Abuelnuor2018 - PCM For Indoor Air Comfort A Review
Abuelnuor2018 - PCM For Indoor Air Comfort A Review
Abuelnuor2018 - PCM For Indoor Air Comfort A Review
DOI: 10.1002/er.4000
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Sudan University
of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Phase change materials (PCMs) have great potentials to be used in modern
Sudan building materials to stabilize indoor temperature fluctuations for improving
Mechanical Engineering Department, thermal comfort. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the use of
College of Engineering and Technology,
Arab Academy for Science, Technology PCMs in buildings to improve thermal comfort without increasing energy con-
and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, sumption. Concise discussions of the experimental and computational works
reported in literature are presented. A special focus of this review is devoted
Correspondence to discussing different analysis methods and models used to test, characterize,
Abuelnuor A.A. Abuelnuor, Mechanical and measure the performance of PCMs in modern building applications under
Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering, Sudan University of Science
different conditions. This detailed review also highlights the special attention
and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan. given to organic PCMs, such as paraffin, due to their favorable properties, such
Email: abuelnuor99@gmail.com as low price, chemical stability, non‐corrosiveness, and high latent heat of
fusion. The review shows the scarcity of literature reporting the use of eutectic
PCMs in building applications, despite their high volumetric storage density.
indoor temperature, indoor thermal comfort, PCM, thermal energy storage
Abbreviations: EPS, expanded polystyrene; GP, glass powder; HVAC, heating ventilation and air conditioning; LA–LWA, lauryl alcohol‐lightweight
aggregate; LHS, latent heat storage; MPCM, microencapsulated phase change material; PCM, phase change materials; SHS, sensible heat storage;
SSPCM, shape‐stabilized phase change material; TCM, thermochemical material; TES, thermal energy storage; TESC, thermal energy storage
concrete; EAFD, electric‐arc furnace dust; TGA, thermo gravimetric analyzer; UHI, urban heat island; VIP, vacuum insulation panels; WPC, wood‐
plastic composite; xGnP, exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets
Symbols: QSENSIBLE, The sensible heat storage [kJ].; QLATENT, The latent heat storage [kJ].; m, Mass of storage material [kg].; ΔT, Temperature change
of storage material [K].; Cp, Storage material specific heat capacity [kJ/kgK].; Δh, Specific melting enthalpy of storage material [kJ/kg].; Q, Amount of
heat stored/released [kJ].; Tes, the exterior surface temperature [°C]; T is, the interior surface temperature [°C]; Ta, the internal air temperature [°C]
2084 Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/er Int J Energy Res. 2018;42:2084–2103.
the power generation and to stabilize the power supply at 3.1 | Sensible heat
a suitable cost. Many techniques can be used in TES sys-
For sensible heat storage (SHS), the amount of absorbed
tems based on the processing of energy storage to keep
heat depends on 3 characteristics: the mass of the
it in a certain field with a specific time relevant to each
medium, its ability to absorb heat, and temperature
application.8,11-14 A vital purpose of TES can be found in
changes.4 In sensible heat systems, the energy is stored
its use to reduce peak loads in HVAC systems.15,16 TES
in the media and the temperature increases according to
is a practical method which is used to generate cooling
this process, and this energy can be used when the media
or to reduce cost during the period of cooling demand
releases it during a temperature decrease.52 The disadvan-
depending on the storage process, so it could be the most
tage of sensible heat is the use of large storage mass to
suitable method to reduce the mismatch of the gap
store thermal energy which leads to an increase in
between the consumption and supply of the energy.17,18
temperature.15 The sensible heat can be calculated
The materials, which apply the principle of TES and
according to Equation 116:
absorb or release a specific amount of heat to change from
phase into another, are called phase change materials QSENSIBLE ¼ m:cp:ΔT (1)
(PCM).19 In recent years, the application of PCMs has
increased in different fields, such as solar power
plants,20-23 solar dryers24-26 and waste heat recovery27-29;
photovoltaic electricity systems,30-32 electronic devices33;
3.2 | Latent heat
electric vehicles,34,35 lithium batteries36,37; and some Latent heat storage (LHS) is one of the most efficient
