Pai 2014-2
Pai 2014-2
Pai 2014-2
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Presented here is a new metamaterial beam based on multi-frequency vibration absorbers for broadband
Received 28 October 2013 vibration absorption. The proposed metamaterial beam consists of a uniform isotropic beam and small
Accepted 20 December 2013 two-mass spring-mass-damper subsystems at many locations along the beam to act as multi-frequency
Available online 2 January 2014
vibration absorbers. For an infinite metamaterial beam, governing equations of a unit cell are derived
Keywords: using the extended Hamilton principle. The existence of two stopbands is demonstrated using a model
Acoustic metamaterials based on averaging material properties over a cell length and a model based on finite element modeling
Multi-frequency vibration absorbers and the Bloch–Floquet theory for periodic structures. For a finite metamaterial beam, because these two
Multiple stopbands idealized models cannot be used for finite beams and/or elastic waves having short wavelengths, a finite-
Bandgap structures
element method is used for detailed modeling and analysis. The concepts of negative effective mass and
effective stiffness and how the spring-mass-damper subsystem creates two stopbands are explained in
detail. Numerical simulations reveal that the actual working mechanism of the proposed metamaterial
beam is based on the concept of conventional mechanical vibration absorbers. For an incoming wave
with a frequency in one of the two stopbands, the absorbers are excited to vibrate in their optical modes
to create shear forces to straighten the beam and stop the wave propagation. For an incoming wave with
a frequency outside of but between the two stopbands, it can be efficiently damped out by the damper
with the second mass of each absorber. Hence, the two stopbands are connected into a wide stopband.
Numerical examples validate the concept and show that the structure0 s boundary conditions do not have
significant influence on the absorption of high-frequency waves. However, for absorption of low-
frequency waves, the structure0 s boundary conditions and resonance frequencies and the location and
spatial distribution of absorbers need to be considered in design, and it is better to use heavier masses for
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0020-7403/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
196 P.F. Pai et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 195–205
imaging in real-time and in vivo, and visualizing proteins in intact including micro- and nano-manufacturing techniques that are still
cells using optical microscopes instead of a more complicated method under development.
like X-ray crystallography [1–3]. For example, current optical micro- Similar to optical (or electromagnetic) metamaterials, acoustic
scopes can only resolve objects down to the 400 nm limit of visible metamaterials enable development of many new technologies,
light, which is about one tenth the diameter of a red blood cell. In including acoustic absorbers using the stopband effect, acoustic
contrast, optical superlens having negative refractive indices can imaging below the diffraction limit using the superlensing effect,
image nano-scale structures with a resolution that is about one sixth super environmental acoustic absorbers, and subwavelength
the wavelength of visible light [15]. waveguides. However, key challenges are the theoretical develop-
Recently, the analogy between electromagnetic waves and ment of new metamaterials with different subsystems, physics-
acoustic waves stimulates development of metamaterials for deal- based modeling and understanding of working mechanisms,
ing with mechanical waves [8–14]. For electromagnetic waves and experimental verification of such mechanics-based, acoustic
having wavelengths much longer than the distance between metamaterials.
atoms, a material is well described by its locally averaged electro- Our previous studies [18–20] reveal that the actual working
magnetic properties ε (permittivity) and μ (permeability). Simi- mechanism of acoustic metamaterials is based on the concept of
larly, for elastic waves having wavelengths much longer than the conventional vibration absorbers. A conventional vibration absor-
distance between atoms, a material can be treated as a continuum ber consists of a lumped mass attached to the main mechanical
and is well described by its locally averaged mechanical properties system by a linear spring and hence has only one local resonance
E (Young0 s modulus) and ρ (mass density). The transcendental frequency. A conventional vibration absorber uses the 1:1 external
properties (e.g., μ o 0; n o 0 or μ⪢1) of an electromagnetic meta- resonance between the forcing frequency on the main system and
material are mainly caused by the optical resonance between an the local resonance frequency of the absorber to transfer the
electromagnetic wave and the material0 s manmade subunits. vibration energy to the absorber and stop the main system0 s
Similarly, acoustic metamaterials can be designed by building motion. The concept of conventional vibration absorbers can be
mechanical subunits into a natural material to resonate with extended to use the n:1 (n ¼2,3 or other larger integers) external
mechanical waves propagating in it. Similar to the interaction resonance between the forcing frequency on the main system and
between an electromagnetic wave and a material0 s charges, an the local resonance frequency of the absorber [21–24]. However,
elastic wave in a structure may resonate with the structure0 s the main system needs to be coupled with the absorber by
subunits and its speed and wavelength can be changed. This local nonlinear quadratic (or cubic or other higher-order) terms.
