Dpi620 Genii User Manual k0541 Rev 2

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The document provides an overview and instructions for use of the Druck DPI 620 Genii advanced modular calibrator.

The main components and accessories of the Druck DPI 620 Genii calibrator include the carrier, modules, and pressure stations as described on page 1.

The operating conditions and environmental requirements for the Druck DPI 620 Genii calibrator include the temperature range, humidity, ingress protection, and other factors described on page 197.

User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

GE Measurement & Control

Druck DPI 620 Genii

Advanced Modular Calibrator

© 2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. Specifications are

subject to change without notice. GE is a registered trademark of General
Electric Company. Other company or product names mentioned in this
document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies, which are not affiliated with GE
User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii


1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Equipment in the Box........................................................................................ 9
1.2 Optional Items ................................................................................................ 10
1.3 Observance of the User Manual .................................................................... 10
1.4 General Safety Precautions ............................................................................. 11
1.5 General Warnings ........................................................................................... 12
1.6 Electrical warnings .......................................................................................... 13
1.7 Pressure Warnings .......................................................................................... 16
1.8 Preparing the Instrument ............................................................................... 17
1.9 Install the Battery............................................................................................ 17
1.10 Charge the Battery .......................................................................................... 19
1.10.1 Battery Charging Times ........................................................................... 19
1.11 Basic Modes .................................................................................................... 20
1.11.1 Power On ................................................................................................ 20
1.11.2 Power Off ................................................................................................ 20
1.11.3 Power up from Standby Mode ................................................................ 21
1.12 Druck DPI 620 Genii, Modes ........................................................................... 22
1.12.1 Dashboard navigation ............................................................................. 23
1.12.2 Set Date, Time and Language ................................................................. 24
1.12.3 Themes .................................................................................................... 24
1.12.4 Druck DPI 620 Genii Manual ................................................................... 24
1.12.5 Alarm Status ............................................................................................ 24
................................................................................................................................ 24

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To View Alarms select: ................................................................................................ 25

1.13 Software and Firmware Upgrades .................................................................. 26
1.13.1 Viewing Software Revision...................................................................... 26
1.13.2 Upgrading the Software .......................................................................... 26
1.14 Maintenance ................................................................................................... 31
1.14.1 Cleaning................................................................................................... 31
1.15 Instrument Return .......................................................................................... 32
1.15.1 Returned Material Procedure for USA .................................................... 32
1.15.2 Returned Goods Procedure for Europe .................................................. 33
1.15.3 Instrument Disposal in the European Union........................................... 34
1.16 Packaging for Storage or Transportation ........................................................ 35
1.16.1 Environment............................................................................................ 35
1.17 Marks and Symbols ......................................................................................... 35
2 Electrical Operations ............................................................................................... 36
2.1 Basic Calibrator Operation .............................................................................. 36
2.1.1 Saving Tasks ............................................................................................ 37
2.1.2 Electrical Tasks ........................................................................................ 38
2.1.3 Favourites................................................................................................ 40
2.1.4 Custom Task ............................................................................................ 41
2.2 Set the Function Utility Options ...................................................................... 44
2.2.1 Max/Min ................................................................................................. 44
2.2.2 Switch Test .............................................................................................. 45
2.2.3 Relief Valve.............................................................................................. 46
2.3 Measurement Display Options ....................................................................... 48
2.4 Example Procedure: Measure or Source Current ........................................... 50
2.5 Example Procedure: Measure DC Voltage ...................................................... 51

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2.6 Example Procedure: Measure AC Voltage (CH1), 0 to 20 Vrms Only ............. 52

2.7 Example Procedure: Measure AC Voltage (CH1) with the AC Probe .............. 53
2.8 Example Procedure: Source DC Voltage (CH1) ............................................... 54
2.9 Example Procedure: Measure or Source Current with 24V Loop ................... 55
2.10 Example Procedure: Measure or Source Frequency Signals........................... 57
2.11 Example Procedure: Measure/Simulate a Resistance Temperature Detector
(RTD) 59
2.12 Example Procedure: Measure or Simulate a Thermocouple (TC)................... 61
2.13 Example Procedure: Switch Test..................................................................... 63
2.14 Measure Pressure: IDOS Option ..................................................................... 66
2.14.1 IDOS Option Assembly Instructions ........................................................ 67
2.14.2 IDOS Function Procedures ...................................................................... 68
2.15 Error Indications.............................................................................................. 69
3 Pressure Indicator Operation (MC620) ................................................................... 70
3.1 Parts and Assembly ......................................................................................... 71
3.1.1 Assembly Instructions ............................................................................. 73
3.2 Pressure Connections ..................................................................................... 74
3.2.1 Procedure (Attaching External Equipment) ............................................ 74
3.3 Procedure Overview ....................................................................................... 76
3.4 Set up a Leak Test ........................................................................................... 79
3.5 Set the Pressure Module to Zero .................................................................... 81
3.6 Error Indications.............................................................................................. 82
4 Data Logging Operation .......................................................................................... 83
4.1 Set-up.............................................................................................................. 85
4.2 Operation ........................................................................................................ 87
4.3 File Review ...................................................................................................... 87

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4.4 Chart View ....................................................................................................... 88

4.5 File Management ............................................................................................ 89
4.5.1 Transfer ................................................................................................... 89
4.5.2 Erase ........................................................................................................ 90
4.5.3 Memory Status........................................................................................ 90
4.6 Data Format .................................................................................................... 91
5 Documentation ....................................................................................................... 92
5.1 Analysis ........................................................................................................... 92
5.2 Set-up.............................................................................................................. 94
5.2.1 Define the Reference Channel ................................................................ 95
5.2.2 Define each Input Channel...................................................................... 96
5.3 Analysis Function ............................................................................................ 98
5.4 Run Procedure ................................................................................................ 99
5.4.1 Sequence to Upload and Download File ............................................... 100
6 HART® Operations................................................................................................. 101
6.1 HART® Menu Operations .............................................................................. 101
6.2 Start-up ......................................................................................................... 102
6.3 HART® Connections....................................................................................... 103
6.4 Power Supply from the Calibrator ................................................................ 103
6.5 External Loop Power ..................................................................................... 104
6.6 Communicator Attached to a Network......................................................... 105
6.7 Use of Test Connections ............................................................................... 105
6.8 Viewing Primary Variables ............................................................................ 106
6.8.1 Device Polling ........................................................................................ 106
6.8.2 Viewing HART® Configuration ............................................................... 107
6.9 Start HART® SDC Application ........................................................................ 107

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6.10 HART® Toolbar .............................................................................................. 110

6.11 Data Display .................................................................................................. 111
6.12 Editing Values ................................................................................................ 112
6.13 Executing Methods ....................................................................................... 114
6.13.1 Method Example - Self-test .................................................................. 115
6.13.2 Method Example - Analog Trim ............................................................ 116
6.14 Preferences ................................................................................................... 118
6.15 Failed to find Device ..................................................................................... 119
7 HART® Offline........................................................................................................ 120
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 120
7.2 Start-up ......................................................................................................... 120
7.3 Start HART® Offline ....................................................................................... 121
7.4 Create an Offline Configuration .................................................................... 122
7.4.1 Connected Configuration ...................................................................... 123
7.4.2 Disconnected Configuration ................................................................. 124
7.5 Edit an Offline Configuration ........................................................................ 125
7.6 Saving the Configuration ............................................................................... 127
7.7 Uploading the Configuration ........................................................................ 128
7.8 Working with Saved Configurations ............................................................. 128
7.8.1 Open HART Config................................................................................. 128
7.8.2 Upload Config to Device ....................................................................... 128
7.8.3 Copy HART Config to USB ..................................................................... 128
7.8.4 Delete HART Config ............................................................................... 129
7.9 Further Operations ....................................................................................... 129
7.9.1 Delete All Configuration Files................................................................ 129
7.9.2 Import Configuration Files from USB Memory stick ............................. 129

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8 Foundation™ Fieldbus ........................................................................................... 130

8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 130
8.2 Start up.......................................................................................................... 130
8.3 FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus Toolbar ................................................................. 133
8.4 Scanning For Devices .................................................................................... 135
8.4.1 Context Sensitive Menu ........................................................................ 137
8.4.2 Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 139
8.5 Device Focus View......................................................................................... 140
8.6 The Navigation Menu Tree ........................................................................... 142
8.6.1 7.6.1 Block Header bar .......................................................................... 143
8.7 Functional Group View ................................................................................. 144
8.7.1 Displaying Parameter Help.................................................................... 146
8.7.2 Refreshing Data ..................................................................................... 147
8.7.3 Editing Values ........................................................................................ 148
8.7.4 Methods ................................................................................................ 149
8.8 Function Finder ............................................................................................. 150
8.9 Exporting Data to Main Genii Application .................................................... 152
8.9.1 Viewing Exported Variables in Channel Window .................................. 154
8.10 My Block ........................................................................................................ 155
8.11 Application Settings ...................................................................................... 157
8.11.1 Device Library........................................................................................ 157
8.11.2 Options .................................................................................................. 158
8.11.3 Advanced .............................................................................................. 159
9 Calibration Procedures ......................................................................................... 160
9.1 Before Starting .............................................................................................. 160
9.2 Procedures (CH1/CH2): Current (measure) .................................................. 163

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9.3 Procedures (CH1/CH2): Current (source) ..................................................... 166

9.4 Procedures (CH1/CH2): DC mV/Volts (measure) .......................................... 168
9.5 Procedures (CH1): DC mV/Volts (source) ..................................................... 170
9.6 Procedures (CH1): Frequency (measure/source) ......................................... 172
9.7 Procedures (CH1): Frequency Amplitude (source) ....................................... 178
9.8 Procedures (CH1): Resistance measure) ....................................................... 180
9.9 Procedures (CH1): True Ohms (measure) ..................................................... 182
9.10 Procedures (CH1): Resistance (source) ......................................................... 183
9.11 Procedures (CH1): TC mV (measure or source) ............................................ 185
9.12 Procedures (CH1): Cold Junction (TC method) and CJ (measure) ................. 187
9.13 Procedures (CH1): AC mV/Volts (measure) .................................................. 190
9.14 Procedures: Pressure Indicator Modules (PM 620) ...................................... 192
9.15 Procedures: IDOS UPM ................................................................................. 195
10 General Specification ........................................................................................ 196
10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 196
11 Manufacturer .................................................................................................... 199
12 Display Icons ..................................................................................................... 200

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

1 Overview

The Druck DPI620 Genii is a battery-powered instrument

for electrical measure and source operations and HART®
communications. The Druck DPI620 Genii also supplies the
power and user interface functions for all optional items.
The touch-screen displays up to six different parameters.
This version of the manual is applicable to software
revisions DK420 v2.01 and above.
1.1 Equipment in the Box

The following items are supplied with the Druck DPI 620
• DC power supply
• Li-polymer battery
• Set of six test leads
• AC Probe
• Quick Start Guide
• Stylus

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1.2 Optional Items

The items that follow are optional items which can be used
with the Druck DPI 620 Genii:
• Pressure Module Carrier, MC 620, this attaches directly
to the Druck DPI 620 Genii to make a fully integrated
pressure instrument.
• Pressure Module, PM 620, this attaches to the pressure
module carrier (MC 620) or a Pressure Station (PV 62X) to
enhance the pressure measurement functionality.
• Pressure Stations, PV 62X, if the Druck DPI 620 Genii is
installed in a Pressure Station, it becomes a fully
integrated pressure calibrator.

1.3 Observance of the User Manual

This manual contains safety and battery installation

information for the Druck DPI 620 Genii. It is the
responsibility of the customer, to make sure that all
personnel operating and maintaining the equipment are
correctly trained and qualified. Before operating or using the
equipment read and obey all sections, including all
WARNINGS and CAUTIONS given in the Quick Start Guide.

