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Diocese of Gary - Priest Offenders*

The following is a list of the priests who have served in the Diocese of
Gary who have been found guilty of credible actions of sexual
molestation of minors. We list their names, the number of allegations
made against them and the subsequent actions taken.

0B Number of Allegations
1B Action Taken

Richard Emerson 4 Laicized 7/30/2006

Stanley Staniszewski 2 Left the Diocese of Gary 10-
20-83, removed from public
ministry and died 4/2/16
Don Grass 1 Removed from public
ministry in 2004 and was no
longer allowed to present
himself as a priest and died
Terrence Chase 1 Removed from public
ministry and laicized 1/4/16
George Kavungal, CMI 6 Last known to be in India,
removed from public ministry
Ambrose McGinnity 6 Removed from public
ministry in 1993, died
Stephen Varga 1 Laicized 1970, died 7/12/06
Louis Jeziorski 3 Died 4/6/73
Joseph Buczyna 1 Died 1/12 /76
Julian Jercha 3 Died 6/27/87

*The above information is based upon a review of Diocesan records and will be supplemented if

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