St. Joseph Parish: The BBQ Is Sunday!!
St. Joseph Parish: The BBQ Is Sunday!!
St. Joseph Parish: The BBQ Is Sunday!!
Joseph Parish
Fr. Brandon Farrar, Interim Parochial Administrator
306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email:
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
September 2, 2018 – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
We are in need of a volunteer to assist with the second grade classroom in our CCD
program. If you can prayerfully consider this ministry, please contact Rose Redeker
or Kay Schmidt ASAP. THANKS!
The U.S. bishops urge our participation each Friday in a nationwide Novena for the Legal Protection of
Human Life, August 3-September 28. Participants will receive weekly email or text reminders to pray
and fast, along with little-known facts about Roe vs. Wade to share with others. Sign up at!
ING for Sacred Heart Alumni!! We want you to keep in touch with
classmates, share stories and life experiences, relive-reminisce-and retell. Please provide your
information to Sacred Heart School in Emporia or go to referral
The Archdiocesan office of the Permanent Diaconate is offering a series of Information Nights
this fall at the following locations:
Monday, Sept. 10, Holy Cross in Overland Park
Tuesday, Sept. 18, St. Francis Xavier in Burlington
Thursday, Sept. 20, Christ the King in Topeka
Monday, Sept. 24, Cathedral of St. Peter in KCK
Tuesday, Oct. 16, St. Benedict in Atchison
Wednesday, Oct. 24, Corpus Christi in Lawrence
All information nights begin at 7 PM. All those who believe the Lord may be calling them to
serve the Church as deacons will be given resources to assist in their discernment. Spouses are
strongly encouraged to attend. More info: email or call 913-647-0358 or visit
“I love you.” These words are so important to share with our spouse on a daily basis!
However, as our readings this weekend remind us, these words can ring hollow if not backed up
with the actions that convince our unique spouse of our love. To figure out your spouse’s “love
language.” answer the following:
• How does he/she attempt to get close when there is distance between you?
• In what ways does your spouse excel in showing love to others?
• When does your spouse feel most at ease and joyful?
• What time does your spouse anticipate the most?
• (When in doubt, it’s okay to ASK!)
Spending our limited time, money and energy on the things that make our spouse feel loved is a
very smart way to make those three little words go a long way.
Just as you celebrate Labor Day at the end of summer, you can also celebrate your
Marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. It’s a positive,
simple, common sense private experience between husband and wife that revitalizes
marriage. A weekend renews the romance and excitement you experienced during
your dating days. The next Weekends in Kansas City are
September 14-16, 2018 and November 9-11, 2018.
For more information or to apply, please visit our website:
or call Tony & Barb Zimmerman, 816-741-4066
or email