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1.4 General Safety Precautions

Read and obey all the operator's local Health and Safety
regulations and Safe Working Procedures or Practices.
When doing a procedure or task:
• Use only the approved tools, consumable materials
and spares to operate and maintain the equipment.
• Read and obey all applicable WARNING signs.
• Make sure that:
All work areas are clean and clear of
unwanted tools, equipment and materials.
All unwanted consumable materials are
discarded in accordance with local health
and safety and environmental regulations.

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1.5 General Warnings

• It is dangerous to ignore the specified limits for the

instrument or its related accessories. This can
cause injuries.
• If the equipment is used in a manner not specified
by the manufacturer, the protection provided by
the equipment may be impaired.
• Do not use the instrument in locations with explosive gas,
vapour or dust. There is a risk of an explosion.
• Make sure all equipment is serviceable.
• Use equipment only for the purpose for which it is
• Wear all applicable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
• Do not use sharp objects on the touch-screen.

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1.6 Electrical warnings

• To prevent electrical shocks or damage to the instrument,

do not connect more than 30V CAT I between the
terminals, or between the terminals and the ground
• External circuits should have appropriate insulation to
the mains.
• To prevent electrical shocks, use only the GE specified
AC probe (Part: IO620-AC) to measure AC voltages
that are more than 20 Vrms. Do not connect more
than 300V CAT II between the IO620-AC leads, or
between the leads and the ground (earth). Attach it to
the specified connections only.
• This instrument uses a Lithium-Polymer (Li-Polymer)
battery pack. To prevent an explosion or fire, do not
short circuit, do not disassemble, and keep it safe
from damage.
• To prevent an explosion or fire, use only the GE
specified battery (Part: 191-356), power supply (Part:
191-339) and battery charger (Part: IO620-CHARGER).
• To prevent battery leakage or heat generation, only
use the battery charger and power supply in the
temperature range 0°C to 40°C (32°C to 104°F).
• The power supply input range is 100 – 240Vac, 50 to 60Hz,
250mA, installation category CAT II.
• Position the power supply so not to obstruct the supply
disconnecting device.

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• Note that the operating and storage temperature range

of the mains PSU does not match that of the DPI620.
Mains PSU operating temperature range 0°C to +40°C,
storage temperature range -40°C to +70°C.
• The DC input to the DPI620 Genii is rated at 5V (+/-5%).
Maximum current 2 Amps.
• To make sure the display shows correct data,
disconnect the test leads before power is set to on or
changing to another measure or source function.
• Make sure the power is OFF before connecting or
disconnecting the probe.
• Keep the probe and leads free from all contaminants.

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The following summary of installation and measurement

overvoltage categories are derived from IEC61010-1.
The overvoltage categories indicate the severity of
overvoltage transients

Overvoltage Description

Overvoltage category I has the least severe

overvoltage transients. Generally CAT I
CAT I equipment is not designed to be directly
connected to the mains supply. Examples of CAT I
equipment are process loop powered devices

Overvoltage category II describes an electrical

installation where typically single phase
equipment is connected. Examples of such
equipment are appliances and portable tools

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1.7 Pressure Warnings

• Some liquid and gas mixtures are dangerous. This

includes mixtures that occur because of
contamination. Make sure that the equipment is safe
to use with the necessary media.
• To prevent a dangerous release of pressure, isolate
and bleed the system before disconnecting a
pressure connection.
• To prevent a dangerous release of pressure, make
sure that all the related pipes, hoses and equipment
have the correct pressure rating, are safe to use and
are correctly attached.
• To prevent damage to the Druck DPI 620 Genii, only
use it within the specified pressure limits.
• Do not exceed the maximum pressures stated in the
appropriate component manual for the unit under test.
• Reduce pressure at a controlled rate when venting to
• Carefully de-pressurize all pipes to atmospheric
pressure before disconnecting and connecting to the
unit under test.
• Observe cleanliness when using the instrument.
• Severe damage can be caused if equipment
connected to this instrument is contaminated.
• Connect only clean equipment to the instrument. To
avoid any contamination, an external filter is
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1.8 Preparing the Instrument

On receipt of the instrument check the contents in the

box, listed in section 1.1. It is recommended to retain the
box and packaging for future use.
1.9 Install the Battery

1. Remove the five Pozidriv screws (A) (Ref: Figure 1-1).

2. Remove the battery cover.
3. Check the connections on the battery line up with the
connections in the battery compartment.
4. Place the battery in the battery compartment.
5. Replace the battery cover.
6. Secure the cover with the five Pozidriv screws.

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Figure 1-1

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1.10 Charge the Battery

1. Connect the DC power supply into the +5V DC

connection on the side of the unit (Ref: Figure 1-3).
2. The battery can also be charged using the USB
connections (Ref: Figure 1-3).
3. The unit can be On or Off when charging. Charging
times may be longer if charging when the unit is
switched on.
1.10.1 Battery Charging Times

Charging Connection Charge Time

DC Power Supply 6.5 hours
External Battery Charger 6.5 Hours

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1.11 Basic Modes

1.11.1 Power On

From OFF – momentarily press the power button until the

display flashes (Ref: Figure 1-3) .
1.11.2 Power Off

Press and Release the Power Button:

The POWERDOWN OPTIONS window will be displayed

Figure 1-2 Powerdown Options

SWITCH OFF – Full power down of Druck DPI 620 Genii –
recommended if unit is not going to be used for several
hours (Requires full reboot on next power up)

STANDBY – DPI620G placed in standby mode – reduced

power consumption from operating mode – recommended
if unit is to be inactive for short periods. (Druck DPI 620 Genii
has fast turn on from STANDBY mode).

Note: SWITCH OFF can also be achieved by pressing and

holding the power button until the screen is blank.
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1.11.3 Power up from Standby Mode

When powered-up from standby mode the instrument

always opens the last screen shown before going into
standby mode.

Figure 1-3

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1.12 Druck DPI 620 Genii, Modes

The Druck DPI 620 Genii can be used as follows:

• Calibrator (with independent functions on each of six
- Data logging capabilities
- Documenting capabilities
• HART® Communicator.
• Foundation Field-bus Communicator.

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1.12.1 Dashboard navigation

The Dashboard is navigated by swiping a finger from top

to bottom while touching the screen. Functions screens
are navigated by swiping a finger from right to left while
touching the screen.

Figure 1-4 Dashboard

Note: Fieldbus is not installed on all units

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1.12.2 Set Date, Time and Language

To access Date, Time and Language menus select:


1.12.3 Themes

Two themes are available: Dark and Light; select the correct
theme for the light level. Select:
1.12.4 Druck DPI 620 Genii Manual

Select the Help icon on the Dashboard to access the

manual. All the information required to operate the Druck
DPI 620 Genii, is in the Help section of the Dashboard
which is accessed by selecting:
1.12.5 Alarm Status

An Alarm Status is indicated on the DASHBOARD with a Red

LED on the Status button and on the Home button on other

1-5 Alarm Indication

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To View Alarms select:


Figure 1-6 Alarm State

Selecting the Alarm will clear the indication until the next
power down.

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1.13 Software and Firmware Upgrades

1.13.1 Viewing Software Revision

The software revisions running on the Druck DPI 620 Genii

can be viewed by selecting:
Note: If the software revision number is highlighted red then
an upgrade is available.
1.13.2 Upgrading the Software

Follow the website instructions to download the files onto

a USB flash memory device.
1. Select:
2. Enter the calibration PIN: 5487
3. Select the button.
4. Select:
5. Continue with one of these operations:

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• Upgrade the Application software and SDC625

1. Copy the ‘AMC’ application folder into the root of
a USB flash memory device.
2. Put the USB flash memory device in the USB
type A connector.
3. Select:
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The SDC625 HART® Application can only be
upgraded as part of an application upgrade.
• Upgrade the Operating System and Bootloader
1. Create a folder named ‘OS’ in the root of a USB
flash memory device.
2. Copy the files ‘DK418.nb0’ and ‘DK419.nb0’ into
the ‘OS’ folder.
3. Put the USB flash memory device in the USB
type A connector.
4. Select:
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The bootloader can only be upgraded as part of
an operating system upgrade.
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• Upgrade the HART processor Application and Boot

1. Create a folder named ‘HART’ in the root of a
USB flash memory device.
2. Copy the files ‘DK416.s19’ and ‘DK417.s19’ into
the ‘HART’ folder.
3. Put the USB flash memory device in the USB
type A connector.
4. Select:
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The HART bootloader can only be upgraded as
part of an HART application upgrade.
• Upgrade the CH1 FPGA
1. Create a folder named ‘FPGA’ in the root of a
USB flash memory device.
2. Copy the files ‘DK413.bin’’ into the ‘FPGA’ folder.
3. Put the USB flash memory device in the USB
type A connector.
4. Select:
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The CH2 cannot be remotely upgraded .
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• Upgrade the HART Device Library

By default the HART device library is stored on the
micro SD Card.
1. Set the DPI620 Genii USB client port to Storage
Device mode by selecting:
2. Locate the self-extracting file
3. Connect DPI620 Genii Client USB port to PC
USB port. Device will connect to PC as a
Removable Disk.
4. Run ‘DPI620_DD_library_20**_*.exe’ and
extract files to the Removable Disk (this will
take several minutes due to the large file size).
**_* indicates the DD release version from the
HART foundation.
The required directory structure on the micro SD
card is shown in Figure 1-7 Hart DD Directory

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Figure 1-7 Hart DD Directory Structure

• If a mistake is made during upgrade and there are
no files to upload, follow the on-screen instructions
and complete the procedure.
• When an upgrade completes normally, the initial
operation of the touch screen may be slower (a
period of approximately 30 seconds).
• To make sure the upgrade completed correctly,
use the Status menu.

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1.14 Maintenance

The DPI620 Genii instrument contains no user serviceable

parts and should be returned to a GE service center for

1.14.1 Cleaning

Do not use solvents or abrasive materials.

Clean the case and display with a lint free cloth and a weak
detergent solution.

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1.15 Instrument Return

1.15.1 Returned Material Procedure for USA

If the instrument is unserviceable and requires a repair,

return to a GE Service Centre or Approved Service Agent.
Web site: www.ge-mcs.com
Contact the GE Service Centre, either by 'phone, fax or e-mail
to obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number,
providing the following information:
Product (i.e. Druck DPI 620 Genii)
Serial number
Details of defect/work to be undertaken
Operating conditions
Safety Precautions
Provide information if the product has been in contact
with any hazardous or toxic substances and the
relevant MSDS references and precautions to be taken
when handling.
Important notice
Do not use unauthorized sources to service this
equipment as this will affect the warranty and may
not guarantee future performance.

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1.15.2 Returned Goods Procedure for Europe

If the instrument is unserviceable and requires a repair,

return to a GE Service Centre or Approved Service Agent.
Web site: www.ge-mcs.com
Contact the GE Service Centre, either by 'phone, fax or e-mail
to obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number,
providing the following information:
Product (i.e. Druck DPI 620 Genii)
Serial number
Details of defect/work to be undertaken
Operating conditions
Safety Precautions
Provide information if the product has been in contact
with any hazardous or toxic substances and the
relevant COSHH references and precautions to be taken
when handling.
Important Notice
Do not use unauthorized sources to service this
equipment as this will affect the warranty and may
not guarantee future performance. When discarding
used equipment and batteries, obey all the local
health and safety procedures.

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1.15.3 Instrument Disposal in the European Union

Do not dispose of this product or its battery as

household waste.

Use an approved organization that collects and/or

recycles the applicable item.
For more information contact
• GE Sensing customer service department:
• Local government office.

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1.16 Packaging for Storage or Transportation

To store the unit or to return the unit for calibration or

repair carry out the following procedures:
1. Pack the Instrument.
2. To return the instrument for calibration or repair,
complete the return goods procedure (Ref: 1.14).
3. Return the instrument to the manufacturer or an
approved service agent for all repairs.
1.16.1 Environment

The following conditions apply for both shipping and

Temperature Range -20° to +70°C (-40° to +158°F)
Altitude Up to 15,000 feet (4,570 metres)
1.17 Marks and Symbols

Complies with FCC directives

Complies with European Union directives

USB ports: Type A; Mini Type B connector

Ground (Earth)
DC adaptor polarity: the centre of the plug
is negative

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2 Electrical Operations

2.1 Basic Calibrator Operation

1. Select:
2. Select the channel by performing the following tasks:
• Swipe to the TASK MENU by swiping the display
from right to left.

