Perfect Calibration

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Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No.

40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,

Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 1 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)


1. DC Voltage 0.1 mV to1 mV 1.30% to 0.12%
1 mV to 10 mV 0.12% to0.014% Using Multi Product
10 mV to 100 mV 0.014% to0.0036% Calibrator by Direct Method
100 mV to10 V 0.0036% to 0.0017%
10 V to1000 V 0.0017% to 0.0024%
2. AC Voltage 10 Hz to 10 kHz
1 mV to 100 mV 0.74% to 0.09%
100 mV to 10 V 0.09% to 0.029%
10 V to 30V 0.029% to 0.020%

45Hz to 1 kHz
1 mV to 1 V 0.63% to 0.029%
1 V to 10 V 0.029% to 0.029%
10 V to 100V 0.029% to 0.030% Using Multi
100 Vto 1000V 0.030% to 0.032% Product Calibrator by
Direct Method
10kHz to 100 kHz
1 mV to 100 mV 0.70% to0.10%
100 mV to 1 V 0.10% to 0.015%
1 V to 100 V 0.015% to 0.29%

100kHz to 300kHz
30mV to 3V 0.93% to 0.30%

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 2 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

3. DC Current 10 µA to 100µA 0.25% to 0.0021% Using Multi
100 µA to 1mA 0.0021% to 0.017% Product Calibrator by
1 mA to 100 mA 0.017% to 0.015% Direct Method
100 mA to 1A 0.015% to 0.028%
1 Ato 10 A 0.028% to 0.06%
10Ato 20A 0.06% to 0.12%
20A to 1000A 0.12% to 0.48% With 50 Turns Current Coil
4. AC Current 10Hz to 5 kHz Using Multi
30µA to 100 mA 0.92% to 0.33% Product Calibrator by
100 mA to 3 A 0.33% to 0.74% Direct Method

10 Hz to 1 kHz
30µA to 100µA 0.62% to 0.29%

45 Hz to 1 kHz
100µA to 100mA 0.26% to 0.08%
100mA to 1A 0.08% to 0.07%
1 A to 10A 0.07% to 0.14%
10A to 20A 0.14% to 0.20%

100mA to 1A 0.24% to 0.81%
1A to 20A 0.81% to 3.5%

20Ato 1000A 0.58% to 0.47% With 50 Turns Current Coil

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 3 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

5. Resistance 50µΩ 1.18% Using Micro Ohm
100µΩ to 1Ω 0.79% to 0.12% Standard& Standard
1Ω to 100Ω 0.12% to 0.005% Resistance
100Ω to 100kΩ 0.005% to 0.0037%
100kΩ to 1MΩ 0.0037% to 0.0042% Using Multi Product
1MΩ to 100MΩ 0.0042% to 0.063% Calibrator
100MΩ to 1000MΩ 0.063% to 1.81%
By Direct Method

5kV Using Decade Megohm

1GΩ to 1TΩ 2.32% to 5.87% box
6. Capacitance 1 kHz Using Capacitance
100pF to 1µF 1.17% to 1.18% Subtitutor by Direct Method

100 Hz
1 µF to 10 µF 0.41 % to 0.29 % Using Multi Product
10 µF to 100 µF 0.29 % to 0.52 % Calibrator
7. DC Power 1V to 600V Using Multi Product
1mA to 1000A Calibrator With Current Coil
10mW to 10W 0.028% to 0.027% by Direct Method
10W to 1kW 0.027% to 0.081%
1kW to 600kW 0.44%

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 4 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

8. AC Power 50Hz @ UPF Using Multi Product
(Single Phase) 120V to 240V Calibrator by Direct Method
0.01A to 20A 0.10 % to 0.12 %
1.2 W to 4.8kW
50Hz @ 0.8 Lead
120V to 240V
0.1A to 20A
9.6 W to 3.8 kW 0.09 % to 0.13 %

50Hz @ 0.5 Lag

120V to 240V
0.1A to 20A
6 W – 2.4 kW 0.39 %

50Hz @ 0.2 Lag

120V to 240V 1.03 %
0.1A to 20A
2.4 W to 960 W
9. Power Factor 0.20 – 1 – 0.2 PF 0.0021 PF Using Multi Product
Lead / Lag Calibrator by Direct Method
10. Inductance 1kHz Using Decade Inductance
100µH to 1H 1.18% Box by Direct Method
1H to 10H
11. Frequency 10Hz to 1kHz 0.058% to 0.008% Using Multi Product
1kHz to 1MHz 0.0011% to 0.010% Calibrator by Direct Method
1MHz to 500MHz 0.00065% to 0.0029%

