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The document discusses heavy lift shipping, including definitions of heavy loads, types of ships used, and planning considerations for heavy cargo transport.

The document mentions container feeder ships, semi-submersible heavy lift ships, and offshore supply vessels as examples of ship types used to transport heavy cargo.

The document states that whether a load is considered heavy lift depends on factors like the type of ship and lifting equipment available, as well as the physical weight and dimensions of the cargo.


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Table of Contents

Prefac€...............................rrr...o......r.....i.o........... 1

Shiptypes,Crangsand Derricks......................
Stability calculationsin gengral.....................
Planningof Heavy-tift.....................................
Lashingand securitrg,Cargo SecuringManual
and Documentatio[ .........rr........o.....................
During the voyage...........o...................o.
AbbreviationS .....................
r r l . n n
LaW tnIO..........o....o....oo......o....o....oo.....r...oo.... c c o oI I


Introduction Heavy indivisible loads may be defined as those weights

which, becauseof their mass and/or their shapecannot be
handledby the normal gear availableon board ships or on
the quay alongside.On traditional ships, equippedwith 5
tons or maybe even 10 tons denicks or cranes, the
handling of a loaded 20' container may be regardedas
heavy lift, while the same container on ships with
specialist gear, i.e. container feeder ships, are handled
swiftly and as merely routine.
The definition of heavy lift is therefore very much
dependingon the type of ship, the gear on board and not
least the facilities on the quayside.The range starts, as
mentioned, at around 10-15 tons up to several thousand
tons on semi-submersible heavy lift ships.
Physical dimensions are often a more limiting factor than
the weight for transportationover public highways, why
ship borne transportation often is the only choice As the
result of the need to transportvery heavy indivisible loads
by sea, fabrication facilities have over the years been
developedcloseto water.
The indivisible part of "Heavy indivisible loads" will very
often be the limiting factor, which necessitatesthe choice
of transport by sea and not by road or rail. Odd sized
indivisible equipmentvery often cannot be transportedby
road due to restrictions laid down by authorities, or
physical restrictions, i.e. bridges, road corners, high
Most countries have very strict legislation on the width
and height of loads that may be transportedon public
highways.The basedimensionsof the load also governthe
number of axles, which can be placed under it, and hence
the axle loading transmitted on to the ground.
In the off-shore business Heavy Indivisible loads are
defined as those loads weighing in at more than 150 tons
orbeing of a size not suitablyfor public roads.

Loading arm for oil terminal.
Whereas transportation of large equipment for long
distancesover land requires special permission for each
and every stretch of road to be used, police escort and
maybe even alterations to the landscape (trees cut down,
signs and light poles temporarily removed), the transport
by sea is vinually free of obstructionsif you can get the
equipment safely on board and off again. This existing
state of things has led many producersof large indivisible
equipment or very heavy loads to locate in port areasfor
easyand logistically simple accessto transportation.
An often seen feature is shipyards switching to producing
large heavy industrial items rather than ships. It could be
units for the off-shore oil exploration or production or it
could be towers for windmills.
"Heavy lift" as a term covers a wide range of cargo units.
With the containerisationof the break-bulktrade,handling
of relatively large and heavy items - up to 12 metreslong
and 36 tons in weight - has become commonplace in
maoy ports and on many ships. Stepping back 40 years in
time, handling of a loaded 40' container would clearly
have been considered heavy lift. Nowadays even the
smallest container feeder ship, loads and discharges40
feet containerswith her own gearat commendablespeed.
Loading a 50 tonnes dump truck may in some ships be
heavy lift and requiring a fair amount of plaruring and
possibly alterationsto cranesor the rigging of the derricks,
while other - even smaller - ships will be able to load the
truck with relative ease; one crane and no changes
necessary.So defining heavy lift as all lifts abovea certain
limit is simply not possible.
ln modern heavy lift tonnage loads of over 1000 tonnes
can be handled. 500 - 700 tonnes can be commonplace.
Conventionalship tonnageis now extensivelyfitted with
heavy lift facilities of wide application, apart from those
vessels especially built to carry exceptional loads,
requiring particularhandling and ballastingfunctions.

@Mantal Navigationsskole September04


The range of "heavy lift" cargo can well be of the order of


Trade Features A specializedtrade exists, and is growing, which calls for

specialized lifting and carrying facilities, the demand for
which arising from the need to transportheavy indivisible
load units from point of manufacture to place of
installation, with the least amount of intem-rption in their
Loads such as refinery, chemical, electrical, mechanical
and transportationunits, for example, cover some of the
cargoes involved. All are of extremely high tonnage and
size; most are in a stage of construction as will permit
direct installation, at site; all require transportation
applicableto their design.
The trade is therefore competitive, primarily becausethe
site installations are in countries and areas, which'are
developing their industrial capacities,not only quickly, but
also, frequently, away from deep-water ports without
suitableconnectionland routes.For this reason,alone,the
transportation of these heavy units, while possible by
conventional purpose built heavy lift ships, creates
economicand carrying problems,which the smallervessel
can reduce, or overcome by transporting "direct". lndeed,
the trade, in some circumstances, is introducing a
completely integrated consortium of road and maritime
transport, the former "rolling" on to, and off the latter, the
ship being an incorporated part of the exercise. ln other
cases, the ship operates within the market demands and
offers facilities of its designacceptableto shippers'needs.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04

Another example of this trade is the project cargo sector,
where contracts of transportation of complete industrial
installations, power plants, windmills or other large
installations involving large volume andy'orheavy loads.
The contract will often also include the transport of all the
smaller parts of the installation.
The shippers of these complex and often very expensive
items will generally prefer "door-to-door" transport
without undue trans-shipment,as any such extra operation
will increase the possibility for structural or technical

OMarstal NavigationsskoleSeptember04
Ship types,Cranesand Derricks
ln generalfour typesof heavy-lift shipsexist.
l. The traditional tween-deck vessel equipped with a
single heavy-lift derrick,
2. The containerfeedervesseloften equippedwith two
cranes each capable of being rigged up to lift say
100 tons.
3. The specialized heavy-lift I project cargo vessel.
These vesselscan have numerousdifferent features
apart from specialist cranes or derricks, such as
ramps for rolling cargo or supportinglegs to land on
the quay.
4. Semi-submersiblevesselsfor loading very large and
heavy floating objects;oil-rigs, ships,bargesetc.

The traditional On conventional 'tween-deckbreak bulk cargo ships the

'tween-deckvessel normal cargo lifting equipmentconsistsof numerous5 or
maybe even 10 tons derricks, which clearly restricts this
type of vessels capabilities in the modern world of
transportation - containers and the like. These ships
werelare often equipped with a single heavy lift denick
situated by the largest cargo hold. Some derricks, as the
Stuelcken Mast and Denick describedin the following,
are capableof working two holds. Not simultaneously,but
the derrick can fairly easy be swung around to work both

llt ul itt ltrr

@Mantal Navigationsskole Septenrber04


The Stuelcken Mast Prominent in the area of heavy lifts on conventionalships

and Derrick is the Stuelcken mast and derrick arrangement,a patent of
Blohm & Voss A.G. of Hamburg,Germany.
A considerablenumber of these masts and derricks have
been fitted into ships of varying tonnageand nationality,
with S.W.L capacitiesranging from 25 tons to 350 tons.
The ranges between 60-80-100 tons indicate the
tendenciestowards conventional tonnage; those upwards
of 350 tons being illustrative of the more specialist
The manufacturers, Blohm & Voss A.G., claim the
following main advantagesin the Stuelcken masVderrick-
crane cargo fittings.

The main advantages of the Stuelcken Mast compared

with other cargo gear arc:
1. Absence of all guys and preventersfor slewing the
2. No tackle work, even when swinging the derrick
through the posts or when cllanging to smaller loads;
3. Swinging the derrick through the posts allows
hatchways, both forward and aft of the masts to be


4. The winches - and hence also the derrick - can be

operated by one man by means of controllers or by
remote control:
5. The whole denick installation is largely
6. The speed of cargo handling can be substantially
increasedby using suitablepoweredwinches;
7. Ordinary light cargo gear (union purchase) can be
attached to the posts and operated on one side
simultaneouslywith the heavy lift denick operating
on the other side;
8. So far the Stuelckenmast is built from l5 tons SWL.
up to 525 tons SWL., but there is no limit to the
capacity of this cargo gear, provided, however, that
the vesselhas sufficient loading stability;
9. When installing two Stuelckenmasts,for exampleto
handle 260-ton loads with two equal 130 tons
derricks.it is not necessaryto use a traverse.

The containerfeeder This type of ship is most often equipped with two
vessel hydraulic operatedcranes mounted clear of the hatcheson
one of the ship's side to facilitate easy loading and
unloading of large items, i.e. containers, from an
unobstructedcargo area. This positioning of the cranes
makes it possible to constructthese ships with very large
hatch openings.Smaller vesselsmight only have one hold
with a hatch opening of maybe 50 metres in length. This
makes it possiblefor thesevesselsto load even very large
structures in one piece. With qanes with a normal
capacityof 36 to 40 tons will easily handle goodsup to 80
tons without any alterations of the cranes. Some cranes
have the possibility to alter the rigging to accommodate
even large loads. Moving the crane'shook inwards on the
jib and increasing the number of sheavesused on the
runner normally does the job. After altering the rigging,
the cranes capacity will often have doubled but the
outreach reduced with the same factor. Extremely long
and stiff objects might still be within the reach of both
cranes at the same time, but shorter or less rigid objects
will now require a lifting yoke in order to be lifted by the
two cranes at one time. It is of course a time consuming
and labour intensive - and thereby costly - project to alter
the rigging of one or two cranesfor a single lift, but unless
a floating crane is available in the port area it is the only
'tween-deck -
possibility. An often seenfeature is that the
if the vesselhas any - is adjustablein the vertical position
or can be removed altogether.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04

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The specialistheavy
The smaller specialistheavy lift / project cargo vesselwill
tift / project cargo often be equipped with two very large derricks, again
vessel positioned on one side of the cargo area, enabling the
vessel to load - and unload - very large objects over the
opposite side of the ship, on to the totally unobstructed
deck area or down in the - again - very long and box
shaped cargo hold. The derricks can be of differenr rypes,
i.e. Velle system,"inverted" Stuelckenmast / denick and
others,with capacitiesin the range of 300 tons to 500 tons
each, giving a combined lifting capacity of up to 1000
tons. The hatch covers will often be of the pontoon type
and be flush with the main deck. ln combination with a
bow- (or stern door, depending of the position of the
accommodation) + ramp, this feature will enable the
vesselto load rolling cargotoo.
The bigger specialistheavy lift / project cargo vesselcan
be of similar type as the smaller ones just enlarged.But
often the cargo area will be divided into two ore more
holds and the lifting gear can very well be three or more
cranes. The total lifting capacity will again be in the
region of 1000 tons.

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The semi- The semi-submersiblevessels are not usually equipped

submersiblevessel with heavy lifting gear,but rely on being able to submerge
the deck below the unit to be lifted. With the ability of
these vesselsto raise and lower their cargo decks, rolling
devices and skidding techniques may also be used for
loading and discharging units from the quayside on to
thesevessels,if floating on or off is not viable.

OMantal Navieationsskole 04

USSColecominghomefrom Yemen

OMarstal Navigationsskole September 04


Calculation of the Metacentric Height, GMt

As loading and unloading in Heavy Lift operationswill
often include ballast operations,and as GMt is important
for the calculation of the angle of heeling due to the
transverse moment about the Centre line plane, the
following text will give you alternative methods of
calculatingthe GMt after shifting, loading or unloadingof
weights, without doing a complete calculation of the
momentsaboutthe baseline.
Even though most calculations can be done with the
computer based loading programmes,it is still important
to be familiar with the basicprinciples.
GMt is the differencebetweenthe height abovethe keel of
the metacentreand the centre of gravity.

(1) GMn - KMh- KGt

The height of the centre of gravity above the keel in
condition l, KGr, is calculated from the total moment
aboutthe baseline for the fully loadedship.

(2) KGt=:;

KMtr is taken from the hydrostatic particulars for the

given displacementor draught.
When loading and discharging, the new height of the
centreof gravity can be calculatedfrom formula (3)

(3) KGz =
KMtz is taken for the new displacement.Now GMt2 can be
calculatedfrom formular (1).