biomedical applications.38 This review focuses on the methods of storing thermal energy.53 Latent heat storage
use of PCMs in building construction applications, partic- functions as the enthalpy of a material change when it
ularly in indoor temperature control for improving changes from 1 phase to another.54 LHS provides higher
thermal comfort. Therefore, the discussions presented in heat capacity with a small change in temperature between
this review primarily focus on the effect of using PCMs, charging and discharging.55 LHS could be divided to solid‐
with different applications criteria, on building indoor liquid, solid‐gas, solid‐solid, and liquid‐gas depending on
temperature and thermal comfort. the change of phase during the process.56 The transforma-
tions of liquid‐gas and solid‐gas phase are inappropriate for
TES applications because of the complicated large volume
alteration through the phase change.57,58 The advantage of
an LHS method, which makes it exceed an SHS method, is
higher heat storage capacity per volume with a smaller
change in temperature between the charging and
discharging processes.13,59 The heat storage capacity for
Temperature control strategies can be divided into 2 main
latent heat media depends on the specific heat and the
groups: active and passive. Active strategies include all
latent heat capacity.10,60 The LHS can be expressed as16:
HVAC systems which are integrated with the environ-
ment to exploit the variable sources of nature for supply- QLATENT ¼ m: Δh (2)
ing low energy buildings. On the other hand, passive
cooling is the system which utilizes the energy available Equation 3 calculates the total heat stored or released
from the natural environment without using any by a media through a phase change is61:
mechanical units in order to reduce the consumption of
conventional energy resources.39,40 The different ways of Q ¼ ðm:cp:ΔT Þ þ ðm: ΔhÞ (3)
cooling buildings are shown in Figure 1. In the figure,
the TES with PCM is considered as a passive system by
heat modulation. 3.3 | Thermochemical
Thermochemical storage relies on the energy which is
absorbed and released depending on breaking and
3 | THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE reforming molecular bonds.12 In the charging process,
MECHANIS M the material separates and supplies an amount of heat.
In the discharging process, the 2 parts mix at certain pres-
TES methods can be divided according to the storage sure and temperature conditions and energy is released.
mechanisms into 3 methods: sensible heat, latent heat, The materials which rely on this principle are termed
and thermochemical (as shown in Figure 2). “thermo‐chemical materials” (TCM)s.62
stable physical and chemical properties.40,71 Organic TABLE 1 The selection criteria of phase change mate-
PCMs are also non‐toxic, non‐corrosive, and have negligi- rials12,13,40,51,54,67,77-90
ble supercooling and segregation properties.56,71 On the Thermodynamic 1. Suitable phase‐change
other hand, organic PCMs have disadvantages, including properties temperature
low thermal conductivity, flammability, and low 2. High latent heat of transition
enthalpy.13 A supercooling phenomenon implies that the 3. High specific heat
latent heat cannot be extracted even at much lower 4. High thermal conductivity
temperatures than the phase transition temperature in 5. Homogenous melting
the heat recovery stage.72 A segregation phenomenon Kinetic properties 1. No super‐cooling
occurs with the separation of the components' materials 2. High crystallization rate
over successive freeze/melt cycles.73 3. High nucleation rate
Physical properties 1. Favorable phase equilibrium
2. High density
3. Small/no volume change
4.1.2 | Inorganic phase change materials 4. Low vapor pressure
5. No phase segregation
Inorganic materials are further classified as salt hydrate
and metallic. The most common salt hydrates are Chemical properties 1. Chemical stability
2. Compatible with container
K2HO4.6H2O, KF.4H2O, K2HO4.4H2O, LiBO2.8H2O,
FeBr3.6H2O, and CaCl2.6H2O.12,61,74 The most common
3. Non‐toxic
metallics are Gallium and Cerrobend eutectic.12 Inorganic 4. Non‐flammable
PCMs have some attractive properties, including high 5. Non‐explosive
latent heat, non‐flammable, high thermal conductivity, 6. Non‐corrosiveness
and low vapor pressure.12,51,75 However, they suffer from 7. No degradation
inappropriate properties, including corrosiveness, insta- Economic properties 1. Available
bility, and supercooling.75 2. Low price
3. Easy recycling and treatment
4. Good environmental performance
energy efficiency in the construction of modern buildings. 16.0°C to 20.8°C and a latent enthalpy of 30.7 kJ/kg.