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 5 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

12. Oscilloscope
Amplitude 1mV to 130V
DC Signal 4.09% to 0.08%
AC Signal 4.14% to 0.14% Using Multi Product
Time Marker 2ns to 5s 0.029% to 0.12% Calibrator by Direct Method

Bandwidth 50kHz to 500MHz 1.8% to 7.4%

13. Temperature Using Multi Product
Simulation/Indicator, Calibrator by Direct Method
Recorder / Controller
RTD (-)200°C to 800°C 0.026°C
S TC 0°C to 1760°C 0.045°C
R TC 0°C to 1760°C 0.14°C
J TC (-)200°C to 1200°C 0.045°C
K TC (-)200°C to 1370°C 0.056°C
E TC (-)250°C to 1000°C 0.036°C
B TC 600°C to 1800°C 0.35°C
T TC (-)200°C to 400°C 0.028°C
N TC (-)200°C to 1300°C 0.059°C
L TC (-)200°C to 900°C 0.036°C
U TC (-)200°C to 600°C 0.045°C

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 6 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

1. DC Voltage 1 mV to 100 mV 0.41% to 0.0009% Using 8 ½ DMM & 6 ½
100 mV to 1 V 0.0009% to 0.00056% DMM by Direct Method
1 V to 1000V 0.00056% to 0.0058%

0.5kV to 30 kV 2.39% Using HV Probe With

DMM by Direct Method

30 kV to 50kV 3.24% Using HV Divider With

DMM by Direct Method
2. AC Voltage 50 Hz to 50kHz
10 mV to 100mV 0.53% to 0.036% Using 8 ½ DMM by Direct
100 mV to 10 V 0.036% to 0.12% Method
10 V to 100V 0.12% to 0.089%

10 Hz to 100 kHz
100 mV to 10 V 0.112% to 0.089%

45 Hz to 10 kHz
100 mV to 100 V 0.02% to 0.016%
100 V to 1000V 0.016% to 0.022% Using HV Probe With
DMM by Direct Method
50 Hz
0.5kV to 28kV 3.12% Using HV Divider With
28 kV to 50 kV 3.78% DMM by Direct Method
3. DC Current 10µA to 100µA 0.026% to 0.0024% Using 8 ½ & 6 ½ DMM by
100µA to 1mA 0.0024% to 0.0024% Direct Method
1mA to 100mA 0.0024% to 0.0066%
100mA to 1A 0.0066% to 0.023%
1A to 10A 0.023% to 0.052%

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 7 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

10 A to 1000A 0.70% Using shunt With Indicator

by Direct Method
4. AC Current 45Hz to 5 kHz
30µA to 100µA 0.29% to 0.16% Using 8 ½ & 6 ½ DMM by
100µA to 100mA 0.16% to 0.16% Direct Method
100 mA to 1A 0.16% to 0.20%
1A to 10A 0.20% to 0.42%

10A to 1000A 0.13% to 0.70% Using AC shunt/ CT With
Indicator by Direct Method
5. Resistance 10mΩ to 1Ω 0.19% to 0.078% Using LCR Meter by Direct
1Ω to 100Ω 0.0015% to 0.0010% Method
100Ω to 10 KΩ 0.0010% to 0.0010%
10kΩ to 100kΩ 0.0010% to 0.0011%
100kΩ to 1MΩ 0.0011% to 0.0015%
1MΩ to 10MΩ 0.0015% to 0.0036% Using 8 ½ DMM by Direct
10MΩ to 1GΩ 0.0036% to 0.29% Method
1GΩ to 10GΩ 0.29% to 0.30%
10GΩ to 100GΩ 3.39% to 6.60% Using Megohm meter by
Direct Method
6. Capacitance 1kHz Using LCR Meter by Direct
100pF to 1nF 0.06% Method
1nF to 1µF 0.07%

1µF to 100µF 0.06% to 0.40%
7. Inductance 1kHz
100µH to 10H 0.31% to 0.08% Using LCR Meter by Direct

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 8 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

