. Vietnam recorded
the fastest growth in arrivals, while
Thailand, the subregion’s largest
destinations, added three million
more arrivals. Visa exemptions
and improved air connectivity also
contributed to the positive results.

• Positive results in South Asia

were largely driven by the strong
performance of India, the subregion’s
largest destination, which benefited
from increasing demand from
western source markets and
simpler visa procedures.

• Oceania reflect solid growth in

Australia and New Zealand, fuelled
by robust demand from North-East
Asian source markets, the United
States and the United Kingdom.

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Regional Results

The Americas
Positive results across most destinations

• Arrivals to the Americas are

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estimated to have increased by

4% with receipts showing a slight
slower growth.

• In South America, the growth

momentum continued in 2017. Robust
outbound travel from Argentina
and the rebound of Brazil fuelled
growth in neighbouring destinations.
Double-digit growth in arrivals was
recorded in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,
Paraguay and Uruguay.

• Central America recorded positive

results in almost all destinations in
terms of arrivals, led by Nicaragua,
by also thanks to strong demand
from regional markets.

• In the Caribbean, results were rather

mixed, with some destinations
recording robust growth such as the
Dominican Republic and Jamaica,
and others declines due to the
strong hurricanes that affected
many islands from mid-August
through September 2017.

• North America, which accounts

for two-thirds of the region’s
international arrivals and receipts,
recorded slower growth in 2017.

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Regional Results

Strong recovery in North Africa drives regions’ results

• International tourist arrivals in Africa

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are estimated to have increase by

9% and receipts at the same level

• Results were driven by the continued

recovery in North Africa and the solid
growth in most destinations that
reported data. Tunisia continued to
rebound strongly in 2017 with a 23%
growth in arrivals, while Morocco
also enjoyed better results after
weaker demand in the previous year.
Growing demand from European
source markets and a more stable
environment contributed to the
subregion’s positive results.

• In Subsaharan Africa, strong

performance continued in large
destinations Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire,
Mauritius and Zimbabwe. The
subregion’s top destination South
Africa reported slower growth in
arrivals though a strong increase
in receipts. Island destinations
Seychelles, Cabo Verde and Reunion;
all reported double-digit growth in
arrivals, benefiting from increased
air connectivity.

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Regional Results

Middle East
Rebounding from 2016 with a strong increase in income

• The Middle East showed signs of

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recovery in 2017 with a strong 13%

increase in income generated by
international tourism.

• Results were fairly mixed across

destinations, with strong rebound
in some and sustained growth
in others, partly offset by a few
destinations reporting declines.

• Egypt led growth both in absolute

and relative terms in arrivals,
rebounding strongly from previous
years. Visitor numbers rebounded
from both traditional markets in
Western Europe and emerging
markets in Central and Eastern
Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Promotional efforts and a return
of confidence contributed to this
recovery. Bahrain, Jordan and
Palestine also rebounded robustly,
while the United Arab Emirate of
Dubai and Lebanon continued to
grow at a sustained pace.

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Outbound Tourism
• The large majority of international travel
4 of 5 tourists travel takes place within travellers’ own regions
within their own region (intraregional tourism).

• Traditionally, the advanced economies of

Europe, the Americas and Asia and the Pacific
have been the world’s major source markets for
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international tourism.

• However, emerging economies in Asia, Central

and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and
Latin America have shown fast growth over recent
Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © years, driven by rising levels of disposable income.

• Europe still remains the world’s largest source

region for outbound tourism, generating almost
half of the world’s international arrivals.
Outbound tourism, share by region of origin (%)
• Meanwhile, the share of Asia and the Pacific has
been increasing rapidly. Currently, one out of 4
trips originates in Asia and the Pacific.

Top spenders in international tourism

• China continues to lead global outbound travel

in terms of expenditure.

• Tourism expenditure from the United States, the

world’s second largest source market, increased by
US$ 13 billion compared to 2016 (+9%), the largest
increase in absolute terms among the top spenders.

• The Russian Federation rebounded strongly

(+30%) after a few years of decline climbing
three places to re-enter the top ten at number 8.
Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©
• All other source markets among the top ten
recorded increases with particularly strong
results in the Republic of Korea, Italy and Canada.

