Ncfe Level 2 Certificate For Airport Passenger Services Agents
Ncfe Level 2 Certificate For Airport Passenger Services Agents
Ncfe Level 2 Certificate For Airport Passenger Services Agents
Our Vision
Inspirational learning solutions with exceptional customer service.
About Us
NCFE is one of the UK’s fastest growing national awarding bodies, designing and awarding
qualifications that are nationally recognised to meet the needs of learners and employers.
We provide a wide range of QCA-accredited qualifications at different levels and in a variety
of subject areas. We also offer Key Skills, Basic Skills and Entry Level qualifications.
Our aim is to give individuals the mix of skills, knowledge and understanding they need to bring
them closer to fulfilling their personal goals. Our qualifications and awards are used by centres
across the UK including schools, colleges, adult education centres and training providers.
We’re a registered educational charity and a company limited by guarantee. Our charitable
aim is ‘to promote and advance the education and training of young persons and adults’.
NCFE is recognised as an awarding body by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
in England, the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland,
and the Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales (DELLS).
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Level 2 Certificate for Airport Passenger Services Agents
Page No
Section 1: Qualification Overview 2
Introduction 2
Accreditation and Certification End Dates 2
How to Give us Your Comments 3
Status in Wales and Northern Ireland 3
Aims 3
Target Group 4
Entry Guidance 4
Resource Requirements 4
Progression Opportunities 4
Links to Skills for Life 5
Links to National Occupational Standards 5
Links to Legislation 5
Centre Approval Requirements 5
Support for Centres and Candidates 6
Section 2: Assessment and Moderation 7
Independent Assessment 7
Internal Moderation 7
External Moderation 8
Achieving the NCFE Level 2 Certificate for Airport Passenger Services Agents 8
Section 3: Structure and Content of the Qualification 9
Unit Summaries 10
Unit 01 Research the airport industry and the role of the airport passenger
service agent 13
Unit 02 Understand airport knowledge required by the airport passenger
service agent 18
Unit 03 Deal effectively with the processing of aircraft passengers 22
Unit 04 Identify the boarding procedure for aircraft passengers 28
Unit 05 Identify the procedures for decontrolling aircraft passengers 33
Unit 06 Procedures involved in disembarkation of airline passengers 35
Section 4: Links to Skills for Life 42
Section 5: Links to National Occupational Standards 49
Appendices 51
Appendix A Qualification Centre Approval Procedure 51
Appendix B Candidate Registration and Certification Procedure 52
Appendix C Glossary of Terms 53
Contact Us / Equal Opportunities / Data Protection 57
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Level 2 Certificate for Airport Passenger Services Agents
2 Section 1
Qualification Overview
The NCFE Level 2 Certificate for Airport Passenger Services Agents has been accredited by the Qualifications
and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and is part of the National Qualifications Framework. Its Qualification
Accreditation Number is 100/6050/9. This qualification is therefore fundable under the Learning and
Skills Act 2000 under Sections 96 and 97. Its Learning Aim Code is 10060509. For further guidance on
funding, please contact your local Learning and Skills Council.
The Level 2 Certificate for Airport Passenger Services Agents is an ideal qualification for individuals who
wish to seek employment as an airport passenger services agent, or for individuals who wish to enhance
their studies in Travel and Tourism.
Guided learning hours (GLH): 60
NQF Level: 2
Assessment requirements: Independently assessed portfolio
The qualification consists of 6 mandatory units:
ᔢ Unit 01 Research the airport industry and the role of the Airport Passenger Service Agent
ᔢ Unit 02 Understand airport knowledge required by the Airport Passenger Service Agent
ᔢ Unit 03 Deal effectively with the processing of aircraft passengers
ᔢ Unit 04 Identify the boarding procedure for aircraft passengers
ᔢ Unit 05 Identify the procedures for decontrolling aircraft passengers
ᔢ Unit 06 Procedures involved in disembarkation of airline passengers
Learning outcomes for each unit are provided in Section 3 (page 9).
Candidates must successfully complete all 6 mandatory units to be awarded the NCFE Level 2 Certificate
for Airport Passenger Services Agents.
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Towards the end of the accreditation period for each qualification, NCFE will undertake a review of the
qualification in collaboration with sector representatives in order to make any changes necessary to
meet sector needs and reflect recent developments. Once this review process is completed NCFE will,
in most cases, apply to QCA for an extension to the accreditation period.
Information regarding changes or extensions to qualifications will be posted on the NCFE website
( and sent to approved centres. To ensure that you are using the most up-to-date
version of this Qualification Specification please check the issue date on the front cover of this
document against that of the Qualification Specification on the NCFE website (
The qualification aims to:
ᔢ provide an understanding of the industry and develop generic skills and knowledge of the duties
required to be an Airport Passenger Services Agent
ᔢ develop an understanding of airport communications, terminology and relevant safety checks and
ᔢ provide candidates with knowledge of customer care and how to handle the needs of airline
ᔢ provide a basis for further study and motivation towards career development
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4 Section 1
Qualification Overview
Target Group
The qualification will be appropriate for those individuals who are seeking employment within the
Airport Passenger Services sector as well as those wishing to increase their knowledge in the tourism
and passenger transport sectors. Alternatively this could be utilised by individuals currently working
in the industry who are wishing to receive recognition of their experiences and expertise.