mechanical resonance can be used to design acoustic metamater- The unique feature of this nonlinear vibration absorber is that
ials with dynamics-dependent negative effective mass and stiff- the vibration energy transferred to the absorber will remain in the
ness [11–14,16], and this is essentially a concept for designing absorber (or be dissipated inside the absorber) without reentering
semi-active composite materials. the main system even after the excitation on the main system
Fortunately, some difficulties in designing optical metamater- stops. Hence, the transient vibration time will be short after a
ials do not exist in designing acoustic metamaterials. For example, transient excitation on the system. Unfortunately, a nonlinear
to achieve strong contrast in optical properties generally requires vibration absorber (especially when high-order nonlinear terms
the use of metals, which are accompanied by strong and undesir- are used) takes a transient time longer than that of the conven-
able dissipation of energy. On the other hand, a combination of tional 1:1 vibration absorber to develop the absorber0 s oscillation
strong contrast and low energy dissipation can be easily achieved amplitude to absorb the vibration energy. Hence, nonlinear
in acoustics and elastodynamics. Moreover, fabrication of acoustic absorbers may not even work for short-time transient excitations,
metamaterials can be much easier than that of their optical and 1:1 linear absorbers are worth more studies for further
counterparts. However, there are natural materials with negative improvement.
electric permittivity for direct design of electromagnetic metama- Previous research results [18–20] indicate that, for an acoustic
terials, but, unfortunately, there are no natural materials with metamaterial with single-mass absorbers, a stopband exists at the
negative mass density or Young0 s modulus. Hence, acoustic meta- high-frequency side of the local resonance frequency of each
materials can be realized only by manmade small-scale composite absorber. Our hypothesis here is that, if each vibration absorber
structures. has two lumped masses and hence two local resonance frequencies,
Acoustic metamaterials are designed by building subunits to there will be two stopbands. If the two local resonance frequencies
create the desired, unnatural material properties to manipulate are designed to be close to each other, the two stopbands can be
the dispersive properties of elastic waves, and they are often combined into a wide stopband. This paper is to perform theoretical
bandgap periodic structures [17]. Unfortunately, modeling of development and numerical validation for this new metamaterial
metamaterials is challenging because they are complicated built- for broadband absorption of transverse elastic waves in beams. The
up composite structures. In the literature, only few simple models specific objectives are: (1) to develop appropriate modeling and
for bar-like acoustic metamaterials were proposed, and they are all analysis methods and demonstrate absorption of elastic waves in a
based on spatial averaging of heterogeneous material properties beam with integrated spring-mass subsystems having two local
over each subunit and hence are valid only for waves of wave- resonance frequencies (e.g., Fig. 1), (2) to reveal the actual working
lengths much longer than the sizes of subunits [8–12,16]. If a mechanism of this metamaterial beam for absorption of low- and
metamaterial is to behave like a homogeneous material described
by its averaged material properties, its subunits must be much w( x, t )
smaller than the shortest wavelength of waves propagating in it.
The averaged dynamic material properties make a metamaterial
made of non-dispersive materials, behaves like a dispersive
one and cause the existence of a useful but mysterious phononic y x F ( x, t )
stopband that allows no waves within that frequency range
to propagate forward [16,17]. Most current designs of acoustic
metamaterials are based on the stopband effect [12–14]. To
manufacture such metamaterials with tiny subunits in order to
have stopbands, expensive manufacturing techniques are required, Fig. 1. A multi-frequency metamaterial beam for vibration absorption.