Figure 2-1 Task Menu

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2.1.1 Saving Tasks

At any point within the TASK MENU the currently active tasks
can be saved to FAVOURITES (refer to section 2.1.3) by
selecting Save Task.

Note: Saved Function is what is currently active in the

calibrator window. It is NOT a selected Task – refer to COPY
TASK in Section 2.1.2.

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2.1.2 Electrical Tasks


• This will allow the user to select from commonly
used combinations of electrical functions

Figure 2-2 Electrical Tasks

2. Select the required function by selecting on either the
appropriate text or diagram. The DPI620G will set the
functions and return to the CALIBRATOR screen.

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3. Functions can be copied to FAVOURITES (refer to

section 2.1.3) by selecting as shown in Figure 2-3 and
selecting Copy Task.

Figure 2-3 Selected Task

If the required task is not available as a Default, a new task
should be created using CUSTOM TASK. Refer to Section

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2.1.3 Favourites

1. Selecting FAVOURITES from the TASK MENU allows

selection of all SAVED and COPIED tasks.

Figure 2-4 Favourites

2. Select the required function by selecting on either the
appropriate text or diagram. The DPI620G will set the
functions and return to the CALIBRATOR screen.
3. Tasks can be deleted by selected as shown in Figure
2-3 and selecting DELETE.

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2.1.4 Custom Task

1. Select CUSTOM TASK from the TASK MENU.

• This will allow the user to set up Channels 1 & 2 in
addition to the Pressure Channels, USB (IDOS) and
Communications (HART or Foundation Fieldbus).

Figure 2-5 Task Settings Menu

3. Select CH1 or CH2 to enter the CHANNEL SETTINGS
P1 and P2 are used for pressure
measurements. (Refer to Section 3).
IDOS is used for external IDOS sensors. (Refer
to Section 2.14)

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is used for Hart® and FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus.

(Refer to sections 6, 7 and 8).

Figure 2-6 Channel Settings Menu

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4. Setup a channel for measurement.

• DIRECTION selects source or measure for
the selected function
• FUNCTION selects the function required (eg Current
or Voltage). For more options scroll down the menu
by swiping the display from bottom to top.
• UNITS selects the type of unit required, (eg Hz, kHz),
please note that there may only be 1 type of unit
available in particular Functions.
• UTILITY selects the required utility (Refer to section
2.2 for details).
• CAPTION allows the user to change the caption, if
5. Once all settings have been selected, press the
button at the bottom of the screen to return to the
Please note for the settings to be set the user must
also press the button in the TASK SETTINGS menu.
6. Repeat the above if another channel is required.

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2.2 Set the Function Utility Options

For each function only one utility may be active. Not all
source and measure functions have associated utilities.
For all options the button resets the additional
2.2.1 Max/Min

This utility is only available with measure functions.

The additional values displayed show the minimum,
maximum, and average values of the input signal.

Figure 2-7 Max/Min Example

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2.2.2 Switch Test

This utility is available with measure or source

The additional values displayed show signal values
(measure or source) when the instrument detects a switch
opening and closing. The difference between the two values
is displayed as hysteresis value for the switch. This utility
can be used with Ramp Automation, where the rising signal
causes the switch to change state and the falling signal
causes the switch to resume its’ original state.

Figure 2-8 Switch Test Example

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2.2.3 Relief Valve

This utility is only available with measure functions.

This utility tests circuits or mechanisms that have a cut-out
response when an input reaches a defined threshold value.
The utility allows the user to select a mode of operation
which can be rising or falling. The utility displays additional
values that represent the maximum and minimum values
achieved by the input signal.

Figure 2-9 Relief Value Example

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Rising Falling




Figure 2-10 Relief Value Utility

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2.3 Measurement Display Options

There are 2 display views in the CALIBRATOR screen when

multiple channels are in use:
• Figure 2-11 displays a reduced view of all the
selected channels.

Figure 2-11 Calibrator Window – Reduced View

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• Figure 2-12 displays an expanded view of the

selected channel and minimizes the remaining

Figure 2-12 Calibrator Window - Expanded View

The displays options can be changed by pressing the

channel the user wants to display in expanded view.
Selecting displays all channels in the reduced view

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2.4 Example Procedure: Measure or Source Current

Figure 2-13 shows CH1 set-up to measure or source a

current with external loop power.
Note: When using the CH2 connectors, set CH 2 to measure
or source these ranges with internal or external loop power.
Set the appropriate function by selecting mA or mA +24V.
Loop power has three possible settings:
1) OFF 2) 24V 3) 28V

Figure 2-13 Measure current on CH1. Range ± 55 mA

1. Set the applicable software option.

2. Complete the electrical connections and
continue with the measure or source operation.
3. Source only (Automation). Set the applicable
output value.

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2.5 Example Procedure: Measure DC Voltage

Figure 2-14 shows CH1 set-up to measure a DC

voltage (0 to 30 V) or DC mV (0 to 2000 mV)
Note: When using the CH2 connectors, set-up CH2
to measure these range.

Figure 2-14 Measure DC Volts or DC mV on CH1. Range ±30 V

1. Set the applicable software options

2. Complete the electrical connections and continue
with the measure operation

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2.6 Example Procedure: Measure AC Voltage (CH1), 0 to 20

Vrms Only

To prevent electrical shocks, use only the GE specified
AC probe (Part: IO620-AC) to measure AC voltages that
are more than 20 Vrms (maximum: 300 Vrms). Refer to
Section 2.7.
Figure 2-15 shows CH1 set-up to measure an AC voltage (0
to 20 Vrms) or AC mV (0 to 2000 mVrms).

20 Vrms Max

Figure 2-15 Measure AC Volts or AC mV on CH1. Range ±20 Vrms

1. Set the applicable software options.
2. Complete the electrical connections and continue with
the measure operation.

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2.7 Example Procedure: Measure AC Voltage (CH1) with the

AC Probe

To prevent electrical shocks, use only the GE specified
AC probe (Part: IO620-AC) to measure AC voltages that
are more than 20 Vrms (maximum: 300 Vrms). Attach it
to the specified connections only.
Figure 2-16 shows CH1 set-up to measure an AC voltage
with the AC probe Maximum: 300 V rms.

Figure 2-16 Measure AC Volts with AC Probe. Range 300 Vrms

1. Set the applicable software options for the AC Probe.

2. Complete the electrical connections Red - V/Hz
connector, Black - COM connector. Then continue with
the measure operation.

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2.8 Example Procedure: Source DC Voltage (CH1)

Figure 2-17 shows CH1 Set-up to source a DC voltage on

CH1 (0 to 20V).

Figure 2-17 Source Voltage on CH1. Range 0 to 20V.


1. Set the applicable software options.

2. Complete the electrical connections.
3. To continue, set the applicable output value.

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2.9 Example Procedure: Measure or Source Current with 24V


Figure 2-19 and Figure 2-18 show CH2 set-up to measure

(±55mA) or source (0 to 24mA) a current with internal loop
power (Selectable to 24 V or 28V).

Figure 2-19 Measure current on CH2 with internal loop

power (Range: ±55mA)

Figure 2-18 Source current on CH2 with internal

loop power. (Range: 0 to 24 mA)

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Set the applicable software options.

1. Complete the electrical connections and continue
with the measure or source operation.
2. Source only (Automation): Set the applicable output
Note: The current limit of the Loop power is 30mA.

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2.10 Example Procedure: Measure or Source Frequency Signals

Figure 2-20 and Figure 2-21 show CH1 set-up to measure

or source a frequency. The units could be Hz, kHz or counts
(cpm or cph).

Figure 2-20 Example A - Measure Frequency on

CH1 (Range 0 to 50 kHz)

Figure 2-21 Example B - Source Frequency CH1

(Range 0 to 50 kHz)

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Example A Example B

Measure frequency on Source frequency on CH1

Range: 0 to 50 kHz
Range: 0 to 50 kHz
Waveform: Square
Trigger level: 2.5V
Amplitude:5.0 V

1. Set the applicable 1. Set the applicable software

software options options
2. Complete the electrical 2. Complete the electrical
connections connections
3. If necessary, change the 3. If necessary, change the
Trigger Setup Waveform Setup:


4. Set the values that follow:
4. Set the values that
follow: WAVEFORM
(Enabled / Disabled) Sine
Trigger Level for Peak to Peak Amplitude
Manual Trigger only OFFSET
Only Applies to Sine and

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2.11 Example Procedure: Measure/Simulate a Resistance

Temperature Detector (RTD)

Figure 2-22 and Figure 2-23 show CH1 set-up to measure

or simulate an RTD. A 4-wire configuration gives the best
accuracy; a 2-wire configuration has the lowest accuracy
(4- wire RTD shown).

Figure 2-22 PT100 RTD Measure CH1 4-Wire

(Range -200 to 850 °C)

Figure 2-23 PT100 RTD Source CH1 4-Wire

(Range -200 to 850 °C)
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Note: To measure or simulate resistance Ω, select the

Resistance function (Range 0 to 4000 Ω).
1. Set the applicable software options.
2. Complete the electrical connections.
3. If necessary change the RTD Type.

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2.12 Example Procedure: Measure or Simulate a Thermocouple


Figure 2-24 and Figure 2-25 show CH1 set-up to measure or

simulate a TC temperature.
To measure or simulate TC millivolts, set the TC mV function.

Figure 2-24 K-Type Thermocouple Measure CH1

(Range -270 to 1372 °C)

Figure 2-25 K-Type Thermocouple Source CH1 (Range -

270 to 1372 °C)

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Note: To measure or simulate TC millivolts, set the TC mV

1. Set the applicable software options.
2. Complete the electrical connections.
3. If necessary change the thermocouple type.
4. Set CJ Compensation mode.
If Manual CJ compensation is not selected, the
internal cold junction is used to calculate the
thermocouple value.
If using an external cold junction, select check box
on MANUAL CJ COMPENSATION and enter value for
cold junction temperature.

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2.13 Example Procedure: Switch Test

CH1, P1, P2 and IDOS functions use the CH2 switch

connections. CH2 functions use the CH1 switch
Switch operation
When setting the Switch Test utility on one channel, the
software automatically sets-up the other channel for the
switch connections.
Note: If there is a measure or source function on the
switch connection channel it is automatically disabled.
The display will show a screen message:

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Figure 2-26 CH1 Thermocouple Source CH2 Switch Test

Figure 2-26 shows a thermocouple switch test.
1. Set the applicable software options:
• The TC is set to source a temperature
set to RAMP
2. Complete the electrical connections.
3. It is a CH1 function, the switch connections must be on
4. For the Ramp process, set START and STOP values that
are applicable to the switch value.
5. To get an accurate switch value, set a long TRAVEL

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6. Use to start the “Ramp” cycle.

7. Use to stop the “Ramp” cycle.

8. If necessary, supply the output values in the opposite
direction until the switch changes condition again.
9. The display will show the following:
• Values for switch Open and switch Close Points
• Hysteresis value

10. To do the test again press the button.

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2.14 Measure Pressure: IDOS Option

Optional item. An IDOS Universal Pressure Module (UPM)

uses Intelligent Digital Output Sensor (IDOS) technology to
measure the applied pressure and supply the data to an
IDOS instrument. Before using an IDOS module, (Ref: User
Manual: K0378, Druck IDOS UPM).
Note: To attach an IDOS module to the Druck DPI 620 Genii
calibrator use an IO620-IDOS-USB adaptor.