Top spenders 2017 (US$ billion) Change, 2017 (local currencies, current prices, %)

* = Provisional figure or data

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ©

International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Receipts by Country of Destination
International Tourist Arrivals International Tourism Receipts
Series Change (%) Share (%) Share

Statistical Annex - Europe

(1000) (US$ million) (%)
2010 2016 2017* 16/15 17*/16 2017* 2010 2016 2017* 2017*

Europe 487,666 619,492 670,603 2.4 8.3 100 422,823 468,094 519,232 100

Northern Europe 56,550 73,795 77,962 5.8 5.6 11.6 60,634 83,223 89,740 17.5
Denmark TF 8,744 10,781 .. 3.4 .. .. 5,853 7,047 7,394 1.4
Finland TCE 2,319 2,789 3,181 6.4 14.0 0.5 3,051 2,731 2,982 0.6
Iceland TF 489 1,792 2,224 39.0 24.1 0.3 561 2,395 3,025 0.6
Ireland TF 7,134 10,100 .. 6.0 .. .. 4,118 5,186 5,585 1.1
Norway TF/TCE 4,767 5,960 6,252 11.2 4.9 0.9 4,707 5,204 5,400 1.0
Sweden TCE 4,951 6,559 6,865 7.7 4.7 1.0 8,366 12,754 14,142 2.7
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United Kingdom TF 28,296 35,814 37,651 4.0 5.1 5.6 33,978 47,906 51,211 9.9

Western Europe 154,362 181,585 192,724 0.0 6.1 28.7 152,364 157,246 170,493 32.8
Austria TCE 22,004 28,121 29,460 5.2 4.8 4.4 18,596 19,260 20,400 3.9
Belgium TCE 7,186 I 7,481 8,358 -10.5 11.7 1.2 11,425 11,612 12,197 2.3
France TF 77,648 82,700 86,918 -2.1 5.1 13.0 57,059 54,531 60,681 11.7
Germany TCE 26,875 35,595 37,452 1.8 5.2 5.6 34,679 37,455 39,823 7.7
Liechtenstein TCE 64 69 79 21.9 13.8 0,0 .. .. .. ..
Luxembourg TCE 793 1,054 1,046 -3.5 -0.7 0.2 4,149 4,076 4,521 0.9
Monaco THS 279 336 355 1.4 5.7 0.1 .. .. .. ..
Netherlands TCE 10,883 15,828 17,924 5.5 13.2 2.7 11,732 14,054 15,867 3.1
Switzerland THS 8,628 I 10,402 11,133 n/a 7.0 1.7 14,724 16,257 17,003 3.3

Central/Eastern Europe 98,632 127,050 133,747 3.8 5.3 19.9 48,312 52,563 59,862 11.5
Armenia TF 687 1,260 1,495 5.7 18.7 0.2 646 968 1,120 0.2
Azerbaijan TF 1,280 2,045 2,454 6.4 20.0 0.4 657 2,714 3,012 0.6
Belarus TCE 677 I 1,929 2,000 n/a 3.7 0.3 440 711 790 0.2
Bulgaria TF 6,047 8,252 8,883 16.2 7.6 1.3 3,407 3,634 4,045 0.8
Czech Republic TF 8,629 12,808 .. 10.2 .. .. 7,172 6,309 6,932 1.3
Estonia TF 2,511 3,131 3,245 5.7 3.6 0.5 1,073 1,489 1,628 0.3
Georgia TF 1,067 2,721 3,479 19.2 27.9 0.5 659 2,166 2,751 0.5
Hungary TF 9,510 15,256 15,785 6.6 3.5 2.4 5,628 5,664 6,170 1.2
Kazakhstan TF 2,991 .. .. .. .. .. 1,005 1,549 1,781 0.3
Kyrgyzstan VF 855 2,930 .. -4.0 .. .. 160 432 429 0.1
Latvia TF 1,373 1,793 1,950 -11.4 8.7 0.3 642 867 885 0.2
Lithuania TF 1,507 2,296 2,523 10.8 9.9 0.4 967 1,206 1,299 0.3
Poland TF 12,470 17,463 18,400 4.4 5.4 2.7 9,576 10,977 12,772 2.5
Rep. Moldova TCE 64 121 145 28.6 19.6 0.0 163 243 312 0.1
Romania TCE 1,346 2,481 2,760 10.8 11.3 0.4 1,140 1,738 2,527 0.5
Russian Federation VF 22,281 24,571 24,390 -8.5 -0.7 3.6 8,830 7,785 8,945 1.7
Slovakia TF 5,415 .. .. .. .. .. 2,233 2,748 2,923 0.6
Tajikistan VF 160 .. .. .. .. .. 2 4 8 0.0
Turkmenistan TF .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Ukraine TF 21,203 13,333 14,230 7.3 6.7 2.1 3,788 1,078 1,261 0.2
Uzbekistan TF 975 .. .. .. .. .. 121 .. .. ..

