Bulletin Jan2020
Bulletin Jan2020
Bulletin Jan2020
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. THE CLIMBING TREE
Mincha..........45 minutes after services
Havdalah Time......................5:50 p.m. The most popular tree at Agudas Achim stands just a dozen yards from the parking
lot door. While I am not sure what variety of tree it is, I know that it is perfect. Some
“DEE DEE” QUIGLEY of its branches are low and easy for a small child to climb. The tree also offers loftier
YEHUDIT SARAH BAT RACHEL TZIPPORAH heights to be attained with age, strength, and disregard for a mother’s warning. About
PARSHAT VAYIGASH halfway up the tree there is a curvature of branches forming a seat as comfortable as
any easy chair. It is in that tree that many of our synagogue’s children, including my
FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 own, have sat and watched their friends and family down below. When our children
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
Candlelighting.......................4:47 p.m. need to think, they climb that tree, feet dangling just above the pressures of reality.
When I think about trees it is often this “climbing tree” that comes to mind.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 On the last Shabbat of January, as the mercury dwells below freezing, we will
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. announce the new Hebrew month of Shevat, with its notable holiday of Tu Bishvat
Mincha..........45 minutes after services (February 10). Known as the New Year of the Trees, although it came into existence
Havdalah Time......................5:56 p.m.
essentially for ancient tax purposes, the holiday has become over the years a celebra-
FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 tion of trees and ecology. The image of trees permeates our tradition. Every Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. we sing that the Torah is a “tree of life to all who grasp it” and that the righteous are
Candlelighting.......................4:55 p.m. like palm trees and cedars.
The Torah makes an explicit comparison when it says, “For a person is a tree in the
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. field” (Deuteronomy 20:19). The commentaries on this verse try to understand how
Mincha..........45 minutes after services humans are like trees. Rabbi Jacob ben Isaac Ashkenazi claims we are like trees
Havdalah Time......................6:04 p.m. because we grow and bear fruit – our children and our good deeds. Rabbi Judah Loew
thinks we are like trees because we are planted in the earthly soil, but our branches
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. reach toward heaven. I would like to add another interpretation: Just as trees can grow
Candlelighting.......................5:03 p.m. alone in a field but are more often found in forests, groves, and orchards, so too are
we humans at our best when we grow in communities.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 As we anticipate the holiday of Tu Bishvat, we would do well to remember our
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. connection to the natural world. On Shabbat, January 25, in addition to announcing
Mincha..........45 minutes after services
Havdalah Time......................6:12 p.m. the month of Shevat, we will welcome Dr. Mirele B. Goldsmith, head of the Jewish
Climate Action Network in the DMV. Her topic, “From Moses to Greta: Leader-
FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 ship Lessons for Facing Up to Climate Change,” will address some of the most
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. pressing issues of our day.
Candlelighting.......................5:11 p.m.
If you are interested in how we as a community can organize around
the issues of our environment, please reach out to Leib Kaminsky,
DAILY MINYAN SCHEDULE ljk5266@gmail.com. When we come together to learn about the envi-
Monday through Friday
Mornings................................7:30 a.m. ronment and what we can do to protect and preserve it, we should re-
member that we are like trees. We rely on natural resources to be
Sunday and Federal Holiday
Mornings................................9:00 a.m. healthy and grow, and we can provide goods and deeds to help sustain
those resources. We must be planted in reality but with lofty goals of
Sunday through Thursday what our community can do for the planet.
Evenings.................................7:50 p.m.
Most importantly, while we can act alone, we will be that much more
Note: No evening minyan on New Year’s powerful if we act together as a community. Only by
eve, December 31.
organizing and growing together can we make our
orchard flourish and ensure our “climbing tree” con-
tinues to be a special place for our children.
Thursdays, January 16 - March 19 | 7 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
This Melton course, taught by Rabbi Rein, offers a thought-provoking encounter
Regular office hours: with the core values of Judaism and provides parents with learning, language, and
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. -5 p.m. confidence to teach their children and support Jewish learning at home.
Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. AAC members receive $50 off the $150 tuition. Register through the website,
* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk. (Continued on page 14)
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Agudas Achim Congregation WHAT’S INSIDE . . .
2908 Valley Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302 Sisterhood Shabbat ..................page 1
Rabbi’s Message.......................page 2
Phone: 703-998-6460 Fax: 703-998-5843
Schedule of Services.................page 2
The Bulletin is published monthly - ISSN1084-9858 Dear Hazzan.............................page 3
Musical Events.........................page 3
Rabbi ........................................................................................ Steven I. Rein
Executive Director’s Message..page 4
Hazzan ........................................................................ Elisheva R. Dienstfrey Israeli Movie Club....................page 4
Rabbi Emeritus ............................................................................ Jack Moline Windows on Israel .................. page 4
Executive Director ........................................................................ Barry Nove President’s Message.................page 5
Youth/Education Director .......................................................... Chaya Silver Education and Youth................page 6
Preschool Director ....................................................................... Jen Halpern Young Families........................page 6
Shlicha ................................................................................... Miri Bernovsky Preschool News........................page 7
President .............................................................................. Meredith Ludwig In the Family.............................page 8
Sisterhood Co-Presidents .......................... Lenore Garon and Susan Auerhan Judaica Shop.............................page 9
Men’s Club President ............................................................... Elliot Parkin Youth Groups...........................page 9
Communications Coordinator .............................................. Rachel Goldberg Bringing Israel to Agudas ......page 10
Email: synagogue@agudasachim-va.org | Twitter: @agudasachim Mark Your Calendar...............page 11
Web: www.agudasachim-va.org | Facebook: facebook.com/agudasachim Social Action Committee.......page 11
Men’s Club Menschenings.....page 12
ONGOING. . . Senior Lunch and Learn.........page 12
In Memoriam..........................page 13
Fridays, 9 a.m. Talmud Study Class Profile of Our Leader .............page 14
Saturdays, 9 a.m. Parashat Ha’Shavua
Saturdays, 10 a.m. NOAM Shabbat Service
Saturdays, 11 a.m. Gan Shabbat
Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Basic Jewish Ritual Class
Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Intro to Judaism Class
Thursdays, 7 p.m. Foundations for Jewish Family Living
Alexandria, VA
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U.S. Postage Alexandria, VA 22302
Non-Profit Org. 2908 Valley Drive
Agudas Achim Congregation