HW8 s05 Soln

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Fields and Waves I Spring 2005

Homework 8

Due: 3 May 2005

Transmission Lines

1. Multiple Choice (16)

a) The VSWR (standing wave ratio):

a) is a measure of the match between the source impedance and line impedance
b) may be equal to 1
c) is a measure of the match between the load impedance and line impedance
d) may be equal to 0

b) The impedance of a lossless transmission line depends on

a) material properties
b) voltage
c) geometry
d) current

c) If the total voltage as a function of position on a transmission line is:

VL= V+ e-jβz+V+ejβz

a) The load is an open circuit

b) The transmission line is lossless
c) ΓL= -1
d) VSWR = ∞ (infinity)

d) The characteristic impedance of typical cable TV transmission line is

a) 93 Ω
b) 50 Ω
c) 75 Ω
d) 300 Ω

2. For the following expressions state if the wave is a standing or traveling wave,
explain. If it is a traveling wave give the direction. For either case give the wavelength.
Co is an arbitrary constant. (10 Pts).

a) Cosin(1000t+π/2)cos(3000x+4) Standing because the arguments depend only

on t or x, not both.
b) Cocos(4000t+375y+11) Traveling because the argument depends on both t and
y. The wave travels in the negative y direction because the sign of the y term is the same
as the sign of the t term.

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 1 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
u= = 182
. x108 Homework 8
l 2.2e − 7
Zo = = = 40
c . e − 10

A component on a printed circuit board sends a 5 [V], 0.5 [ns] pulse down a 10 [cm] long
transmission line. The circuit is shown in the figure. Assume that the line is lossless.

a) Draw a reflection (bouncing) diagram illustrating the circuit behavior. Include all
appropriate numbers. Model the behavior until after the signal gets to the load for the
third time (i.e. 3 reflections off the load and 2 off the generator). (12 pts)
10 − 40 120 − 40 010
ΓS = = −0.6 ΓL = = 0.5 T = . x10 −10
= 55
10 + 40 120 + 40 . x108
Voltage divider:
VIN =5 =4 t t
40 + 10

3T 3T
Path of the pulse
2T 2T


z=0 z=d
b) Plot the voltages at the load and the input as a function of time. Be sure to include all
numerical values on the axis. (12 pts) At the output end,

T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T
K. A. Connor 26 April 2005
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 2 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
Homework 8





0s 0.5ns 1.0ns 1.5ns 2.0ns 2.5ns 3.0ns 3.5ns 4.0ns 4.5ns 5.0ns

PSpice is used to plot this out just for neatness. It can always be used to check results for
homework. At the input and output ends






0s 0.5ns 1.0ns 1.5ns 2.0ns 2.5ns 3.0ns 3.5ns 4.0ns 4.5ns 5.0ns

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 3 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
Homework 8


4 . Multiple Choice (16)

a) The capacitance of two fixed conductors with free space between them:

a) increases if the voltage difference between the conductors decreases

b) increases if the magnitude of the charge on the conductors increases
c) increases if a dielectric material is placed between the conductors
d) increases if the stored electric energy WE increases

b) Which of the following are always continuous across a material boundary?

a) Tangential electric field, Et
b) Normal electric field, E n
c) Tangential electric flux, Dt
d) Voltage, V
c) Which of the following differential operations result in a scalar ( A is an arbitrary
vector, f is an arbitrary scalar)
a) the divergence ∇ ⋅ A
b) the gradient ∇f
c) the curl ∇ × A
d) the l
e) the Laplacian, ∇ 2 f
d) The field inside a cube with sides of length a is E = E x a$ x + E y a$ y . The stored energy in
this region is:

a) ε ( E x + E y )a 3
b) ε ( E x + E y )2 a 3
ε ( E x + E y )a 3
2 2
d) 0

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 4 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
Homework 8

5. Use the finite difference approximation to estimate the voltages at the four points
shown in the figure. (13 pts)


12 V
. VA .VB
12 V

. VC .VD

-8 V

The voltage at each point the first time through is equal to:

V A = (12 + 8 + 0 + 0) / 4 = 5
VB = (12 + 8 + 5 + 0) / 4 = 6.25
VC = (12 − 8 + 5 + 0) / 4 = 2.25
VD = (12 − 8 + 2.25 + 6.25) / 4 = 12.5 / 4 = 3125

The voltage at each point the second time through is equal to:

V A = (12 + 8 + 6.25 + 2.25) / 4 = 7.125

VB = (12 + 8 + 7.125 + 3125
. ) / 4 = 7.5625
VC = (12 − 8 + 7.125 + 3125
. ) / 4 = 3.5625
VD = (12 − 8 + 7.5625 + 35625
. ) / 4 = 12.5 / 4 = 3.7813

The voltage at each point the nth time through is equal to:

VA = 8
VB = 8
VC = 4
VD = 4

The voltage can also be guessed and checked. This same result came from a spreadsheet.

