Exercicios Gerales Aneis e Ideais
Exercicios Gerales Aneis e Ideais
Exercicios Gerales Aneis e Ideais
Exercise (1.8). Let R be ring, P := R[X1 , . . . , Xn ] the polynomial ring. Let m n and a1 , . . . , am R. Set p := X1 a1 , . . . , Xm am . Prove that P/p = R[Xm+1 , . . . , Xn ]. Answer: First, assume m = n. Set P := R[X1 , . . . , Xn1 ] and p := X1 a1 , . . . , Xn1 an1 P . By induction on n, we may assume P /p = R. However, P = P [Xn ]. Hence P/p P = (P /p )[Xn ] by (1.5). Thus P/p P = R[Xn ]. / We have P/p = (P/p P ) p(P/p P ) by (1.7). But p = p P + Xn an P . Hence p(P/p P ) = Xn an (P/p P ). So P/p = R[Xn ]/Xn an . So P/p = R by (1.6). In general, P = (R[X1 , . . . , Xm ])[Xm+1 , . . . , Xn ]. Thus P/p = R[Xm+1 , . . . , Xn ] by (1.5). Exercise (1.12) (Chinese Remainder Theorem). Let R be a ring. (1) Let a and b be comaximal ideals; that is, a + b = R. Prove (a) ab = a b and (b) R/ab = (R/a) (R/b). (2) Let a be comaximal to both b and b . Prove a is also comaximal to bb . (3) Let a, b be comaximal, and m, n 1. Prove am and bn are comaximal. (4) Let a1 , . . . , an be pairwise comaximal. Prove (a) a1 and a2 an are comaximal; (b) a1 an = a1 an ; (c) R/(a1 an ) (R/ai ). Answer: To prove (1)(a), note that always ab a b. Conversely, a + b = R implies x+y = 1 with x a and y b. So given z ab, we have z = xz +yz ab. To prove (1)(b), form the map R R/a R/b that carries an element to its pair of residues. The kernel is a b, which is ab by (1). So we have an injection : R/ab R/a R/b. To show that is surjective, take any element (, y ) in R/a R/b. Say x and y x are the residues of x and y. Since a + b = R, we can nd a a and b b such that a + b = y x. Then (x + a) = (, y ), as desired. Thus (1) holds. x 1 Updated 11/09/15
To prove (3), note that (2) implies a and bn are comaximal for any n 1 by induction on n. Hence, bn and am are comaximal for any m 1. To prove (4)(a), assume a1 and a2 an1 are comaximal by induction on n. By hypothesis, a1 and an are comaximal. Thus (2) yields (a). To prove (4)(b) and (4)(c), again proceed by induction on n. Thus (1) yields a1 (a2 an ) = a1 (a2 an ) = a1 a2 an ; R/(a1 an ) R/a1 R/(a2 an ) (R/ai ).
Exercise (1.13). First, given a prime number p and a k 1, nd the idempotents in Z/pk . Second, nd the idempotents in Z/12. Third, nd the number N of idempotents in Z/n where n = i=1 pni with pi distinct prime numbers. i Answer: First, let m Z be idempotent modulo pk . Then m(m 1) is divisible by pk . So either m or m 1 is divisible by pk , as m and m 1 have no common prime divisor. Hence 0 and 1 are the only idempotents in Z/pk . Second, since 3 + 4 = 1, the Chinese Remainder Theorem (1.12) yields Z/12 = Z/3 Z/4. Hence m is idempotent modulo 12 if and only if m is idempotent modulo 3 and modulo 4. By the previous case, we have the following possibilities: m 0 (mod 3) m 1 (mod 3) m 1 (mod 3) m 0 (mod 3) and and and and m 0 (mod 4); m 1 (mod 4); m 0 (mod 4); m 1 (mod 4).
Therefore, m 0, 1, 4, 9 (mod 12). ni1 Third, for each i, the two numbers pn1 pi1 and pni have no common prime 1 i divisor. Hence some linear combination is equal to 1 by the Euclidean Algorithm. So the principal ideals they generate are comaximal. Hence by induction on N , the Chinese Remainder Theorem yields Z/n =
N i=1
Z/pni . i
So m is idempotent modulo n if and only if m is idempotent modulo pni for all i; hence, if and only if m is 0 or 1 modulo pni for all i by the rst case. Thus there are 2N idempotents in Z/n. Exercise (1.14). Let R := R R be a product of rings, a R an ideal. Show a = a a with a R and a R ideals. Show R/a = (R /a ) (R /a ). Answer: Set a := {x | (x , 0) a} and a := {x | (0, x ) a}. Clearly a R and a R are ideals. Clearly,
a a 0 + 0 a = a a . The opposite inclusion holds, because if a (x , x ), then a (x , x ) (1, 0) = (x , 0) and a (x , x ) (0, 1) = (0, x ). Updated 11/09/15 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises
2. Prime Ideals
Finally, the equation R/a = (R/a ) (R/a ) is now clear from the construction of the residue class ring.
2. Prime Ideals
Exercise (2.2). Let a and b be ideals, and p a prime ideal. Prove that these conditions are equivalent: (1) a p or b p; and (2) a b p; and (3) ab p. Answer: Trivially, (1) implies (2). If (2) holds, then (3) follows as ab a b. Finally, assume a p and b p. Then there are x a and y b with x, y p. / Hence, since p is prime, xy p. However, xy ab. Thus (3) implies (1). / Exercise (2.4). Given a prime number p and an integer n 2, prove that the residue ring Z/pn does not contain a domain. Answer: Any subring of Z/pn must contain 1, and 1 generates Z/pn as an abelian group. So Z/pn contains no proper subrings. However, Z/pn is not a domain, because in it, p pn1 = 0 but neither p nor pn1 is 0. Exercise (2.5). Let R := R R be a product of two rings. Show that R is a domain if and only if either R or R is a domain and the other is 0. Answer: Suppose R is a domain. Since (1, 0)(0, 1) = (0, 0), either (1, 0) = (0, 0) or (0, 1) = (0, 0). Correspondingly, either R = 0 and R = R , or R = 0 and R = R . The assertion is now obvious. Exercise (2.10). Let R be a domain, and R[X1 , . . . , Xn ] the polynomial ring in n variables. Let m n, and set p := X1 , . . . , Xm . Prove p is a prime ideal. Answer: Simply combine (2.9), (2.3), and (1.8)
Exercise (2.11). Let R := R R be a product of rings. Show every prime ideal of R has the form p R with p R prime or R p with p R prime. Answer: Simply combine (1.14), (2.9), and (2.5).
Exercise (2.15). Let k be a eld, R a nonzero ring, and : k R a homomorphism. Prove is injective. Answer: By (1.1), 1 = 0 in R. So Ker() = k. So Ker() = 0 by (2.14). Thus is injective. Exercise (2.18). Prove the following statements or give a counterexample. (1) (2) (3) (4) The complement of a multiplicative set is a prime ideal. Given two prime ideals, their intersection is prime. Given two prime ideals, their sum is prime. Given a ring homomorphism : R R , the operation 1 carries maximal ideals of R to maximal ideals of R. (5) In (1.7), 1 takes maximal ideals of R/a to maximal ideals of R. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/09/22
3. Radicals
Answer: (1) False. In the ring Z, consider the set S of powers of 2. The complement T of S contains 3 and 5, but not 8; so T is not an ideal. (2) False. In the ring Z, consider the prime ideals 2 and 3; their intersection 2 3 is equal to 6, which is not prime. (3) False. Since 2 3 5 = 1, we have 3 + 5 = Z. (4) False. Let : Z Q be the inclusion map. Then 1 0 = 0. (5) True. The assertion is immediate from (1.7). Exercise (2.21). Prove that, in a PID, elements x and y are relatively prime (share no prime factor) if and only if the ideals x and y are comaximal. Answer: Say x + y = d. Then d = gcd(x, y), as is easy to check. The assertion is now obvious. Exercise (2.24). Preserve the setup of (2.23). Let f := a0 X n + + an be a polynomial of positive degree n. Assume that R has innitely many prime elements p, or simply that there is a p such that p a0 . Show that f is not maximal. Answer: Set a := p, f . Then a f , because p is not a multiple of f . Set k := R/p. Since p is irreducible, k is a domain by (2.6) and (2.8). Let f k[X] denote the image of f . By hypothesis, deg(f ) = n 1. Hence f is not a unit by (2.3) since k is a domain. Therefore, f is proper. But P/a k[X]/f by (1.5) and (1.7). So a is proper. Thus f is not maximal.
3. Radicals
Exercise (3.6). Let A be a ring, m a maximal ideal such that 1 + m is a unit for every m m. Prove A is local. Is this assertion still true if m is not maximal? Answer: Take y A. Lets prove that, if y m, then y is a unit. Since m is / maximal, y + m = A. Hence there exist x R and m m such that xy + m = 1, or in other words, xy = 1 m. So xy is a unit by hypothesis; whence, y is a unit. Thus A is local by (3.4). The assertion is not true if m is not maximal. Indeed, take any ring that is not local, for example Z, and take m := 0. Exercise (3.10). Let : R R be a map of rings, p an ideal of R. Prove (1) there is an ideal q of R with 1 (q) = p if and only if 1 (pR ) = p; (2) if p is prime with 1 (pR ) = p, then theres a prime q of R with 1 (q) = p. Answer: In (1), given q, note (p) q, as always (1 (q)) q. So pR q. Hence 1 (pR ) 1 (q) = p. But, always p 1 (pR ). Thus 1 (pR ) = p. The converse is trivial: take q := pR . In (2), set S := (R p). Then S pR = , as (x) pR implies x 1 (pR ) and 1 (pR ) = p. So theres a prime q of R containing pR and disjoint from S by (3.9). So 1 (q) 1 (pR ) = p and 1 (q) (R p) = . Thus 1 (q) = p. Exercise (3.11). Use Zorns lemma to prove that any prime ideal p contains a minimal prime ideal. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/09/22
3. Radicals
Answer: Let S be the set of all prime ideals contained in p. Then p S, so S = . Order S by reverse inclusion. To apply Zorns Lemma, we must show that, for any decreasing chain {p } of prime ideals, the intersection p0 := p is a prime ideal. So take x, y p0 . Then there exists such that x, y p . Since p is prime, / / xy p . Hence xy p0 . Thus p0 is prime. / / Exercise (3.14). Find the nilpotents in Z/n. In particular, take n = 12. Answer: An integer m is nilpotent modulo n if and only if some power mk is divisible by n. The latter holds if and only if every prime factor of n occurs in m. In particular, in Z/12, the nilpotents are 0 and 6. Exercise (3.15). Let : R R be a ring map, b R a subset. Prove 1 b = 1 b. Answer: Below, (1) is clearly equivalent to (2); and (2), to (3); and so forth: (1) x 1 b; (4) (xn ) b for some n; (5) xn 1 b for some n; (2) x b; n (3) (x) b for some n; (6) x 1 b. Exercise (3.16). Let R be a ring, a 0 an ideal, and P := R[Y ] the polynomial ring in one variable. Let u R be a unit, and x R a nilpotent. (1) Prove (a) that u + x is a unit in R and (b) that u + xY is a unit in P . (2) Suppose w R maps to a unit of R/a. Prove that w is a unit in R. Answer: In (1), say xn = 0. Set y := xu1 . Then (a) holds as (u + x) u1 (1 + y + y 2 + + y n1 ) = 1. Now, u is also a unit in P , and (xY )n = 0; hence, (a) implies (b). In (2), say wy R maps to 1 R/a. Set z := wy 1. Then z a, so z is nilpotent. Hence, 1+z is a unit by (1)(a). So wy is a unit. Then wy(wy)1 = 1. Exercise (3.19). Let R be a ring, and a )an ideal. Assume a is nitely ( n generated. Show there is an n 1 such that a a. Answer: Let x1 , . . xm be generators of a. For each there is ni such that ., i, m xni a. Set n := 1 + (ni 1). Given a a, write a = i=1 yi xi with yi R. i m Then an is a linear combination of terms of the form xj1 xjm m with ji = n. 1 i=1 Hence ji n for some i, because if ji ni 1 for all i, then ji (ni 1). Thus an a, as desired. Exercise (3.20). Let R be a ring, q an ideal, p a nitely generated prime. Prove that p = q if and only if there is n 1 such that p q pn . Answer: If p = q, then p q pn by (3.19). Conversely, if q pn , then clearly q p . Further, since p is prime, if p q, then p q. Exercise (3.22). Let R be a ring. Assume R is reduced and has nitely many minimal prime ideals p1 , . . . , pn . Prove that : R (R/pi ) is injective, and for each i, there is some (x1 , . . . , xn ) Im() with xi = 0 but xj = 0 for j = i. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/09/22
4. Modules
Answer: Clearly Ker() = pi . Now, R is reduced and the pi are its minimal primes; hence, (3.17) and (3.11) yield 0 = 0 = pi . Thus Ker() = 0, and so is injective. Finally, x i. Since pi is minimal, pi pj for j = i; say aj pj pi . Set a := j=i aj . Then a pj pi for all j = i. Thus Im() meets R/pi .
