Fibromyalgia A Clinical Review
Fibromyalgia A Clinical Review
Fibromyalgia A Clinical Review
Clinical Crossroads
A Clinical Review
Daniel J. Clauw, MD
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OBJECTIVE To review the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of
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EVIDENCE REVIEW The medical literature on fibromyalgia was reviewed from 1955 to March
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2014 via MEDLINE and the Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, with an emphasis
on meta-analyses and contemporary evidence-based treatment guidelines. Treatment
recommendations are based on the most recent evidence-based guidelines from the
Canadian Pain Society and graded from 1 to 5 based on the level of available evidence.
FINDINGS Numerous treatments are available for managing fibromyalgia that are supported
by high-quality evidence. These include nonpharmacological therapies (education, exercise,
cognitive behavioral therapy) and pharmacological therapies (tricyclics, serotonin Author Affiliation: Professor of
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and gabapentinoids). Anesthesiology, Medicine
(Rheumatology), and Psychiatry and
Director, Chronic Pain and Fatigue
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Fibromyalgia and other “centralized” pain states are much Research Center, University of
better understood now than ever before. Fibromyalgia may be considered as a discrete Michigan, Ann Arbor.
diagnosis or as a constellation of symptoms characterized by central nervous system pain Corresponding Author: Daniel J.
amplification with concomitant fatigue, memory problems, and sleep and mood Clauw, MD, University of Michigan, 24
Frank Lloyd Wright Dr, PO Box 385,
disturbances. Effective treatment for fibromyalgia is now possible.
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (dclauw@med
JAMA. 2014;311(15):1547-1555. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.3266 Section Editor: Edward H.
Livingston, MD, Deputy Editor, JAMA.
This article is based on a conference that took place at the Medicine Grand Ms P has hypertension, Graves disease with hypothyroidism, de-
Rounds at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachu- generative disk disease, migraines, hyperlipidemia, fibroadenoma-
setts, on October 4, 2012. tous breast disease, eczema, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and
carpal tunnel syndrome. She takes amlodipine, cyclobenzaprine, hy-
drochlorothiazide, hydrocodone-acetaminophen, levothyroxine,
Dr Tess Ms P is a 64-year-old woman who has ongoing diffuse moexipril, pantoprazole, pravastatin, pregabalin, aspirin, and mul-
muscle pain and fatigue. She developed chronic back pain in 1991, tivitamins. She is a former nurse who no longer works because of
followed by chronic ankle pain after a motor vehicle collision. In her physical limitations.
2009, she developed a deep ache in her lower extremities and During the physical examination, Ms P was found to be afebrile
back that worsened over several months. Her pain is aggravated and had normal vital signs. She did not have alopecia, oral ulcers, or
by touch or pressure and relieved by rest and topical heat. The exudates. There were no skin lesions or rashes and her nails were nor-
pain has limited her ability to exercise. She was diagnosed as hav- mal. There were many areas of tenderness with palpation, including
ing fibromyalgia and given numerous medications (gabapentin, her upper and lower back, near lateral epicondyle, upper chest, and
venlafaxine, pregabalin, and hydrocodone/acetaminophen), most trochanteric prominences. Her joint examination results were nor-
of which resulted in significant adverse effects. She currently mal, as was the remainder of her physical examination.
undergoes treatment with acupuncture therapy along with Her complete blood count, chemistries, and liver function tests
pregabalin, hydrocodone/acetaminophen, and cyclobenzaprine. yielded normal results. Antinuclear antibody, anticytoplasmic anti-
Over the past several years, she has experienced loss of body, serum protein electrophoresis, urine protein electrophore-
energy, weight gain, occasional headaches, insomnia, and occa- sis, and Lyme serology test results were all unremarkable. Her eryth-
sional depressed mood. Pain and fatigue limit her physical activity rocyte sedimentation rate was 33 mm/h.