P.F. Pai et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 195–205 197
high-frequency elastic waves, and (3) to explain why manufacturing increases when m2 decreases. Moreover, Eq. (1c) shows that, when
such metamaterial beams does not require micro- or nano- Ω 4ω2 and m2 =ðΩ2 =ω22 1Þ 4 m1 , the effective mass m ~ becomes
manufacturing techniques. negative. Hence, the stopband is around but above ω2 .
If Ω o ω2 , because m ~ 1 40, F 0 =a1 ¼ m ~ 1 Ω2 o 0, and F 0 =a2 ¼ m ~1
Ω2 ðΩ2 =ω22 1Þ o 0, u1 ðtÞ and u2 ðtÞ are in phase and the vibration
2. Cause of stopband pattern is called an acoustic mode. If Ω 4 ω2 and m ~ 1 o0, because
F 0 =a1 ¼ m ~ 1 Ω2 40 and F 0 =a2 ¼ m ~ 1 Ω2 ðΩ2 =ω22 1Þ o0, u1 ðtÞ and
2.1. Negative effective mass u2 ðtÞ are 1801 out of phase and the vibration pattern is called an
optical mode. If Ω 4 ω2 and m ~ 1 4 0, because F 0 =a1 ¼ m ~ 1 Ω2 o0
The concept of negative dynamic mass [11–14,16,17] can be and F 0 =a2 ¼ m ~ 1 Ω2 ðΩ2 =ω22 1Þ 4 0, u1 ðtÞ and u2 ðtÞ are 1801 out of
clearly presented by considering the two-degree-of-freedom phase and it is also an optical mode. When Ω 4 ω2 and m ~ 1 o 0, the
(2-DOF) mass-in-mass system shown in Fig. 2a. The equations of downward pulling spring force on m1 is k2 ða1 a2 Þ ¼ F 0 ðm ~ 1 m1 Þ=
motion, frequency response functions H i1 ðΩÞ (i¼1, 2) between the m~ 1 4 F 0 , which is why the effective mass m ~ 1 becomes negative.
response ui ðtÞ and the input harmonic force FðtÞ, and the effective
mass m ~ 1 ðΩÞ are derived to be 2.2. Negative effective stiffness
" #( ) " #( )
m1 0 u€ 1 k2 k2 u1 F The concept of negative effective stiffness can be clearly shown
þ ¼ ;
0 m2 u€ 2 k2 k2 u2 0 by considering the 2-DOF mass-in-spring system shown in Fig. 2b.
( ) ( ) The equations of motion, frequency response function H i1 ðΩÞ (i¼1, 2)
u1 a1
F F 0 ejΩt ; ejΩt ð1aÞ between the response ui ðtÞ and the input harmonic force FðtÞ, and
u2 a2
the effective stiffness k~ 1 ðΩÞ are derived to be
" #( ) " #( )
0 0 u€ 1 k1 þ k2 k2 u1 F
a1 k2 m2 Ω2 þ ¼ ;
H 11 ¼ ; 0 m2 u€ 2 k2 k2 u2 0
F 0 ðk2 m1 Ω2 Þðk2 m2 Ω2 Þ k2 ( ) ( )
u1 a1
a2 k2 F F 0 ejΩt ; ejΩt ð2aÞ
H 21 ¼ ð1bÞ u2 a2
F 0 ðk2 m1 Ω2 Þðk2 m2 Ω2 Þ k2
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi a1 k2 m2 Ω2 1
F F0 m2 k2 H 11 ¼ ¼ ;
m~1 ¼ ¼ m1 þ ; ω2 ð1cÞ F 0 ðk1 þ k2 Þðk2 m2 Ω2 Þ k2 k~ 1
u€ 1 Ω2 a1 1 Ω2 =ω22 m2 2
a2 k2
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi H21 ¼ ð2bÞ
where j 1, u_ 1 du1 =dt, t is time, Ω is the excitation fre- F 0 ðk1 þk2 Þðk2 m2 Ω2 Þ k2
quency, and ω2 is the local resonance frequency of the spring-mass
vibration absorber (consisting of m2 and k2 ) if u1 ¼ 0. The effective F F0 k2 k2
mass m ~ 1 is defined by treating this 2-DOF system as a 1-DOF k~ 1 ¼ ¼ k1 þ ; ω2 ð2cÞ
u1 a1 1 ω22 =Ω2 m2
system by assuming the internal absorber being unknown to the
observer. If Ω ¼ ω2 , Eqs. (1a)–(1c) show that jmj-1,~ H 11 ¼ u1 ¼ 0, The effective stiffness k~ 1 is defined by treating this 2-DOF
F 0 ¼ k2 a2 , and FðtÞ ¼ k2 u2 ðtÞ ¼ m2 u€ 2 ðtÞ. In other words, the system as a 1-DOF system by assuming the internal absorber being
external force is canceled out by the inertia force m2 u€ 2 and unknown to the observer. If Ω ¼ ω2 , Eqs. (2a)–(2c) show that
