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PERGAMON Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717

A review of homogenization and topology optimization

IÐhomogenization theory for media with periodic
B. Hassani, E. Hinton *
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP, U.K.

Received 28 January 1997; accepted 28 April 1997


This is the ®rst part of a three-paper review of homogenization and topology optimization, viewed from an
engineering standpoint and with the ultimate aim of clarifying the ideas so that interested researchers can easily
implement the concepts described. In the ®rst paper we focus on the theory of the homogenization method where
we are concerned with the main concepts and derivation of the equations for computation of e€ective constitutive
parameters of complex materials with a periodic micro structure. Such materials are described by the base cell,
which is the smallest repetitive unit of material, and the evaluation of the e€ective constitutive parameters may be
carried out by analysing the base cell alone. For simple microstructures this may be achieved analytically, whereas
for more complicated systems numerical methods such as the ®nite element method must be employed. In the
second paper, we consider numerical and analytical solutions of the homogenization equations. Topology
optimization of structures is a rapidly growing research area, and as opposed to shape optimization allows the
introduction of holes in structures, with consequent savings in weight and improved structural characteristics. The
homogenization approach, with an emphasis on the optimality criteria method, will be the topic of the third paper
in this review. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ratio of weight to strength, some composites bene®t

from other desirable properties, such as corrosion and
Advances in technology in recent years have been thermal resistance, toughness and lower cost. Usually,
paralleled by the increased use of composite materials composite materials comprise of a matrix which could
in industry. Since materials have di€erent properties, it be metal, polymeric (like plastics) or ceramic, and a re-
seems sensible to make use of the good properties of inforcement or inclusion, which could be particles or
each single ingredient by using them in a proper com- ®bres of steel, aluminum, silicon etc.
bination. For example, a simple mixture of clay, sand Composite materials may be de®ned as a man-made
and straw produced a composite building material material with di€erent dissimilar constituents, which
which was used by the oldest known civilizations. The occupy di€erent regions with distinct interfaces
further development of non-metallic materials and between them [1]. The properties of a composite are
composites has attracted the attention of scientists and di€erent from its individual constituents. A cellular
engineers in various ®elds, for example, aerospace, body can be considered as a simple case of a compo-
transportation, and other branches of civil and mech- site, comprising solids and voids. This is the case
anical engineering. Apart from the considerably low which is used in the structural topology optimization.
In this study, composites with a regular or nearly
regular structure are considered. Having suciently
* Corresponding author. regular heterogenities enables us to assume a periodic

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708 B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717

structure for the composite. It should be emphasized a 3  3 diagonal matrix:

that in comparison with the dimensions of the body 2 3
n1 0 0
the size of these non-homogeneities should be very
N ˆ 4 0 n2 0 5;
small. Owing to this, these types of material are some-
0 0 n3
times called composites with periodic microstructures.
Even with the help of high-speed modern computers, where n1, n2 and n3 are arbitrary integer numbers, and
the analysis of the boundary value problems consisting Y = hY1 Y2 Y3iT is a constant vector which deter-
of such media with a large number of heterogenities, is mines the period of the structure; F can be a scalar or
extremely dicult. A natural way to overcome this dif- vectorial or even tensorial function of the position vec-
®culty is to replace the composite with a kind of equiv- tor x. For example, in a composite tissued by a period-
alent material model. This procedure is usually called ically repeating cell Y, the mechanical behaviour is
homogenization. One way of ®nding the properties of described by the constitutional relations of the form:
such composites is by carrying out experimental tests.
It is quite evident that because of the volume and cost sij ˆ cijkl ekl ;
of the required tests for all possible reinforcement and the tensor cijkl is a periodic function of the spatial
types, experimental measurements are often impracti-
coordinate x, so that
The mathematical theory of homogenization, which cijkl …x ‡ NY† ˆ cijkl …x† …2†
has developed since the 1970 s is used as an alternative
approach to ®nd the e€ective properties of the equival-
ent homogenized material [2±4]. This theory can be cijkl …x1 ‡ n1 Y1 ; x2 ‡ n2 Y2 ; x3 ‡ n3 Y3 † ˆ cijkl …x1 ; x2 ; x3 †:
applied in many areas of physics and engineering hav-
ing ®nely heterogeneous continuous media, like heat cijkl(x) is called the Y-periodic (see Fig. 1). Note that
transfer or ¯uid ¯ow in porous media or, for example, sij and ekl are, respectively, the stress and strain ten-
electromagnetism in composites. In fact, the basic sors.
assumption of continuous media in mechanics and In the theory of homogenization the period Y com-
physics can be thought of as sort of homogenization, pared with the dimensions of the overall domain is
as the materials are composed of atoms or molecules. assumed to be very small. Hence, the characteristic
From a mathematical point of view, the theory of functions of these highly heterogeneous media will
homogenization is a limit theory which uses the rapidly vary within a very small neighbourhood of a
asymptotic expansion and the assumption of period- point x. This fact inspires the consideration of two
icity to substitute the di€erential equations with di€erent scales of dependencies for all quantities: one
rapidly oscillating coecients, with di€erential on the macroscopic or global level x, which indicates
equations whose coecients are constant or slowly slow variations, and the other on the microscopic or
varying in such a way that the solutions are close to local level y, which describes rapid oscillations.
the initial equations [5]. The ratio of the real length of a unit vector in the
This method makes it possible to predict both the microscopic coordinates to the real length of a unit
overall and local properties of processes in composites. vector in the macroscopic coordinates, is a small par-
In the ®rst step, the appropriate local problem on the ameter E. so Ey = x or y = x/E. Consequently, if g is a
unit cell of the material is solved and the e€ective ma- general function then we can say g = g(x, x/E) = g(x,
terial properties are obtained. In the second step, the y). To illustrate the technique let us assume that F(x)
boundary value problem for a homogenized material is is a physical quantity of a strongly heterogeneous med-

2. Periodicity and Asymptotic Expansion

A heterogeneous medium is said to have a regular

periodicity if the functions denoting some physical
quantity of the the mediumÐeither geometrical or
some other characteristicsÐhave the following prop-
F …x ‡ NY† ˆ F …x†: …1†
Fig. 1. Periodicity requires that the functions have equal
x = (x1, x2, x3) is the position vector of the point, N is values at points P1, P2,. . ., P6.
B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717 709

®cation factor which enlarges the dimensions of a base

cell to be comparable with the dimensions of the
material [6±8], see Fig. 4.
In the double-scale technique, the partial di€erential
equations of the problem have coecients of the form
a(x/E) or a(y), where a(y) is a periodic function of its
arguments. The corresponding boundary value pro-
blem may be treated by asymptotically expanding the
solution in powers of the small parameter E. This tech-
nique has already proved to be useful in the analysis
of slightly perturbed periodic processes in the theory
Fig. 2. A highly oscillating function. of vibrations. The same principle is extendible to pro-
cesses occurring in composite materials with a regular
ium. Thus F(x) will have oscillations, see Fig. 2. To If we assign a coordinate system x = (x1, x2, x3) in
study these oscillations using this double-scale expan- R3 space to de®ne the domain of the composite ma-
sion, the space can be enlarged as indicated in Fig. 3. terial problem O, then assuming periodicity, the
The small parameter E also provides an indication of domain can be regarded as a collection of parallel-
the proportion between the dimensions of the base piped cells of identical dimensions EY1, EY2, EY3, where
cells of a composite and the whole domain, known as Y1, Y2 and Y3 are the sides of the base cell in a local
the characteristic inhomogeneity dimension. As a (microscopic) coordinate system y = (y1, y2, y3) = x/E.
hypothetical example, E for the skin cells of the human So for a ®xed x in the macroscopic level, any depen-
body is larger than E for the atoms of which it is com- dency on y can be considered Y-periodic. Moreover, it
prised. The quantity 1/E can be thought of as a magni- is assumed that the form and composition of the base

Fig. 3. One of the oscillations in the expanded scale.

Fig. 4. Characteristic dimension of inhomogeneity and scale enlargement.

