Torg Eternity Tharkold Wastelander's Guide
Torg Eternity Tharkold Wastelander's Guide
Torg Eternity Tharkold Wastelander's Guide
Writing: Leamon Crafton, Deanna Gilbert, Brian Writing and Design: Shane Lacy Hensley, Darrell
Reeves, John Watson, Thomas Willoughby Hayhurst, Markus Plötz, Deanna Gilbert, Ross Watson
Additional Design and Contributions: Jessica Contributors: Greg Gorden, Jim Ogle, Steve Kenson,
Ed Stark, George Strayton, Henry Lopez, Aaron Pavao,
Banks, Greg Gorden, Darrell Hayhurst, Dave
Angus Abranson, Steven Marsh, Patrick Kapera, Bill
Haynes, Elle Lusina Keyes, John Terra, James Knevitt, Jonathan Thompson,
Editing: Ron Blessing Andy Vetromile, Joseph Wolf, Jasyn Jones
Art Direction: Aaron Acevedo Art Director: Aaron Acevedo
Layout: Thomas Michalski, Darrell Hayhurst Graphic Design: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle
Graphic Design: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle, Playtesting: Jimmy Macias, Michael Conn, Damien
Maik Schmidt Coltice, Michael Mingers, Michelle Hensley, Ron Blessing,
Cover: Gina Vila Veronica Blessing, Tracy Sizemore, Golda Lloyd, Andrew
Interior Illustrations: Robert Ardy, Tyler Clark, Harvey, Dale Davies, Ed Rugolo, Scott Walker, Darrell
Brooks, Melvin Willis, James Dawsey, Brad Rogers, Jamal
Joyce Maureire, Alida Saxon, Martin Sickree, Hassan, Jeremy Dawsey
Dimitar Spasov, Emelien Spaov,
Ulisses Spiele
Original Design Team Administration: Christian Elsässer, Carsten Moos, Sven
Mythos and Game Design: Greg Gorden, Bill Slavicsek, Paff, Stefanie Peuser, Marlies Plötz Marketing: Jens
& Douglas Kaufman, with Ed Stark, Greg Farshtey, Stan!, Ballerstädt, Philipp Jerulank, Derya Öcalan, Katharina
Brian Schomburg, Christopher Kubasik, Ray Winninger, Wagner Publishing Team Germany: Zoe Adamietz,
and Paul Murphy Jörn Aust, Mirko Bader, Steffen Brand, Tim Brothage,
Additional Concepts and Playtesting: Daniel Scott Palter, Frauke Forster, Kai Großkordt, Nikolai Hoch, Nadine
Denise Palter, Jonatha Ariadne Caspian, Michael Stern, Hoffmann, Johannes Kaub, Arne Frederic Kunz, Matthias
Richard Hawran, C.J. Tramontana, Martin Wixted Lück, Thomas Michalski, Jasmin Neitzel, Markus Plötz,
Technical Assistance: Dr. Michael Fortner, Dr. George Nadine Schäkel, Maik Schmidt, Ulrich-Alexander
Exner Schmidt, Alex Spohr, Jens Ullrich Publishing Team
Original Logo Design: Tom Tomita USA: Robert Adducci, Bill Bridges, Timothy Brown,
Revised & Expanded Developers: Eric Gibson, Jim Eric Simon, Ross Watson Distribution & Customer
Ogle, Gareth Michael Skarka, Nikola Vrtis, Stephen Support: Florian Hering, Jan Hulverscheidt, Thomas
Marsh, Talon Dunning Schwertfeger, Saskia Steltner, Stefan Tannert
Original Tharkold Design: Greg Farshtey, Greg
Gorden, Paul Murphy, Bill Slavicsek, Jonatha Ariadne
Caspian, Michael Nystul.
A Short History of the Blasted Land . . . . . . . . . 4
The Stabili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Trade and Commerce in the Blasted Land . . . . . 9
he Blasted Land is an ever-changing area
full of danger and scattered tech that can
bring wealth or pain. Knowing the secrets
of surviving in this brutal place is the difference
between amassing a fortune and succumbing to a
horrible death.
at this time that locales began to take on distinct longer present. Over time, creatures from the
characteristics. Cities and towns that were able to Tharkoldu home cosm have made their way into
use the high Social Axiom and Core Earth World his territory and techno-horrors stalk the land in
Laws of the Underdog and Glory and stood strong addition to the mutated abominations. During this
in the face of adversity. Solidarity and organization time, many more city and town governments were
broke down in those areas in which the people unable to cope and were replaced by opportunistic
embraced the Tharkold World Laws and warbands Tharkoldu and marauder warband leaders. When
of marauders destroyed other cities, took over vast Thratchen expanded his stelae into the area, he
tracts of land, and fought against each other while forced cities, warbands, and mutant villages to
trying to carve out a piece of the land to call theirs. submit.
The cities that did not succumb to hopelessness in
the face of Tharkold horror became akin to bright A last aspect of the second wave was when Aysle
beacons in the darkness of the wastelands, but even Tharkold mixed zones formed with the westernmost
more hardships quickly came. areas into which Volkov and Thratchen expanded.
This created a fantastical and horror-filled area that
During the first wave, like miners in a gold rush, is like a siren’s call to the Tharkold creatures of
scavengers and fortune seekers made their way into magic that were suffering from Tharkold’s Magic
the Blasted Land. Some smaller towns and villages Axiom decline.
were taken over by the scavengers, and other “rush
towns” popped up to serve the scavengers. A cycle
Today, the Blasted Land is a vast wasteland
of booms and busts has left ghost towns where an
overrun by abominations, techno-horrors, and
area’s technological debris has been picked clean.
marauder warbands. Scattered across the whole
Some, after having been picked clean, began to raid
area, powerful technology and occultech lays
surrounding areas of supplies. If they were able to
in wait for both the lucky and unfortunate. Rare
survive, they became marauding warbands.
stable cities are few and far between, their survival
Just when Duke Volkov was beginning to plan the has greatly strengthened them into bastions of
first actions to stabilize the area, Kranod was slain humanity within the wastes. Railways are the main
by Jezrael, and the “second wave” of misfortune means of transportation between the stable cities,
began. With Moscow at the epicenter, the three- as they are guarded by Protectors with advanced
way civil war started, and stelae were planted in weaponry. Roads and highways have fallen into
an earnest attempt to please Malgest and become disrepair. Vehicles need to be modified in order
the new High Lord of Tharkold. Places like Nizhny to traverse the land. The winter brings deep snow
Novgorod, which were close to the border between that requires treads and tire chains.
Jezrael and Thratchen, were simply unable to
survive in any meaningful way. In the current in- To try to sum up the entirety of the Blasted Land
fighting, neither side cares to put any resources as being one thing or another is to forget the
into these cities as it is almost a certainty that the many varied aspects of what is in the area. It is a
continued warfare destroys that which was rebuilt. hodge-podge or patchwork area where a stable
Warband leaders such as Bazz Pila were able to take city may share a border with a marauder warband
advantage of the power vacuum and consolidate or a mutant village stoically sits on the edge of a
power under themselves, apart from the three. forest filled with techno-horrors. The two waves
the Tharkold World Laws brought to the area
For the most part, Jezrael has stayed south of have culled the weak, but the high Social Axiom
the Blasted Land and President Volkov only has allowed the places where people stood strong
expanded into that area around St. Petersburg. together to become even stronger in the face of
Duke Thratchen, on the other hand, planted his adversity. Surviving in the Blasted Land requires
stelae throughout the Blasted Land. The stelae knowledge of all its aspects, for to focus on one is
flipped many of the zones to Dominant and the to be overcome by another.
axioms and World Laws of Core Earth are no
THE STABILI countries now under Tharkold reality, as it shows
cities can maintain day-to-day normalcy under his
Stabili, short for Stabilizirovannye Goroda or rule, as well as resistance against him is met with
“stabilized cities,” are those rare cities in the certain destruction. He currently does not have
Blasted Land able to maintain a semblance of law the time to properly train Russian Thralls, so he
and order after the fallout of radiation and pieces is content with leaving a working city run as it
of the maelstrom bridge rained down on North- previously did.
