International Journal of Pharmtech Research

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International Journal of PharmTech Research

CODEN (USA): IJPRIF, ISSN: 0974-4304

Vol.7, No.2, pp 339-343, 2014-2015

Role of Histamin 1 Receptor as Risk Factorfor Hypertrophic

Concha Caused by Allergic Rhinitisimmunohistochemistrily
Indra Zachreini, 2Suprihati, 3Muhammad Nadjib Dahlan Lubis
and 4Adi Koesoema Aman
ENT-HNS Departement Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
ENT-HNS Departement Diponegoro University, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Anatomi PhatologicDepartement Sumatera Utara University, Medan, Indonesia
Clinic Phatologic Sumatera Utara University, Medan Indonesia

Abstract: Background: Allergic rhinitis and non allergic rhinitis can caused
hypertrophic concha especially in inferior turbinate. Main complain of hypertrophic
concha is nasal obstruction which caused to decrease of quality of live. Until now,
there has not been any study about role of histamine 1 receptor as risk factor
hypertrophic concha caused of allergic rhinitis by immunohistochemistry. Methods:
This research was analytical observational by case control study on the sample which
include inclusion criteria. Histamine 1 receptor be examined by immunohistochemistry
with negative and positive value. Result:From this research, there is correlation
between postive value at H1 receptor with hypertrophic concha caused by allergic
rhinitis, which p:0,001; OR:30and 95% CI = 5,833-154,29. It mean is H1 receptor with
positive valueat allergic rhinitis have more than H1 receptor with negative value.
Keywords: Histamine 1 receptor, Hypertrophic concha, Allergic Rhinitis,


Although hypertropic concha is not life threatening disease but this condition often disturb quality of
life and become financial burden for the patients.1It’s often found in allergic rhinitis and non allergic rhinitis
patients, which most symptom is nasal obstruction.2 Prevalence rate is high. In US and Europe, the prevalence
rate of hypertrphic concha about 10-25%.3 Hypertrophic concha phatogenesis is resulted the change of airway
connective tissue, called airway remodelling. Both caused allergic rhinitis and non allergic rhinitis.4

Histamine is mediator which main role in allergic rhinitis and non allergic rhinitis and influence the
other mediator.5 Role of histamine is especially in rapid phase allergic rhinitis. Histamine 1 receptor expression
found in vascular endothelial can increase vascular permeability and may cause swelling of tissue and nasal
airway resistance.Exposure of chronic allergic inflamation can caused to change stucture of tissue including
thickening epithelium, hypertrophic of goblet cell and neovascularitation.6 However, research on the role of
histamine as angiogenic risk and etiologic risk of hypertrophic concha in allergic rhinitis, has never been

Sample and Methods

This research is analitic observations studyby case control design. Samples criteria included
hypertrophic concha ensured by anamnesis found permanent nasal obstruction, physical examination found
enlargement of inferior turbinate had eceeded partial nasal cavity (B classification from Yanez),
Indra Zachreini et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2014-2015, 7(2), pp 339-343. 340

rhinomanometry examination by Rhynometri Gama IV equiptment with ratio of expiration pressure more than
1,33 mmHg and hitophatologic examination found thickening of basal membrane, enlargement of goblet cell,
cystic degeneration of gland, increased count of eosinophilic cell and swelling of stroma in case and control

Hypertrophic concha caused by allergic rhinitis with criteria of moderate to severe degree persistent
(WHO ARIA 2008 criteria), during anamnesis, it was found that allergic for house dust mite with conformed
by skin prick test, used Alystic prick Hypens Pharma production, specific IgE examination for house dust mite
by chemilunescent immunoassay technic which used Immulite 2000 systems (Siemen, USA) and
histophatologic examination on case group. Hypertrophic concha patient caused by non allergic rhiniis, at
ananmnesis not found allergic for house dust mite which conform by skin prick test, specific IgE for house dust
mite, and histophatology examination for control group. Exclusion criteria at this research is patients using
nasal decongestion drug. Patients by rhinomanometry found diferent value more than 0,05 mmHg after taking
decongestive nasal drops. Pregnant woman and hypertrophic concha tissue broke so it can’t be examined.

Histamine 1 receptor examined by immunohistochemistry useing Histamine1 receptor primary antibody

(RbpAb, ab 140815, Abcam, Hampshire, UK). It was examined by anatomic pathologies from Medical Faculty
Sumatera Utara University and Indonesia University, using image J software. Immunohistochemistry result
consist of 0,+1,+2 and +3. This value converted became negative (-) value if 0 and +1 score and positive(+)
value if +2 and +3 score.

This research found 58 hypertrophic concha patients consist of hypertrophic concha; 29 caused by
allergic rhinitis and 29 caused by non allergic rhinitis.

Characteristic of hypertrophic concha based on etiologi at table 1 and 2.

Table 1 Hypertrophic concha based on sex

Allergic Rhinitis Non Allergic Rhinitis


n % n %

Men 4 13,8 3 10,3

Woman 25 86,2 26 89,7

Totaly 29 100 29 100

At this table, both hypertrophic concha caused allergic rhinitis nor non allergic rhinitis more woman
than men.

Tabel 2 Hypertrophic concha based on age group

Allergic Rhinitis Non Allergic Rhinitis

n % n %
15 - 24 25 86,2 19 65,5
25 - 34 3 10,3 8 27,5
> 35 1 3,5 2 7,0
Totaly 29 100 29 100
Indra Zachreini et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2014-2015, 7(2), pp 339-343. 341

Based on age group, the most age group were 15-24 years old, both in hypertrophic concha caused
allergic rhinitis nor non allergic rhinitis.