8. Frequency 1Hz to 100MHz 0.00036% to 0.0012% Using Frequency Counter
100MHz to 600MHz 0.0012% by Direct Method

9. AC Power 50Hz @ UPF

120V to 240V
0.01A to 20A
1.2W to 4.8Kw 0.50% to 0.12%

50Hz @ 0.8Lead
120V to 240V
0.1A to 20A
9.6W to 3.8kW 0.19% to 0.3%

50Hz@ 0.5Lag Using Power Meter by

120V to 240V Direct Method
0.1A to 20A
6W to 2.4kW 0.51%

120V to 240V
0.1A to 20A
2.4W to 960W 1.04%

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 9 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

10. Temperature
Indicator, Recorder /
RTD (-)200°C to 800°C 0.0006°C
S TC 0°C to 1760°C 0.42°C Simulation Method
R TC 0°C to 1760°C 0.38°C
J TC (-)200°C to 1200°C 0.11°C
K TC (-)200°C to 1300°C 0.14°C
E TC (-)250°C to 1000°C 0.09°C
B TC 600°C to 1800°C 0.75°C
T TC (-)200°C to 400°C 0.09°C
N TC (-)200°C to 1300°C 0.15°C
L TC (-)200°C to 900°C 0.096°C
U TC (-)200°C to 600°C 0.12°C
11. Time Interval 0.1sec to 24Hr 0.22% to 0.03% Using Time Interval Meter

12. Energy / Power 50Hz Using SATEC Power Meter

Analyser 1Ø & 3Ø 63.5V to 240V 0.29% by Direct/Comparision
(Active Power/Energy) 0.5Ato5A Method
0.5 to UPF to 0.5 PF
Lead / Lag

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 10 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)



1. Rubber Hardness
Tester (Durometer)
Spring Force Using load cell with
Shore A 0to100 SHORE A 1.16 Shore A Indicator & fixture AS PER
Shore D 0to100 SHORE D 0.41 Shore D ASTM D 2240 – 02b & 03


1. Torque Wrench
(Type I – Class 0.2 to 2 Nm 1.97% Using Electronic Torque
B,C,D,E & TYPE II- 2 Nm to 20 Nm 1.56% Tester
Class A,B,C,D,E) 20Nm to 200Nm 1.56% IS/ISO 6789
200Nm to 2000Nm 1.56%


1. Push Pull Gauge 0 to 100N 0.06% Using Dead Weight Force
(Analog / Digital) 100 to 500N 0.09% Calibration Machine With
/ Force Gauge / 500N to 1500N 0.11% Stainless Steel Weight
Spring Balance VDI/VDE2624

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 11 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)


1. Torque Sensor / 0.1 to 2.0 Nm 0.49% Using Weight Torque

Transducers 2.0 to 1500Nm 0.47% Calibration Machine Lever
With Indicator / Arm With Stainless Steel
Torque Meter / Tester Weights as per BS7882


1. Universal Testing Compression Using Force Proving

Machines / 0.1kN to 1kN 0.11% Instruments (Load Cell With
Compression Testing 1kN to 50 kN 0.14% Indicator And Proving Ring)
Machine / Spring 50kN to 100kN 0.22% As Per

Testing Machine 100kN to 1000kN 0.29% IS 1828 PART-I & ISO
1000kN to 2000kN 0.59% 7500-1

2. Universal Testing Tension Using Force Proving

Machines / 0.1kN to 1kN 0.14% Instruments (Load Cell With
Compression Testing 1kN to 50 kN 0.17% Indicator And Proving Ring)
Machine / Spring As Per

Testing Machine IS 1828 PART-I & ISO

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 12 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)


1. Electronic Weighing

d≥ 0.01 mg 1 mg to 80 g 0.13 mg Using E2 Class
d≥ 0.1 mg 10 mg to 220 g 0.2 mg Standard Weights 1 mg
d≥10 mg 500 mg to 2kg 6.56 mg to 200g Calibration of
Class 1 Weighing
Balance and Coarser As
Per OIML R-76

d≥ 0.1 g 20g to 50 kg 1.2g Using F1 & F2 Class

Standard Weights Up to
50kg Calibration of
Class 2 Weighing
Balance and Coarser As
Per OIML R-76

d≥10g 200 g to 150 kg 5.83 g Using M1 & F1 Class

200 g to 300 kg 10 g Weights Up to 600kg
d≥100g 2kg to 600 kg 100 g Calibration of Class 3
Weighing Balance and
Coarser As Per OIML

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 13 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)