One way of achieving such a goal is by incorporating The model was produced and applied in Montreal. PCMs
PCMs into the building materials.9,10 TES systems using were joined into gypsum wallboards by 25 wt%. The
PCMs have been accepted as one of the most advanced numerical simulation was conducted using an explicit
energy technologies in enhancing energy efficiency and finite difference model to simulate the transient heat
the consumption of buildings. The use of PCMs in build- transfer procedure in the walls. From the results, the
ings promises better indoor thermal comfort for occu- gypsum wall boards were able to reduce the peak temper-
pants by reducing indoor temperature fluctuations, and ature by 4°C during daytime. It was also shown that the
lowering overall energy consumption due to the load simulation results were in close agreement with the
reduction.93 TES systems have the advantage of managing experimental results.
energy through storage, and they are also useful for reduc- Kissock et al100 utilized a test in basic structures
ing the usage of fossil fuels which are the main cause of treated to 30 wt% using industrially paraffinic PCM
CO2 production.91 The purpose of implementing PCMs (K18) so as to assess the wallboard's thermal performance.
into building is to virtually reduce the maximum thermal Test cells were led on the experiment with and without
load on the building in order to reduce and regulate the paraffinic PCM wallboards. The outcomes acquired
electricity demand for heating and cooling.94 demonstrated that, on sunny days, the phase transition
test‐cell with PCM was lower than that for control test cell
without PCM by 10°C. An improved (finite difference
5.1 | Integration of phase change
simulation) was capable of predicting the temperature of
materials into building components
the interior wall within the test cells with considerable
PCMs, as a LHS technology, integrated in lightweight accuracy (average error 1.7°C) depending on environmen-
building components, are considered as an interesting tal data and measured characteristics.
alternative to sensible heat storage in heavyweight Kissock and Hannig et al101 carried out an experimen-
constructions, because of their theoretical volumetric tal and numerical study to investigate the thermal
storage density which can be up to 15 times higher than performance of PCM integrated with wallboards. The
that of traditional storage materials.12,83,95 The enhance- experiment used 2 test cells with small scale dimensions
ment of thermal performance for a building integrated (1.22 m × 1.22 m × 0.61 m). The cells used basic light‐
with PCMs depends on many factors, including design, frame construction practices to evaluate the phase change
climate, the orientation of the construction, and the types wallboard for exploratory review. The regular wallboard
of PCMs used.93,96 Thermal storage can be part of the was introduced in one of the test cells, and the wallboard
building structure, even for light weight buildings, by (soaked up to 29% by weight with K18) was introduced in
the addition of PCMs to gypsum board, plaster, concrete, the other test cell. A finite‐difference simulation model
or other building materials.97,98 was adjusted and approved by utilizing experimental
PCMs can be incorporated into virtually all the information to anticipate inside wall temperatures in the
components of a building. In spite of that, the major test cells. The outcomes showed that maximum tempera-
common PCM incorporation into the building is in the tures in the PCM test cell were dependent upon to 10°C
walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, and windows, because of not as much as that utilizing the ordinary wallboard
their ease of installation and their effective heat transfer. during sunny days.
The most influential studies, based on citations as well Harald Mehling102 presented his project report at the
as the authors' viewpoints, were reviewed based on using 8th Expert Meeting and Work Shop, Kizkalesi, Turkey
PCM integrated with buildings' construction elements on the (Innovative PCM Technologies) in which it was
(walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, and windows) to evaluate recommended that windows are introduced with PCM
their performance of reducing the indoor temperature of shutters to reduce the room temperature by 2°C and to
buildings. defer the ideal shading temperature by 3 hours.
