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June 29, 2016

DIY Patio Water Wall

This is the most popular post on my blog and today I've dusted it off from archives
because I have some updates to share with you. If you've already read this post then you
can catch the updates near the bottom. If you missed this post, then please read on.

When we built our Outdoor Living Space Expansion, we designed it with the intention of
incorporating a water feature. Mr. Frugalista and I went back and forth argued for weeks

before we came up with a design that we were both happy with.

The original plan was to use a sheet of metal (preferably copper) for the water to run
down. While looking for that perfect sheet of copper, Mr. Frugalista found two wide reed
tempered glass panels at a local salvage yard for only $15.00 each. The game plan for
our D
YPPaattiioo Waatteerr W
Waallll quickly changed.
We used the majority of the materials pictured below to build our water wall.
H o w To B u ild A n O u td o o r Wa te r Wa ll

Note: The size of the water wall is determined by the size of the glass panels that you

Unit: 60" high x 52" wide

Base: 12" deep x 18" wide x 52" long

To o l L i s t

Table saw

Compound Mitre Saw

Power Drill

Staple Gun

Tape Measure

Brad Nail Gun


Materials List
This post contains affiliate links so you can find the products or similar products that I
used. What that means is that if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a
small portion of any sales at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure policy page.

mpp *affiliate link

P oonndd P uum

Check the rating on the pump to ensure that it will carry the water to the

desired height. Example; if your wall is 5' high, the pump needs to be rated for

a minimum of 60" of water lift.

The pump needs to fit between the wall of the water trough and the glass.

It is ideal to purchase a pump where the motor and value portion come apart.

This will make it easier to remove the motor to bring inside during the winter

in colder climates.

Ours was purchased at Home Depot and is made by Angelo Decor, Model
No. TPD-300H.

P oonndd LLiinneerr *affiliate link

Small sheet approximately 5' x 5'

mppeerreedd G

Size to suit (the glass should be tempered for safety)

F lleexxiibbllee P Tuubbiinngg *affiliate link oorr C

Pllaassttiicc T Cooppppeerr T

Approximately 10 feet (could use copper tubing if you're handy with soldering)

Related connectors: 4 elbows and approximately 12 clamps


2" x 2" x 8' (approximately 12 pieces)

1/4" or 3/8" plywood to build water trough (approximately 4' x 4' sheet)

1" x 6" x 8' pressure treated lumber (2 pieces)

1" x 6" x 8' cedar fence boards (approximately 14 pieces)

1 pkg of tongue and groove cedar closet liner *affiliate link

2 pieces of scrap lumber (to hold the glass inside the water trough)

Otthheerr M

3-4 bags of river rock *affiliate link

wood screws (3-inch for base frame, 1 1/2-inch for all else)

construction glue


...and so it began.

S t e p 1 : B a s e C o n s t r u c t i oonn
Build the base frame with 2" x 2" lumber.
S t e p 2 : Wa t e r Tr o u g h C oonns t r u c t i o n
Build a plywood box to fit inside the frame. This will house the pond pump, the glass on

the bottom, and the water.

Step 3: Base Assembly
Insert the box into the frame of the base. You can see it is raised from the base and

supported by 2" x 2" lumber. Why? Because it will contain less water than having built it
from the bottom.

S t e p 4 : G l a s s S u p p o r t I nnsst a l l a t i o n
Attach wood slats to the bottom of the trough to keep the glass panels centered. Note:

you can see the pond pump fits nicely between the glass and the side wall (this is not the
step where you install the pump).
S t e p 5 : L i n i n g T h e Wa t eerr Tr o u g h
Line the water trough with pond liner and attached with staples. At this point add water

and test to ensure there are no water leaks.

S t e p 6 : A d d i n g T h e U p r i gghht s
Attach 1" x 6" x 60" pressure treated deck boards in the outer center of each side onto

the base. These are your uprights. A couple pieces of scrap deck boards were added

on each side of the upright to make the ends flush when installing the exterior finish.
S t e p 7 : Wr a p p i n g T h e B a s e
Nail cedar tongue and groove closet liner to the exterior of the base.

S t e p 8 : Tr i m T h e B a s e
Trim the base with ripped cedar fence boards and 1" x 1" wood slats.

Step 9: Conceal The Pum

On the back of the base on the side where the pump will be installed, cut a short piece of
trim that will be screwed in from the top. This will allow for the cord to be concealed
S t e p 1 0 : Te m p e r e d G l a ssss I n s t a l l a t i o n
Installing the glass is a two person job.

Mark the center of the uprights at the top.

Secure one 2" x 2" on the back side of your mark.

Place the glass in the groove of the base and rest the top of the glass on the

2" x 2" you just installed.

