1 Employee Benefits

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Social scientists have remarked that the problems of our contemporary

civilization are most marked in highly industrialized societies. Industrialization has
contributed not only to economic &scientific development but also to social &
psychological distress & work for social welfare of mankind.
This employee benefit approach has become necessary because of the
social problems that have emerged as result of industrialization in a capital setting. As
against these social problems, mainly social benefit amenities have been provided in
the industrial society for the benefit of the employees in various industrial units. There
is an increasing awareness and recognition in developing as well as developed
countries of the need for such beneficial measures in industrial employment. Very
many industrial undertakings and also the states have accepted this responsibility, as
districts from the economic activity of employment and production and strive for the
benefit of the working class. Thus, the importance of the employee benefit has been
increasingly recognized side with the economic development and industrialization.

In pas thirty years, India has devoted considerable attention to rapid

heavy industrialization. Corresponding to this, employee benefit in India has also
gained in importance. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising that employee
benefit is now offered as one of the subjects for study by students. A study of this
subject, which involves the employee problems and employee benefit movements of
today, will also be of interest to those students who may have a future role to play in
industrial welfare fields.

Benefits of the Employee today has become a very wide subject,

comprehensive and controversial. It covers a very broad field. The term benefit
suggests many ideas, meanings and connotations, such as the state of well being,
health, happiness and prosperity and the development of human resources. It is a
desirable state of existence involving the physical, mental, moral and emotional well

The social concept of benefit implies the benefit of man, his family and
his community. There is interconnection among these three aspects, in the sense that all
the three work together or individually supplement one another, in a three dimensional
approach, each mutually serving as ends and means.
Benefit is called a relative concept, for it is related to time and space,
changes in which have an impact on the system of welfare too.

We all know employee is an important resource of an organization.

There are 4 pillars on which an organization stands. Those are men, material, machine
and money. But out of them the manpower is the real power of the organization.

After the industrialization many problems did arise. Some were directly
related to employee. The problem of low wages, long working hour health and safety,
recruitment of qualified employees, absenteeism. Absenteeism has been a serious
problem in a developing country like India. Employee Benefit in simple words is a
welfare facility which is provided by employer to this employee for their betterment.

However the concept of employee benefit is flexible, elastic and it differs from
country to country. The concept of employee benefit originated in the desire for a
humanitarian approach to the sufferings of the working class. It has become a
motivating force for employees.



1. To find out the awareness level among the employees about various beneficial
facilities offered to employees in the organization.
2. To know the various medical facilities offered to employees in the organization.

3. To know the satisfaction level of employees regarding monitory benefits apart

from basic salary.


4. To study the various safety precautions taken by organization to prevent


5. To study the overall satisfaction level of employees regarding welfare facilities

been provided by the organization.

6. To suggest the ways to improve the benefit facilities provided to employees.

This company is being located in additional MIDC, Satara.

The duration of the project was 1st June-31st July 2010.

As employee is a real power of an organization and directly he is related with
productivity and profitability of the company so the company provides him with the
benefits. These benefits act as a motivating factor in increasing productivity.
This plays an important role in reducing absenteeism so the benefit facilities are
directly related to organizational benefits.

1.4 Scope and Limitation:-

1. The scope of the study is that it is restricted to “Employee Benefits” only.

2. The scope of the study is restricted to proper analysis of workers attitude towards the

3. As there are three plants Kavitsu Transmissions, Kavitsu Automation, Kavitsu

Machine-O-electrical, The study was carried out in Kavitsu Transmissions only.

4. The study is restricted to 80 employees only.

5. The study was limited to 58 days only.



Employee Benefit Concept

The growing attention that is being paid to the employee problems of the
present time is an indication of the increasing importance of the working classes in the
economic and social structure of modern countries. The term of employee welfare
derived from French phrase welfare which means to farewell, the total concept as
desirable state of existence involved in the physical, mental, morale & emotional well
being. These four elements together constitute the structure of employee benefit
concept which is a dynamic & flexible concept. Its meaning & contains differed from

time to time, region to region, industry to industry & country depending upon various
Many authors give defamations of Employee benefits. There is no
precise definition
Mr. Arthur James Todd. “A series of sharply diverse opinion exists on the
motive & merits of industrial welfare according to the report of employee
Worker’s benefit should be an extent as meaning such services, facilities &
amenities which may be established in or the vicinity or undertaking to enable the
person employed in them to perform their work in healthy manner.
The report of the committee on employee benefit such services, facilities,
amenities & adequate canteen, rest facilities arranged for travel to far accommodation
for workers employed at a distance from their homes & such other services, amenities
& facilities including social security measures as a contribution to improve the
condition under which workers are employed.