Farid and Khudhair13; and Tardieu103 built a variety of
symmetric wood‐framed test cottages on the Tamaki
5.2 | Review of phase change material
Campus, University of Auckland, New Zealand. The
integration with building components
single‐storey building measurements were
Athienitis et al99 carried out experimental and numerical 2.60 m × 2.60 m × 2.60 m, providing a floor zone of
studies on a full scale model room with the dimensions 5.76 m2 each. Their wooden casings were made of
(2.82 m × 2.22 m × 2.24 m) integrated with PCMs. 9.8 cm × 6.3 cm strong pine wood profiles. Windows were
Gypsum board has been immersed into a liquid butyl introduced on the north side walls and doors on the east
stearate type PCM, having a phase change range of side walls. The 1.25‐cm‐thick sheets of plywood were
utilized as the outside wall covering. The wall cavities to calculate the non‐linear thermal properties of construc-
were loaded with fiberglass thermal insulation. Tardieu103 tion materials. They focused on applications with PCMs
lifted the test cabins from the ground. The PCM‐upgraded in interior wall materials to prevent overheating. To
gypsum sheets were subjected to field tests where the validate the simulation results, they constructed a test
seasonal energy performance was identified utilizing facility for wall samples of 50 cm × 50 cm. The simulated
entire‐building energy simulations. With the end goal of results showed that the air temperature of a room with
this project, gypsum sheets were incorporated with PCMs is less than that of a room without PCMs by 3°C,
27 wt% of PCM with a liquefying range of 18°C to 23°C as shown in Figure 6.
and a latent heat of melting of 134 kJ/kg. Overall building Some interesting field studies exploring the consider-
energy simulations using EnergyPlus package were ation of PCMs into concrete, bricks, insulations, and other
performed to predict the thermal energy performance. building envelope materials were performed by a research
Both the simulation results and field test information group in the University of Lleida, Spain. Cabeza et al105
have demonstrated that the use of PCM‐ upgraded analyzed PCM and its performance by using PCM‐
gypsum sheets enhances the thermal inertia of buildings enhanced concretes to build one of the 2 symmetric test
(Figure 4). One of the conclusions was that the extra cottages. The other test cottage was built with ordinary
thermal mass of the PCM can decrease the daily indoor concrete for reference. An entire‐building energy model
temperature vacillation by up to 4°C on an ordinary TRNSYS utilizing the PCM subroutine was created by
summer day, as shown in Figure 5. the University of Lleida and was approved based on the
Schossig et al104 carried out a parametric study with a laboratory experimental outcomes. Ibanez et al96 was
building simulation program to identify promising fields utilized for energy performance investigation. The
of application. For this purpose, they implemented a paraffinic PCM with a melting point of 26°C and a latent
model in the open‐source building simulation tool ESP‐r heat of 110 kJ/kg were utilized as a part of this work. The
obtained results demonstrated that hovel PCM incorpora-
tion in the concrete decreased the temperature on the test
hut containing PCM. The temperature contrast between
the reference cabin and the PCM cottage was around 2°C
(Figure 7). Additionally, the air in the reference cabin
achieved the same day top temperature (36°C) approxi-
mately 2 hours prior in contrast with the PCM cottage.
For the numerical model, an average maximum room
temperature reduction of 3°C was obtained.
Ahmad et al106 improved the thermal performance of
light envelopes, which are normally being utilized as part
of current modern structures by using PCM incorporated
in vacuum insulation panels (VIP). Two test cells were
FIGURE 4 Temperatures inside the cabin with PCM [Colour designed, and each one was composed of 1 coated face
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] and 5 opaque faces protected with VIPs. The thermal
FIGURE 7 Temperature of south wall in both cubicles [Colour Voelker et al108 applied, experimentally, microencap-
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] sulated PCM incorporated in the plaster in Weimar,
Germany. The experiment used 2 test rooms developed
inertia of one of the cells was expanded by introducing 5 with lightweight walls. The PCM was incorporated in
PCM panels. During summer, the effectiveness of the the plaster and was connected to 1 test room. The
PCM test cell was observed to be striking with a decrease outcomes demonstrate that the maximum temperatures
in temperature of 20°C. In winter, the PCM cell avoided can be reduced up to 4°C by the use of PCM consolidated
negative indoor temperature efficiently as shown in plaster, as shown in Figure 10. Nevertheless, it is observed
Figure 8. that if a few consecutive hot days occur, the PCM cannot
Shilei et al107 experimentally assessed the thermal release the stored heat and this causes loss of their heat
performance of incorporating gypsum wallboards with storing capacity. To avoid this issue, powerful night
26 wt% PCMs, which were a blend of capric and lauric ventilation (NV) can be connected.