Western Russia. Thratchen, being both powerful
The Vyatka river forms the eastern border of
and impatient, grew his power base by dominating
Kirov. The river runs north-south, and before the
various warband leaders, Tharkold despots and
civil war it provided a means of transportation into
city rulers, forcing them into submission. Those
what is currently Jezrael’s territory. Now trade
who resisted were swept aside and replaced by
no longer goes past Kirov, and most supplies and
trusted lackeys.
people are transported by train. The river trade has
But Thratchen has only bounded roughly half drastically fallen.
of the Blasted Land. The eastern half is still free
of Stelae and considered to be Russia, although
since they are not bound by Volkov’s stelae it is
not considered to be Wolflands. The cities that This southernmost district of Kirov is split off from
survived still try to maintain life as best as they can. the central section. It is extremely fortified, and
With Thratchen to the west, Jezrael to the south, the Duma continues to build its Protector forces,
and the Urals to the east, the stabili in this zone readying for the day when Jezrael moves north.
are practically cut off from the world and are in a Kirov accepts refugees, and this district, with
desperate situation of survival. its heavy security forces, is where they undergo
rudimentary background checks and quarantine. If
they are deemed fit to be allowed into the general
populace, they can take a short train trip to the
The city of Kirov lays almost on the border of Leninskiy Rayon and from there enter the city
Thratchen’s territory. It was a late addition to proper.
his stelae bounded area and had been operating
Between the Novovyatkiy and Leninskiy Rayons
under Russian rule until recently. The city, being
was once an area of rural houses and farmland
a transportation hub, was lucky when the Blasted
interconnected by dirt roads. The radiation of the
Land was formed. The city was able to procure
Blasted Land gave rise to some of the population
supplies and equipment from non-affected areas of
becoming mutations. The Kirov Duma made a
Tharkold Russia once the truce between High Lord
fateful decision to force non-mutants from this
Kranod and President Volkov was established. As
area into the city proper and move mutants into it.
a hub, it was then able to send out supplies to other
It is now called Gorod Mutantov The mutants are
cities in the Blasted Land, such as Kotlas and the
forced to work the farmlands and provide for the
closed city of Pervomaysky, which hosted the main
city. In turn, the city’s Protectors keep the area safe.
division of the Bureau of Psychic Research before
its destruction.
When Thratchen planted stelae and surrounded
the city in his territory, Kirov tried to fight back. North of Novovyatskiy Rayon and Gorod
His forces destroyed the northeastern part of the Mutantov is the Leninskiy Rayon, the center of
city and he uncharacteristically gave the city’s the railway transportation hub, which includes
Duma one last chance to accept submission, which the Trans-Siberian railway. The Kirov Pass hub
they did. Kirov now holds an important role as a links railways from the north, west, and southeast.
defense against Jezrael to the south and Russian A large and efficient system of checkpoints and
forces to the east. He allows the Igri to continue warehouses surround the hub, making it easy to
and broadcasts it throughout Russia and the other store and distribute goods. These are well protected
The raiders of the Blasted Land are not subtle.
by Kirov’s Protector security forces. Street vendors is a much more urban area than Gorod Mutatov.
dot the area, providing food and goods from kiosks Paved roads, and modern amenities are fully
and folding tables. As discussed in the commerce functional in the rayon. The people here live their
section, Physical currency as well as the digital New lives much the same as before the invasion. The
Ruble are used as the primary form of purchasing Blasted Land haze is present, but the Russians have
goods, even by these independent street vendors. adjusted to this. As long as Thratchen does not
The eastern part of Leninskiy is where the ruling decide to remove the Duma and Jezrael does not
Duma and judicial branch of government are raze the city, the people carry on with life, making
headquartered. The Leninskiy Rayon is where the most of a terrible situation.
most of the population goes for entertainment as
well as other business. Restaurants, theaters, and PERVOMAYSKIY RAYON
malls all function and are open for business. A
significant number of people take their residence The Pervomayskiy Rayon is not part of the Town
in this district as well. Pervomayskiy to the north. This area once covered
the eastern part of Kirov, urban on the west of
the Vyatka river and rural on the eastern bank.
OKTYABR’SKIY RAYON Thratchen, wanting to keep the city functional,
Directly north of Leninskiy Rayon is Oktyabr’skiy attacked this area, leaving it in ruins. The Duma
Rayon. This area is mostly residences with some has established this area as off limits to the city’s
workplaces, factories, restaurants, and other shops. populace and has instated it as a large arena for
It is less densely populated than Leninskiy, but still the Igri. Konkursitov (contestants) outfitted with
occultech, willing and unwilling alike, are sent into it to Arkangelsk make Kotlas the geographical
the district of crumbling buildings and blast craters center point of Thratchen’s area. Ironically, under
to fight for survival against hunters, Psi-Borgs, and Thratchen, the city is actually more important.
Horgons linked to elite Igri gamers. The occasional Before his expansion, the warbands, cities, and
Tharkoldu sometimes use the Igri to have fun mutants of the Blasted Land were in a constant
hunting konkursitov. Scavengers also roam the struggle with each other and within themselves.
area, picking fallen contestants and hunters clean Even now, the inhabitants of his territory are only
of their equipment and occultech. Although, so in a loose alliance with each other, but they must
far, no one has made it across the bridge over the answer to Thratchen. As long as they obey and
Vyatka, if anyone would do so, they are supposed serve him he does not care if they have petty fights
to be freed and would find themselves with amongst themselves as long as they do not become
celebrity status within Kirov, the Wolflands, and weakened enough to hurt his war against Volkov
the rest of Russia that is connected to either the and Jezrael. That some trade is needed to keep
Internet or Kur. them from being completely in Kotlas serves this
KOTLAS The thralls of Kotlas produce
Situated at the confluence of the Northern Dvina and occultech for Tharkoldu and other
Vychegda Rivers, Kotlas was previously beings that serve Thratchen. They
part of the Arkangelsk Oblast. It is far also load trains and barges
enough away from Arkangelsk itself to with trade goods to be sent
not be under the sway of the Angel, throughout Thrathen’s part
but both cities are under Thratchen’s of the Blasted Land. Any
rule. The Northern Dvina reaches all laborer who is unlucky
the way northwest to Arkangelsk, and enough to have a factory
the Vychegda stretches northeast to mishap is quickly fitted
Syktyvkar. with an occultech implant,
which normally rejects
The worst part of history or is barely enough
repeats itself in Kotlas. The city to function. As with
refused Thratchen’s demands of most of the functioning
submission and its entire Russian cities under Thratchen
population was forced to become which did not submit,
thralls. It is now ruled by a foul- life in Kotlas has been
tempered Tharkoldu that goes by the completely transformed
name Bes. During the Soviet Union, the into a Tharkold dominance
city was home to a labor gulag, and in chain. It serves as a harsh
an unfortunate twist of fate it is now warning to others who try to resist
something equally horrible. Under Thratchen as he expands eastward
Bes, the city has once again become towards the Urals.
a focus of forced labor, this time
using Race and Russian thralls.
Kotlas is a small but important
city. It is connected by railway Syktyvkar is located east of
to the larger city of Kirov Thratchen’s territory and still considered a part of
to the southeast. Supplies, Russia. Thratchen has his sights set on Syktyvkar
equipment, food, and thralls for a couple of reasons. It is just outside his latest
deemed unworthy of the stelae plantings, and he hopes to encompass it with
Igri are sent from Kirov to his next stela. The city is also on the Vychegda river
Kotlas. The river connecting and would be connected to Kotlas, and thus linked
to Arkangelsk which is near the Aysle Tharkold intimidate others, but one should be careful as a
mixed zone border. He recently learned of the flora failed intimidation attempt results in a much worse
properties of the surrounding area and wants to deal at the minimum and thralldom in the worst
use them against Aysle. cases.
The city was once known for its trade in timber For those seeking a “fair” or more equitable place
and woodcraft. A strange side effect of the deep to conduct business, cities such as Trade Town
toxic haze on the nearby woodlands has created a provide a safer place. A person does need to know
parallel industry. Plant life infused with the haze whatever local laws might be in effect, as in order
of the area petrifies within a week after it dies. to stay independent and maintain their reputation,
Everything from trees to grass can be cut, shaped the local law enforcement officers are well-armed
and then left to transform into something as hard and trained. They keep everyone in-line and don’t
as steel. The mayor of the city has kept his city take kindly to those trying to disrupt daily business.
prosperous as they make quick and easy weapons Besides barter of basic supplies and gear, Vril has
and armor akin to those from Aysle. The occultech taken the place of physical currency. Most vehicles
nanotech infused into the flora causes them to and machines that required gas to work have been
grow quickly, and they have a special characteristic converted to being powered by Vril. Vril is a crystal-
that makes items created from them extremely like substance that forms from the solidification of
valuable. They cost double the amount as an Aysle pain when a person is attached to a pain inducing
equivalent, but this quality allows them to effect occultech Vril Converter. Since Vril-crystals vary in
ethereal beings and defend against magical armor size and potency, game masters can assign them a
piercing. A weapon shaped from Syktyvkar wood value in dollars, just like a currency, when outright
provides half of its Strength bonus against ethereal purchasing an item, or аs a bonus to a requisition
beings. Armor forged from these plants halve the check while in Tharkold.
AP value of weapons that have AP through magical
means. These items cause Contradiction outside of In the rare self-governed Stabili, residents have
Tharkold. access to the Internet and Kur. This connection
allows them to access the world outside the Blasted
Syktyvkar flora is also used in making armored Land, and here the New Ruble is the safest and
coverings for vehicles, city wall fortifications, most widely used currency. Russian society is
ammunition, and practically anything that can be also very community oriented, and in the Stabili,
formed from wood. Since it is not actually metal, as well as mutant villages, this still holds true.
it does not corrode or oxidize, but also does not The Social Axiom allows these cases to even help
dissipate heat or conduct electricity. The city has further, much like the Free Race. Before people
become very self-isolated. They are cut off from go to banks or outsiders for help, they ask their
both the Wolflands and Eastern Russia. The mayor family, friends, and even neighbors. Even with
plans to surrender if Thratchen invades, knowing the Law of Domination, those on the same “level”
the horrible fate that happened to Kotlas and work together and help each other—at least until it
wanting to prevent it from happening to them. is time to make the attempt to raise one’s status to
a higher rung.