Employee Benefit today has become a wide subject, comprehensive &
controversial. It covers a very broad field. The term benefit suggests many ideas
meanings and connotations, such as the state of well being, health, happiness &
prosperity & the development of human resources. The social concept of benefit
implies the benefit of the man, his family & his community. There is a interconnection
among these three aspect, in the sense that all the three work together or individually
supplement one another in a three dimensional approach each mutually serving as ends
Benefit is called relative concept, for it is related to time & space, changes in
which have an impact on the system.
The characteristics of employee benefit vary for it depends largely on the
conscience of the community, the scientific advancement & the development nation in
all fields.
Employee Benefit is also a positive concept. In order to establish minimum
level of facility, it demands certain minimum acceptable contentions of existence
biologically & socially. This positive nature calls for setting our of minimum desirable
standards necessary in regards to certain components of benefit such as health, food,
clothing, housing, insurance, education, recreation and so on.
However, the employee benefit has both positive & negative sides associated to
it. On the positive side, it deals with provisions of opportunities which enable the
worker & his family to lead a good life socially & personally, as well as help him
adjust in the social transition in regard to his work life, family life & social life.
On the negative side, employee benefit functions, in order to neutralize the
beneficial effects of large scale industrialization & provide a counter balance to the
undesirable social consequences & the employee problem which have evolved in the
process of these transitions the world employee means the productive activity.
Thus in broader sense, the phrase 'Employee Benefit' means the adoption of
measures to promote the physical, psychological, social & general well being of the
working population. Welfare worked in any industry aims or should aim at improving
working and living conditions of worker and their families.
The concept of employee benefits originated in the desire for a humanitarian
approach to reduce the sufferings of the working class. Later it became a utilitarian

philosophy which works as a motivating force for employees & those who were
interested in it.


Five theories, constituting the conceptual framework of employee benefits have

so far been outlined:-

1. The Policy Theory:-

This theory is based on the contention that minimum standard of facility is
necessary for employees.
If wealth and authority are both helping the man to be in advantages position he
uses it for his own advantage, exploiting those who are under him. According to this
theory, owners and managers of industrial undertaking get many opportunities for this
kind of exploitations. Laws are enacted to compel management to provide minimum
wages congeal working condition reasonable hours of work and social security
therefore the police theory leads to
• The passing of laws relating to the
provision of minimum welfare of the
• The periodical supervision to ascertain that these beneficiaries are provided and
• Punishment to employer who disobeys
these laws. In this theory the
emphasis is unfortunately on fear and not on the spirit of welfare.

2. The Religious Theory:-

This theory is based on the concept that man is essentially a religious animal
and religious feelings of the man sometimes prompt an employer to take up welfare
activities in the expectation of further benefits. Thus, any good work in considered as
investment for both benefactor and beneficiary.

3. Trusteeship Theory:-

According to this theory the industrialist are the employer who holds the total
industrial estate, properties and benefit and profits accelerating from them in trust. In
other words he uses it for himself, for benefit of his worker and also for society. The
main emphasis here is on the idea that employers should provide out the funds under
their control, for the well being of their workers. It has no legal sanction so its value is
related to moral conscience of industrialists. This theory treats worker as perpetual
minors and industrialists as external guardians.

4. Public Relation Theory:-

This theory provides the basis for an atmosphere of goodwill between an
employee and management and also between management and public. Employee
Benefit programs under this theory works as a sort of advertisement and help an
industrialist to build good and healthy public relations. An advertisement or exhibition
of employee benefit program may help an industrialist to project to the public a good
image of his company.

5. The Placating Theory:-

This theory is based on the fact that employee groups are becoming demanding
and militant and are more conscious of the rights and privileges than ever, according to
this theory timely and periodical acts of employee welfare can appease the workers
psychology. This is also called as paternalistic theory.

Classification of Employee Benefit:-

Employee benefit can be broadly divided in to two categories-
1. Statutory:-
Statutory benefit consists of those provisions of welfare works which depend
for their implementation on coercive powered by law to fulfill their statutory obligation
on welfare. Every country is gradually increasing statutory control over employee
2. Non statutory:-
Non statutory benefits measure includes all those activities which employers
undertake for the welfare of their workers on voluntary basis, trade unions etc.
undertake voluntary welfare work for the benefit of their members.

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Necessity of Employee Benefits:-
The necessity of employee benefit is felt more because of the developing
economy aimed at rapid economic and social development. In this process it is trying
to check the baneful effects of industrial revolution which are adversely affected the
people all over the world. The necessity of employee benefit came in a generous
mention in a resolution passed by Indian national congress. The resolution emphasized
that the state should safe guard the interest of industrial workers and should secure
them, by suitable legislation, a living wage/salary healthy conditions to work limited
hours of work suitable machinery for settlement of disputes between employees and
workmen and protection against the economic consequences of old age sickness and

Employee Benefit facilities serve the following purposes:-

Industrial Peace:-
The Employee Benefit activities influence the sentiment of workmen when the
workers felt that the employer and states are interested in their happiness, his tendency
to grouse and gamble will steadily disappear the development of such feeling and we
should increase the industrial peace.

Proper Thinking:-
The various beneficial measures such as housing scheme, canteens, medical
facilities etc. make the workmen to realize that they are safe industry in which they are
engaged and so they will think thrice before taking any reckless action which may
disturb the interest of industry.

Real income of workmen:-

The beneficial measures such as cheap food in canteen, free medical and
educational facilities increase the real income. This will avoid industrial disputes and

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Employee Absenteeism and Turnover:-
The benefit activities will reduce the employee absenteeism and turnover and
create permanent settles employee force by making services more attractive for

Mental health of workmen:-

The benefit activity will help to make some betterment in mental and moral
health of workmen which will improve their physical intelligence and standard of

High productivity:-
The beneficial measure always increases the efficiency and productivity and
productivity of industry. A high standard of efficiency can be expressed only from
those persons who are physically fit and free from mental worries who are properly
treated trained, clothed and properly housed.
The employee benefits work intend to develop a real change of hearts and
change interest taken the past of employees and workers. This may provide a proper
cooperation for industrial peace.

