Li 2013 Reflectedwavefront
Li 2013 Reflectedwavefront
Li 2013 Reflectedwavefront
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5 authors, including:
Zhongming Gu
Tongji University
All content following this page was uploaded by Yong Li on 16 July 2014.
The introduction of metasurfaces has renewed the Snell’s law and opened up new degrees of freedom to
Received tailor the optical wavefront at will. Here, we theoretically demonstrate that the generalized Snell’s law can be
20 June 2013 achieved for reflected acoustic waves based on ultrathin planar acoustic metasurfaces. The metasurfaces are
constructed with eight units of a solid structure to provide discrete phase shifts covering the full 2p span with
Accepted steps of p/4 by coiling up the space. By careful selection of the phase profiles in the transverse direction of the
13 August 2013 metasurfaces, some fascinating wavefront engineering phenomena are demonstrated, such as anomalous
reflections, conversion of propagating waves into surface waves, planar aberration-free lens and
Published nondiffracting Bessel beam generated by planar acoustic axicon. Our results could open up a new avenue for
29 August 2013 acoustic wavefront engineering and manipulations.
he angles of reflected and refracted waves are certainly determined when light impinges on a planar interface
Correspondence and
between two media with different refractive index due to the conservation of momentum along the tan-
requests for materials gential directions of the boundary, as is well known from the famous Snell’s Law. Recently, the Snell’s law
should be addressed to was revisited in the context of metasurfaces with phase discontinuities constructed by metallic antennas capable
B.L. (liangbin@nju. of providing discrete phase shifts covering 2p span1. The generalized Snell’ law was introduced by applying or J.C.C. Fermat’s principle to interpret the anomalous reflection and refraction phenomena. Inspired by this pioneering
( work, fascinating optical wavefront engineering capabilities, such as light bending2, anomalous reflection3, con-
verting propagating waves to surface waves4, flat lens and axicons5, etc., have been demonstrated both theoret-
ically and experimentally through metasurfaces with phase discontinuities6.
* Current address: As another classical waves, acoustic waves also follow Snell’ law. It is therefore apparent that the generalized
Imaging Technology Snell’s law and metasurfaces, if could be successfully realized in acoustics, would have deep implications for
acoustic devices, acoustic applications and the field of acoustics in general. A straightforward analogy between the
Group, Beckman
optical and acoustic metasurfaces, however, is infeasible due to the inherent distinction between the electromag-
Institute, University of
netic and acoustic waves. In optics, the concept of metasurface is generally implemented by utilizing the plas-
llinois at Urbana- monic resonance mechanism through metallic antennas, which is able to tailor the wave phase from 0 to 2p but
Champaign, Urbana, has no direct counterpart in acoustics so far. On the other hand, the use of plasmonic resonance inevitably leads to
Illinois 61801, USA. a direct result that the optical metasurface can hardly have a deep-subwavelength size and operate only with cross-
polarized fields7. It is therefore necessary to explore intrinsically new physical mechanism in an attempt to achieve
the acoustic metasurfaces with ultrathin structures, which will be particularly significant for the practical applica-
tions of the resulting devices. Considering the fact that the naturally available materials in acoustics can only
provide limited phase shifts, the concept of generalized Snell’s law cannot be analogously translated from
electromagnetic waves to acoustic waves. The emergence of acoustic metamaterials8–19, which could provide
unavailable parameters in nature, has significantly broadened the horizon for acoustic waves. Novel phenomena,
such as extraordinary acoustic transmission20–24, sub-diffraction imaging25–27, cloaking28,29, one-way transporta-
tion30–33, super absorption34, etc., have been demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally. Hence, the
advance in acoustic metamaterials may provide possibility and should be good candidates to realize the acoustic
In the following, we show that generalized Snell’s law for acoustic reflected waves can be realized through
ultrathin planar acoustic metasurfaces by coiling up space with two stiff corrugated beams. By appropriately
selecting the geometrical parameters, eight units can support discrete phase shifts ranging from 0,2p with steps
of p/4. Anomalous reflections, conversion of propagating waves to surface waves, flat acoustic aberration-free lens
and nondiffracting Bessel beam generated by flat acoustic axicon are also demonstrated by imposing suitable
phase profiles in the transverse direction of the metasurfaces. Our results should open up new degrees of freedom
in acoustic wavefront engineering, such as the field of caustic engineering.
Figure 1 | An acoustic metasurface for generalized Snell’s law. (a) The schematic diagram of an acoustic metasurface made of two stiff corrugated
beams with a channel coiling up the space. The coiling structure has a width p 5 1 cm and length a (a 5 0.8 cm in this example). The width of the channel
is d 5 0.067p. The width of the beams is w 5 0.03p, and the corrugation length is l 5 a 2 2w 2 d. Sound hard boundary conditions are imposed to the left
boundaries (red line) to mimic the fact that the metasurface is actually coated on a stiff plate. The light blue and dark red arrows refer to the propagation
direction of incident and reflected waves, respectively. The label ‘‘1’’, ‘‘2’’ and ‘‘3’’ refer to the three outlets of each element. (b) The phase of the
reflected waves, as a function of the length a of the metasurface, with incident wavelength l 5 19.6p. The black dots refer to specific a values for eight units
to fulfill the desired discrete phase shifts. (c) Schematic diagram of the eight units with the specific a values shown in (b) with black dots. The gap between
each unit is p{ða1 za2 Þ=2, with a1 and a2 denoting the length of the two adjacent coiling structures. (d) The pressure strips of the reflected waves
by the eight units. The high maps of pressure field are utilized to clearly show the different phase shifts by each unit.