acids. The experiment location was in Shenyang in Kuznik et al109 evaluated, experimentally, the thermal
northeast China, and the test was conducted in winter. conduction of a light‐weight‐building‐inner‐divider wall
The thermal performance of the model room using a PCM‐based wallboard. The experimental study
(5 m × 3.3 m × 2.8 m), with and without PCM gypsum was done in a full‐scale test where the surrounding
wallboards, was observed for 3 sequential days. During environment (temperature and solar radiation) was con-
the measurement period, the rooms were heated by an trolled to simulate an agent summer day. The installation
electric heating film (2040‐W capacity) introduced in the consists of 2 identical enclosures, called “cell 1” and “cell
roof. As indicated by the test outcomes, the greatest 2,” which dimensions are 3.10, 3.10, and 2.50 m. The first
temperature change in the PCM wall room was 1.15°C, cell was constituted of 60% microencapsulated PCM, with
lower than that of the normal wall room (Figure 9). the melting temperature of 22°C. The final form of the
Besides, the thermal stream in the PCM wall room was PCM material was flexible sheets of 5‐mm thickness with
lower than that of the normal wall room. Along these a density of 1019 kg/m3. It was demonstrated that the
lines, PCM wallboards can reduce the temperature fluctu- vacillation of the inner air temperature and the inside wall
ations inside buildings as well as the size of heating equip- surface temperature were decreased by 4.7°C and 3.5°C
ment and hence decrease the related operating cost. separately, when a PCM wallboard was utilized.
FIGURE 8 Thermal behaviour of the 2 test‐cells (without and FIGURE 10 Air temperatures (strength of coating of the plaster
with PCM) [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] 3 cm)
impact. In the mid‐season, the floor temperature pinnacle 1. Reference cubicle (Reference): This cubicle has no
was decreased by around 3.5°C (Figure 13). This frame- insulation.
work is viably advantageous to keep up the room temper- 2. Polyurethane cubicle (PU): The insulation material
ature agreeable with no additional energy source. used is 5 cm of spray foam polyurethane.
Kendrick and Walliman114 reviewed different 3. PCM cubicle (RT27 + PU): The insulation used is
simulations and demonstrated that a phase change tem- again 5 cm of spray foam polyurethane and an
perature of 22°C, which is the mid‐ purpose of the picked additional layer of PCM. CSM panels containing RT‐
comfortable zone range (20°C–24°C), was the best for the 27 paraffin are located between the perforated bricks
contemplated case. In commercial buildings, peak and the polyurethane (in the southern and western
temperatures can be decreased by around 3°C to 4°C, walls and the roof).
and day hours when the temperature is over 24°C can
be diminished by 80% (Figure 14). Their results demonstrated that the interior tempera-
Castell et al115 evaluated a full‐scale test to study the ture was lessened by up to 1°C and turned out to be
macro‐encapsulated PCM added to the building envelope steadier under free‐floating conditions (Figure 15). Entrop
for field cooling. Five different cubicles were built using et al116 and Prins et al117 examined and evaluated PCM‐
different Mediterranean typical constructive solutions to improved floor systems in 4 plastic holders with the
be able to compare the results obtained with the concrete dimensions of 1.0 m × 1.0 m × 0.5 m. These dimensions
cubicles. The internal dimensions of the new cubicles are made the test boxes different from and contrary to
(2.4 m × 2.4 m × 2.4 m). The cubicles are located in reference modern Dutch residential structures. Within
Puigverd de Lleida. each experimental compartment, thermocouples were
Three cubicles using different insulating solutions are installed to measure the temperature profiles crosswise
compared: with the building shell segments. Two out of the 4 test
compartments had the floors containing microencapsu-
lated paraffinic PCM, of a dissolving temperature of
approximately 23°C. Two types of thermal insulated
envelopes were utilized (heavy and light insulation). The
test has demonstrated that indoor maximum space
temperatures can be lessened by up to 4.0°C and 3.7°C
in the test holders utilizing PCM‐improved floors, for
heavy and light insulated envelope forms, respectively.