Example 1 Arktis Ligh is in a condition with Ar=6410 t. and

KGr-5,93 m.
Ballast tanks 3 s+p are to be filled with seawaterand a
weight of 35t is to be loaded on rhe rop of the hatch with
the centre of gravity at a height above the keel (Kg) of
CalculatingKG2 og Gmtz !
From the capacityplan you can seethat tanks 3s+p have a
capacityof 155,7t.with a Kg of 0,64m.
The new displacementwill be: Az -
| 55,7+35+64 70=6600,7t

OMantal NavigationsskoleSeptember04

And from formula(3)

. 0,64+ 35.14
+ 155,7
KGz = = 5,85m
With A2 ]ou can readKMt2 ='7,065m, and from formula
(1) youhave:
GMtz =7,065-5,85

The change in the GMt The changein the GMt is found asthe differencebetween
the changein KMt and the changein KG.
The new GMt can now be found
(5) GMtr= GMtr +aGMt

Shifting Weights Shiftingof weights(i.e. Ar = LD doesnot causeany

changein the KMt, consequently:
6KMt =0
The changein KG can be calculatedfrom the changein
Kg for the weightsshifted:

(6) dKG-T

and now ,

(7) GMtz=GMtr \o axs

Rememberthat the changein Kg is positive when shifting
weight upwards, and negative when shifting the weight

Example 2 If we go on with example I and shift the contents from tk.

3 P+S to the forepeak tank (All centres of gravity as
mentionedin the plan of capacities)
The changein the Kg is found from the plan of capacities
DKg-Kg2 -Kgr = 4,94-o,64=4,30m
and now from (6),
dKG=155'7 = o,lom
and from (4),

eKMt =0 bYshifting

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


and from (5),

GMt3 = I,22+(-0,10)=l
Loading and unloadingWhen loadinganddischarging you musttakethe KMt for
both condition 1 and condition 2 and then calculatethe
change in KMt:

(8) SKMI = KMtz - KMtt

The change in KG is determined from KG1 og Kg on the
loaded or unloaded weight q. Positive weight for loading
and negative for discharging.

F ' " - KG)

q. (ke
(e) 8KG= L/'
(10) GMtr = GMtr+(KMt2 - KMtl) -
Lq'6s - KG)

Attention should be paid to the fact that the centre of

gravity for the lifted weight is the top of the derrick or
crane, when you are loading with own gear.

Example 3 If we go back to example 1, and want to improve the

stability by filling another set of bottom tank , DB 2 S+P
(q=158,7t with Kg=0,65m)we have:
A I = 6600,7+158,2=6758,9t., giving KMs - J,0J6m.,
and from (10),
158,2.(0,65-5,95) =
GM* = 1,22+(7,076-7,065)- 1,35m.
And now from (1)
KG: - 7,o76-1,35
= 5,726m.

The effect of free The effect of free surfaces will increase the solid KG to
the fluid KGc, and reducethe solid GMt to the fluid GMc.
surfacesof liquids
The effects of the free surfaces are listed in the plan of
capacities for each tank., and the reduction can now be

F rvr
(11) a - L /

The reducedGMc can be calculat,ideither as,

(L2) GMc = GMt-6

OMarstal Navieationsskole Seotember 04


(13) GMc = KMt-KGc,
Where the increasedKGc is found as

(14) KGc -

Example4 When shifting water from double bottom tanks 3P+S to

the forepeak tank in example 2 , you must calculatewith
free surfaces in both tanks. From the plan of capacities
you seethat FSM for 3 P+S is 220 mt. and 195 mt. for the
forepeak tank. Therefore from (1 1)
^ 220+195
--- =0.06m.
andfrom (12)
GM"t =1,12-0,06=1,06
Regardless of type of ship working with heavy lift
operations,it is recommendedto reduce free surfacesin
tanks to an absoluteminimum.
Start the operation with only empty or totally filled tanks
and only work with a single pair of tanks when the ballast
is used as a counterweight.

Determinationof the The angle of heel in the below formulas must not exceed
angleof heel 10 degrees.
Ballast and loading operations will result in a moment
about the centre line plane. The resulting moment Md, is
defined as positive giving a heeling to starboard, and
negative,giving a heeling to port side.
The moment of heeling is found by summation of the
weights multiplied by the lever to the centre line plane,
Dg. Positive to starboardand negativeto port side.

(1s) Md.=la'ns
The angleof heelcannow be calculated,
(16) 0 = Arc tan-
At a given list, the heelingmomentabout the centreline
planeis determinedby,
(17) Md = L^'GMc'ane

@Mantal Navigationsskole September 04


The angle is positive for starboardlists and negative for

port lists.
By changesin weight, the changeand the new moment are
found by,
(18) dMd=la. Ds

(1e) M d . zM
=d z + l a . n s
and by shifting weights
(20) dMd=la.aDs

(2I) Mdz= Mdt+ I q.dDs

6Dg is positive when shifting a weight to starboard and
negative when shifting a weight to port .
If the angle of heel is more than 10 degreesit rnuri b"
determined using the curve of the righting levers (GZ
curve). Seefig. 1


Fig. I
By a sudden and fast hoisting the situation is dynamic
rather than static, and the heeling will reach its maximum
at the dynamic equilibrium at the angle b. There will be
dynamic equilibrium when the area above the GZ-curve
and below the Y-curve equals the area above the y-curve
and below the GZ-curve at the angle b, After rolling there
will be a static equilibrium at the angle a where the GZ-
curve cuts the y-curve.
Of course both Dg and MD will-change with increasing
angle of heel, but without importance for practical


By easy and slow hoisting the angle of heel will

exceedthe angle a in static equilibrium.


F i g .2
In Fig.2 you see Dg and Kg, the distanceof the centre of
gravity for the weight from the centre line and the keei
respectively. Note that the centre of gravity is at the
derrick top during the hoisting operation.
Of courseKg and Dg will changea little with the angle of
heel but can be calculated with a god approximation
keeping both constant.

Example5 Now from example 3 , with Lt =6758,9t., Km6 =7,076m.

and KG3 =5,726m. The port side of the ship is alongside,
and you are to hoist 40t
With the crane in lifting position there is an angle of heel
of 3" to port ,
The top of the crane is 34m above the keel and the centre
of gravity of the weight is 20 m from the centreline plane.


There are free surfacesin Wing Tanks 1 S+p, which also

can be used as heelingtanks during the operation.
What is the angle of heel when the weight is hanging in
the runner?
The fluid GMc is calcularedfrom (11) and (12)
a- =0,O04m.
The heeling moment for the 3 degreeheeling to pofi ls
determinedby (17)
Mdr =6758,9.1,35.tan(-
8,2 mt.
When the weight is hangingfree in rhe runner A+ = 675g.9
+40=6798,9t.and KMta =7,078m.
From (10)

GMt +=7,35+ (7,078 - 7,076) - = l,l86m.
and from(l2)
)' '1
GMca =1,186 =1.182m.
Thenewheelingmomentis foundfrom (18)
Md2 =-478,2+40(-20)=-478,2-800=- 1278,2mr.
Now the angleof heelcanbe foundfrom (16)
0 = ArcTan - -9 ( i.e. at port
6798.9.r.182 )
Note the very little effect of the free surfaces in Wins
tanks I S+P.
The fact that makes them useful as heeling tanks during

Generalintact The criteria recommendedby IMO in res.749,chapter3

stability criteria for The following criteria are recommendedfor passengerand
all ships cargo ships
The areaunder the righting lever curve (GZ-curve) should
not be less than 0.055 metre-radianup to e = 30" angle of
heel and not less than 0.09 metre-radianup to 0 = 40o or
the angle of flooding 0l if this angle is less than 40".
Additionally, the areaunder the righting lever (GZ-curve)
betweenthe anglesof heel of 30o and 40o or between30o

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


and 0f, if this angle is less than 40" , should not be less
than 0.03 metre-radian.
The righting lever GZ should be at least0.20 m ar an ansle
ofheel equal to or greaterthan 30o
The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of
heel preferablyexceeding3Oo.butnot lessthan 25 degrees.
The initial metacentricheight GMt should nor be less rhan
0 . 1 5m .

Heavy lift operations All ships can be regarded as heavy lifters in relation to
size and derricks.
Every ship is only limited by its size and type of cranes
and derricks.
For most ships it is possible to use their loading
programmesto determineballast operations,angle of heel
and angle with the horizontal for the derricks in heavy lift
The vessel concernedwill have its own suidelinesfor the
The following is from a ship of DW 5860t, Lengrh
82.I2m., Breadth 17.0m. and draft 8.26m. and equipped

Notes regarding handling heavy cargo hoisting gear

ln order to avoid unexpected movements of cargo being
hoisted, or accidents of other kinds, it is recommended
that the following precautionarymeasuresbe taken.
1. The heavy denick is to be used in an angle of 45
degreeswith horizontal.
? The maximum list angle should be 10 degrees.
3. All tanks, bunkers as well as ballast tanks should be
either completely full or empty. Slack tanks must be
4. Upper forepeak should always be empty.
5. Ballast tanks acting as counterweight should be
filled or emptied one by one during slewing and
6. When filling and emptying the double bottom ballast
tanks, it is to be ensuredthat there always remains a
list of about 5 degreesto the hoisting side,during the
time the heavy load is not between the hatch
coamings. Only between the hatch coamings guys
from the hoisting side deliver their full capacity.
7. For examples of loading and unloading conditions
seeconditionsmarked "a".


Generally you must always be careful to avoid heavy

accelerations and decelerations with the hoisting gear
causedthe strongforcesinvolved.
Heavy lift operationscan with advantagebe carriedout by
ballast operations.
You can use the ballast as a counterweight slowly
reducing the heeling moment causedby the heavy weight.
When the weights equal each other the crane itself can be
used for the rest of the operation.The ballast now being
used to reduce the heeling until the weight is well on
board. Take care that there is almost no list when the
weight has to be landedon board.
Every type of derricks and cranes have their own
specificationfor maximum list, angle with the horizontal
and limitations for weight
Many vessels have special heeling tanks with muck
capacity and often a small FSM, to reducethe fluid GMc
during the lifting operation.
Generally it must be recommended to reducethe number
of slack tanks as much as possible.

Example No. 6 The vesselis lying as in example No. 5, but now lifts the
weight by shifting ballast from WT 1 P to WT 1 S. The
distance athwart ships between the centres of the wing
tanks is 14 m..
How much ballast must be shifted before the weisht is
The weight will be lifted when the change in the moment
about the centre line plane equals that of the
8,2)=800mt.From (20)
' t 4

There will be no changein stability comparedto example

No. 3, as it is a shifting of weights between tanks with
identical centresof gravity.

OMantal Navigationsskole

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The following text containsa short descriptionof various
stowage and securing materials and elements in order to
provide an overview on availabledimensionsand strength.
It is desirable that manufacturers and ship chandlers
deliver with such material appropriate documents on the
nominal breaking strength and elasticity properties. There
is however no world wide standard asreed on such
If no breaking load (BL) values are available or those
given are doubtful, the text containssome rules of thumb
which may be usedto estimatethe breakingstrength.

Fibre ropes Natural Fibre ropes are made of the materials manila,
hemp, sisal and manila-sisal-mix.Natural fibre ropes will
not normally be used for lashing heavy indivisible loads,
but is mentioned for information only.
If not otherwise declared the breaking strength can be

BL = 6* d2 kN (d = rope diameterin cm)

Synthetic fibre ropes are considerably stronger. If the

nominal breaking strength is not supplied by the
manufacturer or chandler the followine rules of thumb
may be used:

BL = 12* d2 kN For polypropyleneropes

BL = 15* d2 kN For polyesterropes

BL = 20x d'z kN For polyamideropes

All the above fibre ropes are not recommended for the
securing of critical cargo units, such as heavy units,
becauseof their high elasticity and the tendencyof knots
to slip open.

Conventional wlre Material: Steelwith a nominal BL of around 1,6 kN/mm2.

rope lashings Typicallashingwire typesare:
6 x 1 9+ l F C
6 * 3l + 1 FC (runnertype)
If no BL informationis availablethe rule of thumbreads:
BL=50* d-'tN
Speciallashingwireswith high flexibility- andeasierto
work with for the lashinggang- havea highernumberof

OMarstal Navigationsskole September04


fibre coresand thereforelessBL and Maximum Securing

Load (MSL).
Thetypicalmakesare: 6 * 9 +7 FC
If no BL information is availablethe rule of thumb reads:

BL=25 x d2 kN
It is clear that those more flexible wires require the double
effort of lashing work and material for getting the same
result althoughthe handling may be more convenient.

Wire clips (butldog It is of utmost importance that wire clips are applied in
grips) correct number, direction, size and tightness. Neglecting
these requirements is the main reason for the failure of
wire rope lashings.

