Megatrends 6

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Tiempo de intervención del docente:

Asignatura: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Tiempo de práctica en aula del alumno/a:
Total de tiempo para desarrollo de la unidad didáctica:
San Salvador, El Salvador
Fecha de inicio: Fecha de finalización:
Nombre del docente:

Unidad: 1
Nombre de la Unidad: Ideal job

Objetivo(s) de Unidad: Identifying the general aspects of talking about jobs, talking about their past, write a profile of the people in their family and their jobs.


Competencia/s a desarrollar: .Jobs 1. Match the jobs to the definitions given. Showing respect while conversing.
 Jobs 2. Listen and check the jobs in the previous activity.
 Pronunciation 3. Listen again and underline the stressed syllables in the words in
exercise 1.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: It’s great to be outside 1. Listen and read the conversation. Showing interest to find out peers’ names and
 Used to + infinitive 2. Choose the correct option to complete right, wrong or doesn’t phone numbers.
 Adjectives followed by to + infinitive say.
 The indefinite of purpose 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and a Interacting politely and with respect when
 Verbs followed by to + infinitive main verb. introducing oneself and others.
 Verbs followed by the –ing form 4. Work with a partner, tell their partner three things about their life
 Giving opinions when they were five years old, using used to. The partner will
 Talking about jobs then ask them three questions.
5. Write eight sentences that give their opinions.
6. Listen to Amy and Ben giving their opinions, and then write the
letter of the correct adjective from exercise 5 for each of them.
7. Compare their opinions with their partners, find out how many
are the same.
8. Listen to and read Dominic’s diary
9. Put the pictures in the order of events.
10. Work with a partner. Ask their partner the questions given, their
partner has to answer without looking at Dominic’s diary.
11. Rewrite the sentences given, using and infinitive with to.
12. Write their own diary for three days of the past week, they can
use phrases from the box to help them.
13. Read and complete the dialogue, then listen and check.
14. Write the correct phrases in the speech balloons, then write
dialogue using the same phrases in exercise 13 and this one.
15. Practice the dialogue with partner.
16. Work with a partner, ask and answer the questions in the quiz,
write down their partners answers.
17. Write eight sentences that are true for them, including more
information if they like.
18. In pairs, work the conversation presented in the book.
19. Write a profile of the people in their family and the jobs they do.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: Skills development 1. Read the article and look at the photo, guess who is who? Showing acceptance and tolerance of errors
 Reading 2. Circle the correct meaning in spelling and identifying numbers.
 Writing 3. Answer the questions about the characters
 Speaking 4. Identify who’s talking Interacting politely and with respect when
 Listening 5. In pairs, as and answer the questions from the magazine introducing oneself and others.
6. Write a profile of themselves, answer the questions like the
profiles in the magazine articles.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: Culture spot 1. Listen and read the article Showing respect while conversing.
 Homes in the U.S. 2. How many types of homes are mentioned? Which are similar to
the homes in El Salvador? Showing interest to find out peers’ names and
3. Complete the questions with the correct question word and phone numbers.
write the answers.
4. Listen to these people. What sort of accommodation do they
5. Write a description of where they live, like the texts in ex.1
6. Read their description to the class, the class can ask them
questions to find out more information. Answer their questions.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: Just for fun! 1. Work with a partner, make sentences with if about one of the Showing respect while conversing.
things in the picture, and name it using a question tag.
2. There are six mistakes in this crazy project about the USA, talk Recognizing the importance of stress and
about the mistakes using question tags. intonation in the exchange of information or
Referencias metodológicas:


Tiempo de intervención del docente:

Asignatura: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Tiempo de práctica en aula del alumno/a:
Total de tiempo para desarrollo de la unidad didáctica:
San Salvador, El Salvador
Fecha de inicio: Fecha de finalización:
Nombre del docente:

Unidad: 2
Nombre de la Unidad: House matters

Objetivo(s) de Unidad: Identifying the general aspects of making a reservation, identifying pictures booking a hotel by phone, designing their ideal home.