Southern/Medit. Europe 178,122 237,061 266,169 2.4 12.3 39.7 161,514 175,062 199,137 38.4
Albania TF 2,191 4,070 4,643 7.5 14.1 0.7 1,626 1,691 1,929 0.4
Andorra TF 1,808 2,831 3,003 6.3 6.1 0.4 .. .. .. ..
Bosnia and Herzegovina TCE 365 777 922 14.6 18.7 0.1 594 724 826 0.2
Croatia TCE 9,111 13,809 15,593 8.9 12.9 2.3 8,075 9,634 10,924 2.1
Cyprus TF 2,173 3,187 3,652 19.8 14.6 0.5 2,160 2,755 3,128 0.6
FYR Macedonia TCE 262 510 631 5.1 23.5 0.1 197 280 327 0.1
Greece TF 15,007 24,799 27,194 5.1 9.7 4.1 12,742 14,619 16,528 3.2
Israel TF 2,803 2,900 3,613 3,6 24.6 0.5 4,903 5,883 6,821 1.3
Italy TF 43,626 52,372 58,253 3.2 11.2 8.7 38,786 40,246 44,233 8.5
Malta TF 1,339 1,966 2,274 10.2 15.7 0.3 1,079 1,449 1,723 0.3
Montenegro TCE 1,088 1,662 1,877 6.6 12.9 0.3 732 925 1,041 0.2
Portugal TCE/TF 6,832 I 18,200 - 79.5 .. .. 10.077 14,036 17,119 3.3
San Marino THS 60 60 78 10.2 31.1 0.0 .. .. .. ..
Serbia TCE 683 1,281 1,497 13.2 16.8 0.2 764 1,151 1,346 0.3
Slovenia TCE 1,869 3,032 3,586 12.0 18.3 0.5 2,552 2,424 2,750 0.5
Spain TF 52,677 75,315 81,786 10.5 8.6 12.2 54,641 60,503 67,964 13.1
Turkey TF 31,364 30,289 37,601 -23.3 24.1 5.6 22,585 18,743 22,478 4.3

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © (Data as collected by UNWTO August 2018)
International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Receipts by Country of Destination
International Tourist Arrivals International Tourism Receipts
Series Change (%) Share (%) Share
Statistical Annex - Asia and the Pacific

(1000) (US$ million) (%)

2010 2016 2017* 16/15 17*/16 2017* 2010 2016 2017* 2017*

Asia and the Pacific 208,174 305,967 323,059 7.7 5.6 100 254,367 370,804 389,559 100

North-East Asia 111,508 154,302 159,515 8.6 3.4 49.4 122,964 169,544 162,231 41.6

China TF 55,665 59,270 60,740 4.2 2.5 18.8 45,814 44,432 32,617 8.4
Hong Kong (China) TF 20,085 26,553 27,885 -0.5 5.0 8.6 22,200 32,846 33,304 8.5
Japan VF 8,611 24,039 28,691 21.8 19.4 8.9 13,199 30,679 34,054 8.7
Democratic People’s
.. .. .. .. .. .. ,, ,, ,, ..
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea VF 8,798 17,242 13,336 30.3 -22.7 4.1 10,328 17,332 13,427 3.4
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Macao (China) TF 11,926 15,704 17,255 9.8 9.9 5.3 22,276 30,373 35,575 9.1
Mongolia TF 456 404 469 4.7 16.1 0.1 244 316 396 0.1
Taiwan Province of China VF 5,567 10,690 10,740 2.4 0.5 3.3 8,721 13,375 12,333 3.2

South-East Asia 70,473 110,830 120,362 6.3 8.6 37.3 68,547 116,730 130,734 33.6

Brunei TF 214 219 259 0.3 18.3 0.1 ,, 144 ,, ..