Reducing the Cost of Production:-

It can be achieved by keeping workmen satisfied with the proper working
conditions. It will also help to reduce the different type of wastage and also total cost of
production of factory.


The objective of employee benefit has progressively changed during the last
few decades. From the primitive policing and placating philosophy of employee
benefit, it gradually moved to the era of paternalism with philanthropic objectives.
Even today there is an evidence of humanitarian outlook of some of the employees in
many employee welfare programmers.

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The recent thinking in employee benefit however, is more oriented towards
increasing productivity and efficiency at workplace. An outstanding trend today is that
it has become a comprehensive concept concerned with the development of total
human personality embracing physical, mental, social, psychological and spiritual
aspect of employee well being.

The aim of employee benefit activities are:-

Partly humanitarian:-
To enable workers to enjoy a fuller and richer life.

Partly economic:-
To improve the efficiency of workers.

Partly civic:-
To develop among the workers a sense of responsibility and dignity thus make
them worthy citizens of the nation.

Another objective of Employee Benefit is to fulfill the future needs and

aspirations of working class.


It is somewhat difficult to lie down accurately, the scope of employee benefit
because of the fact that employee is composed of a dynamic individual with complex
needs. The scope of employee benefit has been described by institutions of different
shades in different ways. It can be interpreted in different ways by different countries,
with varying stages of economic development, political outlook and social philosophy.
The scope of employee benefit has to be elastic and flexible enough to suit the
existing conditions of workers and to include all essential prerequisites of life and the
minimum basic amenities.
The subject of employee benefit facilities is broad one covering a wide field of
amenities, activities and services. Employee Benefit services should include all extra
mural, intramural welfare work, statutory, non statutory welfare facilities undertaken

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by the employees, govt., trade unions such as adequate canteens, rest and recreational
facilities sanitary and medical facilities, arrangements of tours etc.
The scope of employee benefit should also include social security measure
which contributes to the workers benefit such as industrial health, insurance, provident
fund, gratuity, maternity benefits, workmen compensations, retirement benefits etc.

• Washing Facilities:-
a) In every factory – adequate and suitable facilities for washing should be
provided and maintained for the use of workers therein.
b).The state govt. may in respect of any factory or class or description of
factories or of any manufacturing process, prescribe standards of adequate and suitable
facilities for washing.
• Facilities for sitting:-
a) In every factory suitable arrangements for sitting shall be provided and
maintained for all workers obliged to work in a standing position, in order that they
may take advantage of any opportunities for rest which may occur in their course of
• First aid appliances:-
a) The company should provide the first aid appliance during all working hours.
There should be first aid box equipped with the prescribed contents and the number of
such boxes or cupboards to be provided and maintained shall not be less than one for
every one hundred and fifty workers ordinarily employed at one time in the factory.
• Canteens:-
a) The state govt. make the rules requiring that in any specified factory wherein
more than two hundred and fifty workers are employed , a canteen or canteens should
be provided and maintained by the occupier for the use of workers.
• Shelters, restrooms and lunch room:-

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a) In every factory, wherein more than one hundred and fifty workers are
employed adequate and suitable shelters or restrooms and suitable lunch room, with
provision for clean drinking water where workers can eat their food.

Voluntary beneficiary measures:-

• Educational Facilities:-
Part in motivating and enabling the working population for changes necessary
for accelerated progress and for their mental and physical development. Improvement
in the quality of the industrial workforce demands accelerated space of economic
development for which education of workers, their families and children is very
essential. Hence necessary financial and non financial incentives should be provided
for effective implementation of various adult education programs. It is also important
that the children of the worker should be provided with educational facilities.
• Medical Facilities:-
The employer provides medical facilities to their workers and their family.
The workmen in the department undertaking or governed by the medical rules and
other medical facilities both indoor an outdoor. These undertakings are provided by
well equipped first aid centers, ambulance and even a small hospital either in factory
premises or inside the township.
• Transport Facilities:-
Transport facilities to the worker residing at a long distance are essential to
relieve them from strain and anxiety. Such facilities also provide greater opportunities
for relaxation and recreation and help in reducing the rate of absenteeism. The
provision of transport facilities to industrial workers forms an integral part of general
transport facility and his by and large responsibility of employer.
• Recreational Facilities:-
Recreation has an important bearing on the individual personality as well as his
capacity to contribute to social development. It provides an opportunity to develop his
sense of physical and mental discipline. It creates healthy climate for industrial peace
and progress.
• Housing facilities:-

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The industrial employer provides housing facilities to their workers. Some
companies encourage its employees to construct their own houses by allotting them
land at nominal rent at certain conditions. Some companies render assistance to the
cooperative housing societies formed by its employees. Some companies provide self
contained houses and some pay house rent allowance.