Wire diameter Clios sizemetric Clips size in inches

l2 mm t2 v2'
16 mm T6 5lg"
t8 mm t8 3t4"
20 mm 20 3t4"
22mm 22 7t8"
24 mm 24 l'
26 mm 26 t"

The number of clips in a simple dead eye shows a close

relation to the slipping load.
Numberof anpliedclios Slinpineat ....7oof BreakinsLoad
2 aoorox.50Vo
J approx.757o
4 no slippins

ln some instance lashing wires are supplied pre-cut to

Eyes- Splicesand length and with eyes and/or attachment devices already
Grips formed in one or both ends. Such purpose-madeitems are
usually sold with certificates stating the test-load and
nominal break-load applicable. For general lashing
pu{poses,however, the wire is usually supplied in coils
and must be cut to length aboard the ship with the eyes
and attachment devices formed and fitted on site as
required. It is to this latter practice that the following
The eye may be formed by splicing the strands of the wire
back into the lay of the standing part around a thimble.
There are several methods of achieving this result. All are
time-consumingand, even if effected with the exerciseof


great skill and care,they all reducethe strengthof the wire

in the tucked area to about 8OVoof its nominal breaking-
load. In instanceswhere the eyesare formed with lessskill
and care the strands may pull or slip at loads of no more
than 50Voof the breaking-load of the wire.
For these reasons bulldog-grips and their close cousin
Crosby-clipswere invented,the use of which allows eyes
to be formed quickly and securely in wire ropes by
relatively unskilled personsproviding a few simple rules
are followed.
The correct method and the incorrect method of making
eyes in wire ropes using bulldog-grips is shown in the
following figures:

2 ,1 Jl -"i!'li
;:r:-,4:;:;+S":ti$S+i+il5.s.\s :.'rr..;' /:'i.
r,.. *:S.N.i{.\_-
'i.::s-i :

Experienceshowsthat the simple most predominantfactor
associated with the failure of cargo lashings is the
incorrectapplicationof bulldog-grips.
Seamanship and rigging books, manufacturers'
information material, and many years of instructive
propaganda have all promulgated the correct methods to
adopt; but with little apparent beneficial results; the
learning curve remains stubbornly flat, and the task of
getting the work done properly is as difficult today as it
must have been when bulldog-grips first came on the
The strength of eyes formed by bulldog-grips has for years
been a matter of speculation in some quarters.On the
other hand, severalpublications attempt to give guidance
on the subject. Empirical tests made several years ago -
over a range of wire-and-grip configurations - indicate
that the perfect eye around a thimble, made and tested
under perfect conditions, will hold at 9OVoto IOOVoof the
nominal breaking-load(NBL) of the wire before slipping
and/or fracturing. On the other hand, departuresfrom the
ideal will result in slippageat much reducedloads.

OMarstal Navigationsskole September04


e . Sizes V6- through tr havs brged b8ses. L@k br th. R.d-U-6on$,
!out -rqanq ot

|}LJ{TT . EntlE Cf{o - fio( Olp galrlanilod to rasist

Crc.by Cllts

f_\-T+|-{-r corr{)sh/e and rusting actiail.

- Only Gsrruine Croeby Glips hava a R€d
U-gOLT tor instart recognition.
l - - i r F l . All Clip$ ars lndivklually bcgged or taggFd
F- o--_i ltrilh p$psr app{tcafiorr f}tFuctio{ts Fnd
warnin€ into.rm*don.
. Clb staee up thror€h 11/d havs roflod
/:-\-"-------1- thr€ads.
_l# \-/ k---T I
l#@Li G-450


C(o6ey qiFf all €l:s T{ qnd lsrger mst Il wenrurNc TNFoRMATToN
Feddrdl S$ft|fE€tldr FF-C-4SO TYpE I CLASS t.

n"#,: ;!tl;i;,o"" r,ltlrgnr:

S l : i r;fh*l|.ia l '. rPar
m :
r o l@ r 5 roo 6 .22 .72 { 4? .4t 9e l1 e4
to1ffi 1m to .0t -s 59 s M l6
to1005t 100 a .it r,axt "5{t ,?5 ,66 .54 t9 |..14
tolM s g s 75 72 !t a9
+t to1ffi7 1m 47 .& t $ 75 tm 9t 1t*l s E
tolc1t3 50 76 .50 LAA I -OO t.ls t.o3 .aa .El 2.24
ro1013t 5C €o 50 r^€8 r.oo r_19 I t3 es 9l 2.4
tolaf5a 50 to{ .56 2.t! t.t5 t.31 t& g,a 2.06 2g
tol0 t7"7 r06 56 2,34 t,?5 r.31 r.3.4 .e4 2.O0 2.50
ta101ts 25 150 fr? t^7+ t.{s t.5a t.{r 1,OO 2,* 4.94
to!02t t 26 zlz .75 s,12 t,e !.75 t.5t t.d 2.U 3 16

^*t**--* _":R:q*"c*" *-".!_e*__-*RSQ-, ..-* J-€-.*. :"4!* **l:!r_* *-19*

ro10?57 to ?xl .t5 3,€A ?.oo l,9t 1.5 2-ll 3.39
to1@E to .& as 2.13 2.31 2.t9 !.€ 3tg
1r/21 , . ..*_"J9" -_?{1._. ..?.1!..- "?.,,1"..."._j".x. .--.:l,l-3*
! tol 03l9 4-S 2S 2.69 2.14 1.€ a4l 4.{
I sr'! toloIItt Bt* 'i@ .oq 63i a.ac 2.V5 2.6G 1.61 3.03 75
tolos 8* hs 5_75 2-f6 3,Ob 2.t4 I -Al 9.al 5.4
tolo3t3 &i( I 3tS ,?5 a-{ 3.OO 9"$$ 3.24 ?.6 I|"rti| 6.$S
ar/. tot o{!3t tu"'*, 106 .25 7,11 3,1' sg t,1e 2.6 a g
to1 04t ? B* 7ag 3.& a .t 3 3.49 ?_@ {s as
t2 cJ. to t 04:15 Blt( 23m .25 4"3! 3,56 i{.:}a {.at ?.oo 5"m 6.aa
tol 0453 Bd( Sroo ,50 0^'is s.oa a7s 4.6t 2.34 n€a r.8
t3 r/a to1ffi 8d( ffi 70.75 4"9 5.30 a.m 2.34 ate a.3a
'ChF !as.d U.8olt $d Ndr
12 ryr- s.t 3 ,l. w qurra It ct Nl,

Bulldog-grip Basic rules for the use of Bulldog-grips for marine

Terminations lashings:
1. For all sizes of wire from 8mm to L9mm diameter,
use not less than three grips at eacheye; for wires of
20mm to 32mm diameter. use not less than four
grips per eye; for wires of 33mm to 38mm
diameter, use not less than five grips at each eye and
upwards. Using less numbers of grips than here
recommended can seriously impair the holding
effectiveness of the eye.
2. Bulldog-grips have a grooved surface in the bridge
piece, which is suitable for a standard wire rope of
right-hand lay having six strands.Crosby-gripshave

OMarstalNavigationsskole 04

a smooth surface in the bridge piece. The grips

should not be used with ropes of left-hand lay or
different construction.
J. Before cutting the wire to length, whip or securely
tape both sidesof the cutting point. The two cut ends
will then not tend to unlay, and a good, firm eye can
be madewithout wasting materialor time.
4. The first grip must be close up to the thimble - or at
the neck of the eye if a thimble is not used - and the
other grips must be spacedapproximately six rope
diameters apaft, i.e. 96mm apart on a 16mm
diameter wire; 108mm apart on an 18mm diameter
5. The grips must all face in the same direction and
must be fitted with the saddle(or bridge) applied to
the workingftrauling part of the rope; the U-bolt (or
bow) must be applied on the tail/dead-endof .the
rope. Applying the grips in reduced numbers and
in other directions can seriously impair the
holding effectivenessof the eye.
6. Ideally, all nuts should be tightened using a torque-
wrench so as to give tightening values in accordance
with the manufacturers'instructions.This is feasible
in covered workshop conditions but, on an exposed
deck in the dark and rain of a winter's night, it is
sufficient to take all nuts hard-up with a ring
spamer. Thereafter,all eye terminations should be
checked after a while and the nuts hardened-up
again if necessary.This latter practice should never
be neglected. The very nature of the grips and the
wire means that one is compressingthe other; the
flattening effect of that compressionmay continue to
some very slight degreeafter the nuts have been first
applied firmly.
7. Under test, when the gripped connection starts to
slip, it first goes quickly; the rate of slip then
reduces, but slip does not stop until the load is
8. With three grips used in the correct manner and with
the eye formed around the correct sized thimble (a
hard eye) the eye will not fail or slip at loads less
than90Vo of the nominal break-load.
9. With three grips used in the correct manner but
without a thimble (a soft eye), this being by far the
most common configuration likely to arise in
practical, on-site, lashing arrangements,the eye can
be expected to slip at loads at about 70Vo of the

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


nominal break-load. It would not be unreasonable

to call this the "slip-load" or the ,,holdingpower,,of
the eye, and it is so called throughoutthis paper.
1 0 . The practice of using half-double grommets is
widespread, but rigging gangs and ships' crew
frequently assumesuch arrangementswill provide a
holding power of twice the break-load of the wire.
Testsproved such assumptionto be wrong. In a half_
double grommet, with six grips used correctly as
illustrated below, the slip-load will be about 1Zz
times the nominal break-load. The holding power
naturally decreases as the number of gnps is
Il. The practice of using bulldog-grips to join two end
of wire rope together to form a single loop is to be
avoided, and is not approved by the manufacturers
of either wire rope or bulldog-grips. Rigging gangs
and ships' crews frequently assume such
arrangementswill provide a holding power of twice
the break-loadof the wire. Tests also proved such an
assumptionto be wrong. Bearingin mind the content
of (5) above, it follows that, where an attempt is
made to join two ends of wire in a loop witli the
grips, there is no tailldead-endinvolved: Both parts
are working/hauling pafis and so there is a failure of
the mechanical principles on which the grips are
designed. It is, however, appreciated that
circumstancesmay demand some such arrangement,
and so tests were carried out on a range of made-up
loops. The results were more favourable than
expectedwhen six grips were used.In a single loop,
with six grips used correctly as illustratedbelow, the
slip load will be about l4OVoof the nominal break_
load. The holding power naturally decreasesas the
number of grips is reduced.
1 2 . In a soft eye with two grips, and with one or both
used in the reverse manner, the eye can be expected
to slip at loads of about half of the nominal
breakJoad. These may be considered the least
desirable configurations. However, if used, do not
allow their holding power to be greater than half the
nominal break-load of the wire.
1 3 . ln soft eyesusing only one grip the slip-load will be
0,25 NBL with the grip positioned correctly and
0,18 NBL with the grip used in reverse.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September O4



lllmm - 0 r 12 C0l{St?UClT0N


Slip load : NBL x 1.40


A word of caution before deciding to use half-double

grommets(at NBL*1,5) and singleloops (at NBL*1,4) as
opposedto single eyes (at NBL*0,7). Remember that at
one terminal end in the instanceof a half-doublegrommet,
and at each terminal end in the instanceof a single loop,
there is no more material than at the terminal end of a
single soft-eye.
For instance,say that for convenienceand time savingyou
choose to use 12 half-double grommets of l6mm 6xl2
wire to secure a 46 tonne item, rather than 25 single eyes.
If one of the half-double grommets fractures at a poor
terminal connectionyou loose 8,257oof the total holding
power - if a soft eye had failed you would have lost only
4Voof the total holding power.
Lashing and securing of heavy cargoes (or other cargoes
for that matter) is not an exact science.It is frequently a
case of a balancedtrade-off. but-the trade-off should be
basedon information and a few quick calculations.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


Correct Method Of Installing U-Bolt Wire Rope Clips

t. Turn back specified length of rope from thimble
and apply first clip one saddle width from seized
dead end. Tighten nuts evenly to specified torque.
Important: Seat "live end" of wire rope (load
carrying part) in saddle and position U-bolt over

z. Apply second clip close to the thimble without

binding on it. Turn on nuts firmly but do not tighten
yet to recommendedtorque.
3. Apply all other clips, equally spacedbetween first
two clips.
4. Apply light tension and tighten all nuts evenly to
specified torque.
5. Recheck and re-tighten nuts after initial load. This
load should be at least equal to loads expected in
generaluse. Wire rope will stretchslightly causinga
reduction in diameter,which will slacken the clips.
Nuts must be checked at frequent intervals for
tightnessto assureefficiency of termination.
If the specified number of clips are applied accordingto
these instructions, they will develop approximately 80%
efficiency of right lay wire rope of classes6 x 19, 6 x 37,7
x 19. 8 x 19, 19 x 7 and cablelaid.
Add at least one additional clip if thimble is not used or if
clips are used on other wire ropes than those mentioned
above. Check with wire rope manufacturer if in doubt. If
more clips are used than specified, the amount of wire
rope to be turned back has to be increasedproportionately.

