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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465

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A critical review on building integrated photovoltaic products

and their applications
M. Tripathy a,n, P.K. Sadhu a, S.K. Panda b
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The development of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) technology and its implementation in con-
Received 4 April 2015 struction of the building envelop provide an aesthetical, economical and technical solutions. This paper
Received in revised form presents the-state-of-the-art of the building envelope products and their properties along with interna-
28 December 2015
tional standards and test conditions. BIPV products for roofs, façades and skylights have been highlighted in
Accepted 6 April 2016
this paper. The properties of BIPV products include solar cell efficiency, open circuit voltage, short circuit
current, maximum power and fill factor. The sustainability of BIPV modules has been reviewed in this
Keywords: article by life cycle assessment (LCA) by studying EPBT periods and GHG emission rate. Research on new
BIPV products materials and technology, and government subsidy makes the future of BIPV industry more promising. The
Life cycle assessment
major considerations for a successful BIPV project are proper orientation of BIPV module, suitable distance
GHG emission rate
between buildings, avoidance of shadow effects and suitable architectural considerations. Accurate
Energy payback time
Feed in tariff orientation of PV module at different locations can be established by different anisotropic model and
optimization techniques in conjunction with shadow effects. Provisions of replacement facilities of BIPV
Products in the building structures are another important considerations as the efficiency of BIPV products
are continuously improving because of continuous research and development. BIPV technology is a sus-
tainable and the future of this technology is promising as it creates zero emission buildings.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
2. PV technology and performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
2.1. PV technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
2.1.1. Crystalline silicon solar cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
2.1.2. Thin-film solar cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
2.2. BIPV Performance Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
3. Building integrated photovoltaic products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
3.1. Definition of different parameters of building integrated photovoltaic products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
3.2. International standards and test conditions (IEC 61215/IEC 61646) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
3.3. Classification of BIPV products and their applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
3.4. BIPV market trend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
3.5. Life cycle assessment studies of BIPV modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
4. Tilt angle of BIPV products and design of mounting structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
5. Future research scopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
6. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Tripathy), (P.K. Sadhu), (S.K. Panda).
1364-0321/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
452 M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465

Appendix A. BIPV pitched roof products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461

Appendix B. BIPV products for flat and curved roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Appendix C. BIPV products for façades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Appendix D. BIPV products for skylights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
References . . . . ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

1. Introduction investigated on building integrated concentrating photovoltaics

and presented different advantages over conventional flat panel
A large global emission of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is pushing devices. Concentric photovoltaics (CPV) is efficient in higher
the world into dangerous conditions. Because of industrial revo- electrical conversion, better use of space and economical. Quesada
lutions, carbon emission from burning fossil fuels has grown et al. [21] extensively reviewed on transparent and translucent
exponentially. By the end of the year 2030, the total emission of solar façades. It was dealt with façades that absorb and reflect the
CO2 is expected to exceed 10 billion tons [1]. Moreover, because of incident solar radiation but do not transfer directly solar heat gain
the sharp increase of fossil fuel prices and concern about global into the building. Jelle et al. [22] reviewed about all type of BIPV
warming, there is a trend of wide acceptance of the power supply products available in the market. The author discussed about the
to consider more and more on renewable energy sources in many future research opportunities of BIPV market, which can be
parts of the world [2]. Currently there are different ways to relieve improved in near future regarding both device and manufacturing
the challenge of increasing greenhouse gas emissions, such as efficiency. Jelle et al. [23] discussed regarding the research
system energy efficiency enhancement [3], various energy storage opportunities of fenestration of BIPV products. Jelle and Breivik
options for energy saving for the user side with renewable energy [24] summarized the current state-of-the-art of BIPVs including
[4–7], and carbon capture and storage [8], etc. The European BIPV foil, tile, module and solar cell glazing products. BIPV offers an
commission has set a target of achieving 20% of the total energy aesthetical, economical and technical solution to integrate solar
budget from renewable sources by the year 2020 [9]. This would cells harvesting solar radiation to produce electricity within the
stabilize the greenhouse gas emission, thus reducing the con- climate envelopes of buildings. Jelle et al. [25] described the BIPV
tribution to global warming. Among all the renewable resources, as a powerful and versatile tool for achieving the ever increasing
solar energy is the most abundant, inexhaustible and clean one demand of zero energy and zero emission buildings of the near
[10]. The world's present power requirement is nearly 15 Tera Watt future. This offers an esthetic, economical and technical solution to
(15  1012 W) i.e. 104 times smaller than solar power incident on integrate solar cells producing electricity within the climate
the planet. It is estimated that the solar energy received within envelopes of buildings. Midtdal and Jelle [26] reviewed about the
less than one hour would be sufficient to cover one year of world self-cleaning glazing products and investigated methods for
energy budget [11]. measuring the self-cleaning effect. They presented self cleaning
Photovoltaic technology is one of the elegant technologies products from several manufacturers that discussed two different
available for the efficient use of solar power. In future scope for PV self-cleaning technologies i.e. photo-catalytic hydrophilic or
application, there are four major factors must be considered viz. hydrophobic. Touati et al. [27] studied the effect of dust, relative
cost reduction, increase of efficiency, BIPV applications and storage humidity and temperature on solar PV performance in Doha. They
system [12]. BIPV technology transforms building from energy compared mono-crystalline with amorphous PV cells. Cerón et al.
consumer to energy producer [13]. In this advancement, con- [28] analyzed the-state-of-the-art of PV elements and construction
struction technology is required to be merged with BIPV technol- materials which are advertised as BIPV products by the most
ogy for better performance [14]. Here, the photovoltaic modules important companies in the world.
become true construction element serving as building exteriors, BIPV installation is increasing every year. The designers and
such as roof, façade or skylight [15]. The BIPV also serves as architects are using BIPV products with innovative methods
weather protection, thermal insulation, noise protection, etc. BIPV whereas, manufacturers continue to create new products to meet
semitransparent installation allows some of the light for day the market requirements. Some companies, such as Sanyo, Schott
lighting or viewing. Rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are solar, Sharp and Sun-tech are working on new BIPV products for
gaining popularity because of lack of ground space and large façades, skylights and windows. Implementation of Feed-in Tariff
availability of unused roof space. The dead load of the roof system (FiT) and other government support schemes for solar energy have
can be reduced by fixing flexible, thin film and a-Si PV modules caused wide acceptance throughout the world [29]. Western
into highly reflected PVC carrier sheet, which is then field bonded Europe has the largest market of BIPV products and recently there
to an energy star-rated PVC roof membrane. The BIPV technology is a significant growth in Eastern Europe. Within next five years,
reduces the total building material costs and mounting costs, since there may be wide acceptance of BIPV in other parts of the world
BIPVs do not required brackets and rails [16]. BIPV system gen- i.e. Asia Pacific, Latin America and South Africa. There is a chal-
erates electricity out of sunlight with no pollutions. For an efficient lenge for solar industry in Unites States. However, the U.S gov-
BIPV system, various factors must be taken into account such as PV ernment has given greater attention for growth of BIPV market.
module temperature, partial shadowing, installation angle and Suitable architectural design in BIPV system is required to be
orientations etc. Posnansky et al. [17] elaborated on new BIPV implemented, which enhances the esthetic of building system as
electricity construction materials for roofs and façades resulting well as efficiency of BIPV products. Hagemann [30] studied about
low cost production of electricity, which generates new employ- the architectural considerations for BIPV. It was observed that
ment. Beneman et al. [18] discussed on different BIPV modules and integration of BIPV into the building system can meet the goal of
different BIPV projects. In their studies, they expected that the BIPV creating esthetically and technically pleasing building systems.
market shall grow with high rate in near future. Mallick et al. [19] Pagliaro et al. [14] studied the market trend of BIPV in construction
experimentally carried out a comparison study between non- industry. It was observed that during last 5 years there is a sig-
concentrating and asymmetric compound parabolic concentrat- nificant growth of BIPV market as the BIPV technology is improved
ing building integrated photovoltaic. Chemisana Daniel [20] during this period. Peng et al. [15] investigated the BIPV in
M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465 453