Results desired phase shifts, while the values of w, d and p are fixed in the
The acoustic metasurface, as shown in Fig. 1(a), is constructed by calculations. The phase of the reflected waves as a function of a with
immersing identical thin rigid beams (width w and length l) in air in a free space wavelength l 5 19.6 cm is plotted in Fig. 1(b). It should be
way that forms fluid channels (width d). It has been proven that the noted that, since acoustic waves, as scalar waves, can propagate
coiling structure (width p and length a) could behave as an effective within the channels freely, the reflected waves at the right-edge of
medium with extremely high refractive index18,35, such that the the metasurface (containing three channels labeled with ‘‘1’’, ‘‘2’’ and
reflected waves can be delayed heavily after the incident waves ‘‘3’’ in Fig. 1(a)) can be considered as the accumulated field of three
impinge on the structure and propagate within the zigzag path. It sources, resulting in the inhomogeneous pressure distribution at the
is therefore reasonable to infer that the phase of the reflected waves right edge of the metasurface. Therefore, the phase information at the
could be controlled at will by appropriately selecting the geometrical right edge of the metasurface is retrieved by integration along extra
parameters of the structure, and will be demonstrated later. In order line l/8 (not shown in Fig. 1(a)) away from the edge. From Fig. 1(b),
to ensure a planar structure, the length a of the metasurfaces assoc- it is sufficient to frame eight units that could realize discrete phase
iated to the length l of the rigid corrugations are tailored to yield the shifts covering the full 2p span with steps of p/4. The exact values of a
Figure 2 | The generalized Snell’s law of reflection and anomalous reflections. (a) Schematics for the derivation of the angle of reflection. w and
w 1 dw are the phases at the two cross points separated by dy along the y direction. hr represents the anomalous reflection angle induced by the discrete
phase shifts. (b) Pressure field pattern for the gradient phase profile of dw=dy~p=16p. The black arrows refer to the theoretical value of the
reflected angle.
for achieving these discrete phase shifts are also illustrated with black
dots in Fig. 1(b). Schematic diagrams of these eight units with dif-
ferent values of a are shown in Fig. 1(c). Planar acoustic metasurfaces
are obviously constructed because the lengths of the units in x dir-
ection are entirely identical. To further verify the discrete phase
shifts, the reflected waves by these eight units are shown in
Fig. 1(d). The strips refer to the pressure filed patterns p(x,y) at the
same time instant. The peak of the pressure field can shift up to a
wavelength, which provide solid support that the phase shifts cover
the whole 2p range. It therefore could be concluded that desirable
discrete phase shifts can be realized by the eight units. The metasur-
faces constructed by the eight units are ultrathin with the thickness
approximately equal to l/19.6, revealing that the metasurface is good
candidate to realize acoustic devices easy for integration. It is worth
pointing out that fascinating features of the coiling metamaterials
such as negative refractions and zero refractive index are first pre-
sented theoretically and later verified experimentally18,36,37. Recently
we have proved that by coiling up space it is possible to change the
propagating phase of acoustic wave and thereby focus the waves, but
the phase delay in that work is too limited to cover 2p range35. In what
follows we will further demonstrate the potential of coil-up acoustic
metamaterials to design a more general metasurface that has an
Figure 3 | Metasurfaces for converting propagating waves to surface ultrathin structure and is capable of controlling reflected acoustic
waves. Pressure field pattern for the conversion of propagating waves to waves arbitrarily.
surface waves on the metasurface with phase profile wð yÞ~{2py=l. The realization of 2p range phase shifts for the reflected acoustic
Surface waves can propagate near the metasurface with high-efficiency waves allows us to revisit the Snell’s law by selecting appropriately
conversion. The black arrows indicate the wave vectors of the surface phase profile. Figure 2(a) illustrates the schematic diagram for the
Figure 4 | Planar acoustic lens constructed by an acoustic metasurfaces. (a) Schematic diagram of the design of lens. A hyperboloidal phase profile
along y direction is utilized to focus acoustic plane wave to a single point at a distance f from the metasurfaces. The green spherical line with radius f is the
desired equiphase surface of the reflected wave so that the phase shift at PL should be proportional to the length of the red line PL SL . The theoretical
continuous phase shifts (red dots) and the discrete phase shifts provided by the metasurfaces (blue squares) along the y direction are shown in (b).
The half-height of the lens is chosen to be 80 cm. (c) Spatial distribution of the intensity field j pj2 for the designed lens with f 5 3l. (d) Transverse
cross-section of intensity profile at x563 cm for the designed lens. The black dash line refers to the intensity of the incident waves.