to not more than a few contiguous hours. She does not have Ms P now asks if there is a treatment regimen that will allow her
paresthesias. to be more functional while avoiding adverse effects.
any chronic pain cohort. The term centralization implies that periph- tient self-report survey that is administered on a single piece of paper
eral nociceptive input might be responsible for some of a patient’s pain (Figure). Patients fill out a symptom survey asking about the loca-
but central nervous system factors likely amplify the pain. An individu- tions of pain as well as the presence and severity of fatigue, sleep
al’s “set point” or “volume control” for pain is set by a variety of fac- disturbances, memory difficulties, headaches, irritable bowel, and
tors, including the levels of neurotransmitters that facilitate pain trans- mood problems. Practitioners may prefer this approach of assess-
mission(turnupthegainorvolumecontrol)andthosethatreducepain ment for fibromyalgia because it does not require performing a ten-
transmission. These central factors may also result in fatigue, memory der-point examination. These criteria identify most of the same in-
problems, and sleep and mood disturbances, probably because the dividuals who meet the 1990 criteria but identifies many more male
same neurotransmitters that control pain and sensory sensitivity also patients (who rarely meet the 1990 criteria because of inadequate
control sleep, mood, memory, and alertness.22 numbers of tender points).7,28 The new criteria have the advan-
The observation that fibromyalgia patients had diffuse tender- tage of conceptualizing the core symptoms of fibromyalgia as a con-
ness led to functional, chemical, and structural brain neuroimaging tinuum of pain centralization or “fibromyalgia-ness.”29
studies. These studies showed a biological basis for fibromyalgia pain In clinical practice, fibromyalgia should be suspected in pa-
and related pain amplification syndromes.23 Fibromyalgia patients tients having multifocal pain not fully explained by injury or inflam-
experience pain for what patients without fibromyalgia perceive as mation. In most cases, musculoskeletal pain is the most prominent
touch. Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of the brain feature. Because pain pathways throughout the body are ampli-
response to these stimuli show brain activation patterns in pain pro- fied, pain can occur anywhere. Consequently, chronic headaches,
cessing areas in fibromyalgia patients when given a mild pressure sore throats, visceral pain, and sensory hyperresponsiveness are very
or heat stimulus.24,25 common in individuals with fibromyalgia and were seen in Ms P.
Psychological, behavioral, and social issues contribute to the Pain is a defining feature of fibromyalgia. Features of the pain
pathogenesis of fibromyalgia and complicate its treatment. Indi- distinguishing fibromyalgia from other disorders are important to
viduals with fibromyalgia more likely have psychiatric disorders, in- consider when evaluating patients (Box 1). These same features are
cluding depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and also useful when considering other centralized pain syndromes.
posttraumatic stress disorder. This may result from common trig- Ms P had nearly all of the characteristics summarized in Box 1.
gers for these psychiatric conditions and fibromyalgia like early-life Usually, the physical examination is unremarkable in patients
stress or trauma. Neurotransmitters mediating pain transmission may with fibromyalgia. Nevertheless, most patients have diffuse tender-
also affect mood, memory, fatigue, and sleep. Potentially modifi- ness. This can be ascertained by performing a tender-point count
able risk factors for developing fibromyalgia include poor sleep, obe- as was done for Ms P. Patients with fibromyalgia are more sensitive
sity, physical inactivity, and poor job or life satisfaction. Cognitive fac- to the inflation of a blood pressure cuff.31 The overall pain thresh-
tors such as catastrophizing (a way of thinking about pain such that old also can be assessed by performing a rapid examination of the
it will have very negative consequences) or fearing that movement hands and arms by applying firm pressure over several interphalan-
will worsen pain are poor prognostic factors for fibromyalgia and geal joints of each hand and over the adjacent phalanges, then cau-
other chronic pain states. The psychological components of fibro- dally to include firm palpation of the muscles of the forearm. Dif-
myalgia or other pain conditions are treatable by cognitive behav- fuse tenderness from a low central pain threshold is present if the
ioral therapy, which can be very effective but, unfortunately, is rarely patient has tenderness in many of these areas or only in the fore-
used in clinical practice. Many patients seen in routine clinical prac- arm muscles. When tenderness is present only over the interpha-
tice who have fibromyalgia or fibromyalgia-like syndromes may re- langeal joints and not the other regions (especially if there is any
spond well to simple interventions such as stress reduction, im- swelling over these joints), a diagnosis of a systemic autoimmune
proved sleep patterns, and increased activity and exercise. These disorder should be considered.