In the territories controlled by marauders, the
mighty simply take what they want. But there are
sometimes cases when two marauder bands do not
wish to fight. In these situations, trade and barter
of supplies and gear take place. Tharkold, being
a harsh reality, favors those who can successfully
ollowing the Tharkold invasion and the
subsequent Moscow blast which rained
radioactive Occultech across northern Russia,
a new order was forged in the Blasted Land,
one built on a tenuous struggle for dominance.
Warlords arose, carving out niches in the hellscape
and gathering the desperate and the craven to
form new armies. While much of the Blasted Land
is empty and lawless, these marauder clans and
warlords claim their pieces of territory, and Storm
Knights passing through the area are likely to
contend with them, one way or another.
CLANS The typical marauder clan is comprised of
anywhere between 10 and 1,000 individuals.
Nearly everyone knows how to fight and has a
weapon of some kind, even if it is merely a piece
of lead pipe with sharp spokes welded to the top.
However, especially large clans might contain non-
combatants, such as children, elderly, or slaves.
Humans (transformed or not) make up the majority
of marauders, though a large percentage are also
members of The Race who have taken to raiding as
a means of survival. It isn’t uncommon to also find
clans led by outcast or renegade technodemons,
though all-demon clans are very rare indeed.
Although rare exceptions exist, most clans have
a strictly hierarchical organization that resembles
those found in other gangs around the world.
Certain slang terms have developed in the Blasted
Land to help describe the layers of these crude
At the bottom layer are the “wretches,” members
who are new to the clan, have been demoted for
cowardice or other crimes, or are in some other way
undeserving of respect. They are expendable, the
first ones sent in to test for mine fields, run decoy
missions, ordered to be human shields, and so on.
The next layer up are the “skags.” These are the
main infantry of the clan, and while they hold no
voting or other power in the clan, they are generally
Drive carefully!
given at least a modicum of respect and mourned and the one often placed in charge of scavenging,
when they die. attacking, or patrol missions. There can be more
than one kapitan, but being this close to the seat
Above the skags are the “bullies,” especially- of power tends to intensify rivalries, leading to the
competent marauders who are placed in charge of kind of backbiting and betrayals that can topple a
a small crew of skags (usually between three and clan, so most marauder lords limit their kapitans to
20). They can do as they wish with the skags, but just two or three at most.
losing too many skags doesn’t make a bully look
very competent. The top of any clan is the “lord,” the singular
Parallel with the bullies are the various specialists, leader with complete control over all aspects of the
known collectively as “meisters.” The most clan. This isn’t a democracy; the lord’s demands
common meisters in a clan are blackfingers (vehicle are inviolate. Those who disagree with the lord’s
repair), medics (healing), twitchers (extracting methods better keep it to themselves—although
Vril), skalds (intimidating enemies and energizing dissent is quite common, and in any clan large or
allies), eagle-eyes (lookouts and snipers), chippers small there’s always someone plotting the lord’s
(installing occultech), and archies (construction). eventual overthrow. Lords usually designate a
“palace” (in name only) which becomes their seat
Nearing the top of the chain is the “kapitan,” the of power and where they enjoy the fruits of their
second in command to the marauder lord himself, underlings’ raids.
directly after the target, outrunners try to come
TERRITORY in from the sides, eagle-eyes aim for drivers and
Claimed territory in the Blasted Lands is fluid, with wheels, and trucks full of wretches or skags pull
clans losing or gaining ground against one another, alongside so they can board the vehicle.
being pushed back by survivor communities, or
swooping in to claim stretches of highway after Travelers who find themselves hunted by a
another clan is eliminated. Very small clans might marauder clan can only shake their stalkers
only lay claim to a 20-kilometer stretch of highway, by fleeing into contested territory, defeating a
while large clans might control a region of a couple large number of the pursuers, or outrunning/
hundred square kilometers. outmaneuvering them. When crossing the Blasted
Lands, stealth is worth the extra travel time!
Clans mark their territory by hanging victims from
crosstrees made from girders, planks, and rebar.
These grisly effigies are placed near roadsides
where they are easily visible, spray painted with
the clan’s own symbol. They bury mines around
the base, and prevent anyone from climbing it to Below are some of the more notable marauder
rescue the victim by wrapping it in concertina wire warlords and their domains. There are hundreds
or cementing broken glass to the metal. of other clans both big and small, most carving out
a range no more than a few kilometers from their
The typical clan uses a fixed location as a base makeshift base. But in the turbulent Blasted Land,
of operations. The Blasted Lands’ many ruined new ones are constantly arising on the corpses of
towns, abandoned power plants, derelict missile others.
silos, empty factories, hollowed-out schools, and
so on make for perfect compounds to store vehicles LOW TOWN
and ill-gotten gains. Where walls are needed,
marauders (just like other survivors out here) Perched right on the edge of the Blasted Land,
make walls out of whatever they can find, such as the city of Nizhny Novgorod is now largely
shipping containers, pieces of plywood, and sheets abandoned, but at the center is a city-within-a-city
of metal. that boasts the densest concentration of marauders
in Tharkold. It occupies a rectangular area at the
For defense, the area around a marauder’s corner of the Oka and Volga Rivers that stretches
compound is littered with traps and alarms. They from the Lenin Monument to the Nizhny Novgorod
always have a lookout or two in discreet sniper Stadium. Inside its four-story walls of wood and
nests or blinds where they can keep an eye on any metal, the city is a beehive of shanties built one
nearby roads. atop the other and connected by makeshift bridges
and rickety platforms. The denizens of this maze
of alleys live in a state of near lawlessness and
anarchy, constrained only by the tenuous “peace”
TACTICS of alliances, capricious city guards (themselves
Once a marauder clan identifies a potential target, nothing more than marauders given a badge), and
they mobilize quickly for interception. They keep Tharkold’s laws of dominance and submission.
their vehicles constantly tuned and ready because
opportunity can come quickly, and it goes to the Ruling over this bedlam is Bazz Pila, a beefy
strongest and fastest. marauder lord whose greatest pride is the creation
of the Death Race, a regular sporting event that
If the clan is large enough to have several vehicles, takes place in the shabby remnants of the old
the strongest one is usually driven by the kapitan Stadium, and draws in the best drivers from all
or the lord herself. At least one vehicle is designated over the Blasted Land to compete for prizes of
to defend the lord’s vehicle, while strikers are sent money and power.
South of the city marks the edge of Jezrael’s claim, THE ANNIHILATORS
so Storm Knights might find Low Town a frequent
What was once eastern Vologda Oblast is now a
stopover during their travels.
huge stretch of empty Blasted Land where many
fear to tread. This is because it is the home to the
Annihilators, a mutant death cult bent on wiping
THE VRIL FARM out humanity. Their leader is Cruk the Righteous,
A huge compound on the eastern side of Kirillov an enigmatic figure who is always draped in several
is home to Voracious Kerberos, a morbidly obese layers of decaying burlap robes and conceals her
technodemon known for his insatiable appetite. face behind a huge filter mask and voice modulator.
Despite being unable to move due to his immense From a makeshift chapel built in an old nuclear
size, Voracious runs “The Vril Farm,” the largest silo, Cruk the Righteous preaches that humans are
manufacturer of Vril in the Blasted Land. He has a virus, and that mutations are a gift from “The
converted an old dairy farm on the grounds into a Divine Entity” to bring about the end of humanity
place of sheer horror, where captives are attached and usher in a new era of mutant life. Where most
to two floors of occultech devices and relentlessly marauders hunt down their prey to steal their
terrorized to produce the strange crystals. resources, under her teachings the Annihilators
Voracious sells or trades these crystals in exchange simply kill all non-mutants who wander into their
for a growing share of influence, followers, power, territory, taking only the bare necessity to survive
and sheer decadent wealth. Then he gorges on the and leaving the rest along the roadside as a trap to
bodies of victims when they finally succumb to the lure in more victims. They also cultivate mutated
torment. plants and animals, even going so far as to spread
irradiated occultech to encourage new mutations.
At any time, he has several teams of mutants and
In truth, Cruk the Righteous is an edeinos who
marauders scouring the Blasted Land in armored
transformed several months ago while on a mission
convoys to capture new victims for his “farm.”
in Tharkold. Her concept of Lanala has folded into
The grounds are guarded by several dozen thralls,
a more generic “holy” entity, one which merges
with even more dedicated to the Vril-extraction
Lanala’s belief in savage survival with Tharkold’s
brutal dominance. Her love for wild things has
been corrupted into a love for mutations, which
she sees as the key to culling useless, old species
SKY RATS and injecting new vitality into the world.