hence u1 ðtÞ ¼ 0, which is the key concept of conventional mechan- jk~ 1 j-1, H 11 ¼ u1 ¼ 0, F 0 ¼ k2 a2 , and FðtÞ ¼ k2 u2 ðtÞ ¼ m2 u€ 2 ðtÞ.
ical vibration absorbers. This also reveals that, for a specific In other words, the external force is canceled out by the inertia
harmonic excitation with Ω ¼ ω2 , a2 ð ¼ F 0 =k2 ¼ F 0 =ðm2 Ω2 ÞÞ force m2 u€ 2 through the spring k2 and hence u1 ðtÞ ¼ 0. This also
Fig. 2a and Eq. (1c) show that the translational vibration For example, if α ¼ β ¼ 0:05; ω1 ¼ 0:894ω2 with u3 =u2 ¼ 3:112
absorber can work efficiently, in an optical mode, against an and ω2 ¼ 1:118ω2 with u3 =u2 ¼ 1:361, as shown in Fig. 5. For
external force acting on a mass with Ω 4 ω2 . On the other hand, higher values of α and β, the values of ω1 and ω2 will be further
Fig. 2b and Eq. (2c) show that the translational vibration absorber separated and the two stopbands around these two frequencies
can work efficiently, in an acoustic mode, against an external force will be difficult to be combined into a wide stopband. Results show
acting on a spring with Ω 4ω2 . that ω1 þ ω2 2ω2 if m3 =m2 ¼ k3 =k2 . This makes it easy for design
Fig. 3 shows that a longitudinal bar with integrated spring- of such multi-frequency absorbers.
mass subsystems to absorb longitudinal elastic waves is based on If m1 ¼ 10 kg; m2 ¼ 0:1m1 ; p ωffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 ¼ ffiω2 ¼ 10 Hz; α ¼ β ¼ 0; 0:025;
the negative mass effect (see Fig. 2a), and a negative effective mass 0:05; and 0:1; and ςi ð 0:5ci = mi ki Þ with ς1 ¼ 0:02; ς2 ¼ 0:04;
density results in the existence of a stopband when the incoming and ς3 ¼ 0:04 are used, Fig. 6a and b shows the frequency response
wave frequency functions H i1 ðΩÞ. Note that the minimum points of H 11 ðΩÞ happen
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi is slightly higher than the local resonance fre-
quency ki =mi [12,18]. Although a beam has both mass and spring at Ω ¼ ω1 and ω2 . If c2 ¼ c3 ¼ 0; the two minimum points of H 11 ðΩÞ
effects and transverse elastic waves in beams are dispersive (i.e., would be zero. Fig. 6a and b also shows that, when α and β
waves of different wavelengths propagate at different speeds), the increase (i.e., a heavier m3 ), the two peaks away from ω2 move
negative mass effect is still the major cause of the stopband [19]. farther away and become smaller. In other words, m3 can control
Moreover, because transverse waves propagate in a beam through these peak locations and magnitudes. Unfortunately, the peak
internal transverse shear forces and bending moments, both around ω2 increases when α and β increase. Fig. 6c shows that,
translational and rotational vibration absorbers can be used to when β increases (i.e., a stronger k3 ), the left peak increases, the
prevent waves from propagating forward. However, research right peak decreases, and the corresponding frequencies of the
results show that translational vibration absorbers are far more three peaks increase, especially the middle peak. Most seriously,
efficient than rotational vibration absorbers [19]. the middle peak increases when β is different from α. Hence, it is
better to use α ¼ β in design.
