A Critique of The Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and Psychosis
A Critique of The Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and Psychosis
A Critique of The Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and Psychosis
The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia and psychosis originated from observations of the
dopamine-blocking actions of early neuroleptic drugs. These results support the dopamine hy-
pothesis, however, only on the assumption that the drugs act by reversing an underlying disease
mechanism (or part of it). An alternative explanation is that the drugs work by inducing a state
of neurological suppression that reduces the intensity of symptoms. Although stimulant drugs are
known to induce episodes of psychosis, the mechanism for stimulant-induced psychosis has not been
clarified, and stimulants are known to affect many neurotransmitters other than dopamine. Recent
imaging studies suggest that there may be increased dopamine release in response to amphetamine
administration compared to controls. Some studies indicate increased uptake of L-dopa in parts of
the striatum, but some do not. The potential confounding effects of factors associated with dopamine
release—such as movement, arousal, attention, stress, and smoking—have rarely been examined,
and prior medication use may also have influenced results in some studies. Comparable research
on other psychiatric conditions associated with increased arousal, stress, and physical activity is
sparse. Research on dopamine concentrations in postmortem brain tissue, on homovanillic acid
concentrations, and on dopamine receptors has been negative or inconclusive. Therefore, the idea
that the symptoms of psychosis or schizophrenia are caused by the overactivity of dopamine is not
supported by current evidence. (HARV REV PSYCHIATRY 2009;17:214–225.)
The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia and psychosis symptoms of acute psychosis, though not to schizophrenia
is currently popular again. In its original form the hy- per se.1
pothesis suggested that schizophrenia might be due to in-
creased activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine. More
recently, it has been suggested that “dopaminergic dys-
regulation” is the final common pathway leading to the
The dopamine hypothesis evolved from animal studies con-
ducted in the 1960s showing that neuroleptic drugs blocked
dopamine receptors in the brain.2,3 An article by van
From the Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College Rossum3 published in 1966 is often cited as the first expres-
London; North East London Mental Health Trust, London. sion of the dopamine theory of schizophrenia, but in fact,
the article concerned only the mode of action of neuroleptic
Original manuscript received 6 July 2007; revised manuscript re- drugs. It stated: “The hypothesis is therefore put forward
ceived 5 May 2008, accepted for publication 11 June 2008. that dopamine receptor blockade is an important factor in
the mode of action of neuroleptic drugs.” In a book published
Correspondence: Dr. Joanna Moncrieff, Department of Mental
the same year, van Rossum4 remarked that this discovery
Health Sciences, University College, Gower St., London WC1E 6BT,
United Kingdom. Email: j.moncrieff@ucl.ac.uk
may have “fargoing consequences for the pathophysiology of
schizophrenia. Overstimulation of dopamine receptors could
c 2009 President and Fellows of Harvard College then be part of the aetiology.”
By 1974, it appears that the dopamine hypothesis was
DOI: 10.1080/10673220902979896 already influential, being described as “shared by many
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Volume 17, Number 3 Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and Psychosis 215
arithmetic,30 but another study using a mental arithmetic drug action. This view is distinguished from the “disease-
task failed to replicate this finding.31 centered” model, which assumes that drugs act to reverse
Third, it has been suggested that dopamine plays a role part of a disease process.41 When neuroleptics were first in-
in pleasure- and reward-seeking behavior, including the ef- troduced into psychiatry, they were regarded as acting in
fects of recreational drugs. The literature in this area is com- a drug-centered fashion, but a disease-centered view soon
plex, however, and few findings are clear-cut.32 The relation- became dominant. Elsewhere I have documented the lack
ship between dopamine and nicotine is relevant here, given of evidence for this transformation; in particular, few stud-
