Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Media Impacting The Current Society
Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Media Impacting The Current Society
Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Media Impacting The Current Society
Abstract -- Social Media is a platform where people are free • Students have easy, free access to resources
to open up with their ideas, discuss their issues and put online to help them learn.
forth their opinions. Before getting into the aspects, people • Grades improve and absenteeism is reduced.
should have clarity about what is social media? Social
• 59% of student users report that they use social
media is an digital Interactive platform where people can
networking to discuss educational topics and
share or exchange information’s, images, videos, ideas and
many more with each other through a particular 50% use the sites to talk about school
networking medium. . In this paper we cover all aspects of assignments. [1]
social media with its positive and negative effect.
Particularly, the focus is on the selected arenas like Negative Impact
education, business, youth and society. This paper will
describe how these media will affect society in a deeper • That means a reduced focus on learning and
sense. Keywords: social media, business, society, retaining information.
youngsters, education. • Their ability to concentrate on the task at hand
Indexed Terms: Social Media, Business, Society, is significantly reduced by the distractions that
Youngsters, Education, Internet Marketing are brought about by YouTube, stumble upon,
Facebook or Twitter.
• The more time students spend on social sites,
the less time they spend socializing in person.
Social media have become prominent parts of life for • The popularity of social media, and the speed
many young people today. Most people engage with at which information is published, has created
a lax attitude towards proper spelling and
social media without stopping to think what the effects
are on our lives, whether positive or negative. There grammar.
are many positive aspects, but there are equally as • The degree to which private information is
many dangers that come with the use of sites such as available online and the anonymity the internet
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google +, seems to provide has made students forget the
need to filter the information they post. [3]
Tumblr, Instagram, gaming sites, and blogs [1]. These
sites have become a day to day routine for the people.
Social media has been mainly defined to refer to “the
many relatively inexpensive and widely accessible
electronic tools that facilitate anyone to publish and
access information, collaborate on a common effort, or
build relationship” [2]
Positive Impact
Fig. usage of social media on education [4]
• Teachers can easily collaborate and
communicate with students and one another.
In the above table 1 it is clear that, internet usage for media, the ads can either link back to your business'
the respondents was for mailing and surfing the net social media page or sometimes to your website.
with 33% and 26% respectively. Mainly two
traditional reasons for using Internet i.e. Mailing and • Brand development
Surfing. In India, social networking sites are growing
If you already have an established brand, social media
fast to gain popularity but it haven’t reached the
might be an opportunity to further develop your brand
expectation of global scenario. Just 17% reported
and give your business a voice.
social networking sites as their principle reason for
Internet usage. Alternating reactions were • Attracting customers
downloading internet content, purchasing online
goods, studying and reading e-books [4] Social media can be a good way of attracting new
customers. Once you have a good following you can
focus on more personalized social media campaigns to
encourage them to stay.
• Research
• Networking
Fig.2 Membership in social networking sites for
education [4] Using online networking sites can also be valuable to
your business, often for the purpose of knowledge
Among the Indian youth 95.7% of the members are sharing and word-of-mouth referrals.
connected with the social media. These figures are
increasing day by day. Whereas only 4.3% of • Recruitment
members are not connected with the social media [4].
Some organizations use social media to advertise
Impact of Social Media on Business vacant positions. Job networking sites like LinkedIn
are dedicated to the job market and can help you use
Social media has a strong influence on businesses no networks to attract skilled people.
matter what size, even if they are a local store or an
online retailer. Social media has become the soap box • Search-engine discoverability
where consumers praise, rant and react to brand
interactions. It’s something businesses just can’t As your social following grows, your visibility in
ignore. So as a business owner/marketer, it’s important search engines may also increase. This is a common
to be present on social media, not only for companies Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. [7]
to tell a story, but so they can listen to what their
audiences are saying [5].
• Revenue
Fig. Social Media Addiction Graph Images[6] • The web is crowded with more and more
Negative effects of social media that may kill your
business In social media, the cost per interaction (share, like,
tweet) compared to other channels, is practically zero.
• Social media ROI is difficult to measure As information sharing is free and simple, day by day
the web is getting crowded with more and more
Being active on most of the social media is irrelevant information and spams. [8]
undoubtedly very effective for your business what the
main concern is the complex process of measuring Impact of Social Media on Society Advantages of
ROI from all its campaigns.
Social Media on Society
• Your employees represent your brand image
• Staying in touch with family members and
You each and every employee represents your brand friends has been easier through the use of social media.
and It’s very difficult for you to monitor their social
media activities, make them understand that on such • Social Media is one of the best ways to find
platforms, they should not discuss company matters and interact with new people who have the same
without proper authorization. interests as you, as social media allows you to seek out
groups that are focused towards your own interests and
• Less control on stuffs which are shared hobbies.
On social media platforms, multiple users can interact • Social media is a great way to spread news
with a single piece of content (Post, tweets). quickly across the globe, with “breaking news” tweets
receiving tens of thousands of retweets in minutes.
• A mistake made on social media is hard to
rectify • Social media is also a great way to catch
international criminals and terrorists, as anyone with a
Any statement once released on social media channels social media profile can be tracked and located.
circulates at lightning speed, so if you post something
by mistake, will be very hard to rectify. Errors like • As mentioned above social media has overall
circulating confidential information about your changed society in multiple positive ways but for
[8] https://www.revechat.com/blog/7-
[9] https://umidigital.co.uk/blog/affect-social-
[10] https://bohatala.com/impact-of-social-
[11] Social Media its Impact with Positive and
Negative Aspects Shabnoor Siddiqui Mats
University Raipur (C.G.), India Tajinder
Singh Mats University Raipur (C.G.), India
[12] https://webhostingmedia.net/social-media-