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2.14.1 IDOS Option Assembly Instructions

Step Procedure
1. Attach one end of the adaptor IO620-
IDOS-USB to the IDOS module

2. Push the Type A end of USB Cable into

the USB socket on the instrument and
the type B end into the adaptor (IO620-

3. Set the instrument power on

When this symbol flashes at the top

of the display, it shows there is
communication between the IDOS
module and the calibrator

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2.14.2 IDOS Function Procedures

Set the calibrator functions for use on the display.

This includes:
• IDOS function (to measure the pressure)
• If necessary, change the Units for the function
• If necessary, set a Utility for the function:
i Max/Min/Avg
ii Switch Test
iii Leak Test . The procedure is the same for an
IDOS module or for a MC 620/PM 620
• If necessary, change the Settings for the IDOS function:
• Process (Tare, Alarm, Filter, Flow, Scaling)
i Leak Test (Only when the Utility is set). The
procedure is the same for an IDOS module or for
a MC 620/PM 620 assembly.
ii Zero. The procedure is the same for an IDOS
module or for a PM 620 module. Zero the
gauge sensor before use.
• Continue with the pressure operation.

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2.15 Error Indications

Under range:
The display shows this symbol for this condition:
Reading < 102% Negative Full Scale
Over range:
The display shows this symbol for this condition:
Reading > 102% Positive Full Scale
If the display shows <<<< (under range) or >>>> (over range):
• Make sure that the range is correct.
• Make sure that all the related equipment and connections
are serviceable.

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3 Pressure Indicator Operation (MC620)

This section gives examples of how to connect and use the

instrument to measure pressure with the module carrier (MC
620) and the applicable pressure modules (PM 620).

Figure 3-1 MC620G

To make a fully integrated pressure calibrator instrument

with one of the three Pressure Stations, refer to the User
Manual for the PV62x Series of Pressure Stations, K0457.

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3.1 Parts and Assembly

This section shows the parts of the module carrier (MC620G)

and pressure module (PM620). (Refer to Figure 3-2).

Part Description

1 Pressure connection (G1/8 or 1/8 NPT) to

attach external pressure equipment.

2 Pressure and electrical connections for a

pressure module (PM 620). These are
self- sealing pressure connections.

3 Two screws to attach the calibrator

(Druck DPI 620 Genii).

4 Electrical connections for the calibrator

(Druck DPI 620 Genii).

5 Pressure module (PM 620) with a

pressure connection.
The PM620 Label identifies:
Type: g: gauge
a: absolute
Pressure Range
Serial Number

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To prevent damage to the PM620 module, only use it within
the specified pressure limit on the label.
When the items are attached to the Druck DPI 620 Genii it is
a fully integrated pressure indicator, measuring pneumatic
or hydraulic pressure.

Figure 3-2 MC620G and PM620G Part Identification

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3.1.1 Assembly Instructions

Step Procedure

1 Align the two slots (a) on the calibrator with the two
posts (b) on the module carrier.

2 When the posts are fully engaged in the slots, tighten

the two screws (2) hand-tight.

3 Attach one or two PM 620 modules (4) with the

correct range and type.

4 Tighten each PM 620 module (4) hand-tight only.

5 When the symbol flashes at the top of the

display, there is communication between the module
and the calibrator.

Figure 3-3 MC620 Assembly Procedure

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3.2 Pressure Connections

Pressurized gases and fluids are dangerous. Before
attaching or disconnecting pressure equipment, safely
release all the pressure.
The pressure ports for external equipment use “Quick fit”
pressure adaptors. (Refer to Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4 Quick Fit Pressure Adaptor

3.2.1 Procedure (Attaching External Equipment)

Figure 3-5 Pressure Connections

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Step Procedure (refer to Figure 3-5)

1 Remove the adaptor from the pressure port.

2 Use an applicable seal for the pressure connection:

a. NPT type: Use an applicable sealant on the
b. BSP (parallel) type: Use the applicable
bonded seal at the bottom.
c. BSP (parallel) type, 100 bar (1500 psi) or
less: a bonded seal at the top is permitted.
3 Attach the adaptor to the external equipment. If
necessary use an alternative adaptor.

4 Tighten to the applicable torque.

5 Attach the adaptor to the MC 620 carrier and hand-


When the pressure indicator assembly is complete use the

menus to set-up the necessary operations. (refer to Section

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3.3 Procedure Overview

Figure 3-6 Task Menu

When PM620 Pressure modules are fitted, PRESSURE TASKS,
are available in the TASK MENU. Refer to Section 2.1 Basic
Calibrator Operation for details.

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Figure 3-7 Pressure Tasks

Select the required function by selecting on either the
appropriate text or diagram. The DPI620G will set the
functions and return to the CALIBRATOR screen.

Pressure Functions can also be selected through the

CUSTOM TASK function. Refer to Section 2.1.4 for details.
Tasks can be SAVED or COPIED into the FAVOURITES. Refer to
Section 2.1.1 for details.

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If required, change the Units or the function. If necessary,

set a Utility for the function:
• Max/Min/Avg
• Switch Test
• Relief valve
• Leak Test

Figure 3-8 Channel Settings

Note: UNITS and UTLILITIES are accessed through selecting
the function through CUSTOM TASK.

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3.4 Set up a Leak Test

This utility is only available in Pressure Measurement

This utility provides a test to calculate the leak of a system.

Figure 3-9 Leak Test Example

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To configure leak test:

1. Set the Utility to Leak Test.
2. Select:
3. Set the following periods
The time before the test starts in
hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss).
The period of the leak test in
hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss)
4. Use to start the Leak Test

5. Use to stop the “Ramp” cycle

Note: To set the Leak Test options, a pressure module must

be correctly installed.

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3.5 Set the Pressure Module to Zero


Use this option to write a new zero pressure value to the
pressure module in use. The sensor adjustment is permitted
if it obeys the condition that follows:
• Adjustment ≤10% FS positive pressure value (for the
Note: To make a temporary adjustment for zero, use the
Tare function.

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3.6 Error Indications

Under range:
The display shows this symbol for this condition:
Reading < 110% Negative Full Scale
Over range:
The display shows this symbol for this condition:
Reading > 100% Positive Full Scale
If the display shows <<<< (under range) or >>>> (over range):
• Make sure that the range is correct.
• Make sure that all the related equipment and connections
are serviceable.

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4 Data Logging Operation

Select the DATA LOGGING option on the Dashboard.

The Data Logging function records instrument readings so
they can be reviewed or analysed.

Figure 4-1 Data Logging

The data file can be reviewed by using the following:
• Recall
The data file can be processed externally by using the
• Transferred to a USB Flash Memory Device
• Transferred to a computer

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This chapter describes how to use the Data Logging function

to log data to a file.
In Data Logging mode the display data from all active
channels is stored at each data point. The data can be
• Periodically
• Key press
The data is stored in the internal memory or on an SD
card until the Data Logging is stopped. When Data
Logging has stopped, data can be automatically
transferred to a USB Flash Memory Device.

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4.1 Set-up

Before starting, set all channels to the correct functions.

(Refer to section 2.1). To access the Data logging function
do the following:

Figure 4-2 Datalogging Setup

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Used to set Internal or SD card storage. Only the
SD card can be read when connected to a PC.
Enter the filename (10 characters maximum)
Select one of the following:
 Key Press (logs one data point each time
the button is pressed)
 Periodic (logs one data point at a set time
Used to set the time interval for periodic data
Used to transfer data to a Flash Drive
To start Data Logging Mode:
1. Select appropriate options and enter filename for
Data Log file.
2. Select the button.

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4.2 Operation

In periodic mode, to begin data logging tap ‘Start logging’

In Key press mode, a data point is taken every time the user
taps the log button.
To stop Data Logging select .
The data logging indicator flashes to indicate whenever
a reading is logged.
4.3 File Review


To view a data file point by point do the following:
1. Tap the Filename button to display the list of data files.
2. Select the file to be displayed.
3. Tap to see the data display.
4. To step the display one data point, tap the Next Log
Note: The data point number sequence is displayed in the top
right-hand corner (e.g. 4 of 100).
5. To go back one data point, press the Previous Log
6. Exit the screen.

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4.4 Chart View


To view a data file on a chart do the following:
1. Tap the Filename button to display the list of data files.
2. Select the file to be displayed.
3. Select VIEW CHART

Figure 4-3 Datalog Chart

Selecting Individual Points will highlight selected

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4.5 File Management

The data log file management options are as follows:

• TRANSFER : Upload data log files to another
• ERASE: Delete data log files.
• MEMORY STATUS: Displays amount of free
4.5.1 Transfer

Data may be transferred as follows:

• USB Flash Memory Device: Selected files are written in
the root folder of the USB Flash memory Device.
• SD card: Data logged in an internal storage area can be
transferred to the SD card storage area.
• USB Serial Port: Transfers data as a text file to a
computer. A communications program can be used to
receive the data (e.g. Microsoft® Hyper Terminal). The
serial set-up is as follows:
Baud rate - 19,200 bits/sec
Data bits – 8
Parity - none
Stop bits -1

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4.5.2 Erase

The Erase options are as follows:

• ERASE ONE FILE: Select file and tap tick bottom right
on the screen to erase.
• CLEAR INTERNAL: Clears all internal files.
4.5.3 Memory Status

The MEMORY STATUS button will show the amount of

available memory in the areas that follow:
• Internal
• USB Flash Memory Device (if fitted)
• SD card

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4.6 Data Format

The data files are produced in a Comma Separated

Variable (csv) format (refer to Figure 4-4).. This allows the
data to be imported into a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft®
Excel). The first section of the data file contains the
FILENAME - The data file name
COLUMNS - Information for internal use
START - Datalog start time
VERSION - Data format version
CHANNEL - The function setting of each active channel
The second section of the data file contains the following:
Individual headings
Data point data

Figure 4-4 Example .csv Datalog File

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5 Documentation

This chapter describes the Documenting functions

available with the Druck DPI 620 Genii calibrator and are as
5.1 Analysis

The Analysis function takes readings from two or more DPI

620 channels to calibrate the transfer characteristic of the
device being tested. One channel is the Reference channel
and is used as follows:
• Provides a measure of the input signal to the device.
• If calibrating a temperature transmitter the Reference
channel could be CH1 in either RTD or TC source
• If the device is a pressure transmitter the Reference
channel would be P1 or P2 measuring the input
pressure to the device.
The other channel is the Input channel and is used as

• Measures the output signal from the device

• If calibrating a process transmitter it could be CH2 in
Current Measure mode.

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A second input channel can also be used, to calculate the

transfer characteristic between three points in the signal
path and may be calibrated at the same time, as in the
example that follows.
• When calibrating a process transmitter that is
HART® enabled the second input channel could
be the HART® channel. The HART® channel reads
the Primary Variable (PV) value from the sensor in
the process transmitter this would allow the
pressure sensor to be calibrated at the same time
as the current loop output.
Any active channel that is not defined as Reference is Input
by default.
There must be one Reference channel and at least one Input
channel defined for the Analysis function set-up to be
At each value the Analysis function calculates the difference
of each Input channel to the ideal transfer characteristic and
compares this to a tolerance limit.
• The deviation is shown in %Span or %Rdg
• The tolerance test result is shown a Pass
or Fail icon.

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5.2 Set-up

1. Set the Druck DPI 620 Genii channels in the Calibrator

function. (Refer to section 2.1).
2. Connect the calibrator to the device under test.
3. Enter the Documenting function.

4. Tap the ANALYSIS button.

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5.2.1 Define the Reference Channel

1. Tap the channel button that is to be used as the

Reference channel for the analysis.

Figure 5-1 Select Reference Channel

2. Set the channel type to Reference.
3. All other channel settings for that channel are
cancelled. All other active channels are set to Input.

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5.2.2 Define each Input Channel

Tap each Input channel button to set the Input options.