Cambodia TF 2,508 5,012 5,602 5.0 11.8 1.7 1,519 3,208 3,636 0.9
Indonesia VF/TF 7,003 I 11,072 12,948 11.1 16.9 4.0 6,958 11,206 12,520 3.2
Laos TF 1,670 3,315 3,257 -6.4 -1.8 1.0 382 712 648 0.2
Malaysia TF 24,577 26,757 25,948 4.0 -3.0 8.0 18,115 18,075 18,323 4.7
Myanmar TF 792 2,907 3,443 -37.9 18.4 1.1 72 2,197 2,260 0.6
Philippines TF 3,520 5,967 6,621 11.3 11.0 2.0 2,645 5,143 6,986 1.8
Singapore TF 9,161 12,914 13,906 7.2 7.7 4.3 14,178 18,945 19,707 5.1
Thailand TF 15,936 32,588 35,381 8.9 8.6 11.0 20,104 48,792 57,477 14.8
Timor-Leste TF 40 66 74 6.6 12.5 0.0 31 58 73 0.0

Viet Nam VF 5,050 10,013 12,922 26.0 29.1 4.0 4,450 8,250 8,861 2.3

Oceania 11,468 15,658 16,604 9.7 6.0 5.1 42,795 51,244 57,068 14.6

American Samoa TF 23 20 20 -1.4 -0.3 0.0 .. 22 22 0.0

Australia VF 5.872 8,269 8.815 11.0 6.6 2.7 32,584 37,040 41,732 10.7
Cook Islands TF 104 146 161 17.1 10.2 0.0 111 179 .. ..
Fiji TF 632 792 843 5.0 6.4 0.3 634 777 885 0.2
French Polynesia TF 154 192 199 4.7 3.4 0.1 406 488 .. ..
Guam TF 1,197 1,536 1,544 9.0 0.6 0.5 .. .. .. ..
Kiribati TF 5 6 .. 45.8 .. .. 4 3 .. ..
Marshall Islands TF 5 10 6 55.8 -39.0 0.0 4 5 .. ..
Micronesia FSM TF 45 30 .. -3.6 .. .. 24 .. .. ..
Northern Mariana Islands VF 379 531 660 10.9 24.3 0.2 .. .. .. ..
New Caledonia TF 99 116 121 1.5 4.3 0.0 129 159 .. ..
New Zealand TF 2,435 3,370 3,555 10.9 5.5 1.1 6,522 9,475 10,285 2.6
Niue TF 6 8 10 1.4 25.4 0.0 2 .. .. ..
Palau TF 85 138 123 -15.5 -11.5 0.0 73 141 .. ..
Papua New Guinea TF 140 179 .. -3.2 .. .. 2 1 1 0.0
Samoa TF 122 134 146 5.3 8.8 0.0 123 153 165 0.0
Solomon Islands TF 21 22 26 0.3 18.5 0.0 44 56 67 0.0
Tonga TF 47 61 62 13.7 1.6 0.0 27 .. .. ..
Tuvalu TF 2 2 2 5.2 0.4 0.0 2 .. .. ..
Vanuatu TF 97 95 109 5.7 14.8 0.0 217 .. .. ..