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Introduction of the Organization: -

Kavitsu Transmissions Pvt. Ltd. the leading manufacturer of Planetary Speed

Reduction Gearboxes in India. Kavitsu has its corporate office at Satara M.I.D.C. The
total area of site in 12000 sq /meter, with a built up are 81000 sq/meter.
Kavitsu Group of Industry is working with the principle of hardworking, commitment
with work and having a silver border of talent which makes it distinguish from other
one. In other words, Kavitsu is fabulous combination of research, innovation and
industrial talent. The main working principle of industry is “The man never works like
an instrument, but Instrument always works as a man”.

History of the Organization:-

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Kavitsu Transmission Pvt. Ltd. was established on 1st June 1992 at additional M.I.D.C.,
Satara. Mr. VASANT PHADTARE is the Managing Director of the company. He is
B.E. (Mech.). In early days the company did the job works for ‘PMP’ and other
They started the company with 7 machines and 8 workers.
The company was started as “KAVITSU TECHNIQUE” and it was a proprietary type.
After year 2000 the company becomes, “KAVITSU TRANSMISSIONS Pvt. Ltd”.
In 1995 the company develops new idea and design of the Gear Box and started to
manufacture their first product as Planetary Speed Reducer. At that and scale was 5
lakhs. As time goes on increasing and new development introduced in product. Today,
they have number of different products and many famous customers all over India.
Their main customers are “Concast India, Mukund Ltd.” and “Manu Graph India Ltd.”
etc. Now Kavitsu is one of the leading manufacturers of Planetary Gear Boxes in India.
They have manufacturers over 1 lakhs Gear Boxes up to capacity of 2.5 lakhs Nm. In
last 15years. Now they have long list of their satisfied customers. Kavitsu Transmission
Pvt. Ltd., introduce new series in shaft mounted Gearboxes to serve the various
applications in industrial use. Last year they have introduced a new product i.e.
‘Slewing ring bearings’.
They will like to project themselves as growth oriented company with concentration on
centrifugal technology. They are in process of modernizing and upgrading their
technology to increase output, reduce cost and to acquire customers all over the India.

Company’s Objectives and Mission

a. Increase in productivity
b. Timely delivery of product
c. Quality improvement
d. Product up gradation with continuous research and development
e. Meet the needs and expectations of customers consistently.

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Organizational Chart:-

Managing Director

Personnel officer Production

Finance manager QC manager

Personnel Quality Engineer

assistant Accountant

Job Inspector
Asst. Accountant Asst. Accountant

INC. PPC. Machine shop Assembly

Supervisor Supervisor

Design Logistic Purchase Manager
Manager Manager Manager
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Commercial Store Incharge


Trainee Trainee card Service Marketing

card operator Incharge Engineer

Product range & variety:-


1 Planetary speed reducer 4
2 Planetary gear mater 12
3 Planetary Agitate speed reducer 28
4 Planetary Sprocket Drive 40
5 Planetary Creep Drive 55
6 Bevel Planetary Speed Reducer 125
7 Special Multi Speed Gear Box, Planetary Window 190
8 Uni-axis/Parallel axis twin output shift Gear Box 280
9 Planetary Belt Convey 450
10 Custom Built and Differential Gear Box 750
11 Shaft mounted speed reducer 1100
12 Crystallize Drives for Sugar Industry 1600
13 Gear Boxes for Sugar Mills 2600
14 Planetary Drives for Decuntors 25000
15 Steel Plant Machinery 45000


1.Bonfiglioli co. Pvt. Ltd.

2.Top Gear Transmissions Pvt. Ltd.
3. Cyclo Transmissions Pvt. Ltd. .
4.Rotomotive Pvt. Ltd.

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5.Elecon Engineering Company.
6.Vijay Engineering Works.
7.Shanti Gears.
8.Premium Pvt. Ltd.
9.Magtorq Pvt. Ltd.
10. Transmitecs Pvt. Ltd.

Milestones of the Company:-

Sr.No. Name Of Company Date Of Establishment

1 Kavitsu Transmission 1/06/1992

2 Kavitsu Automation 1/07/2004
3 Kavitsu Machine-O-Elektricks 3/08/2006

Profile of the Organization:-

Name of Organization Kavitsu Transmission Pvt. Ltd.

Location W-85, Additional M.I.D.C.,
Satara – 415002
Telephone (02162)240803, 240804
Fax 240805
Website www.kavitsugear.com
Establishment 1st June 1992
Product Planetary Gear Boxes and
Allied Products

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Motto of Kavitsu “Excellence in Gear Technology”
Investment 1.3 Corers
Organization Private Limited

Awards 1) ‘Vijayshree’ for best performance in

SSI in 1998
From India International Friendship
Society, Delhi.
2) Social Work Award 2007
From General Practioner Association
3) Gumphan Gun Gaurav Purskar 2008
From Gumphan Academy, Satara
4) Mahatech 2008 Exhibition Best
Display Award.
From Maharashtra Industries
Directory, Pune
5) Entrepreneur Excellence Award
From Small and Medium Business
Development and India. Mumbai

At Present Company Having:-

1) Managing Director Mr.Vasant G. Phadtare.

2) Director Mrs. K.V. Phadtare.
3) Personnel Officer Mr. Abhay H. Satpute.
4) Marketing Manager Mr. P. D. Bartakke.

