A Reply To "What Is Public Archaeology?": Forum
A Reply To "What Is Public Archaeology?": Forum
A Reply To "What Is Public Archaeology?": Forum
Moshenska’s very stimulating forum article is all the more welcome for its crispness and
clarity, reminiscent of a mathematical proof. The model is essentially put forward in two
steps; the first defines ‘archaeological commodities’, the second seeking to define ‘public
archaeology’ by locating it in relation to the production and consumption of those com-
modities. The points raised on each below might only help to make the model more robust
and more widely applicable.
There may be a similar difficulty in the definition of ‘Type 2 – archaeological knowledge and
skills’ as ‘the intellectual aspect of archaeological work’, which work is defined in Type 3 as
‘the forms of work carried out by archaeologists’. Taken together, these two definitions risk
excluding all those forms of archaeological knowledge that are not the result of archaeologi-
cal work by archaeologists, which have had and still have immense importance in many
historical and cultural settings. Of course it may be countered that ‘archaeologist’ here is
meant to include anyone trying to make sense of material remains of the past, whether he is
a person living in the Neolithic and curating the bones of his ancestors, or whether she is a
contemporary native American transmitting ancestral myths to her children.
Most readers will however understand ‘archaeologist’ in a very different sense, restricted to
the contemporary, western model of archaeological practice. This concern is reinforced by
Type 4 and Type 5, which risk locating popular knowledge as subsidiary to and dependent
on the products and processes generated by specialists. In this sense, these definitions may
be unintentionally subscribing to a deficit model of archaeological knowledge (Grima 2004),
rather than one that empowers present-day ‘people without history’ (Wolf 1982). A model
that forms the basis for a definition of public archaeology needs to be applicable beyond the
confines of current western paradigms of archaeological practice, and to challenge those
Forum: grima 54
Grima, R 2004 Archaeological Research and the Public, 6th European Commission Conference on
Sustaining Europe’s Cultural Heritage: from Research to Policy, http://www.ucl.ac.uk/sustain-
ableheritage/conference-proceedings/pdf/3B.2_grima.pdf. Retrieved 12 February 2010.
Wolf, E 1982 Europe and the People without History. University of California Press, Berkeley.