Dpi620 Genii User Manual k0541 Rev 2
Dpi620 Genii User Manual k0541 Rev 2
Dpi620 Genii User Manual k0541 Rev 2
1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Equipment in the Box........................................................................................ 9
1.2 Optional Items ................................................................................................ 10
1.3 Observance of the User Manual .................................................................... 10
1.4 General Safety Precautions ............................................................................. 11
1.5 General Warnings ........................................................................................... 12
1.6 Electrical warnings .......................................................................................... 13
1.7 Pressure Warnings .......................................................................................... 16
1.8 Preparing the Instrument ............................................................................... 17
1.9 Install the Battery............................................................................................ 17
1.10 Charge the Battery .......................................................................................... 19
1.10.1 Battery Charging Times ........................................................................... 19
1.11 Basic Modes .................................................................................................... 20
1.11.1 Power On ................................................................................................ 20
1.11.2 Power Off ................................................................................................ 20
1.11.3 Power up from Standby Mode ................................................................ 21
1.12 Druck DPI 620 Genii, Modes ........................................................................... 22
1.12.1 Dashboard navigation ............................................................................. 23
1.12.2 Set Date, Time and Language ................................................................. 24
1.12.3 Themes .................................................................................................... 24
1.12.4 Druck DPI 620 Genii Manual ................................................................... 24
1.12.5 Alarm Status ............................................................................................ 24
................................................................................................................................ 24
1 Overview
The following items are supplied with the Druck DPI 620
• DC power supply
• Li-polymer battery
• Set of six test leads
• AC Probe
• Quick Start Guide
• Stylus
The items that follow are optional items which can be used
with the Druck DPI 620 Genii:
• Pressure Module Carrier, MC 620, this attaches directly
to the Druck DPI 620 Genii to make a fully integrated
pressure instrument.
• Pressure Module, PM 620, this attaches to the pressure
module carrier (MC 620) or a Pressure Station (PV 62X) to
enhance the pressure measurement functionality.
• Pressure Stations, PV 62X, if the Druck DPI 620 Genii is
installed in a Pressure Station, it becomes a fully
integrated pressure calibrator.
Read and obey all the operator's local Health and Safety
regulations and Safe Working Procedures or Practices.
When doing a procedure or task:
• Use only the approved tools, consumable materials
and spares to operate and maintain the equipment.
• Read and obey all applicable WARNING signs.
• Make sure that:
All work areas are clean and clear of
unwanted tools, equipment and materials.
All unwanted consumable materials are
discarded in accordance with local health
and safety and environmental regulations.
Overvoltage Description
Figure 1-1
1.11.1 Power On
Figure 1-3
Two themes are available: Dark and Light; select the correct
theme for the light level. Select:
1.12.4 Druck DPI 620 Genii Manual
• If a mistake is made during upgrade and there are
no files to upload, follow the on-screen instructions
and complete the procedure.
• When an upgrade completes normally, the initial
operation of the touch screen may be slower (a
period of approximately 30 seconds).
• To make sure the upgrade completed correctly,
use the Status menu.
1.14 Maintenance
1.14.1 Cleaning
Do not use solvents or abrasive materials.
Clean the case and display with a lint free cloth and a weak
detergent solution.
Ground (Earth)
DC adaptor polarity: the centre of the plug
is negative
2 Electrical Operations
1. Select:
2. Select the channel by performing the following tasks:
• Swipe to the TASK MENU by swiping the display
from right to left.
At any point within the TASK MENU the currently active tasks
can be saved to FAVOURITES (refer to section 2.1.3) by
selecting Save Task.
2.1.3 Favourites
For each function only one utility may be active. Not all
source and measure functions have associated utilities.
For all options the button resets the additional
2.2.1 Max/Min
Rising Falling
To prevent electrical shocks, use only the GE specified
AC probe (Part: IO620-AC) to measure AC voltages that
are more than 20 Vrms (maximum: 300 Vrms). Refer to
Section 2.7.
Figure 2-15 shows CH1 set-up to measure an AC voltage (0
to 20 Vrms) or AC mV (0 to 2000 mVrms).
20 Vrms Max
To prevent electrical shocks, use only the GE specified
AC probe (Part: IO620-AC) to measure AC voltages that
are more than 20 Vrms (maximum: 300 Vrms). Attach it
to the specified connections only.
Figure 2-16 shows CH1 set-up to measure an AC voltage
with the AC probe Maximum: 300 V rms.
