Abstract: Thermal Energy storage is a technology that reserves thermal energy as a result of cooling or
heating of the medium used for energy storage which is used after heating and cooling application and
power generation in buildings and industries. Recently, Thermal energy storage (TES) has gain a lot of
importance to fulfill the increasing demand of energy, air conditioning and refrigeration with zero
pollution with boosting use of renewable energy source. By using energy of TES during peak hour one
can reduce the peak load, peak to average ratio and thus cost of electricity. This paper accentuates the
enhancing value of thermal energy storage methodologies and their storage capacities based on their
types. This paper mainly focuses thermal and chemical storage materials including sensible heat either
liquid or solid and latent heat (phase-change-materials). An effective comparison of different T.E.S
materials has been made based on their capacity, power, efficiency, storage and cost.
Keywords: storage system; phase-change materials; chemical storage; cold storage; performance
Thermal Energy
Thermal Chemical
Head of
Sensible Heat Latent Heat chemical pipe Heat Pump
Liquids Solids
Solid-Liquid Liquid-Gas Solid-Gas
Some parameters of T.E.S systems are given in methods for temperature range of −40 °C to
Table 1 [12], storage period, capacity, cost, more than 400 °C: latent heat also known as
efficiency and power. Power capacity for P.C.Ms, sensible heat and thermo chemical
discharging and charging and energy storage energy storage materials based on different
density are desirable and significant properties chemical reactions.[13]
for any storage system. T.E.S system has three
TES System Capacity Power (MW) Efficiency (%) Storage Cost (€)/KWh
(KWh/t) Period
Sensible hot 10-50 0.001-10.0 50-90 Days/months 0.1-10
Phase change 50-150 0.001-1.0 75-90 Hours/months 10-50
Chemical 120-250 0.01-1.0 75-100 Hours/days 8-100
The process nature defines the energy storage in latent or sensible heat observed, for
storage medium has to be used. For example example sensible heat in a heat exchanger
sensible energy storage is best suitable for water pebble bed. In passive heating storage is utilized
heating. If air heated collectors are utilized, as a sensible heat in building elements.
Figure 2 Methods of thermal energy storage (a) sensible heat; (b) latent heat; (c) thermo-chemical reactions
sand, rocks or water). The cheapest option is Qs is total quantity of heat energy stored (joul),
water. The commercial and the most popular m: mass in kg of the storage material, Qs: heat
heat energy storage medium is H2O, which has a quantity, Cp: specific heat, J/kg.K, ti: initial
lot of industrial and applications. For large scale temperature (C°), tf: final temperature (C°), in
application underground storage of sensible heat Table [2] represents the most widely used S.H.S
energy with both solid and liquid medium is also materials with their properties [16]. H2O is the
being utilized. There are two main advantages of most suitable S.H.S liquid available as it is the
S.H.S that it is the cheapest and uses non-toxic cheapest having high value of Cp.but for high
materials. S.H.S system uses the property of temperature more than 100 C° molten salts, oils
temperature change and heat capacity of storage and liquids metals are utilized. Rock bed storage
media during discharging and charging process. materials are used for air heating purpose
Change in temperature, amount of storage application some of the characterizations of
materials and specific heat of the given media solid state S.H.S materials are shown in the
defines the amount of the heat stored. [15]. Table 3. [7].
Table 2 List of selected solid-liquid material for sensible heat storage [16]
3.1. Water Tank Storage is very cost effective storage material and
through optimal water stratum in the tank with
H2O is the most commonly used better thermal insulation the efficiency of this
material in S.H.S system. Storing of thermal method can be increased further. Evacuated
energy through hot H2O is the most commonly super thermal insulation with thermal
used technology. [17]. Hot H2O tank serves the conductivity of 0.01 W/m.K and a temperature
purpose for energy storing in H2O heating of 90 °C and 0.1 mbar has gained intention of
system through SE (solar energy) and through the researchers. A typical system in which a
cogeneration energy supply system. State of the water tank is used is shown in Figure 3.
art projects represent that the H2O tank storage
Figure 3 A typical system using water tank storage[18]
The energy storage capacity of a water (or other and space heating [19]. Solar combisystems
liquid) storage unit at uniform temperature (i.e., including combistores were also the topic of the
fully mixed or no stratified) operating over a European project Combisol, whose goal was the
finite temperature difference is given by promotion and standardization of solar
Equation redefined as combisystems in Europe [20].