Nomenclature FF Fill factor

AM Air mass
PV Photovoltaic MMS Module mounting structure
BIPV Building integrated photovoltaic A Surface area of the solar cell (m2)
PVC Polyvinyl chloride E Specific irradiance (W/m2)
FiT Feed in tariff ηm Solar module efficiency
EPBT Energy payback time ηcell Solar cell efficiency
GHG Green house gas ηE Energy efficiency
EROEI Energy returned on energy invested V oc Open circuit voltage (V)
LCA Life cycle assessment I sc Short circuit current (A)
PV-TV Photoelectric–thermoelectric P max Peak power (W)
a-Si Amorphous silicon V max Maximum voltage (V)
c-Si Crystalline silicon I max Maximum current (A)
STC Standard test condition P Local air pressure
NOCT Nominal operating cell temperature P0 Air pressure at sea level
PF Packing factor

architectural design in China. The authors concluded that function, mono-crystalline based silicon allows the electron greater freedom
cost, technology and esthetics of BIPV should be considered rather to move. Hence, less energy is lost, which gives higher efficiency.
than solely the high integration. The authors also suggested that The efficiency of most of the mono-crystalline cells is 22% [31–33].
because of development of technology and growth of markets, Mono-crystalline panels have a nice uniform color and have a
photovoltaic structures and design should be focused on the more circular cell shape. Polycrystalline silicon wafers are manu-
maintenance and replacement of photovoltaic cell modules, rather factured with a lower cost process than mono-crystalline silicon
than extending their lives. wafers and are casted in long square ingots. After slicing, poly-
The objective of the present investigation is to give an overview crystalline wafers are already in the desired square shape. The
of different BIPV products, their sustainability and test conditions price of polycrystalline solar cell is lesser than mono-crystalline
for long term durability. Tables with ample of information are solar cell. Polycrystalline cells are typically bluish in color. The size
given about the manufacturer of the products, name of the pro- of polycrystalline cells is similar of mono-crystalline cell but is
ducts, properties and its performances. Few open spaces in the slightly less efficient i.e. around 14–18% [34,35] and slightly of
table are because of lack of information of the product properties lower cost. Polycrystalline cells have hundreds of reflective facts,
and this may be a reminder for both manufacturer and user. whereas mono-crystalline cells are uniform.
Review of life cycle assessment of different PV system is another
objective of this study. EPBT period and GHG emission rate have 2.1.2. Thin-film solar cell
been tabulated for five types of common PV systems i.e., mono- Thin-film solar cells are basically thin layers of semiconductor
crystalline (mono-Si), multi crystalline (multi-Si), amorphous sili- materials applied to a solid backing material. Thin films greatly
con (a-Si), cadmium telluride thin film (CdTe) and copper indium reduce the amount of semiconductor material require for each cell
selenide thin film (CIS). Lastly, an updated status of research and when compared to silicon wafers and hence lowers the cost of
application of many computational methods for evaluation of production of photovoltaic cells. According to the type of photo
optimum tilt angle have been discussed. This review paper is voltaic material used, the thin film solar cells are classified into
organized as follows: Section 2 discusses about PV technologies four types [36]. They are (i) amorphous silicon (a-Si) and thin-film
and its performances. Details of different BIPV products have been silicon (TF-Si) (ii) Cadmium–Telluride (CdTe), and (iii) Copper–
presented in Section 3. Section 4 highlights about optimum tilt Indium–Selenide (CIS) or Copper–Indium–Gallium–Selenide (CIGS)
angle of BIPV products and design of mounting structures. Future (iv) Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) and other organic solar cells.
research scope and conclusions are given in Sections 5 and 6, Thin film solar cells can be placed in forest areas, solar fields,
respectively. traffic and street lights, etc. for generating solar energy. The costs
of these thin film solar panels are much less as compared to
the older silicon wafer cells. The structure and functioning of
2. PV technology and performance thin film solar cells are similar as that of normal silicon wafer cells.
In the thin-film solar cell there are thin flexible arrangements of
2.1. PV technology different layers which help to produce very thin form of cells that
is much more efficient than the conventional silicon wafer cells.
There are two basic commercial PV module technologies Amorphous silicon module have lower efficiency around 4–10%
available in the market today i.e. crystalline solar cell and thin-film than mono or poly silicon but better performance at higher tem-
solar cell. Their characteristics that affect their implementation in peratures as often occurs in BIPV applications [37,38]. Thin-film
BIPV applications are briefly presented here. solar cell thickness varies from a few nanometers to few micro-
meters. It is available in very large modules used in sophisticated
2.1.1. Crystalline silicon solar cell building-integrated installations and vehicle charging systems.
Crystalline solar cell (c-Si) is made from crystalline silicon Research projected that, thin film production to reach 22,214 MW
either as single or poly crystalline wafers. Mono-crystalline solar in 2020 [39,40], which would surpass dominating conventional
cell is created by slowly pulling mono-crystalline silicon seed solar PV technology in future. The advantages of thin film solar cell
crystal from melted mono-crystalline silicon from an ingot of are (i) Easy to handle, (ii) More flexible than conventional solar
silicon. Mono-crystalline cells have higher efficiency as the struc- cells, (iii) Available as thin wafer sheets, (iv) Cheaper than con-
ture being made from one large crystal. Because of single cell, ventional panels. The disadvantages are (i) Less efficient, (ii)
454 M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465

Complex structure, (iii) Cannot be used in astronomical devices.

Slightly less efficient than mono-crystalline silicon

Most expensive, Waste of silicon in the production
There is a wide application of thin film solar cell including solar
fields. Kose et al. [41] presented that the CdO thin-film can be used

More space required for the same output

More space for the same output needed

More space for the same output needed

More space for the same output needed

in PV solar cell as window material and cell efficiency can be
increased using different growth parameters. The manufacturing
methods [44] of semitransparent cells for BIPV use are providing
some percentage of transmission in polycrystalline and making
very thin amorphous silicon layer on glass with transparent con-
tacts. The comparison of different type of PV modules having dif-
ferent technologies is given on Table 1. The progressive improve-
ments of PV efficiencies with different technologies are projected

till the year 2030. This has been presented in Fig. 1. The module
market shares by different technologies are shown in Fig. 2.