Entry Guidance
There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. Candidates
wishing to undertake this qualification should hold an appropriate Level 1 qualification or equivalent.
Admittance onto a course of study remains at the discretion of the centre based upon the above criteria.
Resource Requirements
There are no specific resource requirements for this qualification.
For details of staffing resources required for this qualification, please see NCFE’s Occupational
Competence Guidelines, available from the NCFE website ( or from the Centre Support
team at NCFE.
Useful Websites:
Tutors may find the following websites useful for materials and resources to assist delivery:
Sector Skills Council
Useful sites
UK Civil Aviation Authority
Progression Opportunities
The Level 2 Certificate for Airport Passenger Services Agents aims to provide progression towards:
ᔢ EDEXCEL Level 3 BTEC National Diploma / Certificate / Award in Airline and Airport Operations
ᔢ EAL Level 3 NVQ in Controlling Airport Operations
ᔢ EAL Level 3 NVQ in Handling Air Passengers
ᔢ EAL Level 3 NVQ in Co-ordinating Airside Ramp Operations
ᔢ OCR Level 3 Certificate of Professional Competence in International Passenger Transport Operations
For further details on other qualifications available in this sector area, see NCFE’s Directory of Products
and Services, or the Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA) website of accredited qualifications
‘openQUALS’ (
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Section 1 5
Links to Legislation
Owing to the nature of the qualification, various pieces of legislation are cited in this document. This
legislation is subject to change. However, the references in this document are accurate at the time of
printing. Subsequent issues of this Qualification Specification will be produced by NCFE to reflect any
significant changes to legislation or recommended working practices.
To ensure that you are using the most up-to-date version of this Qualification Specification, please check
the issue date on the front cover of this document against that of the Qualification Specification on the
NCFE website (
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6 Section 1
Qualification Overview
Further information regarding the approval criteria and procedure is contained in the publication
Guidance for Centres: Procedures and Policies. If you have any queries regarding any part of the
approval process, require assistance completing the approval form or wish to know if your centre
meets the approval criteria, please contact the Assessment Team at NCFE.
Following approval, individual candidate registration and certification fees are payable. Details of
registration and certification fees are available on the NCFE website ( or from the
Centre Support team at NCFE.
The appendices at the back of this document provide an overview of NCFE’s administrative procedures
from approval to certification.
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Section 2 7
Independent Assessment
Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s skill, knowledge and understanding against the
standards set in the qualification.
The NCFE Level 2 Certificate for Airport Passenger Services Agents is independently assessed. The
candidate will be required to produce a portfolio of work that covers all of the learning outcomes
of this qualification.
Each candidate portfolio must be 100% assessed by Assessors in the centre. A 30% sample of the
portfolios must then be assessed by an Internal Moderator to ensure consistency with national
standards. The Internal Moderator must be independent from the delivery of the qualification. They
must also employ a satisfactory sampling strategy to ensure all units and all assessors are sampled over
a defined period of time. The centre’s appointed External Moderator will provide advice on sampling
strategies if required. NCFE recommends that Internal Moderators attend NCFE’s Assessor and Internal
Moderator training or hold A1 and V1 (Assessment and Verification) qualifications.
Assessors must be satisfied that candidates have achieved all learning outcomes related to the unit
being assessed prior to deciding whether candidates have been successful. Assessors are also responsible
for supporting candidates through the assessment process.
Where a candidate fails to meet the required standards, the candidate may resubmit work within
their registration period until the Assessor and Internal and External Moderators are satisfied that
the candidate has met the standards.
For further information on resource requirements (including training) please refer to Resource
Requirements on page 4 of this specification.
The assessment arrangements for this qualification are in accordance with the criteria set out by the
regulatory authorities.
Internal Moderation
Internal moderation is the process of ensuring that everyone who assesses a particular unit in a centre is
assessing to the same standards. It is the responsibility of Internal Moderators to ensure that Assessors’
decisions are sampled and monitored to ensure consistency and fairness. Internal Moderators are also
responsible for supporting Assessors by offering advice and guidance.
As previously stated, a 30% sample of the portfolios must be assessed by an Internal Moderator to
ensure consistency with national standards. The Internal Moderator must be independent from the
delivery of the qualification. They must also employ a satisfactory sampling strategy to ensure all units
and all assessors are sampled over a defined period of time. The centre’s appointed External Moderator
will provide advice on sampling strategies if required.
