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Social Media Its Impact With Positive and Negative Aspects

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research

Volume 5– Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016, ISSN:- 2319–8656

Social Media its Impact with Positive and Negative


Shabnoor Siddiqui Tajinder Singh

Mats University Mats University
Raipur (C.G.), India Raipur (C.G.), India

Abstract: Social media is a platform for people to discuss their issues and opinions. Before knowing the aspects of social media
people must have to know what is social media? Social media are computer tools that allows people to share or exchange
information’s, ideas, images, videos and even more with each other through a particular network. In this paper we cover all aspects of
social media with its positive and negative effect. Focus is on the particular field like business, education, society and youth. During
this paper we describe how these media will affect society in a broad way.

Keywords: social media, business, society, youngsters, education.

1. INTRODUCTION Teachers as well as for themselves to enhance their

Now a day’s social media has been the important part of knowledge skills [3]. Social networking sites also conduct
one’s life from shopping to electronic mails, education and
online examination which play an important role to enhance
business tool. Social media plays a vital role in
transforming people’s life style. Social media includes the students’ knowledge.
social networking sites and blogs where people can easily
connect with each other. Since the emergence of these Purpose of Internet Usage
social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook as key
tools for news, journalists and their organizations have
performed a high-wire act [1]. These sites have become a User Percentage
day to day routine for the people. Social media has been
mainly defined to refer to “the many relatively inexpensive
and widely accessible electronic tools that facilitate anyone Mail 33
to publish and access information, collaborate on a
common effort, or build relationship” [2]. Surfing 26.8
1.1 Impact of Social Media on Education Networking 17
Other 4.5
As per the survey of previous research, 90% of college
students use social networks. Technology has shown a rapid
development by introducing small communication devices Total 100
and we can use these small communication devices for Fig. usage of social media on education[7]
accessing social networks any time anywhere, as these
In the above table 1 it is clear that, internet usage for the
gadgets include pocket computers, laptops, iPads and even
respondents was for mailing and surfing the net with 33% and
simple mobile phones (which support internet) etc.[5].For the
26% respectively. Mainly two traditional reasons for using
purpose of education social media has been used as an
Internet i.e. Mailing and Surfing. In India, social networking
innovative way. Students should be taught to use this tool in a
sites are growing fast to gain popularity but it haven’t reached
better way, in the educational classes’ media just being used
the expectation of global scenario. Just 17% reported social
for messaging or texting rather than they should learn to
networking sites as their principle reason for Internet usage.
figure out how to use these media for good [3]. Social media
Alternating reactions were downloading internet content,
has increased the quality and rate of collaboration for
purchasing online goods, studying and reading e-books [7]
students. With the help of social media students can easily
communicate or share information quickly with each through
various social sites like Facebook, Orkut, and Instagram etc.
[4]. It is also important for students to do some practical work
instead of doing paper work. They can also write blogs for

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 5– Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016, ISSN:- 2319–8656

Membership in social networking sites 1.2 Impact of Social Media on Business

Social media is the new buzz area in marketing that includes
business, organizations and brands which helps to create
Member of SNS Percentage news, make friends, make connections and make followers.
Business use social media to enhance an organization’s
performance in various ways such as to accomplish business
Yes 95.7
objectives, increasing annual sales of the organization. Social
media provides the benefit as a communication platform that
No 4.3 facilitates two way communication between a company and
their stock holders [6]. Business can be promoted through
various social networking sites. Many of the organization
Total 100 promotes their business by giving advertisement on the social
Fig. Membership in social networking sites for education [7]
media in order to attract maximum users or customers.
Customers can connect and interact with business on a more
personal level by using social media. If an organization has
Among the Indian youth 95.7% of the members are connected
established a brand, social media may help this organization
with the social media. These figures are increasing day by
to develop the existing brand and give the business a voice.
day. Whereas only 4.3% of members are not connected with
With the help of social media organization can make their
the social media [7].
strategy to promote their organization.
1.1.1 Positive Effect of Social Media on Education
 Social media gives a way to the students to
effectively reach each other in regards to class
ventures, bunch assignments or for help on
homework assignments [12].

 Many of the students who do not take an interest

consistently in class might feel that they can express
their thoughts easily on social media [12].

 Teachers may post on social media about class

activities, school events, homework assignments
which will be very useful to them [12].

