A New Perspective On Global Data Privacy: Choice®

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A New Perspective on Global Data Privacy

Navigating GDPR and Evolving Global Privacy Regulations
Converging physical & digital worlds, and an increasing demand for data collection and use transparency,
require us to think differently about privacy. Using personal data for targeted marketing is regulated differently
than using it for research, services, or healthcare delivery. Privacy and security policy setting is even more
challenging in the U.S. and EU, now that some Member States have more stringent regulations then their
country’s laws.

Organizations will need an adaptive framework to manage consent and privacy that allows them to seamlessly
support multiple regulatory environments with centralized tools and infrastructure.

New Regulations Require New Design Principals – Privacy by Design

Leading privacy advocate, Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Ph.D., outlined seven key requirements to be considered ‘Privacy
by Design’ in her January 2015 speech. Choice® incorporates all of these requirements, and more.

1. Proac)ve not Reac)ve – Preventa)ve, not Remedial;

Choice® includes a secure, encrypted database which is customizable to support the Enterprise’s needs.
Every aspect of the data is controllable by the individual BEFORE it can be shared.
2. Privacy as the Default se=ng;
Choice® is disabled by Default to prevent any private data from being collected without permission
3. Privacy Embedded into the Design;
Choice® uses a secure, encrypted database to store an individual’s private data, including data from any
aWached sensors/IoT devices - nothing can leave the device without the user’s permission.
4. Full Func)onality – Posi)ve-Sum;
Choice® was designed to support the Web - it includes its own fully func\onal Web browser. The innova\on
inside Choice® upgrades the Web to support individual choice. It has also been designed with the Enterprise
and mone\za\on in mind. Integra\on is via web standards, HTTP/HTTPS and HTML/JavaScript/CSS.
5. End-to-End Security – Full Lifecycle Protec)on
Choice® is designed to support any bi-direc\onal communica\on protocol, any encryp\on algorithm, any
compression algorithm and any key encryp\on scheme. Interoperability is enabled via current Web
standards with no changes required to exis\ng infrastructure.
6. Visibility and Transparency - Keep It Open
The communica\on protocols that Choice® uses are open, as are the encryp\on and compression rou\nes.
The user interface is enabled via open HTML/JavaScript standards, and Choice® also supports open APIs to
enable third party developers and IoT device-makers, pla_orm access. Choice® provides pla_orm control for
you to adapt to market changes and withstand the scru\ny of a regulatory compliance audit.
7. Respect for the User Privacy – Keep it User-Centric
ü Each person can control the collec\on, flow, use and consent of their private data.
ü Each person’s data is stored with them, on their smartphone - encrypted and secure.
ü As an individual’s context changes, Choice® adapts to their needs and desires by enabling the Enterprise
to connect, present and guide them, in real-\me, to the appropriate digital channel.
ü Choice® is designed to increase relevance and create a sustainable connec\on to the Enterprise, based
on trust. Trust and relevance increases engagement and the likely desired outcomes. Each person can
now be recognized, their privacy choices respected, and then responded to as an individual.

© 2017 5o9, Inc. 1 www.3pmobile.com

Change is Hard. Choice® Makes it Easier.

We know that change is hard, so we started with something familiar – the Web. We then improved it to support
individual choice around data sharing and privacy. Next, we integrated tomorrow’s agile business and
regulatory requirements into our design to deliver a Personal, Unified and Engaging Customer Experience across
all digital channels.

The result was Choice®. One app that enables unified, individualized content and service delivery. Part browser,
part app, and always using familiar Web standards - Choice® represents me. It can share my needs, my goals
and my context, based on my preferences. It adapts to me, in real-time, and connects me to everything.

New Rules Mean New Business Requirements

Choice® is an essential part of your GDPR toolkit, made up of technology, processes, culture and training. It is a
platform that enables the enterprise to programmatically differentiate how data is handled and used based
upon its origin, usage model and consent parameters around both sharing and usage.

There will also need to be

corresponding security policies for
data access and education for all
company personnel who have access
to the data. Their processes and
platforms must be agile enough to
scale across these diverse and
changing privacy policies. Their data
and consent metadata will also need
to be in an auditable format that can
withstand regulatory scrutiny.

Choice® provides the means to

programmatically collect data sharing
consent, power individualization rules
engines in support of personalized
content and services, customize user
navigation for maximum consumer
and enterprise impact, and provide an
audit trail, should it be needed.

ü Choice® is designed to be mone\zed based on mutual trust (win-win) that drives incremental value. The
more I trust, the more I share, the more valuable my data becomes.
ü Choice® is designed to support ALL local, regional and na\onal privacy regula\ons.

The Choice® Difference – Easier for IT. Better for the Consumer.
Choice® breaks the mobile app constraint, allowing Web programmers to modify mobile
application menus in real time. No rebuilds, updates or app store approvals, required – saving
you time and money. With Choice® you can update and individualize one app, to support every
person, condition and use case – driving increased use and usability. As each patient’s needs and
situation changes, you can present, connect and guide them (via new menus and tailored
content) to the best care, services or content at that moment in time. One app – unlimited value.

For more information, please visit our website or call us at (303) 938-1769

© 2017 5o9, Inc. 2 www.3pmobile.com

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