Consumer Behaviour Assignment

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Consumer Behaviour Assignment – 4

Classical conditioning theory revolves around the fact that the marketer will try to develop a
conditional response based off of previous interaction of the consumer with neutral stimulus
and unconditional stimulus, which leads to unconditional response first which is later turned
in to conditional response. Marketer can use it in marketing strategy by creating marketing
communication which are centred on an unconditional response which introduces a response
which in turn induce conditional response. This will initiate the purchase of the product of the
Instrumental conditioning is the trial and error method of learning where the consumers try
different stimulus and they will do those acts more which end up in the positive success which
they like. This method of learning can be used by the marketer by allowing the consumer to
face nice results when they try a product for the first time, like gifts. This will reinforce the
repeat purchase behaviour and will motivate the consumer to not only increase the frequency
but also the individual purchase volume.
a) For a 6-pack of Aquafina we can say that cognitive learning has played a role. The
consumer thinks what the benefits of buying a 6-pack are they then move ahead with
the purchase. This shows that in this case the logical problem solving consideration
has been used.
b) Purchasing a jeans at petrol pump store is the sign of instrumental learning. This could
be a case where in the previous case when the consumer purchased durable goods at
a petrol pump, the product satisfied their needs, therefore they want to purchase that
good from that place again.
c) Buying a digital camera for the first time could be a observational learning behaviour
where the purchase was done after seeing the peer and other people in the vicinity.
While this also includes small elements of cognitive learning, mostly it looks like a
purchase made after seeing other people do the same.
d) Buying a new car is completely a cognitive decision, with little elements form
observational learning. These learning decision are based off of extensive research
and knowing what the consumer wants, and if they are ready to move ahead with the
purchase. A lot of thinking goes into buying a new car.
e) Switching from one service to the other is an instrumental learning because the
consumer purchased a particular product but were not satisfied with the
performance, therefore they decided to change the provider.
High involvement media are those media where the information which is sent through the
media is clearly taking the consumer to forming their attitude. This also eventually leads to
final behaviour form the side of the consumer.
The Low Involvement Media include TV and Radio, where the primary form of emitting
information is pictorial and audio which leads to a very passive and holistic point of view of
the object in question.
Hemispherical lateralization is about the fact that both the left and right side of the brain
function differently. Marketers can use this fact to design TVC and print ads by appealing to
one aspect of the human brain. They can either make the ad informative showing a lot of
numbers where all the benefits of the product in question are shown and proved with
numbers. This works better for product which are related to health, personal well-being.
While on the other hands companies can create ads which are artistic in nature, and also they
are filled with nice visuals and audio elements. This is better for entertainment products and
food items.
Each of these types of people need different promotional message.
a) A highly dogmatic consumer will not like something which new or something high on
innovation. To make the dogmatic consumer understand the product the company
needs to devise a message which relates to the things which the dogmatic consumer
already knows. This will help them ease in to the new message
b) The inner-directed consumer will not be influenced by the outside elements. They will
not be affected by celebrities, rather they want their influence to come from the inner
self. Therefore the message should appeal to their ID and the fact that they are the
decision makers for themselves.
c) Consumers with high OSL will be motivated by the promotional message which means
that they want high number of stimulation around them. They want visual, audio and
if possible smell and touch based stimulation in their life. This types of communication
will help companies to target high OSL consumers.
d) High need for cognition means that these consumers need to think before they buy.
The communication message being prepare for them needs to be about data and
knowledge. This way the companies can entice them and make them initiate a
e) Visualizers need their message with a lot of pictures and very few letters. They need
to see the product and the environment around the situation. On the other hand the
verbalizers do not need to see a lot of photos rather they are looking forward for the
description of the product and the scenario.
Consumer socialization is heavily affected by the parent. The family of a child influences a lot
of decision which he/she makes as a consumer. The child learns which brands are better form
its family, he learns which product variant is better. The child is also influenced by how to
make purchase and at times the learning behaviour is also derived from the family. If the
family is cognitive learning, the child will less likely be a observational learning kind of a
Television also pushed the learning in the child. There are certain types of content shown on
the advertisement, and children pick up behaviour from these popular characters on the
television. Then on when they go out to buy something, they try to imitate or subconsciously
behave how the character will have completed a purchase. Television also shows kids
advertisement, which are filled with stimuluses and the children can pick them up and learn
how to complete a purchase.
Membership groups are those groups of which the consumer is a part of. These groups are
the ones which are in constant touch of the consumer and therefore the consumer learns a
lot of behaviour from them. The membership group are also the ones which have high
influence on the consumer because of constantly being in touch.
The symbolic group are the groups of which the consumer wants to be part of. They do not
have a lot of direct influence on the consumer but the consumer wants to reach there and be
a part of the symbolic group, therefor they try to reach out to these groups and they want to
achieve the status of these groups.
For me the membership group influences me more because I belong to the same circle as the
membership group, therefore my needs will be more similar to them, and hence I will be able
to satisfy all my needs.
Terminal values are those which measure the importance of the final state of individual goals.
While the instrumental values are those paths an individual might take to reach to the reach
an end state values. The advertisers should introduce symbols which highlight the fact that
the citrus drink are one of the best drinks for loved ones. They should emphasise the fact that
if you love your family you should make sure that you give them the best which is citrus juice.
The campaign should be created in an honest and trustworthy way. The aim of the campaign
should be to push the fact that culture plays an important role in influencing people. They
should show the people that citrus drink is culture driven and that the values which the drink
stands for are derived from the culture of the country.
The two deodorant companies chosen are Nivea and Axe.

The content analysis –

 Objective – To persuade to use Nivea deodorant

 Type – Deodorant
 Appeal – Social Appeal
 Type of message –
o Life Style
o Mood
 Size – Small
 Colours – Blue and White
 Models – Arjun Rampal
The content analysis –

 Objective – To persuade to use Nivea deodorant

 Type – Deodorant
 Appeal – Social Appeal & Sensory Appeal
 Type of message –
o Life Style
o Mood
 Size – Small
 Colours – Brown
 Models – No Model
This shows that while both the ads are similar in terms of basic content analysis, they are
different in the aspect that Nivea shows how you can be a better you by using the product on
the other hand Axe says that by using Axe you can become more desirable by the girls.
No. Hair& Shoulder is a shampoo made for Indians, therefore the skin type and the
dermatological conditions which the company took care of when they launched in India were
different. H&S will not be able to work effectively when it is used by people around the world
since people have different hair and different skin types.
The package of H&S can be same, since it is the sign of the P&G brand which helps people to
recognise it even as they are moving by the bottle. Therefore the package should be kept the
same to introduce brand consistency.
Though the advertising theme needs to be changes. While the anti-dandruff aspect of the
shampoo remain the same, the fact that in India, the ads are centred on a medical perspective
might not be suitable all around the world. People in the world pay attention to different
influencers and they have different notion about how TV ads should communicate the
Initial target market should be Rich individuals belonging to the A1 and A2 buying categories,
mostly A1. The target demographic will be living in large Indian cities, and will have an annual
income of at least $150,000. The psychographic of the target consumer will be such that they
will be innovators and they will be people who like spending money, and are not frugal. These
are also people who are technologically aware and want the best for themselves.
To find the innovators for the product the company will have to understand what the various
websites where people are searching for the new TVs. Also consumers who are aware of latest
developments in viewing technology are also the innovators for the brand.
The model is a continuous innovation, since it is the next step in terms of technological
advancement. The resolution is improved and the size is increased, which is the better than
the previous instalment. This is not something very new, neither is this an innovation
something which has been a change the way things are, but still the same product.

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