Gowreesunker and Tassou118 explored the perfor-
mance of a PCM‐clay composite board put on the walls
of a custom constructed test‐cell, with wall properties like
a timber outline wall. The board contained 21% PCM with
a mean enthalpy of fusion 16.5 kJ/kg and a melting
temperature range of 12°C to 22°C. A test cell with the
FIGURE 13 The room air temperature calculated in the mid‐
inward measurements of 1.3 m × 0.8 m × 1.4 m and
season simulations for the PCM and the standard radiant floor
[Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
coated veneer measurements of 1.3 m × 0.8 m was (mineral wool). The roof is composed of sandwich panels
developed to give a controlled environment where in the with glass fiber and an anti‐steam protection layer (total
transient conduct of air and PCM could be examined. of 8 cm). The internal wall partition that divides both
The wall/ceiling/floor system was made of 48‐mm compartments is also a sandwich panel reinforced with
plywood, 90‐mm insulation, and 18‐mm plywood with 2 layers of 4 cm of insulation (4 cm on each side). The
skimmed PCM mud sheets set within the surface of the floor, besides of the steel structure, is composed of
walls only. The study comprised the experimental 18 mm of insulation material with a vinyl finish. The air
approval of a CFD numerical model of the test‐cell, later temperature was measured inside the test cell, which
used to research diverse forms of the PCM sheets' perfor- comprised 2 next‐to‐each‐other cubicles. The observed
mance. Initially, applying the PCM sheets brought in 3°C diminish in temperature was found to be 16.6°C in the
lessening in peak air and surface temperatures, in respect peak air temperature inside the cell with the PCM shutter
to gypsum plasterboards, avoiding the overheating in contrast to that of the reference cell (Figure 16).
inclination of the building space. Cui et al123 carried out an experimental and numerical
Shi et al119 carried out an experimental study on the study to decide the ideal position of PCM in a room. A
performance of using macro‐encapsulated PCM incorpo- macro encapsulated lauryl alcohol‐lightweight aggregate
rated into concrete walls in the subtropical climate of (LA‐LWA) was prepared for subsequent development of
Hong Kong. The experiment included a small‐scale model TES concrete (TESC). The macro encapsulated LA‐LWA
of an indoor air temperature level at the focal of the test was obtained by encapsulating the surface of LWA with
rooms to highlight the effect of 3 positions of PCM in epoxy and modified cement paste. Computer simulations
concrete walls (outside and inside fortified with concrete for the room model were then performed using the build-
walls, as well as overlaid inside the concrete walls). The ing energy simulation program EnergyPlus. As indicated
obtained results show that the air temperature level inside by the outcomes, it was observed that PCM incorporated
the room models was balanced by the macro encapsulated into walls gave the best thermal performance. The best
PCM; all things considered, its position in the concrete thermal performance of the room model with PCM
walls played an important role in its productivity. A incorporated into walls was found when the decrease in
thermal performance examination of 3 variables cases room temperature was up to 10°C (Figure 17).
exhibited that the best inside temperature control was Xuming Mi et al124 showed the inside surface
accomplished by the model with the PCM overlaid inside temperature profiles alongside temperature profiles for
the concrete walls with a 4°C lessening in the peak the southern wall (in the presence and absence of PCM)
temperature. on a normal 1‐day climate in June. The effect of PCM
Royon et al120 continued their previous experimental on the energy consumption of a typical multistorey office
study121 and carried out a numerical study to determine building, located in 5 different cities (Shenyang,
the ideal quantity of SSPCM to be brought into the similar Zhengzhou, Changsha, Kunming, and Hong Kong),
floor board to manage the building's inside temperature. representing different climate regions of China, was
To examine the thermal performance of the PCM floor, simulated for a whole year using EnergyPlus. The PCM
a numerical model of the floor with 5 annular setups of used (PCM27 having a melting temperature of 27°C),
PCM (different percentages of PCM concentrations) was was directly selected from the simulation program
developed using Comsol Multiphysics. The simulation
outcomes were approved against experimental estima-
tions, and a decent correlation between the 2 methodolo-
gies was made. The results showed that the surface
temperature varieties in the floor board were diminished
by roughly 2°C and the impact of maximum load removal
was intensified by the fuse of PCM.