Lashing chains are generallymade of high tensile steel in

order to reduce their weight for the ease of handling. The
most common lashing chains are class 5, class 6 and class
8. Breaking strengthof material:
Class 5: 500 N/mm'
Class6: 600 N/mm2
Class 8: 800 N/mm2

If no information on the breaking strengthis availablethe

rule of thumb reads:
BL = 80+d kN for class5
BL = 95*dzkN for class6
BL= 125*d2kN for class8

Where d is the diameter of the chain steel in cm.


Example: A lashing chain of 13 mm, class 8, has an BL of

725*1,3*1,3= 211,25kN.

There are various systemsof chain tensionersavailableas

well as specially adaptedhooks to shorten chains to the
required loadedlength. Chain lashingswith lever tightener
should be used as described in the manufacturer's
information with particular regard to permissible lever
angles,securingof the lever and re-tighteningthe lashings
during the voyage.

Chainwith chainlevertiehtener

The advantage of using chain resides, in some

circumstances,in the fact that, under the normal loads for
which it is designed,it will not stretch.Thus, if all chain
lashings are set tight before the voyage and the cargo
neither settles nor moves, there is no normal loading
circumstanceswhich will cause the chain to lose its
tautness. Hence, its widespread use in the securing of
freight containers.

Below are shown some illustrations of some chain types

and arrangements.


d t
I w
0 ,#
0 di
i Ji,'
X i{fi
$ tlil
0 t
0 |{n iit
I n)l
Fig. 2.07 tsig.X.08 Fig.2.10 Fig.2.09
Iang |ink chain Shart lir/. chain Chainwith Chain xith ring
rcrsioner.t, Iug one end, ovsl
linh the txher.

The relevant data on strengthsand sizes of the chain Grade

most likely to be met with in cargo securingapplicationsis
shown below.

Dia. of Bar Break-l*ad Prcof-l,oad I rs$sg fsplgiqr

For&inc LiDli LiakTwe Togsef Tonnef i!{SL} Tomef

9nru Shon 10.40 6"53 < ttl

l0oro Rhnn 12"8{ 8.00 d..i2

llm Shon 15.70 9_[] 7_8.5

!Jn:rn Short 2t.62 t J. ft) tt/-tl

l6rnm Shon 32.8{ x1].60 I6.,{3

I $mar Shon 41"50 15.04 20.15

?Oom Shon 51.30 35.65

2]m,'n Shon 6?.00 38,90 31"00

Chain strengths - Grade 8 - Short Link

It is important to remember that within the CSM

Regulations set down by IMO manufacturers/suppliers of
lashing chains now have a mandatory duty to provide the
user vessel with details of breaking strengths,Maximum
Securing Load; so the table aboveshould only be used in
the absence of other more precise data and when you
know the chain you have is of grade8.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September 04


D-rings, Lashing- Many a well-stowed, well-securedcargo started to break

adrift becausethe lashing terminal points were either too
Lugs, Pad-Eyes,Etc. weak to start with or overloadedwith too many lashings.
To spend time and trouble to complete a well-balance
stowage and lashing arrangement,and then to lose the
cargo becausedeck terminal lashing points failed would
be unfortunate in the extreme.
The most unfortunate combination of events occurs where
the lashing lug itself and its attaching welding are of
ample strength, but the substructure to which the lug is
welded is of much reduced strength.This situation arises
where heavy lugs are attachedto lightweight deck plating
or bulwark plating on a ship, or to relatively thin plating
forming the casingof a high-valuepiece of machinery.
One of the most useful deck lashing terminal points is the
D-ring made of drop-forged steel, in either single or
double construction.The dimensionsof such rings govern
their intrinsic strength together with the length, type and
depth of weld attachment.The constructions shown in the
following figure for instance,illustrate that.

lrtcm^ I
i---t !
l** i-l$nln *-.r{
9rca*-lnpd JJ rnrrrrt"r
grcsl.. Jrl1lrJlr? lrqars

l*.* laao-J

8r*n&Jrvrd 36 fnnne.t

A single D-ring with a l5-tonne break-loadwill

haveweld-runsof 100mmldngthon eachsideof the

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


b. A single D-ring with a 20-tonne break-load will

have weld-runs of 130mm length on each side of the
connecting saddle.
c. A single and a double D-ring with a 36-tonne break-
load will have weld-runs of 140mm leneth on each
side of the connecting saddle.

noon Fig.3.55

,L )\t lnu )n

Fig.3.5E Fi9,3"60

i I

i - | Fig.3.63

@Marstal Navisationsskole September 04


All drop forged material yield strengthwell in excessof

ordinary mild steel. As mentioned above, it is not only
deck terminal points that fail; the lugs on the cargo itself
may fail from similar causes,so due considerationmust be
given to their strength,also.
The important thing to rememberwhen assessingthe weld
connections for D-rings, or any other form of welded
terminal, is that constructional and classification
considerations require that the yield strength of the weld
connectionsshall be at least equal to the intrinsic yields
strength of the material welded. Ordinary shipbuilding
mild steel, for instancehas a yield strengthof about 235
Nl mmz; so it follows that an ordinary mild steel lashing
plate of, say, 20mm thickness should not be welded to
ordinary mild steel plating of less thickness. ln other
words, unless the yield strengthand thicknessof the sub-
structure are known to be the same or better than the
proposed lashing plate, play for safety. If necessary,
decreasethe size and increasethe number of the lashing
plates, and reinforce the sub-structure when terminal
points are required to be welded to any part of a ship's
Lloyd's Register,for instance,recommendthat eye plates
(lashing plates)used for lashing of deck cargoesare not to
be welded to the upper side of the sheer strake nor, in
general, are they to penetrate the strength deck plating.
Deck, bulwark or other plating is to be of sufficient
thickness to withstand any shear forces that may be
incurred in way of eye plates (lashing plates) due to
asymmetricalloading of the eye plate (lashing plate), and
such plating is to be stiffened as necessary to prevent
deformation under direct eye plate (lashing plate)

Fire and Explosion The need for care, thought and planning before any
Hazards welding of lashing terminals takes place cannot be too
greatly emphasised,bearing in mind that the attachmentof
such terminals may occur when stowage of below-deck
cargo is well advanceor maybecompleted.
Before any welding is effectedon board the vesselit is of
"hot work permit" from
the utmost importance to obtain a
the port/harbour authority. Make sure that the port/harbour
authorities are in possession of all relevant information
relating to your ship and its cargo.
Make sure the welding contractors and/or the ship's
officers and crew are competent to carry out and/or
adequatelysupervisethe welding work.

OMarstal Navigationsskole September04

f.," F * Cts{
F, - f '3i*d.
In the case of welding lashing plates to the weather-deck
make sure that in the spacebelow the weatherdeck, place
not less than two reliable men, each supplied with two
suitable portable fire-extinguishers.ln the spacebelow the
weather-deck, spread purpose-madethick suitable non-
combustible sheeting immediately beneath each point
where welding is being effected. Do not allow two areas
of welding if only the non-combustiblesheet below can
protect one area. Rig fire hoses on deck, with adjustable
spray/jetnozzles,and with full water pressureon the deck
"hot work", maintain a
fire main. On completion of all
watchman in the space below for a while. Some
regulations state up to four hours as the necessaryfire
watch period after welding. A ship's officer should be
//,///l directed to effect a thorough examination in the spaces
below before those spaces are closed and/or battened-
c- : - -€ down. If in doubt - don't weld!
At-a w\vn a

Loa.l *l.,"L= La*'r

, f r i r
+ Fz'Qz z Fg'cg + Fa'er* Fs.ct<

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Planning of heavy lift

Cargo lnformation The planning phase of heavy lift will often be the most
time consuming, but there is no substitute for good
planning. Good planning decides whether the operation
will go smoothly to everyone'ssatisfaction,or the unit or
ship's gear will be damaged,the lift will be delayed or
maybe even a complete failure. Not to mention possible
human injuries causedby uncontrolledswing of the unit or
even worse; a drop of the unit to be lifted.
Before any lifting operations are to be undertaken, the
vessel's plans for lifting will often have to be discussed
with, or maybe even approved by, the cargo insurers
surveyor,the cargo owner's surveyorand the ship owner's
port captain or cargo coordinator.

Port Captain The ship owner's port captain or cargo coordinator will
normally have arrived at the port of loading at some time
prior to the vessel's arrival to assesthe situation. The
duties of the ship owner's port captain or cargo
coordinator will then be to coordinate the shore side's
servicing of the vessel, i.e. make sure the loads to be
lifted/transported are ready and will be delivered to the
quayside on time and to check that the information
received regarding size, weight, lifting and lashing points
is correct and of course render as much assistanceas
needed to the vesselsmaster. Another important task is
planning of the necessary and correct lashing to be
undertakenonce the load is on board the vessel.Lashing
gear will have to be checkedor purchased.If there is an
insufficient number of lashing points on board the ship,
plans will have to be made for an authorizedwelder to be
on hand for fitting more lashingpoints on the vessel.
Tidal Port If the loading - or unloading - is to take place in a tidal
harbour tide tables will have to be consulted for
determining the range of the tide and at time of the day the
tum of the tide takes place. It will be very difficult to
undertakea heavy lift at either rising tide or falling tide if
the range of the tide is substantial.

Cargo Information The master should as early as possible be provided with

sufficient information on any heavy cargo offered for
shipment so that he can properly plan its stowage and
The information should at leastinclude the followine:
- Grossmass;
- Principal dimensions with drawing or pictorial
descriptions,if possible;

@MantalNavigationsskole 04

Principal construction features:

Location of the centre of gravity;
Bedding areas and particular bedding precautions
Maximum allowable load and accelerationson beddine
Lifting points or slinging positions, position and
Securing points, where provided, including details of
their strength;
Maximum permissibleaccelerationsof the unit;
The lifting gear; weight, dimensions,who is supplying
and does it follow the unit to the receiver.

Location of stowage When considering the location for stowing a

heavy cargo item, the typical distribution of
accelerationson the ship should be kept in mind:
- Lower accelerationsoccur in
the amidships sections
and below the weather deck: and
- Higher accelerationsoccur
in the end sections and
above the weather deck.

Behaviourof the ship: The behaviourof the ship in a certaincondition of wind

and seais complicatedto predict. Main parametersare the
size of the ship, its stability and the speed.
- Large ships do not find a
sea condition producing
violent motions as often as do small ships.
- Ships with a high initial stabiliry
"close do more ofren find
to roll resonance"wave encountersthan do ships
with a low initial stability.
- Ships with a high initial stability
produce higher
transverse accelerationsdue to their shorter periods of
- Ships running at high speeds
will more easilv take
heavy shocksfrom wavesthan will do slow ships.

Locationof stowage: The stowage location of a particular cargo unit has a

significant influence on the magnitude of forces expected
during the voyage.
- Longitudinal forces increase
from lower hold ro
stowageon deck high.

@Ma$tal NavigationsskoleSeptember04

- Transverseforces increasefrom lower hold to stowage

on deck high and from a position at about 45Voof the
length towards the forward and aft end of the ship.
- Vertical forces (except the omnipresent gravity
component) increasefrom a position at about 45Voof
the length towards the forward and aft end of the ship.
- Stowagepositions on the weatherdeck or hatch covers
are subjectto forcesby wind and seasloshing.

Mass of the cargo unit: According to Newton's Law forces to cargo units are
generally proportional to the mass of the unit, except for
the impact forces, which are proportional to the affected
area of the unit. The latter will only apply to deck cargo
and have a minor influence, unless the cargo unit is large
and of comparablylow weight.

Rules of thumb: As a rule of thumb extemal forces to cargo units can be

expressedas a percentageof the weight as follows:
- Longitudinal forces up to 307oof the weight (fore and
aft direction),
- Transverseforces up to 80Voof the weight (port and
- Vertical forces up to 90Voof the weight (up and down,
gravity not included),
- Peak values in the transversedirection will appearin
combination with less than 60Vaof peak values in the
longitudinal and the vertical direction and vice versa.
Peak valuesin the longitudinal direction and in the vertical
direction may appear together because of the common
sourcesof pitching and heaving motions.
When heavy loads are to be stowed on deck, the expected
side" of the particular voyage should be taken
into accountif possible
Heavy loads should preferablybe stowed in the fore-and-
aft direction.

