Protein Drops' May Seed Brain Disease: Cellular Droplets Promote Vital Biochemistry-But May Dangerously Solidify

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inal vision, and that is why we are making It would “push the envelope” of current op- CELL BIOLOGY
all this noise,” Yuste says. tical imaging and data analysis, and create a
At the meeting, attendees discussed four
broad goals: expanding access to large-scale
electron microscopes; providing fabrication
core of trained staff that could support later
projects, said David Kleinfeld, a neuroscien-
tist and physicist at the University of Cali-
Protein ‘drops’
facilities for new, nanosized electrode sys-
tems that can monitor thousands of neu-
fornia, San Diego. It would also be the first
complete map of the human brain’s neural may seed brain
rons at once; developing new optical and pathways, which would be useful for physi-
magnetic resonance technologies for map- cians and surgeons and help “ground truth”
ping brain activity; and finding new ways to techniques such as functional magnetic
analyze and store the staggering amount of
data that detailed brain studies can produce.
resonance imaging, which lack anatomical
detail, says Jeffrey Lichtman, a neuroscien-
Cellular droplets promote
Participants differed, however, about just tist at Harvard University. vital biochemistry—but may
how much federal support they will need. Still murky is how a National Brain Ob-
Fabricating nanoelectrodes, for example, servatory would be organized and how
dangerously solidify
will require the same types of costly found- much it would cost. It could harness exist-
ries that build semiconductor chips, says ing electron microscopes and x-ray sources By Ken Garber

Downloaded from on October 22, 2015

Michael Roukes, a physicist at the California at DOE and university facilities, but Yuste

Institute of Technology in Pasadena. But for says that even so, the initiative would re- ne day last year, a graduate student
data storage and analysis, distributed net- quire at least $50 million per year, on top of brought molecular geneticist Paul
works of programmers who create and share existing BRAIN funding. And any effort will Taylor an ice bucket holding a test
code might ultimately be more effective than have to serve DOE’s mission of advancing tube that contained a white solution.
government-run facilities, says neuro- basic physical and computational science, When she lifted the tube from the
scientist Jeremy Freeman of Janelia Re- notes Brad Aimone, a computational neuro- bucket, the solution became clear—
search Campus in Ashburn, Virginia. scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in and it went white again when she put it
Either way, building support for the initia- Albuquerque, New Mexico. back in. Taylor was baffled at first, because
tive among neuroscientists and at funding Long-time neuroscience supporter Repre- the tube held a dissolved protein, and pro-
agencies will require “an extraordinary sci- sentative Chaka Fattah (D–PA), who helped teins are normally clear in solution. So he
entific mission, something where you sit up secure $3 million in National Science Foun- examined the white version under a mi-
and say we have to do this,” says Clay Reid, dation (NSF) funding for developing the Na- croscope. The protein had apparently “de-
a neuroscientist at the Allen Institute for tional Brain Observatory project this year, mixed” out of water, forming tiny droplets
Brain Science in Seattle, Washington. One attended the workshop and told attendees in a process analogous to the separation of
such mission—creating a map of roughly that the idea has bipartisan support. And vinaigrette into oil and vinegar. What made
half of the human brain’s 100,000 km of DOE seems on board. ANL Director Pe- the observation especially interesting was
axons, the threadlike extensions that proj- ter Littlewood has asked NSF for roughly the identity of the protein: It was the nor-
ect from neurons—generated widespread $1 million annually for 5 years to develop the mal product of a gene that, when mutated,
enthusiasm at the meeting. Created by im- concept through collaborations between the Taylor’s team had found to cause amyo-
aging micron-thick slices of a postmortem lab and the University of Chicago in Illinois. trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou
human brain, the map would not show Now, it’s up to the neuroscience community, Gehrig’s disease.
synapses for the entire brain, but would Congress, and the White House to determine Taylor is not the only biologist capti-
reveal every neuron, axon, and potentially whether the National Brain Observatory be- vated by these liquid transformations.
hard-to-distinguish glial cell, Kasthuri says. comes more than a lofty vision. ■ Over the past year, several other groups
have independently seen protein droplets
form in test tubes and in cells, and four
papers on the unusual phenomenon have
just been published in Cell and Molecular
Cell. Already, investigators are proposing
that droplet formation is a key part of the
machinery regulating gene expression in
cells. When the process goes awry, they
suggest, it can lead to the solid protein ag-
gregates that are a hallmark of ALS and
other neurodegenerative diseases.