2.2. BIPV Performance Issues

Lesser energy and time needed for production, lower costs, Easily available on

Higher temperatures and shading have lower impact on performance, Highest

Higher temperatures and shading have lower impact on performance, Lower
There are four major factors which influences the efficiency of

Higher temperatures and shading have lower impact on performance, Less

Higher temperatures and shading have lower impact on performance, Less

PV components. These factors are operating temperature, low
irradiation quantity, component optical losses and changes of sun

Most efficient, Easily available on the market, Highly standardized.

spectral. The efficiency of solar cells in working condition is lower
than standard test condition (STC) [47]. The surface temperature of
solar panels increases due to solar radiation, which decreases the
solar panel's efficiency. It is observed from literature that the
efficiency decreases by 0.5% with each 1° increases in surface
temperature of solar panel having mono and poly silicon cells.
However, the temperature effect is minimum for amorphous sili-
con cells [48]. Some BIPV applications install the modules in close
contact to building material like roofs or wall insulation [49].
Hence, lack of circulating air increases the module temperature.

the market, Highly standardized

There is a future research scope for removing redundant heat of

silicon needed for production

silicon needed for production

solar panels for increasing efficiency. Photoelectric–thermoelectric
(PV–TV) method is proposed in literature [50] by introducing the

cost-cutting potential
thermoelectric converter or temperature difference generating
devices into the PV systems, which can reduce the temperature of

production costs
PV panels and improve the efficiency of solar energy.
Surface area for 1 KWP Advantages

3. Building integrated photovoltaic products

3.1. Definition of different parameters of building integrated photo-

voltaic products

The properties of different BIPV products are defined as follows:

 Open circuit voltage (V oc ): It is the output voltage of a solar cell





or solar module in open-circuit condition at a specific irradiance

(E) and cell temperature.

Module efficiency

Short circuit current (I sc ): It is the current in a short circuit solar

cell or solar module.
 Peak power (P max Þ: Maximum output power of a solar cell or
Comparison of different types of PV modules [42,43].

solar module at a specific insolation and solar cell temperature



P max ¼ V max  I max ð1Þ



 Solar cell efficiency (ηcell ): It is the ratio of peak power P max

Thin-film copper indium diselenide

Thin-film cadmium telluride (CdTe)

Thin-film amorphous silicon (a-Si)

generated in a solar cell to the radiation power reaching at solar

cell. Solar cell efficiency decreases at lower insolation and at
Micromorph Tandem (am-si)

higher temperatures.
Mono-crystalline silicon

P max
Polycrystalline silicon

ηcell ¼ ð2Þ
P max is the peak power in Watt (W), ‘E’ is the input light irra-
Cell material

diance in Watt/m2 and ‘A’ is the surface area of the solar cell in m2.
Table 1

 Packing factor (PF): It is the ratio of total solar cell area to total
module area including the frame area. PF is always less than 1.
M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465 455

30%  Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT): NOCT can be used

by the system designer as a guide to the temperature at which a
25% module will operate in the field and it is therefore a useful
parameter when comparing the performance of different
Efficiency (η)

20% module designs. However, the actual operating temperature is

directly depends on the mounting structure, irradiance, wind
15% Multi-Crystalline
speed, ambient temperature, reflections and emissions from the
Thin Film Si ground and nearby objects, etc.
CIGS  Energy payback time (EPBT):
5% CdTe Total primary energy used by the PV throughout its life cycle ðkWhÞ
Annual power generationðkWh=yearÞ
2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2030 ð6Þ
Fig. 1. Projected improvements of PV efficiency with different technology [45].  Energy returned on energy invested (EROEI):
Lif e time ðyearÞ
All others a-Si CIS/CIGS EROEI ¼ ð7Þ
EPBT ðyearÞ
1% 2% 2% CdTe
c-Si n-type  CO2 emission rate (g CO2/ kWh)
Total CO2 emission during lif e cycle ðgCO2 Þ
¼ ð8Þ
c-Si p-type c-Si p-type Annual power generationðkWh=yearÞ  lif e timeðyearÞ
Multi Mono
Standard Advanced
10% 3.2. International standards and test conditions (IEC 61215/IEC
34% 61646)
c-Si p-type
Mono The crystalline PV module and thin-film PV module products
Standard are certified according to international standards. The lists of
c-Si p-type 14% standards are given in Table 2. The standard IEC 61215 (European
Multi Standard EN 61215) deals with design qualification and type
Advanced approval of terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) module with crystalline
27% solar cells. Design qualification and type approval of thin-film
terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules are given in the standard IEC
61646. The standards of crystalline PV module and thin-film PV
Fig. 2. Market shares of PV modules with different technology [46].
module comprises the examination of all parameters which are
 Solar module efficiency (ηm ): It is the ratio of peak power of a responsible for the ageing of PV modules and describes the various
qualification tests on the base of the artificial load of the materials.
solar module to the radiation power reaching across the total
The additional tests account in standard IEC 61646 are for degra-
module area including the frame area. ηm is always less then ηcell
dation behavior of amorphous silicon due to temperature and
ηm ¼ ηcell  PF ð3Þ irradiance exposure. Moreover, both the standards IEC 61215 and
IEC 61646 list UV test for photovoltaic (PV) modules. The test code,
test type and test conditions for both the standards are tabulated
 Fill Factor (FF): in Table 3.
P max ðV  IÞmax
FF ¼ ¼ o1 ð4Þ
V oc  I sc V oc  I sc 3.3. Classification of BIPV products and their applications

Based on the function, the materials used and their mechanical

 Current and voltage characteristics: It is the graphical repre- characteristics, BIPV products are classified into five main cate-
sentation between current and voltage of a solar cell or a solar gories [57]
module at a specific irradiance (E) and cell temperature.
 Energy efficiency ðηE Þ: Ratio of energy generated by a PV system 1. Standard in-roof systems
to the solar energy incident on the whole solar generator area 2. Semi-transparent systems
over a certain period. ηE o ηm 3. Cladding systems
 Air mass number (AM): Ratio of the actual atmospheric mass 4. Solar tiles and shingles
through which solar radiation travels to the minimum possible 5. Flexible laminates
atmospheric mass at sea level (applicable when the sun is at
zenith), All the above products excluding flexible laminates involves
1 same type of technologies namely c-Si and thin film. The flexible
AM ¼ ð5Þ laminates have only the thin film technology. Under all the above
sinh sðp=p0 Þ
categories, different types of PV applications are integrated into
different parts of the building systems. The different parts are:
p is the local air pressure and p0 is the air pressure at sea level roof, external building walls, semi-transparent façades, skylights
 Standard Test Condition (STC): Irradiance ESTC ¼1000 W/m2, and shading systems [58]. Comparative analyses between different
AM ¼1.5 spectrum and cell temperature 25 °C BIPV products are discussed in Table 4.
456 M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465

Table 2
List of standards [51–54].

International standards for PV module Scopes

IEC 61646 Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic(PV) module-design qualification and type approval
IEC 61215 Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic modules-design qualification and type approval
IEC 61730-1 Photovoltaic module safety qualification-part-1: requirements for construction
IEC 61730-2 Photovoltaic module safety qualification-part 2: requirements for testing
UL 1703 UL standard for safety flat-plate photovoltaic modules and panels
IEC 61277 Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) power generating systems
IEC 61345 UV test for photovoltaic (PV) modules.
IEC 61829 Crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) array on-site measurement of I–V characteristics.
IEC 61853-1 Irradiance and temperature performance measurements and power rating, which describes requirements for evaluating PV
module performance in terms of power (watts) rating over a range of irradiances and temperatures
IEC 61853-2: Spectral response, incidence angle, and module operating temperature measurements, which describes test procedures for
measuring the effect of varying angle of incidence and sunlight spectra as well as the estimation of module temperature from
irradiance, ambient temperature, and wind speed.
IEC 61853-3 Energy rating of PV modules, which describes the calculations for PV module energy (watt. hours) ratings.
IEC 61853-4 Define the standard time periods and weather conditions that can be utilized for calculating energy ratings.
IEC 61701 Salt mist corrosion testing of PV modules.
IEC 62759 Transportation testing of PV modules.
IEC 62782 Dynamic mechanical load testing of PV modules.
IEC 62716 Ammonia corrosion testing of PV modules.
IEC 62804 System voltage durability test for crystalline silicon modules

Table 3
Tests for IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 [55,56].

