Concord Army List Antares V3
Concord Army List Antares V3
Concord Army List Antares V3
Infantry Command Unit Points Value: 130 Limited Choice
Unit: NuHu Commander Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x NuHu Mandarin with plasma
5 6 4 4(7) 9 9 Command, Hero, Follow, Leader 3
pistol, IMTel stave
1 x Nano Drone - - - - - - -
•Include up to 2 Spotter Drones in unit @10pts each •Include up to 2 Shield Drones in unit @10pts each
•Include Medi-Drone in unit @20pts •Include up to 2 Gun Drones with Plasma Carbines in unit @14pts each
Probe Unit Points Value: 30
Special: You can only include a nano-probe net if you have included a Drone Commander in the force. A nano-probe net does not count
separately towards your force selector choices, the Drone Commander and nano-probe net count as one choice together.
Unit: Nano-probe Net Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
4 x Nano-probes - - - 5 - - Shard
•Add up to 2 Nano-probes to sharded unit @ 5pts each
Infantry Unit Points Value: 112
Unit: C3 Strike Squad Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Strike Leader with plasma carbine,
5 5 5 5(7) 7 8 Leader
X-sling, HL armour
4 x Strike Trooper with plasma carbine,
5 5 5 5(7) 7 8 -
HL armour
•Include Spotter Drone in unit @10pts •Give unit Plasma Grenades @2pts per model
•Include Synchroniser Drone in unit @20pts •Exchange 1 Strike Trooper’s Plasma Carbine for a Plasma Lance @3pts
•Add up to 3 Strike Troopers to unit @20pts each •Upgrade Strike Leader to Leader 2 @10pts
•Give Strike Leader SlingNet Ammo @5pts
*Note: Krasz carry plasma carbines and plasma lances modified to suit their robust frame and extreme strength. In hand-to-hand combat
Krasz Assault Weapons are considered to be hand weapons.
Mounted Unit Points Value: 133
Special: You can only include more than one Interceptor Squad in your force if you also include a Interceptor Command Squad
Unit: Interceptor Squad Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Interceptor Leader with plasma
carbine, HL armour, Interceptor
5 5 5 5(8) 7 8 Leader, Fast, Large
Bike with HL booster, twin plasma
2 x Interceptor Trooper with plasma
carbine, HL armour, Interceptor
5 5 5 5(8) 7 8 Fast, Large
Bike with HL booster, twin plasma
•Include Spotter Drone in unit @10pts •Include Compactor Drone in unit @5pts OR
•Upgrade Interceptor Leader to Leader 2 @10pts •Include Compactor Drone with compacted Plasma Cannon @ 25pts*
•Exchange any or all twin Plasma Carbines for *Note this is a discounted value because it’s an either/or unit choice for
Plasma Lance @Free a weapon that already carries a ‘premium weapon’ points adjustment
•Include Spotter Drone in unit @10pts •Promote 1 Strike Trooper to Leader @10pts
•Include Batter Drone in unit @20pts •Upgrade Leader to Leader 2 @10pts
•Add 1 Strike Trooper crew to unit @15pts
•Include Spotter Drone in unit @10pts •Include up to 2 Shield Drones in unit @10pts each
•Include Batter Drone in unit @20pts •Give Transporter Drone Self Repair rule @10pts
•Give Transporter Drone enhanced Machine Intelligence •Give Transporter Drone kinetic armour upgrade @48pts increasing
capability @10pts increasing Acc to 6, Init to 8 and Co to 8 Res to 13
•Include Spotter Drone in unit @10pts •Include Synchroniser Drone in unit @20pts
•Include Batter Drone in unit @20pts •Give Weapon Drone Self Repair rule @10pts
•Include up to 2 Shield Drones in unit @10pts each
•Add up to 2 Strike Trooper crew to unit @15pts each •Promote 1 Strike Trooper to Leader @10pts
•Include additional Spotter Drone in unit @10pts •Upgrade Leader to Leader 2 @10pts
•Include Batter Drone in unit @20pts
•Include additional Spotter Drone in unit @10pts •Include up to 2 Shield Drones in unit @10pts each
•Include up to 2 Batter Drones in unit @20pts each •Give Combat Drone Self Repair rule @10pts
•Include additional 1 Spotter Drone in unit @10pts •Include up to 2 Shield Drones in unit @10pts each
•Include up to 2 Batter Drones in unit @20pts each •Give Heavy Combat Drone Self Repair rule @10pts
Probe Unit Points Value: 40
Unit: Medi-Probe Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
4 x Medi-Probes - - - 5 - - Shard
•Add up to 2 Medi-Probes to sharded unit @10pts each
Weapon Drone Unit Points Value: 25
Unit: Concord Iso-Drone Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
1 x Iso-Drone with isolator shield
7 0 1 10 8 8 Slow, Iso-Shield, Scramble Proof
• Your Drone Force can include any number of Weapon Drone units, Vehicle units, and Probe units within
the limits as shown on the selector.
• Your Drone Force cannot include other units unless it also includes a NuHu Mandarin. If the force in-
cludes a NuHu Mandarin it can include Infantry and/or Mounted Units, up to a maximum of 25% of the
total number of units in the force including the Mandarin unit itself.
• No Limited Choice restrictions. The usual restriction on the number of Limited Choice units does not
apply in this list.
• You can spend up to 10% of your points on Army Options
• Your Rapid Reaction Force can include any number of Mounted units, Weapon Drone units, Vehicle
units, and Probe units within the limits as shown on the selector except as noted below.
• Your Rapid Reaction Force cannot include infantry apart from Drop Command Squads and Drop Squads.
Note that it is still necessary to include a Drop Command Squad if you wish to include Drop Squads.
• Your Rapid Reaction Force cannot include any other choices. For example, it cannot include other tactical
choices aside from Drop and Drop Command Squads, and it cannot include any weapon teams as either
support or strategic choices.
• Your Rapid Reaction Force cannot include any units that have the Slow special rule regardless of type.
• No more than 1 in 4 (25%) of your units can be Limited Choices.
• You can spend up to 10% of your points on Army Options.