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 5 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
Homework 8

6. A coaxial cable is constructed using two insulating materials. There is a voltage V0 on

the inner conductor and the outer conductor is grounded. The charge per unit length on
the inner conductor is ρl [C/m].


(side view) (end view)

a) Determine the electric field E in the region a ≤ r ≤ c (7pts)
ρl D ρ
The electric flux density is Dr = so the electric field is E r = r = l
2πr ε 2πεr
where ε = ε1 or ε = ε 2 for a<r<b or b<r<c, respectively.

b) Determine the voltage (potential), V at all points in the same region, a ≤ r ≤ c (7 pts)
a b ρl a ρl ρ ⎛ 1 b 1 c⎞
The voltage is V (a ) = − ∫ E r dr = − ∫ dr − ∫ dr = l ⎜ ln + ln ⎟
c c 2πε r b 2πε r 2π ⎝ ε1 a ε 2 b ⎠
2 2

r b ρl r ρl ρ ⎛ 1 b 1 c⎞
V (r ) = − ∫ E r dr = − ∫ dr − ∫ dr = l ⎜ ln + ln ⎟ for a<r<b
c c 2πε 2 r b 2πε 2 r 2π ⎝ ε1 r ε 2 b ⎠
r r ρl ρ ⎛ 1 c⎞
V (r ) = − ∫ E r dr = − ∫ dr = l ⎜ ln ⎟ for b<r<c
c c 2πε 2 r 2π ⎝ ε 2 r ⎠
c) Determine the capacitance, C per unit length of this cable? (7 pts)

ρl ⎛ 1 b 1 c ⎞
V (a ) = Vo = ⎜ ln + ln ⎟ so that the capacitance per unit length is
2π ⎝ ε1 a ε 2 b ⎠

C ⎛ ρl ⎛ 1 b 1 c ⎞ ⎞ 2π
=⎜ ⎜ ln + ln ⎟ ⎟ = which is exactly the same result one
l ⎝ 2π ⎝ ε1 a ε 2 b ⎠ ⎠ b 1 c 1
ln + ln
ε1 a ε 2 b
would get by taking the series combination of the two cylindrical capacitors that
represent each region of insulator.

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 6 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
Homework 8

Magnetic Fields

7. Multiple Choice (16)

a) Which of the following is true regarding the magnetic properties of materials:

a) relative permeability can be less than 1

b) relative permeability can be greater than 10000
c) plastic makes an excellent core for a transformer
d) it is possible to make frogs levitate

b) For Beakman’s Motor:

a) The field due to the current in the coil may be approximated as a solenoid type of
b) The battery internal resistance wasn’t negligible in the circuit analysis
c) The movie brought tears to my eyes; I can’t wait for the sequel
d) The oscilloscope impedance is approximately the same magnitude as the resistive
components in the circuit (wire, paper clips, etc.)

c) For a current carrying wire with a uniform current density :

a) ∇ ⋅ B = 0 inside the wire
b) ∇ ⋅ B = 0 outside the wire
c) ∇ × H = 0 inside the wire
d) ∇ × H = 0 outside the wire

d) Hysteresis:
r r
a) describes the nonlinear relationship between H and B
r r
b) describes the nonlinear relationship between E and D
c) applies to ferromagnetic materials
d) applies to dielectric materials

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 7 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
Homework 8

8. A circular conductor of radius r0= 1 [cm] has an internal field

r 10 4 1 r
H= ( sinar − cosar)a$ [A/m] where a = π . Find the total current in the
r a 2 a φ 2r
conductor. (10 pts)
The total current can be determined from the line integral of H around the boundary of
r r
the conductor I encl = ∫ H ⋅ dl First evaluate H at the boundary ro=1.
r 10 4 1 r 10 4 1 π 1 π
H= ( sinar − cosar)a$ = ( sin − cos )a$ = 10 4 a$
r a 2 a φ 1 1 2 2 1 2 φ φ
r r
I encl = ∫ H ⋅ dl = 2π 10 4