the prevalence of smoking among people with schizophre- ies have been designed to test whether neuroleptics are su-
nia and psychosis. Some animal studies show an increase in perior to drugs with similar qualities that do not act via
dopamine release after nicotine administration,33 but hu- dopamine.45 Early studies suggested that neuroleptics are
man studies have been mixed. A study of [11 C] raclopride superior to barbiturates,46,47 but studies of benzodiazepines
binding did not find evidence of dopamine release after are equivocal. A recent Cochrane review found significantly
nicotine administration.34 Some studies, however, show re- greater improvement in people taking benzodiazepines than
duced dopamine transporter availability in smokers com- in those taking placebo in short-term studies, but no differ-
pared to nonsmokers, suggesting increased activity of the ence in outcome in long-term studies.48 Studies comparing
dopamine system.35,36 One study found significantly higher benzodiazepines to neuroleptics found no differences on any
levels of uptake of the radio-labeled dopamine precursor 6– measure of outcome that favored antipsychotics, although
18 the authors noted the paucity of good quality studies in this
F-fluoro-L-DOPA (F-dopa) in the basal ganglia of smokers
compared to nonsmokers.37 Studies of dopamine receptor area. In addition, another review found that in seven out
availability are inconsistent.35,38−40 of ten studies that specifically evaluated psychotic symp-
If patients with psychosis or schizophrenia have a par- toms, benzodiazepines reduced these symptoms either more
ticular susceptibility to any of the above factors that are po- effectively than placebo or as well as antipsychotics.49
tentially associated with dopamine activity, then research Although drugs such as benzodiazepines and barbitu-
that looks for differences in dopamine activity between pa- rates exert a sedative action, they do not produce the emo-
tients and controls, such as the imaging studies discussed tional flattening or indifference associated with neuroleptic
later, may be confounded. For example, if patients are more drugs. Therefore, even if neuroleptics were superior to these
aroused, more active, or more stressed, or if they smoke more other sedatives, this superiority may be due to the particu-
than healthy controls, these factors may account for any ob- lar nature of their drug-induced effects rather than to any
served differences in dopamine activity, and steps need to disease-specific action. The only randomized trial compar-
be taken in order to examine and control for their effects. ing a neuroleptic to another class of drug that produces
a state of emotional detachment is an old study of chlor-
EVIDENCE FOR THE DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS promazine versus opium, which found the two drugs to be
OF SCHIZOPHRENIA equally effective.50
Clinical trials do show that antipsychotic drugs are more
Effects of Neuroleptics effective than placebo, but they do not establish that this
effect is achieved by reversing an underlying abnormality
The fact that all neuroleptic drugs block dopamine recep- of dopamine. The alternative possibility that they work in
tors, particularly the D2 receptor, is often held to be the a drug-centered fashion—in particular, by creating a drug-
strongest evidence that increased dopamine activity is in- induced state that suppresses psychotic symptoms—has not
volved in the pathogenesis of psychotic symptoms or acute been ruled out. It therefore cannot be assumed that psy-
schizophrenia. The underlying assumption here is that the chosis is produced by the opposite biochemical state from
drugs act on the pathophysiology responsible for generat- the one used to treat it.41
ing the symptoms, but there is an alternative explanation The idea of reduced salience, introduced by Kapur and
for the drugs’ therapeutic action.41 Rather than reversing others, is a useful addition to the vocabulary used to de-
a pathological process, the benefits of neuroleptics may re- scribe the effects of dopamine-blocking drugs.1,16 However,
sult from the characteristic neurological state that they in- the relation between increased salience and psychosis is
duce. In normal volunteers, neuroleptics produce a state of more speculative. First, the concept of salience is difficult to
physical and mental slowing, and emotional flattening or differentiate from motivation, attention, affect, and arousal,