4. Modules
Exercise (4.3). Let R be a ring, M a module. Consider the set map : Hom(R, M ) M dened by () := (1). Show that is an isomorphism, and describe its inverse. Answer: First o, is R-linear, because (x + x ) = (x + x )(1) = x(1) + x (1) = x() + x ( ). Set H := Hom(R, M ). Dene : M H by (m)(x) := xm. It is easy to check that = 1H and = 1M . Thus and are inverse isomorphisms by (4.2). Exercise (4.12). Let R be a domain, and x R nonzero. Let M be the submodule of Frac(R) generated by 1, x1 , x2 , . . . . Suppose that M is nitely generated. Prove that x1 R, and conclude that M = R. ni Answer: Suppose M is generated by m1 , . . . , mk . Say mi = j=0 aij xj for some ni and aij R. Set n := max{ni }. Then 1, x1 , . . . , xn generate M . So x(n+1) = an xn + + a1 x1 + a0 for some ai R. Thus x1 = an + + a1 xn1 + a0 xn R. Finally, as x1 R and R is a ring, also 1, x1 , x2 , . . . R; so M R. Conversely, M R as 1 M . Thus M = R. Exercise (4.14). Let be an innite set, R a ring for . Endow R and R with componentwise addition and multiplication. Show that R has a multiplicative identity (so is a ring), but that R does not (so is not a ring). Answer: Consider the vector (1) whose every component is 1. Obviously, (1) is a multiplicative identity of R . On the other hand, no restricted vector (e ) can be a multiplicative identity in R ; indeed, because is innite, e must be zero for some . So (e ) (x ) = (x ) if x = 0. Exercise (4.15). Let R be a ring, L, M , and N modules. Consider a diagram L M N where , , , and are homomorphisms. Prove that M =LN and = L , = N , = N , = L Updated 11/09/29
Answer: If M = L N and = L , = N , = N , = L , then the denitions immediately yield + = 1 and = 0, = 1, = 0, = 1. Conversely, assume + = 1 and = 0, = 1, = 0, = 1. Consider the maps : M L N and : L N M given by m := (m, m) and (l, n) := l + n. They are inverse isomorphisms, because (l, n) = (l + n, l + n) = (l, n) and m = m + m = m. Lastly, = N and = L by denition of , and = L and = N by denition of . Exercise (4.16). Let R be a ring, N a module, a set, M a module for . Show that the injections : M M induce an injection Hom(N, M ) Hom(N, M ), and that it is an isomorphism if N is nitely generated. Answer: For , let : N M be maps, almost all 0. Then ( ) ( ) (n) = (n) M . So if = 0, then = 0 for all . Thus the induce an injection. Assume N is nitely generated, say by n1 , . . . k . Let : N ,n M be a map. Then each (ni ) lies in a nite direct subsum of M . So (N ) lies in one too. Set := for all . Then almost all vanish. So ( ) lies in Hom(N, M ), and = . Thus the induce a surjection, so an isomorphism. Exercise (4.17). Let R be a ring, a an ideal, a set, M a module for . ( ) Show a M = aM . Show a( M ) = aM if a is nitely generated. ( ) Answer: First, a M aM because a (m ) = (am ). Conversely, ( ) a M ( aM because (a m ) = a m since the sum is nite. ) Second, a M ( aM) as a(m ) = (am ). Conversely, say a is generated by f1 , . . . , fn . Then a M aM . Indeed, take (m ) aM . Then for n each , there is n such that m = j=1 aj mj with aj a and mj M . n Write aj = i=1 xji fi with xji R. Then ( ) ( ) n n n n ( ) (m ) = fi xji mj = fi xji mj a M .
j=1 i=1 i=1 j=1
5. Exact Sequences
Exercise (5.5). Let M and M be modules, N M a submodule. Set M := M M . Using (5.3)(1) and (5.4) and (5.2), prove M/N = M /N M . Answer: By (5.3)(1) and (5.4), the two sequences 0 M M 0 and 0 N M M /N 0 are exact. So by (5.2), the sequence 0 N M M (M /N ) M 0 is exact. Thus (5.4) yields the assertion. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/09/29
5. Exact Sequences
Exercise (5.6). Let 0 M M M 0 be a short exact sequence of R-modules. Prove that, if M and M are nitely generated, then so is M . Answer: Let m , . . . , m M map to elements generating M . Let m M , n 1 and write its image in M as a linear combination of the images of the m . Let i m M be the same combination of the m . Set m := m m . Then m maps i to 0 in M ; so m is the image of an element of M . Let m , . . . , m M be the images of elements generating M . Then m is a 1 l linear combination of the m . So m is a linear combination of the m and m . j i j Thus the m and m together generate M . j i Exercise (5.10). Let M , M be modules, and set M := M M . Let N be a submodule of M containing M , and set N := N M . Prove N = M N . Answer: Form the sequence 0 M N M N 0. It splits by (5.9) as (M |N ) M = 1M . Finally, if (m , m ) N , then (0, m ) N as M N ; hence, M N = N . Exercise (5.11). Criticize the following misstatement of (5.9): given a short exact sequence 0 M M M 0, there is an isomorphism M M M if and only if there is a section : M M of . Answer: We have : M M , and M : M M M , but (5.9) requires that they be compatible with the isomorphism M M M , and similarly for : M M and M : M M M . Lets construct a counterexample (due to B. Noohi). For each integer n 2, let Mn be the direct sum of countably many copies of Z/n. Set M := Mn . First, let us check these two statements: (1) For any nite abelian group G, we have G M M . (2) For any nite subgroup G M , we have M/G M . Statement (1) holds since G is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of Z/n for various n by the structure theorem for nite abelian groups [Artin, (6.4), p. 472]. To prove (2), write M = B M , where B contains G and involves only nitely many components of M . Then M M . Therefore, (5.10) and (1) yield M/G (B/G) M M. To construct the counterexample, let p be a prime number. Take one of the Z/p2 components of M , and let M Z/p2 be the cyclic subgroup of order p. There is no retraction Z/p2 M , so there is no retraction M M either, since the latter would induce the former. Finally, take M := M/M . Then (1) and (2) yield M M M . Exercise (5.13). Referring to (4.8), give an alternative proof that is an isomorphism by applying the Snake Lemma to the diagram 0 M N N/M 0
/ 0 M/L N/L (N/L) (M/L) 0 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/09/29
5. Exact Sequences Answer: The Snake Lemma yields an exact sequence, L L Ker() 0; hence, Ker() = 0. Moreover, is surjective because and are. Exercise (5.14) (Five Lemma). Consider this commutative diagram:
4 3 2 1 M4 M3 M2 M1 M0 4 3 2 1 0
N4 N3 N2 N1 N0 Assume it has exact rows. Via a chase, prove these two statements: (1) If 3 and 1 are surjective and if 0 is injective, then 2 is surjective. (2) If 3 and 1 are injective and if 4 is surjective, then 2 is injective. Answer: Lets prove (1). Take n2 N2 . Since 1 is surjective, there is m1 M1 such that 1 (m1 ) = 2 (n2 ). Then 0 1 (m1 ) = 1 1 (m1 ) = 1 2 (n2 ) = 0 by commutativity and exactness. Since 0 is injective, 1 (m1 ) = 0. Hence exactness yields m2 M2 with 2 (m2 ) = m1 . So 2 (2 (m2 ) n2 ) = 1 2 (m2 ) 2 (n2 ) = 0. Hence exactness yields n3 N3 with 3 (n3 ) = 2 (m2 )n2 . Since 3 is surjective, there is m3 M3 with 3 (m3 ) = n3 . Then 2 3 (m3 ) = 3 3 (m3 ) = 2 (m2 ) n2 . Hence 2 (m2 3 (m3 )) = n2 . Thus 2 is surjective. The proof of (2) is similar. Exercise (5.15) (Nine Lemma). Consider this commutative diagram: 0 0 0
0 L L L 0 0 M M M 0 0 N N N 0 0 0 0 Assume all the columns are exact and the middle row is exact. Prove that the rst row is exact if and only if the third is. Answer: The rst row is exact if the third is owing to the Snake Lemma (5.12) applied to the bottom two rows. The converse is proved similarly. Exercise (5.16). Consider this commutative diagram with exact rows: M M M
N N N Assume and are surjective. Given n N and m M with (m ) = (n), show that there is m M such that (m) = n and (m) = m . 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/09/29
6. Direct limits
Since is surjective, there is m1 M with (m1 ) = m . Then Answer: ) ( n(m1 ) = 0 as (m ) = (n) and as the right-hand square is commutative. So by exactness of the bottom row, there is n N with (n ) = n (m1 ). Since is surjective, there is m M with (m ) = n . Set m := m1 + (m ). Then (m) = m as = 0. Further, (m) = (m1 ) + (n ) = n as the left-hand square is commutative. Thus m works. Exercise (5.21). Show that a free module R is projective. Answer: Given : M N and : R N , use the UMP of (4.10) to dene : R M by sending the standard basis vector e to any lift of (e ), that is, any m M with (m ) = (e ). (Note that the Axiom of Choice is needed to make a simultaneous choice of all lifts if is innite.) Clearly = . Thus R is projective.
6. Direct limits
Exercise (6.3). (1) Show that the condition (6.2)(1) is equivalent to the commutativity of the corresponding diagram: ( ) HomC (B, C) HomC F (B), F (C) ( ) HomC (A, C) HomC F (A), F (C) (2) Given : C D, show (6.2)(1) yields the commutativity of this diagram: ( ) HomC (B, C) HomC F (B), F (C) ( ) HomC (A, D) HomC F (A), F (D) Answer: The left-hand vertical map is given by composition with , and the right-hand vertical map is given by composition with F (). So the composition of the top map and the right-hand map sends to F ()F (), whereas the composition of the left-hand map with the bottom map sends to F (). These two images are always equal if and only if the diagram commutes. Thus (1) holds if and only if the diagram commutes. As to (2), the argument is similar. Exercise (6.5). Let C and C be categories, F : C C and F : C C an adjoint pair. Let A,A : HomC (F A, A ) HomC (A, F A ) denote the natural bijection, and set A := A,F A (1F A ). Do the following: (1) Prove A is natural in A; that is, given g : A B, the induced square A F A F g
B A F Fg
B F F B is commutative. We call the natural transformation A A the unit of (F, F ). (2) Given f : F A A , prove A,A (f ) = F f A . (3) Prove the natural map A : A F F A is universal from A to F ; that is, 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/06
6. Direct limits
given f : A F A , there is a unique map f : F A A with F f A = f . (4) Conversely, instead of assuming (F, F ) is an adjoint pair, assume given a natural transformation : 1C F F satisfying (1) and (3). Prove the equation in (2) denes a natural bijection making (F, F ) an adjoint pair, whose unit is . (5) Identify the units in the two examples in (6.4): the free module functor and the polynomial ring functor. (Dually, we can dene a counit : F F 1C , and prove similar statements.) Answer: For (1), form this canonical diagram, with horizontal induced maps: HomC (F A, F A) HomC (F A, F B) HomC (F B, F B) B, F B A, F B A, F A HomC (A, F F A) HomC (A, F F B) HomC (B, F F B) It commutes since is natural. Follow 1F A out of the upper left corner to nd F F g A = A, F B (g) in HomC (A, F F B). Follow 1F B out of the upper right corner to nd A, F B (g) = B g in HomC (A, F F B). Thus (F F g) A = B g. For (2), form this canonical commutative diagram: HomC (F A, F A) HomC (F A, A ) A,A A, F A HomC (A, F F A) HomC (A, F A ) Follow 1F A out of the upper left-hand corner to nd A,A (f ) = F f A . For (3), given an f , note that (2) yields A,A (f ) = f ; whence, f = 1 (f ). A,A Thus f is unique. Further, an f exists: just set f := 1 (f ). A,A For (4), set A,A (f ) := F f A . As A is universal, given f : A F A , there is a unique f : F A A with F f A = f . Thus A,A is a bijection:
A,A : HomC (F A, A ) HomC (A, F A ). (F f ) f (F F g) g (F g) (F g)
Also, A,A is natural in A, as A is natural in A and F is a functor. And, A,A is natural in A , as F is a functor. Clearly, A, F A (1F A ) = A . Thus (4) holds. For (5), use the notation of (6.4). Clearly, if F is the free module functor, then : R carries an element of to the corresponding standard basis vector. Further, if F is the polynomial ring functor and if A is the set of variables X1 , . . . , Xn , then A (Xi ) is just Xi viewed in R[X1 , . . . , Xn ]. Exercise (6.9). Let : L M and : L N be two maps. Their pushout is dened as the universal example of an object P equipped with a pair of maps : M P and : N P such that = . In terms of the denitions, express the pushout as a direct limit. Show directly that, in ((Sets)), the pushout is the disjoint union M N modulo the smallest equivalence relation with m n if there is L with () = m and () = n. Show directly that, in ((R-mod)), the pushout is the direct sum M N modulo the image of L under the map (, ). Answer: Let be the category with three objects , , and and two nonidentity maps and . Dene a functor M by M := L, M := M , 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/06
6. Direct limits
M := N , := , and := . Set Q := lim M . Then writing
1R 1R
N Q Q Q Q we see that Q is equal to the pushout of and ; here = and = . In ((Sets)), take and to be the inclusions followed by the quotient map. Clearly = . Further, given P and maps : M P and : N P , they dene a unique map M N P , and it factors through the quotient if and only if = . Thus (M N )/ is the pushout. In ((R-mod)), take and to be the inclusions followed by the quotient map. Then for all L, clearly M () N () = ((), ()). So M () N () is in Im(L); hence, M () and N () have the same image in the quotient. Thus = . Given : M P and : N P , let : M N P be the induced map. Clearly factors through the quotient if and only if with = . Thus (M N )/ Im(L) is the pushout. Exercise (6.16). Let C be a category, and small categories. (1) Prove C = (C ) with (, ) M, corresponding to ( M ). (2) Assume C has direct limits indexed by and by . Prove C has direct limits indexed by . Answer: In , a map (, ) (, ) factors in two ways: (, ) (, ) (, ) and (, ) (, ) (, ). So, given a functor (, ) M, , there is a commutative diagram like (6.13.1). It shows that the map in induces a natural transformation from M, to M, . Thus the rule ( M ) is a functor from to C . A map from (, ) M, to a second functor (, ) N, is a collection of maps , : M, N, such that, for every map (, ) (, ), the square
is commutative. Factoring (, ) (, ) in two ways as above, we get a commutative cube. It shows that the , dene a map in (C ) . This passage from C to (C ) is reversible. Thus (1) holds. Assume C has direct limits indexed by and . Then C has direct limits indexed by by (6.13). So the functors lim : C C and lim : (C ) C exist, and they are the left adjoints of the diagonal functors C C and C (C ) by (6.6). Hence the composition lim lim is the left adjoint of the composition of the two diagonal functors. But the latter is just the diagonal C C owing to (1). So this diagonal has a left adjoint, which is necessarily lim(,) owing to the uniqueness of adjoints. Thus (2) holds. Exercise (6.17). Let M and N be two functors from a small category to ((R-mod)), and { : M N } a natural transformation. Show lim Coker( ) = Coker(lim M lim N ). 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/06
Show that the analogous statement for kernels can be false by constructing a counterexample using the following commutative diagram with exact rows: Z Z Z/2 0 2 2 2 Z Z Z/2 0 Answer: By (6.8), the cokernel is a direct limit, and by (6.14), direct limits commute; thus, the asserted equation holds. To construct the desired counterexample using the given diagram, view its rows as expressing the cokernel Z/2 as a direct limit over the category of (6.8). View the left two columns as expressing a natural transformation { }, and view the third column as expressing the induced map between the two limits. The latter map is 0, so its kernel is Z/2. However, Ker( ) = 0 for ; so lim Ker( ) = 0.