It is well known that a dynamical system with low damping
3. Multi-frequency vibration absorber quickly responds to a transient excitation but slowly damps out
the system0 s vibration after the excitation stops. However, for the
To show the use of multi-frequency vibration absorbers to system shown in Fig. 4, a large c2 can reduce the left and right
design broadband metamaterials, we consider the 3-DOF system peaks of jH 11 j in Fig. 6a, but it cannot reduce the middle peak and
shown in Fig. 4. The vibration absorber uses two lumped masses. it increases the two lowest values of jH 11 j around ω1 and ω2 .
The equations of motion are given by Hence, a small value for c2 is recommended. Moreover, to reduce
2 38 9 2 38 9 the middle peak and to damp out the system0 s vibration after the
m1 0 0 > € c1 þc2 c2 0 _
< u1 >
= < u1 >
> = excitation stops, one can use a large value for c3 , as shown in
6 0 m 0 7 6 c2 þ c3 c3 7
4 2 5 u€ 2 þ 4 c2 5 u_ 2 Fig. 6d. Hence, one can use a small c2 and a large c3 to increase the
> > > >
0 0 m3 : u€ 3 ; 0 c3 c3 : u_ 3 ; response speed, decrease the vibration amplitude of u1 , and
2 38 9 8 9
k1 þ k2 k2 0 < u1 >
> = > <F >
= quickly damp out the system0 s free transient vibration. All these
6 k k2 þ k3 k3 7 characteristics are important for designing such multi-frequency
þ4 2 5 u2 ¼ 0 ð3Þ
> > > >
0 k3 k3 : u3 ; : 0 ; vibration absorbers.
Vibration isolators are different from vibration absorbers. For a
The working principle of the vibration absorber is to make vibration absorber, the loading point and the response point
u1 ¼ 0 by adjusting one of the two local natural frequencies of main concern are on the same object (i.e., m1 in Fig. 4). For a
equal to the excitation frequency Ω. With u1 ¼ 0, the two local vibration isolator, the loading point and the response point of
P.F. Pai et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 195–205 199
Fig. 5. Local resonance frequencies and mode shapes with α ¼0.05: (a) frequencies, and (b) mode shapes.
Fig. 6. Frequency response functions Hi1 with m2/m1 ¼ 0.1: (a and b) α¼ β ¼0, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1, (c) α¼ 0.05 with β ¼0.04, 0.05 and 0.06, and (d) α ¼β ¼ 0.05 with ς3 ¼ 0.04
and 0.12.