detachment.42−44 These characteristic effects may account which appear to involve many neurotransmitter systems,
for their ability to reduce the impact of abnormal mental not just dopamine. Second, although neuroleptics appear to
phenomena such as delusions and hallucinations. reduce the intensity of psychotic symptoms, they often do
In other publications I have referred to this view of how not eliminate them completely, even in people who respond
neuroleptic drugs work as the “drug-centered” model of well51 —which suggests that such symptoms are not entirely
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attributable to increased salience. Finally, as demonstrated mans, and people with stimulant-induced psychosis some-
in volunteers, salience is not the only factor affected by neu- times show stereotypies.54 Hyperactivity is not characteris-
roleptic drugs. Reduced salience can be viewed as one fea- tic of idiopathic psychosis or schizophrenia. However, others
ture of the global reduction in physical and mental activity, have pointed out that stimulant-induced psychosis is rarely
emotion, and initiative that these drugs produce. easy to differentiate from idiopathic psychosis, and that it
Although second-generation, or atypical, antipsychotics may occasionally involve symptoms usually associated with
block D2 receptors, their propensity to do so is generally schizophrenia, such as bizarre delusions, third-person hallu-
weaker than that of most older antipsychotics. Clozapine, cinations, and negative symptoms, including apathy and so-
in particular, appears to have relatively weak D2 blocking cial withdrawal.54,55 In addition, abnormal movements have
action relative to traditional neuroleptics despite its having been noted in untreated patients with schizophrenia.56,57
equivalent, or some would say superior, efficacy against psy- Overall, the evidence is not clear-cut, and it is possible
chotic symptoms. One suggestion is that clozapine’s effects to conclude that stimulant-induced psychosis is both some-
on 5HT2A receptors add to, or interact with, its effects on the what distinctive and that it shares features with idiopathic
dopamine receptors to produce its clinical effects.13 Recently, psychotic disorders. Even if the distinctions are put aside,
it has been hypothesized that clozapine and some other atyp- however, it remains possible that psychosis may result from
ical antipsychotics bind to D2 receptors more loosely or re- different causal pathways in different situations.
versibly than other neuroleptics and hence that they may Second, the actual cause of stimulant-induced psychosis
exert their therapeutic activity primarily through D2 block- in humans has not been established.11 Based on animal re-
ade, even though levels of D2 binding appear to be lower.52 search, dopamine is thought to be responsible for stimulant-
However, the fact that clozapine is less likely to cause ex- induced hyperactivity and stereotypy,58 though some re-
trapyramidal symptoms would seem to suggest that it has search also shows an association between noradrenalin
lower D2 blocking activity than other drugs at usual clin- and locomotion.59 Amphetamine strongly increases nora-
ical doses and that its therapeutic effects must therefore drenalin (and not just dopamine) availability; it affects the
occur at lower levels of D2 occupancy. If so, counteracting serotonin system; and as is the case for most drugs, pro-
dopamine activity by blocking D2 receptors may not be the longed use is likely to cause complex perturbations in dif-
only mechanism for producing therapeutic effects in people ferent systems. Chronic cannabis use can also induce a
with psychotic symptoms. psychotic episode, but cannabis has less obvious effects on
the dopamine system and does not induce hyperactivity or
Stimulant-Induced Psychosis stereotypies. LSD produces psychotic-like experiences with-
out having pronounced dopaminergic effects.
The fact that the chronic ingestion of psychostimulant drugs Therefore, although there is evidence that biochemical
such as amphetamine, cocaine, and L-dopa can lead to psy- mechanisms can induce episodes of psychosis, it has not
chotic symptoms in some individuals without a previous been established that dopamine excess is the principal
psychiatric history has long been regarded as supporting cause. Moreover, even if dopamine was the principal cause, it
the dopamine hypothesis. However, there are problems with would not necessarily follow that other psychotic conditions
this logic. must be caused by the same mechanism.