2 2
Answer: For each n , set Qn := Mn /Z Q/Z. If n = ms, then clearly Diagram (7.5.1) induces this one: Nm n Nn m n Qm Qn m where n is the inclusion. Now, Qn = Q/Z and Qn , Qn Qnn . So (7.2) yields Q/Z = lim Mn . Thus lim Nn = Q/Z. Exercise (7.9). Let R be a ltered direct limit of rings R . Show R = 0 if and only if R = 0 for some . Show R is a domain if R is a domain for every . Answer: If R = 0, then 1 = 0 in R ; so 1 = 0 in R as : R R carries 1 to 1 and 0 to 0; hence, R = 0 by (1.1). Conversely, assume R = 0. Then 1 = 0 in R. So 1 = 0 for any given . Hence, by (7.8)(3) with Z for R, there is such that 1 = 0. But 1 = 1. Thus 1 = 0 in R , and so R = 0 by (1.1). Suppose every R is a domain. Given x, y R with xy = 0, we can lift x, y back to x , y R for some by (7.8)(1) and (7.1)(1). Then x y maps to 0 R. Hence, by (7.8)(3), there is a transition map with (x y ) = 0 in R . However, (x y ) = (x ) (y ), and R is a domain. Hence either (x ) = 0 or (y ) = 0. Therefore, either x = 0 or y = 0. Thus R is a domain. Exercise (7.11). Let M := lim M be a ltered direct limit of modules, and N M a submodule. For each , let : M M be the insertion, and set 1 N := N M . Prove that N = lim N . Answer: The given functor M induces a functor N , and the insertions : M M induce maps : N N . So there is a map : lim N N with = . By (7.10), lim N M is injective; so is too. Further, for any m M , there is an m M such that m = m , and if m N , then m N 1 since N := N . Thus is surjective, so an isomorphism. Exercise (7.13). Let and be small categories, C : a functor. Assume is ltered. Assume C is conal ; that is, (1) given , there is a map C for some , and (2) given , : C , there is : with (C) = (C). 1 Let M be a functor from to C whose direct limit exists. Show that lim MC = lim M ; more precisely, show that the right side has the UMP characterizing the left. Answer: Let P be an object of C. For , take maps : MC P compatible with the transition maps MC MC . Given , choose a map C , and dene : M P to be the composition : M MC P. Lets check that is independent of the choice of C . Given a second choice C , there are maps and for some since is ltered. So there is a map such that the compositions 1 C C C and C C C are equal since C is conal. 1 1 Therefore, C gives rise to the same , as desired. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/06
m n
8. Tensor Products
Clearly, the are compatible with the transition maps M M . So the induce a map : lim M P with = for every insertion : M lim M . In particular, this equation holds when = C for any , as required. Exercise (7.14). Show that every R-module M is the ltered direct limit over a directed set of nitely presented modules. Answer: By (5.19), there is a presentation R1 R2 M 0. For i = 1, 2, let i be the set of nite subsets i of i , and order i by inclusion. Clearly, an inclusion i i yields an injection Ri Ri , which is given by extending vectors by 0. Hence (7.2) yields lim Ri = Ri . Let 1 2 be the set of pairs := (1 , 2 ) such that induces a map : R1 R2 . Order by componentwise inclusion. Clearly, is directed. For , set M := Coker( ). Then M is nitely presented. For i = 1, 2, the projection Ci : i is surjective, so conal. Hence, (7.13) yields lim RCi = lim Ri . Thus (6.17) yields lim M = M . i i
8. Tensor Products
Exercise (8.6). Let R be a domain. Set K := Frac(R). Given a nonzero submodule M K, show that M R K = K. Answer: Dene a map : a K K by (x, y) := xy. It is clearly R-bilinear. Given any R-bilinear map : aK P , x a nonzero z a, and dene an R-linear map : K P by (y) := (z, y/z). Then = as (x, y) = (xz, y/z) = (z, xy/z) = (xy) = (x, y). Clearly, is surjective. So is unique with this property. Thus the UMP implies that K = a R K. (Also, as is unique, is independent of the choice of z.) Alternatively, form the linear map : a K K induced by the bilinear map . Since is surjective, so is . Now, given any w a K, say w = ai xi /x with all xi and x in R. Set a := ai xi a. Then w = a (1/x). Hence, if (w) = 0, then a/x = 0; so a = 0 and so w = 0. Thus is injective, so bijective. Exercise (8.8). Let R be a ring, R an R-algebra, M, N two R -modules. Show there is a canonical R-linear map : M R N M R N . Let K M R N denote the R-submodule generated by all the dierences (x m) n m (x n) for x R and m M and n N . Show K = Ker( ). Show is surjective, and is an isomorphism if R is a quotient of R. Answer: The canonical map : M N M R N is R -bilinear, so R-bilinear. Hence, by (8.3), it factors: = where : M N M R N is the canonical map and is the desired map. Set Q := (M R N )/K. Then factors through a map : Q M R N since each generator (x m) n m (x n) of K maps to 0 in M R N . By (8.7), there is an R -structure on M R N with y (m n) = m (y n), and so by (8.5)(1), another one with y (m n) = (y m) n. Clearly, K is a submodule for each structure, so Q is too. But on Q the two structures coincide. Further, the canonical map M N Q is R -bilinear. Hence the latter factors through M R N , furnishing an inverse to . So : Q M R N . Hence Ker( ) is 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/13
8. Tensor Products
equal to K, and is surjective. Finally, suppose R is a quotient of R. Then every x R is the residue of some x R. So each (x m) n m (x n) is equal to 0 in M R N as x m = xm and x n = xn. Hence Ker( ) vanishes. Thus is an isomorphism. Exercise (8.13). Let R be a ring, a and b ideals, and M a module. (1) Use (8.11) to show that (R/a) M = M/aM . (2) Use (1) to show that (R/a) (R/b) = R/(a + b). Answer: To prove (1), view R/a as the cokernel of the inclusion a R. Then (8.11) implies that (R/a)M is the cokernel of aM R M . Now, R M = M and x m = xm by (8.5)(2). Correspondingly, a M M has aM as image. The assertion follows. (Caution: a M M neednt be injective; if its not, then a M = aM . For example, take R := Z, take a := 2, and take M := Z/2; then a M M is just multiplication by 2 on Z/2, and so aM = 0.) To prove (2), apply (1) with M := R/b. Note a(R/b) = (a + b)/b. Hence / R/a R/b = (R/b) ((a + b)/b). The latter is equal to R/(a + b) by (4.8).
Exercise (8.14). Let k be a eld, M and N nonzero vector spaces. Prove that M N = 0. Answer: Since k is a eld, M and N are free; say M = k and N = k . Then (8.11) yields M N = k () as kk = k by (8.5)(2). Thus M N = 0. Exercise (8.16). Let F : ((R-mod)) ((R-mod)) be a linear functor. Show that F always preserves nite direct sums. Show that (M ) : M F (R) F (M ) is surjective if F preserves surjections and M is nitely generated, and that (M ) is an isomorphism if F preserves cokernels and M is nitely presented. Answer: The rst assertion follows immediately from the characterization of nite direct sum in terms of maps (4.15), since F preserves the stated relations. The second assertion follows from the rst via the second part of the proof of Watts Theorem (8.15), but with and nite. Exercise (8.20). Let X be a variable, a complex cubic root of 1, and 3 2 the real cube root of 2. Set k := Q() and K := k[ 3 2]. Show K = k[X]/X 3 2 and then K k K = K K K. Answer: Note is a root of X 2 + X + 1, which is irreducible over Q; hence, [k : Q] = 2. But the three roots of X 3 2 are 3 2 and 3 2 and 2 3 2. Therefore, X 3 2 has no root in k. So X 3 2 is irreducible over k. Thus k[X]/X 3 2 K. Note K[X] = K k k[X] as k-algebras by (8.19). So (8.5)(2) and (8.10) and (8.13)(1) yield / / k[X] X 3 2 k K = k[X] X 3 2 k[X] (k[X] k K) / / = k[X] X 3 2 k[X] K[X] = K[X] X 3 2. However, X 3 2 factors in K as follows: )( )( ) ( 3 3 3 X 3 2 = X 2 X 2 X 2 2 . 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/13
9. Flatness So the Chinese Remainder Theorem, (1.12), yields / K[X] X 3 2 = K K K, because K[X]/X i 3 2 K for any i by (1.6).
9. Flatness
Exercise (9.7). Let R be a ring, R a at algebra, and P a at R -module. Show that P is a at R-module. Answer: Cancellation (8.10) yields R P = ( R R ) R P . But R R and R P are exact. Hence, R P is too. Thus P is R-at. Exercise (9.8). Let R be a ring, M a at module, and R an algebra. Show that M R R is a at R -module. Answer: Cancellation (8.10) yields (M R R ) R = M R . Therefore, (M R R ) R is exact. Thus M R R is R -at. Exercise (9.9). Let R be a ring, a an ideal. Assume that R/a is R-at. Show that a = a2 . Answer: Take the short exact sequence 0 a R R/a 0, and tensor it with R/a. Then the atness of R/a yields the exactness of this sequence: 0 a R (R/a) R R (R/a) (R/a) R (R/a) 0. The left-hand term is equal to a/a2 by (8.13). By the same token, is bijective. Hence a/a2 = 0. Thus a = a2 . Exercise (9.13). Let R be a ring, R an algebra, M and N modules. Show that there is a canonical map : HomR (M, N ) R R HomR (M R R , N R R ). Assume R is at over R. Show that if M is nitely generated, then is injective, and that if M is nitely presented, then is an isomorphism. Answer: Simply put R := R and P := R in (9.13), put P := N R R in the second equation in (8.10), and combine the two results. Exercise (9.17) (Equational Criterion for Flatness). Show that Condition (9.16)(4) can be reformulated as follows: For every relation i xi yi = 0 with xi R and yi M , there are xij R and yj M such that (9.17.1) j xij yj = yi for all i and i xij xi = 0 for all j. Answer: Assume (9.16)(4) holds. Let e1 , . . . , em be the standard basis of Rm . m Given a relation 1 xi yi = 0, dene : Rm M by (ei ) := yi for each i. Set k := xi ei . Then (k) = 0. So (9.16)(4) yields a factorization : Rm Rn M with (k) = 0. Let e , . . . , e be the standard basis of Rn , and set yj := (e ) n 1 j for each j. Let (xij ) be the n m matrix of ; that is, (ei ) = xji e . Then j yi = xji yj . Now, (k) = 0; hence, i,j xji xi e = 0. Thus (9.17.1) holds. j Conversely, given : Rm M and k Ker(), write k = xi ei . Assume (9.17.1). Let : Rm Rn be the map with matrix (xij ); that is, (ei ) = xji e . j 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/19
Then (k) = xi xji e = 0. Dene : Rn M by (e ) := yj . Then (ei ) = yi ; j j hence, = . Thus (9.16)(4) holds. Exercise (9.20). Let R be a domain, M a module. Prove that, if M is at, then M is torsion free; that is, x : M M is injective for all nonzero x R. Prove that, conversely, if R is a PID and M is torsion free, then M is at. Answer: Since R is a domain, x : R R is injective. So if M is at, then x M : R M R M is injective too. But R M = M by (8.5). Conversely, assume R is a PID and M is torsion free. Let a be a nonzero ideal, say a = x. Dene : R a by (y) := xy. Then is injective as R is a domain and x = 0. Further, is surjective as a = x. So is bijective. Consider the composition : M = R M a M M. Clearly, = x . So is injective since M is torsion free. Hence a M M is injective too. So M is at by the Ideal Criterion (9.18).
Exercise (10.10). Let A be a local ring, m the maximal ideal, M a nitely generated A-module, and m1 , . . . , mn M . Set k := A/m and M := M/mM , and write m for the image of mi in M . Prove that m , . . . , m M form a basis of n 1 i the k-vector space M if and only if m1 , . . . , mn form a minimal generating set of M (that is, no proper subset generates M ), and prove that every minimal generating set of M has the same number of elements. Answer: By (10.9), reduction mod m gives a bijective correspondence between generating sets of M as an A-module, and generating sets of M as an A-module, or equivalently by (4.5), as an k-vector space. This correspondence preserves inclusion. Hence, a minimal generating set of M corresponds to a minimal generating set of M , that is, to a basis. But any two bases have the same number of elements. Exercise (10.11). Let A be a local ring, k its residue eld, M and N nitely generated modules. (1) Show that M = 0 if and only if M A k = 0. (2) Show that M A N = 0 if M = 0 and N = 0. Answer: Let m be the maximal ideal. Then M k = M/mM by (8.13)(1). So (1) is nothing but a form of Nakayamas lemma (10.8). In (2), M k = 0 and N k = 0 by (1). So (M k) (N k) = 0 by (8.14) and (8.8). But (M k) (N k) = (M N ) (k k) by the associative and commutative laws. Finally, k k = k by (8.13)(1) or by (8.8) and the unitary 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/20
Exercise (10.14). Let G be a nite group acting on a domain R, and R the ring of invariants. Show every x R is integral over R , in fact, over the subring R generated by the elementary symmetric functions in the conjugates gx for g G. Answer: Given an x R, form F (X) := gG (X gx). Then the coecients of F (X) are the elementary symmetric functions in the conjugates gx for g G; hence, they are invariant under the action of G. So F (x) = 0 is a relation of integral dependence for x over R , in fact, over its subring R . Exercise (10.16). Let k be a eld, P := k[X] the polynomial ring in one variable, f P . Set R := k[X 2 ] P . Using the free basis 1, X of P over R, nd an explicit equation of integral dependence of degree 2 on R for f . Answer: Write f = fe + fo , where fe and fo are the polynomials formed by the terms of f of even and odd degrees. Say fo = gX. Then the matrix of f is ( f gX 2 ) 2 2 e . Its characteristic polynomial is T 2 2fe T + fe fo . So the Cayley g fe 2 2 Hamilton Theorem (10.1) yields f 2 2fe f + fe fo = 0. Exercise (10.21). Let R1 , . . . , Rn be R-algebras that are integral over R. Show that their product Ri is a integral over R. n Answer: Let y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) i=1 Ri . Since Ri /R is integral, R[yi ] is a n module-nite R-subalgebra module-nite R-subalgebra of Ri . Hence i=1 R[yi ] is a n n of i=1 Ri by (4.14) and induction on n. Now, y i=1 R[yi ]. Therefore, y is n integral over R. Thus i=1 Ri is integral over R.