“Together the papers are a tour de force

and really a very large advance,” says
James Shorter, a cell biologist at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania.
Steve McKnight, a biochemist at the
University of Texas Southwestern Medi-
cal Center (UTSW) in Dallas, agrees that
the field is on the cusp of something pro-
found. “We are seeing the first glimpses
An Argonne National Laboratory physicist works on a prototype high-resolution microscope, the type of tool of … a whole new understanding of how
neuroscientists would have access to at a National Brain Observatory. cells are organized.”

366 23 OCTOBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6259 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
would have started to phase separate to
form reaction centers,” he says.
But the proteins’ ability to assemble into
droplets has a potentially dangerous flip
side—they can then solidify in a manner
that causes disease. In the 27 August and
24 September issues of Cell, Hyman’s and
Taylor’s groups reported that given enough
time and under the right conditions, RBP
droplets can become fibrous structures re-
sembling those that aggregate in the brain
cells of people with ALS and Alzheimer’s
disease. The teams also found that ab-
normal RBPs, encoded by mutant genes
known to cause ALS, are quicker to ag-
gregate. “This work is important because
it provides a novel mechanism for forma-
tion of pathological aggregates,” says Ben
Wolozin, an Alzheimer’s disease researcher
at Boston University.
However, the aggregation has been
seen only in purified RBPs in solution,
not in living cells. “We’ve tried very hard,”
Hyman says. “In vivo they don’t convert
from liquid to solid.” He suspects that
the molecular machinery that eliminates
aberrant proteins normally prevents ag-
gregation, and that dangerous aggregates
appear when quality control mechanisms
are weakened by aging or disease.
10 um The study of protein droplets has be-
come a lively subfield. In the 15 October is-
sue of Molecular Cell, a UTSW–University
of Colorado, Boulder, collaboration pro-
vides independent confirmation that the
droplets assemble from prionlike protein
tails. And in the same issue, a Brown Uni-
versity team used nuclear magnetic reso-
nance to show that RBPs and RNAs are
not so much enclosed by the droplet, but
rather the RBPs interact with each other’s
prionlike tails to assemble it.
Just how the prionlike domains initially
Mutant proteins linked to some cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis transition from normal liquid droplets to drive droplet formation remains a mystery.
various structures (bottom, left to right, and top), which may lead to aggregates that cause disease. Taylor thinks that weak bonding between
the domains is enough to make it hap-
The new work addresses a biological drive the assembly of RBPs into the drop- pen. McKnight’s lab 3 years ago was the
puzzle. Gene expression, and thus most lets that fascinated Taylor. These droplets, first to suggest a role for these prionlike
of biology, depends on two large families he and others hypothesize, serve to protect domains. In his hands, instead of droplets,
of proteins: transcription factors, which and concentrate the proteins and their at- they formed protein fibers, with similari-
turn on genes, and RNA-binding proteins tached RNAs, keeping them from dispers- ties to disease aggregates but looser. He
(RBPs), which transport RNA to the correct ing into the cell fluid and ferrying them doesn’t dispute the droplet work: “They’re
IMAGES: PATEL ET AL. CELL 162, 1066–1077, (AUGUST 2015)

parts of the cell so that they’re in the right intact to their proper cellular destinations. finding neat things, cool things, and if
place at the right time to be translated Such structures, speculates Tony there’s a controversy it’ll be sorted out in
into proteins. “The crown jewels of bio- Hyman, a cell biologist at the Max Planck short order.”
logy,” McKnight calls these families. Oddly, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Ge- Drug companies are already paying close
many of these proteins have tails that re- netics in Dresden, Germany, and co-author attention, because understanding how the
semble the self-propagating infectious par- of one of the new papers, may have played droplets solidify in disease could lead to
ticles called prions, which cause mad cow a key role in the emergence of life more new ways to treat neurodegeneration. “I
disease and, in humans, Creutzfeldt-Jakob than 3 billion years ago by protecting its have been swamped with requests to teach
disease. But why? “It’s been an enigma,” chemical reactions from a hostile environ- pharmaceutical companies how to tar-
McKnight says. ment, before cell membranes came about. get this process,” Taylor says. “This is the
The new papers provide an answer, at “As soon as organized molecules would biggest thing to happen in cell biology in
least for RBPs: The prionlike domains have formed in a primitive soup they my career.” ■

SCIENCE 23 OCTOBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6259 367

Published by AAAS

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