Distribution of weight The weight of the load should be distributedin such a way
as to avoid undue stress on the ship's structure.
Particularly with the carriage of heavy loads on decks or
hatch covers,suitablebeamsof timber or steelof adequate
strengthshould be used to transfer the weight of the item
onto the ship's structure.
If separatecrates or bedding ariangementsare delivered
with the load, note should be taken of that crates and the
like for road or rail transportnot necessarilyhas sufficient


strength for sea transport. The crate must, without

deformation,be able to withstand up to 2 times the weight
of the load due to vertical accelerationscaused bv the
pitching of the vessel.
The mastershould receive a declarationof suitability from
the shipper.
The shipper should deliver a drawing of the crate or
bedding affangements in due time as to allow the master
and the owner's cargo coordinator or port captain to
prepare and plan accordingly.
When placing heavy loads on the tank-top in a cargo hold
the master should exercisegreat vigilance getting the load
distributed well on to the floors and beams and not on to
the tank-top plating. By laying out bearers fore and aft or
diagonally the maximum support from beams and floors
can be achieved.
Support pads provided for container stowage may,
occasionally, be used directly for the support of
uncontainerised heavy lifts. [n certain circumstances flat
racks, platforms, often specially designedfor heavy lifts,
may be located in the container stowage positions and
utilised for supporting the heavy lift.
For determining the necessary amount of bearers or
dunnage the maximum permissible deck load (MPL) per
squaremeter must be known" This information should be
available from the ships drawings. The maximum deck
load per square meter will normally for ships intended for
heavy lift be in the region of 7 tol} tons on the tank top.
It is of utmost importance not to exceed the maximum
permissibleload to avoid structuraldamagesto either deck
beamsor floor plates.
The pressureexercisedfrom a piece of equipment on to
the deck can be calculatedby the following:

p-- 0 * g * 1 o o o
Where: p: pressurein Pascal

Q: The weight of the load in tons

g: Gravitationalacceleration
L: The length of the unit in metres
W: The width of the unit in metres

If the deck load is to be expressedintons/la' then:



The necessaryamountof dunnagecan be determinedby:

A = Q
Where A: The necessaryareato be coveredby dunnage
MPL: Maximum PermissibleLoad.
A transformer weighing 95 tons is to be loaded on to the
tank top of a containerfeeder.The maximum permissible
load on the tank top deck is 4,5 tons. The basedimensions
of the transformer are: Length 3,5 metres, Width 2,5
The minimum areato be coveredby bearersor dunnageis
95 tons
!= = 21,1m'
4,5 tons/m2

The areaof the basefoundation of the transformer is:

Base= 3,5m* 2,5m = 8,J5 mz

So bearersmust be placedso at least2I,l m2 is covered,

but preferably distributed in such a way as to distribute the
load on as many floors and beamsas possible.
It must be borne in mind that when heavy lifts are canied
on the tank top of a cellular vessel,there is most likely to
be a loss of container stowagepositions vertically above
that cargo.

Lashing points Lashing points or lugs constructed for transportation on

land will most often not be suitable for seatransport.
The shipper in writing should declare lashing point
Shore-base engineers consistently under-estimate the
forces likely to be generated in the lashing lugs on their
machines arising from the pitching, pounding, scending,
and rolling motions of a ship in severe adverse weather
conditions. Vertical accelerationsof as much as 29 may be
experienced momentarily in the forward part of the ship;
"3-times rule" is no more than adequate
that is why the
when securing cargoes.

Lifting/Lashing Points Often machinesoffered for shippinghave no more than the

lifting lugs in the way of points where lashings can be
applied. This situation is not recommendable as
experienceand experimentshave shown theselifting lugs
to have adequatestrengthin the direct plane of lifting, but
verv often no strength whatsoever in any other direction.


A lifting point of 100-ton strengthmay have as little as 3-

ton strength if the forces at the eye were applied at right
angles to the plane of the lug. The substructureof the
lifting point will often be the culprir, not being of
sufficient strength to withstand forces from other
directions than intended by the engineer. This failure to
provide adequateand suitablelashing points has numerous
damaged machinery parts, transformers or the like to
Saving a few dollars by not applying adequate
reinforcement to the sub-structure of a machine or
transformercan easilv result in a damaseclaim of several
millions of dollars.
The total capacity of lashing points must be at least 3
times the weight of the load.
If no lashing points exist, the number of lashing points is
insufficient or as mentioned above the strength of the
lashing points is inadequate the shipper must on the
forwarded drawings clearly mark where lashings (half
loops or head loops) can be placed.

The final arrangementof stowage and securing should be
suitably documentedin the course of collecting evidence
of proper cargohandling procedures.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September 04


Ship masters should be encouraged- on completion of

lashing operations- to make notes of the materialsused,
to producea representativesketchof the lashing system,to
insist upon being provided with photographsof the entire
operation.Photographstaken by the ship masterhimself or
members of the crew will if taken methodical and
thorough also provide vital evidence and be of great
assistanceto the vessel's interest in the event of related
future litigation.

Two Problems! The actual lifting and positioning of the heavy lift can by
and large be divided into two areasof skill:
- Techniquesof moving the load laterally;
- Techniquesof moving the load vertically.

In the planning phase these two techniquesrises different

The foremost problem involved in the vertical movement
of the load is stability considerations.The moment the
load is hoistedfrom its place of rest that be from the quay,
a barge or from the vesselduring unloading,the centreof
gravity of the weight is transferred to the derrick head.
This of course reducesthe vesselsstability by lifting the
vesselscentre of gravity and thus reducing the metacentric
height. This primarily affectsthe initial stability and could
if no correctiveaction has been plannedand executedlead
to a disastrousheeling.Pleaserefer to chapter3.
It is therefore imperative that worst-case stability
calculationshave been done - and kept readily available
for inspection - and any necessarycorrective actions,
filling of double bottom ballast tanks for instance,have
been taken.
It will sometimes- especiallywith a low initial stability -
be better deliberatelyto produce and maintain a small list
towards the quay (or barge) during lifting than trying keep
the vessel on even keel during the lift. At even keel the
righting lever is non-existing why the vessel easily
"swings" from side to side aroundeven keel when
the load laterally.

The lateral movement of the load can be divided into two

separatetechniques.The swinging of the denick or crane
and any sidewaysmovement of the load once it has been
landed in the hold or on the deck.-
To compensatefor the lateral movement of the centre of
gravity when swinging of the derrick or cranebasically is
a matter of pumping ballast. The rate of tum for the


derrick or crane will therefore often be very slow. As

mentioned above haste is no option when dealing with
heavy lifts - things do take time. It is also easierto stay in
control of the situation when for instance only one ballast
tank is being filled or emptied at a time. Too great a speed
of operation also increasesthe strain on the hauling part
and may be dangerous if for any reason it should become
necessaryto stop suddenly.
If it is possibleto position the load directly above its final
stowageposition with the craneor derrick, bring the vessel
on even keel and place the load on the necessarybearers.
The lowering can without any problems be done with the
runner, as the transfer of the load centre of gravity from
the derrick head to stowage position when on even keel
only will improve the vessels'stability. If not on even keel
this improvementof stability might causean instantaneous
decrease of list. When all sudden and uncontrolled
movements are highly undesirable while handling heavy
loads all efforts should be made to have the vesselon even
keel prior to

When no direct stowage is possible and horizontal

movements of the load on the deck or tank top is
necessary different techniques come in to play. The
omnipresent possibility of heel if a lateral movement is
done, must as above be compensatedwith the ballast
For stowage in the wings of the holds horizontal
movement may be necessary.For this purposeheavy drag
links should be fitted on bulkheads and deckheads,with
suitabledoublersto prevent buckling to which the hauling
or bowsing tackles may be attached. The use of beam
grabs or clamps, may distort and disfigure beams,frames
and stiffeners, and is not a recommendedpractice.
Considerationmust be given to the coefficient of friction
between the moving surfaces and the effect of gravity if
the move is other than on the level (e.g. if a list develops).
Considerations must also be given to the break out force
required to overcome inertia and start the load moving, not
just the (usually) smallerforce neededonce it is moving. It
is necessary,particularly when moving loads, which are
not on the level, to consider the need for a restraining
mechanism.This restraining mechanism must at no time
be slack but must be kept taut during the movement. A
"on the loose" will need indeed very heavy
heavy load
tackle to be stoppedagain. Such an instantaneousstop, if
possible,will most likely causeseveredamageto both the

OMantal Navigationsskole September 04


vessel and the load. So restrain in this situation means-

once again - stay in control of the situation.
If low friction devices such as air or water skids, greased
boards or any other method has been used the lashing,
securingand tomming must be even more meticulousthan
usual as the natural restraint due to gravity and coefficient
of friction between the loaded item and the tank top or
deck might be significantly reduced.

Tackle Slings of wire rope or chain will normally be custommade

for every heavy load. Make sure they are of the right
length and have the adequate safe working load, SWL.
The right length and type of sling will ensure that the
slings will not damagethe cargobeing lifted.
All the lifting gear must of coursebe approvedand have
relevantcertificates,all of which naturally will be checked
by surveyorsand insurancecompany representatives.
The slinging should facilitate that the load remainslevel at
all times. If a particular long or otherwise awkwardly
shaped load has to enter the hatch square,the load will
have to be slung at an angle. The slings will have to be
made up accordingly and a written confirmation from the
shipper that the load itself will not be damagedby such
treatment must be obtained.

Refinery vessel
Where the load may become crushed, or where the length
of the load is such that the angle of the sling will create
unacceptablebending moments on the load, the use of a
spreader,or beam may be required. The use of a beam
may also be necessaryif two cranes shall perform a
tandem lift and the load is very compact.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


Whatever method is used it is of vital importance always

to use all lifting points and at the right angle.
ln Denmark the U.K. and most other countries all lifting
gear from crane to shackle has to be tested with a proof
load, which should exceedthe SWL as follows:

SWL Proof Load

Up to 20 tons 257oin excess
20-50tons 5 tonsin excess
Over50 tons 10tonsin excess

For Danish registered vessels reference is made to

"Teknisk forskrift om hejsemidler og lossegrej m'v' i
skibe". BEK no. 11643of I2lIOl2000 see chapter9 for

@Marstal Navigationsskole September 04


Slings and Angles


, .;r".
:,.ttH '. E*EH
Various sling manufacturers refer in their specification
tables to leg angles of slings during lifts - since these
angleshave a direct relationshipto lifting capability of a
sling. Regardlessof how the sling angle may be stated,or
the method used to compute stressin a sling leg, the load
rating - or Rated Capacity - of the sling is the same.
Capacity does not change - but stresseson sling legs
changewith rigging angles.
Much misunderstanding results because the carrying
capacity of a sling leg is reduced by the rigging angle.
What happens is that the operator is lifting the load
straight up (vertical) while the sling legs are pulling at an
angle, thereby causing a disadvantage.
For quick figuring on board, a 3O-degree leg angle
(measured between one sling -leg and a plumb line
suspendedfrom the hook) causesa loss in lifting capacity
of l5vo. A 45-degreeangle reducescapacity by 3O7o...
and a 60-degreeangle, 507o. This rule of thumb is not


I00Vo accurate,but is easy to remember and slightly on

the safeside.
It is always good practice, within limits, to keep the sling
leg angle ("included" or "half included") as small as
possible. The length and width of the load, sling lengrh,
and available headroom are determining factors in his
sling angle.
It is neither economicalnor good practice to exceeda 60_
degree sling leg angle. Angles greater than 60 degreesnot
only build up tension in the sling legs out of all proportion
to the weight of the load, they also createu -u"h greater
on the ends of the load. This produ.",
eccentrically loaded column effect, as an engineerwould
describeit -meaningsimply that long slenderobjectshave
a tendency to buckle. Angles greater than 60 degrees
indicate some thought should be given to the use of a
lifting beam or other device in connectionwith the lift.
Studying typical sling charts readily reveals that lifting
capacitieson slings are misleading unless the sling angle
is stated.The same sling that will handle 10 tons it u iS_
degree"included" leg angle will only handle 5 tons if this
angle is increasedto 60-degrees.

Good sling practice Regardlesswhat type of sling may be employed,there are

acceptedgood working rules that will help increaseuseful
sling, life - as well as improve safety.Theseinclude:
1. Use the proper sling for the lift. Whether single_part,
multi-part, Braided or Cable Laid, the proper sling is
the one with the best combination of work and
handling features - of the proper length and rated
capacityfor the situation.
2. Start and stop slowly. Crane hooks should be raised
slowly until the sling becomestaut and the load is
suspended.Lifting or lowering speed should be
increasedor decreasedgradually. Sudden starts or
stops place heavier loads on a sling - comparableto
jamming the brakes on a speeding automobile. A
rule of thumb: Shock loads can double the stresson
a sling.
3. Sharp corners cut slings. Use prorector arcs,
blocking, planks, and the like between sharp comers
and the sling body.
4. Use hooks properly. "Point loading" reduces hook
capacity.Pull should be straight in rhe line of lift.

OMarstal Navigationsskole September 04


Selectinga Sling The following is presentedas a guide only to help ln

selectionof a sling for a lift.