Exercise (10.23). For 1 i let Ri be a ring, Ri an extension of Ri , r, and xi Ri . Set R := Ri , set R := Ri , and set x := (x1 , . . . , xr ). Prove (1) x is integral over R if and only if xi is integral over Ri for each i; (2) R is integrally closed in R if and only if each Ri is integrally closed in Ri .
Answer: Assume x is integral over R. Say xn + a1 xn1 + + an = 0 with aj R. Say aj =: (a1j , . . . , arj ). Fix i. Then xn + ai1 xn1 + + ain = 0. So xi i is integral over Ri . Conversely, assume each xi is integral over Ri . Say xni +ai1 xni 1 + +aini = 0. i i Set n := max ni , set aij := 0 for j > ni , and set aj := (a1j , . . . , arj ) R for each j. Then xn + a1 xn1 + + an = 0. Thus x is integral over R. Thus (1) holds. Assertion (2) is an immediate consequence of (1). Exercise (10.27). Let k be a eld, X and Y variables. Set R := k[X, Y ]/Y 2 X 2 X 3 , and let x, y R be the residues of X, Y . Prove that R is a domain, but not a eld. Set t := y/x Frac(R). Prove that k[t] is the integral closure of R in Frac(R). Answer: As k[X, Y ] is a UFD and Y 2 X 2 X 3 is irreducible, Y 2 X 2 X 3 is prime by (2.6); however, it is not maximal by (2.24). Hence R is a domain by (2.9), but not a eld by (2.16). Note y 2 x2 x3 = 0. Hence x = t2 1 and y = t3 t. So k[t] k[x, y] = R. Further, t is integral over R; so k[t] is integral over R by (2)(1) of (10.20). Finally, k[t] has Frac(R) as fraction eld. Further, Frac(R) = R, so x and y 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/20
cannot be algebraic over k; hence, t must be transcendental. So k[t] is normal by (10.26)(1). Thus k[t] is the integral closure of R in Frac(R).
Thus although is reexive and symmetric, it is not transitive if R = 0. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises
Updated 11/10/27
11. Localization of Rings Exercise (11.14). Let R be a ring, S a multiplicative set. Prove that nil(R)(S 1 R) = nil(S 1 R).
Answer: Proceed by double inclusion. Given an element of nil(R)(S 1 R), put it in the form x/s with x nil(R) and s S using (11.11)(1). Then xn = 0 for some n 1. So (x/s)n = 0. So x/s nil(S 1 R). Thus nil(R)(S 1 R) nil(S 1 R). Conversely, take x/s nil(S 1 R). Then (x/s)m = 0 with m 1. So theres t S with txm = 0 by (11.13)(1). Then (tx)m = 0. So tx nil(R). But tx/ts = x/s. So x/s nil(R)(S 1 R) by (11.11)(1). Thus nil(R)(S 1 R) nil(S 1 R). Exercise (11.20). Let R /R be a integral extension of rings, S a multiplicative subset of R. Show that S 1 R is integral over S 1 R. Answer: Given x/s S 1 R , let xn + an1 xn1 + + a0 = 0 be an equation of integral dependence of x on R. Then (x/s)n + (an1 /1)(1/s)(x/s)n1 + + a0 (1/s)n = 0 is an equation of integral dependence of x/s on S 1 R, as required.
Exercise (11.21). Let R be a domain, K its fraction eld, L a nite extension eld, and R the integral closure of R in L. Show that L is the fraction eld of R. Show that, in fact, every element of L can be expressed as a fraction b/a where b is in R and a is in R. Answer: Let x L. Then x is algebraic (integral) over K, say xn + y1 xn1 + + yn = 0 with yi K. Write yi = ai /a with a1 , . . . , an , a R. Then (ax)n + (aa1 )(ax)n1 + + an a0 = 0. Set b := ax. Then b R and x = b/a.
Exercise (11.22). Let R R be domains, K and L their fraction elds. Assume that R is a nitely generated R-algebra, and that L is a nite dimensional K-vector space. Find an f R such that Rf is module nite over Rf . Answer: Let x1 , . . . , xn generate R as an R-algebra. By (11.21), we can write xi = bi /ai where bi is integral over R and ai is in R. Set f := ai . The xi generate Rf as an Rf -algebra; so the bi do too. Hence Rf is a nitely generated Rf -module by (10.20). Exercise (11.25). Let R be a ring, S and T multiplicative sets. (1) Set T := S (T ) and assume S T . Prove T 1 R = T 1 (S 1 R) = T 1 (S 1 R). (2) Set U := {st R | s S and t T }. Prove T 1 (S 1 R) = S 1 (T 1 R) = U 1 R. (3) Let S := {t R | t t S for some t R}. Prove S 1 R = S 1 R. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/27
Answer: A proof like that of (11.23) shows T 1 R = T 1 (S 1 R). By (11.19), T (S 1 R) = T 1 (S 1 R). Thus (1) holds. As 1 T , obviously S U . So (1) yields U 1 R = U 1 (S 1 R). Now, clearly 1 U (S 1 R) = T 1 (S 1 R). Similarly, U 1 R = S 1 (T 1 R). Thus (2) holds. Finally, in any ring, a product is a unit if and only if each factor is a unit. So a homomorphism : R R carries S into R if and only if carries S into R . 1 1 Thus S R and S R are universal examples of R-algebras that satisfy equivalent conditions. Thus (3) holds. Exercise (11.28). Let R be a domain, S a multiplicative set with 0 S. / Assume R is normal. Show that S 1 R is normal. Answer: Since 0 S, clearly Frac(S 1 R) = Frac(R) owing to (11.3). Given / x Frac(R) integral over S 1 R, let xn + a1 xn1 + + an = 0 be an equation of integral dependence. Write ai = bi /si with bi R and si S, and set s := si . Then multiplying the equation by sn , we obtain (sx)n + sa1 (sx)n1 + + sn an = 0. So since R is normal, sx R. Thus x S 1 R.
Exercise (12.6). Let R be a ring, S a multiplicative set. Show that S becomes a ltered category when equipped as follows: given s, t S, set Hom(s, t) := {x R | xs = t}. Given a module M , dene a functor S ((R-mod)) as follows: for s S, set Ms := M ; to each x Hom(s, t), associate x : Ms Mt . Dene s : Ms S 1 M by s (m) := m/s. Show the s induce an isomorphism lim Ms S 1 M . 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/10/27
13. Support
Answer: Clearly, S is a category. Now, given s, t S, set u := st. Then u S; also t Hom(s, u) and s Hom(t, u). Given x, y Hom(s, t), we have xs = t and ys = t. So s Hom(t, u) and xs = ys in Hom(s, u). Thus S is ltered. Further, given x Hom(s, t), we have t x = s since m/s = xm/t as xs = t. So the s induce a homomorphism : lim Ms S 1 M . Now, every element of S 1 M is of the form m/s, and m/s =: s (m); hence, is surjective. Each m lim Ms lifts to an m Ms for some s S by (7.8)(1). Assume m = 0. Then s m = 0 as the s induce . But s m = m /s. So there is t S with tm = 0. So t m = 0 in Mst , and t m m. So m = 0. Thus is injective, so an isomorphism. Exercise (12.7). Let R be a ring, S a multiplicative set, M a module. Prove S 1 M = 0 if Ann(M ) S = . Prove the converse if M is nitely generated. Answer: Say f Ann(M ) S. Let m/t S 1 M . Then f /1 m/t = f m/t = 0. Hence m/t = 0. Thus S 1 M = 0. Conversely, assume S 1 M = 0, and m1 , . . . mn generate M . Then for each say i, there is fi S with fi mi = 0. Then fi Ann(M ) S, as desired. Exercise (12.11). Let R be a ring, S a multiplicative set, P a projective module. Then S 1 P is a projective S 1 R-module. Answer: By (5.22), there is a module K such that F := K P is free. So (12.9) yields that S 1 F = S 1 P S 1 L and that S 1 F is free over S 1 R. Hence S 1 P is a projective S 1 R-module again by (5.22). Exercise (12.13). Let R be a ring, S a multiplicative set, M and N modules. Show S 1 (M R N ) = S 1 M R N = S 1 M S 1 R S 1 N = S 1 M R S 1 N. Answer: By (12.12), S 1 (M R N ) = S 1 R R (M R N ). The latter is equal to (S 1 R R M ) R N by associativity (8.9). Again by (12.12), the latter is equal to S 1 M R N . Thus the rst equality holds. By cancellation (8.10), S 1 M R N = S 1 M S 1 R (S 1 R R N ), and the latter is equal to S 1 M S 1 R S 1 N by (12.12). Thus the second equality holds. Finally by (8.8), the kernel of the map S 1 M R S 1 N S 1 M S 1 R S 1 N is generated by elements (xm/s) (n/1) (m/1) (xn/s) with m M , n N , x R, and s S. Those elements are zero because s is an isomorphism on the S 1 R-module S 1 M R S 1 N . Thus the third equality holds. Exercise (12.24). Set R := Z and S = Z 0. Set M := n2 Z/n and N := M . Show that the map of (12.21) is not injective. Answer: Given m > 0, let en be the nth standard basis element for some n > m. Then m en = 0. Hence R : R HomR (M, M ) is injective. But S 1 M = 0, as any x M has only nitely many nonzero components; so kx = 0 for some nonzero integer k. So Hom(S 1 M, S 1 M ) = 0. Thus is not injective.
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Exercise (13.3). Let R be a ring, p Spec(R). Show that p is a closed point that is, {p} is a closed set if and only if p is a maximal ideal. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/11/03
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Answer: If p is maximal, then V(p) = {p}; so p is closed. Conversely, suppose p is not maximal. Then p m for some maximal ideal m. If p V(a), then m V(a) too. So {p} = V(a). Thus {p} is not closed. Exercise (13.10). Let R be a ring, M a module, p Supp(M ). Prove V(p) Supp(M ). Answer: Let q V(p). Then q p. So Mp = (Mq )p by (11.25)(1). Now, p Supp(M ). So Mp = 0. Hence Mq = 0. Thus q Supp(M ). Exercise (13.11). Let Z be the integers, Q the rational numbers, and set M := Q/Z. Find Supp(M ), and show that it is not Zariski closed. Answer: Let p Spec(R). Then Mp = Qp /Zp since localization is exact by (12.16). Now, Qp = Q by (12.4) and (12.1) since Q is a eld. If p = 0, then Zp = Qp since pZp Z = p by (11.15). If p = 0, then Zp = Qp . Thus Supp(M ) consists of all the nonzero primes of Z. Finally, suppose Supp(M ) = V(a). Then a lies in every nonzero prime; so a = 0. But 0 is prime. Hence 0 V(a) = Supp(M ), contradicting the above. Thus Supp(M ) is not closed. Exercise (13.13). Prove these three conditions on a ring R are equivalent: (1) R is reduced. (2) S 1 R is reduced for all multiplicatively closed sets S. (3) Rm is reduced for all maximal ideals m. Answer: Assume (1) holds. Then nil(R) = 0. But nil(R)(S 1 R) = nil(S 1 R) by (11.14). Thus (2) holds. Trivially (2) implies (3). Assume (3) holds. Then nil(Rm ) = 0. Hence nil(R)m = 0 by (11.14) and (12.2). So nil(R) = 0 by (13.12). Thus (1) holds. Exercise (13.14). Let R be a ring, the set of minimal primes. Prove this: (1) If Rp is a domain for any prime p, then the p are pairwise comaximal. n (2) Rp is a domain for any prime p and is nite if and only if R = i=1 Ri where Ri is a domain. If so, then Ri = R/pi with {p1 , . . . , pn } = . Answer: Consider (1). Suppose p, q are not comaximal. Then p + q lies in some maximal ideal m. Hence Rm contains two minimal primes, pRm and qRm , by (11.16). However, Rm is a domain by hypothesis, and so 0 is its only minimal prime. Hence pRm = qRm . So p = q. Thus (1) holds. Consider (2). Assume Rp is a domain for any p. Then R is reduced by (13.13). Assume, also, is nite. Form the canonical map : R p R/p; it is injective by (3.22), and surjective by (1) and the Chinese Remainder Theorem (1.12). Thus R is a nite product of domains. n Conversely, assume R = i=1 Ri where Ri is a domain. Let p be a prime of R. Then Rp = (Ri )p by (12.10). Each (Ri )p is a domain by (11.3). But Rp is local. So Rp = (Ri )p for some i by (2.5). Thus Rp is a domain. Further, owing to (2.11), each pi has the form pi = aj where, after renumbering, ai = 0 and aj = Rj for j = i. Thus the ith projection gives R/pi Ri . Thus (2) holds. Exercise (13.16). Let R be a ring, M a module. Prove elements m M generate M if and only if, at every maximal ideal m, their images m generate Mm . 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/11/03
Answer: The m dene a map : R{} M . By (13.15), it is surjective if ( ) ( ) {} and only if m : R{} m Mm is surjective for all m. But R{} m = Rm by (12.10). Hence (4.10)(1) yields the assertion. Exercise (13.21). Given n, prove an R-module P is locally free of rank n n if and only if P is nitely generated and Pm Rm holds at each maximal ideal m. Answer: If P is locally free of rank n, then P is nitely generated by (13.20). n n Also, for any p Spec(R), theres f R p with Pf Rf ; so Pp Rp by (12.5). As to the converse, given any prime p, take a maximal ideal m containing it. k n k Assume Pm Rm . Take a free basis p1 /f1 1 , . . . , pn /fn n of Pm over Rm . The pi n n dene a map : R P , and m : Rm Pm is bijective, so surjective. Assume P is nitely generated. Then (12.20)(1) provides f R m such that n n f : Rf Pf is surjective. Hence q : Rq Pq is surjective for every q D(f ) n by (12.5) and (12.16). Assume Pq Rq if also q is maximal. So q is bijective n by (10.4). Clearly, q = (f )(qRf ) . Hence f : Rf Pf is bijective owing to (13.15) with Rf for R, as desired.
Exercise (14.5). Let R R be an integral extension of domains, and p a prime of R. Suppose R has at least two distinct primes p and q lying over p. Show that Rp is not integral over Rp . Show that, in fact, if y lies in q , but not in p , then 1/y Rp is not integral over Rp . Answer: Suppose 1/y is integral over Rp . Say (1/y)n + a1 (1/y)n1 + + an = 0 with n 1 and ai Rp . Multiplying by y n1 , we obtain
1/y = (a1 + + an y n1 ) Rp . However, y q , so y q Rp . Hence 1 q Rp . So q (R p) = by (11.15)(3). But q R = p, a contradiction. So 1/y is not integral over Rp .