1. Density 0.650g/ml to 1.100g/ml 0.0009 g/ml Using Hydrometers &

Hydrometers 1.100g/ml to 2.000g/ml 0.0012g/ml Appropriate liquid
Calibration Of Hydrometers
By Comparison Method As
Per Archimedes Principle
Based On IS:3104

2. Density 94% to 104% 0.008g/ml Using Alcohol meters &

Alcoholmeters Appropriate liquid
Calibration Of Alcohol
Meters By Comparison
Method As Per Archimedes
Principle Based On IS:3608


1. Spirit Level
Sensitivity: 0.01 0.2 mm/M 8.0 µm/M Using Electronic Level By
mm/M Comparison based on IS :
2. Gauge Blocks 0.5 to 25mm 0.14µm Using Gauge block
Above 25 mm up to 50 mm 0.17µm comparator& 00 grade slip
Above 50 mm 0.24µm gauge block By comparison
based on IS ; 2984
3. Bevel Protractor Using Profile Projector By
L.C. 1 arc min Up to 360° 3.17min Direct Method Based On
IS: 5812

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 14 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

4. Test Sieves 0.032 mm to 10 mm 3.3µm Using Profile Projector By
10mm to 50 mm 3.4µm Comparison Method Based
50mm to 100 mm 3.5µm On IS: 460-1985
5. Radius Gauge R2 to 50 mm 3.5µm Using Profile Projector By
Comparison Method Based
On IS: 5273-1969
6. Thread Pitch Gauge Pitch 0.2 to 12mm 3.4µm Using Profile Projector By
Comparison Method Based
On IS: 4211-1993
7. Taper Scale 1 : 150mm 3.8µm Using Profile Projector By
Comparison Method

8. Weld Gauge / Weld 0 to 50 mm 3.8µm Using Profile Projector By

Fillet Gauge Angle 90° 3.2µm Comparison Method

9. Wire Gauge / Wet 0 to 10mm 3.8µm Using Profile Projector By

Film Thickness Comparison Method

10. Flakiness Gauges / 4.5 mm to 35 mm 3.8µm Using Profile Projector By

Thickness Gauge Comparison Method
11. Elongation Gauge 14 mm to 85 mm 8.2µm Using Digital Caliper By
Comparison Method
12. Measuring Scale
L.C: 0.5mm Up to 1000mm 35µm Using Profile Projector By
Comparison Method Based
On IS : 1481

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 15 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

13. Calipers Using Caliper Checker,
( Vernier/Dial/Digital) Gauge Block & Length Bar
LC : 10µm Up to 1000mm 8.2µm By Comparison Based On
IS : 3651(part1,2,3)
14. Depth Gauge Using Caliper Checker,
(Vernier/Dial/ Digital) Gauge Blocks & Length Bar
LC : 10µm Up to 200mm 7.7µm By Comparison Based On
IS : 4213-1991
15. Height Gauge Using Caliper Checker,
(Dial/Digital) Length Bar By Comparison
LC : 10µm 0 to 300 mm 7.5µm Based On IS : 2921
0 to 600 mm 8.7µm
16. External Micrometer Using Gauge Block, Length
(Analog/Digital) Bar By Comparison Based
LC : 1µm Up to 150mm 1.6µm On IS : 2967
LC: 10µm Up to 1000mm 7.6µm
17. Depth Micrometer Using Gauge Block By
( Analog/Digital) Comparison Based On IS :
LC: 10µm Up to 100mm 6.8µm 6468
18. Internal Micrometer Using Gauge Block &
( Analog/Digital) Accessories By
LC : 1µm 5 mm to 30mm 3.8µm Comparison Based On IS :

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 16 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

19. Stick Micrometer Using Gauge Block,
LC : 10µm 25 mm to 600mm 5.8µm Accessories By
Above 600 Up to 6.4 Comparison Based On IS :
1000mm 2966
20. Plunger Dial Gauge Using Dial Calibration
( Analog /Digital) Tester By Comparison
LC: 1µm Upto25mm 1.6µm Based On IS : 2092-1983

21. Lever Type Dial Using Dial Calibration

Indicator Tester By Comparison
( Analog /Digital) Method Based On IS :
LC : 1µm Up to 1mm 1.6µm 11498
22. Dial Bore Gauge
( Analog /Digital)
LC : 1µm Dia Range Ø 6- 1.6µm Using Dial Calibration
500mm Tester By Comparison
Method Based On IS :
Probing range : B7515
Up to 1.5 mm
23. Dial Thickness Using Gauge Block By
LC : 10µm Upto 50mm 3.6µm Comparison Method Based
On IS : 14271
24 Pistol Caliper Using Gauge Block By
LC : 100µm Upto 100mm 28.9µm Comparison Method