main concern are on different objects. A vibration isolator works Fig. 7a that
by using the out-of-phase inertia force of the loaded object to Z L=2
reduce the load transferred to the response point, δT ¼ €
pffiffiffiand it works L=2
best if the system0 s damping is small and Ω 4 2ω (ω is the Z L=2
system0 s natural frequency) [25]. δΠ ¼ EIw00 δw00 dx
Z L=2
4. Acoustic metamaterial beam ¼ EIwiv δwdx þ EIðw″1 δθ 1 w″ 1 δθ 1 w‴1 δw1
4.1. Governing equations þ w‴0 þ δw0 w‴0 δw0 þ w‴ 1 δw 1 ÞδW nc ¼ EIw″1 δθ1
EIw‴1 δw1 EIw″ 1 δθ 1 þ EIw‴
1 δw 1 þ k2 ðu2 w0 Þδw0 ð5aÞ
As shown in Fig. 1, the goal is to design a metamaterial beam Z L=2
that can stop propagation of transverse elastic waves (mainly € þ EIwiv Þδwdx þ EIðw‴0 þ w‴0 Þδw0 k2 ðu2 w0 Þδw0
0¼ ðρAw
asymmetric Lamb waves) based on the use of the multi-frequency L=2
vibration absorber shown in Fig. 4. Because rotational vibration Z L=2
absorbers were shown to be inefficient [19], we consider only ¼ € þ EIwiv þ ½EIðw‴0 þ w‴0 Þ þ k2 ðw0 u2 ÞδðxÞÞδwdx
translational vibration absorbers in the free-body diagram of the
unit cell model shown in Fig. 7a. The governing equation for a unit
cell of an infinite metamaterial beam can be derived using where A, I, Eand ρ are the beam s cross-sectional area, area moment,
the extended Hamilton principle 0 ðδT δΠ þ δW nc Þdt ¼ 0, where Young0 s modulus and mass density, respectively. Moreover, L is the
T is the kinetic energy, Π the elastic energy, and W nc the cell length, and mi and ki are the masses and spring constants of
non-conservative work due to external loads. It follows from the vibration absorber. Moreover, δðxÞ is the Dirac delta function,
200 P.F. Pai et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 195–205
wðx; tÞ ¼ p1 ejðβx ΩtÞ ¼ w0 ejβx ; u2 ðtÞ ¼ p2 e jΩt ; u3 ðtÞ ¼ p3 e jΩt ð7Þ where ω2 ; ω1 and ω2 are defined in Eq. (4). Hence, the internal
shear force V 0 þ ðtÞ on the beam at x ¼ 0 þ should be
where β, λð ¼ 2π=βÞ and Ω are the wavenumber, wavelength and
vibration frequency, respectively. The phase velocity of an elastic V 0 þ ðtÞ EIw‴ð0 þ ; tÞ ¼ EIw‴ð0 ; tÞ k2 ðu2 w0 Þ
wave is cp ¼ λΩ=ð2πÞ ¼ Ω=β. The modal vibration frequency of a ω22 ðω22 Ω2 Þ
standing wave is often represented by ω in structural dynamics, ¼ ðF 0 F~ 0 Þ cos Ωt; F~ 0 1 k2 a0
ðΩ2 ω21 ÞðΩ2 ω22 Þ
and the corresponding wave has a zero group velocity (i.e.,
cg ¼ dΩ=dβ ¼ 0). Hence, we use Ω to represent the vibration ð10bÞ
frequency of an elastic wave having an arbitrary wavelength If Ω ¼ ω1þ
(i.e., Ω 4ω1 but close to ω1 ) or Ω ¼ ω2þ ,
Eq. (10a)
because it often corresponds to a traveling wave caused by an shows that u2 and w0 are 1801 out of phase (i.e., in the optical
external excitation at a frequency Ω. If the beam is to be treated as mode) and Eq. (10b) shows that the absorber changes the internal
a homogenized uniform beam, one can integrate Eq. (6a) over the shear force from F 0 to F 0 F~ 0 . This is the actual working mechan-
cell length L and use Eq. (7) to obtain ism of translational vibration absorbers.
Z L=2 Phononic crystals are made of periodic distributions of inc
€ þ EIw‴1 EIw‴ 1 þ k2 ðw0 u2 Þ ¼ 0 3 mw
ρAwdx € 0 þ kw0 lusions (scatterers) embedded in a matrix in order to control the
dispersion of waves through the Bragg scattering, which is the
þ k2 ðw0 u2 Þ ¼ 0 scattering of waves by a periodic arrangement of scatterers with
2ρA sin ðβL=2Þ dimensions and periods comparable to the wavelength of the
m ; k 2EIβ3 sin ðβL=2Þ ð8aÞ
β incoming wave [13]. Although acoustic metamaterials are often
P.F. Pai et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 195–205 201
designed as periodic structures, they are different from phononic diverges exponentially and does not needpto be considered.
ffi The
crystals because their properties rely on dynamic local resonance, main interest is on the ones close to ω2 k2 =m2 .
instead of static periodicity.