1 Determine the load: The weight of the load must be

known. This is alwaysthe startingpoint.
2 . Determine whether a straight attachmentat some point
on the load, a choker around the load, or some form of
basket hitch will best control the load during the lift.
3 . Adequacy of Lifting Device: the lifting device must
have adequatecapacityfor making the lift, and provide
any maneuverabilityrequiredonce the load is hoisted.
4 . Room to Lift: Make certain the lifting device has
sufficient headroom to raise the load to the height
required.Headroomwill affect the length of sling.
5 . Length of Sling: By applying your decisionon the type
of hitch to knowledge of the headroom offered by the
lifting device,the length of sling can be calculated.

Attaching the sling and completing the lift should be an

orderly procedure without "surprises" when these steps
have beenfollowed.

Container Cranes The use of shore gantry cranes for the handling of
uncontainerisedheavy indivisible loads, which is quite
feasible for loads up to 65 or 70 tons dependingon the
SWL for the crane.
The spreaderon the gantry crane can either be fitted with a
"rams-hom hook" or special lifting lugs are a part of the
spreader,whereto the lifting wires may be shackled.
Where shore gantry cranesare used, it must be ascertained
that the port of loading and port of dischargehave cranes
of suitable capacity, with the necessarydistancebetween
the legs (and/or a revolving spreader)to allow the load to
be handled.

A 100ton filter for a paper mill


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@Marstal Navigationsskole September 04


Loading and unloading

When the vessel is safely moored alongside, the cargo

ready to be lifted and planning phase completed, the
preparationsfor the actuallift can beein.

Most lifts will take place using the vessel'sballastsystem

to lift the load the first few centimetres.It is of utmost
importanceto have plannedthe distribution of ballast well
in advance.
If the load is lifted with the crane or derrick runner as
normal lighter loads are, the vesselwill - when the weight
of the load is being transferredto the crane or derrick from
the quay or barge - lean over to the side of lifting. This
will causethe load to slide or maybe land again (if lifted)
as possibly becomedamagedor damagethe truck, pier or
barge. This practise is not recommended. A 4o increase
in list will on an averagecontainerfeeder vesselof 4000
tons dwt. result in the top of the cranemoving 2-3 metres
further in over land.
The metacentricheight of the vessel will in the momenr
the load lifts from the quay or barge be reduced
significantly due to the transfer of centre of gravity to the
derrick head. It is therefore of utmost importance to have
enough "reserve stability" prior to commencing the lift.
This "reserve stability" can be difficult to obtain if the
heavy load is to be loaded as the last piece on to the hatch
ln order to avoid uncontrollablesituationsand generallyto
stay in control of the situation it is very important to have
all tanks on board either full or completely empty. This
includes ballast tanks, fuel and freshwatertanks and even
the swimming pool if applicable.If necessaryto maintain
a desired list or even keel one ballast tank can be left
slack. It should always be the sametank as is intendedto
be the first eirher to fill or pump our for the acruallifting.
Preferably emptying of ballast tanks should be avoided if
possible, especially the double bottom tanks. Thereafter
other ballast tanks can be utilised one by one if necessary.
If this rule or principle is adhered to, no more than one
tank should at any one moment be slack and thereby
contribute to the reduction of the vessels metacentric
height due to the free surfaceeffect.
If the vessel is equipped with d' heeling tank system
consisting of one deep and narrow wing tank in each side
connected by a thwartship pipe and a special heeling

@Marstal Navigationsskole September 04


pump, these tanks will normally be the only ones left

Make sure to have enoughballast capacityto maintain the
desired angle of heel or even keel until the load is safely
positioned on board. Be sure the vessel not only stays
upright but also has enough stability to counteract any
shift of centre of gravity by the laterally movement of the
load. A sudden shift of angle of list from starboardto port
or vice versa producing a violent motion of the vesseland
the load is a very dangeroussituation. It is better if the
vessellies with a small permanentangleof list; say 2o, and
thus avoiding uncontrollable movements around the
upright position.

Any other loading or unloading should of coursebe

stopped,whether or not performedwith ship's gear or

No bunkering or transfer of oil permitted during the lift.

No ballast operationsapartfor lifting the load are allowed.

Mooring lines to be checkedand moorings to be kept taut.

All cranesand derricks have a maximum allowable angle

of list to operate safely. The former normally having a
smaller limit than the latter. 3o to 4o maximum list is not
unusual for cranes while derricks may have a limit at
around 10o.

Make absolutely sure the lifting hook is situated exactly

vertically above the centre of gravity of the load before
any slinging or - of course- lifting commences.

When the slinging is completed and everything is ready

for lifting, check everything once again. Better safe than

Rememberto use the necessarytime to do the actual lift'

The actual lifting is a very complex manoeuvre where
many things can go wrong and is best controlled at a very
slow pace. The planning phase for this single lift might

@Mantal Navigationsskole September04


have taken days or weeks,preparationshours or days - so

there will be no need to rush anything now.

The hook is raised with the runner until everything is

tightenedup, but in no way near the point where the load
is lifted. The position of slings, lifting yoke and other
tackle is once more checkedfor any abnormalities.
When everyone are confident that everything is ready for
lifting start pumping ballast. Maintain a sharp look-out
during this phase for any abnormal situations on both
crane/derrick and lifting tackle.
If any unforeseensituationarises,stop the lift immediately
- do not lower the load unless for safety reasons- and
asses the situation again. After conditions have been
brought under control, the lift may be resumed.

As soon as the load leaves its place of rest stop the lift
again. The crane or derrick, the lifting tackle and the load
itself is checked for chafing and unsafe stress effects. If
everything is in order the loading can continue. It is now
possible to lift the load either by continued pumping of
ballast - in order to decreaselarge anglesof list - with the
runner or by raising the denick or crane jib. Which
method to use dependsentirely on the circumstances.If
the load is hanging fairly far away from rhe ships side it
might be preferablefirst to bring the load closerro the ship
by either raising the jib or getting the ship in a more
upright position with the use of the ballastpump.
When the load has been lifted to an extent where it is
possible to bring it inside the ships side, stop lifting and
begin to move the load in over the hold or over the hatch-
If possible only use one motion at a time - either lifting /
lowering or swinging. It's much easier to control the
action if there is only one direction of movement at any
one time. And there is still no rush.
It might be necessaryto have some guiding lines attached
to the load to rotate it for correct positioning. These
guiding lines will normally not be needed for inhibit
uncontrolled movements of the load, as the moving of the
load should be performed at an adequatelylow speed.

The communication lines between the vessel and the

shoresideprior to and during the lift will have to be agreed
upon in due time.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


Clear and concise lines of communications are very

important. Preferably there should be direct radio contact
between the person in charge ashore, the officer in charge
on board and the crane driver. If hand signals are to be
used, agreements of meaning of signs are of vital
importance. The crane driver must be instructed only to
take notice of the signs from the responsibleofficer in
charge on board when lifting the load. Normally Plenty
people will try to signal to the crane driver, but he must
stay calm and stay focused on the signalsfrom the person
in charge and no one else.

QMantal Navigationsskole

Fig. I I
Fig. 1.3 Fig. 1.4

II 161
Y iH r l l
Fie. 1.5 . 1

fuFn Fig. 1.10 Fig. l.l1

Fig. 1-12

H U g
t -Hqg1
FiE. 1.13

Fig. 1.17

Fig. 1.1 hejs Fig.1.7 fir/sank bom Fig. 1.16 denne retning
Fig.1.2 fir Fig.1.8 sving venstre Fig. 1.17 signal ikke forstiet
Fig. f.3 bejs langsomt Fig.1.9 svinghojre Fig. 1.18 Abne udstyr (grab)
Fig. 1.4 fir langsomt Fig.1.10teleskop ud Fig. 1.19 lukke udstyr (grab)
Fig. 1.5 fir(bsrkunbruges Fis.1.11 teleskop ind Fig. 1.20 ved store afstande
ved kortere afstande Fig.1.12 hovedhejs bruges "slikkepinde"
mellem anhugger og Fig.1.13hjelpehejs til tegngivning
kranforer) Fis.1.14 stop
Fig. 1.6 hev/rejs bom Fis.1.15hurtigt stop

SlingEye Design Sling eyesare designedto providewhat amountto small

"invertedslings"at the endsof the sling body.Therefore,


the width of the eye opening will be affectedby the same

general forces that apply to legs of a sling rigged as a
A sling should never be used over a hook or pin with a
body diameter larger than the natural width of the eye.
Never force an eye onto a hook.
On the other hand, the eye should always be used an a
hook or pin with at least the nominal diameter of the rope
- since applying the D/d Ration shows an efficiency loss
of approximately 50Vo when the relationship is less than

100 o/o 80 o/o 6 5 % 5 0 %

Efloct of shoave dlsmoleron the load capaclty ot lhe ropo

OMarstal Navigationsskole September04


Lashing and securing

Cargo Securing Manual
Cargo losses Before venturing into the world of lashing a word of
caution might be appropriate.Despite the best intentions
of ship's masters,chief officers and lashing gangs large
amounts of deck cargoesare still being lost overboard and
cargo stowed in the holds being damaged beyond
recognition. Ignorance and incompetence are two words
easyto pop up when the loss of deck cargoesis discussed.
But when investigated fully, the causes of overboard
losses of deck-cargoesfall into the following random
categories which are neither exhaustive as to number nor
mutually exclusivein occurrence:
1. Severeadverseweatherconditions
2. Lack of appreciationof the variousforces involved.
3. Ignorance of the relevant rules and guiding
4. Cost limitation pressuresto the detriment of known
safety requirements.
5. Insufficient time anVor personnel to complete the
necessarywork before the vesselleavesport.
6. Dunnagenot utilized in an effectivemanner.
7. lnadequate strength, balance and/or number of
8. Wire attachmenteyes and loops made up wrongly,
including incorrectmethodsof using bulldog-grips.
9. Lack of strength continuity between the various
securing components.
10. Taking lashing materials around unprotected sharp
11. lncorrect/unbalanced
stowageand inadequateweight
12. The perversity of shore-basedlabour when required
to do the job properly.

The intent of this Chapteris to provide a few hints which

may prove helpful in reducing the overboard loses of deck
cargo items in general and reducing the number of cargo
claims based on cargo items that have broken loose en
route in the holds or on deck

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


Maximum Securing In IMO Cargo Securing Manual (CSM) the term

Load, MSL vs. Safe Maximum Securing Load (MSL) is widely used. All
equipment used for lashing should by the manufactureror
Working Load,
supplier accordingto the sameManual be properly marked
SWL with MSL. This is almost never the case. No
manufacturers/suppliers "mark" or "identify" securing
componentswithin the terms of the CSM.
Most components though are stamped with SWL for
lifting purposes.The questionthen arises;can we use the
SWL as any guidance of MSL?
Appendix 1 of the 1997 Amendmentsto the CSM says:
"Maximum securing load (MSL), is a tenn used to
define the allowable load capacity for a device used to
securecargo to a ship. Safe working load (SWL) may be
substitutedfor MSL for securingpurposes,provided this is
equal to or exceedsthe strength defined by MSL."
If the chains, shackles,rings, and the like, availableto you
are not clearly identified as to their MSL's (and remember,
they should be so identified) use the stamped SWL as
required by the CSM, thereby using a component which
may have a breaking strength two-times greater than is
needed,but you will have complied with the letter of the
Regulations. Alternatively multiply the stamped SWL
value by 4 (4, rather than 5, just to be on the safe side) to
obtain the breaking strength, and apply the percentages
given in Table I of the 1994/1995 Amendments to the
Code to obtain the MSL and then remove that
componentfrom any possibility of use for lifting purposes.
This will have fulfilled the spirit of the Regulationwithout
resorting to the use of massively oversized lashing
components.The reasonfor removing the componentfrom
lifting purposes comes from the fact that a lifting
component of 10 tonnes breaking strength - 2 tonnes SWL
- will most likely have a proof load of 4 or 5 tonnes;so if
you use that component to half its breaking strength of 5
tonnes you will equal or exceed the proof load, in which
circumstanceit would be foolhardy and highly unsafe to
return that componentto any use involving lifting.

OMarstalNavigationsskole 04

Table | - Determination of MSLfrom breaking strength

Material MSL

Shackles,rings, deckeyes,turnbucklesof 5OVoof breaking strength

mild steel
Fibre rope 337oof breaking strength
Web lashing 507oof breaking strength
Wire rope (single use) 8O7oof breaking strength
Wire rope (re-useable) 30Voof breaking strength
steelband (sinle use) TOVoof breaking strength
chains 50Voof breaking strength

Table la -Determinatioa of *ISL from br*aliing strength, iocludlcgRule-of-Tburnb



ri"ngs,deckeyes,rurnbucklcsaf mikl steel

Shacltles, 50S of breaHsgstreogdl 4.00

Fibre rope 3396of breakiogscrength 6.06

Wirerope{singleuse) 80S of breakiogsu*agth ?.50

Wsb lashing 50$ ofbrealilg sreng& 4.00


Wire ropere-useable) 30S of breekiugsrrrogth 6.6?