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 17 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

25. Snap Gauge / Gap 2 mm to 100mm 0.33µm Using Gauge Block &
Gauges 100 mm to 200mm 0.52µm Accessories By
( Fixed/Adjustable) Comparison Method Based
On IS : 3455
26. Feeler Gauge Upto 1 mm 2.4µm Using Digital Micro Meter
By Comparison Method
Based On IS : 3179

27. Micrometer Setting 25mm to 600mm 3.8µm Using Gauge Block

Rod &Electronic Comparator By
Comparison Method

28. Plain Plug Gauge/ 2 mm to 100mm 1.2µm Using Gauge Block

Width Gauge Above 100 mm upto 2.5µm &Electronic Comparator By
300mm Comparison Method Based
On IS : 3455

29. Height Measuring Using Gauge Block /Long

System (1D/2D) Gauge Block By
Resolution: 0.1µm Upto 600mm 3.8µm Comparison Based On IS :

30. Surface Plate 3000mm X 3000mm 0.9√(W+L)/125 µm Using Electronic Level By
(Granite/Cast Iron ) W=Width in mm In-Direct Method Based On
L= Length in mm IS : 7327-2003 & 12937

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 18 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

31. Profile Projector Using Glass Scale, Angle
LC : 1µm Linear: 4.8µm Gauge, Digital Calipers&
Upto 300mm Gauge Block By
Comparison Method Based
LC : 1 Arc Sec Angle 28Arc Sec On JIS : B7184
Upto 360°

Mag: Upto 100x 0.1%

32. Video Measuring

LC : 0.1µm Linear 4.8µm Using Glass Scale, Angle
LC : 1 Arc Sec. Upto 300mm Gauge, Digital Calipers&
Gauge Block By
Comparison Method


1. Speed Tachometer 10 to 30 rpm 0.6 rpm By Comparison based on
30 to 1000 rpm 1.25 rpm SANAS TR 45-02
1000 to 10000 rpm 2.76 rpm
10000 to 40000 rpm 3.90 rpm
40000 to 90000 rpm 5.41 rpm

2. Centrifuge/Rpm 50 to 100 rpm 1.26 to 0.64% By Comparison based on

Meter 100 to 5000 rpm 0.64 to 0.12% SANAS TR 45-02
5000 to 50000 rpm 0.12 to 0.01%

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 19 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)


1. Analog/Digital,
Pressure Gauge/
/ Transducer With
/Manometer/ 0 to 20 bar 0.06% rdg Using Digital Pressure
Pneumatic Pressure/ 0 to 40 bar 0.04% rdg Calibrator & Pressure
Hydraulic Pressure 0 to 700 bar 0.04% rdg Comparison Method As Per
Pneumatic Pressure DKD-R6-1 By Comparison
Hydraulic Pressure Method

2. Analog / Digital -0.9 to 0 bar 0.9% rdg Using Digital Vacuum

Vacuum Gauge/ Calibrator & Pressure
Vacuum Indicator/ Comparator By
Controller/ Recorder/ Comparison Method As Per
Transmitter/ DKD-R6-2 By Comparison
Transducer With Method
Indicator/ Compound
Gauge / Switch /
Valves/ Manometer
3. Differential Pressure 2500 Pa 6.08 Pa Using Leak Master by
Sensor of Air Leak Comparison Method


Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 20 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)


1. Vibration Amplitude- 5 to 100 Hz 2.00 % Using Vibrating Source

Accelerometer / 100 to 160 Hz 1.25% With Master Accelerometer
Vibration Sensor 160 to 1 kHz 1.50 % By Comparison Method as
1kHz to 2.4 kHz 1.70% per ISO 16063

Linearity 1.25%
up to 30g (pk) @

2. Vibration Amplitude – 5 to 100 Hz 2.00 % Using Accelerometer,

Vibration Exciter 100 to 160 Hz 1.25% Digital Multimeter &
160 to 1 kHz 1.50 % Frequency Counter By
1kHz to 2.4 kHz 1.70% Comparison Method as per
ISO 16063
Linearity 1.25%
up to 30g (pk) @