9. A toroidal magnet is constructed using a rectangular cross section toroidal core around
which N turns of wire carrying a current I are wound. The permeability of the core is

a) Find the magnetic field, B everywhere? (6 pts)
The magnetic field outside of the core is zero. Inside the core, we can use Ampere’s Law
r r µNI
∫ ⋅ dl = 2πrBφ = µNI so that Bφ = 2πr .

b) Determine the magnetic flux, ψ linked by the wires? (6 pts)

r r µNI b dr µNI b
The magnetic flux ψ = ∫ B ⋅ dS = h
2π ∫a r
= ln h
2π a

c) Determine the total magnetic field energy, Wm stored in the core material (6 pts)
1 r r 1 b µNI NI 1 µN 2 I 2 b
The magnetic field energy is Wm = ∫ B ⋅ Hdv = 2πh ∫ rdr = ln h
2 2 a 2πr 2πr 2 2π a

d) Determine the inductance of the toroid, L from your answer to (c) (6 pts)
1 2 1 µN 2 I 2 b
The inductance determined from the energy Wm = LI = ln h is
2 2 2π a
µN 2
L= ln h
2π a

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 8 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
Homework 8

EM Waves

10. Multiple Choice (16)

a) A transverse EM wave in free space

a) is traveling with the speed of light (c=3x108 m/s)
b) has a magnetic field which is parallel to the direction of propagation
c) has an intrinsic impedance of 377 Ohms
d) has electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other

b) Complex permittivity
a) should be considered when conductivity is finite in a dielectric
b) is independent of frequency
c) has only a real part if the medium is lossless
d) is a function of skin depth

c) A plane wave in free space is normally incident on a lossy dielectric material

a) at the location of the boundary, the electric field in both regions must be the same
b) at the location of the boundary, the magnetic field in both regions must be the same
c) the magnitude of the reflection coefficient will be greater than 1
d) a current density will be induced in the bulk of the material

d) Polarization
a) describes the state (e.g. circular, linear, etc) of the wave
b) describes the locus of the tip of E
c) depends on the phase difference between two orthogonal components of the E
d) depends on the ratio of the magnitudes of two orthogonal components of the E

11. A plane wave is normally incident on distilled water (σ≈0, εr=80). Find the reflection
and transmission coefficients. (16 pts)
η − η1 1 120π 120π
Γ= 2 η1 = ηo = 120π η2 = ηo = = = 13.4π = 42
η2 + η1 80 80 8.94
η2 + η1
1 − 80 2
Γ= = −.8 τ= = 0.2
1 + 80 1 + 80

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 9 Troy,New York, USA 1
Fields and Waves I Spring 2005
Homework 8

12. The electric field phasor of a uniform plane wave traveling in a lossless medium with
an intrinsic impedance of 188.5 [Ω] is given by E = 10e − j 4πy a$ z [mV/m]. Determine

a) The associated magnetic field phasor H (6 pts)
~ − j 4πy
~ E 10e
The magnitude of the magnetic field phasor H = =
η 188.5
The wave propagates in the y-direction, which must be the direction of the cross
product of E and H. E is in the z-direction which means that H is in the x-direction.
r − j 4πy
~ 10e
Thus, H = a$ x
b) The instantaneous expression for E if the medium is non-magnetic (µ=µ0) (6 pts)
E ( y , t ) = a$ z 10 cos(ωt − βy ) From the given expression, β = 4π = ω µo ε o ε r . We
µo 1 ⎛ 377 ⎞
also know that η = = 188.5 which gives us ε r = ⎜ ⎟ = 4 . We then have
εo εr ⎝ 188.5⎠
that 4π = ω µo ε o ε r = 8
so that ω = (2π )3x108 = 6πx108
3x10 r
c) The instantaneous expression for H if the medium is non-magnetic (µ=µ0 )(6 pts)
r 10
H ( y , t ) = a$ x cos(ωt − βy) = a$ x 0.53 cos(ωt − βy )


For a single
r uniform plane wave in a lossless medium, show that the average Poynting
vector S , equals the product of the average energy density times the phase velocity.

1 E m e − jβz E m e + jβz 1 E m
r r r*
S ave = Re E × H = )
2 η
2 η
r r r r
µε 4
( 1
) 1
( )
and the energy density is wm = Re D ⋅ E * + Re B ⋅ H * = εE m so the

1 1 1 1 2 1 Em
product is equal to uwm = εE m 2 = Em =
µε 2 µ 2 2 η

K. A. Connor 26 April 2005

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 10 Troy,New York, USA 1

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