710 B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717

cell varies in a smooth way with the macroscopic vari- vary inside each cell:
able x. This means that for di€erent points the struc-
EE …x; x=E† ˆ EE …x=E† ˆ E…y† …5†
ture of the composite may vary, but if one looks
through a microscope at a point at x, a periodic pat- and
tern can be found.
Functions determining the behaviour of the compo- gE …x; x=E† ˆ gE …x=E† ˆ g…y†: …6†
site can be expanded as: Using the double-scale asymptotic expansion:
FE …x† ˆ F0 …x; y† ‡ EF1 …x; y† ‡ E2 F2 …x; y† ‡    ;
uE …x† ˆ u0 …x; y† ‡ Eu1 …x; y† ‡ E2 u2 …x; y† ‡    …7†
0 1
where E 4 0 and functions F (x, y), F (x, y), . . . are
smooth with respect to x and Y-periodic in y, which
means that they take equal values on the opposite sE …x† ˆ s0 …x; y† ‡ Es1 …x; y† ‡ E2 2…x; y† ‡    ; …8†
sides of the parallel-piped base cell.
where ui(x, y) and si(x, y), (i = 1, 2, . . . ) are periodic
on y and the length of period is Y. In due course the
3. One-dimensional Elasticity Problem following facts will be referred to:
Fact (1). The derivative of a periodic function is
To clarify the homogenization method, the simple also periodic with the same period.
case of calculation of deformation of an inhomo- Fact (2). The integral of the derivative of a function
geneous bar in the longitudinal direction is considered. over the period is zero. (These facts can easily be veri-
Here, we attempt to derive the modulus of elasticity ®ed by the de®nition of derivative and periodicity.)
without recourse to advanced mathematics.
Fact (3). If F = F(x, y) and y depends on x, then:
According to the assumptions of the theory, the
medium has a periodic composite microstructure dF @F @F @y
ˆ ‡ :
(Fig. 5). dx @x @y @x
The governing equations, in the form of Hooke's
law of linear elasticity and the Cauchy's ®rst law of In this case, as y = x/E, so
motion (equilibrium equation), are: dF @F 1 @F
ˆ ‡ :
@uE dx @x E @y
sE ˆ EE ; …3†
Using the latter fact and substituting the series in
@sE Eqs. (7) and (8) into Eqs. (3) and (4), we obtain:
‡ gE ˆ 0: …4†
@x s0 ‡ Es1 ‡ E2 s2 ‡   
The dependency of the quantities to the size of the @u 1 @u0 @u1 @u1 @u1 @u2
unit cell of inhomogeneity is indicated by the super- ˆ E…y† ‡ ‡E ‡ ‡ E2 ‡E ‡  ;
@x E @y @x @y @x @y
script ``E''. sE is the stress, uE is the displacement, EE(x)
is the Young's modulus and gE is the weight per unit
volume of material. It is assumed that EE and gE are and
macroscopically uniform along the domain and only
@s0 1 @s0 @s1 @s1
‡ ‡E ‡ ‡    ‡ g…y† ˆ 0: …10†
@x E @y @x @y

By equating the terms with the same power of E,

Eq. (9) yields:
0 ˆ E…y† ; …11†
0 @u @u1
s ˆ E…y† ‡ ; …12†
@x @y
@y @u2
s1 ˆ E…y† ‡ ; …13†
@x @y

Fig. 5. A composite bar. and similarly from Eq. (10):

B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717 711

where Z is the dummy variable of integration and b is

ˆ 0; …14† a constant. Now, using the boundary condition
w(0) = w(Y) yields:

@s0 @s1 …Y
‡ ‡ g…y† ˆ 0: …15† a
@x @y dZ ÿ Y ˆ 0; …24†
0 E…Z†
From Eqs. (11) and (14) it is concluded that the func-
tions u0 and s0 only depend on x [i.e. u0(x) and s0(x)]. or
Bearing in mind that the relationship between s0(x)  …Y 
1 dZ
and u0(x) is sought (because they are independent of a ˆ 1= : …25†
the microscopic scale), Eq. (12) can be written as: Y 0 E…Z†
du …x† @u1 …x; y† Note that comparig Eqs. (19) and (21) one can see
s0 …x† ˆ E…y† ‡ : …16†
dx @y that
Dividing by E(y) and integrating both sides of Eq. (16) du0…x†
over the period Y, and using fact (2), yields: s0 …x† ˆ a ; …26†
0 dy du0 …x†
s …x† ˆ Y= : …17† and substituting for a from Eq. (25) yields
Y E…y† dx
Now, by substituting the value of s0(x) into Eq. (16), 0 1 dZ du0 …x†
s …x† ˆ 1= : …27†
we obtain: Y 0 E…Z† dx
  …   0
@u1 …x; y† dy du …x† By integrating Eq. (15) over the length of the period
ˆ Y= E…y† ÿ1 ;
@y Y E…y† dx (0, Y) and using fact (2) mentioned earlier, results in:
and by integrating this equation, we conclude that u1
ds0 …x†
has the following form: ‡ g ˆ 0; …28†
du0 …x†
u1 …x; y† ˆ w…y† ‡ x…x†; …18† where g=1/Y fY g(y)dy is the volumetric average of g
inside the base cell.
where w(y) is the initial function of the terms inside the
By studying Eqs. (27) and (28), we realize that they
square brackets and x(x) is the constant of integration
are very similar to the equations of one-dimensional
due to y. From Eqs. (16) and (18) it follows that (1D) elasticity in homogeneous material, and s0 and u0
dw…y† du0 …x† are independent of the microscopic scale y. The only
s0 …x† ˆ E…y† 1 ‡ : …19† di€erence is the elasticity coecient, which should be
dy dx
replaced by the homogenized one. Hence, the problem
Di€erentiating Eq. (19) with respect to y, one con- can be summarized as:
cludes that

   s0 …x† ˆ EH du0 …x†=dx
d dw…y† …29†
E…y† 1 ‡ ˆ 0; on Y; …20† ds0 …x†=dx ‡ g ˆ 0;
dy dy

and w(y) takes equal values on the opposite faces of Y where

[i.e. w(0) = w(Y)]. Integrating Eq. (20) yields  …Y 
  1 dZ
dw…y† EH ˆ 1= ; …30†
E…y† 1 ‡ ˆ a …a is a constant†; …21† Y 0 E…Z†

or is the homogenized modulus of elasticity.

To ®nd displacements, following the same as for the
dw…y† a
ˆ ÿ 1: …22† homogeneous material, the bar problem is now
dy E…y† straightforward. Combining the two parts of Eq. (29),
Integrating Eq. (22) it follows that we obtain:
a @2 u0 …x† g
w…y† ˆ ÿ 1 dZ ‡ b; …23† ˆÿ H:
0 E…Z† @x2 E
712 B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717

By two times integration and using the boundary con- 5. General Boundary Value Problem
ditions (x = 0; u = 0) and (x = L; du/dx = 0) it
results in: Many physical systems which do not change with
2 timeÐsometimes called steady-state problemsÐcan be
g x g
u…x† ˆ ÿ ‡ Lx: modelled by elliptic equations. As a general problem,
EH 2 EH the divergent elliptic equation in a non-homogeneous
medium with regular structure is now explained.
4. Problem of Heat Conduction Let OWR3 be an unbounded medium tissued by par-
allelepiped unit cells Y, whose material properties are
The 1D heat conduction is very similar to the 1D determined by a symmetric matrix aij(x, y) = aij(y),
elasticity problem. The governing equations, Fourier's where y = x/E and x = (x1, x2, x3) and the functions
law of heat conduction and the equation of heat bal- aij are periodic in the spatial variables y = (y1, y2, y3).
ance, are: The boundary value problem to be dealt with is:
 AE uE ˆ f in O; …36†
qE …x† ˆ KE dTE …x†=dx
@qE =@x ‡ f ˆ 0:
uE ˆ 0 on @O; …37†
q is the heat ¯ux, T is the temperature, and K (x) is where the function f is de®ned in O and
the conductivity coecient. Following a very similar  
procedure to the 1D elasticity problem, the homogen- E @ @
A ˆ aij …y† …38†
ized coecient of heat conduction can be obtained @xi @xj
is the elliptical operator. The superscript ``E'' is used to
 …Y  show the dependency of the operator and the solution
1 dZ
KH ˆ 1= ; to the characteristic inhomogeneity dimension.
Y 0 K…Z†
Using a double-scale asymptotic expansion, the sol-
which as is expected, is the same as Eq. (30). ution to Eqs. (36) and (37) can be written as:
Similarly, starting from the equations of heat con- uE …x† ˆ u0 …x; y† ‡ E1 u1 …x; y† ‡ E2 u2 …x; y† ‡    ; …39†
duction in the general 3D case, and following the same
procedure as for 1D problem, the following results will where functions u (x, y) are Y-periodic in y. Recalling
be obtained [6]: the rule of indirect di€erentiation (fact 3) yields

