Syracuse Diocese Priest List

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Read Bishop Cunningham’s Dec. 1 Letter to the People here.

Since 2002, the Diocese of Syracuse has fully implemented the articles of the Charter for the
Protection of Children and Young People including:

A Comprehensive Child and Youth Protection Policy which applies to all clergy,
religious, employees and those volunteers whose ministry puts them in contact with children,
young people and vulnerable adults.

A Safe Environment Program that requires training, education and criminal background
checks of clergy, religious, employees and volunteers whose ministry places them in contact with
children, which must be renewed every five years. The program also requires prevention and
educational programs for children in the Catholic Schools and Faith Formation classes. Over
42,000 adults and over 15,000 children have been credentialed as of 11/2018.

An Office of Victim Assistance to provide support and services to individuals who may
have been sexually abused by a member of the clergy or other members of the diocese.

A Memorandum of Understanding with the District Attorneys of the seven counties of

the diocese which states that all allegations will be reported to the appropriate District Attorney
before the diocese begins its canonical process.

The Diocesan Review Board made up of well qualified lay professionals, a priest and
member of the religious to oversee investigations into allegations of clergy sexual abuse of a minor
once the District Attorney has completed its review.

Tragically, the Diocese of Syracuse has members of its clergy who have harmed children and
young people. By following the protocols of the Charter, significant steps have been taken to reach
out to victims, involve the laity, partner with law enforcement and maintain a culture in which
children and young people are safe and protected. There is no member of the clergy in active
ministry with a credible allegation of abuse.

In February 2018, the diocese initiated the Independent Reconciliation Compensation Program
(IRCP) designed to offer reparation, promote reconciliation and further healing to individuals who,
in the past, were sexually abused by members of diocesan clergy. The program is nearing its
conclusion and a full report will be provided to the people of the diocese.

In continuing the commitment to fully embrace the Charter for the Protection of Children and
Young People, the diocese is providing a list of clergy who have a credible allegation of abuse
since 1950. All of these individuals have either been removed from ministry or are deceased.
Credible is defined as: An allegation that, based upon the facts of the case, meets one or more of
the following thresholds:

a. Natural, reasonable, plausible and probable,

b. Corroborated with other evidence or another source, or
c. Acknowledged/admitted to by the accused.

In making this determination, consideration is given to the trustworthiness of the source.

Removed from Ministry is a canonical penalty in which the cleric can no longer function as a priest,
present himself as a priest or wear clerics. Other canonical definitions used in the list can be found
below. This list below is a result of thorough reviews by the Diocesan Review Board.

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Clergy with credible allegations of sexual abuse of a minor

Priests permanently removed from ministry in accordance with the Charter

for the Protection of Children and Young People,
including those who died prior to the completion of their canonical process.

Accused Date of ordination Status

Robert J. Birchmeyer 5/12/1973 Removed from

Paul A. Brigandi 2/2/1954 Deceased

John W. Broderick 10/7/1989 Removed from

Felix R. Colosimo 5/1/1965 Deceased

Edmund J. Durr 5/1/1965 Removed from

Charles H. Eckermann 12/16/1956 Deceased

Francis J. Furfaro 6/7/1941 Deceased

Thomas F. Guyder 5/18/1940 Deceased

John F. Harrold 9/8/1973 Dismissed from

Clerical State
James C. Hayes 5/1/1965 Removed from
Donald J. Hebert 10/31/1981 Removed from
Leo J. Heizman 5/17/1969 Deceased

David J. Jutton 5/21/1966 Deceased

Thomas F. Keating, III 5/21/1966 Deceased

Robert J. Kloster 3/19/1965 Removed from

C. Vincent Lane, Jr. 2/2/1961 Removed from
William A. Lorenz 5/18/1963 Removed from
Edward C. "Ted" Madore 5/12/1973 Laicized

George F. Mattice, Jr. 5/16/1964 Removed from

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Chester A. Misercola 5/16/1964 Removed from

Robert A. Ours 10/25/1980 Removed from
Joseph A. Pace 6/4/1988 Laicized

David A. Pichette 5/20/1967 Dismissed from

Clerical state
Albert J. Proud 5/18/1968 Removed from
James A. Quinn 5/20/1967 Removed from
James F. Quinn 5/24/1958 Deceased

H. Charles Sewall 2/2/1960 Deceased

Paul J. Slavetskas 5/29/1971 Deceased

John P. Wagner 7/15/1962 Removed from

Jerome F. Weber 5/19/1956 Removed from
Thomas J. Zedar 5/1/1965 Deceased

John M. Zeder 2/2/1954 Deceased

Priests with credible allegations who have died, voluntarily left the priesthood or
who resigned prior to the implementation of the
Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Accused Date of ordination Status

Daniel W. Casey 12/19/1975 Deceased

Donald J. Crosby 5/18/1963 Deceased

Edward X. Kieley 4/4/1925 Deceased

Steven J. Litz, Jr. 3/11/1965 Deceased

Walter A. Sinnott 7/15/1917 Deceased

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Priests accused of sexual abuse of a minor after the implementation of the
Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and were deceased at
the time of the reporting of the allegation.
No claims were made while they were alive.
Although, in some of these cases, it is difficult to substantiate the claims, the
Diocesan Review Board recommended out of an abundance of caution and
transparency to include their names.
Those marked with an asterisk (*) have a single claim.

Accused Date of ordination Status

Thomas S. Bayley* 6/11/1949 Deceased

Robert F. Bogan* 5/24/1958 Deceased

Roger A. Bowen* 5/30/1931 Deceased

John H. Donovan* 1/1/1927 Deceased

Luke V. Gallagher 6/12/1915 Deceased

Bernard A. Garstka 5/6/1948 Deceased

Donald L. Gorman 6/5/1954 Deceased

Ferdinand A. Hattala* 5/26/1934 Deceased

Edgar M. Holihan* 6/5/1943 Deceased

Edward P. Humphrey* 6/15/1935 Deceased

William J. Lynch* 5/26/1934 Deceased

John A. McCarthy* 9/23/1933 Deceased

William J. Morris* 6/21/1914 Deceased

John J. "Jack" Morse* 2/2/1957 Deceased

Thomas E. Neary, Jr. 6/5/1954 Deceased

Thomas M. Powell* 5/12/1973 Deceased

Edward George Quaid 6/10/1911 Deceased

Francis L. Sammons* 5/15/1947 Deceased

Martin J. Tracy 1/1/1927 Deceased

David J. Walker* 2/2/1959 Deceased

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Since the implementation of the Independent Reconciliation Compensation Program
(IRCP) in February 2018, the diocese has been notified of additional
allegations. Those claims have been reported to the appropriate District Attorney in
accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding and if found to be credible or if
evidence of sexual abuse of a minor is determined, the above list will be updated.


Priests Permanently Removed from Ministry: No longer able to function as a priest, identify
themselves as a priest or wear clerical attire.

Laicized: Voluntarily sought to be dispensed from clerical obligations and they have no affiliation
with the diocese.

Dismissed: As a penalty they were released from the clerical state and have no affiliation with the

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