Secure the front 2" x 2" to hold the glass in place.

S t e p 11 : Wa t e r Tu b e I nnsst a l l a t i o n

Place the pond pump on the bottom of the water trough

Attach the flexible plastic tubing with couplings and clamps inside the center

of the upright.

Attach an elbow at the top.

Using a 3/16" drill bit make holes in the top piece spaced about 1" apart. The

size of the holes determines the strength of the water flow.

Ensure you make your holes on one side of the tubing.

Start with small holes and submerge the pump in a pail of water to test the

flow. Increase the size of the holes in increments until you have the flow you


Fill the end of the tube with silicone to seal it off.

Use screws and large washers to hold the tubing in place into the top 2" x 2".

It's important that the tubing is pressed with the holes tightly against the glass

so the water will trickle down the glass.

S t e p 1 2 : C o n c e a l i n g Waatte r Tu b e s
Once satisfied with the water flow, conceal the tubing by boxing in around the uprights
with cedar fence boards.
S t e p 1 3 : F i n i s h i n g To u c hhees

Last but not least apply a couple coats of stain. We used Behr

semi-transparent in Sagebrush Green to match our existing planters.

You do not have to fill the entire base with river rock. Add some concrete

paving stones to the bottom to help fill the void and add your river rock on top.

Here's a close up of the water trickling down the glass. We choose a very soft trickle
(smaller holes) and it makes such a relaxing sound as the water hits the rocks below.
The sound of the trickling water is so enjoyable and very relaxing.

If you build a Water Wall, I would love it if you emailed a picture (see my Contact Me

page). It may just get added to this post.

Update: June 28, 2016
We decided while we loved our water wall on our stone patio, from our deck we could
barely hear the trickle of the water. We have since moved our Water Wall onto our deck
and created a conversation area around it.

Not only can we hear the soft trickle of the running water better but at night the Water
Wall is backlit with spotlights.

We added a trio of Solar Spotlights *affiliate link - in the photo below the one on the far
right is hidden by the ferns. Holes were drilled into the trim to hold the base of each light
and the wires are concealed under the trim. The solar panel is in our flower garden where
it gets loads of sunshine throughout the day.
This is the Water Wall illuminated at dusk...

...and here it is after dark.

If you would like to receive a convenient Materials Shopping List which includes a QR
Code to access photos of the Water Wall while shopping, sign up below.

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Since publishing this post I am thrilled to have received emails from readers who shared
photos of their DIY Water Walls inspired by ours.

The inspiration for ours came from one that I saw online but unfortunately, after
numerous attempts, I could not locate a link to a website to share the love. Here are
some of the Water Walls inspired by ours.
Below is a video sent by a reader of his impressive version of our Water Wall...
Living in the Canadian prairies where our winters are long, we savor every moment we
can spend outdoors enjoying our backyard. We added a water feature in our front yard
using a trio of Plant Pots to create a Plant Pot Water Fountain.

Before building our Water Wall we removed some spruce trees to create an extension of
our Outdoor Living Space using large patio paving stones and a variety of moss. When
we moved the Water Wall onto our deck to create a conversation area, we also built an
Adirondack Fire Bowl Table.

On the opposite side of our yard, we created a decorative garden screen to conceal our
firewood pile and we built it by repurposing Old Louvered Bi-Fold Doors.

Now let's talk a little bit about safety...

You will find this project linked to these fabulous link LINK PARTIES.

Marie Blackburn at 4:00 PM

Add a comment as Sean Osborne

Top comments

Grantham Lynn
1 day ago Shared publicly

Love it. I so want one. Can I borrow Mr

Frugal! I am pinning for sure!

Marie Blackburn (The Interior

Frugalista) 1 day ago
ha ha ha +Grantham Lynn, I'm
glad you like our water wall and
appreciate the pin!

Katherines Corner
7 months ago Shared publicly

I love this project! thank you for sharing

your creativity post at the Thursday
Favorite Things link party. I pinned and
featured you today xo

Marie Blackburn (The Interior

Frugalista) 7 months ago
Hi Katherine, I just came from the
TFT party and noticed the feature
- thank you so much!!! Thanks
Read more

Christy James
2 years ago Shared publicly

Wow Marie! That is awesome! Does it

have the sound of trickling water?  Great
tutorial too! Pinning and sharing! XO

Marie Blackburn (The Interior

Frugalista) 2 years ago
Thanks so much +Christy James!
 Yes, the sound of the water
trickling is so relaxing - I just love
Read more

Christy James 2 years ago

Its very cool, Marie!  XO

Megan Vaughn
2 years ago +1 Shared publicly
This is absolutely incredible! Well done!

Marie Blackburn (The Interior

Frugalista) 2 years ago +1
Thanks so much +Megan

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