Ex Set 4
Ex Set 4
Ex Set 4
1. Pigeonhole Principle
(1) A sack contains 100 mangoes, 100 mosambis, 100 bananas, and
100 apples. If we pick one fruit out of this sack every minute,
how long will it be before we are assured of having picked at
least 12 pieces of any one of the four mentioned fruits?
(2) Show that in a group of n > 1 people, there are two have the
same number of acquaintances (it is assumed that no person is
acquainted with him/herself).
(3) Prove that of any five points chosen within a square √ of side
length 2, there are two whose distance apart is atmost 2.
(5) The 45 = 10
line segments joining 10 points are arbitrarily
coloured red or blue. Show that there must exist three points
such that they form a red triangle, or 4 points, such that the six
line segments joining them are blue (show that r(3, 4) ≤ 10).
2. Partially Ordered Sets
(1) Draw Hasse diagrams of all the three-element posets, and of all
the four element posets.
(2) A preposet (or quasi-ordered set) is a set P with a binary rela-
tion ≤ such that it is reflexive and transitive, but not necessairly
anti-symmetric. We define a relation ∼ on P as follows: For
s, t ∈ P
s ∼ t ⇔ (s ≤ t and t ≤ s).
Show that ∼ is an equivalence relation.
Date: 12 August 2018.
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