3. Vibration Amplitude- 5 to 100 Hz 2.00 % Using Vibrating Source

Vibration Exciter 100 to 160 Hz 1.25% With Master Accelerometer
Vibration Meter 160 to 1 kHz 1.50 % By Comparison Method as
1kHz to 2.4 kHz 1.70% per ISO 16063

Acceleration Linearity 1.25% Using Vibrating Source

up to 30g (pk) @ With Master Vibration
160Hz Meter By Comparison

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 21 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

10 Hz to 1 kHz 2.9%
Velocity 1.0 mm/s to 155 mm/s

Displacement 10 Hz to 500Hz 9.14%

0.01 mm to 1.0mm 2.5%
1.0 to 2.0 mm (pk-pk)

4. Vibration Amplitude – 10 to 5000 Hz 2.5% Using Vibration Meter By

Vibration Exciter Upto 5g Comparison Method as per
ISO 16063

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 22 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

1. Lux Meter 5.4 Lux to 5000 Lux 3% of rdg Using Master Lux Meter
5000 Lux to 25000 Lux 2.13% of rdg Using Light Source And
25000 Lux to 32000 Lux 2.2% of rdg Power Supply by
Comparison Method

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 23 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)



1. RTD’S, RTD With (-)95°C to (-)25°C 0.11°C Using SSPRT With

Indicator, SPRT, (-)25°C to 150°C 0.08°C Indicator,
Thermocouple With 150°C to 600°C 0.16°C Using S Type
Indicator, Digital 600°C to 1200°C 1.77°C Thermocouple With
Thermometer, indicator, 61/2 Digit
Temperature Gauge, Multimeter And Dry Block
Temperature/ Data Bath by Comparison
Logger With Sensor Method

2. Thermo Hygrometer, (-)30°C to 50°C 0.14°C Using SSPRT With

Temperature & 5% RH to 95%RH 0.75% Indicator & Humidity
Humidity Meter, Meter by Comparison
Temperature Graph, Method
Humidity Indicator,
Humidity Transmitter,
Temperature And
Humidity Data

3. Low & High (-)80°C to 100°C 0.12°C Using SSPRT With

Temperature Bath 100°C to 300°C 0.20°C Indicator & S-Type
300°C to 1200°C 1.77°C thermocouple with
indicator by Comparison

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 24 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

4. RTD’S, RTD With (-)25°C to 150°C 0.08°C Using SSPRT With

Indicator, SPRT, 150°C to 600°C 0.16°C Indicator,
Thermocouple With 600°C to 1200°C 1.77°C Using S Type
Indicator, Digital Thermocouple With
Thermometer, indicator, 61/2 Digit
Temperature Gauge, Multimeter And Dry Block
Temperature/ Data Bath By Comparison

Logger With Sensor Method

5. Oven ,Incubator, (-)80°C to 100°C 0.12°C Using SSPRT With

Chamber ,Baths, 100°C to 300°C 0.20°C Indicator By Comparison
Freezers, Autoclave, Method

(Single Point)

6. Furnace Upto 600°C 0.16°C Using SSPRT With

(Single Point), 600°C to 1200°C 1.43°C Indicator , S-Type Multi-
High Temperature 1200°C to 1500°C 2.96°C meter By Comparison

Bath Method

7. Furnace Upto 1200°C 1.85°C Using N-Type
(Multi Point) Thermocouple & Data
Logger By Comparison

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager
Laboratory Perfect Calibration Centre Pvt. Ltd., No. 40, 71st Cross, 5th Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore, Karnataka

Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number CC-2247 Page 25 of 25

Validity 21.10.2018 to 20.10.2020 Last Amended on 13.12.2018

Sl. Quantity Measured / Range/Frequency *Calibration Measurement Remarks

Instrument Capability (±)

8. Temperature & (-)80°C to 300°C 0.21°C Using RTD Sensors &

Humidity Chamber 15% RH to 95%RH 0.96%RH Data Logger & Humidity
(Multi Point) meter By Comparison
* Measurement Capability is expressed as an uncertainty () at a confidence probability of 95%
Only in Permanent Laboratory

Only for Site Calibration
The laboratory is also capable for site calibration however, the uncertainty at site depends on the
prevailing actual environmental conditions and master equipment used.
Laboratory can also calibrate instruments/devices of coarser resolution / least count within the
accredited range using same reference standard/ master equipment under the scope of accreditation.

Rajeshwar Kumar Avijit Das

Convenor Program Manager

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