September 2018 Ministerial Musings: Gratitude

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Ministerial Musings


In the Romany tradition the bringer of gifts, most of the time, is

considered a nuisance, a proper calamity. There are cases when the
whole household hides behind locked doors and play truant until the
guests go away. You may wonder what is behind this hidebound
attitude, but the explanation is very simple and lies in a single word:
reciprocation. When you get a gift you have to reciprocate with one of
the same worth, but preferably even more costly. So if you are in no
position to do this, the easiest way out is not to receive the gift rather
than lose face.

September comes into our life with a metaphorical hand full of gifts. At
the beginning of the month, we will have our Heritage week-end, a
splendid opportunity to show our larger community who we are and
what we possess. It will be a time of “grace”, when past, present and
future will meet in our endeavour to present our legacy, our
custodianship and our vision for tomorrow. Treasures of hand, mind
and soul born out of faith and dedication will be presented in talks,
walks, displays – words, silence, music, images bringing alive the fruits
of a rich and passionately built up heritage for a grateful posterity.

At the end of the month we will hold our Harvest festival, a time of
gratitude not just for the fruits of the Earth, but for all the blessings
and gifts of our life.

So here is the question for all of us: where will we be in September?

Will we be here, taking up our place in the circle of our family,
congregation, community or will we hide behind the door?

Are we here for the gifts of our life or are we afraid of our impossible
task of reciprocating?

Gratitude is not easy to handle, especially when we are fully aware of

the debts of our life: debts to our higher self, to our loved ones, to our
community and to a Higher Reality, by whichever name we may call it.
Gratitude is not easy, when we realize our despondency in a world
which is strong on self-reliance. Gratitude is not easy, when we are
geared toward seeing mostly the empty half of the glass or when we
are struggling with illness, coping with fear or loss.

“Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes” – wrote Virgil more than two

thousand years ago and from time to time, we, too have to face the
fear of a Trojan horse amidst the gifts we receive. But that is life, with
all its surprises, inconsistencies, ups and downs, with fruits sometimes
bitter sometimes sweet.

Each generation is nourished by the accomplishments and mistakes of

the previous ones and bears in the fruits and gifts of its words and
deeds the seed of hope for the next generation. For us this, the present
time, is what is given and we have to make the most of it. Let us not be
afraid or cowed by the feeling of indebtedness, as we have plenty of
unique gifts and blessings to reciprocate whatever we receive.

So, with gratitude perceived as a blessing and not as a burden, do not

hide away, but come, and bring the gifts of your life, your time, your
talents to share in the never ending human chain of giving and

Jesus taught his disciples: “ their fruits you shall know them” and
September gives us both traditional and new ways of presenting and
sharing the fruits of our life.

May the harvest of our heritage and life be abundant in sweet and
recognizable fruits, nourishing for all and shared with gratitude and joy.

See you at the OMH.



Sept 2nd 6-30 pm Rev Mária Pap Mrs E Higgins

Sept 9th 10- 45 am Rev Mária Pap Dr W Brown
Sept 16th 6- 30 pm Rev Mária Pap Mrs C Wycherley
Sept 23rd 10- 45 am Rev Mária Pap Dr W Brown
Sept 30th 9-30 am Communion Service Vacant
See page 4
Sept 30th 10-45 am Congregational
Service - Harvest
Rev Mária Pap


Sept 2nd 6-30 pm Mr R Wain

Sept 9th 10-45 am Mrs J Tedds
Sept 16th 10-45 am Mr N Fisher
Sept 23rd 10-45 am Mr P Frost
Sept 30th 10-45 am Mr R Wain



Sept 1st Mrs A Binch Mrs J Tedds Mrs L Walton
Sept 8th Miss C Wright Mrs C Wycherley Mr D Wright
Sept 15th Mrs M Wain Mr R Wain Mr T Williams
Sept 22nd Ms A Perry Mrs M Sharpe Vacant
Sept 29th Mrs A Binch Mrs J Tedds Mrs L Walton


Sept 3rd Committee Meeting 7-15 pm

Sept 4th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 am
Sept 5th Women’s League 2-30 pm
Sept 7th Heritage Weeked As advertised
Sept 8th Heritage Weeked As advertised
Sept 9th Heritage Weeked As advertised
Sept 10th Arts and Crafts 7-00 pm
Sept 11th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 pm
Sept 12th Meditation 7-15 pm
Sept 14th Words, Music, Silence 11-45 am
Sept 18th Derek Taylor Yoga Group 6-30 am
Sept 19th Poetry Group 7-15 pm
Sept 24th Arts and Crafts 7-00 pm
Sept 25th Derek Taylor Yoga Group? 6-30 am
Sept 29th Preparation for Harvest 10-00 am


On Sunday, 30th September, we will celebrate thanksgiving with a

Communion Service before the Harvest Thanksgiving Service. The
Communion will commence at 9-30 am and is open to all who wish to
share in such an act of worship.