Steelbasit(singleusei 70,![ ofbreakingsrength 2.86

Chains 50!6 of brealingstrenssl 4.$0

{Compcre with overall generc! conponeruJ (669*7naf breakingsrrengr&.) {3.00)

Lashingstrengths As describedin chapter6 the forces acting on a cargo unit

can be quite substantial.Here's a small recap:
- Longitudinal forces up to 30Voof the weight (fore and
aft direction)
- Transverse forces up to 807o of the weight (port &
- Vertical forces up to 9OVoof the weight (up and down,
gravity not included)
- Peak values in the transverse-direction will appear in
combination with less than 60Vo of peak values in the
longitudinal and the vertical direction and vice versa.


Peak values in the longitudinal direction and in the

vertical direction may appeartogetherbecauseof the
commonsourcesof pitchingandheavingmotions.

Correction faclors for len

Table4 - Correcfionfactorsfor B/Gif{ < 13

l0 11 t1 13 or above
BiG}' ? I 9
on deckohigh L56 l.40 I t't
i .i 9 i,ll t n{ 1.00
an deck, low i.43 t.30 1 ? t 1,09 1.04 I -L'U
'tween deck I..40 I 1g l.t4 lna 1.06 I llr i.00
lower hold t.15 1 .t ? 1.09 l.ub 1.04 i.0? 1.00

NOTE: The datum point in Tabte 3 is lenglh of ship l00m' speed of ship 15 knots and'
in Table 4. B/GifI : 13.

The lashings placed on any one unit must be able to

withstand the above mentioned forces with a reasonable
safety margin. To achievethis some basic - and simple in
theory - rules for lashing and securing must be adheredto;
1. Be prepared- plan ahead
2. All lashings on a unit should be of the same
dimensionsin order to distributethe strain evenly.
3. The correct use of bulldog-grips is of vital
importance. lncorrect use renders an otherwise well
plannedand executedlashing uselossand dangerous.
Refer to chapter 5.
4. All lashing and tomming should utilise the
appropriate and approved points on a load to give
the support. If too few lashing points renders it
impossible to lash and securethe load properly, the
shipper should advise where loops or half-loops can
be applied.
5. The adequacyof the planned lashing must be tested
in the CSM. As a rule of thumb a total lashing on
one side of a load should have a combined breaking
strain of at least 1,5 times the total weight of the
load to be restrained.


Securing against In order to increasefriction timber shouldbe usedbetween

sliding and tipping the stowagesurfaceand the bottom of the unit whenever
If the item already is placed on wooden cradles or on
rubber tyres or with similar bottom material having a high
coefficient of friction, timber is naturally not necessary.
A necessityto reduce pressureon the tank top, 'tween-
deck or hatch covers might of course neverthelessrequire
the use of timber.

The securing devices should be arranged in a way to

withstand transverseand longitudinal forces, which may
give rise to sliding or tipping.

The optimum lashing angle against sliding is about 25o,

while the optimum lashing angle against tipping is
generallyfound between45o and 60".

If a heavy cargo item has been draggedinto position on

greasedskid boards or other means to reduce friction, the
number of lashings used to prevent sliding should be

If, owing to circumstances,lashings can be set at large

anglesonly, sliding must be preventedby timber shoring,
welded fittings or other appropriate means. Any welding
should be carried out in accordance with accepted hot
work procedures.

@MantalNavieationsskole 04

Where ar representsthe optimum lashing angle to prevent

sliding and a, representsthe optimum lashing angle to

Rolling Periods The roll period of a ship is the time taken to make one
complete transverse oscillation; that is, from the upright
posiiion to starboard inclination, from starboard
inclination back to upright and through to port inclination,
thence back to "p.ignt. The time of the roll is generally
independent of the roll angle, provided that the roll angle
is not large. Thus, a vessel with a l5-second roll
will tak; 15 seconds to make one full transverse
oscillation when the roll angle (to port and to starboard)
anything from say 2o to 30". The crux' from a
that a roll angel of
turttingloint of .ri"*, lies in realising "sweep" of
2. anJ a roll period of 15 secondsinvolves a
no more than 8", where a roll "sweep" angle of 20" and a roll
period of 15 secondsinvolves a of 80o (ten-times
The first will be barbly
ireat"r; in the same time'
ioticeable; the second will be violent and will involve
large acceleration stressesparticularly when retuming
the upright.
- a
A ship with a relatively large GM (metacentricheight)
..stiffl ship _ is difficult to incline and returns rapidly to
the upright and beyond, sometimes with whiplash
This imposes excessive acceleration stresseson cargo
- "tender" ship - with a
lashings.The oppositecondition a
relativ-ely smali GM will be easy to incline and returns
slowly to the upright, sometimes even sluggishly'
Although acceleration stresses are small the
of such angles and slow returns may impose equally
excessivestresseson cargo lashings'
The prudent will try to avoid the extremes of
condiiion; and it is w;rthwhile working on rhe assumption
that, if cargo is to remain safely in place during
should be
weather condition, the lashing alrangements
with 13
sufficient to sustain 30o roll angles associated
of less than 13
second roll periods. Where roll periods
seconds occur, severe loading on cargo securing
anangemenm may well arise' When such roll
"*& be avoided,the holding power of the lashingsmust
be increased.
period are
The beam of a vessel,her GM, and her rolling
closely related. The following simplified equation
the relationshiPs.

@Marstal Navigationsskole September 04


C *B '. t\'
I = - and GM = (
JGM t r )
Where B = Beam of the ship to the outsideof the hull;
C = a constant
T = roll period
IMO has conductedinclining and rolling tests for vessels
up to 70 m. in length and has found the best results were
obtainedwhen using C as:

0,88 where ship is empty or in ballastcondition.

0,78 when all liquids on board amount to 20Voof total
0,75 when all liquids on board amount to lOTo of total
0,73 when all liquids on board amount to 5Vo of total

For all larger ships Lloyd's Registerof Shipping and the

1991 HMSO Code of Practice for Roll-on/Roll-off Ships
use C =0,7.

Coefficient of friction If all cargo items could be welded to or structurally

attached to the deck using components of acceptable
strength this would remove the necessity to consider
coefficients of friction betweenthe base of the cargo and
the deck or dunnageon which it rests. Such is the large
range of heavy indivisible cargoes which do not lend
themselvesto such securing,however,that an appreciation
of the sliding effect brings us naturally to considerationof
coefficients of friction.
Coefficients of friction are norrnally expressedin terms of
the natural tangent of the angle at which movement
between the two surfaceswill first occur in the absenceof
velocity or accelerationfactors.

If a body is actuated on a level surface by a horizontal

force F, the roughnessbetween body and plane interact
with each other and deform. From this a resultant force is
formed in the opposite direction of the force F, and this
resultant force is called the frictional force F, .
The frictional force always acts against the direction of
movement. To initiate the movement of the body, a force
slightly bigger than Fs is needed,but at uniform velocity
the force F is againequal to, but oppositedirection to l', .

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


It can be shown that the frictional force during the

movement is independent of velocity and the area of
d dependssolely on the perpendicularpressurebetween
the bodies and the nature of the surfaces. d can be
expressedas follows:
Where p, which is called the coefficient of friction is
dependant of the nature of the surfaces, while d is the
perpendicularpressurebetweenthe bodies.
Is the plane level then d is equal to the force of gravity
F,y. lf the body is on an inclined plane it is necessaryto
dissolve the force of gravity into the components { and
F,, us below

I E= * ' $ ' s i n a

F " = m . g ' c o sc L

We now have:
Fr=lt*m* g *cosa

Whether the body will move down the plane is depending

on the value of F, is comparedto Fs. Are they of equal
value then the velocity down the plane be uniform, and the
following can be said:
* * c o sa = m * I * s i na € p = t a n a
It* m g
The coefficient of friction can in other words be
determined as the natural tangent to the angle of
inclination where the movement down the plane will
As 0,1 is the natural tangent of 5,7o, and 0,3 is 16,7o
movement between two unrestricted metal surfacescan be
expected to occur at angles between 5" and 16". The
values given for the co-efficient of friction between dry
timber and dry steelvary from 0,3 (17') to 0,7 (35'). But
from a deck stowage calculation point of view, the co-
efficient between timber dunnage and the painted surface
of steel decks or steel hatch qovers is a much more
relevant information. A series of test have shown this
figure to be in between the two extreme values for wood
on steel.

@MarstalNavigationsskole 04

The series of tests used dry timber on dry hatch covers;

wet timber on dry hatch covers; dry timber on wet hatch
covers; and, lastly, wet timber on wet hatch covers. The
lowest value - 0,51 (27") - occurred with wet timber on
wet hatch covers; the highest value occurred with wet
timber on dry hatch covers- 0,645 (33'). On the basis of
such results the lowest value of 0,5I (27") should be
acceptedas relating to the most common condition likely
to be found on the weather deck of a sea-goingship, i.e.
wet timber on wet decks.A slightly higher value could of
coursebe used for stowasein the holds i.e. drv timber on
dry decks.
With inclination, only, and without any effects likely to be
introducedby velocity and/or accelerationstressesdue to
rolling, timber dunnage alone will start to slide of its
own accord at angles of inclination of 27" and greater.

Cargo Securing Regulations VV5 and VIV6 of the 1974 SOLAS

Manual Convention require cargo units and cargo transport units to
be loaded, stowed and securedthroughout the voyage in
accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual (CSM)
approved by the administration and drawn up to a standard
at leastequivalentto the guidelinesdevelopedby IMO.
The regulation, which is mandatory for all non-bulk
carrying vesselsenteredinto force on January1" 1998. In
the latest edition the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo
Stowageand Securing(CSS Code) and amendmentshave
been included.
It is a mandatory requirement for masters and ships'
officers to be conversantwith the CSM. to understandits
applicationfor the vesselin which they are serving,and to
be capable of deploying correctly the hardware, which
goes with it. The CSM and its associatedhardware are
subject to Port State Control inspection.Violation of the
CSM requirements may give rise to vessel detention
and/or prosecution of the mastersand owners.

Lashing strength The seaman's basic rule-of-thumb for securing cargoes

with a tendency to move during a moderate weather
voyage is simply that the sum of the minimum breaking-
loads of all the lashingsshould be not less than twice the
static weight of the item of cargo to be secured.That is, a
single item of 100 tonnes weight requires the lashings
used to have a total breaking-load of not less than 200
tonnes - on the positive assumptionthat the lashingsare
all positioned in a balance, efficient, and non-abrasive
manner. This rule may be adequate, or even too much,
below decks- though not necessarilyso in all instances-


but it will not be adequate on the weather-deck in

instances where calm seas and a fair weather passage
cannot be guaranteed.
If winds of force 6 and upwards together with associated
wave heights are likely to be encountered lashings
according the Rule-Of-Thumb mentioned above will for
deck cargoesat leastmost likely not be sufficient.
In such cases,the rule-of-thumb should be the "3-times-
rule". In other word, if the breaking-load/slip-
load/troldingpower of all the lashings is 300 tonnes,then
they can safely hold an item whose static weight is 100
tonnes again on the assumption that all securing
arrangements are deployed in a balanced, efficient and
The lashingsapplied must be able to counteractthe forces
acting on a load. As mentionedearlier theseforces amount
to around 80Vo of the weight of the load transversely,
around 90-l00Vo vertically and up to around 307o
Put into practical and approximate terms, and using the
phrase "holding power" to indicate
loadftroldingpower", this means:
a) The holding power of all lashingsholding the cargo
item vertically downward to the deck should be
equivalent - at least - to three times the ordinary
static weight of the cargo item in tonnes, i.e a 100-
tonne cargo item requires total lashings having a
holding-down potentialof 300 tonnes.
b) The holding power of all lashings preventing the
cargo item moving to port and to starboardshould be
equivalent to eight-tenths of the holding-down
potential of (a) above: i.e. a 100 tonne item requires
lashing with holding power preventing transverse
movementof 210 tonnes.
c) The hotding power of all lashings preventing the
cargo moving forward or aft should be equivalentto
three-tenths of the holding-down potential of (a)
above: i.e. a 100 tonne item requires lashings with
holding power preventing longitudinal movementof
90 tonnes.

Determiningthe In general terms, the vertical holding-down ability of

Holding Power downward-angled lashings is related directly to the
trigonometrically sine of the-base angle; the transverse
holding ability of downward-angle lashings is related
directly to the trigonometrically cosine of the base angel;

OMantal Navigationsskole

all on the assumptionthat the angle between vertical and

horizontal componentsat the deck is 90o

OMarstal NavigationsskoleSeptember04

(This pageintentionally left blank)

OMarstal Navigationsskole September 04


During the voyage

When en route heavy indivisible loads needs to be
checked as any normal break-bulk cargo.