Figure 5-2 Select Input Options

• SCALING - The scaling values are four set values:
The maximum and minimum Reference
signal values (Reference High and
Reference Low).
The Input signal values (Input High and
Input Low).
The Input signals should relate to the
Reference signal values with a linear or
square root transfer characteristic.
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• ERROR TYPE – The deviation from which the

transfer characteristic is to be
calculated. This can be one of the
% Span - a percentage of the Input signal span.
% Rdg - a percentage of the Input signal reading.

• LINEARITY - The transfer characteristic from

Reference to Input signal. This can be
one of the following:
Linear - a proportional response.
Square Root - often found in flow sensors.

• TOLERANCE – The test limits for the deviation from the

transfer characteristic.

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5.3 Analysis Function

Set Input channel parameters (refer to section 5.2), and

return to CHANNEL SETUP screen.
Select the Start button
The Analysis window displays the following:
• The deviation of each Input channel from the ideal
transfer characteristic.
• A tolerance limit test icon
Pass (within tolerance test limit)
Fail (outside tolerance test limit)

To check the full range of the device do the following:

1. Step the Reference signal value through its range.
2. Check the Analysis window at each step.
3. If the Reference is sourced from the calibrator, move to
the channel window to change the Reference value.
4. Return to the Analysis window.
5. When the analysis is complete exit the window by
selecting exit .

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5.4 Run Procedure

The purpose of the Run procedure is to do calibration

procedures which have been downloaded from 4 Sight
software. The 4 Sight calibration procedure contains all
the values to calibrate a device under test (test points,
ramp time).
The same calibration procedure can be used for all the
applicable devices under test. To use the Run Procedure
function, the following items are required:
• A copy of the 4 Sight Calibration Software.
• Standard USB lead (as supplied).
• A Druck DPI 620 Genii calibrator device driver available
as a download from the website www.ge-mcs.com.

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5.4.1 Sequence to Upload and Download File

Step Procedure
1. Connect Standard USB lead (as supplied) to the Druck.
DPI 620 Genii calibrator.
2. Connect the lead to the USB port on the computer that
has the calibrator manager installed.
3. Use 4 Sight to set-up the procedure and create a work
order for the device.
The procedure includes the parameters for the
calibration, the number of test points, the relationship
and pass/fail tolerance.
4. Use the Download button in calibrator manager to
Download the file to the Druck DPI 620 Genii calibrator.
A communications symbol will be displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
6. In the Results window, select the filename specified in
calibrator manager.
7. Enter the User ID and the DUT Serial Number.
8. Tap on the Start button . The Procedure sets up the
necessary Channel options e.g. mA and Volts.
9. Use the Take Reading button at each point specified by
the procedure. A prompt shows for each point.
10. When all the readings are complete, tap on the Exit
Button . Look at the results on the display (As
found/As Left).
11. To complete the process, use the calibrator manager to
Upload the file back into the 4 Sight database

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6 HART® Operations

The Druck DPI 620 Genii can communicate with devices that
use the HART® protocol as follows:
• The Universal and Common Practice commands
specified in HART® revision 5 to 7.
• Devices that support Device Descriptions (DD).
This section includes procedures to use the HART functions
available in the calibrator.
6.1 HART® Menu Operations

The HART® application is started from the Dashboard. The

HART® uses a digital signal on top of a standard 4 - 20 mA
current loop to get data to and from a HART® enabled field
device. Typical operations include the following:
• Read the primary variable and the analogue output.
• Read the device serial number, type and supplier.
• Get calibration data (upper and lower range values,
sensor limits, calibration date).
• Do status and fault finding checks.
• Change the device configuration (range, units,

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The Druck DPI 620 Genii can be used to communicate with

other HART® field devices as follows:
• As a Primary Master the Druck DPI620 Genii starts
and controls all communications. The field device
(slave) uses each command from the master device to
make a change and/or send data back.
• As a Secondary Master the Druck DPI620 Genii is
connected into an existing HART® communications
network. The Secondary Master communicates with
the field device in between Primary Master messages.
6.2 Start-up

HART® communication is started by selecting:

Task can be selected for CH1, CH2, P1 and P2. Refer to
Section 2.1.
HART® can also be selected from the CALIBRATOR

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6.3 HART® Connections

Before setting-up the electrical connections between the

HART® device and the Druck DPI 620 Genii get the correct
connection scheme (Ref: DASHBOARD >> HELP).
6.4 Power Supply from the Calibrator

A 24 V or 28 V loop power can be supplied using the CH2

Current (24V) measure function.
In the example that follows, the Druck DPI 620 Genii supplies
the loop power and a 250 Ω HART® resistor.

Figure 6-1

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6.5 External Loop Power

In the example that follows, there is an external power


Figure 6-2

Measure current on CH2 without 24 V loop power.

HART® function is enabled and 250 Ω resistor is enabled.

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6.6 Communicator Attached to a Network

In the example that follows, the calibrator connects directly

to a network. There must be a 250 Ω resistor in series with
the loop power supply and the HART® device.

Figure 6-3
CH2 function is set to None. HART® function is enabled and
250 Ω resistor is set to Off.
6.7 Use of Test Connections

Use the test connection with a HART® transmitter. Use CH1

to measure current and CH2 to communicate with the
HART® device. CH2 must be set to None, and CH1 must be
placed into current measure mode. There must be an
external HART® resistor in the loop.

Figure 6-4
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6.8 Viewing Primary Variables

When connected to a HART® device, the Primary Variable

value and PV units will be displayed in the channel window.

Figure 6-5 Primary Variables

6.8.1 Device Polling

The connected HART® device may be configured with a

unique Poll Address. If the PV is not displayed then the
Device Polling Scheme should be set as follows:


• Select Poll Address and scheme “Use Poll Address” to
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use a specific Poll Address.

• Select “Find First Device” to search from 0 to 63 and use
the first device found.
• Select targeted address ranges to select from a range of
devices at poll addresses.
6.8.2 Viewing HART® Configuration

To view an overview of the HART® configuration (e.g. Tag,

URV, LRV, etc.) select:


6.9 Start HART® SDC Application

1. Select the HART® channel so that it is in its expanded

view (refer to Section 2.3)
2. Select button

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Figure 6-6 Hart Channel Window

The Main HART® SDC application will now open.
The Druck DPI 620 Genii displays the HART® SDC application
screen in light or dark mode.

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Figure 6-7 HART® Application Main Screen

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6.10 HART® Toolbar

Figure 6-8 HART® Toolbar

On entering the HART® SDC application, the toolbar is
displayed. The ICONs are greyed out when they are not
The ICON functions are described below:
application to Exit and Restart from Dashboard.
CLOSE – Closes down connection and returns to
Channel Window
PREFERENCES – Selection of Search Options (Poll
Address / Short and Long Tags)
COMMIT – Commit updated values back to the device
(refer to Section 6.12)
ABORT – Abort Update of parameters, reverts to
previous values (refer to Section 6.12)
STATUS – Field Device Status and HART® operations
HOME – Return to Dashboard. Minimizes HART®

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6.11 Data Display

The display data is colour coded as follows:

• Red - HART® transmitter data
• Blue - Druck DPI 620 Genii channel data
• Black/White - can be edited
Common acronyms used are as follows:
• PV - Primary Variable
• AO - Analogue Output
• URV - Upper Range Value
• LRV - Lower Range Value
• USL - Upper Sensing Limit
• LSL - Lower Sensing Limit
The data display also shows the current readings of the
DPI 620 Genii instrument channels. This is used in
calibration procedures.

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6.12 Editing Values

Any value displayed in white/black with a [V] or [E] icon

can be edited. Edit variables as follows:
1. Select the variable
2. If a selection window is opened select the variable (or
select Edit button).

Figure 6-9 Hart Write Variable Selection

3. Enter a new value
4. Select the Set button
5. Select OK button to return to main application screen.
6. The new value is highlighted in yellow
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Note: To go back to the original value, select the

Abort button in the menu bar.
7. Select Commit button in the menu bar to implement
a new value
8. The yellow highlight will disappear.

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6.13 Executing Methods

Not all HART® devices have the same methods available.

The function, purpose and execution of each method can
be different. Methods may include the following:
• Self-test
• Loop test
• Sensor trim
• D/A trim
Execute a method as follows:
1. Select the method name. A screen opens with
information about the selected method. Four buttons
are displayed on the screen:
HELP Displays a description of the method.
ABORT Exits from the procedure.
OK Accepts inputs and proceeds to the
next step.
SWITCH APP: Returns to Druck DPI 620 Genii screen
(to change channel function settings
without interrupting the method
Note: Some methods may make the HART® device output a
certain current.
A warning will appear on the screen before the device
enters this mode.
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2. Some methods need values to be entered. Use the

alpha/numeric keypads.

3. A drop down menu can be used for method selection

4. Some methods require input from the DPI 620
instrument channels. A drop down menu displays the
channels as follows:
• CH1
• CH2
• P1
• P2
5. On completion the procedure will return to the HART®
application. If required use the Abort button.
6.13.1 Method Example - Self-test

1. To confirm that the transmitter is functioning

correctly, navigate to the Test device folder.
2. Select the Test device folder.
3. Select OK.
The self-test executes.

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6.13.2 Method Example - Analog Trim

The Druck DPI 620 Genii can perform an analogue trim on

the 4 to 20 mA loop without connecting to any external
reference meters.
1. Navigate to the calibration folder

Figure 6-10 Calibration Folder

2. Select Trim analog method.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions. If channel 2 is set to
Measure Current (24V), this can be used to supply the
reference meter value.

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4. Read the CH2 value and enter this in the meter value text
box using the keypad.

Figure 6-11 Enter Calibration Point

5. Select SET.
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with 20 mA selected. This will
calibrate the transmitter’s output current.

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6.14 Preferences

Select the Preferences icon to setup the HART ® device

search method.
The application allows searching by:
• Poll Address - when each transmitter has a unique
• Short tag - if the transmitter supports 8 character tags.
• Long tag - if the transmitter supports 32 character
Transmitters with a non-zero poll address are in multi-drop
mode and default to a fixed loop current of 4 mA.
By default, the Druck DPI 620 Genii polls address 0 (zero)
only. Change the Poll Address by selecting the appropriate
search radio button or entering the tag name in the search

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6.15 Failed to find Device

Fault Possible Action

Failed Power Check device is turned on.
to find Supply Check applicable fuses.
device Check the supply voltage is within limits.

Device under Check device is HART® compatible.

test Connect multiple devices one at a time.
Circuit Check circuit connections.
Check circuit Continuity.
Check correct polarity of supply to the
Check the HART® resistor is in the correct
place in the loop.
Check the HART® resistor has the correct
Check the loop current is in the range
3.5mA to 24mA.
Druck DPI 620 Check the Druck DPI 620 Genii is
Genii connected to the correct points in the
No external HART® resistor present, check
the internal resistor setting.
External HART® resistor present, check the
DPI 620 resistor setting is OFF.
Check that the CH 2 function is set to
‘NONE’ if the Druck DPI 620 Genii is
used as a secondary master (in parallel
with an external supply.
Preferences Select the ‘search 0-63’ option to scan all
possible Poll Addresses to get the Poll
Address and Tag details of the
connected device.

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7 HART® Offline

7.1 Introduction

The HART® Offline feature sits alongside the existing HART®

application to provide extended offline capabilities. Typical
operations include the following:

• Connect to a HART enabled device to view its

configuration and save to file.
• Full configuration is supported for all commands
(universal/common & device specific)
• All devices available in HART library are supported
• Amend configuration files
• Work offline to create configuration files
• Upload configuration files to HART devices
• Export configuration files (to USB stick)
• Import configuration files on PC for viewing offline
7.2 Start-up

Refer to Sections 6 for details of configuring the HART®

function settings.

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7.3 Start HART® Offline

1. Select the HART® channel so that it is in its expanded

view (refer to Section 2.3)
2. Select HART offline button

Figure 7-1 Hart Channel Window

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The HART® offline feature will be presented.

Figure 7-2 HART Offline Main Menu

On first use, an empty menu will be presented. Once Offline
Configurations have been created, they will be listed in this
menu (most recent first).