Exercise (14.6). Let k be a eld, and X an indeterminate. Set R := k[X], and Y := X 2 , and R := k[Y ]. Set p := (Y 1)R and p := (X 1)R . Is Rp integral over Rp ? Explain. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/11/03
Answer: Note that R is a domain, and that the extension R R is integral as R is generated by 1 and X as an R-module. Suppose the characteristic is not 2. Set q := (X + 1)R . Then both p and q contain Y 1, so lie over the maximal ideal p of R. Further X + 1 lies in q , but not in p . Hence Rp is not integral over Rp by (14.5). Suppose the characteristic is 2. Then (X 1)2 = Y 1. Let q R be a prime over p. Then (X 1)2 q . So p q . But p is maximal. So q = p . Thus R has just one prime p over p. Hence Rp is integral over Rp by (14.4). Exercise (14.12). Let R be a reduced ring, the set of minimal primes. Prove that z.div(R) = p p and that Rp = Frac(R/p) for any p . Answer: If p , then p z.div(R) by (14.10). Thus z.div(R) p p. Conversely, say xy = 0. If x p for some p , then y p. So if x p p, / / then y p p. But p p = 0 by the Scheinnullstellensatz (3.17) and (3.11). So y = 0. Hence if x p p, then x z.div(R). Thus z.div(R) p p. Thus / / z.div(R) = p p. Fix p . Then Rp is reduced by (13.13). Further, Rp has only one prime, namely pRp , by (11.16)(2). Hence Rp is a eld, and pRp = 0. But by (12.19), Rp /pRp = Frac(R/p). Thus Rp = Frac(R/p). Exercise (14.13). Let R be a ring, the set of minimal primes, and K the total quotient ring. Assume is nite. Prove these three conditions are equivalent: (1) R is reduced. (2) z.div(R) = p p, and Rp = Frac(R/p) for each p . (3) K/pK = Frac(R/p) for each p , and K = p K/pK. Answer: Assume (1) holds. Then (14.12) yields (2). Assume holds. Set S := R z.div(R). Let q be a prime of R with q S = . (2) Then q p p. But is nite. So q p for some p by Prime Avoidance (3.12). Hence q = p since p is minimal. But K = S 1 R. Therefore, by (11.16)(2), for p , the extensions pK are the only primes of K, and they all are both maximal and minimal. Fix p . Then K/pK = S 1 (R/p) by (12.18). So S 1 (R/p) is a eld. But clearly S 1 (R/p) Frac(R/p). Therefore, K/pK = Frac(R/p) by (2.3). Further, S Rp. Hence (11.16)(2) yields p = 1 (pK). Therefore, 1 (K pK) = Rp. S S So KpK = Rp by (11.23). But Rp = Frac(R/p) by hypothesis. Thus K has only nitely many primes, the pK; each pK is minimal, and each KpK is a domain. Therefore, (13.14)(2) yields K = p K/pK. Thus (3) holds. Assume (3) holds. Then K is a nite product of elds, and elds are reduced. But clearly, a product of reduced ring is reduced. Further, R K, and trivially, a subring of a reduced ring is reduced. Thus (1) holds. Exercise (14.15). Let R be a ring, p1 . . . , pr all its minimal primes, and K the total quotient ring. Prove that these three conditions are equivalent: (1) R is normal. (2) R is reduced and integrally closed in K. (3) R is a nite product of normal domains Ri . If so, then the Ri are equal to the R/pj up to order. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/11/03
Answer: Assume (1). Then R is reduced by (13.13). Let x K be integral over R, and m any maximal ideal. Then x/1 is integral over Rm . So x/1 Rm by hypothesis. Hence (R[x]/R)m = 0. Therefore, R[x]/R = 0 by (13.12). So x R Thus (2) holds. Assume (2). Set Ri := R/pi and Ki := Frac(Ri ). Then K = Ki by (14.13). Let Ri be the normalization of Ri . Then R Ri Ri . Further, the rst extension is integral by (10.21), and the second, by (10.23); whence, R Ri is integral by the tower property (10.19). However, R is integrally closed in K by hypothesis. Hence R = Ri = Ri . Thus (3) and the last assertion hold. Assume (3). Let p be any prime of R. Then Rp = (Ri )p by (12.10), and each (Ri )p is normal by (11.28). But Rp is local. So Rp = (Ri )p for some i by (3.5). Hence Rp is a normal domain. Thus (1) holds.
f1 , . . . , fr ; in other words, if (a) := (a1 , . . . , an ) K n and f1 (a) = 0, . . . , fr (a) = 0, then f (a) = 0 too. Prove that there are polynomials g1 , . . . , gr P and an integer N such that f N = g1 f1 + + gr fr . Answer: Set := f1 , . . . , fr . We have to show f a. But, by the Hilbert a Nullstellensatz, a is equal to the intersection of all the maximal ideals m containing a. So given an m, we have to show that f m. Set L := P/m. By the weak Nullstellensatz, L is a nite extension eld of k. So we may embed L/k as a subextension of K/k. Let ai K be the image of the variable Xi P , and set (a) := (a1 , . . . , an ) K n . Then f1 (a) = 0, . . . , fr (a) = 0. Hence f (a) = 0 by hypothesis. Therefore, f m, as desired. Exercise (15.12). Let R be a domain of (nite) dimension r, and p a nonzero prime. Prove dim(R/p) < r. Answer: Every chain of primes of R/p is of the form p0 /p ps /p where 0 p0 ps is a chain of primes of R. So s < r. Thus dim(R/p) < r. Exercise (15.13). Let R /R be an integral extension of rings. Prove that dim(R) = dim(R ). Answer: Let p0 pr be a chain of primes of R. Repeated application of Lying over, (14.3)(3), yields a chain of primes p 0 p r of R with pi = p i R for each i. Thus dim(R) dim(R ). Conversely, let p 0 p r be a chain of prime ideals of R . Set pi := p i R. Then p0 pr by Incomparability, (14.3)(2). Thus dim(R ) dim(R). Thus dim(R ) = dim(R). Exercise (15.16). Let k be a eld, R a nitely generated k-algebra, f R nonzero. Assume R is a domain. Prove that dim(R) = dim(Rf ). Answer: Note that Rf is a nitely generated R-algebra since it is obtained by adjoining 1/f . So since R is a nitely generated k-algebra, Rf is one too. Moreover, R and Rf have the same fraction eld K. Hence both dim(R) and dim(Rf ) are equal to tr. degk (K) by (15.10). Exercise (15.17). Let k be a eld, P := k[f ] the polynomial ring in one variable f . Set p := f and R := Pp . Find dim(R) and dim(Rf ). Answer: In P , the chain of primes 0 p is of maximal length by (2.6) and (2.20) or (15.10). So 0 and pR are the only primes in R by (11.16). Thus dim(R) = 1. / Set K := Frac(P ). Then Rf = K since, if a (bf n ) K with a, b P and f b, / n then a/b R and so (a/b) f Rf . Thus dim(Rf ) = 0.
Exercise (16.13). Let 0 L M N 0 be a short exact sequence of R-modules, and M1 , M2 two submodules of M . Prove or give a counterexample to this statement: if (M1 ) = (M2 ) and 1 (M1 ) = 1 (M2 ), then M1 = M2 . Answer: The statement is false: form the exact sequence 0R RR R0 with (r) := (r, 0) and (r, s) := s, and take M1 := {(t, 2t) | t R} and M2 := {(2t, t) | t R}.
(Geometrically, we can view M1 as the line determined by the origin and the point (1, 2), and M2 as the line determined by the origin and the point (2, 1). Then (M1 ) = (M2 ) = R, and 1 (M1 ) = 1 (M2 ) = 0, but M1 = M2 in R R.) Exercise (16.16). Let R be a ring, a1 , . . . , ar ideals such that each R/ai is a Noetherian ring. Prove (1) that R/ai is a Noetherian R-module, and (2) that, if ai = 0, then R too is a Noetherian ring. Answer: Any R-submodule of R/ai is an ideal of R/ai . Since R/ai is a Noetherian ring, such an ideal is nitely generated as an (R/ai )-module, so as an R-module as well. Thus R/ai is a Noetherian R-module. So R/ai is a Noetherian R-module by (16.15). Thus (1) holds. To prove (2), note that the kernel of the natural map R R/ai is ai , which is 0 by hypothesis. So R can be identied with a submodule of the Noetherian R-module R/ai . Hence R itself is a Noetherian R-module by (16.14)(2). So R is a Noetherian ring by (16.11). Exercise (16.18). Let G be a nite group acting on a domain R, and R the subring of invariants. Let k R be a eld. Using (10.14), prove this celebrated theorem of E. Noether (1926): if R is a nitely generated k-algebra, then so is R . Answer: Say x1 , . . . , xn R form a set of algebra generators. For each xi , form the elementary symmetric functions yij in the conjugates gxi , and let R be the k-subalgebra of R generated by all the yij for all i, j. Then, by (10.14), the xi are integral over R . Hence, R is module nite over R by (10.20). Now, R is a nitely generated k-algebra, so Noetherian by (16.10). Hence R R is nite over R by (16.17). But R is a nitely generated k-algebra; hence, R is too. Exercise (16.22). Let k be a eld, R an algebra. Assume that R is nite dimensional as a k-vector space. Prove that R is Noetherian and Artinian. Answer: View R as a vector space, and ideals as subspaces. Now, by a simple dimension argument, any ascending or descending chain of subspaces of R stabilizes. Thus R is Noetherian by (16.5) and is Artinian by denition. / Exercise (16.23). Let p be a prime number, and set M := Z[1/p] Z. Prove that any Z-submodule N M is either nite or all of M . Deduce that M is an Artinian Z-module, and that it is not Noetherian. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/11/10
Answer: Given q N , write q = n/pe where n is relatively prime to p. Then there is an m Z with nm 1 (mod pe ). Hence N m(n/pe ) = 1/pe , and so 1/pr = per (1/pe ) N for any 0 r e. Therefore, either N = M , or there is a largest integer e 0 with 1/pe N . In the second case, N is nite. Let M N1 N2 be a descending chain. By what we just proved, each Ni is nite, say with ni elements. Then the sequence n1 n2 stabilizes; say ni = ni+1 = . But Ni Ni+1 , so Ni = Ni+1 = . Thus M is Artinian. Finally, suppose m1 , . . . , mr generate M , say mi = ni /pei . Set e := max ei . Then 1/pe generates M , a contradiction since 1/pe+1 M . Thus M is not nitely generated, and so not Noetherian. Exercise (16.24). Let R be an Artinian ring. Prove that R is a eld if it is a domain. Deduce that in general every prime ideal p of R is maximal. Answer: Take any nonzero element x R, and consider the chain of ideals x x2 . Since R is Artinian, the chain stabilizes; so xe = xe+1 for some e. Hence xe = axe+1 for some a R. If R is a domain, then we can cancel to get 1 = ax; thus R is then a eld. In general, R/p is Artinian by (16.21)(2). Now, R/p is also a domain by (2.9). Hence, by what we just proved, R/p is a eld. Thus p is maximal by (2.16).
Exercise (17.15). Let R be a Noetherian ring, M a module, N a submodule, x R. Show that, if x p for any p Ass(M/N ), then xM N = xN . / Answer: Trivially, xN xM N . Conversely, take m M with xm N . Let m be the residue of m in M/N . Then xm = 0. By (17.14), x z.div(M/N ). So / m = 0. So m N . So xm xN . Thus xM N xN , as desired. Exercise (17.21). Let R be a Noetherian ring, a an ideal. Prove the primes minimal containing a are associated to a. Prove such primes are nite in number. Answer: Since a = Ann(R/a), the primes in question are the primes minimal in Supp(R/a) by (13.5)(3). So they are associated to a by (17.17), and they are nite in number by (17.20). Exercise (17.22). Take R := Z and M := Z in (17.19). Determine when a chain 0 M1 M is acceptable, and show that then p2 Ass(M ). / Answer: If the chain is acceptable, then M1 = 0 as M1 /0 R/p1 , and M1 is a prime ideal as M1 = Ann(M/M1 ) = p2 . Conversely, the chain is acceptable if M1 is a nonzero prime ideal p, as then M1 /0 R/0 and M/M1 R/p. Finally, Ass(M ) = 0 by (17.4). Further, as just observed, given any acceptable chain, p2 = M1 = 0. So p2 Ass(M ). / Exercise (17.23). Take R := Z and M := Z/12 in (17.19). Find all three acceptable chains, and show that, in each case, {pi } = Ass(M ). Answer: An acceptable chain in M corresponds to chain 12 a1 a2 an = Z. Here a1 /12 Z/p1 with p1 prime. So a1 p1 = 12. Hence the possibilities are p1 = 2, a1 = 6 and p1 = 3, a1 = 4. Further, a2 /a1 Z/p2 with p2 prime. So a2 p2 = a1 . Hence, if a1 = 6, then the possibilities are p2 = 2, a2 = 3 and p2 = 3, a2 = 2; if a1 = 4, then the only possibility is p2 = 2 and a2 = 2. In each case, a2 is prime; hence, n = 3, and these three chains are the only possibilities. Conversely, each of these three possibilities, clearly, does arise. In each case, {pi } = {2, 3}. Hence (17.19.1) yields Ass(M ) {2, 3}. For any M , if 0 M1 M is an acceptable chain, then (17.5) and (17.4)(2) yield Ass(M ) Ass(M1 ) = {p1 }. Here, theres one chain with p1 = 2 and another with p1 = 3; hence, Ass(M ) {2, 3}. Thus Ass(M ) = {2, 3}.