 It is seen that social media marketing has been

Fig: Social media adaptation [8]
emerging in career option. Social media marketing
prepares young workers to become successful Social media used in various business functions. Some of
marketers. them are:
Marketing- Marketing is one of the most important and
 The access of social media provides the opportunity common use of social media in business. It works because
for educators to teach good digital citizenship and today every brand has a target section of online audience.
the use of Internet for productivity [13]. HR-Is great for identifying and engaging the talent
directly.HR helps company to showcase their employee
1.1.2 Negative effect of Social Media on Education benefits and culture of the company to outside world.
 The first concern about the negative effect comes to Creative- it share enables art, copy and design teams to invent
mind is the kind of distraction to the students new ideas which is useful for company to achieve goal.
present in the class. As teachers were not able to
recognize who is paying attention in the classroom Operations/strategy- Many of the sites like LinkedIn helps the
[12]. business by connecting with the experts who can share some
 One of the biggest breakdown of social media in strategic plans.
education is the privacy issues like posting personal
Business Development- Professional networking sites can be
information on online sites.
used to connect with the clients.
 In some of the scenario there were many in
appropriate information posted which may lead the
students to the wrong side.
 Because of social media students lose their ability to
engage themselves for face to face communication.
 Many of the bloggers and writers posts wrong
information on social sites which leads the
education system to failure.

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 5– Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016, ISSN:- 2319–8656

1.2.1 Positive Effect of Social Media on Business

 Social Media helps to better understand their

audience by their likes and dislikes [14].
 It helps the business for promotional activities.
 Social networking sites helps to make new
customers by providing useful facilities.
 Helps to enhance market insight and stretch out
beyond your rivals with online networking [14].
 It also helps to increase awareness among brands
and reach with little to no budget [14].

1.2.2 Negative Effect of Social Media on Business

 In business filed social media is not entirely risk

free because many of the fans and followers are free
to post their opinion on a particular organization,
the negative comment can lead the organization to
failure. Fig: Usage of social media in the society [9]
 Many of the large organization have fallen victim to According to the survey conducted by the Pew Research
the hackers. Center, in September 2014, 52% of the online adults use two
 The wrong online brand strategy can doom a or more social media sites. More than half of the online adults
company, and put at a huge viral social of age 65 and above use 60% of Facebook which represents
31% of all seniors. Half of the internet-using young adult’s
 Getting involved with Social Media is very time ages 18-29 use 53% Instagram and half of the Instagram users
consuming. As an organization you should assign a (49%) use the site daily. The share of internet users with
person to always bolster your pages and profile with
significant substance [15]. college education using LinkedIn reached 50%. 42% of online
women now use the platform, compared with 13% of online
 Most companies have difficulty measuring the
men [9].
results of social media advertising.

1.3.1 Positive Effects of Social Media on Society

1.3 Impact of Social Media on Society  Social Media helps to meet people they may not
As we all are aware of social media that has an enormous have met outside the social media forums.
impact on our society[7].Many of the social media sites are
most popular on the web. Some social media sites have  It also helps to share ideas beyond the geographical
transformed the way where people communicate and socialize boundaries.
on the web. Social networking sites render the opportunity for
people to reconnect with their old friends, colleagues and  It provides open opportunity for all writers and
mates. It also helps people to make new friends, share content, bloggers to connect with their clients.
pictures, audios, videos amongst them. Social media also
changes the life style of a society.  Another positive effect of social networking sites is
it unite people on a huge platform for the
achievement of specific goals. This brings positive
change in the society.

 Social media provides awareness among society like

campaigns, advertisement articles, promotions
which helps the society to be up to date with the
current information.

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 5– Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016, ISSN:- 2319–8656

1.3.2 Negative Effects of Social Media on Society TYPE EXAMPLE %TEENS WHO USE
 One of the negative effect of social media is that it
make people addicted. People spend lots of time in
social networking sites which can divert the Text Cellphone 75% of all teens own
concentration and focus from the particular task. Messenging feature a cell phone,

 Social media can easily effect the kids, the reason is 88% of cell phone-
sometimes people shares photos, videos on media
owning teens text,
that contain violence and negative things which can
affect the behavior of kids or teenagers. 72% of all teens use
text messaging
 It also abuses the society by invading on people’s
privacy. Social Facebook, 73% of online teens
 Social lies like family ones also weaken as people networking MySpace have used a social
spend more time connecting to new people. sites networking site

 Some people uses their images or videos in social Online video Youtube.com 63% of online teens
sites that can encourage others to use it false fully.
sites watch online videos