7.4 Create an Offline Configuration

An offline configuration can be created either when

connected to a device or disconnected.

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7.4.1 Connected Configuration

Press the New Configuration button

Details of the connected device will be displayed:

Figure 7-3 Device Details

Press the button to continue.

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7.4.2 Disconnected Configuration

Press the New Configuration button

Select from the menu the device details that you want to

Press the button to continue.

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7.5 Edit an Offline Configuration

Having created an offline configuration (either connected or

disconnected) the HART Commands menu will be displayed.

Figure 7-4 Commands

Read/write commands appear at the top of the list.

Read only commands appear at the bottom of the list and

are coloured red.

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Selecting a Command will display a list of Variables relevant

to the Command.

Figure 7-5 Variables

When connected, the Variables will be populated with
values from the device.

When disconnected, the variables are populated by the


When a Variable value has been edited it will be displayed in


Pressing the Back button will return back to the

Commands menu. Any changes to Variable will also be
reflected in the Commands menu (also in yellow).
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7.6 Saving the Configuration

From the Commands menu, the configuration

may be saved by pressing the Save Button

The device name will be used as the default file name.

Having saved the configuration, the main Offline menu will

be presented with the new configuration file first in the list.

Figure 7-6 Main Menu with Configuration File

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7.7 Uploading the Configuration

From the Commands menu, the configuration

may be uploaded to connected device by
pressing the Upload Button

7.8 Working with Saved Configurations

Selecting a Saved Configuration from the main Offline menu

enables the user to perform the following operations:

7.8.1 Open HART Config

This enables a previously saved HART configuration file to

be edited.

7.8.2 Upload Config to Device

This enables a previously saved HART configuration file to

be uploaded to a connected device.

7.8.3 Copy HART Config to USB

This enables a previously saved HART configuration file to

be saved to a USB memory stick. The USB memory stick
should be inserted into the DPI620 Genii prior to selecting
this option.

Once copied to the USB memory stick, the HART

configuration file can be modified, copied or cloned on a
user’s PC.

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7.8.4 Delete HART Config

Deletes the HART configuration file from the DPI620 Genii.

7.9 Further Operations

7.9.1 Delete All Configuration Files

From the main offline menu, all saved

configuration files may be deleted by pressing
the Delete All Button.

7.9.2 Import Configuration Files from USB Memory stick

Insert a USB memory stick containing saved

configuration files. From the main offline menu
press the New Configuration Button.

WARNING: Any files on the DPI620 Genii with the

same name as files on the USB memory stick will
be overwritten.

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8 Foundation™ Fieldbus

8.1 Introduction

FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus (FF) is a device application for

configuration of FF enabled field devices. On-line connection
is via the integrated H1 modem. Devices directly connected
to an H1 field segment can be configured and supported by
8.2 Start up

FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus is started by selecting:

Task can be selected for CH1, CH2, P1 and P2. Refer to
Section 2.1.
FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus can also be selected from the
CALIBRATOR function.
Note: When Fieldbus is operational, only Volts measure is
a valid mode for channel 2.

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To start the FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus application and

connect to a device:
1. Connect DPI620 Genii to a H1 FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus

Figure 8-1 Example Connection Diagram Foundation Fieldbus

2. Select the FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus channel so that it

is in its expanded view (refer to Section 2.3).

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3. Select button.

Figure 8-2 Calibrator Fieldbus Channel

4. The Main FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus application will now
Note: Updating CH1, CH2, P1, P2 tasks is only possible
when the FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus application is
not running – to close FOUNDATION™ Field bus
application select :
HOME >> Exit (refer to Section 8.3)

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8.3 FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus Toolbar

Figure 8-3 FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus Toolbar

On entering the FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus application, the
toolbar is displayed. The ICONs are greyed out when they
are not active.
The ICON functions are described below:
OPEN CONNECTION – Only available when awaiting an
open connection. (When navigating devices OPEN
CONNECTION is replaced by the CLOSE icon. )
CLOSE – Only available in Navigation Tree (refer to
Section 8.6) and Functional Group View (refer to Section 8.7).
Closes down connection and returns to Device Focus View
(refer to Section 8.5).
SETTINGS – Application configuration settings and DD
library details (refer to Section 8.11).
COMMIT – Commit updated values back to the device
(refer to Section 8.7.3).

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ABORT – Abort Update of parameters, reverts to

previous values (refer to Section 8.7.3).
STATUS – Provides Device profile of currently
connected device (refer to Section 8.5).
FUNCTION FINDER – Search FF variables and device
HOME – Return to Main Application. Allows user to
either MINIMISE or EXIT. (If FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus
readings are to be referenced in Main Application then
MINIMISE should be selected).

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8.4 Scanning For Devices

The following steps describe how to scan for

FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus devices over a FOUNDATION™
Fieldbus H1 connection:
1. Connect DPI620 Genii to H1 bus (refer to section 8.2).
2. Select the OPEN CONNECTION Icon on the Toolbar
to enter device scan screen.

Figure 8-4 Device Scan Screen

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3. Select the SCAN button

The ‘scanning’ progress dialog view will open. Any
devices found in the selected range will appear in the
bus tree window list - All scanned devices are shown
as a bold icon with an associated tag. Previous scan
results are indicated in grey.

Figure 8-5 Device Scan View

Note: The scan may be stopped at any time by selecting the
CANCEL button. If cancelled the current scan results
are retained.
A search term can be entered into the SEARCH dialog
to look for a specific device in the discovered scan list.

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4. Selecting any device in the search results and

selecting OK will initiate connection to the ‘Device
Focus view.’
5. To Re-scan use the context sensitive menu on the
Genii Modem (Refer to section 8.4.1).
8.4.1 Context Sensitive Menu

Context sensitive menus are available for each device in the

scan Menu by select and hold.

This provides access to the following
• Properties (Displays modem
• Re-Scan

Figure 8-6 Scan Menu -

Context Sensitive -

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This provides access to the following
• Tag / Address Change
Set Tag
Set Address
Clear Tag
Clear Address
• Boot Operational Function (BOF)
class change
Set Basic
Set Link Master
Figure 8-7 Scan Menu - Set Bridge
Context Sensitive -
Device • Restart Device
• Properties (Displays device
• The device Block List can also be
fetched from here (Default
functionality is to use “Device
Focus View’ refer to section 8.5)

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8.4.2 Troubleshooting

• If no device is found when performing scan check:

Field wiring. Verify electrical segment connections are
in accordance with the specific manual supplied with
the field device and segment coupler / power supply.
The loop is not suffering from interference due to an
unstable voltage supply from the segment power
supply and / or electrical interference.
• Some bridging devices / LAS implementations provide an
optimization whereby some address ranges are not
scanned. This may result in individual device not being
• After setting address, it may take some time for the device
and the Link Active Scheduler (LAS) to synchronise
information including address, identity and protocol timing

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8.5 Device Focus View

In this view the specific information of the device is shown.

– PD tag
– Device Id
– Block List with Target / Actual Mode
On entering ‘Device Focus view’ the software will load the
Blocks of the target field device and make them available
for parameterization.
gives access to the
device profile
Figure 8-9 Device Profile

Figure 8-8 Device Focus


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Selecting the Scan button returns device scan view

(reference Figure 8-5).
Selecting the desired block with a single key press will open
the Navigation Tree for the block (Refer to section 8.6).

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8.6 The Navigation Menu Tree

This is the overview of the entire loaded block of the device

(this is not the entire field device only one aspect of it)
showing all the menus available according to the configured
access level. Many field devices have additional menus that
become visible when certain access rights are enabled or
other parameters set. The navigation tree shows nested
menus with a '+' to the left of the description. A momentary
touch of this symbol opens up the view to the lower level.
This view can be closed by touch on the view '-' setting. In
this way even complex devices menu structures can be
navigated quickly and clearly.

Figure 8-10 Navigation Tree

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8.6.1 7.6.1 Block Header bar

The block header bar indicates the target and actual mode
of the block.

Figure 8-11 Block Header Bar

The Highlighted text indicates the actual mode of the device
block. The highlight is shown in green if the target mode is
equal to the actual mode of the device block. If the target
mode does not equal the actual mode of the device block,
the highlight is in red.
The target mode of the device block is indicated by blue
Available options are indicated by black text, unavailable
options are shown in grey.
The target mode can be changed with a momentary touch
on the block header.
Figure 8-11 shows example where target mode is Auto but
actual mode is Out of Service (OOS).

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8.7 Functional Group View

The functional groups show all the variables or settings in

that menu group along with the current value.

Figure 8-12 Function Group View

The left side hosts the 'Variable Description Area' and access
to the context based adjustment functions.
The right side with light background hosts the 'Variable
Editing Area' and access to value adjustment.
A grey value is associated with a read only value such as a
variable that the device produces.

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Black variables are open for editing under the appropriate

access conditions, such as access code or PIN that may be
required in a different Functional Group.
The Navigation Tree bar shows the hierarchy of menus and
groups above the current Function Group View.

Figure 8-13 Navigation Tree Bar

Navigation back out of the function group is possible by the
linked references in the tree bar itself (eg 32769_1 in Figure
The up and down navigation arrows move the selected
function group to that of the one above or below the current
selection in the menu tree.
Communication activity is signified by the communication
progress bar in the bottom right of the screen.

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8.7.1 Displaying Parameter Help

• The yellow triangle in the corner of the Variable Description

area indicates that help is available for that parameter.
• Context menu opened up with touch and hold action.
• Selecting Display Help will show the help attributes.

Figure 8-14 Parameter Help

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8.7.2 Refreshing Data

When a refresh is in progress the variable description goes

grey and in the right area of the Variable Editing area the
pending icon appears.

When the read request is fulfilled the variable description

goes from grey to black again and the pending icon

Refreshing Data can be selected from the context menu.

Refresh Value Updates selected value only
Refresh Group Updates all values in the function group
Refresh Vars On Automatically Refreshes Values
Refresh Vars Off Manual Refresh required to Update Values

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8.7.3 Editing Values

Values which may be editable are shown in black in the

“variable editing area” of the function group view (Refer to
Figure 8-12). Select the parameter to open for editing.
Once Edit is complete, the variable description is highlighted
in bold and the commit and cancel icons in the toolbar
become active.

Commits all Update

Aborts all Updates
Individual updates can be reverted by selecting Revert Value
from the context menu. (Accessed by a touch and hold
action on the variable description). Note: This can only occur
if the update has not yet been committed.

Figure 8-15 Revert Value

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If an invalid value is entered the variable will be shown in

red and the error icon appears.

8.7.4 Methods

These are viewed as a button or selection menu. In the case

of a button, a momentary touch activates the execution of
the associated functionality. The user then follows any
defined prompts to walk through the method.

Figure 8-16 Methods

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8.8 Function Finder

Function Finder is a way of searching for FF variables and

device functions in the on-line device. In complex devices
with multiple menus this allows the user to navigate a
device without a manual, greatly simplifying the on-line
experience, even with an unfamiliar device.
The system requires the input of the name of the variable
concerned (or part thereof) and the results show all
variables that match the search. Navigation to the variable
is just a single click in the search results. To start a search
proceed as follows in the on line or off-line device view.
Select the search icon from the FOUNDATION™
Fieldbus Toolbar.
1. In Name field enter the text you wish to search for in
the on- line device.
2. Select return in the keyboard view followed by the
Search button to initiate the search.
3. From the list of results select the parameter that you
require. Note that the variable name and the function
group it relates to is displayed.
4. Function Finder will then display the Function Group
concerned in the device view with all searched
variables highlighted in yellow (refer to Figure 8-17).

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Figure 8-17 Function Finder

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8.9 Exporting Data to Main Genii Application

The FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus application allows selected

parameters to displayed in the Communications channel
windows for the Calibrator screen.
The selected parameters are defined by the Export List

Figure 8-18 Export List

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Parameters are added to the Export List using the context

menu in the Variable Description area (refer to Section 8.7)
and selecting ‘Add to ‘Export List’.
Note: Only Parameters that return a value can be
added to the Export List.
A Maximum of 6 parameters can be added to
the Export List.