a Answer: For (1), given m a (M ), say an m = 0. Given i with pi , take a a pi . Then an m = 0 Qi . Hence m Qi by (18.4). Thus m api Qi . Conversely, given m api Qi , take any j with a pj . Now, pj = nil(M/Qj ) by (18.3). So there is nj with anj m Qj . Set n := max{nj }. Then an m Qi for all i, if a pi or not. Hence an m Qi = 0. Thus m a (M ). For (2), given m a (M ), say an m = 0. Given a prime p with a p, take a a p. Then an m = 0 and an p. So m/1 Mp vanishes. / Conversely, given an m M such that m/1 Mp vanishes for every prime p with a p, consider a decomposition 0 = Qi with Qi pi -primary; one exists by (18.21). By (1), it suces to show m Qi if a pi . But m/1 Mpi vanishes. So theres an a R pi with am = 0 Qi . So (18.4) yields m Qi , as desired. Exercise (18.7). Let R be a ring, and p = p a principal prime generated by a nonzerodivisor p. Show every positive power pn is p-primary, and conversely, if R is Noetherian, then every p-primary ideal q is equal to some power pn . Answer: Lets proceed by induction. Form the exact sequence 0 pn /pn+1 R/pn+1 R/pn 0. Consider the map R pn /pn+1 given by x xpn . It is surjective, and its kernel is p as p is a nonzerodivisor. Hence R/p pn /pn+1 . But Ass(R/p) = {p} n by (17.4)(2). Hence (17.5) yields Ass(R/p ) = {p} for every n 1, as desired. Conversely, p = q by (18.6). So pn q for some n; take n minimal. Then pn q. Suppose there is an x q pn . Say x = ypm for some y and m 0. Then m < n as x pn . Take m maximal. Now, pm q as n is minimal. So (18.6) / / yields y q p. Hence y = zp for some z. Then x = zpm+1 , contradicting the maximality of m. Thus q = pn . Exercise (18.8). Let k be a eld, and k[X, Y ] the polynomial ring. Set a := X 2 , XY . Show a is not primary, but a is prime. Show a satises this condition: ab a implies a2 a or b2 a. Answer: First, X is prime by (2.10). But X 2 a X. Hence, a = X by (3.20). On the other hand, XY a, but X a and Y a; thus a is not / / primary by (18.6). If ab a, then X | a or X | b, so a2 a or b2 a. Exercise (18.9). Let : R R be a homomorphism of Noetherian rings, and q R a p-primary ideal. Show that 1 q R is 1 p-primary. Show that the converse holds if is surjective. Answer: Let xy 1 q, but x 1 q. Then (x)(y) q, but (x) q. So / / (y)n q for some n 1 by (18.6). Hence, y n 1 q. So 1 q is primary by (18.6). Its radical is 1 p as p = q, and taking the radical commutes with taking the inverse image by (3.21). The converse can be proved similarly. Exercise (18.17). Let k be a eld, R := k[X, Y, Z] be the polynomial ring. Set a := XY, X Y Z, set q1 := X, Z and set q2 := Y 2 , X Y Z. Show that a = q1 q2 holds and that this expression is an irredundant primary decomposition. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/11/16
19. Length
Answer: First, XY = Y (X Y Z) + Y 2 Z q2 . Hence a q1 q2 . Conversely, take F q1 q2 . Then F q2 , so F = GY 2 + H(X Y Z) with G, H R. But F q1 , so G q1 ; say G = AX + BZ with A, B R. Then F = (AY + B)XY + (H BY )(X ZY ) a. Thus a q1 q2 . Thus a = q1 q2 holds. Finally, q1 is prime by (2.10). Now, using (18.9), lets show q2 is X, Y -primary. Form : k[X, Y, Z] k[Y, Z] with (X) := Y Z. Clearly, q2 = 1 Y 2 and X, Y = 1 Y ; also, Y 2 is Y -primary by (18.2). Thus a = q1 q2 is a primary decomposition. It is irredundant as q1 and X, Y are distinct. Exercise (18.18). Let R := R R be a product of two domains. Find an irredundant primary decomposition of 0. Answer: Set p := 0 R and p := R 0. Then p and p are prime by (2.11), so primary by (17.4)(2). Obviously, 0 = p p . Thus this representation is a primary decomposition; it is irredundant as neither p nor p can be discarded. Exercise (18.25). Let R be a Noetherian ring, M a nitely generated mod ule, N a submodule. Prove N = pAss(M/N ) 1 (Np ). p 1 1 Answer: Clearly N p (N To prove N p (Np ), use (18.21): p ). take a primary decomposition N = Qi with Qi is pi -primary. By (18.20), then {pi } = Ass(M/N ). Further, (18.22) yields 1 (Npi ) Qi for each i (note: equality pi need not hold). Hence 1 (Npi ) Qi = N , as desired. pi Exercise (18.27). Let R be a Noetherian ring, m rad(R) an ideal, M a nitely generated module, and M a submodule. Considering M/N , show that M = (mn M + M ). Answer: Set N := n0 m (M/M ). Then by (18.26), there is x m such that (1 + x)N = 0. By (3.2), 1 + x is a unit since m rad(R). Therefore, N = (1 + x1 )(1 + x)N = 0. However, mn (M/M ) = (mn M + M )/M . Thus / n (m M + M ) M = 0, as desired.
19. Length
Exercise (19.2). Let R be a ring, M a module. Prove these statements: (1) If M is simple, then any nonzero element m M generates M . (2) M is simple if and only if M R/m for some maximal ideal m, and if so, then m = Ann(M ). (3) If M has nite length, then M is nitely generated. Answer: Obviously, Rm is a nonzero submodule. So it is equal to M , because M is simple. Thus (1) holds. Assume M is simple. Then M is cyclic by (1). So M R/m for m := Ann(M ) by (4.7). Since M is simple, m is maximal owing to the bijective correspondence of (1.7). By the same token, if, conversely, M R/m with m maximal, then M is simple. Thus (2) holds. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/12/01
19. Length
Assume (M ) < . Let M = M0 M1 Mm = 0 be a composition series. If m = 0, then M = 0. Assume m 1. Then M1 has a composition series of length m 1. So, by induction on m, we may assume M1 is nitely generated. Further, M/M1 is simple, so nitely generated by (1). Hence M is nitely generated by (16.14)(1). Thus (3) holds. Exercise (19.4). Let R be a Noetherian ring, M a nitely generated module. Prove that the following conditions are equivalent: (1) M has nite length. (2) Supp(M ) consists entirely of maximal ideals. (3) Ass(M ) consists entirely of maximal ideals. Prove that, if the conditions hold, then Ass(M ) and Supp(M ) are equal and nite. Answer: If (1) holds, then (2) holds owing to (19.3). If (2) holds, then (1) holds owing to (17.19) and (19.2)(2). Finally, (17.16) and (17.20) imply that (2) and (3) are equivalent and that the last assertion holds. Exercise (19.7). Let k be a eld, and R a nitely generated k-algebra. Prove that R is Artinian if and only if R is a nite-dimensional k-vector space. Answer: Since k is Noetherian by (16.1) and since R is a nitely generated k-algebra, R is Noetherian by (16.10). Assume R is Artinian. Then (R) < by (19.5). So R has a composition series. The successive quotients are isomorphic to residue class elds by (19.2)(2). These elds are nitely generated k-algebras, since R is so. Hence these elds are nite extension elds of k by the Weak Nullstellensatz. Thus R is a nite-dimensional k-vector space. The converse holds by (16.22). Exercise (19.9). Let k be a eld, R a local k-algebra. Assume the map from k to the residue eld is bijective. Given an R-module M , prove (M ) = dimk (M ). Answer: If (M ) = 1, then M is simple, and so M k by (19.2)(2). Thus = dimk (M ) = 1 = (M ). If 1 < (M ) < , then M has a submodule M with M/M k. So Additivity = of Length (19.8) yields (M ) = (M ) 1, and clearly dimk (M ) = dimk (M ) 1. Hence (M ) = dimk (M ) by induction. So (M ) = dimk (M ). If (M ) = , then for every m 1, there exists a chain of submodules, M = M0 M1 Mm = 0. Hence dimk (M ) = . Exercise (19.13). Let R be a ring, p a prime ideal, and R a module-nite R-algebra. Show that R has only nitely many primes p over p, as follows: reduce to the case that R is a eld by localizing at p and passing to the residue rings.
Answer: First note that, if p R is a prime lying over p, then p Rp Rp is a prime lying over the maximal ideal pRp . Hence, by (11.16)(2), it suces to show that Rp has only nitely many such primes. Note also that Rp is module-nite over Rp . Hence we may replace R and R by Rp and Rp , and thus assume that p is the unique maximal ideal of R. Similarly, we may replace R and R by R/p and R /pR , and thus assume that R is a eld. There are a couple of ways to nish. First, R is now Artinian by (19.12) or by (16.22); hence, R has only nitely many primes by (19.10). Alternatively, every
Updated 11/12/01
prime is now minimal by incomparability (14.3)(2). Further, R is Noetherian by (16.10); hence, R has only nitely many minimal primes by (17.21). Exercise (19.15). Let R be a Noetherian ring, and M a nitely generated module. Prove the equivalence of the following four conditions: (1) M has nite length. (2) M is annihilated by some nite product of maximal ideals mi . (3) Every prime p containing Ann(M ) is maximal. (4) R/Ann(M ) is Artinian. Answer: Assume (1) holds. Let M = M0 Mm = 0 be a composition series, and set mi := Ann(Mi1 /Mi ). Then mi is maximal by (19.2)(2). Further, mi Mi1 Mi . Hence mi m1 M0 Mi . Thus (2) holds. If (2) holds, then (3) does too. Indeed, if p Ann(M ) mi , then p mi for some i by (2.2) as p is prime, and so p = mi as mi is maximal. Assume (3) holds. Then dim(R/Ann(M )) = 0. But, by (16.7), any quotient of R is Noetherian. Hence (19.10) yields (4). If (4) holds, then (19.11) yields (1), because M is a nitely generated R/ Ann(M )module owing to (4.5).
20. Hilbert Functions Rk n N for all k k0 . Thus N N . Thus (1) holds. To prove (2), note 0 = (Qi /N ) in M/N . By (18.5), R+ (M/N ) = (Qi /N ).
pi R+
pi R+
Qi .
Exercise (20.9). Let k be a eld, P := k[X, Y, Z] the polynomial ring in three variables, f P a homogeneous polynomial of degree d 1. Set R := P/f . Find the coecients of the Hilbert Polynomial h(R, n) explicitly in terms of d. Answer: Clearly, the following sequence is exact: 0 P (d) P R 0. Hence, Additivity of Length, (19.8), yields h(R, n) = h(P, n) h(P (d), n). But P (d)n = P (n d), so h(P (d), n) = h(P, n d). Therefore, (20.4) yields ( ) ( ) h(R, n) = 2+n 2d+n = dn (d 3)d/2. 2 2 Exercise (20.10). Under the conditions of (20.8), assume there ( a homois ( ) ) geneous nonzerodivisor f R with Mf = 0. Prove deg h(R, n) > deg h(M, n) ; start with the case M := R/f k . Answer: Suppose M := R/f k . Set c := k deg(f ). Form the exact sequence 0 R(c) R M 0 where is multiplication by f k . Then Additivity of Length (19.8) yields h(M, n) = h(R, n) h(R, n c). But
e(1) + and h(R, n c) = (d1)! (n c)d1 + . ( ) ( ) by (20.8). Thus deg h(R, n) > deg h(M, n) . In the general case, there is k with f k M = 0 by (12.7). Set M := R/f k . Then ) generators mi Mci for 1 i r yield a surjection ) i M (ci ) M . Hence ( ( (Mnci ) ) (Mn ) for all n. But deg h(M (ci ), n) = deg h(M , n) . Hence i( ( ) ( ) ( ) deg h(M , n) ( deg h(M, n) (. But deg h(R, n) > deg h(M , n) by the rst ) ) case. Thus deg h(R, n) > deg h(M, n) . f
h(R, n) =
e(1) d1 (d1)! n
Exercise (20.15). Let R be a Noetherian ring, q an ideal, and M a nitely generated module. Assume (M/qM ) < . Set m := q. Show deg pm (M, n) = deg pq (M, n). Answer: There is an m such that m q mm by (3.19). Hence mn M qn M mmn M for all n 0. Dividing into M and extracting lengths yields (M/mn M ) (M/qn M ) (M/mmn M ). Therefore, for large n, we get pm (M, n) pq (M, n) pm (M, nm). The two extremes are polynomials in n with the same degree, say d, (but not the same leading coecient). Dividing by nd and letting n , we conclude that the polynomial pq (M, n) also has degree d. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/12/01
Exercise (20.19). Derive the Krull Intersection Theorem, (18.26), from the ArtinRees Lemma, (20.18). Answer: In the notation of (18.26), we must prove that N = aN . So apply the ArtinRees Lemma to N and the a-adic ltration of M ; we get an m such that a(N am M ) = N am+1 M . But N an M = N for all n 0. Thus N = aN .