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8 Section 2
External Moderation
External moderation of independent assessments is carried out to ensure that assessment decisions are
in line with required standards. External moderation is carried out by Moderators who are appointed,
trained and monitored by NCFE. External Moderators are responsible for monitoring and sampling
candidates’ evidence to ensure that internal assessment decisions are valid, reliable, fair and consistent
with national standards. Centres are notified of their External Moderator’s contact details on registration
of candidates with NCFE.
For further information on the responsibilities of Assessors, Internal and External Moderators, please
refer to the publication, Guidance for Centres: Procedures and Policies.
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10 Section 3
Unit Summaries
Unit 01
Research the airport industry and the role of the Airport Passenger Service Agent
(QCA Unit No. M/500/1227)
This unit will help to provide candidates with an opportunity to investigate and develop an
understanding of the ground handling industry. They will be required to identify relevant companies
and regulatory bodies. Candidates will also investigate the specific role and conditions of employment
of the Airport Passenger Services Agent.
The unit has 3 elements:
ᔢ Element 1.1 Research the role of the ground handling company
ᔢ Element 1.2 The role of the Airport Passenger Services Agent
ᔢ Element 1.3 Research the terms and conditions of employment for the Airport Passenger Services
This unit is mandatory and accounts for 10 hours of the total recommended guided learning hours.
Unit 02
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Unit 03
Deal effectively with the processing of aircraft passengers (QCA Unit No. A/500/1229)
During this unit candidates will develop knowledge of customer interaction. The candidate will explore
check-in procedures, requirements of different customers, customer care and passenger safety.
The unit has 4 elements:
ᔢ Element 3.1 Airport Passenger Services and care
ᔢ Element 3.2 Passenger check-in process
ᔢ Element 3.3 Understanding the requirements of the special needs passenger
ᔢ Element 3.4 Carriage of dangerous articles and animals
This unit is mandatory and accounts for 10 hours of the total recommended guided learning hours.
Unit 04
Identify the boarding procedure for aircraft passengers (QCA Unit No. M/500/1230)
In this unit candidates will examine the boarding process. Candidates will identify the checks that must
be carried out, and which procedures should be followed during boarding. Candidates will also learn
effective methods of communicating with airport personnel.
The unit has 3 elements:
ᔢ Element 4.1 Identify the importance of pre-boarding checks by the Airport Passenger Services Agent
ᔢ Element 4.2 Accurate and effective communication by the Airport Passenger Services Agent
ᔢ Element 4.3 Closure of the flight and the boarding process by the Airport Passenger Services Agent
This unit is mandatory and accounts for 10 hours of the total recommended guided learning hours.
Unit 05
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Section 3 13
Unit 01 Research the airport industry and the role of the Airport
Passenger Service Agent (M/500/1227)
Range (explanation):
Ground handling
companies: Servisair; Swissport; Aviance; BA; KLM
Operate: the airport where the ground handling company has a presence and is working
Services: ticketing; baggage facilities; ramp services; check-in; gate; operations; despatch;
Airlines: one UK based; one international based
authorities: Department of Transport, Civil Aviation Authority, IATA
Airport authorities: Immigration Service; Customs and Excise; airport security
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14 Section 3
Unit 01 Research the airport industry and the role of the Airport
Passenger Service Agent (M/500/1227) (Continued)
Element 1.2: Research the role of the Airport Passenger Service Agent
Learning Outcomes
What the candidate must do:
Range (explanation):
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Section 3 15
Element 1.3: Research the terms and conditions of employment for the
Airport Passenger Service Agent
Learning Outcomes
What the candidate must do:
1.3.1 Research the terms and conditions of employment for an airport passenger service agent
1.3.2 Research entry requirements for the role of an airport passenger service agent
1.3.3 Research employment prospects within the airline industry
1.3.4 Complete a job application and Curriculum Vitae
1.3.5 Prepare a typical personal presentation to be delivered at a group interview
1.3.6 Take part in a job interview
1.3.7 Terms and conditions of employment for an airport passenger service agent
1.3.8 Equality and diversity in the airline industry workplace
1.3.9 Entry requirements for the role of an airport passenger service agent
1.3.10 Contents of a Curriculum Vitae
1.3.11 How to complete an application form
1.3.12 Contents of a typical personal presentation
1.3.13 Main points to be observed when attending an interview for an airport passenger service agent
Range (explanation):
Terms and
conditions: pay; hours of work; terms and conditions; insurance
requirements: height; weight; language; health and fitness; qualifications
prospects: identify one opportunity for employment within an airline; provide the
requirements of the position and investigate opportunities eg promotion;
positions with other companies; work overseas
Job application: for position of airport passenger services agent (real or simulated)
presentation: to include details of education; work experience; leisure activities; reasons for
interest in the position of an airport passenger services agent
Interview: for position of airport passenger services agent (real or simulated)
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16 Section 3
Unit 01 Research the airport industry and the role of the Airport
Passenger Service Agent (M/500/1227) (Continued)