Activities of Organization:-

Kavitsu Company has provided more than fifteen types of Gear Boxes. The Customer
is more satisfied because of their quality of work and service.

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The State electricity board supplies the electricity to this organization. It has back up
generator in case of any failure to take care of all the activities. The company provides
uniform to the employee. Most effective activity of company that is employment
promotion programmes.

Major Customers:-

i. Alpha Laval Ltd. Pune

ii. Bharat Petroleum Corporation
iii. Himson Group Of Companies, Surat
iv. Graves Ltd. Aurangabad
v. Indian Aluminum Co. Ltd. Kolkatta
vi. Jaihind Sciecky Ltd. Ahmednagar
vii. Sesa Industries Ltd. Goa
viii. Yashwant Sahakari Glucose, Karnataka
ix. Manugraph India Ltd. Kolhapur

Company Goal:-

Excellence in Gear Technology.

Quality Policy:-

We at Kavitsu Group of industries are committed for customer’s fullest satisfaction by

fulfilling their needs with in time supply of quality products with regular improvement

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in organizational operations, process and products with involvement of employers,
suppliers, customers and financers to achieve the continuous growth in organisation

Future Plan:-

Future plan of Kavitsu can be best expressed by there philosophy. Kavitsu

Transmission has more advance research programs and big heavy Gear Box of national
air space two samples.
Kavitsu Transmission Pvt. Ltd. said the new facility was being planed to meet growing
demand of various products in the international market.

Also i) Kavitsu Metals

ii) Kavitsu Robotics
are future plan of Kavitsu Transmissions

Human Resource Department of the Organization:-

Personnel department of the Kavitsu Transmissions Pvt. Ltd. includes two members

one is Personnel manager and other is Assistant of personnel Manager other members

of staff also help to the personnel department. Right now Personnel department handles

the administrative work. It also plays important role in keeping record of each

employee, their salary, ESI, PF, recruitment, selection, exit, training etc. The total

human strength in whole organization is 240 out of them 44 are staff employees and

other are workers. The company has not union of workers.

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Human Resource Scenario of the Organization: -

Following table represents the Human resource scenario of the organization

according to various departments.

Sr. No. Name of Department No. of Employees

1. Human Resource 2

2. Finance 4

3. Marketing 12

4. Production 7

5. Quality assurance Dept. 6

6. Design Dept. 6

7. Logistic Dept. 1

8. Material and Store Dept. 6

9. Workers 196

Total 240

Source: Secondary data source (company documents and records)

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SR PARTICULARS 2007-08(Figures 2008-09 Figures

NO in lac) in lac)
1 Capital invested 48.21 48.21
2 Fixed Assets 28.14 29.87
3 Purchases 592.57 610.36
4 Sales 990.95 1050.17
5 Total Expenditure 887.46 938.83
6 Profit 51.42 64.62
7 Stock 41.77 76.91
(Sources – Secondary source i.e. balance sheet)

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The target population of this study includes employees of the Kavitsu Transmissions
Pvt. Ltd. Satara. For getting information a structure of schedule was developed to
collect data & for research use descriptive inferential type of research method.

Data required:-

Data regarding to conceptual Framework, company profile, employees details,

employees perception towards employee benefit is required.

Data Source:-

Data collection means, collection of information through various sources, these

are observation, schedule, survey, websites & books etc. There are two types of data-
Primary data and Secondary data.

Primary Data:-

The first hand information on any research, collected by researcher may be

called as primary data. These are original observation collected for the first time.
The study of the project was done by collecting primary data. Primary
data was collected by the means of questionnaire. The data collected facilitated original
investigation and observation leading to useful and valuable result.

Secondary Data:-

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It is based on second hand information; data which has been already
collected and presented earlier by any agency the purpose of investigation is called
secondary data. The sources of data are publication of state and central government,
secondary data was collected by the means as leaflets, broachers and from various

For the collection of primary data schedule are prepared. It consist some Table, close-
ended questions which help to collect the information about employee’s facility.

The researcher selects 50 samples for the study. For the selection of sample size
disproportion stratified convenient sampling method was used.

Type of Research:-

The research is Descriptive inferential type of research.

Data Analysis:-
The primary and secondary data collected through some techniques. The collected data
analyzed by using some analytical techniques Such as tabulation, percentage, charts in
graphical & diagrammatical representation.


1. It was impossible to go in depth & collect information regarding all aspects of

employee benefits.

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Introduction :-_

Analysis of data is very important to any research. The collected data should be
presented so as to interpret the results to draw conclusions. The present study is entitled as
“A study of Employee Benefits with reference with Kavitsu Transmissions Pvt. Ltd, Satara”.

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The analysis of this study is done to calculate the satisfaction level of employees in the
organization regarding the welfare facilities.
Research Tools –
Some of the tools for data collection are the usage of the schedules, interviews and
discussion to extract the essential data.

Table No. 4.2.1

Title: Table showing age group of employees-

Age group No. of Employees Percentage

20-30 7 23.66
30-40 12 40
40 and above 11 36.66

Total 30 100

(Source: Primary data)

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Interpretation –
The above table shows the age group of employees. There are 23% employees under age 20
to 30. Maximum employees are in the age group 30 to 40 i.e. 40% and 37% employees are
above 40 years age. Thus it has concluded that majority of employees are under the age
group 30-40.