Silva et al122 led a full‐scale experimental model in a
Mediterranean climate to analyze the thermal perfor-
mance of 2 comparative window shutters, present and
absent of PCM, in 2 cells' compositions. The external
dimensions of the test cells are 7.00 m × 2.35 m × 2.58 m
(length × width × height) and the internal floor areas are
5.17 m2. The main cell structure is made of galvanized FIGURE 16 Internal air temperature comparison and its decline
steel profiles, and the external opaque walls are composed between cubicles [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.
by sandwich panels with 4 cm of insulation material com]
heat capacity method, is used to predict the actual impact surface temperatures (Tes and T is) and the internal air
of PCM on thermal comfort. On the experimental temperature (Ta) were measured. Whole building energy
platform, 4 small‐scale cells (called ISOTEST) and a simulations were conducted by using the software
normal‐scale building (called LGI) are installed. The EnergyPlus to evaluate the cooling energy savings
ISOTEST cell model is a reduction in size of the LGI through the combined use of cool paint and PCM in a
building. In order to simulate the dynamic thermal behav- tropical climate. A numerical building model was
iour of a multizone building according to its description developed based on a singlestorey building located in
and the climate of its location, a prototype of building Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. It is a
thermal software, which integrates the hygrothermal rectangular‐shaped building consisting of 2 rooms, ie, a
and aeraulic phenomena called “ISOLAB,” has been test room and a store room. The incorporation of 20 wt%
developed. It is observed that the indoor air temperature PCM microcapsules into the skim coat also leads to a
is higher in the non‐PCM building than that in the PCM reduction in the peak interior air temperature. The peak
building by 1.7°C throughout the whole day and by internal air temperatures of the type 3 (PCM) and type 4
1.1°C throughout the nighttime. (CP + PCM) were 0.8°C and 3.70°C, respectively, lower
Kim et al133 developed a PCM model based on the than that of the control system (Figure 22).
specific heat capacity of the SSPCM sheets measured Yang et al135 presented a study to derive the reduction
using a thermostatic chamber, and the simulations' effect on the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon by
results were obtained using EnergyPlus. The validity of applying PCM in building roofs. In their study, an effect
the PCM model was examined by comparing the simula- of reduction in surface temperature was verified through
tion and experimental results, which showed a similar a mock‐up performance test on a PCM cool roof system,
temperature tendency. The model was then examined to manufactured by combining a PCM and radiation
determine the applicability of PCM to the various climates hardened wood (wood‐plastic composite WPC), and an
in Japan through annual heating load simulations. Three analysis of the temperature distribution simulation was
identical test huts were constructed in the Chiba Prefec- conducted by utilizing the mock‐up test results to verify
ture, Japan. The target buildings were classified as Type the temperature reduction in the canopy layer and roof
A (no PCM, reference), Type B (only the floor contained surface. This study conducted a test with 3 specimens:
PCM), and Type C (the floor, walls, and ceiling contained WPC, WPC + Bio25 (phase change: 25°C), and
PCM) using a standard Japanese house. Types B and C WPC + n‐docosane44 (phase change: 44°C). The study
had the same amount of PCM as 2.5‐mm SSPCM sheets result showed that the temperature was decreased by
were installed. The simulation was run for 21 cases, with 6.8°C on average when the PCM cool roof system was
one being run for each type of building in 7 Japanese applied.
climates. The results showed that the peak indoor temper- Figueiredo et al136 presented the results of a study on
ature during the daytime in Hut B decreased by 2.0°C, indoor thermal comfort and energy efficiency regarding
while it decreased by 2.6°C in Hut C. The averages of the PCM's positive role when applied to new constructive
the measured indoor temperatures, and the values solutions, inside a building with a geothermal system
calculated by EnergyPlus were compared. linked to the air conditioning system. The PCM study
Lei et al134 investigated the integration of cool colored
coating and PCM for building cooling through experimen-
tal and numerical studies. Four types of coating systems
were prepared to investigate the cooling performance of
combining cool paint and PCM. Type 1 (Control) is a
control system where a normal skim coat was coated with
normal paint on the surface and type 2 (CP) is the normal
skim coat with cool paint coated on the surface. Type 3
(PCM) adopts a PCM‐modified skim coat with the normal
paint coated on the surface, while type 4 (CP + PCM) is
the PCM cool colored coating system where the PCM‐
modified skim coat was coated with the cool paint on
the surface. The sample was fitted in a well‐insulated
cubic box with the dimension of 70 mm × 200 mm × 130 mm.