Updated 11/11/21
21. Dimension
21. Dimension
Exercise (21.9). Let R be a Noetherian ring, and p be a prime minimal containing x1 , . . . , xr . Given r with 1 r r, set R := R/x1 , . . . , xr and p := p/x1 , . . . , xr . Assume ht(p) = r. Prove ht(p ) = r r . Answer: Let x R be the residue of xi . Then p is minimal containing i by (1.7) and (2.7). So ht(p ) r r by (21.8). On the other hand, Rp = Rp by (11.19), and Rp = Rp /x1 /1, . . . , xr /1 by (12.18) Hence dim(Rp ) dim(Rp ) r by repeated application of (21.6). So ht(p ) r r by (21.7.1), as required. x +1 , . . . x r r Exercise (21.11). Let R be a domain. Prove that, if R is a UFD, then every height-1 prime is principal, and that the converse holds if R is Noetherian. Answer: Let p be a height-1 prime. Then theres a nonzero x p. Factor x. One prime factor p must lie in p as p is prime. Clearly, p is a prime ideal as p is a prime element. But p p and ht(p) = 1. Thus, p = p. Conversely, assume every height-1 prime is principal and assume R is Noetherian. To prove R is a UFD, it suces to prove every irreducible element p is prime (see [Artin, Ch. 11, Sec. 2, pp. 392396]). Let p be a prime minimal containing p. By Krulls Principal Ideal Theorem, ht(p) = 1. So p = x for some x. Then x is prime by (2.6). And p = xy for some y as p p . But p is irreducible. So y is a unit. Thus p is prime, as desired. Exercise (21.12). (1) Let A be a Noetherian local ring with a principal prime p of height at least 1. Prove that A is a domain. (2) Let k be a eld, P := k[[X]] the formal power series ring in one variable. Set R := P P . Prove that P is Noetherian and semilocal, and that P contains a principal prime p of height 1, but that P is not a domain. Answer: To prove (1), say p = x, and let q p be a minimal prime. Take y q. Then y = ax for some a. But x q since ht p 1. Hence a q. Thus / q = qx. But x lies in the maximal ideal of the local ring A, and q is nitely generated since A is Noetherian. Hence Nakayamas Lemma (10.8) yields q = 0. Thus 0 is prime, and so A is a domain. Alternatively, as a q, also a = a1 x with a1 q. Repeating yields an ascending chain of ideals a a1 a2 . It must stabilize as A is Noetherian: theres a k such that ak ak1 . Then ak = bak1 = bak x for some b. So ak (1 bx) = 0. But 1 bx is a unit by (3.4) as A is local. So ak = 0. Hence y = 0 and so q = 0. Thus A is a domain. As to (2), every nonzero ideal of P is of the form X n by (3.8). Hence P is Noetherian. Thus R is Noetherian by (16.15). The primes of R are of the form q P or P q where q is a prime of P by (2.10). Further, m := X is the unique maximal ideal by (3.7). Hence R has just two maximal ideals m P and P m. Thus R is semilocal. Set p := (X, 1). Then p = m P . So p is a principal prime. Further, p contains just one other prime 0 P . Thus ht(p) = 1. Finally, R is not a domain as (1, 0) (0, 1) = 0. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/12/03
22. Completion
Exercise (21.13). Let R be a nitely generated algebra over a eld. Assume R is a domain of dimension r. Let x R be neither 0 nor a unit. Set R := R/x. Prove that r 1 is the length of any chain of primes in R of maximal length. Answer: A chain of primes in R of maximal length lifts to a chain of primes pi in R of maximal length with x p1 pd . As x is not a unit, d 1. As x = 0, also p1 = 0. But R is a domain. So Krulls Principal Ideal Theorem yields ht p1 = 1. So 0 p1 pr is of maximal length in R. But R is a nitely generated algebra over a eld. Hence d = dim R by (15.8). Exercise (21.15). Let A be a Noetherian local ring of dimension r. Let m be the maximal ideal, and k := A/m the residue class eld. Prove that r dimk (m/m2 ), with equality if and only if m is generated by r elements. Answer: By (21.5), dim(A) is the smallest number of generators of any parameter ideal. But m is a parameter ideal, and the smallest number of generators of m is dimk (m/m2 ) by (10.9)(2). The assertion follows. Exercise (21.20). Let A be a Noetherian local ring of dimension r, and x1 , . . . , xs A with s r. Set a := x1 , . . . , xs and B := A/a. Prove equivalent: (1) A is regular, and there are xs+1 , . . . , xr A with x1 , . . . , xr a regular sop. (2) B is regular of dimension r s. Answer: Assume (1). Then (21.19) yields dimk (n/n2 ) = r s in its notation, as the xi yield a basis of m/m2 . But dimk (n/n2 ) dim(B) r s by (21.15) and (21.6). Hence dim(B) = r s, and so B is regular. Thus (2) holds. Assume (2). Then (21.19) yields dimk (m/m2 ) r. But dimk (m/m2 ) r by (21.15). Hence dimk (m/m2 ) = r and dimk ((m2 + a)/m2 ) = s. Thus (1) holds.
22. Completion
Exercise (22.3). In the 2-adic integers, evaluate the sum 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + . Answer: In the 2-adic integers, 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + = 1/(1 2) = 1.
Exercise (22.4). Let R be a ring, a an ideal, and M a module. Prove the following three conditions are equivalent: (1) : M M is injective; (2) an M = 0; (3) M is separated. Answer: Clearly, Ker() = an M ; so (1) and (2) are equivalent. Moreover, (2) and (3) were proved equivalent in (22.1). Exercise (22.8). Let A be a Noetherian semilocal ring, and m1 , . . . , mm all its maximal ideals. Prove that A = Ami . 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/11/28
22. Completion
Answer: Set m := rad(R). Fix n 0. Then A/mn is Noetherian of dimension 0; so its Artinian by (19.15). Hence (19.14) yields A/mn = i (A/mn )(mi /mn ) . However, (A/mn )(mi /mn ) is equal to (A/mn )mi by (11.19), so to mi /mn Ami by A Exactness of Localization (12.16). Furthermore, mn = ( mi )n = mn by (1.12). i Now, mn mi -primary by (18.11). Hence mn Ami = mn Ami by (18.23). Therefore, i is i A/mn = i (Ami /mn Ami ). Taking inverse limits, we obtain the assertion, because i inverse limit commutes with nite product by the construction of the limit. Exercise (22.9). Let R be a ring, M a module, M = M0 M1 a ltration, and N M a submodule. Filter N by Nn := N Mn . Assume N Mn for n n0 for some n0 . Prove N M and M /N = M/N and G(M ) = G(M ). Answer: For each n n0 , form this commutative diagram with exact rows: 0 N/Mn+1 M/Mn+1 M/N 0 0 N/Mn M/Mn M/N 0 The left vertical map is surjective; the right is the identity. So the induced sequence 0 N M M/N 0 is exact by (22.6) and (22.7). Thus N M and M /N = M/N . In particular, M /Mn = M/Mn for each n. Therefore, Mn /Mn+1 = Mn /Mn+1 . Thus G(M ) = G(M ). Exercise (22.10). (1) Let R be a ring, a an ideal. If Ga (R) is a domain, show R is an domain. If also n0 an = 0, show R is a domain. (2) Use (1) to give an alternative proof that a regular local ring A is a domain. Answer: Consider (1). Let x, y R be nonzero. Since R is separated there are positive integers r and s with x a r a r+1 and y a s a s+1 . Let x Gr (R ) a and y Gs (R ) denote the images of x and y. Then x = 0 and y = 0. Now, a Ga (R ) = Ga (R) by (22.9). Assume Ga (R) is a domain. Then x y = 0. Hence x y Gr+s is the image of xy a r+s . Hence xy = 0. Thus R is a domain. a If n0 an = 0, then R R by (22.4); so R is a domain if R is. Thus (1) holds. As to (2), denote the maximal ideal of A by m. Then n0 mn = 0 by the Krull Intersection Theorem (18.26), and Gm (A) is a polynomial ring by (21.18), so a domain. Hence A is a domain, by (1). Thus (2) holds. Exercise (22.12). Let A be a semilocal ring, m1 , . . . , mm all its maximal ideals, and set m := rad(A). Prove that A is a semilocal ring, that m1 , . . . , mm are all its maximal ideals, and that m = rad(A ). Answer: First, (22.9) yields A/m = A/m and A/mi = A/mi . So mi is maximal. / By hypothesis, m = mi ; so A/m (A/mi ). Hence A m (A/mi ); so m = mi . So m rad(A ). But m rad(A) by (22.2). Thus m = rad(A ). Finally, let m be any maximal ideal of A. Then m rad(A ) = mi . Hence m mi for some i by (2.2). But mi is maximal. So m = mi . Thus m1 , . . . , mm are 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/11/28
Exercise (22.15). Let A be a Noetherian ring, x A, and x A its image. Prove x is a nonzerodivisor if x is. Prove the converse holds if A is semilocal. Answer: Assume x is a nonzerodivisor. Then the multiplication map x is injective on A. So by Exactness of Completion, the induced map x is injective on A. But x = x . Thus x is a nonzerodivisor. Conversely, assume x is a nonzerodivisor and A is semilocal. Then x is injective on A. So its restriction is injective on the image of the canonical map A A. But this map is injective, as the completion is taken with respect to the Jacobson radical; further, x induces x . Thus x is a nonzerodivisor. Exercise (22.17). Let R be a ring, a an ideal. Show that M M preserves surjections, and that R M M is surjective if M is nitely generated. Answer: The rst part of the proof of (22.14) shows that M M preserves surjections. So (8.16) yields the desired surjectivity. Exercise (22.20). Let R be a Noetherian ring, and a and b ideals. Assume a rad(R), and use the a-adic toplogy. Prove b is principal if bR is. Answer: Since R is Noetherian, b is nitely generated. But a rad(R). Hence, / b is principal if b/ab is cyclic by (10.9)(2). But b/ab = b (ab) by (22.9), and b = bR by (22.18)(2). Hence, if bR is principal, then b/ab is cyclic, as desired. Exercise (22.23) (Nakayamas Lemma for a complete ring). Let R be a ring, a an ideal, and M a module. Assume R is complete, and M separated. Show m1 , . . . , mn M generate if their images in M/aM generate. Answer: Note that the images of m1 , . . . , mn in G(M ) generate over G(R). Therefore, m1 , . . . , mn M generate over R by the proof of (22.22). Alternatively, M is nitely generated over R and complete by the statement of (22.22). Since M is also separated, M = M . Hence M is also an R-module. Since R is complete, R : R R is surjective. Now, a is closed by (22.1); so a is complete; whence, a : a a is surjective too. Hence aM = aM . Thus M/aM = M/aM . So the mi generate M/aM . But a rad(R) by (22.2). So by Nakayamas Lemma (10.9)(2), the mi generate M over R, so also over R as R is surjective. Exercise (22.27). Let A be a Noetherian local ring, m the maximal ideal. Prove (1) that A is a Noetherian local ring with m as maximal ideal, (2) that dim(A) = dim(A ), and (3) that A is regular if and only if A is regular. Answer: First, A is Noetherian by (22.25), and local with m as maximal ideal by (22.8); thus (1) holds. Second, A/mn = A/mn by (22.9). So d(A) = d(A ) by (20.13). Thus (2) holds by (21.4). Third, m/m2 = m/m2 by (22.9). So m and m have the same number of generators by (10.10). Thus (3) holds.
Updated 11/12/11
Exercise (23.10). Let k be a eld, P := k[X, Y ] the polynomial ring in two variables, f P an irreducible polynomial. Say f = (X, Y ) + g(X, Y ) with (X, Y ) = aX + bY for a, b k and with g X, Y 2 . Set R := P/f and p := X, Y /f . Prove that Rp is a DVR if and only if = 0. (Thus Rp is a DVR if and only if the plane curve C : f = 0 k 2 is nonsingular at (0, 0).) Answer: Set A := Rp and m := pA. Then (12.18) and (12.4) yield A/m = (R/p)p = k and m/m2 = p/p2 . First, assume = 0. Now, the k-vector space m/m2 is generated by the images x and y of X and Y in A. Clearly, the image of f is 0 in m/m2 . Also, g (X, Y )2 ; so its image in m/m2 is also 0. Hence, the image of is 0 in m/m2 ; that is, x and y are linearly dependent. Now, f cannot generate X, Y , so m = 0; hence, m/m2 = 0 by Nakayamas Lemma, (10.8). Therefore, m/m2 is 1-dimensional over k; hence, m is principal by (10.9)(2). Now, since f is irreducible, A is a domain. Hence, A is a DVR by (23.8). Conversely, assume = 0. Then f = g (X, Y )2 . So m/m2 = p/p2 = X, Y /X, Y 2 . Hence, m/m2 is 2-dimensional. Therefore, A is not a DVR by (23.9). Exercise (23.11). Let k be a eld, A a ring intermediate between the polynomial ring and the formal power series ring in one variable: k[X] A k[[X]]. Suppose that A is local with maximal ideal X. Prove that A is a DVR. (Such local rings arise as rings of power series with curious convergence conditions.) Answer: Lets show that the ideal a := n0 X n of A is zero. Clearly, a is a subset of the corresponding ideal n0 X n of k[[X]], and the latter ideal is clearly zero. Hence (23.2) implies A is a DVR. Exercise (23.12). Let L/K be an algebraic extension of elds, X1 , . . . , Xn variables, P and Q the polynomial rings over K and L in X1 , . . . , Xn . (1) Let q be a prime of Q, and p its contraction in P . Prove ht(p) = ht(q). (2) Let f, g P be two polynomials with no common prime factor in P . Prove that f and g have no common prime factor q Q. Answer: Since L/K is algebraic, Q/P is integral. Furthermore, P is normal, and Q is a domain. Hence we may apply the Going Down Theorem (14.9). So given any chain of primes p0 pr = p, we can proceed by descending induction on i for 0 i r, and thus construct a chain of primes q0 qr = q with qi P = pi . Thus ht p ht q. Conversely, any chain of primes q0 qr = q contracts to a chain of primes p0 pr = p, and pi = pi+1 by Incomparability, (14.3); whence, ht p ht q. Hence ht p = ht q. Thus (1) holds. Alternatively, by (15.11), ht(p) + dim(P/p) = n and ht(q) + dim(Q/q) = n as both P and Q are polynomial rings in n variables over a eld. However, by (15.10), dim P/p = tr. degK Frac(P/p) and dim Q/q = tr. degL Frac(Q/q), and these two transcendence degrees are equal as Q/P is an integral extension. Thus again, (1) holds. Suppose f and g have a common prime factor q Q, and set q := Qq. Then the maximal ideal qQq of Qq is principal and nonzero. Hence Qq is a DVR by 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/12/11
(23.8). Thus ht(q) = 1. Set p := q P . Then p contains f ; whence, p contains some prime factor p of f . Then p P p, and P p is a nonzero prime. Hence p = P p since ht p = 1 by (1). However, p contains g too. Therefore, p | g, contrary to the hypothesis. Thus (2) holds. (Caution: if f := X1 and g := X2 , then f and g have no common factor, yet there are no and such that f + g = 1.) Exercise (23.14). Let R be a Noetherian ring. Show that R is reduced if and only if (R0 ) and (S1 ) hold. Answer: Assume (R0 ) and (S1 ) hold. Consider an irredundant primary decom position 0 = qi . Set pi := q Then pi is minimal by (S1 ), and pi = qi by i. (R0 ) and (18.22). So 0 = pi = 0. Thus R is reduced. Conversely, assume R is reduced. Then Rp is reduced for any prime p by (13.13). So if p is minimal, then Rp is a eld. Thus (R0 ) holds. But 0 = p minimal p. So p is minimal whenever p Ass(R) by (18.20). Thus R satises (S1 ). Exercise (23.19). Prove that a Noetherian domain R is normal if and only if, given any prime p associated to a principal ideal, pRp is principal. Answer: Assume R normal. Take p Ass(R/x). Then pRp Ass(Rp /x/1) by (17.9). So depth(Rp ) = 1. But Rp is normal by (11.28). Hence pRp is principal by (23.8). Conversely, assume that, given any prime p associated to a principal ideal, pRp is principal. Given any prime p of height 1, take a nonzero x p. Then p is minimal containing x. So p Ass(R/x) by (17.17). So, by hypothesis, pRp is principal. So Rp is a DVR by (23.8). Thus R satises (R1 ). / Given any prime p with depth(Rp ) = 1, say pRp Ass(Rp x/s) with x = 0. Then x/s = x/1 Rp . So p Ass(R/x) by (17.9). So, by hypothesis, pRp is principal. So dim(Rp ) = 1 by (23.8). Thus R also satises (S2 ). So R is normal by Serres Criterion, (23.17). Exercise (23.20). Let R be a Noetherian ring, K its total quotient ring, := { p prime | ht(p) = 1 } and := { p prime | depth(Rp ) = 1 }. Assuming (S1 ) holds in R, prove , and prove = if and only if (S2 ) holds. Further, without assuming (S1 ) holds, prove this canonical sequence is exact: R K p Kp /Rp . (23.20.1) Answer: Assume (S1 ) holds. Then, given p , there exists a nonzerodivisor x p. Clearly, p is minimal containing x. So p Ass(R/x) by (17.17). Hence depth(Rp ) = 1 by (23.4)(2). Thus . However, as (S1 ) holds, (S2 ) holds if and only if . Thus = if and only if R satises (S2 ). Further, without assuming (S1 ), consider (23.20.1). Trivially, the composition is zero. Conversely, take an x K that vanishes in p Kp /Rp . Say x = a/b with a, b R and b a nonzerodivisor. Then a/1 bRp for all p . But b/1 Rp is, clearly, a nonzerodivisor for any prime p. Hence, if p Ass(Rp /bRp ), then p by (23.4)(2). Therefore, a bR by (18.25). Thus x R. Thus (23.20.1) is exact. Exercise (23.21). Let R be a Noetherian ring, and K its total quotient ring. Set := { p prime | ht(p) = 1 }. Prove these three conditions are equivalent: 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/12/11