High specific heat capacity, wide availability,
Qs = mcp∆ts chemically stability, and low cost make water a
good storage media suitable for low temperature
solar cooling applications (e.g., single stage
A more complex system with tank storage is absorption chillers and desiccant systems). Due
shown in Figure 4; a solar combisystem where to the boiling point constraint (100 ◦C at 1 bar),
water store is the central part. The so-called the use of water as sensible heat storage medium
combistore is charged with solar collectors and a for high temperature application (double effect
second heating source, such as a biofuel or gas and triple effect chillers) requires increasing the
boiler, and heat is extracted to two heat sinks of system pressure [6].
very different characteristics: domestic hot water
Figure 4 Schematic of a solar combisystem with solar collectors and a boiler charging water storage tank [19]
A packed bed in a solar heating system temperature. During the day, the variable solar
does not normally operate with constant inlet radiation, the ambient temperature, the collector
inlet temperature, load requirements, and other . Brick does not emit any harmful gases in high
time-dependent conditions result in a variable temperatures, which is important, as the storage
collector outlet temperature. unit is to be located inside a residential house.
Many studies on the heating and cooling of As demonstrated in [26], a system in which heat
packed beds have been published. The first is stored in a sensible heat storage material, such
analytical study was by Schumann [25], and the as ceramic brick, should be provided with a
basic assumptions leading to this model are a means to control airflow rate in order to
one-dimensional plug flow, no axial conduction maximize the effectiveness of heat storage
or dispersion, constant properties, no mass process, if the heat comes from a source of
transfer, no heat loss to the environment, and no variable intensity, such as a concentrated solar
temperature gradients within the solid particles. air collector.
PCMs can be used for both short-term 4.2. Characteristics Proprieties of PCMs
(daily) and long-term (seasonal) energy storage,
using a variety of techniques and materials. PCMs have been used in thermal
Possible applications of PCMs are as follows: applications for a few decades. PCMs have
implementation in gypsum board, thermo-physical properties (latent heat
plaster, concrete, or other wall covering of transition and thermal conductivity
material being part of the building should be high, and density and volume
structure to enhance the thermal energy variations during phase-transition
storage capacity, with main utilization in should be, respectively, high and low in
peak-load shifting (and shaving) and order to minimize storage volume),
solar energy [28] (in this application, kinetic and chemical properties (super-
typical operating temperature is 22–25 cooling should be limited to a few
◦C, but it can vary as a function of degrees, and materials should have
climate and heating/cooling loads); long-term chemical stability,
Cold storage for cooling plants compatibility with materials of
(operating temperature 7–15 ◦C) [17]; construction, no toxicity, and no fire
Warm storage for heating plants (40–50 hazard), and
◦C) [26]; Economic advantages (low cost and
Hot storage for solar cooling and large-scale availability of the PCMs are
heating (80–90 ◦C) [17]. also very important).
Any latent heat energy storage system therefore PCMs are classified as different groups
possesses at least following three components: depending on the material nature (paraffin, fatty
1. A suitable PCM with its melting point in acids, salt hydrates, etc.). A few advantages and
the desired temperature range, disadvantages of organic and inorganic PCMs
2. A suitable heat exchange surface and their influence on solar cooling application
are listed in Table 4 [29].
Other Non
Fatty Acid
Metallic. This category includes the low in Table 5. Such materials are used for
melting point metals and their alloys. their ability to help meet the high
They are scarcely used in heat storage demands of large capacity power plants.
applications because of their low
melting enthalpy per unit weight, even if
they have high melting enthalpy per unit
volume and high thermal conductivity
[35. A list of selected metallic is given
Table 6 Melting point and latent heat of fusion for selected metallic [35]
Hydrated Salts
Medium Temperature
Polymer Material
Molten Salts
High Temperature
Metal Alloy
100 79
50 18 23
Storage Energy (Wh/m2)
glass wool wood plaster concrete iron water PCM
Figure 9 the maximum energy storage capacity of different 10-mm-thick building materials operating between 18 and 26 °𝑪
for 24h [37]
The integration of TES in a building can be done cold is discharged when required by the cooling
in the building’s core (core, floor, and walls), demand [51].
external solar façades, suspended ceilings, the
ventilation system, PV systems, and water Furthermore, TES has been used in building
tanks. One of the main applications of TES in solar systems to convert intermittent energy
active building systems is the use of free sources and meet heating and DHW demands.
cooling, when the storage is charged with low The most popular solar TES method has been
night outdoor temperatures, and this stored extended to integrate solar air collectors in
building walls or to use PCM in ventilated .
façades (Figure 13) [52].