The result immunohistochemistry examination

Sample No. 121940 IHC H1Receptor, NAR +1

Sample No. 13027 IHC H1 Receptor RA +2 Sample No. 121498 IHC H1 Receptor, RA +3

Inferensial Analysis

Table 3 Immunohistochemistry result of Histamine 1 receptor in hypertrophic concha

Hypertrophic Concha
Allergic Non OR p value 95% CI
Rhinitis Allergic
n % n %
H1 receptor (+) 27 75,0 9 25,0 30 0,0001/<
5,833 154,29
H1 receptor (-) 2 9,1 20 90,9 0,0001
Totaly 29 29

At the 3rdtable, significant correlation can be seen between positive H1 receptor with hypertrophic
concha caused by allergic rhinitis which p value = 0,001,OddsRasio = 30 and 95% CI = 5,833-154,29. it means
that positive H1 receptor in hypertrophic concha caused by allergic rhinitis is 30 times more likely to cause
hipertrophic concha than the negative H1 receptor.

This research has been conducted since September 2012 to January 2014, and managed tocollect up to
73 patients. Fifteen (15) patients were exluded because ten(10) patients, from the result of skin prick test
examination and specific IgE for house dust mite presented hypertrophic concha caused by allergic rhinitis but
histophatologycal examination did not suggest signs of allergic rhinitis. In addition, skin prick test examination
and specific IgE for house dust mite found non allergic rhinitis but histophatological examination found allergic
rhinitis signs. Five samples, however, broke. So leaving only 58 patients as sample of this study, which consist
of 29 pateints with hypertrophic concha caused by allergic rhinitis and 29 patientswith hypertrophic concha
caused by non allergic rhinitis.
Indra Zachreini et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2014-2015, 7(2), pp 339-343. 342

Analysis result on data from this research presented Histamine 1 receptor expression contribute as risk
factor hypertrophic concha caused by allergic rhinitis.Significant differenciation can be seen between positive
histamin 1 receptor with negative histamine 1 receptor, with the value of p value: 0,001 (p<0,05); OR:30 and
95% CI:5,833-154,29. Histamine 1 receptor is most important mediator in allergic process, induced by activated
link of phospoliphase C-generation inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) dan 1,2-diacyl Glycerol which
can increase Ca2+ intraseluler.6Histamine can caused vasodilatation and increased vascular permeability and
caused leaking at wall of vascular or endothelial lining. It can cause extravasation of plasma, so presented
oedem and swelling in sinusoid. Histamine caused an increase in vasculary permeability because signaling
efect histamine 1 receptor which contaction of F-actin fibrille on endothelial sikloskleton so that formed gap in
venule post capilary and formed macromolecul extravasation. Chronic allergic inflamation exposure caused
thickening epithelial, smooth muscle hypertrophic, goblet cell hyperplasia, fibrotic sub epithelial, plasma cel
infiltration and change of vascullar structur formed neovascularitation which called airway remodeling. Change
of nasal airway tissue especially found in nasal superficial and submucosal lining caused inferior turbinate
became hypertrophic.7,8,9,10,11

In hypertrophic concha caused by non allergic rhinitis, histamin did not contribute. Pathogenesis of
hypertrophic concha caused by non allergic rhinitis suspect to resulted nasal hyperreactivity to non specific
exposure which corellated with neurogenic inflamation mechanism with precipitatus factor which corellated
with weather and iritation factor.12,13,14,15,16 Non specific exposure caused neuorogenic inflamation so that
formed end nerve and airway epithelial damage. Sensory nerve fiber stimulated at both afferent nor efferent
sensory end nerve, and then sensory nerve fiber produced neuropheptide such as P substance, calcitonin gene-
related peptide (CGRP), and A neurokinin contained in nerve fiber and parasimphatetic end nerve. This
neuropheptide caused smooth muscle contraction, secretion of goblet cell mucous, plasma exudation from
capillary so that formed change of nasal airway structur. 16 Immunohistochemistry examination showed
intensity of immunoreaktivitas of histamine 1 receptor clearer in hypertrophic concha caused by allergic depent
of caused by non allergic.17Nakaya, Takeuchi, Kondo (2004), in their research reported location of histamine 1
receptor subtipe in nasal turbinate of allergic rhinitis patients by immunohistochemistry examination found at
arteriole is 3+, vein and venule is 3+, cavernous sinus is 3+, nerve is 3+ whereas at epithelial is 2+ and at glan
only 1+. However, diferent from this research, which was conducted do at hypertrophic concha caused by
allergic rhinitis and non allergic rhinitis. This research, however, inidentical in histophatological betwen nasal
turbinate in allergic rhinitis with hypertrophic concha caused by allergic rhinitis.

This research found that histamine 1 receptor conrtributed as risk factor to cause hypertrophic concha
caused by allergic rhinitis, then it become consideration in management of allergic rhinitis to protect form
hypertrophic concha by H1 antihistamin long time administration. Some antihistamins such as cerebastine, are
active metabolite from ebastine (selective antagonist histamine of H1 receptor second generation) reported to
have angiogenic potential by invitro research using Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell and Human
Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cell and by invivo at Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell assay. 19,20 The
research from Le (2013) reported histamine sinergictical on VEGF production can decrease with
diphenhydramine (H1 receptor antagonist) adminitration but could not with cimetidine (H2 receptor

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