Soil (CBR/Subgrade) : Mord Morth

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xzkeh.k ekxksZa dk fuekZ.k MORD rFkk vU; jkT;@izeq[k@egRoiw.

kZ ftyk
ekxksZa@’kgjh ekxksZa dk fuekZ.k MORTH dh fof’kf"V;ksa ds vuq:i fd;k tk;A dk;ksZa dh
xq.koRrk lqfuf’pr djus ds fy, fuEukuqlkj egRoiw.kZ VsLV fd;s tk;sa ,oa bafxr la[;k ds
VsLV fjtYV dk;ksZa dh ekax ds lkFk Hkh layXu fd;s tk;saA
Soil (CBR/Subgrade)
California Bearing Ratio is a penetration test used to evaluate
mechanical strength of soil. CBR VsLV ds fy, vuqeksfnr@p;fur lajs[k.k ls feV~Vh ysdj
optimum moisture content ij mould rS;kj dj pkj fnu rd ikuh esa lks[k djus ds
mijkUr CBR izkIr dh tk;sA fofHkUu ds ekxksZa dh ifjdYiuk esa fuEukuqlkj CBR yh
tk;s &
SH 90th percentile
MDR/ODR 80th percentile

90th percentile means that 90% CBR values are greater than this value.
Min. Frequency
Test For utilisation certificate
CBR for 1 set of 3 test / km 1set of 3 test / km -
exiting soil
Sub-grade is the portion below pavement up to 500 mm in case of
SH/MDR/ODR and 300 mm for VR.
1. Standard Proctor Density – Maximum Dry Density (MDD) at Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)
using 2.5 Kg Rammer, 25 blows per layer, in 3 Layers.
2. Modified Proctor Density - Maximum Dry Density (MDD) at Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)
using 4.5 Kg Rammer, 25 blows per layer, in 5 Layers.

Min. Frequency For utilisation

MORTH ■■ certificate
Density 1 no / km 1 set of 10 density/ 2000 m2 3 nos / km *

Density should not be less than 100% of maximum laboratory dry density (Standard proctor density).
Density should not be less than 97% of maximum laboratory dry density (Modified proctor density).
Granular Sub-base (GSB)
Granular Sub-base (GSB) is a well graded material compacted on
prepared sub-grade. vuqeksfnr DoSjh ls lSEiy izkIr dj izfrf"Br laLFkkuksa@dkystksa@
DokfyVh izeks’ku lsy@vUos"k.kky; ls Job mix ,oa maximum dry density izkIr dh tk;s
,oa v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk ls vuqeksfnr djk;h tk;A
1. Impact value- Maximum 40
2. Gradation of Mix as per Table 400-1.
3. Density of compacted layer as per job mix

Test Min. Frequency For utilisation certificate

(As per MORTH)
Gradation 1 no / 400 m3 1 no / km *
Density ■ 1 no / 1000 m2 4 nos / km *

Density should not be less than 97% of maximum laboratory dry density (Modified proctor density).

Cementitious Sub-base (CTSB)

It consist of coarse graded aggregate mix, modified with 2% cement.
Seven days UCS of CTSB varies from 1.5 to 3 MPa.
150 mm cubic specimen cured and tested for 7 days UCS

Min. Frequency
Test (As per MORTH)/IRC 37 : 2018 For utilisation certificate

Gradation 1 no / 400 m3 1 no / km *
UCS ■ 3 test / 400 ton 2 nos / km *

7 days UCS shall not be less than 2 MPa.

Wet Mix Macadam (WMM)
Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) is a clean, crushed, graded aggregate,
premixed with water is laid as base course. The thickness of a single layer shall not be
less than 75 mm. vuqeksfnr DoSjh ls lSEiy izkIr dj izfrf"Br laLFkkuksa@dkystksa@ DokfyVh
izeks’ku lsy@vUos"k.kky; ls Job mix ,oa maximum dry density izkIr dh tk;s ,oa
v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk ls vuqeksfnr djk;h tk;A
1. Impact value- Maximum 30
2. Gradation of Mix as per Table 400-13.
3. Density of compacted layer as per job mix

Min. Frequency
Test For utilisation certificate
(As per MORTH)
Impact value 1 no / 1000 m3 1 no / 5 km *
Gradation 1 no / 200 m3 1 no / km *
Density ■ 1 set of 3 test / km 2 nos / km *

Density shall not be less than 98% of maximum dry density ( Modified Proctor density).