The combination of PCMs with the solar great opportunity for the research and for energy
buildings and zero energy buildings will make a management
CSP systems use mirrors to concentrate Figure 15 shows a two-tank thermal energy
sunlight from a large area to a small area, where storage system integrated into a parabolic trough
it is absorbed and converted to heat at high power plant [67].
temperatures. The high temperature heat is then
used to drive a power block (usually a steam
turbine connected to an electrical power
6. Cool Thermal Energy Storage thermal energy or waste heat from several
processes can be used to regenerate the
Cool thermal energy storage (CTES) has adsorbent and promote energy storage [71].
recently attracted interest for its industrial
refrigeration applications, such as process The adsorption cycle has already been used in
cooling, food preservation, and building air- several research projects to promote TES. In
conditioning systems. PCMs and their thermal 1990, Kaubek and Maier-Laxhuber [72]
properties suitable for air-conditioning patented an adsorption apparatus to be used for
applications can be found in [64]. For air- electric heating storage, working with the
conditioning and refrigeration (ice storage), zeolite/water pair and reporting 30% savings in
temperatures from −5 to 15 ◦C are optimum for energy consumption. The system can be used as
thermal storage, but at lower temperatures, latent an air-heating device or combined with a hot-
heat storage materials are better than sensible water tank. In the first case, the adsorbent bed is
heated by electric heating rods during desorption
. phase, regenerating the adsorbent and releasing
the condensation heat into the space to be
Typical applications involve adsorption of water
heated. In the latter case, the condensation heat
vapor to silica gel or zeolites (i.e., microporous
is released into a water tank during the
crystalline alumina-silicates). Of special
desorption phase, while the adsorption heat is
importance for use in hot/humid climates or
transferred to the water tank through a specific
confined spaces with high humidity are open
closed circuit in the adsorption stage. Hauer [73]
sorption systems based on lithium-chloride to
presented a seasonal adsorption TES system,
cool water and on zeolites to control humidity.
working with the silica-gel/water pair (Figure
Adsorption TES is a promising technology that
can provide an excellent solution for long-term
TES in a more compact and efficient way. Solar
Figure 16 Seasonal adsorption thermal storage system [73]
The numerical results from the parametric study Important fields of application for TES
investigated by Shaikh and Lafdi [74] indicated systems are in the building sector (e.g., DHW,
that the total energy charged rate can be space heating, and air-conditioning) and in the
significantly enhanced using composite PCMs as industrial sector (e.g., processes heating and
compared to the single PCM. cooling). TES systems can be installed as either
centralized plants or distributed devices.
Figure 17 shows the different TES technologies: Centralized plants are designed to store waste
sensible heat, latent heat and thermochemical heat from large industrial processes,
with respect to their working temperatures. conventional power plants, combined heat and
power plants, and renewable power plants, such
as CSP. Their power capacity ranges typically
from hundreds of kW to several MW.
Distributed devices are usually buffer storage
7. Performance and cost of TES system systems to accumulate solar heat to be used for
domestic and commercial buildings (e.g., hot
TES includes a number of different water, heating, and appliances). Distributed
technologies, each one with its own specific systems are mostly in the range of few to tens of
performance, application, and cost. kW.
Figure 17 Storage capacity depending on temperature for TES [4]
8. Conclusions and Future Trends Melting temperature, latent heat of fusion, and
PCM thermo-physical issues are three basic
SHS is applicable to domestic systems, district factors influencing the selection of PCMs in any
heating, and industrial needs. The most popular application. A high heat of fusion and a precise
and commercial heat storage medium is water, melting/solidification temperature (without sub
which has a number of residential and industrial cooling) are two primary requirements in the
applications. Underground storage of sensible selection approach. Numerous mechanical and
heat in both liquid and solid media is also used nano-level enhancements have been achieved to
for typically large-scale applications. However, increase the heat transfer rate. which is
TES systems based on SHS offer a storage promising. Micro-encapsulation increases the
capacity that is limited by the specific heat of the heat transfer surface area and is also a solution
storage medium. Furthermore, SHS systems for phase segregation in salt hydrates.
require proper design to discharge thermal Most of the literature is focused on
energy at constant temperatures. routine and commercialized PCM materials such
PCMs can offer a higher storage as paraffin. We recommend focusing on special
capacity that is associated with the latent heat of PCMs with a wide temperature range such as
the phase change. PCMs also enable a target- salt hydrates and synthesizing specialized PCMs
oriented discharging temperature that is set by suitable for specific building applications. TCS
the constant temperature of the phase change. can offer even higher storage capacities.
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