This unusual army of marauders eschew the frozen
highways in favor of the sky, raiding from above THE VORTEX
using airplanes, helicopters, ultralights, hang
Those who venture near the frigid shores of the
gliders, and even hot air balloons. Their home is
White Sea or her many bays and inlets might
the old air base at Petrozavodsk, a location which
catch a glimpse of an astonishing sight: a floating
allows them to command the air over much of the
shantytown built onto the rusting frame of an
region north of St. Petersburg.
arctic icebreaker ship. The ship, called the Vortex,
is home to hundreds of wastelanders, outcasts
The enigmatic Oxxy Orphea, a former mechanic,
from myriad communities across Tharkold.
leads the Sky Rats from her junk palace at Chalna,
Their leader, Devo Kirg, welcomes all who seek
but she is more at home in the air aboard The
a refuge from the endless slaughter on Blasted
Buzzard, a turbo-prop dirigible she built herself.
Land highways or tooth-and-claw survival in the
Her marauders are notorious for flying low over
occupied cities. Aboard the Vortex, his “citizens
their prey and dropping bombs or entangling nets,
of the ice” manufacture occultech with AutoCAD
attacking from dangling gliders, or using a sky-
bricks traded (or sometimes stolen) from coastal
hook to seize gunners from their nests.
communities. He is gradually building a reputation
as a reliable supplier of occultech across the platform as his army chases down prey, ecstatically
northern Blasted Lands. hammering on his war drums made of bone and
What can be said about Toothcracker that hasn’t TRADE TOWN
already been screamed by his victims? This The city of Ukhta in the Komi Republic, colloquially
simply enormous Race warrior wears a flayed referred to as “Trade Town,” avoided much of
technodemon’s face as a mask. He leads the Road the depredations of the Blasted Land closer to
Dogs, a frenzied army of marauders who claim Moscow. Nevertheless, the townsfolk struggled
a huge stretch of the Blasted Land northwest of to come together in the initial days of the fallout,
Kirov. Those who stray into his territory quickly until the arrival of a pair of Race warriors, Tetya
realize their mistake. (“Aunt”) Turbo and her mute twin, the Hunger
Toothcracker is particularly fond of hooking live Monger. Being the smarter of the pair, Tetya Turbo
captives onto complex structures of wood and steel immediately saw the potential in the undamaged
along the roadside to serve as both a warning and a rail lines in the area, and set up a hub of trade in
marker of his accomplishments. His own vehicle is Ukhta that used re-purposed trains to transport
a spiky, composite monstrosity of two semi trucks goods and facilitate a sort of crude commerce.
welded side-by-side, embellished with platforms She placed the Hunger Monger in charge of these,
and cupolas manned by his most loyal marauders. while she appointed herself mayor of Trade Town.
Often Toothcracker himself stands atop the central Soon she realized that bullets are in top demand,
so she converted a nearby gulag into a factory that
specializes in ammunition and repairing damaged
energy weapons. A well-armed train makes daily
runs back and forth between the gulag and Trade These strange vessels are used by the Marauder
Town. Tetya Turbo’s next goal is to repair the Clans and constructed by attaching ski-like struts
airplanes in the nearby airfield to add those to her to the bottom of old sailing vessel hulls to create
trade network. a wind-powered craft capable of skating across
sand, snow, and even ice. As long as the wind is
THE ARCHANGELS blowing, they make for a fast, if awkward, land
vehicle. Sand Sloops aren’t purchased, they are
The frozen north of Arkangelsk is a snow-blasted,
cobbled together on the spot or taken from other
wild place where summers are short and winters
are long. This inhospitable region is the refuge of
Krazmaz, a stunted Tharkoldu whose wings were Speed: 100 (12, Fast); Tough: 18 (2); Wounds: 3
torn off eons ago for his insubordination. A lifetime Fast: Speed grants a +2 bonus to complete steps
of abuse led him to a pathological desire to remove in a chase or a –2 penalty to be hit.
parts of his own “weak” body and replace them Very Large: Attacks against the vehicle gain a
with occultech, which he believed would finally +4 bonus due to its size.
make him strong enough to compete with his Maneuverability: –8 penalty to land vehicles for
demonic brethren. His pride and joy are his metal defenses or chases.
wings, which allow him to fly once more, but bear Passengers: 20.
a strong resemblance to feathers, thus earning him Armament: Skewers, Spike Dropper.
the nickname “Angel.”
While wandering the arctic Blasted Land, he
stumbled upon an old underground nuclear testing
site. Under the new reality, this old site was now an
inferno at the bottom of a gaping crater. Building a
fortress on the edge of this hellhole, he gradually
assembled a marauder army and convinced them
he was an actual fallen angel, sent by the Devil
himself to spread destruction.
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the southern tip of the
island of Gotland, and the Baltic Sea are all within
the borders of the Aysle and Tharkold mixed zones.
Though the area here is ravaged by reality Storms,
many creatures call it home. The high Magic Axiom
has drawn many renegade Tharkoldu here, though
the technodemons are not the only creatures drawn
to this chaotic area. Escaped thralls, glory seeking
knights, and many other creatures of both cosms
spend a great deal of time in this area or even call
it home. There are even a few dragons who have
taken residence in mixed zone and transformed.
The fire elemental hounds are twisted greatly by
the Law of Dominance, calling more to their pack
mentality. They become fiercer, larger, and more
predatory in nature. Like the regular barghest,
they appear as a massive black dog with flame
filled eyes, sharp claws, and mouths filled with a
fiery death. The alpha barghest always has a coat of
chains instead of skin. The chains are made of the
dark black metal common in Tharkold and always
adorned with spikes.
Attributes: Charisma 3, Dexterity 7, Mind 3, Spirit Skills: Dodge 12, find 7, intimidation 14, maneuver
9, Strength 15 10, taunt (9), trick (8), unarmed combat 13
Skills: Dodge 8, find 6, intimidation 11, maneuver Move: 9; Tough: 16; Shock: 11; Wounds: 1
8, missle weapons 12, taunt (8), trick (6), unarmed Equipment: —
combat 12 Perks: —
Move: 10; Tough: 17 (2); Shock: 9; Wounds: 1 Possibilities: Never
Equipment: — Special Abilities:
Perks: — • Aura of Darkness and Ice: A dark aura always
Possibilities: Rare (2) surrounds the black ice golem. Any who get
Special Abilities: within two meters of the creature suffer a
• Armor: Spiked chain skin +2. Dim (–2) penalty. The black ice golem does
• Bite/claws: Damage Strength +3 (18) not suffer this penalty. Additionally, anyone
• Fear: Barghests have glowing eyes and emit in this aura must make a Challenging (DN 12)
a primal growl that causes instinctive fear Strength test or suffer 1 Shock from the chilling
reactions when it is first encountered. Test cold emanating from the golem.
willpower or Spirit at –2 or become Very Stymied. • Large: Black ice golems are typically around
• Fire Breath: A barghest may suffer 2 Shock to five meters long as adults. Attackers gain +2 to
breathe fire on all targets within a Large Blast attack rolls due to their size.
radius. It uses the creature’s missile weapons • Swim: May swim at regular move. Black ice
to hit, deals 16 fire damage, and affects each golems also float.
target’s lowest Armor value. • Vulnerability to Fire: Black ice golems
• Large: These “dogs” are the size of a small quickly melt when encountering intense heat.
car. Attackers gain +2 to attack rolls to hit due All attacks wife a fire or heat weapon receive a
to its size and bulk. +4 bonus to damage.
• Spiked chain skin: Anyone who successfully
grapples or hits an alpha barghest with an CHORT (B)
unarmed attack suffers their Strength +1
damage from the wicked spikes covering the Chort is a powerful and unique Tharkoldu that has
hound’s body. been transformed by the mixed zone. He claims to
be the son of the ancient Russian god, Chenronbog.
BLACK ICE GOLEM Though it is unclear if Chort is mad or if his claims
are true, the Tharkoldu can command some great
When a charybs enters the mixed zone, they are magic like his ancient ancestors.
made stronger by both the environment and
overcome by the Darkness within the mixed zone. Chort has claimed the town of Viljandi, located
Though the Light creature becomes so much in southeastern Estoni between the larger cities of
weaker that they become all but nonexistent, Parnu (also in the mixed zone) and Tartu (inside
the Dark creature becomes complete ice. This of Tharkold). There he has taken over an old
transformation removes their ability to make two Church and uses this as his compound and seat of
attacks but makes them hardier. power. Chort commands a pride of approximately
20 demons—a mix of both Tharkoldu and Aylish
The charybs now takes on the form of a semi- descent. It is rumored that even some of the Demons
humanoid large walking block of dark colored ice from other Cosms have flocked to his banners. His
with a human-like ice sculpted head. It has massive other shock troops consist of thralls and some of
limbs capable of crushing most foes. An aura of the beasts native to the mixed zone, counting just
darkness and cold surrounds the creature, chilling under 250 strong. More demons and troops join
all who get close to it. (by free will or force) Chort’s forces every day.