Test code Test type Test conditions

10.1 Visual inspection –

10.2 Performance at STC Cell temperature¼ 25 °C, Irradiance¼ 1000 W/m2, AM ¼ 1.5 spectrum, Spectral irradiance distribution according to
IEC 60904-3
10.3 Insulation test 1000 V DC þTwice the open circuit voltage of the system at STC for 1 min, leakage currento 50 mA, Isolation
resistance4 50 Mῼ at 500 V DC
10.4 Measurement of temperature Determination of the temperature coefficients of short circuit current and open circuit voltage in a 40 °C interval
10.5 Measurement of NOCT Total solar irradiance¼800 W/m2
Spectral irradiance distribution according to IEC 60904-3, Wind speed ¼ 1 m/s
10.6 Performance at STC and NOCT Cell temperature¼ NOCT
Irradiance¼ 800 W/m2
Spectral irradiance distribution according to IEC 60904-3
10.7 Performance at low irradiance Cell temperature¼ 25 °C
Irradiance¼ 200 W/m2
Spectral irradiance distribution according to IEC 60904-3
10.8 Outdoor exposure test 60 kWh/m2 solar irradiation
10.9 Hot-spot endurance test 5 one hour exposures to 1000 W/m2 irradiance in worst-case hot-spot condition
10.10 UV preconditioning 7.5 kwh/m2 UV-radiation at 60 °C module temperature
10.11 Thermal cycling test 50 and 200 cycles  40 °C to þ 85 °C
10.12 Humidity freeze test 10 cycles  40 °C to þ85 °C, 85% RH
10.13 Damp heat test 1000 h at þ 85 °C, 85% RH
10.14 Robustness of terminations As in IEC 60068-2-21
10.15 Twist Test Deformation angle 1.2, over the module diagonal
10.16 Mechanical load test Two cycles of 2400 Pa uniform load, applied for 1 h to front and back surfaces in turn
10.17 Hail test 25 mm diameter ice ball at 23 m/s, directed at 11 impact locations
10.18 Light- soaking Light exposure of 800 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2 until Pmax is stable within 2%
10.19 Annealing Heat soak at 85 °C until Pmax is stable within 2%
10.20 Wet leakage current test Water sprays of terminals and edge immersion with 500 V DC applied to determine leakage current

Flat roofs and pitched roofs are ideally suited for PV integration. number and spacing of cells in the case of crystalline silicon
Usually there is less shadowing at roof height than at ground level. technology. For thin-film, the transparency can be controlled by
Roofs often provide a large unused surface for integration. A more changing the manufacturing process. More transparent the mod-
elegant way to integrate PV is to use PV Shingles or PV Tiles. The PV ule, less the energy efficiency of BIPV module. This type of BIPV is
module is mounted like any shingle or tile and the work can be used in skylights, façades, curtain walls and shading structures.
carried out by a roofing contractor. Flat roofs have the advantage of
The application of semi-transparent PV modules in skylight has
good accessibility, easy installation and provide a free choice for
advantages of light diffusion as well as unobstructed surface for
the orientation of the PV units. The added weight of the PV array
the installation. BIPV modules can be used in windows providing a
on the roof must be considered as the uplifting force of the wind,
may blow the modules away. semitransparent façade. The transparency is achieved either by
Semi-transparent glass modules mainly used for aesthetical thin-film technology or by crystalline silicon technology. Semi-
reasons. This module protects the sun lights to building surfaces transparent BIPV modules of different shape can be used as
and interiors. The required light passing through the desired shading elements above windows or as part of overhead glazing
structures can be customized by dimensions and adjusted the structures.
M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465 457

Table 4
Comparative analysis between different BIPV products [59].

Product Advantages Disadvantages Applications

Standard in-roof i. Easy to handle i. Less esthetic Pitched roofs of residential and commercial
systems ii. Competitive ii. Used only for certain roof types buildings
iii. Higher efficiency/Performance iii. Multifunctional aspects of PV are absent
Semi-transparent i. Most unobtrusive and most esthetic i. The units are very heavy, Semitransparent Façades, Skylights and Shading
system BIPV. ii. The prices are normally high since they are systems in commercial and public buildings
ii. Used in prestigious buildings with well- usually tailor-made products
visible façades and skylights. iii. Seamlessly integrated and difficult to notice
iii. Marginal daylight elimination/capacity the presence of PV Modules
to diversify light intake. iv. Difficult for hiding the cables
iv. BIPV Cell shapes can be attractive. v. Sizes and shapes of cells are limited
v. Thin Film BIPV Cells have uniform vi. Silver tabbing interferes the
appearance and suitable for flush transparent spaces
Cladding systems i. Suited if the PV system is to be i. Low system performance External building walls and curtain walls in
recognized ii. The lower parts of façades are normally not commercial and public buildings
ii. Different colors and visual effects can used due to possible shadows
be incorporated iii. Installation cost is higher
iii. More efficient
Solar tiles and shingles i. Esthetic for residential pitched roofs i. Small unit sizes. Hence, longer Pitched roofs in residential buildings and old
ii. Higher efficiency installation time buildings
iii. Light and easy to install ii. High cost-performance ratio
iii. Prone to break
Flexible laminates i. Light weight (most suitable for i. It doesn’t fulfill other functions of building Flat and curved roofs of commercial and
weak roofs) components. industrial buildings with large unused roofs.
ii. Easy to handle and install ii. Efficiency is low.
iii. Low BOS cost
iv. Used on roof surface
v. Curved installation possible

Silicon Manufacturers
BIPV Installation in (MW)

Wafer Manufacturers
5000 (e.g. Suntech, Kyaocera, Schott, REC, Trina solar)
Cell Manufacturers
2000 (e.g. Qcells,Sharp,Suntech,Sanyo,Kyaocera)
Module and inverter manufacturers























(e.g. Sharp, Suntech, Sanyo, Kyaocera,Schott, SMA)

Fig. 3. BIPV market: Global installation capacity forecasted till 2020 in MW [60].
Distributer,Importers and suppliers

PV panels are integrated into building walls as a standard

cladding element. The cladding void helps to maintain internal Architectural designersand installers
temperature of the building by controlling solar gain in the sum-
mer and by encouraging the thermal stack effect which helps to
Final users
draw air through the building spaces. This way the energy demand
of the building can be reduced. Fig. 4. Value chain of BIPV market [60].
Solar tiles and shingles are designed to interlace with con-
ventional roofing tiles or cladding materials. Sometimes larger waterproofing membranes with the advantages of converting solar
tiles are used in whole roof or wall. Thin panels are also used in energy to electrical power.
standard roofing systems. The important categories of the appli- Details of the BIPV products for Roof Top, Façades and Skylight
cation, where PV tiles and shingles are used are pitched roofs. available in the market, manufactured by different companies are
Normally PV roof tiles with mono or poly crystalline solar cells are listed in Appendix A–D.
used with the classical roof tiles.
Flexible laminates are attached to the roofing system, which
provides specific features. However, the rigid standard PV modules 3.4. BIPV market trend
do not give the similar features. Flexible laminates can be used
effectively in flat and curved roofs. This gives advantages like light There is a huge potential of the BIPV market in all over the
weight PV system, efficient under wind load and rack mounting world. However, there is established market in most of the
system can be avoided since this can be directly pasted to the countries in Europe i.e. Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland and
roofing material. Flexible PV laminates offer the benefits of the Italy. Many governments in above countries are subsidizing the
458 M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465

