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P ro j e c t R e p o r t o n

Project work submitted in partial fulfillment

Of the requirement for the award of the degree


B.SUSHEELA (153014194)
M.ANILA (153014220)
V.SWETHA (153014237)
K.VEENA (1530141212)

Under The Esteemed Guidance of

M.C.A, M.Tech
Hod, Department Of Computer Science
Vasavi Mahila Kalasala, Kurnool


This is to certify that the project entitled “Telephone Billing System” submitted
by S.PUSHPAVATHAMMA in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
award of degree Bachelor in Computer application discipline is a bonafide
project work carried out by them in Vasavi Mahila Kalasala, RayalaSeema
University in 6th Semeseter during period 2017-2018 and is a record of bonafide
work carried under the supervision and Guidance.

Sri. MCA., M.Tech

HOD, Department of the Computer Science & Project Guide
Vasavi Mahila Kalasala, Kurnool

Internal Guide External Examiner

We take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude
towards Sri. O.Sampath Kumar for his valuable guidance and co-operation in
carryingout this Project successfully. Development of project like
“TELEPHONE BILLING SYSTEM” in Programming in HTML is not a too
much difficult task but fairly a puzzle one

we would like to express my thankfulness to our principal Dr.N.Parvathi,

Vasavi Mahila Kalasala, Kurnool.

This language teaches so much about HTML. This project is a part of our
bachelor degree. We have developed this project with the help of Faculty
members of our college, we are extremely grateful to all of them. We are
obliged to my project guide Sri. O.Sampath Kumar

We would like to express my since thankful to our faculty members

Lokeshkumar, Asha Singh, S. Sowjanya, Swathi, Nazneen for their constant
motivation and valuable help throughout the project work
We also extend my thanks to my Team Members for their cooperation during
our bachelor degree.

Index Contents Page NO :

Chapter: 1 1) Introduction 6
i) Overview of the Project 7
ii) Objective of the Project 8

Chapter: 2 2) Feasibility Study

i) Introduction 9
ii) Existing System 10
iii) Drawback of the Existing System 11
iv) Proposed System 11
v) Objective and Advantage of Proposed System 12

Chapter: 3 3) Software Requirement Specification

ii) Data flow 14

Chapter: 4 4) System Design

i) Introduction 15
ii) Design Strategy 16
iii) Input Design 18
iv) Output Design 19

Chapter: 6 6) Source code 22-29

Chapter: 7 7) Input and output screen 30-31

Chapter:8 8)Testing and Debugging 32-42

Chapter:9 CONCLUSIONS 43-45

i)Result discussion
ii)Main achievement of the system
Chapter:10 Bibliography 47
Chapter – 1

“TELEPHONE BILLING SYSTEM” is developed as per seeing the

increasing requirement to speed up the work and incorporate a new work
culture. Thus new software has been proposed to reduce manual work,
improving work efficiency, saving time and to provide greater flexibility and
user-friendliness as the system previously followed was totally manual one with
lots of errors.


The main objective while implementing the project Telephone Billing

System was to minimize the work and at the same time increase the speed
of the work done.
This new system is built with the following objective:
1) Information retrieval will become easy.
2) Maintenance of database as well as overall project will become easy.
Chapter – 2
Feasibility Report

System analysis is the performance management and documentation of

activities related to the four life cycle phases of any software namely:

 The Study Phase

 The Design Phase
 The Development Phase
 The Operators Phase

System analysis is a vast field of study through which system analyst puts his
thoughts and searches for the solution of problem. He has to get a clear idea of
what he has in hand and what he has to produce. He has to extract the essence of
expectations. He has to satisfy the user in the very possible way. System
analysis needs and should include the following steps of study:

 Study of current methods, the basic inputs available and output

 The splitting of variable inputs into (.dbf) files so as to reduce
redundancy and increase consistency.
 Give the idea of key – field (if any) .
 Ideas regarding code generation.

Software Analysis starts with a preliminary analysis and later switches on to a

detailed one. During the preliminary analysis the Analyst takes a quick look at
what is needed and whether the cost benefits. Detailed analysis studies in depth
all the cornered factors, which builds and strengthens the software.
A system study is a step-by-step process used to identify and then developed the
software needed to control the processing of specific application. System study
is also known as SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).
Steps of SDLC are:
1. Problem Definition
2. Feasibility Study
3. System Analysis
4. System Design
5. Implementation
6. Post Implementation
7. Maintenance

The existing system was a manual one. Whatever be the process involved in the
system were done through register (files). There were lots of complexities
involved in the system. When any customer takes new connections then
separate files were maintained. Updating of data was very tedious job. It was
not easy to do several administrative works like managing rates of calls,
addition or modification of metered calls & customer entries.