Candidate Report:
Short Report:
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18 Section 3
2.1.1 Accurately list the phonetic alphabet and describe its purpose
2.1.2 Identify airline, city and airport codes and use the phonetic alphabet to spell them out
2.1.3 Accurately convert times between the 12 and 24 hour clock
2.1.4 Identify the day, month and year codes used by an airport passenger service agent
2.1.5 Importance of effective communication between the duty manager, check-in agent and the ticket
desk operators
2.1.6 Commonly used communication terms
2.1.7 Importance of accurately using the 24 hour clock and phonetic alphabet
2.1.8 Time zones
Range (explanation):
Phonetic alphabet: as recognised by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and NATO as
the standard for aircraft communications and radio communications
Airline, city and
airport codes: for 5 UK, 5 European and 5 worldwide airlines, cities and airport codes
Times: a minimum of 4 conversions
terms: airport codes; city codes; airline codes
Time zones: GMT; BST; DST
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Range (explanation):
Special assistance: select 5 from the following: wheelchair; stretcher; medical reasons; people with
learning difficulties; pregnant traveller; visually impaired; hearing impaired;
speech impaired; unaccompanied minors; young persons; elderly; language
and/or cultural differences; availability of prayer room
Types: diabetic; vegetarian; kosher; vegan; gluten free; halal; nut free
Specific airport
terminology: 5 examples from the following: landside; airside; air traffic control; slot time;
estimated time of departure; meet and assist; to be advised; scheduled time of
arrival; very important person; may fly/did fly
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20 Section 3
Range (explanation):
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22 Section 3
3.1.1 Identify and explain the importance of initial passenger contact at the check-in desk
3.1.2 Greet passengers appropriately at the check-in desk
3.1.3 Deal effectively with any questions that may arise
3.1.4 Identify stressful situations encountered by passengers that the airport passenger services agent
may be expected to solve
3.1.5 Deal effectively with problems and complaints
Range (explanation):
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Section 3 23
Range (explanation):
Ticket types: e-tix; scheduled; charter; confirmed/standby; standard; scheduled business; first class
Main areas: name; destination; flight; class; date; status; weight allowance; validity of ticket;
multi-sector legs
Documents: passport; ID cards; visas; form of indemnity; fit to fly certificate
questions: baggage; electrical goods; sharp objects; hazardous goods
Different weight
allowances: for checked in baggage and hand baggage; for the 3 different airline types -
low cost; charter; scheduled
baggage: select 5 from the following: too big; excess baggage; over 32kg; fragile or liable
to damage; unacceptably packed; golf clubs; bicycles; skis; prams/pushchairs;
surf boards; diving equipment
Discrepancies: invalid tickets; lost tickets; incorrect tickets; visa discrepancies and passport
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24 Section 3
Range (explanation):
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Range (explanation):
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26 Section 3
Role play:
Short report:
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Short report:
Case study:
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28 Section 3
Range (explanation):
Section 3 29
4.2.1 Communicate courteously with passengers when giving guidance and advice
4.2.2 Respond promptly to requests from passengers
4.2.3 Offer clear and accurate information face to face and when using the public information/address
4.2.4 Demonstrate how to operate communication equipment correctly
4.2.5 Identify potential barriers to communication
Range (explanation):
Information: boarding time; hand baggage; standby passengers; priority passengers; delays;
missing passengers
equipment: to include: telephone; radio; public information/address systems
Barriers: language; nervous flyers; missing passengers; special needs; intoxicated
Verbal: words; tone; volume; inflection; speed; non-discriminatory language
Non-verbal: demeanour; expression; posture; eye contact; recognition of personal space
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30 Section 3
Element 4.3: Closure of the flight and the boarding process by the airport
passenger service agent
Learning Outcomes
What the candidate must do:
Range (explanation):
reconciliation: security numbers; total on board; security; pulling of board passes; usage of
manual/computerised systems
Steps: cross check of boarding cards; announcements; check with executive lounges;
details from check-in; liaise with dispatcher/cabin crew
Procedure: checks; documents; ticket; baggage acceptance; type of standby passenger
Safely escort
passengers: safety of passengers; safety of airport passenger services agent; use of safety
equipment and safety clothing; hazardous areas; local procedures for transferring
passengers to aircraft by bus or on foot
Liaise: total on board; cross checks completed; gate closed; flight closed; documentation
to be completed
Customer care: maintaining communication throughout boarding procedure; use of PA at
departure gate; boarding routine; care of passengers delayed at boarding gate
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Section 3 33
5.1.1 Describe the meaning of decontrolling and why this might occur
5.1.2 Explain 3 incidents of decontrolling that passengers could be involved in
5.1.3 Identify the actions to be taken by an airport passenger services agent when assisting passengers
during decontrolling
5.1.4 Explain the procedure when passengers are denied boarding
Range (explanation):
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34 Section 3
