Forma Barata
Forma Barata
Forma Barata
Laboratory of Molecular Plant Physiology, College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University,
Guangzhou 510642, P.R. China
A method for determination of oxalate with oxalate oxidase (OxO, EC prepared from wheat bran, is based on
specific oxidation of oxalate to produce H2O2. The H2O2 formed was colorimetrically determined using horseradish
peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of 4-aminoantipyrine and N,N-dimethylaniline by H2O2. The new method was tested on
rice, buckwheat, soybean and oxalis leaves,showing it is precise, sensitive, inexpensive, highly reproducible and
simple to perform. Good agreement could be obtained between this method and the HPLC.
Additional key words: ascorbic acid; enzymatic analysis; interference
Oxalic acid is a dicarboxylic acid which commonly exist This paper reports an enzymatic analysis, in which the
in plants, animals and microorganisms. Oxalate has been OxO was very readily prepared from wheat bran and
suggested to be involved in seed germination, calcium believed to be highly purified. Such OxO, as naturally
storage and regulation, ion balance, detoxification, immobilized on the cellulose and/or semi-cellulose, is
structural strength, and insect repulsion in plants (Horner much more stable than ever reported to temperature, pH
and Wagner 1995, Lane 1994). Overall, establishing a and storing duration, and is unaffected by 150 mM NaCl
simple and effective method of oxalate determination is and 6 mM NaNO3.
of practical importance. Oxalic acid standard sample (Sigma, USA),4-amino-
So far, the methods for determination of oxalate in antipyrine (Fluka, Switzerland), horseradish peroxidase
plant include titration (Baker 1952), capillary electro- (POD; BioLife Science & Technology Co., Shanghai,
phoresis (Trevaskis and Trenerry 1996), gas chroma- China), OxO (prepared from wheat bran by ourselves and
tography (Ohkawa 1985), high performance liquid had applied for patent), other chemicals and biochemicals
chromatography (HPLC) (Yu et al. 2000), and enzymatic were of the highest grade available unless stated.
analysis (Trevaskis and Trenerry 1996). Most of the The pregerminated seeds of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
procedures are time-consuming and/or require the were grown in Kimura B complete nutrient solution
apparatus not easily available. Enzymic colorimetric (pH 4.8), soybean (Glycine max L.) and buckwheat
determination of oxalate is simple, fast and no special (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) were grown in
apparatus must be needed, but this method was mainly Hogland nutrient solution about two weeks in greenhouse
used in measurement of oxalate in urine, because colour (average day/night temperature of 30/25 °C night, relative
inhibition may be caused by reducing substances, such as humidity 60 - 80 %, photosynthetically active radiation
ascorbate. Moverover, OxO prepared from mosses, barley 600 to 1000 µmol m-2 s-1 and 14-h photoperiod). The
seedlings, beet stem and banana fruit peel suffers from leaves of oxalis were harvested from the wild plants
interference with Cl¯ and NO3¯. The problem has been (Oxalis corniculata L.).
overcome by using a Cl¯ and NO3¯ insensitive OxO Fresh samples (0.2 g) were homogenized with 1.6 cm3
purified from grain, sorghum leaves (Pundir and Satyapal HCl (0.5 M), then heated the homogenate in graduate
1998). However, a bulk quantity of the enzyme is tubes with boiling water for 20 min and shook the
required for a large number of clinical samples, which solution several times during heating. After cooling,
makes it expensive.
Received 16 February 2007, accepted 25 August 2007.
Abbreviations: HPLC - high performance liquid chromatography; OxO - oxalate oxidase; POD - peroxidase.
* Corresponding author; fax: (+86) 02085282023, e-mail:
E.-E. LIU et al.
distilled water was added to the tube until reaching reaction solution at room temperature for 90 min, A555
10 cm3, then stayed overnight. The next day, about 1 cm3 was read and the regression equation of A555 vs. oxalate
homogenates were clarified by centrifugation (15 300 g, content was calculated (Fig. 2A). The results showed the
10 min) at 4 °C, then was added 0.016 cm3 NaOH (2 M) absorbance (y) was linearly correlated with oxalate
accurately to 0.5 cm3 supernatant, the mixture can be content (x), the regression equation being y = 0.0567x +
used to determine oxalate content. 0.014, r2 = 0.9982. In addition, the absorbance (y) was
First, 0.02 U OxO (about 20 mg dry powder) was also well linear with oxalate content (x) for the internal
added to each tube, followed by adding 0.11 cm3 distilled curves (Fig. 2B), the regression equation being
water, 0.8 cm3 colour reagent and 0.04 cm3 POD y = 0.0577x - 0.0026, r2 = 0.9998, its slope was very
(150 U cm-3). 0.05 cm3 oxalate extracts were added at last close to that of the external curve, meaning the oxalate
to initialize the reaction, and 0.05 cm3 distilled water was recovery was nearly 100 %.