First, there is no reason to assume that the causes of
chemically induced psychotic episodes are the same as for Imaging Studies of Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine
those that arise de novo. Some authors suggest there are Release
clinical differences between stimulant-induced psychosis
and idiopathic psychosis or schizophrenia, which might Table 1 lists the three studies and one meta-analysis
suggest they are distinct phenomena,53 but others have that have investigated amphetamine-induced elevations of
highlighted the similarities. Characteristic schizophrenic dopamine concentration in patients with schizophrenia,
symptoms such as “thought disorder,” delusions of con- as measured by a reduction of post-amphetamine bind-
trol, delusional perceptions, and inappropriate or flattened ing of a radio-labeled ligand, [123 I] iodobenzamide ([123 I]
affect are rarely seen in stimulant psychoses. Likewise, IBZM).60−63 All three studies detected an enhanced release
in amphetamine psychosis, mood is usually one of ex- of dopamine in response to amphetamine challenge in peo-
treme anxiety, sexual behavior is heightened, and visual ple with schizophrenia compared to controls. The differences
hallucinations are more common than they are in idio- between patients and controls were small, however, with
pathic psychosis.53 In animals, chronic stimulant use in- substantial overlap between results. In addition, although
duces hyperactivity, and with increasing doses and pro- two of the three studies found a correlation between reduced
longed use, it causes abnormal repetitive movements known ligand binding and increased positive symptoms,60,62 one did
as “stereotypies.” Stimulants also cause hyperactivity in hu- not.61
Harv Rev Psychiatry
218 Joanna Moncrieff May–June 2009
Laruelle et al. (1996)60 15 patients with schizophrenia, [123 I] IBZM Greater reduction in amphetamine-induced binding
none neuroleptic naive potential in patients (20%) vs. controls (8%) (p =
15 controls 0.01)
Breier et al. (1997)61 11 patients with schizophrenia, [11 C] raclopride Greater reduction in binding potential in patients
6 neuroleptic naive (22%) vs. controls (16%) (p = 0.05)
12 controls
Abi-dargham et al. (1998)62 15 patients, 2 neuroleptic naive [123 I] IBZM Greater reduction in binding potential in patients
(14%) vs. controls (7%) (p < 0.05)
15 controls No differences in amphetamine-induced reduction
in plasma HVA levels or in post-amphetamine
levels between patients & controls
Laruelle et al. (1999)63 Meta-analysis of data on 60 [123 I] IBZM Greater reduction in binding potential in patients
patients from previous (17%) vs. controls (8%) (p < 0.001)
studies plus 10 additional Significant difference between controls &
subjects; 7 neuroleptic-naive neuroleptic-naive patients (p < 0.003)
patients in total No difference between patients in remission &
controls (p = 0.3)
Research on the general functions of dopamine (described higher levels of anxiety in patients than controls, both be-
in the preceding section) indicates that dopamine is as- fore and during the procedure. Although the authors re-
sociated with numerous factors that may be differentially ported that there was no correlation between anxiety lev-
distributed among patients and controls—which may there- els and IBZM displacement within the patient or control
fore confound the studies in question. First, the relation group when looked at separately, they did not report the cor-
between dopamine and stress may be particularly relevant relation, if any, among all patients in both groups—which
since patients are likely to be experiencing more stress would be the usual way to investigate such an effect. The
than healthy controls. There are indications, for example, meta-analysis also suggested that increased dopamine re-
that psychotic patients who are acutely unwell have el- lease was more common in those people who were in an
evated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function, indi- acute psychotic state than in those who were in remission.63
cating a physiological stress response.64,65 Second, patients This result may be evidence of a direct relationship between
may be more aroused and show more movement than con- dopamine and psychotic symptoms, but it may also indi-
trols, which would increase dopamine levels. Third, smok- cate that dopamine elevation is related to other features
ing may play a role. Fourth, dopamine levels and dopamine associated with an acute state, such as arousal, anxiety, or
receptors are known to decline with age,66,67 and although distress.
most studies match patients and controls by age, some sub- The authors of the meta-analysis conducted a careful ex-
group analyses may be affected by age discrepancies. amination of the effects of previous medication use. Twenty-
In addition, the use of neuroleptic drugs may confound seven subjects had long-term exposure to medication prior to
studies since drug treatment is known to produce a compen- being withdrawn from medication temporarily for the study,
satory increase in the density and sensitivity of D2 recep- and only seven were drug naive. The amphetamine effect
tors. Animal research shows that these changes can occur af- on the IZBM binding potential was found in both groups
ter only a few days of the continuous administration of these and was not lower in the drug-naive patients. The number
drugs.68 Clinical research with humans demonstrates that of drug-naive patients was small, however, and they were
prior exposure to neuroleptics increases the dose at which younger than the control group by an average of over ten
extrapyramidal side effects are manifested, again suggest- years. Although age was not statistically associated with
ing that previous neuroleptic treatment affects dopamine reduced ligand binding in this sample, its known relation
function.69 to dopamine levels means that it is difficult to discount an
Among the amphetamine-challenge studies, the meta- age effect entirely. The authors also assessed the impact of
analysis was the only one to consider any possible con- drug treatment by looking for associations between IZBM
founders other than medication use.63 It found significantly binding and both the length of the drug-free period prior to
Harv Rev Psychiatry
Volume 17, Number 3 Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and Psychosis 219
the study and years of prior exposure to neuroleptic drugs. Imaging Studies of Dopa Uptake
No correlations were detected.