Graph No. 4.2.1

Title: Graph showing percentage of age of employees-

Table No. 4.2.2

Title: Table showing education level of Employees –

Qualification No. of employees Percentage

Up to S.S.C. 9 30
H.S.C. 6 20
Graduate 11 36.66
Post Graduate 4 13.33
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

Interpretation –

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The above table shows the educational qualification of employees. The table shows
that 37% employees are graduate. Only 13% employees are post graduate. 50% employees
have completed their education up to H.S.C. Hence we can say that maximum employees are

Graph No. 4.2.2

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of qualification of employees –

Table No. 4.2.3

Title: Table showing awareness of welfare facilities among Employees –

Facility Total respondents No. of aware Percentage

Wash Room 30 30 100
Medical 30 30 100
Recreation 30 13 43.33
Transport 30 30 100
Safety 30 30 100
Finance/Insurance 30 24 80
(Source: Primary data)
The above table shows that most of the employees are known to the facilities provided to
them by the organization. But many employees are unaware about recreation facility. The
researcher has found that only 43% employees are aware about recreation facility. Such as

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few employees are unaware about the safety facility. Few workers are unaware about the
safety programs arranged for them in the organization.

Graph No. 4.2.3

Title: Graph showing awareness of welfare facilities among employees-

Table No. 4.2.4

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Wash room Facility –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 26 86.66
Satisfied 4 13.33
unsatisfied 0 0
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

Interpretation –
The table shows level of satisfaction among employees regarding Wash room facility. The
researcher has found that 87% employees are highly satisfied with the washroom facility.
According to them the washrooms are clean and nearer to their workplaces. 14% employees
are partially satisfied with wash room facility. There are separate bathrooms and urinals for
men and women. Thus employees are much satisfied about the washroom facility. It has
concluded that no employee is dissatisfied with wash room facility and majority of
employees are highly satisfied with the wash rooms provided to them.

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Graph No. 4.2.4:
Title: Pie chart showing percentage of level of satisfaction of employees about wash
room facility-

Table No. 4.2.5:

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Medical Facility –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 14 46.66
Satisfied 16 53.33
unsatisfied 0 0
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

Interpretation –
The above table shows that almost all employees are satisfied with the Medical facility
provided to them. The researcher has found that Medical check up of the employees is done
monthly in the organization. First aid box with prescribed contents is available within short
time for the workers when needed. Hygienic conditions are always maintained in and around
the workplace areas. Any injured or suffering worker is taken to the hospital within short

DYPIMS Page 36
According to the research 53% workers are partially satisfied and 47%workers are
highly satisfied with the medical facility.

Graph No. 4.2.5:

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of satisfaction level of Employees about Medical
Facility –

Table No. 4.2.6:

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Recreation Facility –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 3 10
Satisfied 10 33.33
unsatisfied 0 0
Unaware 17 56.66
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

Interpretation –
The above table shows the satisfaction level of employees regarding recreation
facility. There are 33% employees who are partially satisfied and10% employees are highly
satisfied with the recreation facility. Many of the workers do not know about the recreation

DYPIMS Page 37
facility. 57% employees are unaware about recreation facility. Thus the organization needs to
make the employees aware about the recreation facility.

Graph No. 4.2.6:

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of satisfaction level of Employees about Recreation
Facility –

Table No. 4.2.7:

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Transport Facility –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 4 13.33
Satisfied 18 60
unsatisfied 8 26.66

DYPIMS Page 38
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

Interpretation –
Above table shows the level of satisfaction of employees about Transport facility.13%
employees are highly satisfied with transport facility while 60% employees are partially
satisfied with transport facility. 27% employees are dissatisfied with transport facility. Thus
majority of employees are partially satisfied with the Transport facility.

Graph No.: 4.2.7:

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of satisfaction level of Employees about Transport
Facility –

Table No. 4.2.8:

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Safety Facility –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

DYPIMS Page 39
Highly satisfied 13 43.33
Satisfied 17 56.66
unsatisfied 0 0
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

Interpretation –
The table shows the level of satisfaction of employees about Safety facility. According to the
research, 57% employees are partially satisfied while 43% employees are highly satisfied
with the safety facility. The employees have interpreted that the organization is taking due
care of them. Various safety applications such as hand gloves, masks are provided to
workers. Safety programs are arranged for employees to face the any unforeseen difficulty.

Graph No.: 4.2.8:

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of satisfaction level of Employees about Safety
Facility –




Table No. 4.2.9:

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Monitory benefits apart
from salary –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 6 20

DYPIMS Page 40
Satisfied 17 56.66
unsatisfied 7 23.33
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

Interpretation –
Above table shows the satisfaction level of employees regarding monitory benefits provided
to them by the organization. It has concluded that 20% employees are highly satisfied while
57% employees are partially satisfied with monitory benefits provided to them by the

Graph No.: 4.2.9:

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of satisfaction level of Employees about Monitory
benefits apart from salary –

23% 20%


Table No.: 4.2.10

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Insurance Services –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 4 13.33
Satisfied 20 66.66
Unsatisfied 0 0
Unaware 6 20
Total 30 100

DYPIMS Page 41
(Source: Primary data)

Interpretation –
The table shows the level of satisfaction of employees about Insurance services. It has
interpreted that 13% employees are highly satisfied while 67% employees are partially
satisfied with insurance facility. The employees get benefits of the insurance services and
policies arranged for them. On another side 20% employees are unaware about the insurance
services available to them by the organization.