Attributes: Charisma 4, Dexterity 9, Mind 5, Spirit For now, Chort is focused on expanding the
11, Strength 13 small territory he has in the mixed zone, but the
technodemon could become a potential problem
for whoever claims the throne of Tharkold if he DARK TECHNODEMON
and his Pride leave the mixed zone.
The Tharkoldu are loathsome evil creatures capable
Attributes: Charisma 10, Dexterity 10, Mind 11, of the most monstrous deeds. The Aylish Law of
Spirit 14, Strength 18 Darkness and Light, fused with the world laws of
Skills: Air vehicles 15, alteration 14, conjuration Tharkold enhance the Darkness and evil in some of
14, dodge 12, energy weapons 14, find 13, heavy the technodemons. The result is a monster that can
weapons 17, intimidation 18, melee weapons 14, wield the powers of Darkness with effectiveness.
reality 15, taunt 12, trick 14, unarmed combat 17
Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 8, Mind 11,
Move: 8; Tough: 22 (4); Shock: 14; Wounds: 5
Spirit 12, Strength 16
Equipment: Zan Slashers MKII (Damage Strength
Skills: Conjuration 14, dodge 12, energy weapons
+3/21, AP 2), Alph Exterminator (Damage 16, AP
15, find 11, intimidation 16, melee weapons 15,
12, Range 1k/3k/5k)
reality 14, unarmed combat 12
Perks: Demon Scholar (Alpha and Chilling
Move: 8; Tough: 19 (3); Shock: 14; Wounds: 5
Darkness), Spellcaster (enhance, mage dark, stun),
Equipment: Shadow whip (Strength +2/18, AP 2,
Occultech (Alph Weapon Dock, Vav Sensation
Reach 5 meters), Alph Pulverizer (Damage 17,
Suppressor, Zan Endoskeleton, Zan Slashers
Range 20/40/80)
MKII), Relentless, Sadist, Whirlwind
Perks: Occultech (Alph Weapon Dock, Digan
Possibilities: 5
Darksight Eyes MKIII, Vav Sensation Suppressor),
Special Abilities:
Frightening Aspect, Whirlwind
• Chains: Chort may use conjuration to
Possibilities: Common (3)
summon chains and attack a target within 50
Special Abilities:
meters (Damage 15). This attack may use the
• Armor: Cybernetic plating +3.
standard Grappling rules.
• Dread: While a technodemon is present, a
• Deadly: Reality tests to Soak Wounds done
Standard Scene becomes a Dramatic Scene
by Chort suffer a –2 penalty.
• Dread: While Chort is present, a Standard
• Fear: Technodemons inspire instinctive
Scene becomes a Dramatic Scene instead.
horror in creatures who see them. When first
• Fear: Chort inspires instinctive horror in
encountering one heroes must test willpower or
creatures who see him. When first encountering
Spirit or become Very Stymied.
Chort, heroes must test willpower or Spirit or
• Flight: Move 10 in the air.
become Very Stymied.
• Large: Most technodemons stand three or
• Flight: Move 10 in the air.
more meters tall. Attacks against them gain a
• Insidious: Discard a Destiny card from each
+2 bonus.
target’s pool when Chort successfully performs
• Minions: The technodemon may transfer
an Approved Action.
any hit to a lackey within a few meters if he
• Large: Chort stands over three meters tall.
succeeds at a reality test.
Attacks against him gain a +2 bonus.
• Shadow Chains: A dark technodemon may
• Minions: The technodemon may transfer
use conjuration to summon shadows that
any hit to a lackey within a few meters if he
appear to be chains and attack a target within
succeeds at a reality test.
50 meters (Damage 14). This attack may use the
• Pride: Any successful taunt against Chort
standard Grappling rules (see Torg Eternity)
gains his undivided attention—and anger.
though the defender suffers a –2 penalty to the
Chort targets the attacker(s) exclusively if
possible until the irritating Storm Knight is
Defeated or someone else manages a successful
taunt or deals a Wound.
Elves who enter the mixed zone run the risk of These wolves or dogs are further transformed by
becoming the thrall of a technodemon, like any the infusion of Aysle’s magic. A fire spirit has taken
other humanoid species capable of wearing a hold of the chain wolf. This infuses the creature
slave collar. Tharkoldu, being creatures of magic with fire causing the chain wolves eyes to glow
not unlike Elves, usually try to capture elven with fire and chains to blaze with intensity.
spellcasters if they are able. The statistics below Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 10, Mind 5,
represent such thralls. Spirit 8, Strength 10
Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 8, Mind 8, Spirit Skills: Dodge 12, find 10, intimidation 10,
9, Strength 6 maneuver 12, stealth 11, taunt (10), trick (10),
Skills: Apporation 12, conjuration 10, dodge tracking 10, unarmed combat 12
10, divination 10, find 8, maneuver 10, melee Move: 12; Tough: 12 (2); Shock: 8; Wounds: —
weapons 9, scholar 9, trick 9, willpower 11 Equipment: —
Move: 8; Tough: 8 (2); Shock: 9; Wounds: — Perks: —
Equipment: Leather armor (+2), short sword Possibilities: Never
(Damage Strength +2/8), slave collar Special Abilities:
Perks: Spellcasting (bullet, detect magic, and mage • Armor: Chains +2.
light) • Bite: Damage Strength +2 (12). If the attack is
Possibilities: Rare (2) a Good hit or better the target is also restrained
Special Abilities: by summoned chains.
• Darkvision: Elves ignore up to four points of • Blazing Eyes: The elemental infusion allows
darkness penalties (see Torg Eternity). the chain wolf to see more clearly with less light
• Graceful: When rolling directly against they. The Dim (–2) light penalty is ignored.
Dexterity, the test is treated as Favored. • Fiery Chains: When Maneuver is an
Unskilled tests based on Dexterity don’t count, Approved Action unconsciously
only those that directly call for a Dexterity test. summoned chains begin emerging
• Magical Affinity: Elves suffer from the ground all around the
one extra point of Shock with pack. All foes within 10 meters
any Fatigue results while in a are Stymied and reduce
realm with a base movement speed by
Magic Axiom 2 meters. If a target is
less than 12. already Very Stymied
he becomes Restrained instead. Additionally, FOMORIANS
the flaming chains sear the flesh of all caught
Some of the blue tinted giants have made their
in their grasp. All opponents within the radius
way to the mixed zone. While most frost giants
suffer 1 Shock per round.
are unimpacted, some are transformed into
• Fear: Chainwolf howls are unnatural. When
abominations. The twisted flesh of these hulks and
first encountering them test willpower or Spirit
mutations has made the Vikings who loath them so
or become Very Stymied. When Intimidate is
much to refer to them as the fomorians from Irish
an Approved Action the wolves howl again,
forcing another round of Fear tests.
• Immunity: Radiation. Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 8, Mind 7, Spirit
10, Strength 22
Skills: Dodge 10, intimidation 20, find 8, maneuver
10, melee weapons 16, taunt 10, trick 10, unarmed
combat 12
The tongue-like mechanical tendril that replaces Move: 25; Tough: 25 (3); Shock: 14; Wounds: 4
the lower jaw can desecrate corpses of other Equipment: Giant armor (+3, Torso and Legs),
creatures, not just humans. When other creatures giant maul (Strength +5/27)
enter the mixed zone, in their death they may Perks: Berserk, Relentless
find themselves in service of a technodemon. The Possibilities: Rare (5)
corpses of Dwarves are often sought out due to Special Abilities:
their hardy nature. The Tharkoldu find them much • Dread: When this creature is present, any
more endurable, even in death. Standard Scene immediately becomes a
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 7, Mind 5, Spirit Dramatic Scene instead.
7, Strength 10 • Fear: Fomorians appear grotesque and
Skills: Find 8, fire combat 8, energy weapons 8, are frightening to look upon. When first
land vehicles 8, intimidation 12, melee weapons encountering them test willpower or Spirit or
9, stealth 8, taunt (10), trick (10), unarmed combat become Very Stymied.
10 • Immunity: Fomorians are immune to the
Move: 8; Tough: 12 (2); Shock: —; Wounds: — effects of cold weather, attacks based on
Equipment: Battle Axe (Damage Strength +3 (13)) freezing, and radiation.
Perks: Occultech (Digan Darksight Eyes MK III, • Sweep Attack (Attack Approved): The
Zan Spinsoe Plating) fomorian may make a sweep attack with a
Possibilities: Never melee weapon and affect targets in a Large
Special Abilities: Blast radius.
• Cyber-tongue: Used as an unarmed attack • Very Large: Though their mutations typically
the metal tongue deals Strength +2 (12) damage. cause their limbs to twist in unusual ways, a
If the attack deals a Wound the target is also fomorian stands between 10 to 45 meters tall!
restrained (see Torg Eternity). Attacks against them gain a +4 bonus.
• Fear: Ghuls are animated corpses controlled
by writhing cybernetic tongues. When first OCCULTECH DRAGON
encountering them test willpower or Spirit or Some dragons, like many creatures, are drawn to
become Very Stymied. the mixed zone. These enormous reptilian creatures
• Relentless: Ghuls ignore Shock. are terrifying to behold by anyone, the mixed zone
• Undead: Ghuls are immune to poison and enhances some of them into something much more
other effects that require breathing, eating, or dangerous. Though rare, dragons with occultech
other “living“ processes. implants have been seen in the mixed zone.