24. Dedekind Domains (1) R is normal. (2) (R1 ) and (S2 ) hold. (3) (R1 ) and (S1 ) hold, and R K p Kp /Rp is exact.
Answer: Assume (1) holds. Then R is reduced by (14.15). So (23.14) yields (R0 ) and (S1 ). But Rp is normal for any prime p by (14.14). Thus (2) holds by (23.8). Assume (2) holds. Then (R1 ) and (S1 ) hold trivially. Thus (23.20) yields (3). Assume (3) holds. Let x K be integral over R. Then x/1 K is integral over Rp for any prime p. Now, Rp is a DVR for all p of height 1 as R satises (R1 ). Hence, x/1 Rp for all p . So x R by the exactness of the sequence in (3). But R is reduced by (23.14). Thus (14.15) yields (1).
Answer: In any module over any ring, two submodules M and N are equal if their localizations Mp and Np are equal for each maximal ideal p. Indeed, replacing N by M +N , we may assume that M N . Then by (12.16), (N/M )p = Np /Mp = 0 for each p; whence, N/M = 0 by (13.12). In the case at hand, therefore, it suces to prove that the two equations in questions hold after localizing at each maximal ideal p. But localization commutes with sum and intersection by (12.15)(4), (5). So the localized equations look like the original ones, but with a, b, c replaced by ap , bp , cp . Hence we may replace R by Rp , and thus assume that R is a DVR. Referring to (23.1), take a uniformizing parameter t, and say a = ti and b = tj and c = tk . Then the two equations in questions are equivalent to these two: { } { } max i, min{j, k} = min max{i, j}, max{i, k} , { } { } min i, max{j, k} = max min{i, j}, min{i, k} . However, these two equations are easy to check for any integers i, j, k.
Exercise (24.12). Prove that a semilocal Dedekind domain A is a PID. Begin by proving that each maximal ideal is principal. Answer: Let p1 , . . . , pr be the maximal ideals of A. Lets prove they are principal, starting with p1 . By Nakayamas lemma (10.8), p1 Ap1 = p2 Ap1 ; so p1 = p2 . 1 1 Take y p1 p2 . The ideals p2 , p2 , . . . , pr are pairwise comaximal because no two 1 1 of them lie in the same maximal ideal. Hence, by the Chinese Remainder Theorem, (1.12), there is an x A with x y mod p2 and x 1 mod pi for i 2. 1 The Main Theorem of Classical Ideal Theory, (24.10), yields x = pn1 pn2 pnr r 1 2 with ni 0. But x pi for i 2; so ni = 0 for i 2. Further, x p1 p2 ; so 1 n1 = 1. Thus p1 = x. Similarly, all the other pi are principal. Finally, let a be any nonzero ideal. Then the Main Theorem, (24.10), yields a = pmi for some mi . Say pi = xi . Then a = xmi , as desired. i i Exercise (24.13). Let R be a Dedekind domain, a and b two nonzero ideals. Prove (1) every ideal in R/a is principal, and (2) b is generated by two elements. Answer: To prove (1), let p1 , . . . , pr be the associated primes of a, and set S := i (R pi ). Then S is multiplicative. Set R := S 1 R. Then R is Dedekind by (24.6). Lets prove R is semilocal. Let q be a maximal ideal of R , and set p := qR. Then q = pR by (11.16). So p is nonzero, whence maximal since R has dimension 1. Suppose p is distinct from all the pi . Then p and the pi are pairwise comaximal. So, by the Chinese Remainder Theorem, (1.12), there is a u R that is congruent to 0 modulo p and to 1 modulo each pi . Hence, u p S, but q = pR , a contradiction. Thus p1 R , . . . , pr R are all the maximal ideals of R . So R is a PID by (24.12); so every ideal in R /aR is principal. But by (12.18), R /aR = S 1 (R/a). Finally, S 1 (R/a) = R/a by (11.6) because every u S maps to a unit in R/a since the image lies in no maximal ideal of R/a. Thus (1) holds. Alternatively, we can prove (1) without using (24.12), as follows. The Main Theorem of Classical Ideal Theory, (24.10), yields a = pn1 pnk for distinct maximal 1 k ideals pi . The pni are pairwise comaximal. So, by the Chinese Remainder Theorem, i (1.12), theres a canonical isomorphism:
R/a R/pn1 R/pnk . 1 k
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Next, lets prove each R/pni is a Principal Ideal Ring (PIR); that is, every ideal i is principal. Set S := R pi . Then S 1 (R/pni ) = Rpi /pni Rpi , and the latter ring i i is a PIR because Rpi is a DVR. However, R/pni = S 1 (R/pni ) by (11.6), because i i every u S maps to a unit in R/pni since p/pni is the only prime in R/pni . i i i Finally, given nitely many PIRs R1 , . . . , Rk , we must prove their product is a PIR. Consider an ideal b R1 Rk . Then b = b1 bk where bi Ri is an ideal by (1.14). Say bi = ai . Then b = (a1 , . . . , ak ) . Thus again, (1) holds. Consider (2). Let x b be nonzero. By (1), there is a y b whose residue generates b/x. Then b = x, y.
Answer: If M R, let x correspond to 1; then M = Rx. Conversely, assume M = Rx. Then x = 0 as M = 0. Form the map R M with a ax. Its surjective as M = Rx. Its injective as x = 0 and M Frac(R). Form the canonical M N M N with (x, y) xy. Its bilinear. So it induces a map : M N M N , and clearly is surjective. Dene as follows: given z (M : N ), dene (z) : N M by (z)(y) := yz. Clearly, is R-linear. Say y = 0. Then yz = 0 implies z = 0; thus, is injective. Finally, given : N M , x a nonzero n N , and set z := (n)/n. Given y N , say y = a/b and n = c/d with a, b, c, d R. Then bcy = adn. So bc(y) = ad(n). Hence (y) = yz. Thus, is surjective, as desired. Exercise (25.6). Let R be a domain, M and N fractional ideals. Prove that the map : M N M N is an isomorphism if M is locally principal. Answer: By (13.15), we must prove that, for each maximal ideal m, the localized map m : (M N )m (M N )m is an isomorphism. But (M N )m = Mm Nm by (12.13), and (M N )m = Mm Nm by (25.4). By hypothesis, Mm = Rm x for some x. Clearly Rm x Rm . And Rm Nm = Nm by (8.5)(2). Thus m 1Nm . Exercise (25.11). Let R be a UFD. Show that a fractional ideal M is invertible if and only if M is principal and nonzero. Answer: By (25.7), a nonzero principal ideal is always invertible. Conversely, assume M is invertible. Then trivially M = 0. Say 1 = mi ni with mi M and ni M 1 . Fix a nonzero m M . Then m = mi ni m. But ni m R as m M and ni M 1 . Set d := gcd{ni m} R and x := (ni m/d)mi M. Then m = dx. Given m M , write m /m = a/b where a, b R are relatively prime. Then d := gcd{ni m } = gcd{ni ma/b} = a gcd{ni m}/b = ad/b. So m = (a/b)m = (ad/b)x = d x. But d R. Thus M = Rx. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 10/12/12
Exercise (25.14). Show that a ring is a PID if and only if its a Dedekind domain and a UFD. Answer: A PID is Dedekind by (24.2), and is a UFD by (2.20). Conversely, let R be a Dedekind UFD. Then every nonzero fractional ideal is invertible by (25.3) and (25.13), so is principal by (25.11). Thus R is a PID. Alternatively and more directly, every nonzero prime is of height 1 as dim R = 1, so is principle by (21.11). But, by (24.10), every nonzero ideal is a product of nonzero prime ideals. Thus again, R is a PID. Exercise (25.16). Let R be an ring, M an invertible module. Prove that M is nitely generated, and that, if R is local, then M is free of rank 1. Answer: Say : M N R and 1 = ( mi ni ) with mi M and ni N . Given m M , set ai := (m ni ). Form this composition:
: M = M R M M N = M N M R M = M. Then (m) = ai mi . But is an isomorphism. Thus the mi generate M . Suppose R is local. Then R R is an ideal. So u := (mi ni ) R for some i. Set m := u1 mi and n := ni . Then (m n) = 1. Dene : M R by (m ) := (m n). Then (m) = 1; so is surjective. Dene : R M by (x) := xm. Then (m ) = (m )m = (m ), or = . But is an isomorphism. So is injective. Thus is an isomorphism, as desired.
Exercise (25.17). Show these conditions on an R-module M are equivalent: (1) M is invertible. (2) M is nitely generated, and Mm Rm at each maximal ideal m. (3) M is locally free of rank 1. Assuming the conditions, show M is nitely presented and M Hom(M, R) = R. Answer: Assume (1). Then M is nitely generated by (25.16). Further, say M N R. Let m be a maximal ideal. Then Mm Nm Rm . Hence Mm Rm again by (25.16). Thus (2) holds. Conditions (2) and (3) are equivalent by (13.21). Assume (3). Then (2) holds; so Mm Rm at any maximal ideal m. Also, M is nitely presented by (13.20); so HomR (M, R)m = HomRm (Mm , Rm ) by (12.21). Consider the evaluation map ev(M, R) : M Hom(M, R) R dened by ev(M, R)(m, ) := (m).
Clearly ev(M, R)m = ev(Mm , Rm ). Clearly ev(Rm , Rm ) is bijective. Hence ev(M, R) is bijective by (13.15). Thus the last assertions hold; in particular, (1) holds.
Answer: First, suppose V is a valuation ring. Suppose also a b; say x a, but x b. Take y b. Then x/y V ; else x = (x/y)y b. So y/x V . Hence / / y = (y/x)x a. Thus b a. Conversely, let x, y V {0}, and suppose x/y V . Then x y; else, / x = wy with w V . Hence y x by hypothesis. So y = zx for some z V ; in other words, y/x V . Thus V is a valuation ring. Exercise (26.4). Let V be a valuation ring, m its maximal ideal, and p m another prime ideal. Prove that Vp is a valuation ring, that its maximal ideal pVp is equal to p, and that V /p is a valuation ring of the eld Vp /p. Answer: First, set K := Frac(Vp ). So K = Frac(V ). Let x K Vp . Then 1/x V Vp . Thus Vp is a valuation ring. Second, let r/s pVp where r p {0} and s V p. Then s/r V , else / s = (s/r)r p. Hence r/s V . Now, (r/s)s = r p, but s p; since p is prime, / r/s p. Thus pVp = p. Third, to prove V /p is a valuation ring of Vp /pVp , we need only show that, whenever x Vp V , then x1 V . But, V is a valuation ring; hence, x1 V . Exercise (26.5). Prove that a valuation ring V is normal. Answer: Set K := Frac(V ), and let m be the maximal ideal. Take x K integral over V , say xn + a1 xn1 + + an = 0 with ai V . Then 1 + a1 x1 + + an xn = 0. (26.5.2) If x V , then x1 m by (26.2). So (26.5.2) yields 1 m, a contradiction. Hence / x V . Thus V is normal. Exercise (26.10). Let K be a eld, S the set of local subrings with fraction eld K, ordered by domination. Show its maximal elements are the valuation rings. Answer: Let V be maximal in S. By (26.9), V is dominated by a valuation ring V of K. By maximality, V = V . Conversely, let V be a valuation ring of K. Then V lies in S by (26.2). Let V S dominate V . Let m and m be the maximal ideals of V and V . Take any nonzero x V . Then 1/x m as 1 m ; so also 1/x m. So x V by (26.2). Hence, / / / V = V . Thus V is maximal in S. Exercise (26.15). Let V be a valuation ring, such as a DVR, whose value group is Archimedean; that is, given any nonzero , , theres n Z such that n > . Show that V is a maximal proper subring of its fraction eld K. Answer: Let R be a subring of K strictly containing V , and x a R V . Given b K, let and be the values of a and b. Then < 0. So, as is Archimedian, theres n > 0 such that n > . Then v(b/an ) > 0. So b/an V . So b = (b/an )an R. Thus R = K. Exercise (26.16). Let V be a valuation ring. Show that (1) every nitely generated ideal a is principal, and (2) V is Noetherian if and only if V is a DVR. 18.705F11 Lecture Notes Exercises Updated 11/12/12
Answer: To prove (1), say a = x1 , . . . , xn with xi = 0 for all i. Let v be the valuation. Suppose v(x1 ) v(xi ) for all i. Then xi /x1 V for all i. So xi x1 . Hence a = x1 . Thus (1) holds. To prove (2), rst assume V is Noetherian. Then V is local by (26.2), and by (1) its maximal ideal m is principal. Hence V is a DVR by (23.8). Conversely, assume V is a DVR. Then V is a PID by (23.1), so Noetherian. Thus (2) holds.
Updated 11/12/12