Table 5 4. Tilt angle of BIPV products and design of mounting

The competitive structure of the BIPV market [46]. structures
PV module manufacturer Country % of market share
Orientation of BIPV systems is one of the key parameters for
Suntech China 9.2 receiving maximum solar radiations. As the orientation of BIPV
Yingli Green Energy Energy China 7.6 systems depends on path of sun, accurate determination of opti-
Canadian Solar Canada 7.6
mum tilt angle is essential for producing maximum solar energy.
Trina Solar China 6.9
Sharp Solar Japan 6.0 Many researchers [90–99] have established the relation between
Solar fun China 5.4 optimum tilt angle and latitude, which are adopted by solar
First Solar USA 5.3 module installers for many locations. However, more accurate
Jabil Circuit USA 4.2
optimum tilt angle can be determined by measuring the solar
Solar World USA 4.1
Sun Power USA 3.6 radiation for the particular location. Many authors have estab-
LDK China 3.4 lished the value of tilt angle for different locations by following
Sanyo Electric USA 3.3 analytical and experimental methods. Pour et al. [100] followed
REC Norway 3.0 isotropic Liu and Jordan model [101] to establish the optimum tilt
Kyocera Japan 3.0
JA Solar China 2.8
angle. The result shows that the fixed optimum tilt angle is
Jinko Solar China 2.6 approximately latitude of the location. Some authors used non-
Ningbo Solar Electric China 2.5 isotropic models [102] by considering azimuth angle for further
Renesola China 2.1 accurate evaluation of the solar energy. Elhassan et al. [103]
Others  17.4
investigated experimentally on optimum tilt angle for BIPV appli-
cation at Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. They used a four PV module
experimental set up inclined in north, south, east and west
direction for evaluating optimum tilt angle. The optimum tilt angle
BIPV technology by implementing Feed in Tariff (FiT) systems. This for this location was found to be nearly equal to latitude of the
concept allows selling back excessive power to the grid at a higher location. Sun et al. [104] evaluated the optimum tilt angle for
price than the grid price of the electricity. Worldwide growth rate shading type BIPV cladding at different orientation for Hong Kong.
of BIPV during last seven years is approximately 50% of installed Results show that the maximum energy is achieved by installing
capacity in every year reaching 2000 MW of installation till date. PV modules on south façades at tilt angle of 10°. Siraki and Pillay
The future BIPV market growth is shown in Fig. 3 till the year 2020. [105] proposed a modified anisotropic sky model considering
BIPV installation is expected to grow with a growth rate of 30% till effect of adjacent buildings and weather conditions to evaluate
2020 in each year. The expected installation is more than optimum tilt angle for five different latitudes. For smaller latitude,
8000 MW by end of year 2020. Table 5 presents the overall busi- the optimum tilt angle is close to the latitude value. However, for
ness of PV modules by different companies. It is observed that higher latitude the optimum tilt angle is smaller than the latitude
there is no leading PV Module manufacturer in the world. More- angle. Few investigators [106–109] concluded that the optimum
over, the manufacturer like Sun tech occupies the PV market only tilt angle for different location is its latitude value, whereas few
9.2%. The BIPV market reflects that there are less number of players researchers [110–117] have established the relation of tilt angle
support the value chain as shown in the Fig. 4. BIPV roofing and with different parameters. Important aspects of designing BIPV
BIPV architectural fabric are the leading market segment in the Module Mounting Structures (MMS) are site conditions such as
global market. The list of major projects with different photo- wind speed, rain fall and temperature. Various module mounting
voltaic catagories are given in Table 6. structures made up of different material e.g. galvanized iron, alu-
minum structures etc are used in different BIPV projects [118]. The
3.5. Life cycle assessment studies of BIPV modules paramount components in BIPV MMS are vertical columns, rafters,
purline, brackets, mounting clips, cable carriers, etc. For a larger
Sustainability of BIPV has been investigated by many life time of BIPV system, corrosion in mounting structures is
researchers by life cycle assessment (LCA). International organi- avoided by following galvanization. The standard thickness fol-
zation of standardization [62,63] has set guidelines for LCA, which lowed in galvanization of structure is 100–120 μm. However, for
is published by International Energy Agency (IEA). These guide- cold formed steel the galvanization thickness can be reduced to
lines are (1) Technical specifications and characteristics of photo- 80 μm. Strength and durability are major aspects for designing the
voltaic systems. (2) Modeling approaches for photovoltaic system structural components of MMS. Tubular section may be a good
LCAs and (3) Reporting and communicating LCA results. In present option for better
investigation, a thorough study on energy payback performance connectivity among the structural components [119]. Galva-
and environmental impact of solar PV systems are done by nized ‘Z’ section purline is used for carriers DC cables for avoiding
reviewing their EPBT and GHG emission rate. The review is done corrosion. This helps to have an integrated wiring management
for different PV systems i.e. mono-Si, multi-Si, thin film, advanced system. Fig. 5a and b shows the different type of purline and the
PV system, etc. The study from open literature reflects that EPBT cable system. BIPV supported column with vertical adjusted angle
and GHG emission rates are influenced by different parameters is shown in Fig. 5c.
e.g., solar cell type, module type, manufacturing processes, Urban and architectural aspects are important considerations
installation location, weather condition, etc. LCA result reviews of for establishing a new BIPV Project with an aim to generate
different PV systems are presented in Table 7. In general, the maximum power. Proper orientation and angle of BIPV modules,
mono-Si PV modules have the highest EPBT, while thin film PV suitable distance between buildings, elimination of shadowing
systems have the lowest EPBT value. For GHG emission rate, mono- effect of trees, provision of special solar zoning, and avoiding
Si would produce more GHG emissions during its life cycle than reflection from adjacent building are additional aspects for
other PV systems. establishing successful integration of PV in a BIPV project [121].
M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465 459

Fig. 5. (a) C-section purlin to accommodate cable [120]. (b) Mounting whip attached to Z-section purlin [120]. (c) BIPV supported column with vertical adjustment [120].