Figure 5 | Acoustic axicon for the non-diffracting Bessel beam. (a) Schematic diagram of the design of acoustic axicon. The green cone-like line with
base angle b~ arctanðh=DOFÞ is the desired equiphase surface for the acoustic axicon so that the phase shift at PA should be proportional to the length of
the red line PA SA . Here, the half-height of the axicon h is selected to be 100 cm. (b) The theoretical continuous phase shift (red dots) and the discrete phase
shift provided by the metasurface (blue squares) along the y direction. (c) Spatial distribution of the intensity field j pj2 for the designed axicon with
DOF~28l. (d) Transverse cross-section of the intensity profile at x 5 240 cm from the metasurfaces within the DOF.
derivation of the generalized Snell’s law. Considering the acoustic illustrated in Fig. 2(b). Different from normal surfaces, by which
waves with normal incidence along the 2x direction, due to the the reflected waves can only propagate along the opposite direction
existing of discrete phase shifts along the y direction, the angle of of the normal incidence, anomalous reflection can be clearly
the reflected wave hr (measured from the x direction) can be deduced observed after imposing the discrete phase profile. The theoretical
by applying Fermat’s principle1: angles of reflection for this case should be hr 5 37.77u, which can be
1 dwð yÞ deduced from Eq. (1). Excellent agreement can be observed by com-
hr ~ arcsin , ð1Þ paring the theoretical value (shown as black arrows) and simulated
k dy
pattern. Note that imperfect plane waves are obtained due to the
where w(y), dy represent the phase shift and the distance between two mismatched pressure amplitude of the reflected acoustic waves along
cross points along the y direction respectively, and k 5 2p/l is the the metasurface as mentioned above.
wave vector in air. Equation (1) implies that the reflected angle can be Moreover, we can design the specific distributions of wð yÞ~
engineered freely by designing the suitable phase profile along the y k: sin hr :y to realize different wavefront manipulations. One interest-
direction. ing phenomenon is the conversion of a propagating wave into a
Suppose that the gradient of the phase profile w(y) on the metasur- surface wave. It can be verified from Eq. (1) that the reflected waves
face is constant along the y direction. From Eq. (1), it can be con- with hr 5 90u could be obtained with the phase profile wð yÞ~+k:y.
cluded that the reflected waves should remain a plane wave and be Different from the Ref. 4, where wð yÞ~k:j yj is utilized to realize the
independent of the location y. To demonstrate this feature, one type directional surface waves, the phase profile wð yÞ~{k:y is employed
of phase profile is introduced. The phase profile is chosen as to generate two surface beams propagating along the y and 2y direc-
dw=dy~p=16p, indicating that there are four identical units for each tions, respectively. For the sake of clarity, it is necessary to build a rule
discrete phase shift of p/4. The pressure field pattern p(x, y) is to convert a continuous phase profile to a discrete phase profile.
Throughout the paper, the rule is built as follows: for example, the Methods
units providing p/4 phase shift is utilized to displace the continuous Throughout the paper, Finite Element Method (FEM) based on commercial software
phase range p/4 6 p/8 at the specified position in the y direction. The COMSOL MultiphysicsTM 4.3a is employed for the simulations. The materials applied
in the simulations are air and stiff beams (sound hard boundaries). Plane wave
pressure field pattern p(x, y) of the reflected waves by the metasur- radiation boundary condition is imposed on the incident boundaries and the periodic
faces constructed from the rule is illustrated in Fig. 3. It is found that boundary condition are employed in the y direction to calculate the phase profile of
the surface waves are propagating near the metasurfaces along the 6 the reflected wave for different length a (Fig. 1(c–d)) and the pressure field patterns
y directions (black arrows) after the incident wave impinge on the (Fig. 2(b)). Each strips of pressure pattern shown in Fig. 1(d) is calculated indepen-
dently. For Figs. 3–5, perfectly matched layers (PMLs) and background pressure field
metasurfaces. High efficiency conversion of propagating waves to is utilized to eliminate the reflected waves by the outer boundaries because of the
surface waves is realized even though there is some diffraction upon plane wave radiation boundaries are not sufficient to absorb the waves with oblique
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Y.L., Z.M.G. and X.Y.Z. conducted the theoretical simulations (FEM). B.L. and J.C.C.
conceived and supervised the study. Y.L. wrote the article and B.L. and J.C.C. participate in
36. Liang, Z. et al. Space-coiling metamaterials with double negativity and conical
the revision. All authors contributed to the discussions.
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37. Xie, Y., Popa, B.-I., Zigoneanu, L. & Cummer, S. A. Measurement of a Broadband
Negative Index with Space-Coiling Acoustic Metamaterials. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, Additional information
175501 (2013). Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
How to cite this article: Li, Y., Liang, B., Gu, Z., Zou, X. & Cheng, J. Reflected wavefront
manipulation based on ultrathin planar acoustic metasurfaces. Sci. Rep. 3, 2546;
DOI:10.1038/srep02546 (2013).
This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
(Grant Nos. 2010CB327803 and 2012CB921504), National Natural Science Foundation of NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. To view a copy of this license,
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