South Asia 14,726 25,177 26,578 7.0 5.6 8.2 20,062 33,286 39,526 10.1

Afghanistan .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 49 2 0.0
Bangladesh TF 303 .. .. .. .. .. 81 213 337 0.1
Bhutan TF 41 210 255 35.1 21.5 0.1 40 91 103 0.0
India TF 5,776 I 14,570 15,543 9.7 6.7 4.8 14,490 22,427 27,365 7.0
Iran VF 2,938 4,942 4,867 -5.6 -1.5 1.5 2,438 3,713 .. ..
Maldives TF 792 1,286 1,390 4.2 8.0 0.4 1,713 2,506 2,742 0.7
Nepal TF 603 753 940 39.7 24.9 0.3 343 446 630 0.2
Pakistan TF 907 .. .. .. .. .. 306 322 352 0.1
Sri Lanka TF 654 2,051 2,116 14.0 3.2 0.7 576 3,518 3,925 1.0

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © (Data as collected by UNWTO August 2018)

International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Receipts by Country of Destination
International Tourist Arrivals International Tourism Receipts
Series Change (%) Share Share

Statistical Annex - The Americas

(1000) (US$ million) (%)
2010 2016 2017* 16/15 17*/16 2017* 2010 2016 2017* 2017*

The Americas 150,432 200,719 208,705 3.6 4.0 100 215,307 313,705 326,162 100

North America 99,520 130,919 134,848 2.7 3.0 64.6 164,831 244,573 252,408 77.4

Canada TF 16,219 19,971 20,798 11.1 4.1 10.0 15,829 18,021 20,328 6.2
Mexico TF 23,290 35,079 39,298 9.3 12.0 18.8 11,992 19,650 21,333 6.5
USA TF 60,010 75,868 .. -2.1 .. .. 137,010 206,902 210,747 64.6

Caribbean 19,521 25,235 25,957 4.7 2.9 12.4 23,024 30,036 31,729 9.7

Anguilla TF 62 79 68 8.2 -13.9 0.0 99 130 .. ..

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Antigua and Barbuda TF 230 265 247 5.9 -6.7 0.1 298 332 .. ..
Aruba TF 825 1,102 1,071 -10.0 -2.9 0.5 1,251 1,625 1,731 0.5
Bahamas TF 1,370 1,482 .. -0.2 .. .. 2,163 2,591 2,577 0.8
Barbados TF 532 632 664 6.7 5.0 0.3 1,038 1,040 1,082 0.3
Bermuda TF 232 244 270 11.1 10.4 0.1 442 445 513 0.2
Brit. Virgin Islands TF 330 408 335 3.8 -17.9 0.2 389 .. .. ..
Cayman Islands TF 288 385 418 0.0 8.5 0.2 485 686 .. ..
Cuba TF 2,507 3,975 .. 13.4 .. .. 2,187 2,907 .. ..
Curaçao TF 342 441 399 -5.6 -9.6 0.2 385 573 551 0.2
Dominica TF 77 78 79 5.2 1.2 0.0 94 132 .. ..
Dominican Rep. TF 4,125 5,959 6,188 6.4 3.8 3.0 4,162 6,720 7,178 2.2
Grenada TF 110 135 146 -3.8 8.2 0.1 112 149 448 0.1
Guadeloupe TCE 392 580 650 13.3 12.1 0.3 510 .. .. ..
Haiti TF 255 .. .. .. .. .. 383 504 .. ..
Jamaica TF 1,922 2,182 2,353 2.8 7.8 1.1 2,001 2,539 .. ..
Martinique TF 476 519 536 6.6 3.1 0.3 472 365 490 0.2
Montserrat TF 6 9 8 -1.1 -4.4 0.0 6 9 .. ..
Puerto Rico TF 3,186 3,736 3,797 5.5 1.6 1.8 3,211 3,985 4,090 1.3
Saint Lucia TF 306 348 386 0.9 11.0 0.2 309 404 .. ..
St. Kitts and Nevis TF 98 115 114 -0.9 -1.4 0.1 90 141 .. ..
St. Maarten TF 443 528 402 4.5 -23.8 0.2 674 857 630 0.2
St. Vincent and Gren. TF 72 79 76 4.5 -3.5 0.0 86 101 .. ..
Trinidad and Tobago TF 388 409 395 -7.0 -3.5 0.2 450 464 475 0.1
Turks and Caicos TF 281 454 416 17.5 -8.2 0.2 .. 706 .. ..
United States Virgin
TF 572 667 .. 4.0 .. .. 1,223 1,343 .. ..