Cementitious Base (CTB)

It consist of coarse graded aggregate mix, modified with 4% cement. Its
elastic modulus (E) is determined from the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS)
of the material, which is equal to 1000 times the UCS. The seven days UCS of CTB
varies from 4.5 to 7 MPa.
1. Impact value- Maximum 30
2. Gradation of Mix as per Table 400-14
3. 150 mm cubic specimen cured and tested for 7 days UCS

Min. frequency
For utilisation
MORD MORTH/IRC 37 : 2018 certificate
Impact value 1 test / km 1 no / 1000 m3 1 no / 5 km *
Gradation 1 test / day 1 no / 200 m3 1 no / km *
UCS ■ - 3 test / 400 ton 2 nos / km *

7 days UCS shall not be less than 5 MPa
Aggregate Stabilized with
Emulsion/Foamed Bitumen
It consists of fresh aggregate or milled material from reclaimed asphalt
pavements treated with foamed bitumen or emulsion (3.5%) along with Cement (1%).
1. Impact value- Maximum 30
2. Gradation of Mix as per Table 400-14
3. Indirect tensile strength (ITS)
Determined by testing Marshall mould prepared with the mix, tested under peripheral loading.

Min. Frequency
Test For utilisation certificate
(As per MORTH)/IRC 37 : 2018
Impact value 1 no / 1000 m3 1 no / 5 km *

Gradation 1 no / 200 m3 1 no / km *
Indirect tensile
3 test / 400 ton 2 no / km *
strength ■

Specified minimum ITS Should be > 225 KPa

Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam (DBM)
The thickness of Dense Bituminous Macadam a single layer shall be 50
mm to 100 mm. vuqeksfnr DoSjh ls lSEiy izkIr dj izfrf"Br laLFkkuksa@dkystksa@DokfyVh
izeks’ku lsy@ vUos"k.kky; ls Job mix ,oa maximum dry density izkIr dh tk;s ,oa
v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk ls vuqeksfnr djk;h tk;A
1. Gradation
2. Density
3. Bitumen Content Where : A = mass of dry specimen in air, g,
D = mass of dry, wax coated specimen, g,
E = mass of wax coated specimen under water,
Bulk specific Gravity =
F = specific gravity of wax at 250 C (0.900)

Test Min. Frequency For utilisation certificate

(As per MORTH)
Gradation 1 set / 400 ton 1 no / km *

Density ■ 1 test / 700 m2 4 no / km *

% of Bitumen ■ ■ 1 set / 400 ton 2 no / km *

- Mean value of the density should not be less than :
92 % of theoretical maximum specific gravity of mix + 1.65 − ( . ) .
times the standard deviation

- To fulfil above criterion, the measurements shall be taken at each lane for a minimum completed length of one km.
- At any place value should not be less than 95 % of job mix bulk density.
As per job mix

Bituminous Concrete (BC)

BC is used in wearing courses. Laid in single layer which may be
30mm/40mm/50mm thick. vuqeksfnr DoSjh ls lSEiy izkIr dj izfrf"Br
laLFkkuksa@dkystksa@DokfyVh izeks’ku lsy@vUos"k.kky; ls Job mix ,oa maximum dry
density izkIr dh tk;sA
1. Gradation
2. Density Where : A = mass of dry specimen in air, g,
3. Bitumen Content D= mass of dry, wax coated specimen, g,
E= mass of wax coated specimen under water,
Bulk specific Gravity = F=specific gravity of wax at 250 C (0.900)

Minimum frequency
Test For utilisation certificate
(As per MORTH)
Gradation 1 set / 400 ton 1 no / km *

Density ■ 1 test / 700 m2 4 no / km *

% of Bitumen ■ ■ 1 set / 400 ton 1 no / km *


- Mean value of the density should not be less than :
92 % of theoretical maximum specific gravity of mix + 1.65 − ( . ) .
times the standard deviation

- To fulfil above criterion, the measurements shall be taken at each lane for a minimum completed length of one km.
- At any place value should not be less than 95 % of job mix bulk density.
As per job mix

Dry Lean Concrete (DLC)

fuekZ.k ds le; 150 mm ds D;wc dkLV fd, tk, ,oa muds Åij fnukad Hkh
vafdr fd, tk;A
Test Min. Frequency For utilisation certificate
(As per MORTH)
Compressive strength ■ 3 nos / 1000 m2 2 nos / km *

As per characteristic strength.

Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC)

izfrf"Br laLFkkuksa@dkystksa@DokfyVh izeks’ku lsy@vUos"k.kky; ls Job mix
djk;k tk, ,oa v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk ls vuqeksfnr djk;k tk;A fuekZ.k ds le; 150 mm ds
D;wc dkLV fd, tk, ,oa muds Åij fnukad Hkh vafdr fd, tk;A
Min. Frequency
Test For utilisation certificate
(As per MORTH)

Compressive strength ■ 2 nos / 150 m3 2 nos / km *

As per job mix.
Note : * For Single/double lane
 ,d fdyksehVj ls vf/kd xzkeh.k ekxZ fuekZ.k ds fy, fufonk vkeaf=r djrs le; jksVksosVj dh vfuok;Z;rk fcM
MkD;weUs V esa j[kh tk;A
 5 djksM+ ls vf/kd ykxr ds leLr dk;ksZa esa fufonk vkea=.k ds le; izR;sd dk;Z dh lkbV ij ,d dksj dfVax e’khu]
lhesUV ls ,xzhxsV ds LVsfcykbZyt s ’ku dk;Z ,oa lh0lh0 ekxZ fuekZ.k ds dk;Z esa esa 15 mould ,oa Compressive
strength checking equipment dh vfuok;Zrk fcM MkD;wesUV esa j[kh tk;A
;fn ,xzhxsV dk LVsfcykbZts’ku beY’ku ls izLrkfor gks rks fufonk vke=a.k ds le; izR;sd dk;Z dh
lkbZV ij ,oa ek’kZy eksYM VsfLVax e’khu dh vfuok;Zrk j[kh tk;A
 izR;sd [k.M esa 2 dksj dfVax e’khu] ,d ek’kZy eksYM VsfLVax e’khu] 15 mould, 2 Sand replacement testing
Apparatus ,oa Compressive strength checking equipment vo’; miyC/k gkus pkfg,A bldh vkiwfrZ cM+s dk;ksZa
esa miyC/k dfUVUtsUlh ls dh tk;A
 izR;sd o`Rr esa U;wfDy;j VsfLVax xst e’khu 'kh?kz Ø; dh tk;A bldh vkiwfrZ v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk] y[kuÅ o`Rr ds
ek/;e ls dh tkuh izLrkfor gSA
 izR;sd ,sls e.My esa tgka e.Myh; ySc gS ogka Falling weight deflecometer Ø; fd;s tk;] ftlds fy, vko’;d
/kujkf’k dh ekax eq[;ky; ls dh tk;A
 lHkh dk;ksZa ds VsLV fjtYV pk.kD; lk¶Vos;j ij viyksM fd, tk;A
iwoZ fuxZr ifji=ksa dks mijksDrkuqlkj mYysf[kr lhek rd la’kksf/kr ekuk tk;A

fuEufyf[kr dks lwpukFkZ ,oa vko';d dk;Zokgh gsrq izsf"kr %&
izeq[k lfpo] yks0fu0fo0@fu;kstu foHkkx@xzkE; fodkl foHkkx] m0iz0 'kklu] y[kuÅA
izeq[k lfpo vkokl] m0iz0 'kklu] y[kuÅA
lfpo] yks0fu0fo0] m0iz0 'kklu] y[kuÅA
izeq[k vfHk;Urk ¼ifjdYi@fu;kstu½@¼xzkeh.k lM+d½] yks0fu0fo0] y[kuÅA
izeq[k vfHk;Urk] flapkbZ foHkkx] dSaV jksM y[kuÅA
izcU/k funs'kd m0iz0] jk0fu0fu0fy0@m0iz0] jkT; lsrq fuxe fy0] y[kuÅA
eq[; izkfof/kd ijh{kd] yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx@flapkbZ foHkkx] y[kuÅA
egkys[kkdkj] oDlZ] m0iz0] bykgkcknA
leLr eq[; vfHk;Urk] yks0fu0fo0] m0iz0A
funs’kd ,oa eq[; vfHk;Urk] xzkeh.k vfHk;a=.k foHkkx] tokgj Hkou] y[kuÅA
funs’kd] e.Mh ifj"kn] fdlku e.Mh Hkou] foHkwfr[k.M] xkserhuxj] y[kuÅ
funs’kd] xUuk ifj"kn] 11 fryd ekxZ] y[kuÅA
funs’kd] iapk;rh jkt] fudV iqjfu;ka pkSjkgk] yksfg;k Hkou] y[kuÅA
funs'kd] izk;kstuk jpuk ,oa ewY;kadu izHkkx] ;kstuk Hkou] m0iz0 y[kuÅA
eq[;ky; fLFkr leLr ofj"B LVkQ+ vkfQ+lj@v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk] yks0fu0fo0] y[kuÅA
funs'kd] vUos"k.kky;@mi funs'kd] D;w0ih0lh0] yks0fu0fo0] y[kuÅA
leLr v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk@vf/k’kklh vfHk;Urk] yks0fu0fo0] m0iz0 A

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