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Section 3 35
Element 6.1: Describe the duties of the airport passenger service agent
when meeting an arriving aircraft
Learning Outcomes
What the candidate must do:
6.1.1 Describe the duties of the personnel involved with the arrival of an aircraft
6.1.2 Draw a flowchart of the different channels used for inbound passengers
6.1.3 Explain the brief for an airport passenger services agent for an arriving aircraft
6.1.4 Explain how to safely escort passengers from the aircraft to the terminal
6.1.5 Role of the airport passenger services agent when meeting an arriving aircraft
6.1.6 General layout of an airport arrivals terminal
6.1.7 Contents of the brief for the airport passenger services agent prior to meeting passengers
6.1.8 Health and Safety requirements for going onto the apron/tarmac
6.1.9 Hazardous areas on the apron/tarmac the airport passenger services agent should be aware of
Range (explanation):
Duties: co-ordination with airline and ancillary services; passenger care; disembarkation
of passengers and baggage
Personnel: dispatcher agent; special assistance agent
Channels: passports; luggage; customs; ancillary services
Brief: select 5 from the following: interpreter; flight number; route; gate; passenger
total; special needs; VIPs; CIPs; unaccompanied minors
Safely escort
passengers: safety of passengers; safety of airport passenger services agent; use of safety
equipment and safety clothing; hazardous areas; local procedures for transferring
passengers from aircraft by bus or on foot
Health and Safety: special clothing; accessories; smoking
Hazardous areas: aircraft engines, wings and sharp/protruding edges
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36 Section 3
6.2.5 The different types of passenger that will require special assistance
6.2.6 The importance of customer care and its effect on passengers
6.2.7 The purpose of documentation when handling unaccompanied minors
Range (explanation):
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Section 3 37
6.3.1 Explain the airport passenger services agent’s role when dealing with emergencies
6.3.2 Describe the situation when a passenger arriving does not meet the entry requirements
6.3.3 Describe the reasons for a diverted flight and the procedure when meeting the passengers
Range (explanation):
Emergencies: select 2 from each of the following sections: medical: (contagious disease;
sudden illness; injury; ambulance procedures); security threats: (bomb scare;
other terrorist threat; stowaways); technical threat: (severe weather affecting the
aircraft; fire on aircraft or in terminal; technical problems with the aircraft
causing emergency landing or failure in landing procedure; communication
difficulties between aircraft and air traffic control)
Entry requirements: return ticket; finance; asylum; risk to ground handling company, contagious
illness; restricted produce on person or in baggage
Diverted flight: technical problems; weather; medical emergencies; aggressive or disruptive
Procedure: coaches; notice board; announcements; immigration; baggage; customs; hotels
procedures: to include how to raise an emergency alarm; how to respond to an emergency
alarm; which emergency equipment to use and how to locate and use it
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38 Section 3
6.4.1 List the reasons why the airport passenger services agent would liaise with the baggage
facilities department
6.4.2 Explain the procedure for dealing with a lost baggage situation
6.4.3 Explain the procedure for dealing with a theft from, or damaged baggage
6.4.4 Explain the importance of a Property Irregularity Report and list the information required
6.4.5 Explain the use of a claim form and when a passenger would be expected to complete one
6.4.6 List the reasons that you would refer safety or security concerns regarding a passengers baggage
Range (explanation):
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42 Section 4
As far as possible, NCFE’s policy is to indicate to centres which internal assessment components from
the Key Skills qualifications may realistically be achieved through this qualification. In addition to the
portfolio of evidence, candidates must also achieve the relevant Key Skills external assessment paper
before applying for certification. Once a whole Key Skills qualification has been assessed and achieved
it will be possible to apply to NCFE for accreditation. The following information in this section indicates
where, within this qualification, candidates may generate evidence towards aspects of Key Skills internal
assessment. There is an indication whether each piece of evidence is intrinsic or requires some further
This qualification is mapped to the 2004 Key Skills standards. The complete standards and guidance
documents are available from the QCA website (
In general the aim has been to target Level 2 Key Skills although work can be designed for other
levels, depending on the needs of individual candidates or groups.
Key Skills Centre Support Packs are available from the Customer Support team at NCFE. These packs
contain unit specifications, tracking and guidance documents which will be invaluable to any centre
running Key Skills.
Centres who are approved to run Key Skills through NCFE will receive their first copy of this pack free
of charge; for additional copies, or for non-approved centres, a charge will apply. Details of these
charges can be found in NCFE’s Fees and Pricing document, available from the NCFE website
( or from the Customer Support team at NCFE.
NB The following information in this section indicates where evidence is likely to occur. It is the
Assessor’s role to assess the Key Skills evidence against the criteria
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Section 4 43
Communication (Level 2)
Key Skill Ref: C2.1a
Description: Read and summarise information from at least 2 documents about the same subject. Each
document must be a minimum of 500 words long.