interventions should always be emphasized and may suffice, pre- Apart from sorting through the differential diagnosis, labora-
cluding the need for drug therapy. tory testing is not useful for establishing a diagnosis of fibromyal-
gia. Basic laboratory evaluation may include complete blood count,
Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia routine serum chemistries, thyrotropin, vitamin D, erythrocyte sedi-
The 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria for fibromy- mentation rate, and C-reactive protein. Serologic studies such as an-
algia were research classification criteria and were never intended tinuclear antibody and rheumatoid factor assays are generally
to be used as strict diagnostic criteria for use in clinical practice.6 avoided unless symptoms or signs (eg, swollen joints) suggest an au-
These criteria require that individuals have widespread pain (pain toimmune disorder.
in the axial skeleton, above and below the waist, and on both sides Once other pain disorders are excluded and any peripheral
of the body) as well as tenderness in 11 or more of 18 possible “ten- sources of pain are treated, an important and perhaps controver-
der points.” Many individuals who clearly have fibromyalgia do not sial step is asserting the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Some believe that
have pain throughout their entire body or may not have at least 11 a label of fibromyalgia may harm patients. However, studies sug-
tender points. Moreover, the symptoms of pain and tenderness are gest that the opposite is true: establishing a diagnosis of fibromy-
common and it is impossible to know where to draw the line be- algia can provide substantial relief for patients.32 In fact, once the
tween an individual with isolated symptoms and someone with a diagnosis is established, there may be decreased health care utili-
pain-inducing illness.26 zation, with fewer referrals and reduced diagnostic testing seeking
The alternative 2011 fibromyalgia survey criteria were in- causes of pain.33 Ms P was relieved once her diagnosis of fibromy-
tended for use in epidemiological studies and represent an alterna- algia was established. Once she knew the cause of her pain, she could
tive method to assess fibromyalgia.7,27,28 These criteria include a pa- concentrate on treatment.
Figure. Example of a Patient Self-report Survey for the Assessment of Fibromyalgia Based on Criteria in the 2011 Modification of the ACR Preliminary
Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia7
Neck Points 0 1 2 3
Right shoulder Left shoulder A. Fatigue
Chest or Upper
back B. Trouble thinking or remembering
Right breast Left
upper arm upper arm C. Waking up tired (unrefreshed)
lower arm Abdomen Left Lower 3 During the past 6 months have you had any of the following symptoms?
lower arm back
Points 0 1
Right hip or Left hip or A. Pain or cramps in lower abdomen No Yes
buttocks buttocks B. Depression No Yes
C. Headache No Yes
Right upper leg Left upper leg
ACR indicates American College of Rheumatology. Scoring information is shown printer-ready version of this survey that patients can complete are available
in blue. The possible score ranges from 0 to 31 points; a score ⱖ13 points is online (eFigure 1 and eFigure 2 in the Supplement).
consistent with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Additional scoring information and a
Evidence rated by author; not rated by Canadian National Fibromyalgia Guideline Advisory Panel.