Neuroleptic exposure has been found to result in a shift Seven studies, summarized in Table 2, have measured up-
of dopamine receptors to a high-affinity state,70 which could take of radio-labeled dopamine precursor molecules—and
account for the greater reductions in IZBM binding seen in mainly, F-dopa.71−77 Levels of re-uptake reflect the activ-
patients compared to controls.17 Although the meta-analysis ity of the enzyme dopa decarboxylase, which is presumed
did not detect any associations with prior medication use, to reflect the rate of dopamine synthesis. These studies in-
greater numbers of drug-naive patients would be needed to cluded a total of 24 neuroleptic-naive patients. Several stud-
exclude this possibility. ies showed increased uptake in patients compared to con-
None of the amphetamine-challenge studies considered trols, but the part of the striatum in which the effect was
possible confounding effects of smoking. found varied across studies. The study finding the strongest
Even if the possible influence of confounders like pre- effect was conducted exclusively with patients treated con-
vious medication and stress is ignored, the attribution of currently with neuroleptic drugs.77 The largest study actu-
cause and effect on the basis of these studies is not straight- ally found a statistically significant decrease, rather than an
forward. For example, it is possible that people who are psy- increase, in dopa uptake in the ventral striatal area.75 The
chotic have a stronger psychological reaction to the effects inconsistency of the results may reflect numerous method-
of amphetamine than those who are not, perhaps finding it ological differences, such as the type of reference tissue used,
more stressful and aversive when added to their preexisting designation of the region of interest, and method for calcu-
psychotic state. Their stronger psychological response might lating uptake. It has also been suggested that the variation
provoke higher levels of dopamine release without there be- may reflect that the dopamine abnormality associated with
ing any prior abnormality of the dopamine system. These psychosis may be located in a functional subregion of the
studies cannot exclude such explanations. striatum, known as the associative striatum, involving the
dorsal part of the caudate and putamen.78 This suggestion ated with increased arousal, activity, anxiety, and behav-
does not, however, explain away all the inconsistencies of ioral problems might be expected to show similar results
the results. to those found in psychosis. Unfortunately, there are few
Two studies examined the effects of smoking, and both such studies. One study found no difference in F-dopa up-
found no difference in dopa uptake between smokers and take in the striatum as a whole between 13 drug-naive pa-
nonsmokers. In both studies, however, the overall numbers tients with “non psychotic” mania compared to controls.80
and also the numbers of smokers were too small to detect Studies of depressed patients have found no overall differ-
anything but a large effect.76,77 ence in dopamine function as measured by amphetamine
None of these studies considered the potential influence challenge and F-dopa uptake.81,82 In one of these studies,
of stress, movement, or arousal. A brief analysis of medica- patients were more anxious than controls, which might
tion effects was performed only in the one study involving have been predicted to increase dopamine activity.81 But
concurrently medicated patients. Although no correlation the patients in this study also reported lower energy lev-
between current neuroleptic dose and uptake values was els, and four out of nine had clinically recognizable psy-
found, there was no analysis of duration of exposure, and chomotor retardation, which might reduce dopamine activ-
the study could not compare patients on and off these ity and counteract any effect of anxiety. Where psychomotor
drugs.77 In one study all patients were noted to have “acute retardation was investigated, it was associated with reduced
symptoms,”74 and in another the patients, recruited from dopamine uptake in part of the striatum.82 In contrast, a re-
outpatient clinics, were described as “stable.”77 In others cent study of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
it is not clear whether the patients included were acutely previously treated with a range of psychotropic drugs, in-
psychotic or relatively stable. Where it was examined, no cluding neuroleptics, found decreased D2 [123 I] IBZM bind-
association was found between symptom severity and dopa ing in the left caudate, a possible indication of increased
uptake.77 dopamine availability.83 Two studies of children and adults
with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder indicated in-
Dopamine-Depletion Study creased F-dopa uptake in some brain areas but not the
One study examined D2 receptor availability after acute
dopamine depletion using the tyrosine hydroxylase in- Other Studies