Central America 7,808 10,663 11,169 4.1 4.7 5.4 6,947 12,225 12,747 3.9

Belize TF 242 386 427 13.0 10.8 0.2 249 391 426 0.1
Costa Rica TF 2,100 2,925 2,960 10.0 1.2 1.4 2,246 3,716 3,876 1.2
El Salvador TF 1,150 1,434 1,556 2.3 8.5 0.7 390 829 873 0.3
Guatemala TF 1,119 1,585 1,660 8.3 4.7 0.8 1,378 1,550 1,566 0.5
Honduras TF 863 908 936 3.1 3.1 0.4 626 693 715 0.2
Nicaragua TF 1,011 1,504 1,787 8.5 18.8 0.9 314 642 841 0.3
Panama TF 1,324 1,921 1,843 -8.9 -4.1 0.9 1,745 4,404 4,452 1.4

South America 23,583 33,902 36,730 6.3 8.3 17.6 20,505 26,871 29,278 9.0

Argentina TF 5,325 6,638 6,705 15.7 1.0 3.2 4,942 4,686 5,060 1.6
Bolivia TF 679 959 .. 8.8 .. .. 379 713 784 0.2
Brazil TF 5,161 6,547 6,589 3.8 0.6 3.2 5,261 6,024 5,809 1.8
Chile TF 2,801 5,641 6,450 26.0 14.3 3.1 1,552 2,665 3,634 1.1
Colombia TF 2,385 3,317 4,027 11.4 21.4 1.9 2,797 4,522 4,821 1.5
Ecuador VF 1,047 1,418 1,608 -8.2 13.4 0.8 781 1,444 1,657 0.5
French Guiana TF 189 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Guyana TF 152 235 247 13.8 5.1 0.1 80 104 .. ..
Paraguay TF 465 1,308 1,537 7.7 17.5 0.7 217 519 603 0.2
Peru TF 2,299 3,744 4,032 8.4 7.7 1.9 2,008 3,501 3,710 1.1
Suriname TF 205 257 278 12.8 8.2 0.1 61 65 46 0.0
Uruguay TF 2,349 3,037 3,674 9.5 21.0 1.8 1,509 2,071 2,540 0.8
Venezuela TF 526 601 .. -23.8 .. .. 831 473 .. ..

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © (Data as collected by UNWTO August 2018)

International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Receipts by Country of Destination
International Tourist Arrivals International Tourism Receipts
Series Change (%) Share Share
Statistical Annex - Africa

(1000) (US$ million) (%)

2010 2016 2017* 16/15 17*/16 2017* 2010 2016 2017* 2017*

Africa 50,426 57,747 62,722 7.8 8.6 100 30,880 33,027 37,320 100

North Africa 19,682 18,895 21,717 5.0 14.9 34.6 9,662 9,003 10,009 26.8
Algeria VF 2,070 2,039 2,451 19.2 20.2 3.9 220 209 .. ..
Morocco TF 9,288 10,332 11,349 1.5 9.8 18.1 6,703 6,549 7,417 19.9
Sudan TF 495 800 .. 8.0 .. .. 94 1,009 1,029 2.8
Tunisia TF 7,828 5,724 7,052 6.8 23.2 11.2 2,645 1,236 1,299 3.5

Subsaharan Africa 30,743 38,853 41,005 9.2 5.5 65.4 21,218 24,024 27,311 73.2
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Angola TF 425 397 .. -32.9 .. .. 719 623 .. ..