Attributes: Charisma 10, Dexterity 8, Mind 10,
Spirit 12, Strength 17
Skills: Apportation 14, dodge 10, intimidation 15, • Flight: Move 12 in the air.
find 12, maneuver 10, missile weapons 12, taunt • Very Large: An average dragon is 20 meters
13, unarmed combat 14 long, and attacks against it gain a +4 bonus.
Move: 10; Tough: 21 (4); Shock: 16; Wounds: 5
Equipment: Vav Razor Wings (Damage Strength THRALL HERO
+4 (21), AP 2 when rushing in Air) Brought into the mixed zone by a technodemon
Perks: Occultech Implant (Thav Radiation filter master or perhaps escaping into the zone, some
MK II, Vav Razor Wings MK II), Whirlwind thralls are transformed by the law of heroism.
Possibilities: Common (5) They work to free their enslaved brothers and
Special Abilities: sisters from the demonic masters that have fled
• Armor: Scaly skin +4. to the mixed zone. Often, their deeds attract other
• Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (19). escaped thrall allies.
• Dread: While a fearsome dragon is present,
any Standard Scene counts as a Dramatic Scene Attributes: Charisma 10, Dexterity 8, Mind 7,
instead. Spirit 7, Strength 8
• Fear: These awe-inspiring monsters make Skills: Dodge 10, find 8, fire combat 10, land
foes tremble. Test willpower or Spirit or become vehicles 10, intimidation 8, maneuver 10,
Very Stymied. persuasion 13, taunt 8, trick 8, unarmed combat
• Fire Breath: Damage 14, Medium Blast, range 10
20/40/60. This uses missile weapons for the attack, Move: 8; Tough: 10 (2); Shock: 7; Wounds: 1
and as a fire attack works against the lowest Equipment: Spiked Plates (+2), Spiked Gauntlet
armor value on the target. (Damage Strength +2 (10)), Thav-9 (Damage 14,
Short Burst, Range 20/40/80), Remote Collar SENTIENT AUTOMATA
Automatons, like all other things that come into the
Perks: Rally
mixed zone, are subject to transformation. Though
Possibilities: Common (2)
rare, these mindless suits of armor are sometimes
Special Abilities: —
infused with the psychic energies of Tharkold and
SEA FIEND given sentience. Now mindful, these creatures, are
free to do what they will. They are still machines
The Baltic Sea takes up much of the mixed zone. and do not require the things other living creatures
The creatures on the shores of both Aysle and do. Though, they tend to be naïve to many customs
Tharkold are not the only ones impacted by the and cultural norms. Sentient Automata are childlike
mix of world laws. Many of the sea creatures and have a curious nature.
have been affected and changed. Those who are
careless in while navigating the Baltic may become Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 6, Mind 6, Spirit
the victims of the Sea Fiend. The giant terror is 6, Strength 13
nearly 25 meters long and covered in white Skills: Dodge 8, find 10, melee weapons 11,
fur like that of a polar bear. Under the fur is a missile weapons 11, unarmed combat 11,
muscular body and a mouth with jaws like a willpower 10
great white shark and six limbs with webbed Move: 6; Tough: 18 (5); Shock: —;
paws. Wounds: 1
Equipment: Battle axe (Damage
Attributes: Charisma 3, Dexterity 8, Mind Strength +3/16), medium
3, Spirit 10, Strength 18 shield (+2 defense bonus)
Skills: Dodge 12, find 7, intimidation Perks: Different
14, maneuver 12, trick (8), unarmed automatons may
combat 16 have the following
Move: 8; Tough: 20 upgrades from
(2); Shock: 12; the Dragon
Wounds: 5 Warrior Perk
Equipment: — (see Torg Eternity):
Perks: — Dragon’s Breath,
Possibilities: Never Dragon Claws,
Special Abilities: Dart Thrower, and Mad
• Armor: Thick fur +2. Jacks.
• Bite: Damage Strength +2 (20), reach Possibilities: Common (3)
4 meters. On a Good Success, the Special Abilities:
target is restrained (see Torg • Armor: Runed
Eternity Grappling rules). On an armor +5, or +10 against
Outstanding Success, a man- fire attacks.
sized target is swallowed. The • Automaton:
target takes 16 damage, that Machines are immune
ignores armor, each round to poison and other
until it can escape the Sea effects that require
Fiends stomach. breathing, eating,
• Very Large: The Sea Fiend or other “living“
is around 24 meters long as processes.
adults. Attackers gain +4 to
attack rolls due to its size.
• Swim: Move 13 in water.
• Relentless: Automatons ignore Shock. of one meter, with several individual discs of seeds
• Revenge of the Dwarfs: When an automaton and solar-gathering petals clustered at the top.
is defeated, it explodes in a burst of fire and The plants have an astonishing array of defenses,
shrapnel. It deals 15+1BD damage. and are connected to other nearby cyberplants via
the Grid. They breed by luring victims who have
SHADOW BLOATER occultech (or other types of cybernetics) and slaying
Like the regular bloater, these monstrous creatures them with their seeds, which then germinate in the
walk on four triple-joined limbs that each end in new corpse.
vicious claws, with the fifth ending in a stinger. Attributes: Charisma 2, Dexterity 3, Mind 3, Spirit
Unlike the regular bloater, their skin appears to be 5, Strength 6
a writing shadow. The creature is nearly impossible Skills: Dodge 4, find 10, fire combat 13, kinesis 12,
to spot in Dim or worse conditions. The carcass of precognition 10, telepathy 12
the creature appears to absorb all light around it, Move: —; Tough: 7 (1); Shock: —; Wounds: 1
including that from energy weapons. Equipment: Seed Blaster (Damage 14, Range
Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 9, Mind 4, Spirit 40/80/160, Heavy Burst, AP 1, Smart Ammo),
7, Strength 10 Perks: Occultech (Mim Poison Bladder, Mim
Skills: Dodge 11, Find 6, Intimidation 8, Maneuver Vocalizer, Vav Toxin Suppressor), Psionic
11, Stealth 12, Survival 5, Unarmed Combat 11 (aversion, dissipate energy, inflict joy, mind sense)
Move: 9; Tough: 10; Shock: 7; Wounds: 1 Possibilities: Never
Equipment: — Special Abilities:
Perks: — • Armor: Intradermal plating +1
Possibilities: Never • Immunity: Radiation
Special Abilities: • Linked: Cyberplants use the Grid to
• Claws: Damage Strength +2 (12). communicate with others of their kind within
• Fast: Run at Dexterity x4 (36). 500 meters and may coordinate attacks, relay
• Shadowy Carcass: The carcass of this creatures simple messages, or send alerts.
absorbs light and helps it blend into darkness. • Mindless: Cyberplants are immune to
Those trying to find a shadow bloater in Dim intimidation and taunt interactions.
or worse conditions, suffer an additional -2 • Small: Attacks against a cyberplant creature
penalty. The shadow bloater also has +4 armor suffer a –2 penalty due to size.
against all energy attacks.
• Stinger: With a successful grapple, the Bloater NANOBOT SWARM
can inject a victim with its poisonous stinger. One might mistake these horrific swarms as an
Damage Strength +4 (14). amorphous blob flowing across the ground and
other surfaces, but in truth they are comprised
of billions of autonomous microscopic occultech
THREATS OF THE DEEP robots. Operating with a hive mind, the swarms
BLASTED LAND exist only to efficiently break down matter
and convert it to energy or use it to create more
Aside from the realm-wide threats listed in the nanobots. Nanobot swarms leave nothing metallic,
Tharkold Sourcebook, there are quite a few dangerous organic, plastic, or chemical in their wake — only
foes who originate in the Blasted Land and are bare rock or sand where once stood plants, cars,
gradually spreading through the rest of the realm. animals, ponds, even buildings. They move slowly
compared to most prey, so are easy to outrun in
CYBERPLANT the open but are relentless and unstoppable. These
These bizarre flowering plants sprout from dead swarms can get very large, but eventually split
bodies with installed occultech. A blend of metal off into separate, smaller swarms to continue the
and organic matter, cyberplants grow to a height constant search for materials.
Attributes: Charisma 3, Dexterity 8, Mind 3, Spirit Skills: Dodge 10, find 15, intimidation 9, maneuver
8, Strength 8 10, stealth 15, taunt (7), trick (7), unarmed combat
Skills: Dodge 9, find 10, maneuver 10, stealth 10, 14
tracking 10, trick (9), unarmed combat 12 Move: 8; Tough: 19 (4); Shock: 9; Wounds: 1
Move: 2; Tough: 8; Shock: 13; Wounds: 3 Equipment: —
Equipment: — Perks: —
Perks: — Possibilities: Never
Possibilities: Never Special Abilities:
Special Abilities: • Armor: Armored plates +4.