added as the control. After incubation at room
temperature for 90 min, the absorbance at 555 nm (A555)
was read and content of oxalate was determined from
standard curve. The colour reagent consisted of 10 mg
4-aminoantipyrine, 0.025 cm3 N, N-dimethylaniline per
100 cm3 125 mM succinate-NaOH buffer which
containing 75 % alcohol (v/v), pH 4.0.
To determine standard curve known amount of
oxalate was added to the reactive system to initialize the
reaction, the concentration of oxalic acid in these
samples reached 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 μg cm-3, respectively.
When internal standard curve was made, known amount
of solution was added to homogenate during trituration,
the oxalic acid ultimate concentration in these oxalate
Fig. 1 Dependence of absorbance on reaction time during the
extracts reached 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 μg cm-3, respectively, enzymatic assay.
then the oxalate content was determined according to the
above procedure and calculating the regression equation
of A555 vs. oxalate content. An absorbance change of 0.152 corresponded to 16 μM
For each treatment, data were statistically analyzed oxalate concentration in this reaction system. A similar
using MS Excel for Windows, significant difference commercially available kit was exploited by Sigma,
analysis used Student’s t-test. 100 μM oxalate was needed to reach the same absorbance
The method addressed here is based on oxidation of (0.15). By enhancing the detecting sensitivity of the
oxalate catalysed by OxO to H2O2 and CO2. Then the spectrophotometer, Ladwig et al. (2005) was able to detect
H2O2 is coupled with oxidation and conjugation of as low as 1 μM oxalate. It suggested that the method we
4-aminoantipyrine and N,N-dimethylaniline with described here had a better sensitivity.
catalysis by POD to form chromogen which could be The oxalate content was measured in rice, buckwheat,
measured colorimetrically by the difference in A555 soybean and oxalis leaves by this protocol 20 times, then
(Zhang et al. 1996). A555 was read every half hour and it their standard deviation and coefficient of variation were
showed no distinct difference between 0.5 and 3 h when analyzed. Oxalate contents were: 3.22 ± 0.179 (rice),
2 μg cm-3 oxalate was included in the reaction mixture 4.39 ± 0.163 (buckwheat), 2.11 ± 0.111 (soybean) and
(Fig. 1). The absorbance levelled off after 1.5 h if there 34.56 ± 1.179 mg g-1(f.m.) (Oxalis). The coefficients of
was 10 μg cm-3 oxalate in the reaction mixture. It took a variation were all less than 6 %. It suggested that this
longer time to level off if oxalate concentration was procedure had a good precision and reproducibility.
increased to 20 μg cm-3, but samples could be properly Known amount of oxalate was added to the tissue
diluted to make the content lower than 10 μg cm-3. So in samples during oxalate extraction and the oxalate
practice for measuring samples, 1.5 h reaction time is concentration in these samples was determined by this
enough to let the reaction complete. method to obtain percentage of oxalate recovery (Table 2).
To test the accuracy of this enzymatic analysis, it was The mean recovery of the added oxalate was 99.8 %,
compared with the well-established HPLC method (Yu showing the enzymatic analysis is dependable.
et al. 2000) (Table 1) in terms of measuring oxalate To study the interference of ascorbic acid, 20, 40,
content in leaves of rice with different treatment. The 60 μg ascorbic acid was added to 0.13 g rice leaves
results of oxalic acid by enzymatic analysis (y) were in during oxalate extraction, the results showed that ascorbic
good agreement with HPLC (x), the regression equation: acid added had no significant effect on the determinations
y = 1.1216x - 0.1248, r2 = 0.945, and no significant of oxalate in the leaves of rice, although ascorbic acid
difference between these two analysis was observed inhibit the colour reaction catalyzed by peroxidase if
(in each treatment P > 0.05). directly included in reaction mixture. It suggested that
Firstly, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 μg oxalate was directly added to ascorbic acid may be degraded or inactivated during
the reaction mixture, respectively, after incubation the sample processing.