Example A Example B
Step Procedure
1. Attach one end of the adaptor IO620-
IDOS-USB to the IDOS module
Under range:
The display shows this symbol for this condition:
Reading < 102% Negative Full Scale
Over range:
The display shows this symbol for this condition:
Reading > 102% Positive Full Scale
If the display shows <<<< (under range) or >>>> (over range):
• Make sure that the range is correct.
• Make sure that all the related equipment and connections
are serviceable.
Part Description
To prevent damage to the PM620 module, only use it within
the specified pressure limit on the label.
When the items are attached to the Druck DPI 620 Genii it is
a fully integrated pressure indicator, measuring pneumatic
or hydraulic pressure.
Step Procedure
1 Align the two slots (a) on the calibrator with the two
posts (b) on the module carrier.
Pressurized gases and fluids are dangerous. Before
attaching or disconnecting pressure equipment, safely
release all the pressure.
The pressure ports for external equipment use “Quick fit”
pressure adaptors. (Refer to Figure 3-4).
Under range:
The display shows this symbol for this condition:
Reading < 110% Negative Full Scale
Over range:
The display shows this symbol for this condition:
Reading > 100% Positive Full Scale
If the display shows <<<< (under range) or >>>> (over range):
• Make sure that the range is correct.
• Make sure that all the related equipment and connections
are serviceable.
4.1 Set-up
Used to set Internal or SD card storage. Only the
SD card can be read when connected to a PC.
Enter the filename (10 characters maximum)
Select one of the following:
Key Press (logs one data point each time
the button is pressed)
Periodic (logs one data point at a set time
Used to set the time interval for periodic data
Used to transfer data to a Flash Drive
To start Data Logging Mode:
1. Select appropriate options and enter filename for
Data Log file.
2. Select the button.
4.2 Operation
4.5.2 Erase
5 Documentation
5.2 Set-up
Step Procedure
1. Connect Standard USB lead (as supplied) to the Druck.
DPI 620 Genii calibrator.
2. Connect the lead to the USB port on the computer that
has the calibrator manager installed.
3. Use 4 Sight to set-up the procedure and create a work
order for the device.
The procedure includes the parameters for the
calibration, the number of test points, the relationship
and pass/fail tolerance.
4. Use the Download button in calibrator manager to
Download the file to the Druck DPI 620 Genii calibrator.
A communications symbol will be displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
6. In the Results window, select the filename specified in
calibrator manager.
7. Enter the User ID and the DUT Serial Number.
8. Tap on the Start button . The Procedure sets up the
necessary Channel options e.g. mA and Volts.
9. Use the Take Reading button at each point specified by
the procedure. A prompt shows for each point.
10. When all the readings are complete, tap on the Exit
Button . Look at the results on the display (As
found/As Left).
11. To complete the process, use the calibrator manager to
Upload the file back into the 4 Sight database
6 HART® Operations
The Druck DPI 620 Genii can communicate with devices that
use the HART® protocol as follows:
• The Universal and Common Practice commands
specified in HART® revision 5 to 7.
• Devices that support Device Descriptions (DD).
This section includes procedures to use the HART functions
available in the calibrator.
6.1 HART® Menu Operations
Figure 6-1
Figure 6-2
Figure 6-3
CH2 function is set to None. HART® function is enabled and
250 Ω resistor is set to Off.
6.7 Use of Test Connections
Figure 6-4
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User Manual Druck DPI620 Genii
4. Read the CH2 value and enter this in the meter value text
box using the keypad.
6.14 Preferences
7 HART® Offline
7.1 Introduction
Select from the menu the device details that you want to
8 Foundation™ Fieldbus
8.1 Introduction
3. Select button.
This provides access to the following
• Properties (Displays modem
• Re-Scan
This provides access to the following
• Tag / Address Change
Set Tag
Set Address
Clear Tag
Clear Address
• Boot Operational Function (BOF)
class change
Set Basic
Set Link Master
Figure 8-7 Scan Menu - Set Bridge
Context Sensitive -
Device • Restart Device
• Properties (Displays device
• The device Block List can also be
fetched from here (Default
functionality is to use “Device
Focus View’ refer to section 8.5)
8.4.2 Troubleshooting
The block header bar indicates the target and actual mode
of the block.
The left side hosts the 'Variable Description Area' and access
to the context based adjustment functions.
The right side with light background hosts the 'Variable
Editing Area' and access to value adjustment.
