AG Media Manual PDF
AG Media Manual PDF
AG Media Manual PDF
Serving GOD with our body, soul, spirit and talent/technical skills
This manual is designed to address the policy and administrative concerns of all facets and
extensions of the music and media ministries at Assemblies of God Church. The initial
manual will be reviewed and upon approved by the church board. Any further additions or
revisions to this manual supercede previous statements or conditions and become
effective immediately. All major revisions must be approved by the church council before
becoming effective. All affected music and media personnel
will be notified of major revisions. The conditions in this manual are not considered
retroactive. However, should a deficiency arise, all existing team members should seek
to fulfill any requirement as soon as possible.
Organizational Structure
Media Team
To propagate the Gospel of Jesus to our visually driven world through the use of
technology and media.
Broadcasting live audio and video to the worship center and internet.
Recording audio and video during regular church services and special events.
Audio and video editing or recorded services and other special events for archive,
broadcast, and production
Production, duplication, and distribution of recorded audio and video files to fulfill
order requests, sermon messages and other special events
Providing audio and video support for evangelistic outreach and other special events
outside of the church building.
The New Life media team is open to active members of New Life church which have a
desire to show forth leadership and service to God through multimedia ministry.
Prospective media team members must be born again, and have regularly attended our
Church for a minimum of six (6) months, having been an active member at least as a
Baptized member. Prospective members must also be faithful in their tithe to the Church.
Such data will be verified with the attendance secretary as well as the treasurer and will be
kept confidential.
Applicants must meet the following spiritual requirements in order to be considered for
membership within the media team:
Saved—having a personal, mature relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sanctified—being free from sin/bondage/oppression.
Baptized in water—renouncing sin and being spiritually alive in
Baptized in the Holy Ghost—with fruits of the Spirit evident or
actively seeking baptism in the Holy Ghost.
Media team members are expected to demonstrate the fruit and discipline of an active
Christian life through daily devotion and prayer time. Applicants must posses a
professional skill level in their instrument in order to be considered. Musicians must be
available to serve in all regularly scheduled worship services.
ii Director of Media
Responsible for coordinating all media needs with direct oversight of all media functions.
iii Maintenance Technician
Responsible for setting and rearranging the stage for live recording and all kinds of studion
work. Responsible for checking the wire connections, software settings, sound
equalization, and ensuring that all media equipment are in good condition for use.
appropriate microphone placement as instructed by the media director. Responsible for
any moving of the church equipment, and being available for assistance in moving an
entry’s equipment.
ix Lighting Technician
Responsible for mixing applicable lighting scenes using the lighting console and dimmer
pack equipment. Responsible for maintaining, hanging, and positioning lighting fixtures
as directed by the Media Director. The lighting technician is responsible for utilizing the
correct pre-programmed scenes from the lighting console at the appropriate times
within a service. The lighting technician must coordinate efforts with the screen
operator and the house audio technician. Upon the close of service, the lighting console
should be placed in blackout mode or an applicable scene (work light/walk-thru light).
Prior to leaving the facilities, the lighting technician should place the console in blackout
mode and turn off the console power.
i. Attendance Policy
Enrolled media team members are expected to be in attendance for all ministry functions
as well as practices and workshops. Media team members are to be faithfully present, on
time, and both mentally and spiritually prepared for services, practices, and workshops.
It is the individual media team member’s responsibility to personally inform the media
director promptly and with advance notice for any planned absence. Attendance is
taken at all practices, workshops, and services.
Each media team member is to provide a 1-week advance notice of work or shift changes
conflicting with regularly scheduled media team activities. Mandatory overtime is
excused. Good communication is expected in the event of expected or unexpected
absences. Members dropped due to excessive unexcused absenteeism will not be
allowed to rejoin until the next commitment quarter. Active media team members may
be sent copies of their attendance history for a given quarter. Media team members not
attending the mandatory fasting and prayers and preparation time (Sunday,8:40a.m.) will
be excused from media team, unless the individual is concurrently actively participating
in a teaching position or due to pre-scheduled work.
Any media team member involved in a legal dispute will be suspended from all media
team activities.
Other services and special events may require special arrival times. Such information is
announced as it is foreseen by the media director.
Media Policies
i. Media Room
The media room houses the majority of Media’s technical equipment. The media room is
to remain locked at all times, except during services times of operation. No food, drink,
or gum is allowed within the media room. Only media personnel approved by the
media director may be allowed access to the media room. No children are allowed in or
permitted access to the media room at any time due to the amount of sensitive
equipment. All equipment housed within the media room shall remain in its location and
should not be removed without the permission of the media director. Additionally, no
new equipment may be added to the media room without the consent of the Media
Director. Instruments or equipment may not be moved or changed
from their present location without approval from the media director. The media room is
to be kept in good organization at all times. Waste should be properly disposed of.
iii. Platform
The platform is the primary area of ministry for Videographer. As it is located within
the church, all personal activity must be conducted with responsibility and respect to
God’s presence. No food, drink, or gum is allowed on the platform. Bottled water
is acceptable during practice sessions only.
Only authorized persons are allowed on the platform at any given time. Children are not
permitted to be on the platform due to the amount of fragile equipment present.
Resources on the platform such as microphones, instruments, and mixing consoles are
for the exclusive use of designated persons only, and are otherwise inaccessible to all
other persons.
The platform is generally set up for weekly worship services and other events. Its
arrangement is semi-permanent. Major clearing or relocation of platform equipment is
generally only warranted at major events such as worship musicals.