This month’s Congregational Service will be at 10.45 am on Sunday,

30th September. It will be led by Rev Mária Pap and will be our
Harvest Thanksgiving Service. In addition to gifts of fruit and
vegetables please offer a Reading or Poem or Song or Story by Sunday,
16th September.


Thank you to Dorothy Allen for the donation of £110 realised on the
occasion of her 90th Birthday Celebration.

Congatulations and Thank you, Dorothy.


Publicity for the Heritage Weekend..... Can you help?

There are now posters and flyers ready for everyone to take and display in
various places about our action-packed Heritage Weekend from the Friday
7th – Sunday 9th September. There will be six short interesting talks and
displays on “Women Firsts” and the Suffragette /Suffragist Movements to be
held in the Chapel. The Big Schoolroom will host exhibitions on Artwork by
Noriko and other local artists; details about the End of WWI and the people
on our War Memorial and photos of people and places within a mile of
Mansfield OMH. The story of the Old Meeting House will be featured in the
afternoon as well as the chance to walk around the town on a guided tour of
places of interest.

The Mayor of Mansfield will open the weekend on Friday at 10.30am and give
a short talk about her role and afterwards, before Derek’s first series of short

talks, the proceeds of our Jars of Grace Appeal will be presented to the
second charity for this year, “Helen’s Trust”.

On the Sunday there will be a free concert by “The Singers”, a choir of girls,
conducted by the award-winning Meryl Chambers at 3pm followed by
refreshments. We would greatly appreciate any biscuits and cakes for this

Please contact all your friends to let them know what’s happening, give them
a flyer and bring them along. Details and a poster are also available on our
website and Facebook page. Please send them on to anyone who might be
interested in supporting our events.

If you have any artwork or photos for the exhibitions, please let us have
them by Friday, 31st August.

We need as many people as possible to steward and help serve tea and
coffee throughout the weekend, so please sign up on the list at the back of
Chapel. If you can only help greet our visitors for an hour, it will be most

Looking forward to seeing you!



There will be a meeting of our Poetry Group on Wednesday, 19th Sept,

starting at 7-15 pm. You are invited to bring with you, to share, a
poem by a member of the famous Bronte family – Anne, Emily,
Charlotte or their brother Bramwell. Everyone is welcome, with or
without a poem.


We collect food items to be distributed by the Centre at Bridge Street

Methodist Church. Goods are taken there, normally, once a month.

They are grateful to receive in date, non-perishable items for the

homeless and those in need. They express their thanks to those who
give and regularly donate.


Saving Ring-pulls from Drinks Cans

Thank you for collecting your ring pulls from drinks cans for the Purple
Community Fund, a recycling project. The ring pulls are used to make a
range of handcrafted goods and the sale of these products supports
children and their families in the Philippines. If you would like to find
out more, you can visit their website or ask Viv for more

Alistair Hamilton

I wonder why I’m displaced in this camp?

I certainly don’t like it,
It’s cold and damp.
But I can’t go back home,
As it’s no longer there,
Someone dropped a bomb on it,
Someone who didn’t care.
I’ve never hurt anybody,
So who’s to blame?
I never took part in any silly game.
As I’m only a child, what do I know?
I know I’ve lost my home, and there’s nowhere to go
So I’m in this camp,
And it’s so cold and damp,
Someone’s told me I’ve lost my Mum and Dad,
So I guess things are looking very bad.
Did I hurt somebody?
To land in this place, downbeat and shoddy.
I’m missing Scruffy, he’s my Teddy bear,
I’m missing my home, doesn’t anybody care?
I don’t like it here, dressed like a tramp,
So miserable, cold and damp.
I’m only a young girl, approaching eight,
So God, please tell me, what is my fate?
Do I stop here in this camp?
It’s so cold and damp.
The rain came down, as I stepped in a puddle,
I miss my Mother, and I miss her cuddle.
As the night falls on this camp,
I’m starting to shiver, it’s so cold and damp .
Can whoever’s responsible sort it out quick?
I’m weary and feeling sick.
I’m not happy at all, and I’m starting to cry,
I’ve been displaced and I want to die.

Footnote - In the 21st Century Men, Women, Children and Animals are
still being displaced.

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