In the existing system all the office works was done manually. The manual work
processes was time consuming and hence slow. Following are the main
drawbacks of the existing system:
 The existing system is totally manual thus there are chances of error in
 The basic and major drawbacks in the existing system are the speed of
retrieval of data from files, which leads to delay.
 Maintenance of voluminous data is very cumbersome and laborious job.
 The manual jobs such as calculation are more error prone.
 There are plenty of chances of duplicity of data and information.

 Updating is very tedious job.

 There is no central database from where one can get different statistical
data at one place.
The above facts, figures and drawbacks clearly indicate that there is need for
computerization and thus decided to computerize the “TELEPHONE BILLING
SYSTEM”. Since the existing system was totally manual which has lots of
complexities, shortcomings in itself and all the data was being stored in
registers, files etc thus to overcome the limitation of the existing system, the
new computerized system was needed, so that information can be provided to
the user more quickly, easily and more accurately.


The new system titled “TELEPHONE BILLING SYSTEM” was hence
proposed to remove all the drawbacks discussed above.

Information is a vital ingredient for the operation and management of any

organization. Thus any system should have the ability to provide error free
filtered information after processing the required data. This system has been
taken up with a view for developing a more sophisticated system that can be
easily handled by any kind of users. The proposed system aims at efficient and
timely information for decision-making, integrate with other functions, and
reduce redundant work.
Important features of this proposed system are:
 Consistent user interface with high economic features built into it.
 System design in modular and structured way so as to make the
integration with other subsystems easier.
 User has complete control as it provides and accepts only appropriate and
valid data.
 User-friendly error messages are provided wherever necessary.
 Addition, deletion, modification of records as when needed.
 Providing connections to new customers.
 Bill generation for customers.


 To reduce workload of staff.

 To reduce the delay in processing time.

 To reduce the delay in bill generation.

 To provide the user-friendliness in all possible ways.

 To provide greater flexibility.

 Make maintenance changes easy.

 To store data in a centralized location to reduce redundancy and increase

Chapter – 3
Software requirement specification

SRS (Software Requirement Specification) is a document that completely

describes what the proposed should do, without describing how the software
does it.
PURPOSE : The purpose of the project is to develop a system which is
user friendly, easy to use , maintain and satisfies all the requirements of
the user.
1) The operation time should be small and the throughput should be high.

2) It should produce timely and accurate result.


i) Maintainability – Since it is directly associated with the database,

so there is very little maintainability problem with this tool.
ii) Portability – Since there is very limited usage of separate forms,
this tool is very much portable. This tool uses several canvases on
the same form.
iii) Flexibility – This tool is very much flexible for future





Chapter – 4
System Design


System design is the second step in the system life cycle, in which overall
design of the system is achieved. The functionalities of the system is designed
and studied in this phase. The first step is designing of program specification.
This determines the various data inputs to the system, data flow and the format
in which output is to be obtained.
Design phase is a transmission phase because it is a transition from user
oriented document to computer data. The activity in the design phase is the
allocation of functions to manual operations, equipment and computer
programs. Flow charts prepared in the study time received and decomposed
until all functions in the system perform evidently.
Design is a multistep process that focuses on data structures, software
architecture; procedural details (algorithms etc) and links between the modules.

The design process goes through logical and physical stages. In logical design
reviews are made linking existing system and specification gathered. The
physical plan specifies any hardware and software requirement, which satisfies
the local design.
Modularization of task is made in the mode. The success of any integrated
system depends on the planning of each and every fundamental module. Usually
a project is revised in step by step sequence. Inter phase management of such
module is also important. Software design methodology changes continually as
new methods, better analysis and broader understanding evolve.
Various techniques for software design do exit with the availability of criteria
for design quality. Software design leads three technical activities-design, code
and test.
The techniques for software design do exit with the availability of criteria for
design quality. Software design leads three technical activities-design, code and
test that are required to build and verify software. Each activity transforms
information, which validates the software. The design system converts
theoretical solution introduced by the feasibility study into a logical reality.