A grey value is associated with a read only value such as a
variable that the device produces.
8.7.4 Methods
8.10 My Block
The library tab shows the Device Descriptions (DDs) that are
currently on the DPI620 Genii. Allows the user to browse for
a specific device to determine that there is support for it.
To request support for a non-registered DD please contact
your local GE Service centre (refer to Section 1.15).
8.11.2 Options
• Poll header every - Sets the refresh rate for the device
parameters displayed in the header.
• Poll all dynamic every - Sets the refresh rate for FF dynamic
variables in the function group view (note this setting only
becomes valid if the function group option Refresh Vars On
is active) (refer to Section 8.7.2).
• Enable Device Library Monitor - If checked enables the
automatic check of the Open Field Communications DD
library on application start up for new Device Descriptions.
Note this configuration option requires a network path to
the Internet. After installation the default setting is 'checked'.
• Confirm Device Commits - If checked brings up a
confirmation dialog before every write is committed to the
field device. After installation the default setting is 'checked'.
• Enable My Device Functions – Enables the My Device and
Export to DPI620 Genii functions. After installation the
default setting is 'checked'.
• Enable Value Range Checking - If checked ensures that all
variable edits are within the limits specified by the device.
After installation the default setting is 'checked'.
• Enable Function Blocks – If checked function blocks are
enabled. After installation the default setting is 'un-
• Enable Transducer Blocks – If checked transducer blocks
are enabled. After installation the default setting is
8.11.3 Advanced
9 Calibration Procedures
Table 9-1
Function Calibration equipment
(ppm = parts per million)
Current Current (mA) calibrator.
(CH1 or CH2) Accuracy - Current measure/source,
refer to Table 9-2 or Table 9-3
Voltage Volts calibrator.
(CH1 or CH2) Accuracy - Voltage measure/source,
Refer to Table 9-5 or Table 9-7
Millivolts mV calibrator.
(CH1 or CH2) Accuracy - Millivolts measure/source,
OR refer to Table 9-4 or Table 9-6
TC mV (CH1) 1. Accuracy - TC mV refer to
Frequency measure source
(CH1) Signal generator Frequency meter
Total error: 0.3 Total error: 0.3
ppm or better ppm or better
Resolution: 8
digits (minimum)
Resistance measure source
(CH1) Standard resistor An ohmmeter or an
100R, 200R, 300R, RTD measurement
400R, 1k, 2k, 4k system with the
Total uncertainty: specified excitation
20 ppm currents, refer to
Table 9-13
Cold Junction Calibrated K type thermocouple
(CH1) Accuracy: 50 mK for -5 to 28°C (23 to
Before starting the calibration, check the time and date on the
instrument are correct.
0 0.0001 0.008
100 0.00046 0.0125
200 0.0009 0.017
1000 0.003 0.1
2000 0.006 0.14
CJ (TC Method)
Do the procedure as follows:
1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Set the reference unit temperature: 0°C.
3. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 1 hour since the last power on).
4. Use the calibration menu (Ref: Section 9.1) to do a one-
point calibration for the CJ (TC method) function.
5. Calculate the expected reading, using the known error in
the thermocouple and reference unit.
6. Check the calibration is correct.
• Select the TC measure function (Ref: Section 2.12).
• Check the equipment gives a TC temperature that is
the same as the temperature on the reference unit
±0.1°C (0.2°F), after correction for the known
thermocouple and reference unit error.
Do the procedure as follows:
1. Connect the applicable calibration equipment (Ref: Table
2. Set-up the equipment:
• Function = TC (measure)
• TC Type = K Type
• CJ Compensation, Mode = Automatic
3. Set the reference unit temperature: 0°C
4. Let the equipment get to a stable temperature
(minimum: 1 hour since the last power on).
5. Record the values that follow:
• TC temperature given on the reference unit T (actual)
• TC temperature given on the calibrator, T (measured)
• CJ temperature given on the calibrator, CJ (measured)
6. Calculate the CJ (Cal Value) as follows:
• CJ (Cal Value) = CJ (measured) - T (actual) + T
• Use the calibration menu to do a one-point calibration
for the CJ (measure) function.
• When the display shows “Sampling complete”, set the
correct Cal Value = CJ (Cal Value) above.
10 General Specification
10.1 Introduction
11 Manufacturer
Druck Limited
Fir Tree Lane
United Kingdom
12 Display Icons
Calibrator Help
Documenting Scope
Foundation Settings
Files Status
Applications Devices