at bedtime, optimizing the dose of pregabalin by giving most or all All patients should receive
of the dose at bedtime to decrease her grogginess, and adding a sero-
Education about nature of disorder
tonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (all level 1 evidence1). More
Counseling regarding role of exercise, cognitive behavioral
importantly, it appears that she has not been informed about the
nonpharmacological therapies that should be the mainstay of treat-
Pharmacological therapy should be guided by predominant symp-
ing chronic pain, including education, exercise, and cognitive be-
toms that accompany pain
havioral therapy. If these are not readily available locally, web-
All patients should have a good therapeutic trial of a low-dose tri-
based programs are available that have been tested and shown to
cyclic compound (eg, cyclobenzaprine, amitriptyline, nortriptyline)
be effective.69
Patients with comorbid depression or fatigue should next try a
serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Patients with comorbid anxiety or sleep issues should next try a
Questions and Discussion gabapentinoid
It is often necessary to use several of these classes of drugs together
QUESTION Is progress being made in developing animal models
that may result in new treatment modes? Use of opioids is discouraged
DR CLAUW Many animal models of hyperalgesia/allodynia exist, but Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen can be
these lack the other features of the human fibromyalgia “pheno- used to treat comorbid “peripheral pain generators”
type.” Moreover, animal studies are usually performed on inbred Therapies that have been less well studied but show promise
strains of animals that do not exhibit the genetic heterogeneity hu- Complementary and alternative therapies
mans have. Classic animal models also measure “pain behaviors” me- Drugs including low-dose naltrexone, cannabinoids
diated by spinal reflexes and generally do not probe the central ner- Cortical electrostimulatory therapies
vous system response to peripheral stimuli. So, phenotypically
relevant animal models using operant paradigms as outcomes will
likely be very useful for bidirectional translation.
ity, all of which are counterproductive to rehabilitation approaches
QUESTION Will injury occur if fibromyalgia patients push them- that benefit chronic pain patients. Clinicians should be aware that
selves to continue exercising even while in pain? there are few, if any, diseases where “objective” factors correlate well
DR CLAUW In general, and not just for fibromyalgia but for almost with disability. They should not expect this to be the case in
every chronic pain condition, activity and exercise are beneficial and fibromyalgia.71
not harmful. Nearly any type of exercise is good for fibromyalgia or
any form of chronic pain. Patients should be advised to start with QUESTION How should physicians manage a clinic visit with a pa-
modest exercise and build up their activity level slowly. Many pa- tient like this to avoid feeling like they are manipulated by their pa-
tients tend to try to do too much too soon, leading to worsened pain. tient?
DR CLAUW If clinicians treat fibromyalgia or other chronic pain con-
QUESTION How much of a problem is secondary gain resulting from ditions with drugs alone, they will fail. This is akin to treating diabe-
disability financial support as an alternative to work in fibromyalgia tes with insulin or drugs alone, without any corresponding attempt
patients? to modify diet or weight. In contrast to diseases like diabetes or hy-
DR CLAUW There will always be individuals who fake or magnify pertension that lack physical symptoms, patients with chronic pain
symptoms to benefit financially, but this is seen in a minority of pa- hurt, motivating them to be more adherent to nondrug therapies.
tients. More problematic is the nonvolitional worsening occurring Be on the offensive. Be persistent in encouraging your patients about
when patients with pain enter the disability and compensations sys- doing exercise and trying web-based nondrug therapies. Do not be
tems. As eloquently noted by Hadler, “If you have to prove that you’re defensive and think that every time these patients come in, chang-
sick, you can’t get well.”70 I think that chronic pain patients are very ing to a different drug is the only available approach. If practition-
deserving of disability but find that they almost always clinically ers use nondrug therapies more aggressively and use fewer opi-
worsen when they get involved in disability or litigation. The dis- oids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and procedures and
ability system results in frustration, anxiety, isolation, and inactiv- more centrally acting analgesics, fibromyalgia is easier to manage.
ARTICLE INFORMATION The conference on which this article is based Libman, MD, Eileen E. Reynolds, MD, Amy N. Ship,
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The author has took place at the Medicine Grand Rounds at Beth MD, Gerald Smetana, MD, and Anjala V. Tess, MD.
completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Dr Massachusetts, on October 4, 2012. REFERENCES
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