Select and read relevant documents; identify accurately the main points, ideas and lines of reasoning;
summarise the information to suit your purpose.
Cross-reference: Opportunities exist to fulfil these criteria within this qualification, specific examples of
learning outcomes which it could be related to are: 1.3.1-3; 1.3.7-9; 3.4.5
Description: Write 2 different types of documents each one giving different information. One document
must be at least 500 words long.
Present relevant information in a format that suits your purpose; use a structure and style of writing
to suit your purpose; spell, punctuate and use grammar accurately and make your meaning clear.
Cross-reference: opportunities exist to fulfil these criteria within this qualification, specific examples of
learning outcomes which it could be related to are: 1.2.2-1.2.6; 1.3.4; 1.3.5; 2.1.2; 2.3.1-11; 3.2.7; 3.4.3;
3.4.4; 4.1.2; 6.1.2; 6.4.1; 6.4.6
Use at least one image either to obtain information or to convey information in your discussion, your
talk or one of the documents you write in order to help the audience/reader understand the points you
are making.
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44 Section 4
Description: Interpret the results of your calculations and present your findings.
Select effective ways to present your findings; present your findings clearly using a chart, graph or
diagram and describe your methods; use more than one way of presenting your findings; describe what
your results tell you and how they meet your purpose
Cross-reference: 2.1.4; 2.3.3; 3.2.6
*If you need to carry out additional activities to meet all the requirements of N2.2 (a, b, c, d) each
activity must include tasks for N2.2 and N2.3 or N2.1 and N2.2.
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Section 4 45
Description: Search for and select information to meet your needs. Use different information sources
for each task and multiple search criteria in at least one case
Select information relevant to the tasks.
Cross-reference: opportunities to achieve this criterion exist throughout element 1.1 and in the
following learning outcomes: 1.1.1-1.1.3; 1.3.1-1.3.3; 2.1.3; 2.2.2; 2.3.1-2.3.3; 3.2.1-3.2.3
Description: Enter and develop the information to suit the task and derive new information.
Enter and combine information using formats that help development; develop information and derive
new information as appropriate
Cross-reference: 1.1.1-1.1.3; 1.3.1-1.3.3; 2.1.3; 2.2.2; 2.3.1-2.3.3; 3.2.1-3.2.3
Description: Present combined information such as text with image; text with number; image with
Develop the presentation so that the final output is accurate and shows consistent use of formats; use
layout appropriate to the types of information
Cross-reference: 2.1.4; 2.3.3; 3.2.6
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46 Section 4
Description: Review your contributions and agree ways to improve work with others
Share relevant information on what went well and less well in working with others; identify your role in
helping to achieve things together; agree ways of improving your work with others
Cross-reference: Competence in this unit could be demonstrated by planning, implementing and
evaluating activities in a group situation throughout the qualification. If candidates have completed a
group presentation for learning outcomes 3.4.4 and 3.4.8 they can evaluate how the team has worked
together and agree on methods for improvement
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Section 4 47
Description: Help set targets with an appropriate person and plan how these will be met
Provide information to help set realistic targets for what you want to achieve; identify clear action
points for each target and how you will manage your time; identify how to get the support you need
and arrangements for reviewing your progress
Cross-reference: Competence in this unit will be demonstrated throughout the qualification
Templates for capturing this evidence are included in the NCFE Key Skills Centre Support Pack
Description: Take responsibility for some decisions about your learning, using your plan to help meet
targets and improve your performance
Use your action points to help manage your time well; revising your plan when needed; choose ways
of learning to improve your performance, working for short periods without close supervision; identify
when you need support and use this effectively to help you meet targets
Cross-reference: Competence in this unit will be demonstrated throughout the qualification
Templates for capturing this evidence are included in the NCFE Key Skills Centre Support Pack
Description: Review progress with an appropriate person and provide evidence of your achievements
Identify what you learned, and how you have used your learning in another task; identify targets you
have met and evidence of your achievements; identify ways you learn best and how to further improve
your performance
Cross-reference: Competence in this unit will be demonstrated throughout the qualification
Templates for capturing this evidence are included in the NCFE Key Skills Centre Support Pack
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48 Section 4
Problem-Solving (Level 2)
Provide at least 2 examples of meeting the standard for PS2.1, PS2.2 and PS2.3. Each example should
cover a different problem and identify at least 2 different ways of tackling it (for PS2.1).