Shadow is a key issue for establishment of a BIPV Project [122]. A trapping schemes for increasing efficient organic solar cells (iii)
high-rise building near to a low- rise neighborhood causes shad- flexible inorganic thin film solar cells etc. Polymer based solar cells
ings. In high density areas, the distance between buildings are (organic photovoltaic) have a better future as commercial devices
often so small that there is significant shadowing throughout a and are to be used in various BIPVs [125]. About new technology,
large part of the year. Facade system is more affected by shading. dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC) are a better technical and eco-
However, the horizontal systems are the best solution for avoiding nomical alternative option over present day photovoltaic devices.
shadows. Shadowing because of trees can be avoided by proper Massy university's Nano-materials Research Centre developed
planning. Plantation on the north side of the building and plan- colored dyes for use in DSC based on the TiO2 cell and the cost
tation only small trees are the solutions for avoiding the shadow. becomes 1/10th of the silicon based cells [126]. This technology
Special solar zoning in urban area is required to be done to prevent may achieve a great impact in the future as EPBT and GHG emis-
future problems. Mixed low and high-rise building areas experi- sion rate would be significantly reduced. For significant harvesting
ence some annoying reflections if all the surrounding houses have of solar energy, antenna-sensitizer molecular devices may be a
PV modules. Certain distances between buildings may eliminate possible strategy [127] in future. Crystalline silicon on glass (CSG),
most of the potential problems regarding integration of PV mod- copper indium gallium dieseline (CIGS), micro-amorphous silicon
ules. There are certain principles to be followed as given below, cells, concentrated photovoltaic cells and hybrid solar cells (HIT),
etc. are few more technologies, which can enhance the efficiency
i. Shadow is to be prevented on the module. of BIPV technology. Photo electrochemical solar cell (PEC) with
ii. Module is to be properly ventilated with junction box at internal storage is another promising area of research. There are
the back. many drawbacks in earlier researches regarding estimation of
iii. Module must be mounted and removed easily. direct process energy and embodied energy. This is because of
iv. Module is to be cleaned intermittently. using annual total solar irradiance instead of hourly radiation data.
v. Protection of wiring is to be done against weather. This results significant uncertainty for estimating EPBT and GHG
vi. Proper space is to be provided for balance of system and emission rate of PV systems. Research in this direction is much
interconnections. needed to obtain accurate results. Determination of optimum tilt
angle is another key aspect to generate maximum solar energy.
Different anisotropic models and optimization techniques in con-
5. Future research scopes junction with shadow effect can be further compared and tested at
different locations to find the best method is the scope for future
Many BIPV products can achieve higher efficiency with new research. Moreover, reliable solar radiation measuring equipments
materials and solution for BIPVs. The new innovations [123,124] can be used to measure global, diffuse and beam solar radiation
are (i) Low cost organic based modules (ii) Implementation of light values for correctly finding the optimum tilt angle at different
460 M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465

Table 6
List of major projects with different photovoltaic categories [61].

PV categories Project name Project location Latitude/ Year of Capacity of the

longitude establishment project

Roof-top integration Black River Park commercial Roof Top Cape Town, South Africa 35° 550 S 2014 1.2 MWp
Solar Project 18° 220 E
Roof-top integration Solar PV plant, Punjab Amritsar, Punjab, India 31° 370 N 2014 7.52 MWp
74° 550 E
Roof-top integration Centro Ingrosso Sviluppo compano in Nola-Naples, Italy 40° 550 33.96″ N 2013 20.252 MWp
Nola 14° 310 38.64″ E
Roof-top integration Riverside Renewable Energy-Holt Gloucester City, New Jersey 39° 530 29.67″ N 2012 9 MWp
logistics Refrigerated warehouse 75° 70 0.12″ W
Roof-top integration Avidan Energy Solution Edison, New Jersey, USA 40° 300 14.4″ N 2011 4.26 MWp
74° 200 57.84″ W
Roof-top integration Goodyear Dunlop logistic centre Philipps burg, Germany 49°130 59.88″ N 2011 7.4 MWp
8° 270 E
Roof-top integration Toys “R” Us distribution centre Flanders, New Jersey, USA 40° 500 52″ N 2011 5.38 MWp
74° 420 34″ W
Roof-top integration Boeing 787 assembly building, South North Charleston S.C, USA 32° 580 28.52″ N 2011 2.6 MWp
Carolina 80° 40 8.99″ W
Roof-top integration Shanghai No. 1/2 Metro operation Co. Hongqiao Railway station, 31° 120 N 2010 6.68 MWp
Ltd Shanghai, China 121° 300 E
Roof-top integration FedEx Wood bridge, New Jersey, USA 40° 330 38.88″ N 2010 2.42 MWp
74° 170 33.36″ W
Roof-top integration GSA Bean Federal Centre Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 39° 470 27.6″ N 2010 2.012 MWp
86° 80 52.8″ W
Industrial roof top VT-Sun Chomutov, Czech Republic 50°270 39.96″ N 2010 2.98 MWp
13° 250 0.12″ E
Roof-top integration Atlantic city convention centre Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA 39° 460 38.28″ N 2009 2.36 MWp
74° 270 3.96″ W
Pavilion top The Shenergy Group Shanghai world Expo, Shang- 31°120 N 2009 3.12 MWp
hai, China 121° 300 E
Roof-top integration General Motors Spanish Zaragoza Zaragoza, Spain 41° 390 N 2008 11.8 MWp
Manufacturing plant 520 59.88″ W
Roof-top integration Google head quarters Mountain view, California, USA 37° 230 21.84″ N 2007 1.6 MWp
122° 40 54.84″ W
Roofs and façades integration Sharp Kameyama, Japan 34° 510 20.88″ N 2007 5.1 MWp
136° 270 6.12″ E
Roofs and façades integration Franz Fischer Dingolfing, Bavaria, Germany 48° 370 59.88″ N 2007 3.7 MWp
12° 300 E
Roofs and façades integration Michelin Solar Park, Homburg Saarland, Germany 49° 230 47.12″ N 2007 3.5 MWp
7° 10 22.65″
Roof-top integration Hartmann AG Muggensturm, Baden – Würt- 48° 520 N 2006 3.8 MWp
temberg, Germany 8° 170 E
Building structures with PV: Student union building Malmo – Sweden 55° 360 31.55″ N 2006 25.6 KWp
canopy 12° 590 36.75″ E
Roof-top integration Sonnenfleck-tts- Bürstadt Bürstadt, Hessen, Germany 49° 380 N 2005 5 MWp
8° 270 E
Roof-top integration Olympic village Newington, Homebush Bay, 33° 870 S 2005 12 KWp
Sydney 151° 20 E
Adaptation of PV modules to Azienda Agraria Anfossi Savona – Italy 44° 130 59″ N 2004 16.20 KWp
the domed roof 8° 300 E
Building structures with PV Kowa elementary school Nerima, Tokyo – Japan 35° 440 45″ N 2004 2.047 MWp
139° 360 26″ E
Roof-top integration Molina de Segura Molina de Segura, Murcia, 38° 40 53.79″ N 2004 5.985 MWp
Spain 1° 70 58.67″ W
Roof-top integration Islay Columba Centre Bowmore, Isle of Islay- UK 55° 450 36″ N 2003 19.73 KWp
6° 160 47″ W
Roof-top integration ZICER Building, University of East Norwich, Norfolk – UK 52° 370 18″ N 2003 33.88 KWp
Anglia 1° 140 16″ E
Integration of PV into flat Town Hall, Dongen Dongen – Germany 51° 370 56.27″ N 2002 53 KWp
roof 4° 570 32.23″ E
Integration of PV modules New Central Station Berline – Germany 52° 340 1.81″ N 2002 189 KWp
into curves overhead 13° 270 24.76″ E
Integration of PV modules Multifamily Dwellings Tavros area, Athens – Greece 37° 580 32.15″ N 2002 11.9 KWp
into facade 23° 430 7.66″ E
Integration of PV modules Chemical Engineering Dept, National Zografou area, Athens – Greece 37° 580 32.15″ N 2001 50 KWp
into facade Technical University of Athens 23° 430 37.66″ E
M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465 461

Table 7
Life cycle analysis results (EPBT/GHG) of different PV module.