Figure 8-19 Adding Items to Export List

Items on List can be viewed by selecting the Export List

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8.9.1 Viewing Exported Variables in Channel Window

Return to Main Application by Minimizing the

FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus application.
HOME >> Minimize
Expand the FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus window and select:
The Export List of selected parameters will be displayed. The
selected parameter will be displayed in the FOUNDATION™
Fieldbus channel window.

Figure 8-20 Displaying Primary Value

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8.10 My Block

My Block allows the user to create Menus of commonly used

parameters for easy recall.
Additional Menus can be created under ‘My Block’ using the
context menu accessed with touch and hold gesture.

Figure 8-21 Add 'My Block' Menu

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Parameters are added to ‘My Block’ (or the created Menu)

using the context menu in the Variable Description area
(refer to Section 8.7) .

Figure 8-22 Adding Parameters to 'My Block'

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8.11 Application Settings

Application settings are access from the FOUNDATION™

Fieldbus toolbar by selecting:
8.11.1 Device Library

The library tab shows the Device Descriptions (DDs) that are
currently on the DPI620 Genii. Allows the user to browse for
a specific device to determine that there is support for it.
To request support for a non-registered DD please contact
your local GE Service centre (refer to Section 1.15).

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8.11.2 Options

• Poll header every - Sets the refresh rate for the device
parameters displayed in the header.
• Poll all dynamic every - Sets the refresh rate for FF dynamic
variables in the function group view (note this setting only
becomes valid if the function group option Refresh Vars On
is active) (refer to Section 8.7.2).
• Enable Device Library Monitor - If checked enables the
automatic check of the Open Field Communications DD
library on application start up for new Device Descriptions.
Note this configuration option requires a network path to
the Internet. After installation the default setting is 'checked'.
• Confirm Device Commits - If checked brings up a
confirmation dialog before every write is committed to the
field device. After installation the default setting is 'checked'.
• Enable My Device Functions – Enables the My Device and
Export to DPI620 Genii functions. After installation the
default setting is 'checked'.
• Enable Value Range Checking - If checked ensures that all
variable edits are within the limits specified by the device.
After installation the default setting is 'checked'.
• Enable Function Blocks – If checked function blocks are
enabled. After installation the default setting is 'un-
• Enable Transducer Blocks – If checked transducer blocks
are enabled. After installation the default setting is

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8.11.3 Advanced

These settings are for advanced users only and it is

recommended to retain Default Values.

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9 Calibration Procedures

Note: GE Measurement and Control can provide a

calibration service that is traceable to international
Note: GE Measurement and Control recommend returning
the instrument to the manufacturer or an approved service
agent for calibration. If using an alternative calibration
facility, check that it uses the standards that follow.
9.1 Before Starting

Use only original parts supplied by the manufacturer. To do

an accurate calibration, use the following:

• Calibration equipment specified in Table 9-1.

• Stable temperature environment: 21 ± 1°C (70 ± 2°F).

Before starting a calibration procedure, it is recommended

leaving the equipment in the calibration environment for a
minimum of two hours.

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Table 9-1
Function Calibration equipment
(ppm = parts per million)
Current Current (mA) calibrator.
(CH1 or CH2) Accuracy - Current measure/source,
refer to Table 9-2 or Table 9-3
Voltage Volts calibrator.
(CH1 or CH2) Accuracy - Voltage measure/source,
Refer to Table 9-5 or Table 9-7
Millivolts mV calibrator.
(CH1 or CH2) Accuracy - Millivolts measure/source,
OR refer to Table 9-4 or Table 9-6
TC mV (CH1) 1. Accuracy - TC mV refer to
Frequency measure source
(CH1) Signal generator Frequency meter
Total error: 0.3 Total error: 0.3
ppm or better ppm or better
Resolution: 8
digits (minimum)
Resistance measure source
(CH1) Standard resistor An ohmmeter or an
100R, 200R, 300R, RTD measurement
400R, 1k, 2k, 4k system with the
Total uncertainty: specified excitation
20 ppm currents, refer to
Table 9-13
Cold Junction Calibrated K type thermocouple
(CH1) Accuracy: 50 mK for -5 to 28°C (23 to

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Function Calibration equipment

(ppm = parts per million)
Thermocouple temperature reference
unit (0°C)
Accuracy: 30 mK
AC mV AC mV calibrator.
(CH1) Accuracy - AC mV measure,
Refer to Table 9-15
AC Volts AC Volts calibrator.
(CH1) Accuracy - AC Volts measure,
Refer to Table 9-16
Pressure (P1 or P2) Genii Module Carrier MC620G or Genii
Pressure Base
Range 25 mbar/0.36 psi: total
uncertainty of 0.015%
reading or better
Ranges > 25 mbar/0.36 psi: total
uncertainty of 0.01%
reading or better
IDOS UPM only. Refer to the user manual for

Before starting the calibration, check the time and date on the
instrument are correct.

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To do a calibration on a measure or source function, use the

advanced menu option.
1. Select:
2. Enter the calibration PIN: 4321
3. Select the button.
4. Select:
Then select a function and start the calibration:
1. Select channel
2. Select function
3. Select range (if applicable)
4. Follow on-screen instructions
When the calibration is complete, set the next calibration
9.2 Procedures (CH1/CH2): Current (measure)

When recalibrating measure functions for this range, any

adjustment will affect the corresponding source function
calibration. The source function must, therefore be re-
calibrated after adjusting the measure function.

Do the procedure as follows:

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1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table

2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).

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3. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a three-

point calibration (-FS, Zero and +FS) for each range: 20
mA and 55 mA.
4. Check the calibration is correct.
• Select the applicable Current (measure) function, (Ref:
Section 2).
• Apply the values that follow:
mA: -55, -25, -20, -10, -5, 0 (open circuit)
mA: 0, 5, 10, 20, 25, 55.
• Check the error is in the specified limits (Ref: Table
Table 9-2 Current (measure) error limits

Applied Calibrator Permitted

mA uncertainty DPI 620 error
(mA) (mA)
±55 0.003 0.0055
±25 0.0025 0.0040
±20 0.00063 0.0022
±10 0.00036 0.0016
±5 0.00025 0.0013
0 (open circuit) 0.0002 0.0010

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9.3 Procedures (CH1/CH2): Current (source)

Do the procedure as follows:

1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment
(Ref: Table 9-1):
• CH1/CH2 (24 mA range): (Ref: Section 2 and Section
• CH2 (-24 mA range only): (Ref: Section 2 and Section
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).
3. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a two-
point calibration (0.2 mA and FS):
• CH1 (one range): 24 mA.
• CH2 (two ranges): 24 mA (reverse) and 24 mA
Note: Input positive values for the forward and reverse

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4. Check the calibration is correct:

• Select the applicable Current (source) function(Ref:
Section 2 and Section 2.9).
• Apply the values that follow:
CH1/CH2: 0.2, 6, 12, 18, 24
• Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table 9-3)
Table 9-3 Current (source) error limits

Source mA Calibrator Permitted

uncertainty DPI 620
(mA) error (mA)
±0.2 0.00008 0.0010
±6 0.00023 0.0016
±12 0.00044 0.0022
±18 0.0065 0.0028
±24 0.0012 0.0034

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9.4 Procedures (CH1/CH2): DC mV/Volts (measure)

When recalibrating measure functions for this range, any

adjustment will affect the corresponding source function
calibration. The source function must, therefore be re-
calibrated after adjusting the measure function.

Do the procedure as follows:

1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).
3. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a three-
point calibration.
(-FS, Zero and +FS) for the applicable set of ranges:
mV (measure) ranges Volts (measure) ranges
200 mV 20 V
2000 mV 30 V
4. Check the calibration is correct:
• Select the applicable Millivolts or Voltage (measure)
function. (Ref: Section 2.5)
• Apply the input values that are applicable to the

mV: -2000, -1000, -200, -100, 0 (short circuit)

mV: 0, 100, 200, 1000, 2000

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Volts (V): -30, -21, -20, -10, -5, 0 (short circuit)

Volts (V): 0, 5, 10, 20, 21, 30.

• Check that the error is within limits (Ref: Table 9-4 or

Table 9-5).
Table 9-4 Millivolts (measure) error limits

Applied Calibrator Permitted

mV uncertainty DPI 620 error
(mV) (mV)

±2000 0.051 0.14

±1000 0.040 0.1
±200 0.0051 0.017
±100 0.0040 0.0125
0 (short 0.0036 0.008

Table 9-5 Voltage (measure) error limits

Applied Calibrator Permitted

V uncertainty DPI 620 error
(V) (V)

±30 0.00052 0.0021

±21 0.0004 0.0018
±20 0.00031 0.0009
±10 0.00016 0.00065
±5 0.00008 0.00053
0 0.000024 0.0004

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9.5 Procedures (CH1): DC mV/Volts (source)

Do the procedure as follows:

1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).
3. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a two-
point calibration (Zero and +FS) for the applicable range:
mV (source) ranges Volts (source) ranges
2000 mV 20 V
4. Check the calibration is correct:
• Select the applicable Millivolts or Voltage (measure)
function (ref Section 2.5). Apply the input values that
are applicable to the calibration:
mV: 0, 100, 200, 1000, 2000
Volts (V): 0, 5, 10, 15, 20.
• Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table 9-6 or Table

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Table 9-6 millivolts (source) error limits

Source mV Calibrator Permitted

uncertainty DPI 620 error
(mV) (mV)

0 0.0001 0.008
100 0.00046 0.0125
200 0.0009 0.017
1000 0.003 0.1
2000 0.006 0.14

Table 9-7 Voltage (source) error limits

Source Calibrator Permitted

V uncertainty DPI 620 error
(V) (V)
0 0.000004 0.00042
5 0.000019 0.0007
10 0.000034 0.00010
15 0.000049 0.00013
20 0.000064 0.0016

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9.6 Procedures (CH1): Frequency (measure/source)

Only do one frequency calibration, use either the measure

function or the source function.
Frequency calibration (measure function)
Do the procedure as follows:
1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment
(Ref: Table 9-1)
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on)
3. Set-up the equipment as follows:
Signal generator: Output = 10V
Square wave
Frequency = 990 Hz
Druck DPI 620 Genii: Input units = Hz
Input trigger level = 5 V
4. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a one-
point calibration.
5. Check the calibration is correct.

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Frequency calibration (source function)

Do the procedure as follows:
1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).
3. Set-up the equipment as follows:
Frequency meter: Gate time = one second
Druck DPI 620 Genii: Waveform = Square;
Amplitude = 10 V
Frequency = 990 Hz
4. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a one-
point calibration.
5. Check the calibration is correct.

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Frequency calibration check

• Frequency (measure) calibration check.
Signal generator: Output = 10 V
Square wave
Druck DPI 620 Genii: Input trigger level = 5 V
Units: Hz or kHz as specified in

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Table 9-8 or Table 9-9

• Frequency (source) calibration check.
Frequency meter: Gate time = one second
• Druck DPI 620 Genii: Units: Hz or kHz as specified
in Table 9-8.

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Table 9-8 or Table 9-9

• Select the applicable Millivolts or Voltage (measure)
function (ref Section 2.10). Apply the input values:
Hz: 0, 990
kHz: 10, 50

• Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table 9-8 or Table


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Table 9-8 Hz error limits (measure/source)

Measure/ Calibrator Permitted

source Hz uncertainty DPI 620 error (Hz)
(measure) (source)
100 0.0002 0.0023 0.0026
990 0.0005 0.0050 0.0053

Table 9-9 kHz error limits (measure/source)

Measure/ Calibrator Permitted

source kHz uncertainty DPI 620 error
(kHz) (kHz)
(measure) (source)
10.0000 0.00002 0.00023 0.000067
50.0000 0.00002 0.00035 0.000185

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9.7 Procedures (CH1): Frequency Amplitude (source)

Do the procedure as follows:

Note: The procedure that follows calibrates the “mark” value
of the square wave frequency output. The “space” value is
fixed and is approximately -120 mV.
1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref:
Table 9-1).
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).
3. Set-up the equipment as follows:
Source frequency = 0 (For DC output);
Waveform = Square
4. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a two-
point calibration.
Point 1 = 0.2 V, point 2 = 20 V

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5. Check the calibration is correct.