5. Numerical validations
4.4. Finite element modeling
As shown in Section 4.3, the actual working mechanism of
The continuity assumed for wðx; tÞ in Eq. (7) and the averaging
metamaterial beams is how mechanical vibration absorbers work.
shown in Eq. (8a) cannot exactly account for the discontinuity
To demonstrate that we consider infinite and finite metamaterial
EIw‴0 a EIw‴0 þ . In other words, this averaging approach is not
beams with different multi-frequency vibration absorbers.
really appropriate for such a highly inhomogeneous built-up
structure. Such a homogenized model can be used only for waves
having λ⪢L such that the wave profile between two adjacent 5.1. Existence of stopband
absorbers can be approximated by a smooth function like that
shown in Eq. (7). For metamaterial beams having far separated To show the existence of stopbands we consider an infinite
discrete absorbers or waves of short wavelength, this model is metamaterial beam with each unit cell (see Fig. 7a) having
invalid because it does not account for the discontinuity of w‴ at L ¼ 10 mm; b ¼ 5 mm; h ¼ 3 mm; A ¼ bh; E ¼ 72:4 GPa;
x ¼0. On the other hand, the displacement-based finite element ν ¼ 0:33; ρ ¼ 2780 kg=m3
modeling shown next can easily account for such discontinuities
m1 ρAL; m2 ¼ 0:1m1 ; m3 ¼ 0:05m2 ½ðm2 þ m3 Þ=m1 ¼ 10:5%
and will be used for later detailed simulations.
k2 ¼ ω22 m2 ; k3 ¼ ω22 m3 ; ω2 ¼ 2500 Hz; c2 ¼ c3 ¼ 0
As shown in Fig. 7b, we discretize the beam segment of each
cell into two beam elements. Because shear deformation and ð13Þ
rotary inertias are significantly influential on propagation of elastic
Fig. 8a shows the dispersion curves obtained from Eqs. (11b)
waves in beams [27], we adopt Timoshenko0 s beam theory and
and (12) with m3 ¼ 0 and m2 =m1 ¼ 0:1; 0:3 and 0:5. The thick
include rotary inertias in the finite element modeling. Accordingly,
dashed line is obtained from Eq. (8b) with m2 =m1 ¼ 0:1. Results
the variations of kinetic and elastic energies in Eq. (5a) are
from Eq. (11b) account for the discontinuity EIw‴ 0 a EIw‴0 þ and
modified for a beam element without the vibration absorber as
shear flexibility and rotary inertias, but those from Eq. (8b) do not.
Z L=2
Shear flexibility and rotary inertias actually do not cause signifi-
δT ¼ €
½ρAwδw € 0 γ€ Þðδw0 δγÞdx
þ ρIðw
cant differences for this case because it is a thin beam. Fig. 8a
Z L=2 shows that, for a single-frequency (or single-mass) vibration
δΠ ¼ ½EIðw″ γ 0 Þδðw″ γ 0 Þ þ ks GAγδγdx ð11aÞ absorber, the stopband increases with the absorber0 s mass m2 .
With m2 =m1 ¼ 0:1; the stopband is 1:0 o Ω=ω2 o 1:065. The black
where G is the shear modulus, γ is the shear rotation angle, and solid line in Fig. 8a represents the dispersion curve without
w0 γ is the total cross-sectional rotation. Because only uniform absorbers. Because the group velocity dΩ=dβ is not constant, it is
isotropic beams with rectangular cross sections will be considered, dispersive.