Graph No. .: 4.2.10

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of satisfaction level of Employees about Insurance
Services –

20% 13%



Table No.: 4.2.11

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Sitting arrangements –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 12 40
Satisfied 18 60
Unsatisfied 0 0
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

DYPIMS Page 42
Interpretation –
The above table shows level of satisfaction of employees regarding sitting arrangements. It
has interpreted that 40% employees are highly satisfied and 60% employees are partially
satisfied with sitting arrangements in and around the work area. The employees agree that
there are proper sitting arrangements are there for them.

Graph No.: 4.2.11

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of satisfaction level of Employees about Sitting
arrangements –




Table No. 4.2.12:

Title: Table showing satisfaction level of Employees about Number of Leaves –

Level of satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 0 0
Satisfied 25 83.33
Unsatisfied 5 16.66
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data)

DYPIMS Page 43
Interpretation –
The above table shows the satisfaction level about number of leaves. The researcher has
concluded that 83% employees are partially satisfied with the number of leaves. While 17%
employees are dissatisfied with the number of leaves provided to them. According to these
workers leaves should be given immediately in case of emergency. Majority of employees
are partially satisfied with the number of leaves given to them.

Graph No.: 4.2.12:

Title: Pie chart showing percentage of satisfaction level of Employees about Number of
Leaves –

17% 0%


DYPIMS Page 44

1. From the above research it has found that 23% employees are under the age group
20-30. 40% employees come under the age group 30-40. And 37% employees are
above age 40 years. Thus the frequency of employees under age group 30-40 is more
that that of others. (Source: Table No. 4.2.1)
2. Form the research it has interpreted that 37% employees are graduate, 50%
employees have completed their education up to H.S.C. And 13% employees are post
graduate. (Source: Table No. 4.2.2.)
3. The researcher has found that most of the employees in the organization are aware
about the welfare facilities provided to them by the organization. But there are some

DYPIMS Page 45
employees who are unaware about the recreation and Insurance facilities. Only 43%
employees are aware about recreation facility and 80% employees are aware about
Insurance facility. In case of other facilities, the employees are familiar with the other
facilities such as medical, wash room, transport, safety etc. (Source: Table No. 4.2.3)
4. From the above research it has found that 14% employees are partially satisfied with
wash room facility and 87% employees are highly satisfied with the washroom
facility. There is no dissatisfaction among the workers about the wash room facility.
(Source: Table No. 4.2.4)
5. The above research shows that 53% workers are partially satisfied and 47%workers
are highly satisfied with the medical facility. It has found that no worker is
unsatisfied regarding the medical facilities available in the organization. (Source:
Table No. 4.2.5)
6. It has found that there are 33% employees who are partially satisfied and10%
employees are highly satisfied with the recreation facility. It has also found that 57%
employees are unaware about recreation facility. (Source: Table No. 4.2.6)
7. The researcher has found that 13% employees are highly satisfied with transport
facility while 60% employees are partially satisfied with transport facility. 27%
employees are dissatisfied with transport facility. (Source: Table No. 4.2.7)
8. According to the research, 57% employees are partially satisfied while 43%
employees are highly satisfied with the safety facility. There is no dissatisfaction
among the employees about safety services. (Source: Table No. 4.2.8)
9. From the above research it has found that 20% employees are highly satisfied while
57% employees are partially satisfied with monitory benefits provided to them by the
organization. (Source: Table No. 4.2.9)
10. The researcher has found that 13% employees are highly satisfied while 67%
employees are partially satisfied with insurance facility. On another side 20%
employees are unaware about the insurance services available to them by the
organization. (Source: Table No. 4.2.10)
11. It has found that 40% employees are highly satisfied and 60% employees are partially
satisfied with sitting arrangements in and around the work area. (Source: Table No.

DYPIMS Page 46
12. The researcher has concluded that 83% employees are partially satisfied with the
number of leaves. While 17% employees are dissatisfied with the number of leaves
provided to them. (Source: Table No. 4.2.12)
13. Employees are fully satisfied about Medical or First Aid Facility, Uniform Facility,
Accidental safety Facility; they are satisfied with Holiday Facility. They are Neutral
about Leave Facility & Drinking water Facility provided by company. They are
dissatisfied with the Protective Facility & Group Insurance Facility as well as They
are fully dissatisfied with Co- operative stores facility.
14. All employees in the organization are aware about benefits.
15. All employees are happy about welfare facility provided by company.

DYPIMS Page 47


1. It is suggested that the organization should make the employees aware

and convince them about the recreation and financial facilities provided

DYPIMS Page 48
by doing so the financial problems of the employees could be resolved
and they should bring in trust, goodwill and loyalty towards the

2. The overall satisfaction level regarding medical facilities regarding found

to be highly satisfactory. But still 5% of the employees are only satisfied
and feel that there is still scope for improvement.