• Set-up the equipment as follows:
Source frequency = 0 (For DC output);
Waveform = Square
• Apply the amplitude values that are applicable to the
calibration (Ref: Table 9-10).
• Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table 9-10).
Table 9-10 Amplitude (source) error limits
Amplitud Calibrator Permitted
e uncertainty DPI 620
Volts (V) (V) error (V)
0.2 0.01 0.1
5.0 0.01 0.1
10.0 0.01 0.1
20.0 0.01 0.1

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9.8 Procedures (CH1): Resistance measure)

Do the procedure as follows:

1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref:
Table 9-1).
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).
3. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a two-
point calibration .
Range: 0-400Ω
• Nominal zero ohms:
Make a 4-wire connection to the 0Ω
• Nominal positive full-scale ohms
Make a 4-wire connection to the 400 Ω resistor
Range: 400Ω-4kΩ
• Nominal 400Ω
Make a 4-wire connection to the 400Ω resistor
• Nominal positive full-scale ohms
Make a 4-wire connection to the 4k resistor

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4. Check the calibration is correct

• Select the applicable Resistance (measure) function
(Ref Section 2.1159).
• Make a 4-wire connection to the applicable standard
resistor (Ref: Table 9-11) and measure the value.
• Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table 9-11)
Table 9-11 Resistance (measure) error limits

Standard Resistor Permitted

Resistor uncertainty DPI 620 error
(Ω) (Ω) (Ω)
0 (short - 0.02
100 0.002 0.032
200 0.004 0.044
300 0.006 0.056
400 0.008 0.068
1000 0.02 0.30
2000 0.04 0.41
4000 0.08 0.64

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9.9 Procedures (CH1): True Ohms (measure)

Do the procedure as follows:

1. Repeat procedure 9.8; in step 3 and 4 select True Ohms.
2. Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table 9-1).

Table 9-12 True Ohms (measure) error limits

Standard Resistor Permitted

Resistor uncertainty DPI 620 error
(Ω) (Ω) (Ω)
0 (short - 0.004
100 0.002 0.0095
200 0.004 0.015
300 0.006 0.0205
400 0.008 0.026
1000 0.02 0.059
2000 0.04 0.114
4000 0.08 0.224

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9.10 Procedures (CH1): Resistance (source)

Do the procedure as follows:

1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).
3. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a two-
point calibration, for each range.
• Range: 0-400 Ω
• Range: 400Ω -2000Ω
• Range: 2kΩ -4kΩ

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4. Check the calibration is correct:

• Select the Resistance (source) function (Ref: Section
• Apply the resistance values that are applicable to the
calibration (Ref: Table 8-13).
• Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table 8-13).

Table 9-13 Resistance (source) error limits

Ohms Excitation Calibrator Permitted

(Ω) (mA) uncertainty DPI 620
(Ω) error (Ω)
0 0.1 0.0014 0.014
100 0.1 0.0016 0.038
200 0.1 0.0021 0.062
300 0.1 0.0028 0.086
400 0.1 0.0035 0.11
1000 0.1 0.008 0.31
2000 0.1 0.016 0.55
3000 0.1 0.024 0.86
4000 0.1 0.032 1.1

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9.11 Procedures (CH1): TC mV (measure or source)

When recalibrating measure functions for this range, any

adjustment will affect the corresponding source function
calibration. The source function must, therefore be re-
calibrated after adjusting the measure function.

Note: To ensure correct calibration when calibrating TC

mV measure, the applied voltage values should be
measured at the TC terminals by applicable calibration
equipment (Ref: Table 9-1).

Do the procedure as follows:

2. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
3. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes `since the last power on).
4. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a three-
point calibration.
(-10 mV, Zero and 100 mV) for the measure or source
5. Check the calibration is correct:
• Select the applicable TC mV (measure) or (source)
function (ref Section 2.12).
• Apply the necessary values:
TC mV (measure): -10, 0 (short circuit)
TC (mV): 10, 25, 50, 100
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TC mV (source): -10, 0, 10, 25, 50, 100

6. Check the error is within limits (Ref:
7. Table 9-14).
Table 9-14 TC mV (measure or source) error limits

Input Calibrator uncertainty Permitted

or TC (mV) DPI 620 error (mV)
TC (mV) (measure) (source) (measure) (source)
-10 0.0036 0.00011 0.0085 0.0090
0 0.0036 0.0001 0.008 0.008
10 0.0036 0.00011 0.0085 0.0090
25 0.0036 0.00015 0.0091 0.0100
50 0.0037 0.00025 0.010 0.0125
100 0.004 0.00046 0.0125 0.0170

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9.12 Procedures (CH1): Cold Junction (TC method) and CJ


Note: Do the TC mV (measure) calibration before the cold

junction calibration. The conditions for CJ calibration are as
• Battery mode (with DC charger disconnected)
• CH1 active
• CH2 set to “None”
• Burnout Detection off
• Use miniature TC connectors
There are two methods of doing a cold junction test; the CJ
(TC Method) is the preferred method. Both procedures are
described as follows:

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CJ (TC Method)
Do the procedure as follows:
1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Set the reference unit temperature: 0°C.
3. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 1 hour since the last power on).
4. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a one-
point calibration for the CJ (TC method) function.
5. Calculate the expected reading, using the known error in
the thermocouple and reference unit.
6. Check the calibration is correct.
• Select the TC measure function (Ref: Section 2.12).
• Check the equipment gives a TC temperature that is
the same as the temperature on the reference unit
±0.1°C (0.2°F), after correction for the known
thermocouple and reference unit error.

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Do the procedure as follows:
1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Set-up the equipment:
• Function = TC (measure)
• TC Type = K Type
• CJ Compensation, Mode = Automatic
3. Set the reference unit temperature: 0°C
4. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 1 hour since the last power on).
5. Record the values that follow:
• TC temperature given on the reference unit T (actual)
• TC temperature given on the calibrator, T (measured)
• CJ temperature given on the calibrator, CJ (measured)
6. Calculate the CJ (Cal Value) as follows:
• CJ (Cal Value) = CJ (measured) - T (actual) + T
• Use the calibration menu to do a one-point calibration
for the CJ (measure) function.
• When the display shows “Sampling complete”, set the
correct Cal Value = CJ (Cal Value) above.

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7. Check the calibration is correct

• Select the TC (measure) function
8. Check the equipment gives a TC temperature that is the
same as the temperature on the reference unit ±0.1°C
9.13 Procedures (CH1): AC mV/Volts (measure)

Do the procedure as follows:

1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 5 minutes since the last power on).
3. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a two-
point calibration for the applicable AC function.
• Use the local power supply frequency.
• For the AC mV (measure) function:
point 1 = 200.0 mVAC,
point 2 = 2000.0 mVAC
• For the AC Volts (measure) function:
point 1 = 2.000 AC,
point 2 = 20.000 VAC

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

4. Check the calibration is correct:

• Select the applicable AC mV or AC Volts (measure)
function (ref Section 2.6).
5. Apply the input values that are applicable to the
• AC mV: 10, 500, 1000, 2000
• AC Volts: 5, 10, 20
6. Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table 9-15 or Table
Table 9-15 AC mV (measure) error limits
Applied Calibrator Permitted
AC mV uncertainty DPI 620 error
(mV) (mV)
10 0.12 2.5
500 0.2 3.1
1000 0.28 3.75
2000 0.44 5.0
Table 9-16 AC Volts (measure) error limits
Applied Calibrator Permitted
AC Volts uncertainty DPI 620 error
5 0.0018 0.03
10 0.0026 0.037
20 0.0042 0.050

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

9.14 Procedures: Pressure Indicator Modules (PM 620)

Do the procedure as follows:

1. Assemble the pressure indicator with the necessary
PM620 modules.
2. Connect the instrument to the pressure standard.
3. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 60 minutes since the last power on).
4. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a two-
point calibration.
• Zero and +FS for absolute sensors.
Note: If software version requires a three-point
calibration for an absolute sensor, use points at 0, 50%
and +FS or three-point calibration:
• -FS, Zero and +FS for gauge sensors.
• (Ref: Table 9-17).

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

Table 9-17 Calibration pressures

Ranges: gage Nominal applied pressure

mbar (psi)
-FS † Zero +FS
< 700 mbar (10.0 psi) -FS 0 +FS
> 700 mbar (10.0 psi) -900 (-13.1) 0 +FS

†For a three-point calibration, do not apply more than -

90% of the specified FS for the unit.
Ranges: absolute Nominal applied pressure
mbar (psi)
Zero +FS
350 mbar (5.00 psi) < 1.0 (0.02) +FS
2 bar (30.0 psi) < 5.0 (0.07) +FS
7 bar (100.0 psi) < 20.0 (0.29) +FS
20 bar (300.0 psi) < 50.0 (0.73) +FS
350 bar (5000 psi) Use atmospheric +FS
pressure as zero.

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

5. Check the calibration is correct:

• Select the applicable pressure function.
• Apply the following pressure values (absolute sensors).
• 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 (%FS).
• Go back to 0 in the same steps.
• Apply the following pressure values (gauge sensors.
• 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 (%FS).
• Go back to 0 in the same steps.
• Check the error is within limits (Ref: Table Gauge
Ranges and Absolute Ranges).
• Gage ranges or absolute ranges tables (Ref:
• Use the values in the total uncertainty column.
• The specified values include an allowance for
temperature changes, reading stability for one year,
and the uncertainty of the standard used for

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

9.15 Procedures: IDOS UPM

(Ref: User manual IDOS UPM).

When the calibration is complete, the instrument
automatically sets a new calibration date in the UPM.

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

10 General Specification

10.1 Introduction

For a full specification of the Druck DPI 620 Genii calibrator

and its related accessories (MC 620 carrier, PM 620 module
and PV 62x pressure stations) refer to the relevant product
The DPI 620 is suitable for indoor use with the following
environmental requirements. It is permitted to use the DPI
620 outdoors as a portable instrument if the environmental
requirements are met.

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

Display LCD: Colour display with touch-screen

Operating -10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F)

Storage -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F)

Ingress Protection IP55 (Druck DPI 620 Genii calibrator only)

Humidity 0 to 90% relative humidity (RH) non-condensing

Shock/Vibration MIL-PRF-28800F for class 2 equipment
Pollution Degree 2
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility: BS EN 61326-

Electrical safety Electrical - BS EN 61010:2010

Pressure Equipment Directive - Class: Sound
Pressure safety Engineering Practice
Approved CE Marked
Lithium-Polymer battery (GE Part number: 191-

Capacity: 5040 mAh (minimum), 5280 mAh

Battery power (typical), Nominal voltage: 3.7 V.

Charge temperature: 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)

outside this range, charging stops.

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

Note 1: The DPI 620 has been assessed to the European

IEC60529 standard as having an ingress protection
rating of IP55, but this is for reliability purposes and not
for safety reasons.
Note 2: To meet the immunity requirements of annex A of
EN61326-1:2006, when used in an industrial
environment, the unit must be battery powered to
guarantee measurement specification.
Note 3: The case of the DPI620 is not suitable for prolonged
exposure to UV.
Note 4: The DPI620 is not suitable for permanent installation in
an outdoor environment.

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

11 Manufacturer

Druck Limited
Fir Tree Lane
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)116 231 7100

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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii

12 Display Icons

Table 12-1 Dashboard Icons

Advanced Hart®

Calibrator Help

Data Logging LED (shows status)

Blue – Active
Red – Alarm
Green - Connected
Touchscreen Multimeter

Documenting Scope

Foundation Settings

Files Status

Applications Devices

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