hibitor, α-methyl-para-tyrosine, in 18 patients. Eight were
drug naive, and 10 were chronic patients who had stopped Total dopamine content of the brain can be measured di-
drug treatment an average of 139 days before. The level rectly only in a postmortem examination. Overall, such
of increase in the radio-labeled dopamine receptor ligand- studies have not detected differences between people with
binding potential after dopamine depletion was taken to in- schizophrenia and people without.12,86 A meta-analysis of
dicate occupancy levels of D2 receptors by dopamine prior research on levels of the dopamine metabolite homovanillic
to depletion.79 The study reported that D2 receptor avail- acid in cerebrospinal fluid and urine found no abnormality
ability increased by 19% in patients and by 9% in controls, compared to normal controls.87 Imaging studies have not
a difference that was statistically significant (p < 0.01). found any difference in the density of the dopamine trans-
In addition, the α-methyl-para-tyrosine effect on D2 recep- porter between patients and controls.88,89
tor binding potential correlated with subsequent response Increased D2 receptor density in the brains of people
to antipsychotic treatment (r = 0.58, p = 0.003). No at- diagnosed with schizophrenia was first reported from post-
tempts were made, however, to control for any potential mortem studies in the 1970s. The patients whose brains
confounders, and there was evidence of increased D2 re- were examined had been taking neuroleptic drugs for long
ceptor density in previously treated patients, which corre- periods before they died, however, and subsequent post-
lated with the duration of the drug-free interval prior to mortem studies that controlled for the effects of medication
the study (r = 0.47, p = 0.03). Although this last finding use found that abnormalities of dopamine receptors were
does not affect the overall results of the study since pa- attributable to the effects of drugs.90−92 Animal research
tients acted as their own controls, it does indicate that prior confirms that neuroleptic drugs increase the density of D2
exposure to neuroleptic drugs had altered the dopamine receptors after a few days.68,93 Although two early imaging
system. studies of drug-free patients found a statistically signifi-
cant increase in the density of D2 receptors in brains of pa-
Evidence on Dopamine Activity in Other Disorders tients with schizophrenia compared to controls,94,95 numer-
ous other studies have found no significant difference.17 An
If dopamine release is associated with “behavioral activa- updated meta-analysis of these studies revealed a small in-
tion” or stress, then other psychiatric conditions associ- crease in D2 receptors compared to controls,17 but the three
Harv Rev Psychiatry
Volume 17, Number 3 Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and Psychosis 221
studies that included only drug-naive patients found no sig- a psychiatric patient and being a control subject, may ac-
nificant difference.35,96,97 count for the results of these studies, apart from the specific
Studies of D1 receptors postmortem have found no dif- diagnosis of psychosis.
ferences between people diagnosed with schizophrenia and Many factors need clarification to help us evaluate the
controls.17 Studies of D3 and D4 receptors have been in- strength of current evidence for the role of dopamine in psy-
consistent or negative.17 PET studies of D1 receptors have chosis or schizophrenia. We need to understand better the
shown no abnormality in the striatum, with inconsistent role of dopamine in people without psychiatric disorders—
findings in the prefrontal cortex.98−100 in particular, its role in arousal, stress, and motivation,
in addition to its relation to other neurotransmitters in-
volved in these states. This information would help to clarify
DISCUSSION whether or not these factors may act as confounders in direct
studies of dopamine function (such as the amphetamine-
The earliest support for the dopamine hypothesis of challenge studies and studies of L-dopa uptake) in peo-
schizophrenia consisted of the observations that neurolep- ple with psychosis. Further research on the mechanism
tic drugs affected dopamine transmission and that psy- of stimulant-induced psychosis—specifically looking at the
chostimulants can cause psychosis. Recent studies that role of all the transmitters effected by these drugs—would
demonstrate increased dopamine release in response to am- be useful, as would comparison with the mechanism of
phetamine in acutely psychotic patients and increased up- action of cannabis. The mechanism by which drugs such
take of a dopamine precursor, radio-labeled L-dopa, may as clozapine exert their sedative and antipsychotic ef-
provide more direct evidence of an abnormality of the fects also requires clarification, including further explo-
dopamine system. Other indirect findings that may support ration of their known impact on other neurotransmitters
the dopamine hypothesis (but that were beyond the reach of systems.