The design strategy is a vital aspect of the system to be developed. The design
of the software reflects the basic understanding of the problem. For designing a
good system what we have to be is to get correct definition of the problem and
analyze the problem thoroughly.
The design of a system should be such that if a small portion is changed. The
rest of the system should be unaffected. This is the flexibility of the system.
Greater the system flexibility greater will be the system reliability. While
carrying out the job of designing of a new system one has to consider many
factors. These factors include the drawbacks and limitations of the present
manual system as well as of the features and advantages of the proposed system.
It should be designed in such a manner that even a layman can run it without
any difficulty.

An important quality of a software must enjoy is “user friendliness”. It can be

achieved in many ways like providing menu, giving context sensitive help,
doing automatic validation to input data, etc. Another main factor is speed
In order to achieve speed efficiency, the program should be designed
accordingly and the user is provided with a compiled copy of the software
package with necessary data file format rather than source code.
Design of input and output formats is equally important for any design. The
output format should be designed in such a way that it must reflect all the
required information in detail. The design of the database itself such as type of
data stored, size of data etc. Some of the decisions made during database design
 Which data items are to be recorded and in which database.
 Length of each record based on the characteristics of the data items on
which it is based.
 Data who’s unauthorized change must be prevented.
 Data, which must be avoided from redundancy.
 Maintenance of data integrity etc.
 Avoid over writings.
 Prevents invalid data access and changes.
Having all this, a positive interaction with clients at every stage of development
is the core around which the software is built.

Input design is the process of converting user-originate inputs to a computer-

based format. The goal of design input data is to make data entry as easy, logical
and free. The most common source of data processing errors is inactive input
data. Effective design of the input data minimizes the error made by data entry
operators. Catching errors on input is far less costly than correcting after data
storage is complete.
User-friendly input design enables quick error detecting and correction.
Verification and validation is the most important in input design. Since the
system is used interactively, it has two types of inputs. Interactive input-which
is the point contact of the user with the system and the input to the internal
system i.e. Databases. For full efficiency of the system, it is necessary that the
input must

be accurate. Since the user of the system may not be a technical person and may
not know input concepts so it is required that he warn, prevent and correct
invalid data entry.
There are many ways that can be designed to handle such a situation. We can
prevent the user entering invalid data into the databases by warning, neglecting
or messaging appropriately. The user is then allowed to input correct data. Some
help provisions may aid the user to point out the error. In this system inputs are
collected from terminals through keyboard.


Output design has been an ongoing activity from the very beginning of the
project. The objective of the output design is to convey the information of all
past activities, current status and to emphasize important events. The output
generally refers to the results and information that is generated from the system.
The output design of the system is accomplished keeping in mind the following

 Determine what information is to display.

 Decide whether to display or print the information
retrieved, processed, generated from the system.
 Arrange the presentation of information in an acceptable
 Decide how to distribute the output to the intended

In the output design phase one or more output media can be selected. Out of
which the most common ones are CRT displays and print out. Here only CRT
display has been attempted. A rapid enquiry is obtained from CRT displays.
From design is made interesting and attractive. Easy understanding and
effectiveness is made possible.
Chapter – 6
Source Code


<META name ="keywords" CONTENT="subscriber">
<CAPTION>Telephone Bill</CAPTION>
<th colspan=2>Subscriber's Name & Address</th>
<th colspan=2>Consumer N0.</th><th colspan=3>P.O.Stamp</th>
<tr><td colspan=2>k. Shelly, <br>4/45 FOURTH STREET,
<br>SHANTHI NAGAR, <br>TIRUNELVELI-627 002</td>
<td>colspan=2>PL 00515077</td>
<td>TELEPHONE NO.</td><td>TYPE</td><td colspan=2>BILL
DATE</td><td colspan=2>DUE DATE</td><td>PAY BY DATE</td>
<tr><td colspan=2>DUE DATE</td><td>PAY BY DATE</td>
<tr><td>575077</td><td>GENL RES PREM</td><td>25 AUG 2017</td>
<tr><td>MESTERED CALLS</td><td>DEBIT
<td colspan=4>DETAILS<td>ITEM<td>PREIOD<td>AMOUNT
<td colspan=3>Rate<td>No. of calls<td colspan=2>Charge<td>Rent
<td>10/09/2017 to 31/10/2017<td>200.00
<tr><td colspan=3>0.80</td><td>95</td><td>76.00</td>
<td>16/05/2017 to 15/07/2017</td><td>76.00</td>
<td>TKP/PG CALLS</td><td>16/05/2017 TO 15/07/2017</td><td>0.00
<td>colspan=3>AMT ON/BEFORE PAY BY DATE</td><td>290.00</td>
<td>ITX CALLS</td><td>16/05/2017 TO 15/07/2017</td><td>0.00</td>
<td colspan=3> AMT AFTER PAY BY DATE</td><td>300.00</td>
<td colspan=3></td>td colspan=3>TOTAL</td><td>290.00</td>
<td colspan=3></td><td colspan=2>ADDRESS</td>
<td colspan=3>Accounts Officer(T.R. computer)
Chapter – 8
Input and Output Screen

