News Release: North Dakota September 1, 2018 Grain Stocks
News Release: North Dakota September 1, 2018 Grain Stocks
News Release: North Dakota September 1, 2018 Grain Stocks
Durum wheat stored in all positions totaled 38.4 million bushels, up 45 percent from a year ago.
Barley stored in all positions totaled 36.8 million bushels, down 9 percent from 2017. On-farm
stocks are 18.5 million bushels, down 20 percent from last year, while off-farm stocks, at
18.3 million bushels, are 4 percent above last year.
Corn stocks totaled 60.5 million bushels, down 40 percent from a year ago. Of the total,
23.5 million bushels are stored on farms, down 56 percent from a year ago, while off-farm
stocks, at 37.0 million bushels, are down 22 percent from last year.
Soybean stocks totaled 15.9 million bushels, down 6 percent from last year. On-farm stocks, at
3.80 million bushels, are down 61 percent from a year ago, while off-farm stocks, at 12.1 million
bushels, are up 68 percent from 2017.
Oats stocks totaled 5.13 million bushels, up 20 percent from last year. On-farm stocks, at
4.00 million bushels, are up 43 percent from a year ago, while off-farm stocks, at 1.13 million
bushels, are down 23 percent from 2017.
All sunflowers stored in all positions totaled 177 million pounds, down 45 percent from 2017.
Oil sunflower stocks in all positions are 122 million pounds, down 54 percent from last year.
Non-Oil sunflower stocks in all positions are 54.3 million pounds, up 4 percent from a year ago.
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