Investigators PV module type EPBT [year] GHG emission [g CO2 eq. / kWh]

Ng and Mithrarathe [64] Thin film 0.68 1.98 169.55  290.97

Peng et al. [65] Mono-Si/Thin film 1.7  2.7/ 0.75  3.5 29.0  45.0/ 10.5  50.0
Hammond et al. [66] Mono-Si 4.5 
Held and Ilg [67] CdTe 0.7  1.1 19.0  30.0
Ito et al. [68] CdTe/CIS/ Mono-Si/ Multi-Si 2.1/ 1.8/ 2.0  2.5/ 2.0 50.0/ 45.0/ 43.0  55.0/ 43.0
Lu and Yang [69] Mono-Si 7.3 
Scholten [70] Mono-Si/ Multi-Si/ a-Si/ CdTe/ CIS 1.75/ 1.75/ 1.4/ 0.84/ 1.45 30.0/ 29.0/ 24.0/ 16.0/ 21.0
Seng et al. [71] Mono-Si/ Multi-Si/ Thin film 3.2  4.4/ 2.2  3.0/1.9  2.6 
Ito et al. [72] a-Si/ CIS 2.5/ 1.6 15.6/ 10.5
Pacca et al. [73] Thin film/ Multi-Si 3.2/ 7.5 34.3/ 72.4
Jangbluth and Dones [74] Mono-Si/ Multi-Si/ a-Si/CdTe/ CIS 3.3/ 2.9/ 3.1/ 2.5/ 2.9 
Raugei et al. [75] Multi-Si/ CIS/ CdTe 2.4/ 2.8/ 1.5 72.0/ 95.0/ 48.0
Alsema et al. [76] Mono-Si/ Multi-Si/ CdTe 2.1/ 1.9/ 1.1 35.0/ 32.0/ 25.0
Jungbluth [77] Multi-Si 3.0  6.0 39.0  110.0
Alsema and Scholten [78] Mono-Si 2.6 41.0
Fthenakis and Kim [79] CdTe 1.2 23.6
Battisti and Corrado [80] Multi-Si 3.3 
Ito et al. [81] Multi-Si 1.7 12.0
Keoleian and Lewis [82] Thin film 3.39  5.52 
Alsema [83] CdTe 1.7 14.0
Alsema [84] Multi-Si/ a-Si 3.2/ 2.7 60.0/ 
Alsema [85] a-Si/ CdTe/ Multi-Si 3.2/ 3.2/ 2.4  /  / 20.0
Kato et al. [86] Mono-Si/ Multi-Si/ Thin film 11.8  3.3/ 2.4  1.5/2.1 1.1 83.0  25.0/ 20.0  13.0/ 17.0  9.0
Lewis and Keoleian [87] a-Si 3.0 
Wilson and Young [88] Mono-Si 7.4  12.1 
Phylipsen and Alsema [89] Multi-Si 2.7 

location in worldwide. This would give useful inputs to researches with new products available in market are important con-
and solar industry to install economical solar systems. BIPVs for siderations in establishing a new BIPV project.
retrofitting market are another future prospective as there are  Building designer must be convinced that PV systems are
large volumes of existing building in urban areas. The market of alternative solution in comparison with other construction
retrofitting of different parts of the building is in progress, where material. PV manufacturer and the building designer should
BIPV concepts can be implementing to the building systems [128]. work together for developing new products for building inte-
gration, which can generate electricity as well as can replace
Solar cell glazing products have maximum opportunities as it
other construction materials. In BIPV architectural design
provides solar shading, day light transmission and generate
scheme, suitable sections of longitudinal beam (Rafter) and
transverse beam (purlin) i.e. I-section, C-section, channel sec-
tion, tubular section, etc. are adopted in order to achieve proper
ventilation, proper wiring management system and better
connectivity among the structural components. Regarding ret-
6. Conclusions
rofitting technology, there is a promising scope of using BIPV for
renovating old structures.
Following are the conclusions drawn from the present exten-
 Present mono-silicon PV modules have the highest EPBT, while
sive review work on BIPV products and their technology.
thin film PV systems have the lowest EPBT values. Regarding
GHG emission rate, mono-Si produces more GHG emissions
 Large varieties of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) pro-
during its life cycle than other PV systems. New technology
ducts are listed in different tabular form, which are used as
under development may produce BIPVs with higher efficiency
different components of the buildings i.e., flat roof, pitch roof,
and lower production cost leading to lower EPBT and GHG
curved roof, façades, skylight, etc. Among all the products, foil
values. Further, government may introduce feed in tariffs (FiT)
products are more flexible and large range of applications.
for subsidizing BIPV technology to make it more popular.
Glazing products have a great esthetical look.
 Latitude based thumb rules for providing optimum tilt angle to
 BIPV systems can be installed over all areas of building envelop.
the BIPV modules may be suitable for certain locations but for
Most preferred place for the placement of solar module is roof
better accuracy of the optimum tilt angle, different anisotropic
top due to ample of solar irradiance. However, there is large
models and optimization techniques in conjunction with sha-
façade surface of a building for integrating solar modules. Thin-
dow effect can be further compared and tested at different
film solar module is flexible and can be placed in any uneven
parts of the building surfaces. Curtain wall is another option in
BIPV technology, which is fastest growing market segment.
 Progressive research and development in both PV and BIPV
materials result efficient solutions i.e., reduction in production Appendix A. BIPV pitched roof products
cost, improvement in building integration and increment in cell
efficiency. Hence, replacement facilities of BIPV components See Tables A1–A3.
462 M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465

Table A1
Literature data for BIPV products for pitched roof.

Manufacturer Products η (%) V oc (V) Isc (A) pmax (W) FF Area (mm  mm) pmax /Area (W/ Weight (kg/m Material
m2) 2

Solon, Denmark Solitaire 13.9 37.80 8.92 260 0.77 1044  1783 139 13.2 c-Si
Schott Solar, Denmark Indax 13.7 37.1 8.42 235 0.75 999  1769 137 12.1 c-Si
Scheuten Solar, Netherland, Integra vitro 14 33.6 8.44 220 0.77 1038  1520 140 15.92 Mono- c-Si
Conergy, Denmark Solar Delta 14.8 30.77 8.45 241 0.92 986  1651 148 12.2 c-Si
Centro solar, Denmark S Class 15.5 30.07 8.01 200 0.83 831  1663 155 12.6 c-Si
Mega Sol, China Megasol energie 14.3 44.5 5.52 190 0.77 832  1593 143 12.8 c-Si
Meco sun, France mv3 13.91 36.95 8.59 230 0.72 1655  999 139 19 c-Si
Solar Watt, Denmark Easy-in 14 32 8.42 240 0.89 1035  1764 140 13.8 c-Si
Schuco, Denmark MSE-500 9 37.98 8.62 245 0.74 1256  2156 90 19.5 c-Si
Solar- fabric, Denmark In Cell 14.5 37.9 8.80 255 0.76 1023  1710 145  c-Si
Aleo Solar, Denmark Solrif 14.4 37.8 8.61 250 0.76 1016  1704 144 11 c-Si
Helio Sphera, Greece Venus 9 142 1.38 130 0.66 1106  1306 90  a-Si
Win Win Precision Technology,  13.5 22.39 8.05 135 0.75 673  1498 135 11.5 c-Si
Scx Solar, Netherland Solo Roof      1000  1650   c-Si

Table A2
Literature data for BIPV pitched roofs: small solar tiles-shingles-slates.