• Disintegrate: Each round, targets in contact • Bite: Damage Strength +2 (17).
with a nanobot swarm automatically take 2 • Blind: Tunnelers have no eyes or olfactory
Shock at the start of their turn. Once per turn senses, and automatically fail find tests that rely
the swarm may attack each object it is in contact on vision or scent.
with without taking a Multi-Targeting penalty. • Burrowing: Tunnelers can move at regular
A hit inflicts 10 damage. speed through sand, clay, or soil. Rock,
• Mindless: Nanobots are immune to concrete, or other hard material reduces their
intimidation and taunt interactions. movement to 1. Similarly, their movement is 1
• Large: Most nanobot swarms cover an area when crawling out in the open.
roughly four meters across, and attacks against • Vibration Sense: Tunnelers may use find to
them gain a +2 bonus. Some swarms can be sense vibrations in solid objects at a distance of
Very Large, in which case they have +2 more up to half a kilometer.
Shock and +1 additional Wound, and attacks • Large: Most specimens are the size of a
against them are made at +4. passenger car and attacks against them gain a
• Slow and Steady: As microscopic machines, +2 bonus. Broodmother tunnelers can reach the
nanobots move slow compared to normal-sized size of a city bus, gaining +3 Strength, +4 Shock
creatures, or even other swarms. However, and +3 additional Wounds, and attacks against
they can move their full speed on any surface, them are made at +4.
including vertically or along ceilings.
• Swarm: Unarmed attacks and crushing LIQUIFIER
weapons deal base damage normally, as do area These horrible parasites resemble large mosquitoes
of effect attacks. Blades, bullets, or weapons with six barbed claws, translucent wings, and
that can’t hit dozens of creatures at once deal bristly heads. They use body heat to identify prey,
no damage at all. then use their hooked forelegs to cling to the target
while they insert their proboscis into the skin. Then
TUNNELER they whip their monofilament “tongue” around
inside the victim, liquifying bone, muscle, and
Tunnelers are huge worms who can burrow with other tissue and gorging on the resulting slurry.
astonishing speed through dirt and soil, using Liquifiers lay eggs in corpses of those they kill.
vibrations to track their prey. They are drawn
indiscriminately to noise of any kind but flee in Attributes: Charisma 3, Dexterity 9, Mind 3, Spirit
agony from very powerful sound waves, such 5, Strength 6
as explosions. When a tunneler locates prey, it Skills: Dodge 12, find 8, maneuver 11, trick (5),
burrows through the ground to emerge directly unarmed combat 9
beneath the victim, at which time it opens its Move: 9; Tough: 6; Shock: 5; Wounds: 1
armored mouth sheath and saws off a bite with its Equipment: —
leech-like ring of mandibles. Perks: —
Possibilities: Never
Attributes: Charisma 3, Dexterity 8, Mind 5, Spirit Special Abilities:
7, Strength 15 • Flight: Move 9 in the air.
• Mindless: Liquifiers are immune to
intimidation and taunt interactions.
• Monofilament Tongue: Damage Strength +4
(10). Each round of sustained contact increases
the damage by +2.
• Tiny: Liquifiers are no larger than a typical
human hand. Attacks against them suffer a –6
They get into everything, they are annoying, and
they are poisonous. They aren’t even that cute.
Various squirrels, mice, and other small rodents
have proven extremely hardy when it comes to
surviving occultech mutation, leaving them armed
and very dangerous for their size. Beware large
Attributes: Charisma 4, Dexterity 9, Mind 3, Spirit
5, Strength 4
Skills: Dodge 12, find 8, maneuver 11, lockpicking
6, taunt (7), trick (6), unarmed combat 10
Move: 9; Tough: 4; Shock: 5; Wounds: —
Equipment: — From distended jaws lashes a tentacle-like tongue.
Perks: — Some appear to have even melded with an animal
Possibilities: Never or another person. They maintain some glimmer of
Special Abilities: consciousness, sobbing or babbling nonstop even
• Scurry: These small creatures climb on their as they writhe toward their victims.
larger prey. Their target is always eligible for Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 8, Mind 8, Spirit
Friendly Fire—even from their own melee 10, Strength 10
attacks! Skills: Dodge 10, find 8, intimidation 12, maneuver
• Poison: If an occulmut manages to deal 10, stealth 9, taunt (6), telepathy 14, trick 7,
damage equal to or greater than the target’s unarmed combat 12
Toughness its venom causes Fatigue that can’t Move: 8; Tough: 11 (1); Shock: 12; Wounds: 1
be recovered until the poison has run its course. Equipment: —
• Soft Spot: Occulmuts always hit the lowest Perks: Endurance, Psionic (confusion, mind blast,
armor on a target. mind sense, read mind, psychic shield)
• Tiny: Occulmuts are no larger than a typical Possibilities: Rare (2)
human hand. Attacks against them suffer a –6 Special Abilities:
penalty. • Tentacle: Damage Strength +2 (12).
Short for skruchennyy chelovek (“twisted person”),
these hideous telepathic monstrosities are mutants
whose bodies have been so disfigured by radiation
they no longer look human. They scuttle noisily
along the ground on arms and legs, flesh melted
into flabby blobs, hair falling out in clumps, bones
protruding here and there from the sickly skin.
he Blasted Land is a treacherous environment
to venture into. Still, many have carved out
a life in the desolate irradiated wastelands
north of Moscow. No mater how long the stay of
a Storm Knight she will need a variety of different
tools to survive in the inhospitable climate. The
threats faced are both environmental and from the
native creatures and people.
can be secured around the waist and chest. Several GENERAL GEAR
pockets and straps cover the bag for use in carrying
Core Earth Items Tech Price
and storing additional gear. It comes in a variety of
different colors. Core Earth Items Tech Price
Burn Ointment 21 40 (8)
Water Purifier: The water purifier is a cube that
is six inches on all sides. It has two compartments Metal Detector 21 120 (11)
on opposite sides that when depressed extend two Military Backpack 22 150 (11)
tubes. One end with a gray filter on it can be placed Tharkold Items Tech Price
into a water source and the purifier will process the
Chop Shop Tool Kit 25 800 (15)
water removing all contaminants such as bacteria,
radiation, and poison, at a rate of 1 gallon per Fire Shavings 25 50 (9)
minute out of the other end once. The filtration Hazard Tent 25 500 (14)
system must be replaced after 20 hours of use. Water Purifier 25 700 (15)
Energy Weapons Tech Damage Ammo Range Price Notes
Vril Blaster 25 11 16 10/25/50 200 (11) —
Heavy Weapons
Junk Cannon 25 17 1 50/100/200 800 (14) —
Melee Weapons
Vril Axe 25 Str +4 — — 400 (13) Stagger, 2 Hand, Unwieldy
lthough miracle workers and sorcerers
were not unheard of on Core Earth prior
to the invasion, the supernatural abilities
of Core Earthers were most commonly of the
psionic type. Although many Core Earth psis
found themselves training (willingly or not) with
the Psychic Research Institute in Russia, most psis
CORE EARTH found themselves manifesting powers that were
difficult to control, but more powerful than most
may expect.
Cosm: Core Earth
Anomaly Prime
• Prereq: Beta Clearance, at least 5 adds in
kinesis, precognition, or telepathy, and one of
Precog Anomaly, Telekinetic Anomaly, or
Telepathy Anomaly
• Prereq: At least one add in kinesis. May not
have any adds in kinesis or telepathy, and may
not know any psionic powers that require
kinesis or telepathy. May not have the Psionic
Special: The psi may never gain adds in
precognition or telepathy, nor learn any psionic
powers not on the Firestarter list.
Many Core Earth psis are capable of unleashing
Firestarter Prime powers that normally would only be seen at
• Prereq: At least 5 adds in kinesis and Firestarter higher Social Axioms, or with higher skill values.
However, this can be dangerous, either for
The pyrokinetic is at one with her powers. This
herself or for her allies (or innocent standbys).
does not mean that she fully controls them,
but more that she is subject to their chaotic and If the psi manifests a power that is contradictory
uncontrollable nature. While heat shield is active, for her or she does not normally have a have
her rolls to activate pyrokinesis or pyrokinetic storm a sufficient skill value to otherwise learn the
are Favored. power, she may lose control of the power, even
if she succeeds at the skill test:
Precog Anomaly On a Mishap: The psi takes 1 Wound in
• Prereq: At least one add in precognition. May addition to any Shock. If the psi disconnects,
not have any adds in kinesis or telepathy, and she takes this Wound before disconnecting.
may not know any psionic powers that require On an odd die roll and failure: The psi takes
kinesis or telepathy. +1 Shock due to the backlash.