qi x ˆ KH 
ij @T…x†=@xj …32† 1 1 1 2
@qi =@xi ‡ f ˆ 0; AE ˆ A ‡ A ‡ A; …40†
E2 E
where where
1 @wi @ @ @ @
KH ˆ K…y† dij ‡ dy ; …33† A1 ˆ aij …y† ; A3 ˆ aij …y†
jYj @yi @yi @yj @xi @xj
and wj(y) is the solution of the partial di€erential    
equation: @ @ @ @
A2 ˆ aij …y† ‡ aij …y† :
   @yi @xj @xi @yj
@ @wj
K…y† dij ‡ ˆ0 on Y: …34† Applying Eqs. (39) and (40) into Eq. (36) yields
@yi @yi
…Eÿ2 A1 ‡ Eÿ1 A2 ‡ A3 †…u0 ‡ Eu1 ‡ E2 u2 ‡   † ˆ f; …41†
dij is the Kronecker symbol and the boundary con-
ditions are concluded from the periodicity, i.e. wj takes and by equating terms with the same power of E, we
equal values on the opposite sides of the base cell. In obtain:
Eqs. (31) and (32), q and @qi/@xi are the volumetric
average value of q0i (x) and @q0i /@xi over Y. The volu- A1 u0 ˆ0; …42†
1 1 2 0
metric average of a quantity a(x, y) over Y is de®ned A u ‡ A u ˆ0; …43†
by: 1 2 2 1 3 0
A u ‡ A u ‡ A u ˆf;    …44†
1 If x and y are considered as independent variables,
a…x† ˆ a…x; y†dy: …35†
jYj Y these equations form a recurrent system of di€erential
equations with the functions u0, u1 and u2 parameter-
B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717 713

ized by x. Before proceeding to the analysis of this sys-

tem, it is useful to notice the following fact: AH ˆ aH
ij :
@xi @xj
Fact (4). The equation

A1 u ˆ F in Y …45† Thus, it is demonstrated that the initial equation has

for a Y-periodic function u has a unique solution if: been split into two di€erent problems:
1 1. Determine wj(y) from Eq. (50) which is solved on
F ˆ Fdy ˆ 0; …46†
jYj Y the base cell.
2. Solve Eq. (52) on O with u = 0 on @O. The hom-
where vYv denotes the volume of the base cell. ogenized coecients aH
ij are obtained from Eq. (53).
From this fact, and using Eq. (42), it immediately
follows that

u0 ˆ u…x†; …47†

and by substituting into Eq. (43) we ®nd:

6. General Elasticity Problem
@aij …y† @u…x†
A1 u1 ˆ ÿA2u 0 ˆ ÿ : …48†
@yi @xj So far, the application of the homogenization theory
in 1D elasticity, heat conduction, and as a more gen-
As in the right-hand side of Eq. (48) the variables are
eral problem in elliptic partial di€erential equations,
separated, the solution of this equation may be rep- has been discussed. For the sake of completeness the
resented in the form homogenization method for cellular media in weak
@u…x† form, which is suitable for the derivation of the ®nite
u1 …x; y† ˆ wi …y† ‡ x…x†; …49† element formulation, using the procedure and notation
used by Guedes and Kikuchi in Ref. [9], is brie¯y
where wj(y) is the Y-periodic solution of the local explained. This is the case applied in topological struc-
equation tural optimization by Bendsùe and Kikuchi [10±14].
Let us consider the elasticity problem constructed
@aij …y† from a material with a porous body with a periodic
A1 wj …y† ˆ in Y: …50†
@yi cellular microstructure. Body forces f and tractions t
are applied. See Fig. 6 O is assumed to be an open
Now, turning to Eq. (44) for u2 and taking x as a par-
subset of R3 with a smooth boundary on G comprising
ameter, it follows from fact (4) that Eq. (44) will have
Gd ( where displacements are prescribed) and Gt (the
a unique solution if traction boundary). The base cell1 of the cellular body
1 Y is illustrated in Fig. 7. Y is assumed to be an open
ÿ …A2 u1 ‡ A3 u0 †dy ‡ f ˆ 0; …51† rectangular parallel-piped in R3 de®ned by
jYj Y
Y ˆŠ0; Y1 ‰Š0; Y2 ‰Š0; Y3 ‰;
which when combined with Eq. (49) results in the fol-
lowing homogenized (macroscopic) equation for u(x): with a hole v in it. The boundary of v is de®ned by s
2 (@v = s) and is assumed to be suciently smooth, and
@ u…x†
ij ˆ f; …52† as a more general case the tractions p can also exist
@xi @xj inside the holes. The solid part of the cell is denoted
where the quantities by ˆY, therefore, the solid part of the domain can be
…   de®ned as
1 @wj
ij ˆ aij …y† ‡ aik …y† dy …53† OE ˆ fx 2 Oj…y ˆ x=E† 2 ˆ
jYj Y @yk
Also, we de®ne
are the e€ective coecients of the homogenized oper-
SE ˆ si :

Having periodic microstructure does not mean that the It is also assumed that none of the holes vi intersect
form and composition of the base cell cannot vary,but the the boundary G. (i.e. G\SE=;).
variations in the macroscopic scale are assumed to be smooth Now, considering the stress±strain and strain±displa-
enough. cement relations:
714 B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717

Fig. 6. Elasticity problem in a cellular body.

V ˆ fv 2 ‰H1 …OE Š3 and vjGd ˆ 0g;

and H1 is the Sobolev space2. The elastic constants of

the solid are assumed to have symmetry and coercivity
Eijkl ˆ Ejikl ˆ Eijlk ˆ Eklij ;
9a > 0 : EEijkl ekl ˆ aeij eij ; 8eij ˆ eij :

Now, using the double-scale asymptotic expansion and

fact (3), Eq. (56) becomes
1 @u0 @ui 1 @u0k @u1k @vi @u0k @vi
Fig. 7. Base cell of the cellular body. Eijkl 2 k ‡ ‡ ‡
OE E @gl @yj E @xl @yl @j @yl @xj
 0   1  
@uk @u1k @vi @uk @u2 @vi
sEij ˆ EEijkl eEkl ; …54† ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ E…  †gdO
@xl @yl @xj @xl @yl @yj
… … …
  ˆ fEi vi dO ‡ ti vi dG ‡ pEi vi ds; 8v 2 VO ˆ
1 @uEk @uEl Y;
eEkl ˆ ‡ ; …55† OE Gt sE
2 @xl @xk
the virtual displacement equation can be constructed where
VO ˆ
Y ˆ fv…x; y†; …x; y† 2 O  ˆ
Yjv…:; y†Y ÿ periodic;
Find uE$VE, such that v smooth enough and vjGd ˆ 0g:
… … … …
@uE @vi Similarly, we de®ne VO and Vˆ
Eijkl k dO ˆ fEi vi dO ‡ ti vi dG ‡ pEi vi dS; Y as:
OE @xl @xj OE Gt sE
VO ˆ fv…x† defined in Ojv smooth enough and vjGd ˆ 0g:
8v 2 VE ; …56†

Y ˆ fv…y† defined in ˆ
Yj v…y†;
where Y ÿ periodic and smooth enoughg:

H1(OE) is de®ned as: Introducing the following facts:
Fact (5). For a Y-periodic function C(y) when
H1 …OE † ˆ fw…x†jw…x† 2 L2 …OE † and 2 L2 …OE †g; E 4 0 we have
@xi … … …
x 1
where C dO ˆ C…y†dY dO; …58†
… OE E jYj O ˆY
L2 …OE † ˆ fw…x†j ‰w…x†Š2 < 1 and x 2 OE g; … … …
OE x 1
which assures the integrability of the functions and their de- C dO ˆ C…y†dsdO; …59†
SE E EjYj O s
B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717 715

and assuming that the functions are all smooth so that On the other hand, introducing Eq. (66) into Eq. (61)
when E 4 0 all integrals exist, and by equating the and choosing v = v(y) yields
terms with the same power of E we obtain: …  0  …
@uk @u1k @vi …y†
… … Eijkl ‡ dY ˆ pi vi dS; 8v 2 VˆY:
1 @u0 @vi Y
ˆ @xl @yl @yj s
Eijkl k dY dG ˆ 0; 8v 2 VO ˆ
Y; …60†
jYj O ˆY @yl @yi …69†
…  …  0    Integrating by parts, using the divergence theorem and
1 @uk @u1k @vi @u0k @vi
Eijkl ‡ ‡ dY dO applying the periodicity conditions on the opposite
O jYj Y
ˆ @xl @yl @yj @yl @xj
…  …  faces of Y, it follows from Eq. (69) that:
1 …   0 
ˆ pi vi dS dO; 8v 2 VO ˆ
Y; …61† @ @uk …x† @u1k
O jYj s ÿ Eijkl ‡ vi dY
Y @yj
ˆ @xl @yt
…  …  0   1    …  0 
1 @uk @u1k @vi @uk @u2k @vi @uk …x† @u1k
Eijkl ‡ ‡ ‡ dY dO ‡ Eijkl ‡ vi nj dS
jYj @xl @yl @xj @yl @yl @yj @xl @yl
…  …  … …s
ˆ fi vi dY dO ‡ ti vi dG; 8v 2 VO ˆ
Y: ˆ pi vi dS; 8v 2 Vˆ Y: …70†
O jYj ˆ Y Gt s

…62† Since v is arbitrary, it is concluded that

Now, as v is an arbitrary function we choose v = v(y) @ @u1 @ @u0 …x†
ÿ Eijkl k ˆ Eijkl k on ˆ
Y; …71†
(i.e. v $ VˆY ). Then integrating by parts, applying the @yj @yl @yj @xl
divergence theorem to the integral in ˆ Y, and using
periodicity from Eq. (60), we obtain: @u1k @u0 …x†
… …    Eijkl ˆ ÿEijkl k nj ‡ pi on s: …72†
1 @ @u0 @yl @xl
ÿ Eijkl k vi dY
jYj O ˆ Y @yj @yl Now, considering Eq. (62) and choosing v = v(x)
@u0k results in a statement of equilibrium in the macro-
‡ Eijkl nj vi dSgdO ˆ 0; 8v: …63†
s @yl scopic level:
…  …  0  
v being arbitrary results in: 1 @uk @u1k @vi …x†
Eijkl ‡ dY dO
  O jYj Y
ˆ @x l @yl @xj
@ @u0 …  …  …
ÿ Eijkl k ˆ 0; 8y 2 Y ˆ; …64† 1
@yj @yl ˆ fi dY vi …x†dOO‡ ti vi …x†dG
G; 8v 2 VO :
O jYj Y
ˆ Gt

u0k …73†
Eijkl nj ˆ 0 on s: …65†
@yl If in Eq. (62) we assume that v = v(y), this leads to:
Considering fact (4) and Eq. (64) it is concluded that: …  …  1  
1 @uk @u2k @vi …y†
Eijkl ‡ dY dO
u0 …x; y† ˆ u0 …x†: …66† O jYj ˆ Y @xl @yl @yj
…  … 
ˆ fi vi …y†dY dO; 8v 2 VˆY; …74†
O jYj ˆ Y
This means that the ®rst term of the asymptotic
expansion only depends on the macroscopic scale x. or equivalently,
Now, as v is an arbitrary function, if we choose …  1  …
@uk @u2k @vi …y†
v = v(x) (i.e. v is only a function of x), then from Eijkl ‡ dY ˆ fi vi …y†dY; 8v 2 Vˆ
ˆ @x1 @yl @yj Y
Eq. (61) it is concluded that:
…  …  …75†
pi dS vi …x†dO ˆ 0; 8v 2 VO ; …67† which represents the equilibrium of the base cell in the
O jYj s
microscopic level.
which implies that The procedure followed so far can be applied for
… higher terms of the expansion. However, in this case
pi …x; y†dS ˆ 0: …68† the ®rst-order terms are enough. The macroscopic
mechanical behaviour is represented by u0, and u1 rep-
This means that the applied tractions have to be self- resents the microscopic behaviour.
equilibrating. So the possible applied tractions are As we have noticed earlier, our goal is to ®nd the
restricted. homogenized elastic constants such that the equili-
716 B. Hassani, E. Hinton / Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 707±717