It is of vital importancethat the lashingsof heavy objects

remain taut and in place. Any unforeseenmovement of a
heavy object due to lashingsbecomingslack or a failure of
it can be disastrous.The load itself can be damagedor lost
overboard, the surrounding cargo may become crushed or
otherwise damaged and the ship may get structural
damagesor even spring a leak and founder.

If the load has been moved horizontally to reach its final

stowage position with the assistanceof low friction
techniques; i.e. grease boards, then the load will at
comparatively small angles of inclination put. the
restraininglashing and securingunder pressure.So even in
calm weatherit's important to check the lashingsof heavy
cargo units at least twice a day. The check should be a
thorough visual and physical examination of all relevant
lashing and securing materials. It is not sufficient to take a
quick glance from the companion ladder.
Any movement,however small, of the load in the seaway
must be taken seriously and dealt with immediately. The
lashing must be rectified or maybe alteredas to avoid any
recurrence. While any alterations are done remember to
retain the former lashings taut until the alteration is
complete and the new lashing system is capable of
restrainingthe load.
Such alterations should be recorded and documentedin the
samemanner as the original lashings.The Cargo Securing
Manual should be consulted and documentation in the
form of picturesor drawingsshouldbe produced.

Should any lashing fail for any reason and thereby

jeopardize the whole lashing system, emergency action
must be taken at once.
Alteration of the ships' heading in order to reduce the
critical movementsof the ship, that be rolling, pitching or
heaving dependingon which lashing that has failed can be
a very effective first action.
The crew to be sent on deck to rectify a failed lashing
system at sea,must be chosenwith care. Only experience
sailors should attend the job. It is an extremely dangerous
situation where things can changeto the worse in a matter

OMarstal Navigationsskole September04


of seconds. All efforts must be made to restrain the

movement of the heavy load. Once an imbalance has
arisen in the lashing system due to a failed lashing the
effect of the remaining lashing can be severelyreducid or
even completelygone.
It is not possible here to give any instructionsfor dealine
with any hypothetical situation except this advise: plai
the lashing with great care and make sure the lashing
is done according to plan and check everything
thoroughly before departure - so that the situation


A/H Antwerp, Hamburg range of ports
ADR Agreementon the transportationof Dangerousgoodsby Road
Aframax AverageFreight Rate AssessmentScalelarge tanker (79,999dwt max)
AIA Anti Icins Additive
AMOCO American Oil Company
ANSI American National StandardsInstitute
API AmericanPetroleumInstitute
ARA Antwerp, Rotterdam and Amsterdam range of ports
ARAMCO Arabian American Oil Company
ASA Anti Static Additive
ASTM American Societvfor Testine and Materials
ATK Aviation Turbine Kerosene= Avtur = JP lA
Avcat Aviation catalvtickerosene
Avgas Aviation gasoline
Avtag Aviation turbine gasoline= JP 4
Avtur Aviation turbine kerosene= JP lA = ATK
bbl Barrel
BCF BromChlordiFlourMethane(Halon 1211)
BIMCO Baltic andlnternational
BLEVE Boiling Liquid ExpandingVapour Explosion
BLG IMO Sub-Committeeon Bulk Liquids and Gasses
BP Boiline Point
BTM BromtriFluorMethane(Halon 1301)
c.c Closedcup
CAS Chemical Abstract Service
CBM ChlorBromMethane(halon 1011)
CBT ComputerBasedTraining
CBT Clean Ballast Tank
CDI ChemicalDistributionInstitute
CEFIC ConseilEuropeandesFederations
af europeiskekemikalieproducenter)
CFR Code of FederalRegulations(USA)
CHRISTAL Contract Regarding an Interim Supplementto Tanker Liability for Oil

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


CLC InternationalConventionon Civil Liabilitv for Pollution damage
COFC Containeron Flatcar
COW CrudeOil Washing
CPP Clean PetroleumProduct
CRISTAL Contracts Regarding an Interim Supplement to TanlcerLiability for oil
CSC InternationalConventionfor Safe Containers,I9l2 as amended
CSO Company Security Officer
CSR Continuous SynopsisRecord
DGR DangerousGoodsRegulations(Air transport)
DIN DeutscheIndustri Norm
DOS DeclarationOf Securitv
DOT Departmentof Transportation(USA)
DP Dynamic Positioning
DPP Dirty Petroleum Product
DS Dansk Standardiseringsrid
DSC IMO Sub-Committeeon DangerousGoods,Solid Cargoesand
DSC Digital SelectiveCalling
ELSA Emergency Life Support Apparatus
EmS Emergency Proceduresfor Ships Carrying DangerousGoods
FCL Full ContainerLoad
FGPSO Floating Gas Production,Storageand Offloading facilities
FMC FederalMaritimeCommission
FOSFA Federationof Oils, Seedsand Fats Association
FP FlashPoint
FPSO FloatingProduction,StorageandOffloadingfacilities
GESAMP Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution
GV Grenseverdi
HCWM High Capacity Washing Machine
HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
HGV Hygiejnisk GrrenseVrerdi
HIS Hazard Informations SYstem
HP Hieh Pressureor Horse Power

OMarstal Navigationsskole September 04


HVI High Viscosity Index

LA.S.C. InternationalAssociationof SeedCrushers
IACS IntemationalAssociationof ClassificationSocieties,or International
Associationof Cargo Surveyors
IAEA InternationalAtomic EnergyAgency
IATA InternationalAir TransportAssociation,
IBC IntermediateBulk Container
IBC Code IntemationalCode for the Constructionand Equipmentof Ships
carryingDangerousChemicalsin Bulk
ICS InternationalChamberof Shipping
TFO IntermediateFuel Oil
IFSMA InternationalFederationof Ship Masters' Association
IG lnert Gas
IGC Code InternationalCode for the Constructionand Equipmentof Ships
Carrying Liquefied Gasesin Bulk
IGS Inert gas System
ILO International Labour Orsanization
IMCO IntergovemmentalMaritime ConsultativeOrganization(now IMO)
IMDG International Maritime Danserous Goods code
IMO lnternational Maritime Organization
INTERTANKO International Association of IndependentTanker Owners
IOPC International Oil Pollution CompensationFund
IOTTSG International Oil Tanker Terminal Safety Guide
IP The Institute of Petroleum or IntermediatePressure
ISF International Shipping Federation
ISGOTT IntemationalSafetvGuide for Oil Tankers& Terminals
ISO InternationalStandardsOrsanisation
ISO lnternational StandardizationOrganization
ISPS (Code) InternationalShip & Port Facility SecurityCode
JP Jet Petrol
JP4 Avtag
JPIA Avtur = ATK
LCso Lethal Concentration, 50 per cent

@Marstal Navigationsskole September04


LCL Less ContainerLoad

LDso Lethal Dose, 50 per cent

LDF Li sht Distillate Feedstocks

LEG Liquefied Ethane Gas or Liquefied Ethylene Gas
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
LFL Lower FlammableLimit
LG Lugtegrensen
LMFO Lieht Marine Fuel Oil
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LNGC Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier
Ln/I-o Lift on. Lift off
LOT Load On Top
LP Low Pressure
LPG LiquefiedPetroleumGas
LPGC LiquefiedPetroleumGasCarrier
LSA Life SavingAppliances
LSA Low Specific Activity
LVI Low Viscositv Index
M.C.R. MaximumContinuousRating
MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration = TLV
MAK Maximale Arbeitsplatz Konzentration
MAP gas Methyl Acetylene/propadienemixture
MARPOL The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
MARVS MaximumAllowableReliefValveSetting
MCT Moment to Change Trim
MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee
MFAG Medical First Aid Guide for use in accidentsinvolving Dangerous
mlc meter liquid column
MOGAS Motor Gasoline
MOLCO More or Less at Charterer'sOption
MOLOO More or Lrss at Owner's Option
MOU Memorandum of Understanding


MPa Megapascal
mPa Millipascal
MSC Maritime SafetyCommittee;ManchesterShip Canal
MSDS Material (or Marine) SafetyData Sheet
MT' Empty
MVI Medium Viscositv Index
N Newton
n.o.s Not otherwisespecified
NIOP National Institute of OilseedProducts
NND NeutralisedNaphtenicDistillate (Lub. oil)
NOR Notice of Readiness
NOS Not OtherwiseSpecified
NPFA National Fire ProtectionAssociation(USA)
NPSH Nett Positive Suction Head
NRC Non ReusableContainer
NSR NaphthenicSOzRaffinate(Lub.oil)
o.c. OPencuP
oBo Oil Bulk Ore (Canier)
OCIMF Oil CompaniesInternationalMarineForum
ODP Ozone Depletion Potential
OEG ObereExplosionsGrenze
oo Oil Ore (Carrier)
OPA Oil Pollution Act
OPEC Organisationof Oil Exporting Countries
ORM Other RegulatedMaterials
OS&D Over,ShortandDamaged
OT Odour Threshold
P&I Protection and Indemnity
PANDI Protection and IndemnitY
PL Protective Location
ppb parts per billion
ppm parts per million
PSC Port State Control


PTC Poison TreatmentChest

PVC Polwinvl chloride
QA Quality Assurance
QI QualifiedIndividual
R.O.D. Rust. Oxidation and Discoloration
RD Relative Densitv
RID Reglement International concernantle transport des marchandises
Dangereusespar chemin de fer. (International sikkerhedsreglementfor
RID A DSB's reglementfor farligt gods
ROB Retentionof Oil on Board/RemainingOn Board.
RSO Recognised
RVP Reid'sVapourPressure
S.B.M SingleBuoy Mooring
SADT Self AcceleratingDecompositionTemperature
SBPS SpecialBoiling Points Solvents
SB R StyreneButanerubber
SB T SegregatedBallast Tank
SG Specific Gravity
SI Syst6meInternationaled'Unit6s (InternationalSystemof Units)
SIGTTO Society of InternationalGas Tanker and Terminal Operators
SMPEP ShipboardMarine Pollution EmergencyPlan (MARPOL)
SOLAS The InternationalConventionfor the Safetvof Life at Sea
SOPEP ShipboardOil Pollution EmergencyPlan (MARPOL)
SRB StraiehtRun Benzene
SRG StraightRun Gasoline
SSA Ship SecurityAssessment
SSO Ship SecurityOfficer
SSP ShipSecurityPlan
STCW The International convention on Standardsof Training, Certification
and Watchkeeping for Seafarers.
TEL Tetra-Ethyl Lead
TEU Twenty feet EquivalentUnit (20'containe.r)
TLV ThresholdLimit Value
TLV-C TLV - Ceiline

OMarstal NavigationsskoleSeptemberM

TLV-STEL TLV - Short Term ExposureLimit

TLV-TWA TLV - Time Weishted Averase
TML Tetra-Methyl Lead
TOVALOP Tanker Owners' Voluntary Agreement conceming Liability for Oil
TPC Tonne Per Centimetre Immersion
TSPP Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention
TVP TrueVapourPressure
UEG Untere ExplosionsGrenze
UEL UpperExplosiveLimit
UFL Upper Flammable Limit
ULCC Ultra LarseCrudeCarrier
UN UnitedNations
UND Un-neutralisedNaphthenicDistillate (Lub. oil)
UNN Number Four-digit United Nations Number is assignedto dangerousgoodsmost
commonly transported
USCG UnitedStatesCoastGuard
VCM Vinyl Chloride Monomer
veg. Vegetable
VI Viscositv Index
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
VLPC Very Large Product Carrier
VRP VesselResponsePlan (OPA)
VTS VesselTraffic Svstem
WG Water Gauge
WLD Waxv Lub. oil Distillation Prevention

OMantal Navigationsskole 04

Some web addresses:

http://exchange. dnv.com www.imare.org.uk

http://skibsregister.dma.dk (do www.imo.org
not write: www) www.intertanko.com
www.aeroe.dk www.itopf.com
www.amsa.gov.au www.lloydslist.com
www. arbejdstilsynet.dk www.lrfairplay.com
www. beredskabs
styrelsen.dk www.maib.dtlr.gov.uk
www.bimco.dk www.marisec.org
www.cargolaw.com www.maritimelinks.dk
www.cas.org www.mamav.dk
www.cdi.org.uk www.mcga.eov.uk/dg
www.chemexper.com www.mgn.com
www.chrismanual.com www.mpa.gov.sg
www.dana.dk www.nautinst.org
www.edible-oils.com www. oakland.edu,/boatnerd/
www.equasis.or# www.ocimf.com
www.ericards.net www.parismou.org
www.europa.eu.int www.retsinfo.dk
www.existec.com www.seahealth.dk
www.famav.fo www.shiptalk.com
www.fosfa.com www,sikkerkemi.dk
www. geocities.com/panaronis2 www. soefartsstyrelsen.
(download of many useful programs)

@Marstal Navigationsskole September 04

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