The psi gains access to the Precog Anomaly list on On an odd die roll and success: If the power is
page 31 and may learn three powers, even if she an attack, targets within range are randomized
does not have the requisite precognition skill. She as if she was Firing into Melee (see Combat
is subject to the effects listed in the Wild Talents Options in Torg Eternity). If the power is not an
sidebar. attack, she takes 1 Shock on a Standard Success,
Special: The psi may never gain adds in kinesis or 2 Shock on a Good Success, and 3 Shock on an
telepathy, nor learn any psionic powers requiring Oustanding Success.
those skills. If the power is both contradictory for her and
Additional Powers: The psi may take the Psionic she doesn’t have sufficient skill, the Mishap
Perk, but only gains additional powers, not the range increases by +1.
access to a new power list. A disconnected character cannot manifest
psionic powers would normally be a 4-Case
Psychic Anomaly Contradiction
• Prereq: Psionic and at least one add in two of
kinesis, precognition, or telepathy.
The psi expands her mind slightly and learns is subject to the effects listed in the Wild Talents
two additional psionic powers from the Psychic sidebar.
Anomaly list. Special: The psi may never gain adds in
precognition or telepathy, nor learn any psionic
Telekinetic Anomaly powers requiring those skills.
• Prereq: At least one add in kinesis. May not
Additional Powers: The psi may take the Psionic
have any adds in telepathy or precognition, and
Perk, but only gains additional powers, not the
may not know any psionic powers that require
access to a new power list.
telepathy or precognition.
place, but somehow, that doesn’t matter. Although
THE INSTITUTE psychic anomalies often manifest their powers
during puberty, young children have occasionally
Due to being blessed by a location with an been known to become psychically active.
unusually high Social Axiom (see Relics of Power There are several types of anomalies:
Redux), the Soviet Union had a leg up on the rest
Firestarter: Firestarters are psis who only have
of the world in the investigation and exploitation
a limited range of abilities, all involving the
of psionic powers. This location became the
generation or control of heat and fire, but are
center of psionic research of the Soviet Union
incredibly powerful at manifesting such powers.
(and later Russia) and those who were trained
However, this power often comes at the cost of lack
there (willingly or otherwise) became adept at
of control, which given the nature of fire, can be
using powers.
hazardous not only to the psi herself, but to others.
Only Psychic Anomalies found themselves able Firestarters often have personalities that match
to adapt and survive the training regime. Other
Precog Anomaly: Precogs are “gifted” with the
Anomalies were unable to control their powers
ability of foresight, and all of their powers require
to the degree that the Institute wished, or burned
precognition. They often are “wiser than their
out, or became insane. As such, graduates of the
age” but also can be annoyingly mysterious in
Institute program have a different power list
and are detailed in the Tharkold Sourcebook.
Psychic Anomaly: Psychic anomalies are not as
powerful as the other types, but can manifest a
broad range of powers. However, while they are
able to control their powers to a greater degree (see
Wild Talents sidebar on page 29) they are unable
may not know any psionic powers that require to manifest powers that are above their skill level
precognition or kinesis. or would be contradictory to their own Axioms.
Telekinetic Anomaly: Kinetics manifest powers
The psi gains access to the Telepathic Anomaly
that involve the movement of other objects, but
list on page 31 and may learn three powers, even if
strangely enough are not capable of controlling
she does not have the requisite telepathy skill. She
fire like many other psis skilled in kinetic
is subject to the effects listed in the Wild Talents
powers. Additionally, unlike Psychic Anomalies,
Telekinetic Anomalies seem to have limited ability
Special: The psi may never gain adds in to manipulate their own body. They tend to be
precognition or kinesis, nor learn any psionic powers a bit brash and blunt, but in a positive way are
requiring those skills. frequently assertive.
Additional Powers: The psi may take the Psionic Telepathic Anomaly: Telepaths, suitably enough,
Perk, but only gains additional powers, not the manifest powers based on the telepathy skill, and
access to a new power list. are skilled at reading and manipulating the minds
of sentient creatures. This ability can be insidious
and often the most horrific villains of core earth are
PSYCHIC ANOMALIES telepaths who have no morals or ethics.
Core Earth psis are rare, and other than those The most powerful of these anomalies are known
trained by the Institute (see sidebar), nearly all as “primes”.
of them have only incomplete control of their
powers. Known as “anomalies,” Core Earth psis
are capable of manifesting powers that should be
beyond their ken, either because they don’t have
the skill, or the powers shouldn’t exist in the first
COMPELLING VOICE Below are lists of psionic powers that Core Earth
Axiom Level: 23 psis may select from. The Psychic Anomaly list
Skill: Telepathy 12 replaces the one in Torg Eternity.
Casting Time: 1 action. Psychic Anomaly: awareness*, clairvoyance*,
DN: Hard (–4) vs. target’s willpower or Mind clarity*, cloud mind*, confusion*, copycat*, energize*,
Range: 5 meters foreshadow*, mind sense*, minor telekinesis, psychic
Duration: 1 round shield*, psychometry*, pyrokinesis*, read mind,
Compelling voice may only be manifested at strangle*, telekinetic barrier*, telepathy*, updraft
a single target, and the target must be able to
understand the psi (i.e. it must be intelligent Firestarter: heat shield, pyrokinesis*, pyrokinetic
enough to understand commands and speak the storm**
same language). Precog Anomaly: anticipate**, awakened mind**,
To manifest this power, the psi must speak a short awareness*, clairsentience**, déjà vu**, foreshadow*,
command to a single target (no Multi-Targeting). mnemonist**, psychometry*
The command may involve the victim undertaking Telekinetic Anomaly: atrophy**, change sound**,
any action using his own skills and abilities, but dissipate energy**, environmental adaptation**,
may not be forced to spend Possibilities. If the flash freeze**, mend*, minor telekinesis, telekinetic
command involves making multiple actions, barrier*, telekinetic blast, telekinetic punch,
manifesting this power invokes a penalty equal to telekinesis, updraft
the usual Multi-Action penalty. If the command
Telepathic Anomaly: Aversion**, Alter memory*,
endangers the victim’s life (such as telling them to
alter object**, compelling voice, empower id**, inflict
walk off a cliff) the telepathy test takes an additional
joy**, mind surge**, mind blast*, relieve pain**
Hard (–4) penalty.
* Detailed in Torg Eternity.
If the target is reality-rated, the test is instead a
contest of telepathy vs. willpower or Spirit. ** Detailed in the Tharkold Sourcebook.
On a success, the target resists but becomes
Stymied and Vulnerable.
Success Levels:
on melee or unarmed attacks, nor does it affect
• Good: The target must undertake the action,
energy weapons attacks. On a success, the hero gains
but any skill tests to resolve the action take a –2
+2 to her dodge defense and +2 Armor against fire
combat and missile weapons attacks
• Outstanding: As Good but without penalty.
Success Levels:
• Good: The bonuses increase to +3.
Axiom Level: 23 • Outstanding: The bonuses increase to +4.
Skill: Kinesis 12
Casting Time: 1 action. MINOR TELEKINESIS
DN: Standard (DN 10) Axiom Level: 23
Range: Self Skill: Kinesis 8
Duration: 6 rounds Casting Time: 1 action
The psi creates a shimmering wave of heat that DN: Easy (DN 8)
surrounds her, and incinerates projectiles (bullets, Range: 10 meters
arrows, etc.) fired at her. This shield has no effect Duration: Concentration
Minor telekinesis allows the psi to grasp, move, On a success, the psi teleports successfully but
and manipulate objects with a mass of up to five is disoriented upon arrival and is Stymied and
kilograms with her mind. This can include such Vulnerable.
actions as wielding a sword, flipping a switch, The psi may teleport to locations she cannot see,
or punching a foe. Although the psi can only but the kinesis test takes a Hard (–4) penalty. If she
manipulate small objects (or barely push heavier would accidentally appear in a solid she teleports
ones) if he strikes with those objects (or just with to the nearest safe location (within range, which
his mind) it uses a base Strength equal to the psi’s may include her origin point) but all tests are
Spirit. Disfavored until the end of her next turn.
The psi must manifest this power to grasp or hold Success Levels:
a single object but once successfully manifested, he
may continue to manipulate that object as long as • Good: The psi is not Stymied or Vulnerable
he maintains Concentration. He may manipulate after teleporting.
other objects by manifesting the power additional • Outstanding: As Good and the psi’s next
times. attack against enemies in the vicinity are
The psi uses his own skills as normal (i.e. unarmed Favored.
combat when hitting a foe, lockpicking when
attempting to pick a lock). UPDRAFT
Success Levels: Axiom Level: 23
• Good: The psi may transfer focus to another Skill: Kinesis 12
object without manifesting minor telekinesis Casting Time: Simple action.
again. DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
• Outstanding: The duration increases to 6
Duration: Instant
The hero create gusts of air that lifts her a regular
move straight up. Next turn she drifts back down
TELEPORT along any path you desire as your walk move.
Axiom Level: 26 Success Levels:
Skill: Kinesis 12
Casting Time: 1 action • Good: The psi moves in the air without
DN: Standard (DN 10) descending for an extra turn.
Range: 10 meters • Outstanding: The psi moves in the air without
Duration: Instant descending for two extra turns.
With this power, the psi may transport herself,
her belongings and any small objects she holds
(but not other beings) directly to another location
within range. She can declare the target location
either generally (e.g. to the other side of the door)
or by direction and distance (e.g. 10 meters straight