Zarate Span 2 2018-2019 SC Syllabus
Zarate Span 2 2018-2019 SC Syllabus
Zarate Span 2 2018-2019 SC Syllabus
Ms. Zárate
Teacher Website / Homework information:
¡Bienvenidos! (Welcome!)
Please keep this in your binder for your reference.
Teacher: Marlyn Zárate
Office Hours: Before or after school (by appointment)
Prerequisites: 1. A grade of a “C” or better in Spanish 1
2. A desire to learn Spanish
3. A positive attitude.
Text: Realidades by Boyles, Met, Sayers & Wargin
1. To attain an acceptable degree of proficiency in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing Spanish.
2. To appreciate the language within the context of the Spanishspeaking world and its cultures.
Students will:
1. use Spanish as the language of the classroom once they have been taught the pertinent vocabulary.
2. participate in asking questions, in giving responses and in oral repetition – choral and individual.
3. write assignments and participate in class activities as directed by the teacher.
4. be held accountable for correct spelling and grammar (including accents.)
5. participate in dialogues and skits having to do with real life situations.
6. read aloud in class in order to refine pronunciation, intonation and pacing.
7. work individually, in pairs and in small groups.
8. be evaluated in a variety of ways, including oral and written.
Just as it is the responsibility of the teacher to teach, it is the responsibility of the students to learn; therefore, the
students must come to class prepared each day and maintain a wellorganized binder.
1. Arrive to class on time with completed homework assignments, pencils, pens, notebooks, texts and paper.
2. All written assignments must be neatly written or they will not receive credit.
3. Head papers with your name, the date and the period of the class.
1. Each student is expected to spend at least 20 minutes a day out of class working on Spanish whether or not a
written assignment has been given.
2. All homework is to be handwritten, legible and completed before the beginning of each class.
3. Missed assignments due to a legitimate, excused absence must be turned in marked as such. This is makeup
work and may be turned in for full credit. If you have an extended absence, see me for special consideration.
4. Late homework/classwork assignments will not be accepted. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy!
1. All major exams are announced in advance.
2. Quizzes may be expected at any time.
3. Evaluations and quizzes missed due to an excused absence may be made up for credit. It is best that this is
done within one (1) week following your return to school.
1. Consecutive tardies will result in a 10 minute detention to be served during brunch, lunch or before school.
2. Failure to serve this detention will result in parent contact and / or a written report to the appropriate Assistant
Principal for administrative action.
Makeup work:
1. Makeups are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. You will NOT be “reminded.”
2. Failure to complete the makeup work/tests within the allotted time will result in a zero.
3. It is your responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher or a friend to receive materials and instructions
missed during an absence. This should not be done during class time.
Extra Help:
If you need extra help, please ask. I am available most days during break and at times after school.
1. Students will be graded on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
2. A weighted grading scale will be used.
Participation: 20%
Homework: 15%
Quizzes: 15%
Projects: 20%
Oral Exams 10%
Exams: 20%
4. Students will receive a computer printout at the end of the first six. Parents will be requested to sign the printout
to indicate that they have read it. (There is a oneweek limit to discuss discrepancies.) Grades are also updated
on school loop on a regular basis and can be viewed there to see the progress being made.
5. If you wish to discuss your grade with the teacher, this may be done during break, lunch or by appointment.
Percentage Breakdown for Grade Distribution
10095 A 8987 B+ 7977 C+ 7067 D+
9490 A 8683 B 7673 C 6663 D
8280 B 7270 C 6260 D
59 and below F
World Language Requirements for High School Graduation and 4year College Admission:
Each student is placed to successfully complete two years of a language offered by the World Language
Department. These two years must:
• be within the same language
• be of two different course levels which show progression in the program*
• be completed with a “C“ or better**
* Two years of the same level does not meet the requirement!
** A student may only progress to the next course level with a grade of a “C“ or higher. Any grade lower than a
“C“ requires repeating the same level.
Many colleges highly recommend successful completion of three years of a foreign language as a requirement for
Academic dishonesty compromises trust, fairness, respect, honesty and responsibility, thereby undermining the
learning process. Any instance of academic dishonesty casts suspicion on the integrity of individuals and the Silver
Creek community. Colleges are also informed of suspensions due to academic dishonesty. Any student who
exhibits behavior which, in the judgment of the teacher, indicates dishonesty on an examination and/or assignment
(including those electronically produced) or who aids in the dishonesty of a fellow student will receive:
1st offense:
• a “0” on the assignment,
• a oneday classperiod suspension
• 4 hours of community service or Saturday School.
• and your parents will be contacted.
2nd repeat offense:
all items listed above
and an additional day of classperiod suspension for a total of two days
3rd repeat offense:
all items listed above
and one fullday suspension from school
1. The class will adhere to the Silver Creek and East Side Union High School District policies.
2. It is assumed that students will work only on Spanish assignments during the class period.
3. No student has the right to interfere with the learning process of the other students. Repeated violators of this
policy will be asked to leave the class permanently.
In the spaces below, fill in the names of some classmates you know along with their contact information. In case of
an absence, check schoolloop and contact them to find out what your assignments are. Also, check with the
teacher upon your return during break. You should make every effort to avoid falling too far behind.
_____________________________________ ___________________________
Student Name (First & Last) Contact Information
_____________________________________ ___________________________
Student Name (First & Last) Contact Information
Spanish 2
Ms. Zárate
¡Bienvenidos! (Welcome!)
“Where one succeeds because of his smartness, ten succeed because of their faithfulness.”
Author Unknown
Dear Parents:
I look forward to this opportunity to work with both you and your son/daughter to make
this year a remarkable learning experience where he/she can learn about the Spanish language
and Hispanic cultures. I hope you will encourage your son/daughter to practice using Spanish
with you in your home. It is my hope that each student, by meeting these expectations, will be
able to experience fantastic success. I welcome any thoughts or questions that might arise. If you
wish to contact me, please email me at
Ms. Zárate
Please detach here and return.
Please indicate the best way to contact you in the space below:
I have read the requirements of Spanish 2 and I understand my responsibilities as a student. I
will make every effort to do my best in class and cooperate with the teacher and other students at
all times. I agree to obey the rules and requirements set forth in this class including the school
and district policies.
Spanish 2
Period _____
__________________________ _____________________________ ____________
Print Student Name Student Signature Date
__________________________ _____________________________ ____________
Print Parent Name Parent Signature Date