telephone bill.html
Chapter – 9
Testing & Debugging


Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and

represents the ultimate reviews of specification, design and coding. Testing
presents an interesting anomaly of the software. During earlier definition and
development phases, it was attempted to build software from abstract concept to
a tangible implementation.
The testing phase involves the testing of the developed system using various set
data. Presentation of test data plays a vital role in system testing. After
preparing the test data the system under study was tested using test data. While
testing the system by using test data errors were found and corrected. A series of
tests were performed for the proposed system before the system was ready for
implementation. The various types of testing done on the system are:
 Unit Testing
 Integration Testing
 Validation Testing
 User Acceptance Testing
 System Testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design,
the module. It comprises the set of test performed by the programmer prior to
integration of the unit into larger system. The testing was carried out during the
coding stage itself. In this step each module is found to be working satisfactorily
as regards to the expected output from the module.

Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program
structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover error associated
within the interface. The objective is to take unit tested modules and build a
program structure that has been dictated by design. All modules are combined in
this step. The entire program is tested as whole. And chaos in interfaces may
usually result. A set of errors is encountered in such a case.

The integration testing can be carried out using two methodologies:

# Top Down Integration

# Bottom Up Integration

The first one is done where integration is carried out by addition of minor
modules to major modules. While Bottom Up integration follows combination
of smaller ones to large one. Here Bottom Up Integration was encouraged. Even
though correction was difficult because the isolation of causes is complicated by
the vastness of the entire program, all the errors found in the system were
corrected and then forwarded to the next testing steps.


User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The
system under consideration was tested for users acceptance by constantly
keeping in touch with the perspective system user at the time of developing and
making changes wherever required. This is done with the regards to the
following points:
A system may be defined as a set of instruction combined in the same form and
directed to some purpose.
Before any development is undertaken certain specifications are prepared which
objectively describe the application system. The System specifications are made
after consulting the end user managers of the relevant departments.
Software to be developed is planned on the basis of requirement of the user. The
problem definition statement description of present situation and goal to be
achieved by news system.

The success of system depends on how accurately a problem is defined,

thoroughly investigated carried out through choice of solution. User need
identification and analysis that are concerned with what the uses needs rather
than what he/she wants. System explains how to perform specific activities or
task, which does what and what.

Chapter – 10

Even the best system developed has some flaws or others. There always exist
scope of further improvement in the system. The effect of implementations of
new computerized system is found remarkable.

The following are the major improvement of the new system over the existing

 A fully menu driven user-friendly computerized system has been

developed where the user can perform task like entering data, deleting
and updating the information with great ease.

 All the operations are carried automatically preventing a lot of manual


 Additional checks have also been incorporated into the system to avoid
duplications of data as far as possible.


Every project whether large or small has some limitations no matter however
diligently developed. In some cases limitations is small while in other cases
they may be broad also. The new system has got some limitations. Major areas
where modifications can be done are as follows:
 Our system is not online so further it can be improved.

 The security is limited so some additional arrangement could be made to

provide more security to the system.

 There is no provision of complain handling so further it can be added.


This project gives an overview of the Telephone Billing System.
After entering into the project, user is left with several options via –

a) The user can take new connections.

b) The user can view the existing lists of customers, which already have
telephone connections.
c) The user can of course see bills & take billing statements.
d) The user can also do several administrative works like managing rates
of calls, addition or modification of metered calls & customer entries.
It is a computerized system, which can be used very easily &
effectively by the administrators of the telephone billing system.


The great help from our faculty members and my project guide that led the
successful completion of the project. Besides that, I took the help of some books
and websites to develop the project. They are : --


Though every task is never said to be perfect in this development field even
more improvement may be possible in this system. We learn so many things and
gained a lot of knowledge about development field. We hope this will prove
fruitful to us.

This was our project of system design lab about “TELEPHONE BILLING
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT “of this system takes a lot effort from us. We think
this system gave a lot of satisfaction to all of us.

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