the shear correction factor ks is set to be 5/6 [28]. The weak form The dispersion curves shown in Fig. 8b with m2 =m1 ¼ 0:1 and
shown in Eq. (11a) can be discretized by using linear shape m3 ¼ 0:05m2 ¼ 0:005m1 show that the addition of m3 splits the
functions for γ and Hermite cubic polynomials for w. Hence, there stopband into two stopbands with each one being smaller than the
are three degrees of freedomw; w0 ð θÞ and γ at each of the four one without m3 . Fig. 8b shows that stopbands are 0:894 oΩ=ω2
nodes in Fig. 7b, and two degrees of freedom u2 and u3 for each of o 0:930 and 1:118 o Ω=ω2 o 1:149. When m2 =m1 increases, the
the vibration absorbers at nodes 1 and 3. This metamaterial beam two stopbands are further separated and the bandwidth of each
element is implemented into our in-house finite-element code stopband increases. For an excitation frequency outside of but
GESA (Geometrically Exact Structural Analysis) [28].
To determine dynamic characteristics of a periodic structure
having an infinite length (i.e., without influences of boundary
conditions), only the four nodes marked in Fig. 7b need to be
modeled according to the Bloch–Floquet theory [26]. Hence, there
are 16 DOFs in total in the following governing equations from
conventional finite element modeling using the extended Hamil-
ton principle:
€ þ ½Kfqg ¼ f0g;
½Mfqg fqg ¼ fw1 ; θ1 ; γ 1 ; :::; w4 ; θ4 ; γ 4 ; u21 ; u23 ; u31 ; u33 gT
where the dampers in Fig. 7b are not considered during modal
analysis. According to the Bloch–Floquet theory, we have
Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (11b) reduces the mass and stiffness
matrices into 8 8 matrices ½M^ and ½K.
^ For each wavenumber β,
^ Ω2 ½Mj
j½K ^ ¼ 0 yields eight values for Ω2 . Because the ½M
^ and ½K
from Eq. (11b) are 2π periodic and remain the same if expð 7 jβLÞ is
replaced with expð 8 jβLÞ, only 0 o βL r π needs to be examined in
order to obtain all frequencies. However, it follows from Eq. (7) Fig. 8. Dispersion curves with ω2 ¼ k2 =m2 ¼ 2500 Hz: (a) m2/m1 ¼ 0.1, 0.3 and
that a complex value for Ω indicates a mode that either decays or 0.5 and m3 ¼ 0, and (b) m2/m1 ¼0.1 and m3/m2 ¼ k3/k2 ¼ 0.05.
202 P.F. Pai et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 195–205
between the two stopbands (i.e., 0:930 o Ω=ω2 o 1:118), the wave
can propagate but its amplitude can be significantly reduced by a
large value of c3 , as discussed before and shown later.
Note that each vertical broken line tangent to the dispersion
curves in Fig. 8b indicates a natural frequency of a standing
vibration mode because the corresponding group velocity
cg dΩ=dβ ¼ 0 [27]. On the other hand, dΩ=dβ a 0 corresponds
to a traveling wave. The most important phenomenon revealed by
Fig. 8b is that an elastic wave with a long wavelength (i.e., a low
L=λ value) can propagate at three different frequencies (or speeds),
and two stopbands exist between the three branches of dispersion
curves. The low-frequency motion is in an acoustic mode, the high-
frequency motion is in an optical mode, and the middle-frequency
one is a mixed mode, as shown later.
Fig. 10. Steady-state wave profiles when Ω¼ rω2 , ω2 ¼ 2500 Hz, m2/m1 ¼ 0.1, Fig. 11. Steady-state wave profiles when Ω¼ rω2 , ω2 ¼2500 Hz, m2/m1 ¼ 0.1,
m3/m2 ¼k3/k2 ¼0.05, ς2 ¼0.01 and ς3 ¼0.1: (a) r ¼0.7, (b) r¼ 0.9, (c) r ¼1.0, m3/m2 ¼ k3/k2 ¼ 0.05, ς2 ¼ 0.01 and ς3 ¼ 0.01: (a) r¼ 0.7, (b) r¼ 0.9, (c) r¼ 1.0,
(d) r ¼1.12, and (e) r¼ 1.3, where black dots represent m2 and blue dots represent (d) r¼ 1.12, and (e) r¼ 1.3, where black dots represent m2 and blue dots represent
m3. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is m3. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
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