Manufacturer Product name η(%) V oc (V) I sc (A) pmax (W) FF Area (mm  mm) pmax /area (W/m2) Weight Material

Dow, USA Power house solar shingles 3.9   5.5  250  570 39  Flexible CIGS
Atlantis Energy Systems, USA Sun Slate Roof Tile 18.3 3.7 8 22 0.74 300  400 183 40.3 Mono-c-Si
Smart Roof, Belgium Neosolpan 12   20  468  356 120 16 c-Si
LUMETA, USA Solar S tile 6.6 7.4 5.2 28 0.72 430  968 66 8.6 Mono-c-Si
Tegola Fotovoltaica, Italy Giellenergy 8   8.1  245  415 80 14.5 Mono-c-Si
Star Unity, China Energy tiles 6 22 .15 6.8 0.6 260  440 60 9 a-Si
LOF Solar, Taiwan True steel 7.5 10.32 7.93 49.71 0.6 600  1100 75  c-Si

Table A3
Literature data for BIPV pitched roofs: large solar tiles-shingles-slates.

Manufacturer Product name η (%) V oc (V) I sc (A) pmax (W) FF Area (mm  mm) pmax /area (W/m2) Weight Material

BIPV Inc, USA Sun Energy Tile 10.4 8.70 8.07 52 0.74 430  1200 104 12 c-Si
Creaton, Denmark Solecia 15.1 13.86 8.46 90 0.76 335  1778 151 15 Mono-c-Si
Eternit Solar, China Integral Plan 11.6 44.8 8.0 350 0.98 1200  2500 116 14 c-Si
CC, China Voltaic 5.2 131 .97 75 0.63 1300  1100 52 – a-Si
Monier, UK Duo Plain 13.7 13.86 8.46 90 0.76 1778  355 137 21.8 Mono-c-Si
Synroof, Dutch PV laminate 21.2 7.66 6.93 95 – 480  932 212 23.3 Mono-c-Si
Power slats, USA Power slats roof collection 12.4 16.25 8.40 95 0.69 755  1010 124.6 – Mono-c-Si
Rheinzink, Denmark Quick step 9.3 17.10 5.12 68 0.78 365  2000 93.2 30 c-Si
Romag, UK Power glaz 12.3 19.92 8.27 120 0.72 375  1036 123 – Poly-c-Si
Sharp, Japan ND62RUIF 10.4 10.9 7.9 62 0.72 396  1499 104.4 13.9 Poly-c-Si
Solar century, UK C21e Slate 8.7 11.2 6.52 47 0.64 445  1210 87.3 19.7 Mono-c-Si
Solaire, France Sun Tile 12.5 14.6 8.3 95 0.78 870  870 125 19.5 c-Si
Sun power, USA Sun Tile 10 14.6 5.65 63 0.76 425  1475 100.5 25.2 Mono-c-Si
System Photonics, Italy PV tile 12.6 16.25 8.40 95 0.69 750  1000 126 16 c-Si
Solstis, Switzerland  8.9 30.14 8.62 190 0.73 1337  1583 89.8 17 c-Si

Appendix B. BIPV products for flat and curved roofs

See Table B1.

Table B1
Literature data for BIPV products for flat and curved roofs.

Manufacturer Product name η (%) V oc (V) I sc (A) pmax (W) FF Area (mm  mm) pmax /area (W/m2) Weight Material

Uni-Solar, USA PVL-144 6.6 46.2 5.3 144 0.58 5486  394 66.6 7.7 a-Si
Alwitra, Germany EVALON V solar 4 46.2 5.1 136 0.58 1050  3360 38.5  a-Si
Solo Power, Germany  8.6 30.6 4.3 75 0.57 398  2197 85.8  GICS
Global Solar, USA  13.3 69.7 6.4 300 0.67 392  5745 133  GICS
Xunlight, USA  6.3   100 1779  889 63.2  
HYET Solar, Netherland  8.7 38.6 6.4 168 0.68 5930  325 87.2  Tendum thin film-Si
Ascent Solar, USA  13.3 23.5 3.35 220  1665  991 133 18 GICS
Kalzip, Germany Aluplus solar 2.5 46.2 5.1 136 0.57 5500  1000 25 7 a-Si
M. Tripathy et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61 (2016) 451–465 463

Appendix C. BIPV products for façades

See Table C1 and C2.

Table C1
Literature data for BIPV products for façades.

Manufacturer Product name η (%) V oc (V) I sc (A) pmax (W) FF Area (mm  mm) pmax /area (W/m2) Weight Material

Solar Century, England C21e Slate 14 12 5.55 52 0.78 1174  318 139.3  Mono-c-Si
Soltecture,Germany SCG-HV-F 7 51.4 1.71 57  1258  658  14.6 CIS
Ruuki, Finland  12   90  638  1198 120  CIGS
Schuco, Germany SP4 11.7 29.7 7.73 165 0.72 1685  834 117.4 17 a-Si
Ertex Solar, Austria       2000  1000   c-Si
Bisem, USA          c-Si, a-Si
MGT-esys, Austria GmbH 15.8 30.7 9.1 205  1309  989  17 c-Si

Table C2
Literature data for BIPV Products for semi-transparent façades.

Manufacturer Product name η (%) V oc (V) I sc (A) pmax (W) FF Area (mm  mm) pmax /area (W/m2) Weight Material

Schott Solar, Germany ASI THRU-4-IO 7.5 111 1.11 95 0.77 1120  1131 75 58 a-Si
Solar Nova, Germany SOL 254GT 15.3 37.4 8.77 254 0.77 997  1663 153 22 c-Si
Yohkon Energia, Spain   21.89 8.47 140 0.75 Custom  26 c-Si
Sun Tech, Switzerland MSZ-190J-D 14 45.2 5.62 190 0.75 1641  834 139 23 Mono-c-Si
Naps System, Finland Sanna 225-GPBW 14 36.9 8.44 225 0.72 1623  986 140 21.6 Poly-c-Si
Smile Solar, Taiwan  7.14 115.2 1.08 110 0.88 Custom  62.5 a-Si

Appendix D. BIPV products for skylights

See Table D1.

Table D1
Literature data for BIPV products for skylights.

Manufacturer Product name η (%) V oc (V) I sc (A) pmax (W) FF Area (mm  mm) pmax /area (W/m2) Weight Material

Canadian Solar, Canada CS6P-260 16 37.8 8.99 260 0.75 1638  982 160 18.5 Mono-c-Si
ET Solar, China ET-P660 4.2 37.47 8.76 250 0.76 2000  3000 42  Poly-c-Si
Scheuten Solar, Germany, Netherland Multisol vitro 15.2 37.5 8.58 250 0.77 1647  998 152 25 Poly-c-Si
Tenesol, France TE serise 13.7 36.4 8.2 225 0.75 1660  990 137 19 Poly-c-Si
Siliken, Spain  10 24.8 8.53 160 0.75 1634  984 99.5  c-Si
Kinmac solar, Taiwan  14.3 38.77 7.84 230 0.75 1634  984 143 65 c-Si
Mega Sunovation, Germany  8 44 8.4 264 0.71 3500  940 80.2 80.2 c-Si

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