Description: Identify a problem, with help from an appropriate person, and identify different ways of
tackling it
Provide information to help identify a problem, accurately describing its main features; identify how
you will know the problem has been solved; come up with different ways of tackling the problem
Cross-reference: 3.1.4; 3.1.5; 3.1.8; 3.1.9; 3.2.7; 3.2.10; 4.1.4; 4.1.7; 4.1.12; 4.2.5; 4.3.3; 5.1.3; 5.1.4;
6.3.2; 6.4.2; 6.4.3
Description: Plan and try out at least one way of solving the problem
Confirm with an appropriate person how you will try to solve the problem; plan what you need to do,
identifying the methods and resources you will use; use your plan effectively, getting support and
revising your plan when needed to tackle the problem
Cross-reference: Competence in this unit could be demonstrated throughout this qualification by
planning, implementing and evaluating, this could be applied to all the learning outcomes detailed
above: 3.1.4; 3.1.5; 3.1.8; 3.1.9; 3.2.7; 3.2.10; 4.1.4; 4.1.7; 4.1.12; 4.2.5; 4.3.3; 5.1.3; 5.1.4; 6.3.2; 6.4.2;
Description: Check if the problem has been solved and identify ways to improve problem-solving skills
Check if the problem has been solved accurately using the methods you have been given; describe
clearly the results, including the strengths and weaknesses of how you tackled the problem; identify
ways of improving your problem-solving skills
Cross-reference: Competence in this unit could be demonstrated throughout this qualification by
planning, implementing and evaluating: this could be applied to all the learning outcomes detailed
above: 3.1.4; 3.1.5; 3.1.8; 3.1.9; 3.2.7; 3.2.10; 4.1.4; 4.1.7; 4.1.12; 4.2.5; 4.3.3; 5.1.3; 5.1.4; 6.3.2; 6.4.2;
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Section 5 49
This qualification has been mapped against the relevant National Occupational Standards (NOS) in
Aviation Operations on the Ground. This also means that by studying this qualification candidates may
be able to gather evidence which could be used towards the knowledge requirements of a particular
NVQ/SVQ or other qualification as appropriate.
NB Accreditation of Prior Learning is entirely at the discretion of the NVQ/SVQ awarding centre which must
be satisfied that the evidence meets the requirements of the NVQ/SVQ. Where APL is to be used extensively
(ie for a whole unit or more) centres must ensure that advice is given by a qualified APL Advisor.
NCFE Unit No. NCFE Element Related Unit and Element of NOS
and Title Title
Unit 02 Understand airport 2.1 Show awarness of 12.1.7; 12.1.c; 12.1.d; 12.1.e
knowledge required by the international airport/
Airport Passenger Service Agent airline communication
2.2 Identify airport 12.1.c; 24.1.b; 24.1.g
terminology required
for special assistance
Unit 03 Deal effectively with 3.1 Airport passenger 24.1.1 – 24.1.8; 24.1.a; 24.1.c; 24.1.d;
the processing of aircraft service and care 24.1.e; 24.1.f
3.2 Passenger check-in 23.1.2; 23.1.3; 23.1.11; 23.1.b; 23.1.d;
process 23.1.e; 23.2.1 – 23.2.6; 23.2.a; 23.2.b;
23.2.c; 23.2.e; 23.2.f; 24.1.2; 24.1.3; 24.1.5;
24.1.a; 24.1.c; 24.1.f
3.3 Understanding the 23.1.f; 24.1.b; 24.1.g
requirements of the
special needs passenger
3.4 Carriage of 23.2.a
dangerous articles and
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50 Section 5
NCFE Unit No. NCFE Element Related Unit and Element of NOS
and Title Title
Unit 04 Identify the boarding 4.1 Identify the 23.1.1; 23.1.2; 23.1.6; 23.1.11; 23.1.g;
procedure for aircraft importance of pre- 23.2.e; 23.2.f; 46.1.1; 46.1.d; 24.1.1;
passengers boarding checks by 24.1.2; 24.1.3; 24.1.5; 24.1.a; 24.1.c;
the airport passenger 24.1.d; 24.1.e
services agent
4.2 Accurate 49.1.1; 23.1.1; 23.1.5; 23.1.7; 12.2.2;
and effective 12.2.4; 12.2.5; 12.2.7; 23.2.2; 46.1.1; 46.2;
communication by the 12.1.1 – 12.1.5; 12.1.a; 12.1.b
airport passenger
services agent
4.3 Closure of the flight 23.1.1; 23.1.6; 24.2.1 – 24.2.4; 24.2.a;
and the boarding 24.2.c; 24.2.e; 24.2.f; 24.2.g
process by the airport
passenger services
Unit 05 Identify the procedures 5.1 Identify the 25.1.e; 25.1.f; 25.1.g; 25.2.d; 25.2.e;
for decontrolling aircraft procedures performed 25.2.g; Unit 15
passengers by the airport passenger
services agent
Unit 06 Procedures involved 6.1 Describe the duties Element 1.2; 2.1.1; 2.1.2; 2.1.4; 2.1.a; 2.1.c
in disembarkation of airline of the airport passenger
passengers services agent when
meeting an arriving
6.4 Lost and damaged 25.1.4; 25.1.5; 25.1.7; 25.1.9; 25.1.10;
baggage 25.1.a – 25.1.g;
25.2.4; 25.2.5; 25.2.8; 25.2.a – 25.2.g;
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Appendix A 51
Centre approved
Existing centre by another New centre
Awarding Body
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52 Appendix B
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Appendix C 53
Glossary of Terms
Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) is the name given to the process of recognising a learner’s
previous achievement or learning experiences. This usually enables learners to move directly to the
assessment stage of a qualification, or unit, without duplicating the learning process.