Competencia/s a desarrollar: House Contents 1. Listen to the description of the kitchen and living room of this house, find Showing interest in the
 House words the items mentioned.
2. Work with a partner; study the picture for 60 seconds. How many items
information exchanged by peers.
can they remember?
Competencia/s a desarrollar: The girl who lives in Mexico city 1. Listen and read the conversation. Showing respect toward peers’
 Relative pronouns 2. Answer the questions about the conversation. descriptions.
 Present simple passive 3. Complete the sentences with who or that
 Making a reservation 4. Join the sentences with who or that
5. Work with a partner, take turns identifying the people and things
in the picture, then write captions for the pictures.
6. Listen and read another conversation.
7. Check the items that are in the house.
8. Complete the signs, notices and invitations.
9. Make the active sentences passive.
10. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box, then listen
and check.
11. Work with a partner; act out the dialogue from memory.
12. Listen and read the text
13. Answer the questions
14. Complete the sentences with who, that, where or whose.
15. Listen to the conversation between Mrs. Guzman and the
receptionist at the Liberty Hotel. Listen again and complete the
chart or the Regent Hotel and the Gettysburg Inn.
16. Listen to the sound in the words and add more words to the list.
17. Write a letter to a hotel in the US, ask about rooms using Mrs
Guzman’s letter as model.
18. In pairs, take turns playing the receptionist and the guest’s
19. Continue the conversation asking about the amenities in the
20. Design their ideal home.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: The vacation of a lifetime 1. Listen and read, which hotel would you prefer to stay in? Demonstrating empathy before
 Skills Development 2. Find words or phrases for the following in the texts. others’ concerns.
3. Write four things that are unusual about each hotel, then
compare their list to their partners.
4. Which hotel is best for these people, the Hotelito Desconocido
or the Ice Hotel.
5. In pairs, practice the conversation using the cues given.
6. Imagine they are staying at one of the hotels, write a postcard
to a friend back home.
Referencias metodológicas:

Tiempo de intervención del docente:

Asignatura: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Tiempo de práctica en aula del alumno/a:
Total de tiempo para desarrollo de la unidad didáctica:
San Salvador, El Salvador
Fecha de inicio: Fecha de finalización:
Nombre del docente:

Unidad: 3
Nombre de la Unidad: Injuries

Objetivo(s) de Unidad: Identifying the general aspects of describing what’s wrong with a person, report someone’s commands, talking about imaginary situations.


Competencia/s a desarrollar: .Injury and Illness 1. Listen and complete Participating in oral exchanges
 Illnesses vocabulary 2. Mime an illness or injury, and have their partner guess what it actively.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: Somebody’s always late 1. Listen and read Showing appreciation for his/her
 Pronouns and adverbs beginning 2. Choose the correct option classmates’ remarks
some-, any-, every-, no- 3. Complete the sentences using words beginning with some-,
 Reported commands any-, every-, or no-.
 If clauses 4. Listen and check the correct picture.
 Describing what’s wrong with you 5. Play “I Spy”
6. Listen and read the conversation
7. Answer the questions
8. Report the commands, remembering to change the possessive
adjectives and pronouns.
9. Number the people in the order the hypnotist talks to them,
then listen again and write the number of the person next to
the correct phrase, finally write sentences about what the
hypnotist told people to do.
10. Play the game presented in the book.
11. Listen and read
12. Write the questions for the answers given.
13. Identify what is wrong with the two people in the chart.
14. Listen to the doctor at the hospital talking to Eloisa. What’s
wrong with her? What does the doctor tell her to do?
15. Match the two halves of the sentences, then complete the
sentences by putting the verbs in the correct tenses.
16. Listen what’s the difference in the way gh is pronounced in the
words given, then how they pronounce the other set of words
and finally listen and check.
17. Complete the sentences with the correct phrases, then listen
and check, after that, work with a partner and write six more
sentences using the phrases in ex.17a.
18. Work with a partner and complete the sentences with their own
19. Write 50 words beginning with “If I were a millionaire…”
Competencia/s a desarrollar: Talk back 1. Listen and read, each person sent in a picture with their letter Complimenting his/her
 Skills development but who sent which picture? classmates’ preferences for
2. Try to guess the meaning of the words and phrases from the clothing and accessories.
3. Say what each person is writing about using words or phrases
from the text.
4. Read the letters and then identify if the people agree or
disagree with the others and check
5. Work with a partner and on each issue, say who they agree
with and give their reasons.
6. Write a letter to Talk back, give their views on one of the
Competencia/s a desarrollar: The North and the South 1. Listen and read. Participating in oral exchanges
 Culture Spot 2. Find words for the following in Texas. actively.
3. Work with a partner and ask and answer the questions given.
4. Write about their own region’s traditions start by making notes
under the headings given.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: Just for fun! 1. Play the game presented in the book. Showing appreciation for his/her
2. Work with a partner and then have them ask and answer classmates’ remarks.
Referencias metodológicas:


Tiempo de intervención del docente:

Asignatura: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Tiempo de práctica en aula del alumno/a:
Total de tiempo para desarrollo de la unidad didáctica:
San Salvador, El Salvador
Fecha de inicio: Fecha de finalización:
Nombre del docente:

Unidad: 4
Nombre de la Unidad: My town and country

Objetivo(s) de Unidad: Identifying the general aspects of giving clues for others to identify objects, recommend places to visit and describe regions.