this review) include associations between schizophrenia and Rather than focusing on psychiatric disorders or diag-
genes involved in dopamine regulation101 and the incidence noses, research on dopamine and other neurotransmitters
of abnormal movements in people with untreated psychosis. should, in my judgment, focus on symptoms and behav-
I have concentrated on evidence for an association between iors that cut across diagnostic boundaries—like anxiety,
raised dopamine activity and symptoms of psychosis, and arousal, agitation, and motivation. Moreover, concentrat-
have not reviewed evidence either for an association be- ing on one or a few neurotransmitter systems may obscure
tween lowered cortical dopamine and negative symptoms or the role of other brain chemicals and the interactions be-
of interactions between dopamine and other systems. tween them. There have been efforts to integrate the roles
Much research into dopamine levels, such as postmortem of glutamate and dopamine,14 but neurotransmitters such
studies and studies of the dopamine metabolite homovanillic as noradrenalin, acteyl choline, histamine, and others have
acid, has failed to disclose differences between patients and received little attention.
controls. Elevation of D2 receptors in patients, where it has Finally, the concept of cause and effect needs to be care-
been found, has been associated with prior drug treatment. fully explored. Abnormalities of neurotransmitters may be
The evidence that is felt to be most supportive is also open better understood as correlations of psychological states
to question. The action of neuroleptics supports a causal role than as causes of them. For example, the surge of adrenalin
for dopamine only on the assumption that these drugs coun- that accompanies a frightening experience does not in it-
teract part of an underlying disease process that gives rise self produce fear. It is the physiological accompaniment to
to psychotic symptoms. An alternative explanation, how- the emotional reaction. It may be difficult to clarify exper-
ever, is equally plausible—namely, that the drugs induce a imentally whether biochemical states qualify as causes of
state of physical and mental suppression that reduces the mental experiences or as symptoms. To establish causal-
impact of psychotic symptoms. It has not been established ity, longitudinal studies in asymptomatic subjects would be
that dopamine dysfunction is the sole cause of stimulant- needed to see if a biochemical abnormality, such as excess
induced psychosis, and even if it was, one could not necessar- dopamine, preceded the onset of psychotic symptoms. Co-
ily conclude that it was also the primary cause of idiopathic horts of high-risk and prodromal subjects recently identi-
psychosis or schizophrenia. L-dopa uptake studies and stud- fied for other research may provide such opportunities, but
ies of dopamine release in response to amphetamine have securing cooperation with repeated testing is likely to be
included only small numbers of drug-naive patients. In ad- difficult.
dition, there has been little attempt to control for factors, Overall, despite the resurgent popularity of the dopamine
other than medication, known to increase dopamine release. hypothesis of schizophrenia or psychosis, the evidence re-
Thus higher levels of stress, arousal, movement, and smok- mains contradictory. The present state of research does
ing, along with numerous other differences between being not allow us to decide whether, independent of its other
Harv Rev Psychiatry
222 Joanna Moncrieff May–June 2009
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I would like to thank Professors Philip Strange and Robin Murray dopamine in schizophrenia. Int Rev Neurobiol 2007;78:
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Declaration of interest: The author is the co- 2003;16 suppl 2:S3–9.
chairperson of the Critical Psychiatry Network. She has no 19. Goerendt IK, Messa C, Lawrence AD, Grasby PM, Piccini P,
financial conflicts of interest. The author alone is responsible Brooks DJ. Dopamine release during sequential finger move-
for the content and writing of the article. ments in health and Parkinson’s disease: a PET study. Brain
20. Sawamoto N, Hotton G, Pavese N, Piccini P, Brooks DJ. Frontal
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