Assessors deliver NCFE qualifications and carry out assessment to ensure that learners meet the
requirements of the qualification. For details of staffing resources required for this qualification, please
refer to NCFE’s Occupational Competence Guidelines, available from the NCFE website (
or from the Centre Support team at NCFE.
Centres are organisations who are approved to offer one or more NCFE qualifications or other products.
Centre Support Guide is a document produced by NCFE which explains everything you need to know
from how to apply to become an NCFE approved centre to claiming certificates for your learners, and
everything in between.
Directory of Products and Services is a document which provides an overview of all NCFE’s
qualifications and national awards and is for curriculum planning purposes.
External Moderators are appointed, trained and monitored by NCFE and are responsible for monitoring
and sampling candidates’ evidence to ensure that internal assessment decisions are valid, reliable, fair
and consistent with national standards.
Fees and Pricing is issued to centres once a year and outlines all NCFE’s fees and charges by academic
Guided Learning Hours give an indication of the amount of contact time learners are expected to be
given with the Assessor while undertaking a qualification.
Internal Assessment is the process by which internal centre staff assess candidates’ achievement of the
learning outcomes of the qualification, normally based on a portfolio of evidence. These assessment
decisions are then internally and externally moderated.
Internal Moderators monitor the Assessor’s assessment practice and procedure by sampling assessments
and also ensure that the Assessors carry out their roles appropriately and are appropriately trained.
Key Skills Centre Support Packs are available from the Centre Support team at NCFE. These packs
contain unit specifications, tracking and guidance documents which will be invaluable to any centre
running Key Skills.
National Awards are NCFE programmes which provide progression into those qualifications which sit
within the National Qualifications Framework. They are assessed internally by centre staff and externally
verified by NCFE.
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54 Appendix C
Glossary of Terms
National Occupational Standards (NOS) are the identified skills and competences needed by UK
industry and form the basis of National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) and vocationally-related
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a framework of levels and categories of qualifications,
which have been accredited by QCA, and which enable recognition of achievement and facilitate
career progression.
Occupational Competence Guidelines is a document providing guidance on the experience
and qualifications needed to deliver and assess particular NCFE qualifications and awards.
Portfolio is a structured collection of evidence which demonstrates candidates’ performance against
the standards in the qualification or award they are working towards.
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) is the government body in England which approves
awarding bodies to offer qualifications in the National Qualifications Framework and accredits the
qualifications. There are similar bodies for wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Range is the breadth of skills and knowledge learners must have and the situations in which they may
display these skills or knowledge. The range statements are indicated in bold text within the learning
Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) are government-recognised employer-based organisations representing
various industry sectors which, among other things, have responsibility to develop national occupational
Skills for Life are a set of generic skills developed by QCA, ACCAC and CCEA, which are designed to help
individuals improve their performance in a variety of contexts. The 6 Key Skills are: Communication;
Application of Number; Information and Communication Technology; Working with Others; Improving
Own Learning and Performance; Problem Solving.
All NCFE qualifications provide opportunities for generating evidence towards achievement of some,
or all, of the Key Skills.
Unit/Learning Outcome: Each NCFE qualification is made up of a number of units. These are broken
down into a number of learning outcomes. Learning outcomes consist of the skills and knowledge
learners must successfully demonstrate in order to achieve the qualification.
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Level 2 Certificate for Airport Passenger Services Agents
Contact Us
Any enquiries relating to this qualification should be addressed to:
St James’ Boulevard
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: 0191 239 8000
Fax: 0191 239 8001
Equal Opportunities
NCFE fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and opposes all unlawful or unfair
discrimination on the grounds of ability, age, colour, culture, disability, domestic circumstances,
employment status, gender, marital status, nationality, political orientation, racial origin, religious
beliefs, sexual orientation and social background.
NCFE aims to ensure that equality of opportunity is promoted and that unlawful or unfair
discrimination, whether direct or indirect, is eliminated both in its own employment practices,
and in access to its qualifications.
A copy of NCFE’s Equal Opportunities Statement is available on request.
Data Protection
NCFE is registered under the Data Protection Act and committed to maintaining the highest possible
standards when handling personal information.
NCFE is a registered charity (Registered Charity No. 1034808) and a company limited by guarantee
(Company No. 2896700).
All the material in this publication is copyright.
© NCFE Issue 2, September 2008.
All information contained in this publication is correct at the time of printing.
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Other NCFE qualifications in the Leisure, Travel and Tourism sector include*:
* Please note, these qualifications and titles are correct at time of printing.