3. It is suggested that though majority of the employees are feel that the
training camps are arranged regularly but still 5% of the employees
interpret that training camps are not arranged. The organization should
educate the employees about the benefits of the safety training camps.

4. It is recommended that as 25% of the employees think that the canteen

facility is not up to the mark so the company should take steps to provide
quality food, purified water, variety of foods stuffs along with cleanliness
in the canteen.
5. Quality of Shelter, Rest room facility, Protective Facility, Group
Insurance Facility & Co- operative Stores Facility should be increased.

6. Organization should improve the quality of Co- operative Stores Facility,

group Insurance Facility & Protective Facility.

DYPIMS Page 49


From the above research the researcher has concluded that majority
employees are satisfied with the facilities. Employees feel that the

DYPIMS Page 50
organization is taking care of them. They are also satisfied with the job and
this factor leads to good attendance of the employees. The prosperity and
happiness of employees are always maintained by the organization.

DYPIMS Page 51


DYPIMS Page 52
1. Dr. P. Subba Rao, 2007, ‘Personnel and Human resource Management’
(Text and Cases), Himalaya Publishing House, Second Revised Edition.
2. Dr. P. Subba Rao, 2008, ‘Essential of Human resource Management and
Industrial Relations’ (Text and Cases), Himalaya Publishing House,
Third Revised Edition.
3. Mamoria C. B. and Gankar S. V., 2008, ‘Human Resource Management’
Himalaya Publishing House, Seventh Edition.
4. Kothari C. R., 2004, ‘Research Methodology’ Methods and Technique,
New Age International Publishers, Second Revised Edition.
5. Internet Websites.
i. www.google.com
ii. www.wikiepedia.com
iii. www.cite.hr

DYPIMS Page 53


DYPIMS Page 54
1. Personal information:
i) Name:
ii) Age group:
20 to 30 30 to 40
40 &above
iii) Sex:
Male Female

iv) Educational qualification:

S.S.C. H.S.C
Graduate Post Graduate

v) Type of job :
Permanent Temporary

2. Is canteen facility available in this organization?

Yes No

If yes, what is your opinion about the canteen facility?


3. How will you rate the quality of food provided in canteen?

Excellent Average
Good Poor

4. Does the organization provide wash room facility?

Yes No

If yes, what is your opinion about the wash room facility?


5. Is there rest room facility available in the organization?

Yes No

If yes, what is your opinion about the rest room facility?


DYPIMS Page 55
6. Does the organization provide medical facility for employees?

Yes No

If yes, what is the duration of medical check up?

Daily Weekly
Monthly Yearly

7. Is ambulance facility available in the organization?

Yes No

8. What are the various safety applications for the workers?

Gloves Aprons
Masks Helmets

9. Does the organization arrange safety programs for employees?

Yes No

10. Are there some monetary benefits provided by the organization except salary?

Yes No

If yes, what is your opinion about the benefits?


11. Does the organization provide recreation facility?

Yes No

If yes, what is your opinion about the facility?


12. Does the organization provide loan facility?

Yes No

If yes, what type of loans does the organization provide?

DYPIMS Page 56
Home loans Vehicle loans

13. Are there insurance services for the employees in the organization?

Yes No

If yes, what type of insurances provided by the organization?

Life insurance General insurance

14. Does the organization provide transport facility?

Yes No

15. Hoe many leaves are there in a year for employees?

10 20
15 25

16. Do you think that the number of leaves is sufficient for you?

Yes No

17. Do you think there should be any other facility for you in this organization?

Yes No

18. How much are you satisfied regarding overall facilities in this organization?

Highly satisfied
Not satisfied

19. Are the sitting arrangements within the plant and canteen satisfactory?
Very much Somewhat neutral
Not at all

20. How often first aid box with prescribed contents is available?
Every time Mostly
Sometimes only

21. With how much time the injured worker is given treatment?
Immediately Within 15 mints
within ½ hr more than 1 hr

22. How much time it takes to take a heavily injured/ suffering worker to
the nearest hospital in case of mishap? Or how readily ambulance available

DYPIMS Page 57
Immediately Within 15 mints
Within ½ hr more than 1 hr

23. Is the hygienic condition maintained in and around the canteen and workplace

Always Mostly
Sometimes never

How frequently you take rest in between working hours?

After every………..
5----15mints r 2------3hrs
1/2hr-------1h 3-----4hrs

24. Do you move out of work place due to suffocation or other disturbance?

Yes No

25. Which welfare activity is most important for u?

Training health and safety Other welfare measures..

26. Does the organization provide educational allowances?

Yes No

If yes.. What is your opinion about it?


27. Do you think company is taking due care of them?

Yes no

28. What is your first objective in the company?

Higher productivity Industrial peace

Welfare programs

29. How frequently do you leave your workplace for complains about the working
Conditions in a day?

Always Often
Sometimes rarely

DYPIMS Page 58
30. Do you come across stress at your workplace?

Yes No

If yes...How does this stress affect your work efficiency?

Often mistakes made during work,

Mental pressure leading to headache, boredom, fatigue at workplace
Are not able to concentrate on work
Would avoid work
Stains worker-supervisor relationship

DYPIMS Page 59

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