Online SecondLife.com 61% of online youth

1.4 Impact of Social Media on Youngsters gaming play games online,
multiplayer online
Nowadays social media has become a new set of cool tools
for involving young peoples. Many young people’s day to day
life are woven by the social media Youngsters are in
conversation and communication with their friends and Blogging with Facebook or 52% of online teens
groups by using different media and devices every day [16]. in social MySpace have commented on
In past years it was seen that youngsters are in touch with only networking feature a blog
friends and their groups in schools and colleges. But
nowadays youngsters are in contact not only with known
friends but also with unknown people through social
networking sites, instant messenging etc. [16]. According to Fig: usage of social media by youth [17]
BBC news research of 2013 they discuss that 67% Facebook
users are very common and well known social media portal
consist of the youth and students, so these praise the fact that 1.4.1 Positive Effects of Social Media on Youngsters
the youth and student have more focus and relation  Social media helps youngsters to stay connected
[11].Throughout the country teenagers frequently use the web, with each other.
mobile phones, online games to communicate and gather
information with each other. As per the survey in California  Useful information can be exchanged over social
the below table shows that how social media impacts the networking sites.
behavioral health of California’s adults [17].
 Social networking sites can allow teens to find
support online that they may lack in traditional
relationships, especially for teens [17].

 In a Critical Development period youngsters also go

for social networking sites for advice and

 Youngsters can look to social media for getting the

answers related to their career objectives.

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International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 5– Issue 2, 71 - 75, 2016, ISSN:- 2319–8656

1.4.2 Negative Effects of Social Media on Youngsters [5] Waqas Tariq, Madiha Mehboob, M. Asfandyar Khan ,
FaseeUllah, The Impact of Social Media and Social Networks
on Education and Students of Pakistan, IJCSI International
Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 3, July
 Today it’s not clear that who the “strangers” are 2012
especially in the field of social media. [6] http://www.business2community.com/social-media/
[7] Dr. M. Neelamalar & Ms. P. Chitra,Dept. of Media Sciences,
 Kidnapping, murder, robbery can be easily done by Anna University Chennai, India, New media and society: A
Study on the impact of socialnetworking sites on indian youth,
sharing details on social media.
Estudos em Comunicac¸ ˜ao no6, 125-145 Dezembro de 2009
[8] Abhimanyu Shankhdhar, JIMS / Social media and businss /
 There are many cases registered in police station
[9] http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/01/09/social-media-update-
where adults target young children and lure them 2014/pi_2015-01-09_social-media_01/
into meeting them. [10] hubpages.com/technology/effects-of-social-media-on-our-youth
[11] Ghulam Shabir,Yousef Mohammed Yousef Hameed,Ghulam
 Mostly youngsters waste lots of time on social sites Safdar, Syed Mohammed Farooq Shah Gilani,”the impact of
like chatting which also effects their health. social media on Youth: A case study of Bahawalpur City, Asian
Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 3(4) November
 Some useless blogs influence youth extremely that [12] https://www.schooliseasy.com/2014/02/social-media-in-the-
they become violent and can take some classroom/
inappropriate actions. [13] http://www.edudemic.com/how-students-benefit-from-using-
[14] http://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-for-business/
[15] http://www.automatedbuildings.com/news/sep11/columns/1108
[16] http://www.practicalparticipation.co.uk/yes/what/what_does_it_
As the technology is growing the social media has become the change
routine for each and every person, peoples are seen addicted [17] Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Behavioral Health in
with these technology every day. With different fields its California,
impact is different on people. Social media has increased the Source: (Lenhart, 2010) except for Online video sites (Nielsen,
quality and rate of collaboration for students. Business uses 2009) & Online gaming (McAfee, 2010)
social media to enhance an organization’s performance in
various ways such as to accomplish business objectives,
increasing annual sales of the organization. Youngsters are
seen in contact with these media daily .Social media has
various merits but it also has some demerits which affect
people negatively. False information can lead the education
system to failure, in an organization wrong advertisement will
affect the productivity, social media can abuse the society by
invading on people’s privacy, some useless blogs can
influence youth that can become violent and can take some
inappropriate actions. Use of social media is beneficial but
should be used in a limited way without getting addicted.

[1] Aveseh Asough, SOCIAL MEDIA AND ETHICS - The Impact
of Social Media on Journalism Ethics, Center for International
Media Ethics (CIME),December 2012
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki.Social_media#References
[3] Gitanjali Kalia Chitkara University, Punjab, A Research Paper
on Social media:An Innovative Educational Tool, Issues and
Ideas in Education Vol. 1 March 2013 pp. 43–50
[4] www.edudemic.com/social-media-education/

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