brium equation (or equivalently the equation of virtual … …

@u0k …x† @vi …x† @vi …x†
displacements) can be constructed in the macroscopic EH
ijkl dO ˆ tij …x† dO
O @xl @xj O @xj
system of coordinates. These homogenized constants … …
should be such that the corresponding equilibrium ‡ bi …x†vi …x†dO ‡ ti …x†dG; 8v 2 VO : …83†
equation re¯ects the mechanical behaviour of the O Gt
microstructure of the cellular material without expli- This is very similar to the equation of virtual displace-
citly using the parameter E. To accomplish this we con- ment, Eq. (56), and it represents the macroscopic equi-
sider Eq. (69) once again. As this equation is linear librium. EH ijkl de®ned by Eq. (80) represents the
with respect to u0 and p, we consider the two following homogenized elastic constants. tij are average ``re-
problems: sidual'' stresses within the cell due to the tractions p
inside the holes, and bi are the average body forces.
(i) Let w kl$Vˆ Y be the solution of As we notice, the microscopic and macroscopic pro-
… … blems are not coupled and the solution of the elasticity
@w p @vi …y† @vi …y†
Eijpq dY ˆ Eijkl dY; 8v 2 Vˆ
Y; problem can be summarized as:
ˆ @y q @y j Y
ˆ @yi
…76† (i) Find w and C within the base cell by solving the
integral Eqs. (76) and (77) on the base cell.
(ii) Find DH ijkl, tij and bi by using Eqs. (80)±(82).
(ii) and let C $ Vˆ Y be the solution of
… … (iii) Construct Eq. (83) in macroscopic coordinates.
@Ck @vi …y†
Eijkl dY ˆ pi vi …y†dY; 8v 2 Vˆ
Y; If the whole domain of the cellular material comprises
ˆ @yl @yj S
a uniform cell structure, as well as uniform applied
tractions on the boundaries of the holes of the cells,
where x plays the role of a parameter. It can be then it is only necessary to solve the microscopic
shown that the solution u1 will be Eqs. (76) and (77) once. Otherwise these equations
must be solved for every point x of O.
@u0k …x†
u1i ˆ ÿwkl
i …x; y† ÿ Ci …x; y† ‡ u~ 1i …x†; …78†
where uÄ1i are arbitrary constants of integration
in y. 7. Conclusion and Final Remarks

Introducing Eq. (78) into Eq. (73) yields In this ®rst part of a three paper review we have
… " … ! # focused on the theory of the homogenization method
1 @wkl @u0k …x† @ui …x†
Eijkl ÿ Eijpq
dY dO for the computation of e€ective constitutive par-
O jYj ˆY @yq @xl @xj ameters of complex materials with a periodic micro-
…  …  structure. In the second part of this review we will
1 @Ck @vi …x†
ˆ Eijkl dY dO consider the motives for using the homogenization the-
O jYj Y
ˆ @yl @xj
…  …  ory for topological structural optimization. In particu-
‡ fi dY vi …x†dO lar, the ®nite element formulation will be explained for
jYj the material model based on a microstructure consist-
…O Y

‡ ti vi …x†dG; 8v 2 VO : …79† ing of an isotropic material with rectangular voids.

Gt Some examples will also be provided.
Now, denoting
… !
1 wkl
@w p
ijkl …x† ˆ Eijkl ÿ E ijpq dY; …80†
jYj ˆY @yq References

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