VC 6000
VC 6000
VC 6000
Brüel & Kjær Vibro has developed scalable and can be used as a plant- concept. There is valuable informa-
the VIBROCONTROL 6000™ Safety wide monitoring system covering tion that can actively be used by
Monitoring system (VC-6000™) to a wide range of machines such as operators on a daily basis. Powerful
the highest technical standards for steam turbines, gas turbines, hydro communications capability allows the
reliability, scalability, performance in turbines, axial, centrifugal and recip- VC-6000™ to be interfaced to most
an uncomplicated design. This plant- rocating compressors, motors and process control systems for visualiza-
wide safety monitoring system, rep- generators, pumps, ventilators, ex- tion without jeopardizing its safety
resenting the accumulation of over truders, agitators, gearboxes, etc. It monitoring functionality. Of course
50 years of experience in vibration is well suited for both machine OEM the VC-6000™ can also be used as
monitoring and analysis, has been installations and new or retrofit end- the data acquisition platform for the
designed in close cooperation with user installations. Compass 6000 Condition Monitoring
both machine manufacturers and system.
end-users. The system is also fully One of the important applications for
supported by our renowned world- the VC-6000™ is replacing the grow- Most importantly, the VC-6000™
wide sales and support network to ing number of ageing safety systems is based on a modular application
ensure all components are optimally in the market; many of which are ob- design concept that allows it to cost-
selected, installed and commissioned solete or no longer reliable. As Brüel effectively fit most monitoring ap-
to satisfy the client’s requirements for & Kjær Vibro is completely independ- plications with minimal setup. High
the most demanding applications. ent of machine manufacturers, un- reliability with powerful performance
biased monitoring solutions can be and technology does not need to be
Wide reaching applications provided to both OEM suppliers and complicated or expensive.
The VC-6000™ continuously moni- end-users. The VC-6000™ is compli-
tors vibration and process signals ant to many international standards
from permanently installed sensors and is designed to be highly compat-
on machines in a number of differ- ible with existing installations, thus
ent industries, such as the Oil & simplifying retrofits.
Gas, Petro-chemical, Power and Safety systems no longer belong
other heavy process industries. It is to the “install and forget” product
The unique VC-6000™ design
gives added value to your application
The VC-6000™ design concept modules (half normal height) can offers more advanced monitoring
includes a number of features and easily replace existing 19” rack- functionality without requiring a con-
functions that give you the high reli- based safety systems with room to dition monitoring system or software.
ability and performance needed for spare. The VC-6000™, with its ver- These include:
today’s machine operation and main- satility, can process signals from all l Shaft eccentricity
tenance requirements. commonly available sensors; vibra- l Vector measurements for various
quickly and easily. A number of fac- Reliability designed l Casing absolute expansion
tory pre-configured standard modules from the onset l User-defined narrow band meas-
can be ordered to monitor specific All monitoring modules in the VC- urements (absolute and tracking)
machine types, thus reducing instal- 6000™ operate completely independ- l Speed, zero-speed
lation time and the risk of improper ently of one another, so local faults l Any process values, e.g. tempera-
setup. For those special applications remain local and do not affect the ture, pressure, and many others
that require a non-standard monitor- other modules. Applications using l Rolling-element bearing condition
ing strategy, Brüel & Kjær Vibro of- data visualization have no affect on measurements
fers general-purpose modules with the safety monitoring functions. Com- l Rod-drop for reciprocating com-
Primary components
and their functions
other modules. l Time series signal export for post- Local display
processing analysis by the Com- l 3 LEDs displaying monitoring sta-
pass 6000 Condition Monitoring tus (Alarm, Danger, Relay latch-
system ing)
l Potential-free relay outputs for l 4 LEDs displaying system status
l Independently-operating measure-
PS-610 Power The following input voltages can be
Supply module used (in parallel):
l AC input (100-240 VAC, 2 A,
series is carried out through the LAN l Trip Multiply (binary input)
interface for signal analysis and stor- l Trip Override (binary input)
age by the Compass 6000 Condition l LED display ”Run” for the
l Time-synchronisation of modules
RC-600 19” rack Type 7126 Setup and data VC-6000™ Accessories
The rack has a standard 19” design display software
with a depth of 325 mm (and half the This basic software, which comes AC-4608 Buffer panel
height of conventional safety sys- standard with the VC-6000™, is used The 12-channel buffer panel is di-
tems). to configure the communications and rectly connected to a Safety Monitor
l Up to 36 input channels per rack the monitoring modules of the VC- module via a cable and provides the
with an internal PS-610/0 Power 6000™. The easy-to-use Windows- galvanically separated output signals
Supply module based software can also be used at BNC sockets.
l Up to 24 input channels per rack as a control room user-interface for
with two internal PS-610/0 Power displaying measurement data, alarm
Supply modules status and setups, and for acknowl-
l Up to 48 input channels per rack edging of alarms from any number of
with an external Power Supply VC-6000™ monitors. During machine
module in a RC-610 rack commissioning, all measurement val-
ues and setups can automatically be
stored at regular intervals in a file for
RC-610 19” rack baseline documentation.
A power supply rack, in 19” design
and with a depth of 235 mm, is avail-
able for the external power supply for
up to six RC-600 racks. Each RC-610
rack can hold up to six PS-610 Power
Supply modules.
VC-6000™ - Integration into other systems
Brüel & Kjær Vibro • Litteratura no. BBR0024-EN-15
Brüel & Kjær Vibro A/S Brüel & Kjær Vibro GmbH
Skodsborgvej 307 B Leydheckerstrasse 10
2850 Nærum 64293 Darmstadt
Denmark Germany
Tel.: +45 77 41 25 00 Tel.: +49 (0) 6151 428 1100
Fax: +45 45 80 29 37 Fax: +49 6151 428 1200
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