Competencia/s a desarrollar: Town and country 1. Number the places in the order they hear them, they can listen more than Showing respect while conversing.
 Places once.
2. Listen to Vanessa and number the places in the order she mentions
 Vocabulary practice
3. In pairs, make a list of the things that are near their home, then tell their
partner about them.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: I’d gone to the movies 1. Listen and read. Showing interest to find out peers’ names and
 Past perfect simple 2. Answer the questions. phone numbers.
 Reported statements 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the
 Say and Tell correct tenses, then combine the sentences using but or Interacting politely and with respect when
 If clauses because and then combine each pair of sentences using when. introducing oneself and others.
 Describing locations 4. Read Adam’s e-mail. Write a similar description of where their
house is.
5. Try this quiz with their partner.
6. Listen and read
7. Answer the questions
8. Write a caption for each picture
9. Complete the reported statements
10. Play “The telephone game”
11. Look at the photos and put the dialogue in order, then listen
and check
12. Answer the questions given.
13. Complete the sentences with would have or could have + the
past participle of the verb in brackets, then complete the
14. Listen to each word, then listen to the same word in a sentence
and practice saying the sentences with a partner.
15. Use the phrases in the box to complete the letter, then listen
and check.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: Big city to beach. 1. Listen and read Showing acceptance and tolerance of errors
 Skills development 2. Answer the questions in spelling and identifying numbers.
3. Identify who’s talking, then listen again and discuss which does
each person prefer, the city or the beach. Interacting politely and with respect when
4. Discuss if they have ever moved from one town to another introducing oneself and others.
5. Write a paragraph giving their opinions.
6. Recommend places to visit in El Salvador.
Referencias metodológicas:

Tiempo de intervención del docente:

Asignatura: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Tiempo de práctica en aula del alumno/a:
Total de tiempo para desarrollo de la unidad didáctica:
San Salvador, El Salvador
Fecha de inicio: Fecha de finalización:
Nombre del docente:

Unidad: 5
Nombre de la Unidad: Going out

Objetivo(s) de Unidad: Identifying the general aspects of ordering a meal in a restaurant, ordering from a menu, talk about food around the world.


Competencia/s a desarrollar: .Eating out. 1. Listen and follow Showing respect while conversing.
 Food vocabulary 2. With a partner, cover the picture and say as many items as they
can remember.
3. Listen, put a check next to the positive comments and an X next
to the negative comments.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: We’ve been waiting here for ages. 1. Listen and read. Showing interest to find out peers’ names and
 Present perfect continuous 2. Complete the summary phone numbers.
 Past simple passive 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct
 Reported questions form of the present perfect continuous. Interacting politely and with respect when
 Ordering a meal in a restaurant 4. Look at the pictures nd answer what have they been doing? introducing oneself and others.
5. Listen and answer the questions.
6. Work with a partner and ask and answer questions.
7. Listen and read
8. Answer the questions
9. Complete the sentences with was/were and then complete the
sentences using the verbs in the past.
10. With a partner, take turns choosing a category and ask and
answer questions, then listen and check their answers.
11. Write the answers to ex.10.
12. Listen and write down what the people order from the menu
13. Take turns ordering from the menu
14. What do they think of the food? Listen and put a check or a
cross to show whether they liked what they choose.
15. In pairs, imagine they are at the restaurant, then ask and
answer about the food.
16. Read the dialogue
17. Without looking at the previous conversation, try to answer the
questions given.
18. Listen to each word, then listen to the same word in a sentence,
practice the sentences with a partner.
19. Order a meal in a restaurant.
Competencia/s a desarrollar: The boy who sailed across the Atlantic. 1. Listen and read Showing acceptance and tolerance of errors
 Skills development 2. Match the words with the meanings in spelling and identifying numbers.
3. Put the pictures in the order of events
4. Listen and write which day it is Interacting politely and with respect when
5. Write diary entries for days when they did unusual or exciting introducing oneself and others.
6. In pairs, practice the conversations and ask and answer
Competencia/s a desarrollar: The most popular food on the planet. 1. Answer the questions Showing respect while conversing.
 Culture Spot 2. Listen and read
3. Complete the sentences with the words given
4. With a partner, ask as many questions as possible about food
from around the world.
Referencias metodológicas:

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