Benin TF 199 267 .. 4.7 .. .. 149 123 .. ..
Botswana TF 1,973 .. .. .. .. .. 510 578 704 1.9
Burkina Faso THS 274 152 143 -6.7 -5.9 0.2 72 122 .. ..
Burundi TF 142 187 .. 42.7 .. .. 2 2 .. ..
Cameroon TF 569 .. .. .. .. .. 159 505 .. ..
Cabo Verde THS 336 598 668 15.1 11.6 1.1 278 370 436 1.2
Centr. African Rep. TF 54 .. .. .. .. .. 11 .. .. ..
Chad THS 71 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Comoros TF 15 27 28 13.6 4.5 0.0 35 .. .. ..
Congo THS 194 211 .. -4.1 .. .. 27 .. .. ..
Côte d'Ivoire VF 252 I 1,583 1,800 9.9 13.7 2.9 201 379 .. ..
Dem. Rep. Congo TF 81 351 .. -0.8 .. .. 11 4.3 .. ..
Djibouti TF 51 .. .. .. .. .. 18 33 .. ..
Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Eritrea VF 84 142 .. 24.6 .. .. .. 48 .. ..
Ethiopia TF 468 871 .. 0.8 .. .. 522 346 434 1.2
Gabon TF .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Gambia TF 91 161 .. 19.3 .. .. 74 116 .. ..
Ghana TF 931 .. .. .. .. .. 620 846 850 2.3
Guinea TF 12 60 .. 71.4 .. .. 2 16 .. ..
Guinea-Bissau TF 22 .. .. .. .. .. 13 19 .. ..
Kenya TF 1,470 1,268 1,364 13.8 7.6 2.2 800 824 926 2.5
Lesotho TF 414 .. .. .. .. .. 23 48 23 0.1
Liberia .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 .. .. ..
Madagascar TF 196 293 255 20.0 -12.9 0.4 309 750 .. ..
Malawi TF 746 849 .. 5.5 .. .. 31 26 31 0.1
Mali TF 169 173 193 8.8 11.6 0.3 205 200 .. ..
Mauritania TF .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 23 0.1
Mauritius TF 935 1,275 1,342 10.8 5.2 2.1 1,282 1,572 1,748 4.7
Mozambique TF 1,718 1,639 .. 5.6 .. .. 108 108 151 0.4
Namibia TF 984 1,469 .. 5.8 .. .. 438 307 188 0.5
Niger TF 74 152 .. 13.2 .. .. 105 77 .. ..
Nigeria TF 1,555 1,889 .. 50.5 .. .. 576 1,070 2,549 6.8
Reunion TF 421 458 508 7.5 10.8 0.8 392 360 401 1.1
Rwanda TF 504 932 .. -5.6 .. .. 202 390 438 1.2
São Tomé and
TF 8 29 .. 13.3 .. .. 11 69 66 0.2
Senegal TF 900 .. .. .. .. .. 453 .. .. ..
Seychelles TF 175 303 350 9.8 15.4 0.6 343 414 483 1.3
Sierra Leone TF 39 54 .. 125.7 .. .. 26 41 .. ..
Somalia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
South Africa TF 8,074 10,044 10,285 12.8 2.4 16.4 9,070 7,910 8,818 23.6
Swaziland TF 868 947 921 8.5 -2.7 1.5 51 13 .. ..
Tanzania TF 754 1,233 .. 11.7 .. .. 1,255 2,132 2,339 6.3
Togo THS 202 338 496 23.8 46.7 0.8 66 .. .. ..
Uganda TF 946 1,323 .. 1.5 .. .. 784 1,060 918 2.5
Zambia TF 815 956 .. 2.6 .. .. 492 683 653 1.7
Zimbabwe VF 2,239 2,168 2,423 5.4 11.8 3.9 634 890 .. ..

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © (Data as collected by UNWTO August 2018)

International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Receipts by Country of Destination
International Tourist Arrivals International Tourism Receipts
Se- (1000) Change (%) Share (US$ million) Share
ries (%) (%)

Statistical Annex - Middle East

2010 2016 2017* 16/15 17*/16 2017* 2010 2016 2017* 2017*

Middle East 55,442 55,556 58,113 -4.4 4.6 100 52,150 58,959 67,654 100
Bahrain 995 I 3,990 4,372 0.7 9.6 7.5 1,362 3,846 3,642 5.4
Egypt TF 14,051 5,258 8,157 -42.5 55.1 14.0 12,528 2,645 7,775 11.5
Iraq VF 1,518 .. .. .. .. .. 1,660 2,423 .. ..
Jordan TF 4,207 3,567 3,844 -5.2 7.7 6.6 3,585 4,044 4,639 6.9
Kuwait THS 207 203 .. 11.5 .. .. 290 599 313 0.5
Lebanon TF 2,168 1,688 1,857 11.2 10.0 3.2 7,995 7,044 7,611 11.2
Libya TF .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 .. .. ..
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Oman TF 1,441 2,292 .. 20.1 .. .. 780 1,725 .. ..