The top surface of the sample with the paint faced to a FIGURE 22 Temperature profiles of the internal air during the
halogen tungsten lamp, simulating a natural sunlight thermal tests of type 1 to 4 [Colour figure can be viewed at
condition over the box. Both the exterior and interior wileyonlinelibrary.com]
was based on real and simulated investigations in 2 rooms incorporating such paraffin (40% oil +60% wax) on the
of a new university department at the Aveiro campus. roof and walls for determining its effect on the heat trans-
Higrothermal monitoring (indoor air temperature) of 2 fer over the temperature range of 40°C to 44°C. Two iden-
rooms in which one of them has PCM panels incorporated tical test rooms of the same internal dimensions of
into a gypsum board partition wall and into a suspended (3 m × 2.5 m × 2 m) were constructed to examine the
ceiling. The scope was driven to investigate the potential energy savings and thermal comfort improvement capac-
of these solutions for overheating mitigation. The ity of the developed PCM. The stable structure is formed
numerical study was conducted by using EnergyPlus by enclosing the PCM (paraffin) inside an aluminum con-
software. In the scope of this optimization process, tainer. Figure 23 shows the effects of the PCM panel (over
constructive solutions with the incorporation of different the concrete slab) on the heat transfer for the month of
types of PCMs with different melting temperatures and August (peak summer). It is observed that the room
enthalpy, and different flow rates of natural ventilation temperature at 1.5‐m height without PCM is higher than
were combined to investigate the potential and the that of the one with the PCM incorporated panel by 10°C.
payback time of these novel solutions. The results showed Abuelnuor et al140 carried out an experimental study
that the PCM application in one of the rooms led to a to evaluate the performance of using PCM systems in
reduction of 2°C in indoor temperature, less than that of buildings. The PCM used was calcium chloride hexahy-
the other room. drate (CaCl2.6H2O) whose latent heat is 187.8 KJ/kg K
Siddiqui et al137 compared and contrasted the thermal and melting point is 30°C. They built 2 small scale models
performances of 2 (PCM)s in the Toronto's Net‐Zero (with and without PCM) with the dimensions
Energy House with commonly available forms of thermal (0.36 m × 0.30 m × 0.34 m). The construction material
masses using the simulation software (TRNSYS). The roof was compressed wood with the thermal conductivity of
assembly consists of drywall on 19 mm × 19 mm furring 0.17 W m−1 K−1. Four thermocouples were attached to
and 0.15‐mm polyethylene vapor retarder attached to the indoor air temperature inside the model, with and
the bottom of the 294‐mm pre‐engineered Ijoists. Walls without PCM. The results showed that the PCM in the
below grade are of the insulating concrete form and have building structure reduced the peak indoor temperature
6.3 cm of a rigid polystyrene board with a waterproof by 3.5°C for the same time period, as shown in
membrane. The results exhibited that the performance Figure 24.
of a novel solid‐solid phase PCM, recently developed by Ramakrishnan et al141 carried out a numerical study
researchers at Dalhousie University and known as to investigate the potential applications of PCM to be
“DalHSM‐1,” could be comparable to a commercially integrated into buildings to reduce heat stress risks during
available PCM from BASF (Micronal) in the heating extreme heatwave periods. A detached single‐storey
mode. The results indicated that DalHSM‐1 could reduce house, without an active air‐conditioning system, is
the peak indoor temperature by 8.8°C in winter and refurbished with the installation of macro‐encapsulated
0.2°C in summer, while Micronal could reduce it by Bio‐PCMTM mats as inner linings of walls and ceilings.
9.1°C in winter and 1.7°C in summer. Dynamic thermal simulations have been undertaken to
In order to validate the model developed, several reveal the performance of, as well as factors influencing,
dynamic measurements of an insulated wall, with PCM,
were carried out in a laboratory setup, and the experimen-
tal data were compared with the simulated data of the
same setup by Fateh et al.138 The test chamber consists
of 2, separate plates controllable by the 2 thermostats;
one at the top and one at the bottom. As a sample, some
XPS insulation with a DuPont Energain board as a PCM
layer was used. The PCM was inserted at different
positions of wallboards. The PCM proved its effect on
reducing the indoor temperature of the model it
integrated in.
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paraffin.” This PCM, which can be used in potential FIGURE 23 Measured air temperature profile at height of 1.5 m
(TES) systems, was extracted from Iraqi crude petroleum inside the test room without PCM and with PCM of thickness 6‐
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tion. Two identical test rooms were constructed by viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
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