Palestine THS 522 400 503 -7.4 25.7 0.9 667 235 225 0.5
Qatar TF 1,700 2,938 2,256 -0.1 -23.2 3.9 584 5,411 5,971 8.8
Saudi Arabia TF 10,850 18,044 16,109 0.3 -10.7 27.7 6,712 11,096 12,056 17.8
Syria TF 8,546 .. .. .. .. .. 6,190 .. .. ..
United Arab Emirates THS² 7,432 I 14,870 15,790 4.7 6.2 27.2 8,577 19,496 21,048 31.1
Yemen TF 1,025 .. .. .. .. .. 1,161 .. .. ..

Dubai only

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © (Data as collected by UNWTO August 2018)

Outbound Tourism
Outbound Tourism by Generating Region

International Tourist Arrivals Share Change Average annual

(million) growth
(%) (%) (%)
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016 2017* 17*/16 16/15 17*/16 2005-17*

World 438 531 680 809 952 1,195 1,239 1,323 100 3.8 6.8 4.2
Europe 254.6 308.2 396.2 451.3 491.0 579.6 588.8 634.6 48.0 1.6 7.8 2.9
Asia and the Pacific 58.7 86.3 114.1 152.7 205.9 293.2 313.8 329.8 24.9 7.0 5.1 6.6
Americas 99.4 108.2 130.7 136.3 155.3 199.8 209.9 220.6 16.7 5.1 5.1 4.1
Middle East 8.2 8.5 12.8 21.4 33.5 39.4 37.7 39.8 3.0 -4.3 5.8 5.3
Africa 9.8 11.5 14.9 19.3 28.2 35.9 39.5 42.1 3.2 10.1 6.7 6.7
Origin not specified1 7.4 8.2 11.4 27.7 38.3 46.8 49.8 56.3 4.3

Same region 353.1 427.3 538.8 631.3 722.7 903.8 937.9 998.7 75.5 3.8 6.5 3.9
Other regions 77.7 95.4 130.0 149.6 191.2 244.0 251.8 268.2 20.3 3.2 6.5 5.0

Countries that could not be allocated to a specific region of origin. As information is derived from inbound tourism data this occurs when data on the
country of origin is missing or when a category such as ‘other countries of the world’ is used grouping countries together that are not seperately specified.

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) © (Data as collected by UNWTO August 2018)
Methodological Notes

Series of International Tourist Arrivals: n/a = Not applicable

. = Decimal separator
TF = International tourist arrivals at frontiers (overnight , = Thousands separator
visitors, i.e. excluding same-day visitors)
VF = International visitors arrivals at frontiers (tourists and For individual countries and territories, information reflects data as
same-day visitors) reported by national or international institutions up until August 2018.
THS = International tourists arrivals at hotel and similar
establishments For the latest tourism data and trends, please refer to the UNWTO
TCE = International tourists arrivals at collective tourism World Tourism Barometer at mkt.unwto.org/barometer. For
establishments tourism statistics online and for data on previous years, see the
TD = Departures of tourists (overnight visitors, i.e. excluding UNWTO e-library at www.e-unwto.org
same-day visitors)
VD = Departures of both overnight and same-day visitors For main concepts, definitions and classifications for the
measurement of tourism, please see:
* = Provisional figure or data
.. = Figure or data not (yet) available International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008
I = Change of series (IRTS 2008) at statistics.unwto.org/content/irts-2008

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a
United Nations specialized agency, is the leading
international organization with the decisive and
central role in promoting the development of
responsible, sustainable and universally accessible
tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism
policy issues and a practical source of tourism
know-how. Its membership includes 158 countries,
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6 territories, 2 permanent observers and over

500 Affiliate Members.

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization

Cover image: Townhall, Hamburg, Germany,

© Minnystock | Dreamstime.com

ISBN printed version: 978-92-844-1986-9

ISBN electronic version: 978-92-844-1987-6
DOI: 10.18111/9789284419685

Published by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

First published: 2018 | All rights reserved | Printed in Spain.

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this

publication do not imply the expression of any opinions whatsoever on
the part of the Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its
authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

World Tourism Organization (2018), UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2018
Edition, UNWTO, Madrid, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284419876.

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)   www.unwto.org


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